New Year's stories in English for children. Fairy tales in English with translation

Music from Little Red Riding Hood "If it's a long, long, long time"
It turns out Little Red Riding Hood with a basket from which gifts are visible

Runs out Blizzard, spins, sprinkles snow, and runs away.

Redcap: I like winter! Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!

In this moment Fox from behind a tree he throws a snowball at her, then another, a third.
Little Red Riding Hood: Oh! Ay! What does it mean?

Runs out Fox, looking around, runs around the trees, sniffing.

Fox: Mmmm, Presents! They smell so good! Yeah, (runs around Little Red Riding Hood, especially sniffing at the basket that Red Hat
shifts from hand to hand) everything is clear!

Redcap! Good morning!

Fox Hi, darling! You look simply wonderful! And your hat is so glamorous, and your apron is cool! Pretty girl - in a word! Where are you going?
(sniffs the basket)
Redcap: I’m going to visit my granny, Say Happy New Year, give presents!

Fox: Well, of course! Granny, so you have to say Happy New Year, but that means you don’t have to say me? Granny, you need to give presents, but I don’t need to, or what? Give me a present too!

Redcap: Sorry...I haven’t got a present for you.

Fox: So you won’t give me a present? Ah, (grabs his heart, rolls his eyes, falls in front of K. Shapka) I'm dying... only a present can save me!

Little Red Riding Hood looks around in confusion: May I call a doctor?

Little Red Riding Hood: Ah, don’t die, take a present!
(holds out a gift)

Fox: O, thank you! (He cheerfully grabs the gift and runs away, rounding several trees)

Little Red Riding Hood: Are you OK?

Fox(almost behind the scenes): OK, OK!

Little Red Riding Hood, sighing: Well, well, I did a good work, I saved the poor Fox – Happy New Year after all! And granny won’t even guess about present - (looks into the basket) There are a lot of presents in my basket! (Takes a couple of steps, looks around confusedly)

Runs out Metelits and, spinning, sprinkles snow on the stage, Little Red Riding Hood, throws one handful at the audience and runs away.

Little Red Riding Hood: Oh-oh-oh! It's snowing now. Where will I go? I don't see the way! (Walks between the trees)

At this time, a bunny jumps out from behind the scenes, jumping in different directions - now in front, now in back.

Bunny: I am cool every day, lovely, sweet and delicate! Brave and strong I am on the ground, in the sky, in the air, in the water!

RedA cap: Oh, The Little Hare!

Bunny screams in horror and plops down on the floor, holding her heart: A-ah-ah! You are a silly girl! Why are you scaring me to death! Happy New Year, after all, I can’t die! What are there in your basket? ( Redcap trying to hide the basket
behind the back)

Redcap: Yes, presents for granny...

Bunny: So? and should I present? To scare - so me, and - to give presents, so granny?

Redcap: Don’t worry, be happy! I’ll give you a present (looks into the basket with a sigh, takes out a gift and gives it to the hare. The happy bunny, with a gift in his hands, jumps behind the trees, looping.)

Runs out Blizzard, spins, sprinkles snow, runs away.

Music sounds from behind the trees three robbers.
The first robber, addressing other robbers: Let's divide the swag!

Second robber: OK!

Thirdrobber dances with joy, rubs his hands, they sit down in the middle of the stage, open the bag . First takes out children's rompers - it is for you, takes out a children's cap - it is for you, takes out a T-shirt - it is for me, and examines each thing in such a way that the audience can also clearly see what kind of thing it is, first applies it to himself and then gives it away.

At this moment it comes out Little Red Riding Hood: Oh, guys! I'm glad to see you! Can you tell me the road to my granny? (looks at them). Oh, and you are not any kind of guys, and you are not any kind of people at all. Oh! You are robbers! Help me! SOS! (Tries to run from side to side)

Music plays and the robbers try to catch the Red Cap. Alone she pulled her hat over her eyes, to another hit him on the head with a basket (he grabbed his head with his hands and took a couple of steps like a drunk). Third the robber sneaks up behind her and puts a sack over her head. The robbers are breathing heavily and tied Kr.Shapka with a rope.

The first robber, wiping sweat from his forehead and nodding towards Red Cap: What will we do with this Present?

Second robber, looking at the contents of the basket, rubs his hands, rejoices.

