New Year's scene for adults about a rooster. Scenario: We celebrate the old New Year of the rooster at the yacht club

New Year is the most favorite holiday of both adults and children. They carefully prepare for it, choose a costume, and come up with a creative course for the event. Many people prefer not to do this on their own, but turn to professionals, spending the holiday in a cafe or restaurant.

One way or another, all of the above will be organized according to the patron saint of the year according to the eastern calendar. Selection of clothes, dishes, table setting and script development - the symbol of 2017 will be present in everything. Next year, the Rooster, which is quite close in spirit to the residents of our country, comes into its own. But also, not a single holiday is complete without its traditional heroes - Father Frost and his granddaughter, the Snow Maiden, who can be joined along the way by other characters at the choice of the presenter. To make preparing for the holiday easier, we offer you ready script New Year's corporate party 2017.

Props for the event

For any event you will need props. In our case, it is quite simple, which makes it very mobile. This is especially convenient for female presenters.

  • Clothes (very different, very bright, humorous, funny).
  • Stools/chairs (usually taken on site).
  • Disposable cups.
  • Rope.
  • Hoops (napkins).
  • Plastic balls and bucket (basket).
  • An open bottle of alcohol (usually taken from the table).
  • Sports mat.
  • Scooters 4 pcs.
  • Chips with the image of the symbol of the year.

Also, prizes are prepared for each event, for which the holiday customers allocate funds.

  • A bottle of champagne.
  • Souvenir.
  • Small, incentive prizes.
  • Souvenir with the image of the symbol of the year.

New Year's corporate party program 2017

First of all, the one who conducts the entertainment program says words of greeting. This can be done both in prose and in poetry. Then he moves on to an introduction about the sign of the year and, directly, to games and competitions.

Ved - What can you come up with in 2017, when not only the bully Rooster comes into his own, but also the most militant planet in our galaxy - Mars - will patronize the Earth, and scarlet is appointed as the color of 2017? Everything is very simple - we will organize “Cockfights”. But first, we need to select the most suitable and strong applicants. Those who wish must undergo a series of tests where they will demonstrate all their qualities. After each competition, those who distinguished themselves will receive chips with the image of a Rooster. The one who dials a large number of honors, will be named “Master of the Year” and will be awarded with a corresponding diploma, as well as a figurine with the image of the patron of 2017!

The first game “Line up!”

Ved - So, all players must stand in a single line, tighten their stomachs, straighten their shoulders and stretch their necks. Happened? Let's see. And now let’s shout “Ku-ka-re-ku” loudly and loudly.

The winner can be chosen by both the presenter and the audience. If there are no men in the company, then the main hen is chosen.

Before the players disperse, we need to give them a second test.

Ved - All Roosters are very sensitive to their appearance, so in the next task you will have to dress up beautifully, or dress up the way it turns out.

Second game "Frant"

The leader has a bag in his hands, in which bright clothes are hidden: caps, trousers, sweaters, frills and shoes. These could be bright big slippers. Without looking, in turn order, players take out one item of clothing and put it on themselves. Then all this will be appreciated by the audience.

Ved, the patron saint of 2017, is distinguished by accuracy and thrift. When he eats or drinks, he doesn’t spill a crumb or a drop on himself. Now we will check this with our participants.

Third game "Neatman"

In front of the participants there is a stool with a disposable glass of alcoholic drink (choice at their discretion). Every person should drink it without hands. Crystal and glass should not be taken, as people may accidentally bite it off. The presenter sees who does it most accurately, praises and rewards with a chip.

Ved - After people have dressed up, it is necessary to arrange a display and defense of the costumes. Otherwise, how will we understand which of them is the real symbol of this year - a dandy and a fashionista!

Fourth game "Defile"

Each participant must walk from point to point, showing off their costume. Here you should show both the clothes and the character of the character. Everyone can appreciate applause.

Ved-th - The Rooster is also famous for its ability to see in any position. They take their chickens everywhere and always. Now we will check how well our participants can cope with this.

Fifth “Unprecedented Opportunities”

3-4 people are called, each is given a scooter. They need to drive backwards from the starting position to the set point, quickly and without falling. As the game progresses, the presenter cheerfully comments on what is happening.

Ved - Of course, such an important, strong and dexterous symbol of the eastern calendar as the Rooster cannot do without demonstrating its merits. Now we will test the strength of our contenders for the title of “Host of the Year”. Whoever can pass the whole test will prove to everyone that he can be the real “Master of the Year”.