Third: Let's send her to Baba Yaga! She will give us money, we will go to Hawaii! (makes a dreamy expression on his face and looks like he’s flying on an airplane)

First She waves her hand in front of his face: But suddenly Baba Yaga won’t take her! The girl isn’t fat at all! She is slim and has character! (points towards Red Cap, and she twitches desperately)

Second: Let's try our chance!

Third:Chance in a million!

They take Red Hat by the rope and drag her behind the trees.

Runs out Blizzard, spins around, sprinkles snow on everything, runs away.

Trees rebuild, a terrible one appears Baba Yaga.

Woman- Yaga: It’s so boring in our forest! That's what happened before! I was young and crazy! I went to dancing! (dances to rock music) And now... (limps with sciatica, then listens, sniffs) I smell Russian spirit, I’ll go and make a fire just in case, otherwise I am very hungry!

Appear robbers With Red Hat, walk and push Red Hat with the words: Go, go, don’t stop!

Firstrobber: Oh, Granny Yaga, hello! Good health to you!

Woman- Yaga: And you don't get sick! What have you got there?

Secondrobber: So, we hunted for two days, we barely caught it!

Third: We decided to give you a New Year present, at a discount! This is a Present (points to Red Cap), this is a
discount! (points to an empty basket)

First: Give us a million, grandma! (takes out a gun)

Baba Yaga(takes out a huge machine gun and aims at them): You will answer for grandma!

Second: Sorry, Your Royal Highness! One thousand is all we ask!

Baba Yaga(continues to aim).

Third: How does our Present cost?

Baba Yaga(walks around Little Red Hat, sniffs her): One rubble - her price is red! And the basket is empty! (Gives a coin)

Third the robber grabs a coin, tries it on his teeth, waves his head to the others and they run away.
Scary music sounds. Yaga dances and drags Red Cap along with her.

Runs out Blizzard, spins, sprinkles snow on the stage.

It turns out Father Frost with Snow Maiden, strides importantly, inspecting the trees, straightening the branches: Well, what will you say, my granddaughter Snegurushka –Is it beautiful?

Snow Maiden: It is very beautiful, grandpa! What kind of noise is this? Do you hear?

Runs out Fox, out of breath, grabs the hem of Santa Claus's fur coat: Oh, oh, I barely caught up! Where are you going? (examines the bag) Father Frost, Father Frost, you brought gifts! Where is my present?

GrandfatherFreezing looks at in surprise Fox: So, you have already got a present.

Fox: What? Where? When? Ah, it was my sister! We are like two peas in a pod! Our mum can’t tell us apart! Give me a present! (begins to climb into the bag herself)

GrandfatherFreezing: You are so cunning, Foxy! Go out of here or I'll turn you into an icicle!

Fox bounced off the bag of gifts, wanted to walk away, grabbed her heart, fell to the floor with a groan: I'm dying... only a present can save me! (Sobbing)

Snow Maiden: Grandfather, let’s give her the second present, sorry for the cheat! Last time! And it’s Happy New Year, but she’s shedding tears!

Father Frost: Look, Foxy, this is the last time!

Fox: Last time this year?

Father Frost stops untying the bag with gifts, looks at her

Fox: and I – what, I’m okay, I’m dying without the present.

Father Frost hands her a gift, she grabs it, makes a gesture and says “Yes!”, runs away.

Father Frost: Well, Snow Maiden, do we have given presents to everyone?

Snow Maiden: Everyone, Father Frost, but not everyone! One granny lives here. She is angry and cruel, but Happy New Year. Let's give her a present then maybe she will become so good!

GrandfatherFreezing:She is Baba Yaga, isn’t she? I remember we danced hip-hop a couple of times! But her character was very bad! You are right, Snow Maiden, let’s go and visit her! (Go behind the trees)

Runs out Blizzard, spins, runs away.

Baba Yaga walks in front of Red Hat, rubbing his hands. At this moment they come out from behind the trees Father Frost with the Snow Maiden. Baba Yaga flirtatiously adjusts the scarf on her head, strands of hair, takes lipstick out of her pocket and paints her lips.

Woman- Yaga: Wow! Guests! I'm glad to see you! In short - what do you need? What are you up to?

GrandfatherFreezing: Good afternoon to you too, Yagusya! We are glad to see you too! So, do you live here, then? Why is a pretty girl tied up and crying?

Woman- Yaga, wiping the tears of Kr.Shapka: she went to her granny but she lost the way I sheltered her, I want to give her tea, but she doesn’t want to drink tea!

Redcap: She is a lie! Three robbers kidnapped me, my present was taken, and she is going to eat me!

Woman- Yaga: Ah, you are a silly bad girl! Did you take on me? Do you want to grab my house? And in appearance - so pretty from respectable family!

GrandfatherFreezing: Baba Yaga, stop! We take her with us! (unties her)

Woman- Yaga: But I paid one ruble for it, who will compensate my losses?

Father Frost takes a ruble out of her pocket and gives it to her: Take it! Snow Maiden, open my bag and take out our presents!

The Snow Maiden takes gifts out of the bag and gives gifts to Baba Yaga

Baba Yaga: Presents are good but where is the miracle?

GrandfatherFreezing: What kind of miracle?

Woman- Yaga: I want a New Year's miracle!

Father Frost: OK, Yagusya!

The music started playing loudly.
Father Frost knocks with his staff for the first time, jumps out Blizzard, begins to spin.
Father Frost knocks a second time with his staff, they converge Trees, obscuring Babu Yaga
Father Frost knocks the staff a third time - the music fades away, Blizzard runs away, Trees diverge.

Little Red Riding Hood surprised: Wow! You are so nice!

Baba Yaga looks around himself in surprise and joy: O, my God! I like it! It's wonderful! Oh, you Father Frost - a beard made of cotton wool, what did you do with me? I feel, I feel….

GrandfatherFreezing: You feel kindness!

Woman- Yaga: So, that’s what it is, Kindness! Thank you, I was so pleased! It's so good!

Snow Maiden puts gifts for Little Red Riding Hood in the basket

Little Red Riding Hood: Thank you very much!

Father Frost And Snow Maiden: Dear friends ! We wish you a merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!

New Year's music sounds. All participants come out, hold hands, bow and go backstage.

New Year's holiday script in English

Description of work: the script for this event will be useful to English teachers. Can be done with children in grades 3-4. The children take part in such events with great pleasure. This event is a whole theatrical performance, in the preparation of which children, teachers, and parents take part. Rehearsals are held and costumes are sewn. Each participant strives for a successful performance, which brings joy and satisfaction to both those around him and the participants themselves.
Goal: create a festive mood.
- develop communication skills;
- develop children's creative abilities;
- develop aesthetic taste and feelings;
- enrich students with new knowledge (vocabulary);
- cultivate interest in learning English
Characters: teacher, Snowmen, Stepdaughter, months, Princess, Teacher, Stepmother, Daughter.
Equipment: costumes, music center, songs, scenery.

Progress of the event

Ateacher: Goodafternoon! I am glad to see you at our New Year’s Party. Oh, look around! It is snowing everywhere. The ground is covered with snow, the rivers and the lakes are covered with snow too. Fantastic! Completely white! Oh, what a lovely world! Let’s call our winter months and they will tell us about this wonderful season-winter.
All children: December, January and February, come here!
A teacher and Winter Months:
Happy New Year for me,
Happy New Year for you,
Happy New Year for everyone.
That's what I wish - I do!
This is the season
When children ski,
And old Father Frost
Brings a New Year tree.
This is the season
When children skate,
Windows are white
And snowflakes fall.
This is the season
When children sleigh,
Get out of beds and take out your sled
On this cold and frosty day!
A teacher: We are merry and gay today. And now let’s watch one of Christmas stories on the stage. The main characters are a stepdaughter and twelve months of the year.

Action one

Stepdaughter is walking in the forest. She is singing to herself.

We wish you a Merry Christmas

We wish you a Merry Christmas

We wish you a Merry Christmas

And a Happy New Year

Snowman:My dear Girl, what are you singing?

Girl:I am singing my favorite New Year song! It is about happy and merry life. Don't you know it, Snowman?

Snowman: Of course, I do. I like it too. New Year Day is a special day of the year, because it’s the end of the old year and the beginning of a new one. My grandfather told me that long ago on that day he was happy to see all 12 months at the same moment.

Girl:My granny also told me that everything happens on the 31st of December.

Snowman: And why do you come to the forest in such a cold weather?

Girl:Stepmother told me to bring brushwood. And what are you doing here?

Snowman:I was sent for the best fir-tree in the forest. Our Queen ordered to do that. Though she is pretty young old she is the strictest mistress in the world.