The presenter offers a set of strength competitions in which both men and women can take part.

Complex of games

  1. Tug of war in pairs.
  2. Push-ups from the floor.
  3. Arm wrestling for the count.

Ved - And we move on to the most serious test, which will confirm that you meet the title “Master of the Year”. So, what characterizes the Rooster most? (guests are guessing) His chickens are finished. I will give each player a hoop, in which, in a certain amount of time, he must collect his chickens around the hall. Music will help players navigate. As soon as the music turns off, the counting of your, so to speak, family will begin.

If there are few ladies in the hall, then the players are given white napkins, on which he must collect kisses, or rather, traces of lipstick. Whoever has more of them wins.

The winners are given chips with the image of the symbol.

Ved - Well, we have passed the tests for “Best Host of the Year”, now we need to choose the winner based on the number of chips. To do this, we will select an accountant from the audience, who will summarize the results.

The winner is greeted with applause and a gift, while the rest receive consolation prizes. If there are several winners, you can give them another test, for example: line up all the women of the company in a row and, with your eyes closed, determine who is who, calling each one by name.

Ved - So, we escort the players to their places and say goodbye? No? What, have we forgotten something? The main characters of the New Year? Snow Maiden and Father Frost. We called them to the nursery three times, and they appeared in front of us. Today, New Year's heroes and Father Frost and Snow Maiden have become more popular, more fastidious and ask to invite them with poems. We will divide into teams of 3-5 people (depending on the number of guests). Whoever comes up with and reads the best rhymed invitation in verse will not only contribute to the appearance of our long-awaited heroes, but will also receive a prize as a reward. After each reading, applause should follow, which will determine our winner.

The winner's words are read twice to directly invite the snowy couple, after which Father Frost and Snow Maiden come out.

Exit of Santa Claus and Snow Maiden


  • Good evening, Gentlemen!
  • We got here
  • Through the snowdrifts,
  • Through the snow-white blizzard,
  • Through the fields and through the valleys,
  • They rushed towards you in their sleighs!

Snow Maiden:

  • We will celebrate the holiday,
  • Happy New Year!

But we, the main characters of any New Year's fun, are first of all interested in what the guests are like? Combat? Lazy? Drunk? What thoughts come to them on such an evening. All this is very easy to check, which is what we will do, right, Santa Claus? You are a wizard and you can easily find out what our guests are thinking about?


“Of course, granddaughter, now I’ll just prepare the magic staff.”

Entertainment "Thoughts" To play the game you will need a selection of different songs. Santa Claus will take turns holding a staff over the head of each participant, while a song will sound. If possible, the host should find out the character of all the guests individually in order to choose the right composition. For example, if this is the boss, you can take Boyarsky’s song “A-ap, and the tigers sat at my feet!” If the boss is a man and works only with women, the following song will do: “If I were a Sultan.” And if the team is not familiar, then you should choose neutral, but very interesting compositions

  • . Here are some examples:
  • To the slow one: V. Leontiev “And everyone runs and runs.”
  • For the abuser: G. Leps “A glass of vodka on the table.”
  • To someone who loves to eat: “I love pasta.”
  • To a lover: Mikhail Frantsuzov “My Darling”.
  • For the one who often breaks women’s hearts A. Sotnik “The Heart Cried.”

For someone who complains all the time: S. Lazarev “Seven numbers and a call...”

  • For a female audience, compositions such as
  • Coquettes: K. Lel “Musi-Pusi.”
  • For an impudent and rude employee: Timothy “Listen, why are you so impudent.”
  • For little ones: Nyusha “Higher.”
  • For workaholics: Jasmine: “Heart.”
  • Unintelligible: Glory “S*x is not love.”
  • For dreamers: Valeria “Airplane”.
  • For those who don’t understand anything or anyone: K. Orbakaite “You’re crazy.”

You should take exactly the words that correspond to the situation, cutting them out from the songs. This is easy to do even at home. You can come up with endless ideas, the main thing is that everything is in accordance with age category. Young people are unlikely to know Leontyev’s songs, and the older generation will not understand the humorous subtext of Timothy’s songs.

As the game progresses, Santa Claus must comment on who is thinking, what this is fraught with, and why exactly this is happening. Each actor has his own set of phrases for any audience.

D.M. – Well, we’ve sorted out the mood, now let’s sum it up festive event

and find out which of those present was the most sober.