Act two

Teacher is teaching the queen:

Teacher: Spring is green.

Summer is bright

Autumn is yellow

Winter is white.

Princess:I don't want to learn. You must tell me something interesting.

The teacher begins to tell about months.

Teacher:there are 12 months in a year; every month gives us its own present and fun. January and February -skating, skiing, and playing snowballs. In March snow is melting. And in April the first snowdrops appear through the snow.

Princess:Really? I want April to begin now. I like snowdrops so much!

Teacher:But it is impossible, Your Majesty! Now it is December.

Princess:I will make new law. Sit at my desk and write.

Summer is bright

Autumn is yellow

Winter is white.

Snowdrops are growing

Act three

Guards are shouting:

Guards: Spring is green

Summer is bright

Autumn is yellow

Winter is white.

Snowdrops are growing

Pick up full basket of snowdrops till night.

The stepmother and her daughter hear the law, come back home and tell to the stepdaughter:

Stepmother:Go to the forest and bring a full basket of snowdrops.

Girl:But there are no snowdrops in winter. Look at the street. Such a snowstorm, that you can’t see the sky and the ground.

Daughter:Go and don’t return without snowdrops.

Snowman in the forest:

I am a little snowman short and fat.

Here is my scarf and here is my hat.

When the snow is falling come and play.

Build a snowman every day.

Girl:I am so cold.

Snowman:Look, there is a fire not far from here. Go there.

The girl is going to the fire.

Girl:Excuse me, dear strangers! I am cold like a piece of ice. Could I come closer to your fire to get some warm? It's terrible snowstorm today.

Months: you are welcome. Why do you come to the forest? Do you want to pick some cones?

Girl: no, not cones. I know it's funny. But my stepmother told me to bring snowdrops. And who are you?

January:I am January

January brings the snow,

Makes our feet and fingers glow.

February:I am February

February snows again

And sometimes it brings us rain.

March:I am March

March brings sunny days and winds

So we know that spring begins.

April:I am April

April brings the primrose sweet,

We see snowdrops at our feet.

May brings flowers, joy and grass

And the holidays for us.

June brings tulips, lilies, roses.

Fills the children`s hands with poses.

Hot July brings apples and cherries

And a lot of other berries.

August:I am August

August brings us golden corn,

Then the harvest home is borne.

September:I am September

Warm September brings us school,

Days are shorter, nights are cool.

October:I am October

Fresh October brings much fruit

Then to gather them is good.

November:I am November

Red November brings us joy,

Fun for every girl and boy.

December:I am December

Cold December brings us skating,

For the New Year we are waiting.

January:Brother April, she is your guest. Help.

Spring is coming,

Spring is coming,

Flowers are coming too.

Snowdrops, lilies, daffodils

Now are coming too.

Spring, spring, spring!

The trees are green,

Blue skies are seen.

Gray winter has gone away!

The world looks new and gay.

We, winter months, know her. She is always in the forest.

And we, summer months know her too. She always works in the garden. She is a very good girl.

April: If all of you like her, I want to give her my fairy ring. Take the ring, and when you need our help, drop it to the ground and say

Go, go my fairy ring

Through the forest, through the wind

Through the snow, through the rain

Where New Year's fire flames.

and all 12 months will come to help you. But don't show the way here.

Then January backs the winter:

January: Winter is snowy,

Winter is frosty.

The ground is white

All day and all night.

This is the season

When children can ski,

And dance around the New Year Tree.

Teacher: All boys and girls know the end of this fairy tale- it is happy! Because a New Year brings happiness and joy. We like this holiday: we get presents, dance and sing merry songs!

We wish you a Merry Christmas

We wish you a Merry Christmas

We wish you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year

Glad tidings we bring to you and your kin

Glad tidings for Christmas and a Happy New Year

Or you can come up with something interesting to translate in Russian, I’ll translate it myself. Thank you)

A million of the world's most beautiful snowflakes swirled in the sky. Some of them fell straight to the ground into huge snowdrifts. Some fell under people's feet and died immediately. But each of them dreamed of becoming a New Year's snowflake, and for this they had to get on the fluffy New Year's tree. The little gentle snowflake really wanted to become festive and tried her best. She fluttered easily in the air and did not fall on the ground, on houses, or on trees. But there was less and less strength left, a little more and she would fall under the feet of the cheerful kids hurrying somewhere. And then that's it, she will die. What to do? Snowflake was ready to cry, and suddenly she saw a beautiful girl in a fluffy white hat. Snowflake was happy and sat down on this ball to rest and fly on. As soon as she landed and closed her eyes, everything around her began to shine and sparkle with different lights. Music was heard, and the snowflake saw a huge green queen - a New Year tree in the middle of the square. A snowflake fluttered from a white cap and flew onto a fluffy green paw. Hooray! She became a real New Year's snowflake.

On this page you will find the kindest, most informative and interesting fairy tales in English for children. Learning English by reading fairy tales in English is great fun. After all, a fairy tale is a journey, and a fairy tale in English is a journey into the world of the English language. Thanks to fairy tales in English, you will make learning English fun and interesting for your child.

Fairy tale "Sleeping Beauty" in English will tell you about a kind, cheerful princess who at one point, due to circumstances, falls asleep for the rest of her life. In the fairy tale there are a lot of useful phrases in English that can be applied in real life. Also, the fairy tale “Sleeping Beauty” will help you hone your English pronunciation.

Fairy tale "Goldilocks and the Three Bears" in English is a popular English fairy tale for children. The fairy tale tells about a girl who went into the forest and got lost, and then events unfolded more and more interestingly. The tale is adapted into English and is easy to read. You get a large vocabulary and good English practice.

Fairy tale Little Red Riding Hood in English will tell you about an interesting and educational story that is easy to read in English and contains many useful words in English that can very often be found in the modern world.

Fairy tale "The Three Little Pigs" in English in English is one of the most popular fairy tales. From the fairy tale you will learn that you should always be prudent when solving issues and not be careless. And after reading the fairy tale The Three Little Pigs in English, you will learn a lot of new vocabulary and practice your English well.

Fairy tale Cinderella in English will tell you about one of the kindest and sweetest girl heroines in the world of fairy tales. The moral of the story is very simple and accessible even to children. In the fairy tale you will find many new English words.


Greetings my wonderful readers.

I remember that I have mentioned more than once that fairy tales for children in English are one of my favorite and very effective teaching methods. Once I already made a selection of the best, and also recently designed a selection, but today I want to give you a text version that you can start using with your kids today.

I have for you several short and well-known fairy tales, as well as tips on how best to structure your child’s education.

If you're ready, then let's start with some tips:

  • For beginners try adapted fairy tales. These are stories that use vocabulary of a certain level.
  • Work with stories playfully. Remember words from the text, show your child pictures with characters, play with intonations while reading and arouse your child’s interest. After reading, repeat the words with your child, try and use new vocabulary.
  • Search fairy tales with translation. The initial level simply will not allow your child to tackle complex texts without translation.
  • Take hold of Russian fairy tales in English language. After all, what could be easier than reading in English what you have already heard in Russian?
  • Try it audiobooks. With the development of the lexical base, it is useful to develop the skills of listening to English speech. Find stories that you can listen to online or download for free if needed. I have a small selection - listen and learn directly online.

Well, are you ready to get down to the main thing? Then catch it.

  • The round little bun. Kolobok.

An old man and an old woman lived poorly. The man asked the woman to make a bun. -“We have no flour.” What do I need to make it?” She found some flour, made a bun and placed it on the open window to cool. The little bun suddenly rolled off.

The bun was rolling along the forest and faced a hare. The hare said: “I will eat you!” The little bun asked not to eat him and sang a song for the hare. While the little bun was singing, the hare distracted and didn’t get when the bun ran away.

The little bun rolled on and faced a wolf. And everything happened as with the hare. He sang a song and rolled away. The same happened with the bear. The little bun ran from everyone until he met a fox. She wasn’t as stupid as other animals. She asked the bun to sing.

When he finished she said: “What a beautiful song.” But sweet bun, I am so old, so can you sit closer on my nose and sing to me one more time?” The bun did as he was asked and - bump - the fox ate him!

The old man and the old woman lived poorly. The old man asked his wife to make a bun. - “We don’t have flour. What do I need? make it? "She found flour and made a bun and put it on open window to cool down. The little bun suddenly rolled down.

The bun was rolling through the forest and collided with a hare. The hare said: “I will eat you!” Kolobok asked not to eat it and sang a song for the hare. While the bun was singing, the hare was distracted and did not understand when the bun ran away.