Complex of games “Sobriety test”

  1. Games can be held by both Santa Claus and the Snow Maiden.


  1. Ved - Everyone knows that the Rooster is distinguished by an even and proud gait, but will our heroes be able to walk as beautifully as the owner of the year? For this competition, we need to line everyone up again and set the end point. At the command of the host, all guests will walk with a beautiful and, most importantly, even gait to the point and back.

Accuracy. The players line up in a snake formation, one after another, each is given a certain number of plastic balls; on the contrary, a bucket is placed at a distance of 2-3 meters.

  1. Ved - The participant must hit the basket with a ball, because the Rooster has excellent coordination and one hundred percent vision, he will never miss the found grain.

Equilibrium. The presenter will need to determine who can stand on one leg the longest with his eyes closed, which are best previously tied.

Snow Maiden:

  • The one who completed all the tasks will be rewarded with a bottle of champagne, because it’s not good for the person to be sober on New Year’s Day.
  • Well, friends, it's time to say goodbye,
  • But so that we can part beautifully
  • We'll light the lights on the Christmas tree,
  • And together, we repeat in unison:
  • So that happiness lasts long,
  • You light up the Christmas tree,
  • We cast a spell
  • May everyone's wishes come true:

One and two and three - the tree is burning fabulously!

After the Christmas tree is lit, from a themed one, the party becomes idle, so it’s time to say goodbye.

  • D.M.:
  • Well, friends, it's time to say goodbye,

Snow Maiden:

  • I ask you to smile more often!
  • Good health,

We wish you with love!

  • In chorus:
  • And celebrate the holiday more fun!

We hope you liked our corporate event scenario! Happy Celebration and Happy New Year!

Do you want to meet New Year in a new and original way? Then this section is for you. New Year 2020 is just around the corner and for it we have prepared New Year's scenarios 2020 - funny and cool. You will find here various corporate scenarios for the New Year 2020 for all ages and for every taste. Have a fun New Year 2020!

An interesting scenario for the New Year for a corporate party, in which all employees of the company will be able to express themselves. No bad jokes or vulgarity. Characters: Grandfather, Old Woman, Brownie, Mice. What is needed for the organization: props for holding competitions, musical arrangement, character costumes, room decoration, New Year tree.

A fun New Year's scenario for adults with calm competitions and games. Characters: Presenter, Baba Yaga, guests. What is needed for the organization: lyrics, costumes for participants, material for the quiz, prizes for the winners, New Year's melodies, treats for guests, a decorated Christmas tree, a bag with comic predictions, decorations.

A funny scenario for the New Year with competitions and skits for a pleasant pastime with the work team. This scenario contains a lot of funny characters, exciting competitions, original toasts and good mood. Characters: presenters, Michelle, Dolores, bear, round dance of girl dancers. What is needed for the organization: New Year's songs, banquet table.

An original scenario for the New Year 2020 for a corporate party with a fun program, entertainment events and active characters. Congratulations in the form of harmless jokes for employees, funny competitions. Characters: bear, crane, caroling guys. What is needed for the organization: musical arrangement, New Year's table, decorated Christmas tree.

The scenario for a corporate party will be a pleasant and exciting addition to the New Year 2020 celebration. The main participants in the performance will bring a sea of ​​joy and laughter to the entire workforce. Characters: presenter, Santa Claus, Snow Maiden. What is needed for the organization: fancy dress costumes, souvenirs for the winners, dance tunes, New Year's treats.

An interesting and beautiful scenario for celebrating the New Year in a friendly team with a mischievous host who will hold funny competitions and quizzes. Beautiful New Year's toast. Characters: presenter. What is needed for the organization: a costume for the presenter, New Year's melodies, details, prizes, festive table, decorated Christmas tree.

A cheerful corporate scenario for the New Year with bright and memorable performances, a competition program, comic congratulations and toasts. New Year's games and performances for adults. Characters: presenter. What is needed for the organization: decorations, New Year's songs, a decorated hall, food for guests, a decorated Christmas tree.

A fun scenario for a New Year's party with unusual characters. An exotic, incendiary party with dancing and competitions. Characters: priest, keeper of the hearth. What is needed for the organization: African musical motifs, food for guests, details, prizes for the winners, a New Year tree.

The holiday scenario for adults dedicated to celebrating the New Year is very fun and interesting. Carrying out a holiday in a themed style - African New Year 2020. Each of the guests will be able to feel like they are in the warm tropics. Characters: presenter. What is needed for the organization: masquerade African costumes, decorations, festive table.