The bun rolled further and collided with a wolf. And that's it happened like this with a hare. He sang a song and rolled away. The same thing happened with a bear. Kolobok ran away from everyone until he met a fox. She was not as stupid as other animals. She asked him to sing.

When he finished, she said: "What a beautiful song. But my sweetie, I'm so old, so you can sit closer on my toe and should I sing one more time?

  • "The bun did as he was asked, and - boom - the fox ate him!

The Turnip. Turnip.

Grandmother grew a very big turnip. The grandfather came to pick it out, he tried so hard but couldn’t pull it out.

He called the grandmother. She pulled the grandfather, and he pulled the turnip but they didn’t manage anyway.

Then they called the granddaughter. They tried but still - no success.

The granddaughter called the dog. They tried to do it but the story happened again.

Then the dog called the cat but still they didn’t pull out the turnip.

Then they called the mouse. And finally they pulled the turnip out! Grandmother grew a very large turnip. Grandfather came to pick up

tried so hard, but couldn’t pull the turnip out.

Then they called their granddaughter. They tried, but still - no success.

The granddaughter called the dog. They tried pull out the turnip, but story repeated again.

Then the dog called the cat, but they never pulled out the turnip.

Then they called the mouse.

And then they pulled out the turnip! Many fairy tales and videos in English for children and adults can be found on the website LinguaLeo . After free registration « you need to go to the “For Children” section. I wrote more about how to use this service in teaching children English in. By the way, you can also purchase and take an interesting online educational course with your child.» English for little ones

  • . We have already gone through it with our daughter. We liked!

Chicken-Licken. Chicken Chick-chick.

One day Chicken-Licken was walking under the nut tree. Bang - the nut fell on his head. “Oh. No! The sky is falling!” - screamed Chicken-Licken.

He ran and ran and met a Hen-Len. He told her that the sky was falling and they ran together.

They ran and ran and met the Cock-Lock. They told him that the sky was falling and they ran together.

They ran and ran and met a Duck-Luck. They screamed: “The sky is falling!” Run!” The Duck-Luck said to them: “No, sky is not falling!” Take a look!” They looked up the sky. The sky wasn't falling. She showed them the nuts and explained that was the nut but not the sky.

“Oh, no!” said the Chicken-Licken. One day Chicken Chick-chick walked under walnut tree

. Boom - a nut fell on his head. “Oh. No! The sky is falling!” - shouted the chicken Chick-chick.

He ran and ran, and met the Ryabushka Hen. He told her that the sky was falling and they ran away together. They ran and ran and met Golden Comb cockerel

. They told him that the sky was falling and they fled together. They ran and ran and met the Luck Duck. They shouted to her

: “The sky is falling!” The duck told them: “No, the sky is not falling!” Take a look! "They looked at the sky. The sky was not falling. She showed them the nuts and explained that it was them, not the sky.

" Oh no!" Said the chicken Chick-chick.

  • On the eve of the New Year (I mean!) here is a New Year's tale for you. . 12 months

12 months

She spends hours in the forest but still no snowdrops. Then she finds a fireplace with 12 men sitting around. They invite her to join and get warm. As she tells them the story why she is here, the Brother April asks the Brother January to allow him to take his place for some minutes.

When they do it the whole place becomes full of snowdrops. The girl takes some, thanks the brothers and goes home. That is how some wishes can be fulfilled for the New Year.

Stepdaughter was sent to forest for brushwood. When she returned home with brushwood, her stepmother sent her into the forest again to get snowdrops. DECEMBER! Where could she get snowdrops in December?

She spends hours in the forest but still can't find it snowdrops She then finds a fire with 12 men sitting around it. They invite her to join and keep warm. When she says im a story why she is here, brother April asks brother January to let him take his place.

within a few minutes When they do this, everyone is around becomes full

snowdrops The girl collects them, thanks the brothers and goes home. This is how some wishes can be fulfilled for the New Year. Well, my dears, I’m sure that now you can go read these little stories. If this is not enough, then subscribe to my newsletter

– I constantly replenish my stocks with new materials. In addition, you can buy a collection of fairy tales in English without leaving your home. For this there is ozon

– my favorite online store for useful products for the whole family. My favorite collection - Disney fairy tales

! This is a great way to start immersing yourself in English with your child. Or that excellent guide

with 5 famous Russian fairy tales in English. In addition to fairy tales, there is a dictionary and interesting tasks!