The scenario for celebrating the New Year 2020 for adults contains a minimum of memorizing the text and preparing costumes for the participants, but a maximum of fun game competitions. Characters: presenter. What is needed for the organization: decorations, prizes for the winners, a festive table, a New Year tree, music.

The original script was developed for a corporate New Year's party with exciting competitions and favorite characters that will amuse all present colleagues. Characters: presenter, 1st herald, 2nd herald, Winter, Spring, Santa Claus, Snow Maiden, Buffoon. What is needed for the organization: character costumes, prize souvenirs, song lyrics, musical accompaniment.

The New Year's scenario was compiled specifically for celebration among your employees. No ridiculous or vulgar jokes. Original gift giving, interesting competitions. Characters: Hostess, guests, team members. What is needed for the organization: fancy dress, musical accompaniment, banquet table, decorations.

The meaning of the New Year's scenario for a corporate party is to hold entertainment events. Funny riddles, skits, active competitions for adults. Scenario based on the popular New Year's film. Characters: presenters, mouse, Snow Maiden. What is needed for the organization: decorations, prizes for the winners of the quiz, New Year's songs, a decorated Christmas tree.

The universal scenario is designed for holding a New Year's holiday among company employees with cheerful and colorful characters. Active recreational activities. Characters: presenters, Snow Maiden, Father Frost. What is needed for the organization: musical accompaniment, festive table, decorations, props for competitive program, decorated Christmas tree.

The New Year's corporate scenario is designed to minimize memorizing text and preparing fancy dress costumes. Comic congratulations, interesting competitions. Characters: presenters, Snow Maiden, Santa Claus. What is needed for the organization: gifts for the winners, dance tunes, decoration banquet hall, festive table, gift bags, New Year tree.

New Year's scenario for organizing a corporate holiday with original and exciting games, which will not let you get bored at the New Year's party. Characters: presenters, Father Frost, Snow Maiden. What is needed for the organization: costumes of program participants, souvenirs for the winners, New Year's songs, details for competitions, a New Year's tree.

A corporate scenario for the New Year that will create a fabulous holiday atmosphere. Guests will enjoy quizzes, competitions and fiery dances. Characters: presenter, Santa Claus, Snow Maiden. What is needed for the organization: fancy dress costumes, prizes, New Year's songs, room decoration, props for the competition program, festive table.

Scenario for the New Year for a corporate event. An incendiary party in the style of the 90s with competitions, dancing and toasts. Characters: presenters, amateur art groups, rooster, Santa Claus, Snow Maiden. What is needed for the organization: decorations, souvenirs for the winners, a New Year tree, costumes for program participants.

Scenario for celebrating the New Year 2020 in the work team in the circle of your favorite New Year's characters who came to visit with congratulations and toasts. Characters: Snow Maiden, Father Frost. What is needed for the organization: costumes for characters, New Year's melodies, festive table, decorations.

The New Year's celebration scenario is designed for an adult audience and includes entertainment events, calm competitions and games that will create a good holiday mood. Characters: presenters, Father Frost, Snow Maiden, Rat. What is needed for the organization: decorations, gifts for competition participants, musical accompaniment, festive table.

The New Year's scenario for adults involves holding entertaining competitions and dances with a minimum of characters, but with a maximum Have a good mood. Characters: Unexpected guest, Snow Maiden, Dog. What is needed for the organization: fancy dress, prizes, music, New Year's table, props for the competition program.

The script was written for a corporate holiday - New Year 2020. It has everything: dances, skits, competitions, quizzes, which will always be conducted by an original presenter. Characters: presenter. What is needed for the organization: decorations, gifts for the winners, funny songs, a box with New Year's paraphernalia, a festive table.

Scenario for the New Year for a corporate party with a funny and interesting entertainment program, which will not let any employee present at the party get bored. Characters: presenter. What is needed for the organization: fancy dress costumes, prizes, musical accompaniment, task cards, prizes for winners, treats for guests.

An unusual New Year's scenario is designed for adults with bright and memorable corporate events and funny competitions. Characters: two presenters. What is needed for the organization: costumes for program participants, dance tunes, prizes for competition participants, treats for the team, a decorated Christmas tree, props.

It is important to take care of the decoration, since in many cases this is what creates the festive atmosphere. Since the Year of the Rooster is coming, you need to pay special attention to bright and shiny flowers to appease the bird. It will not be superfluous to think through images, menus and musical accompaniment. The presented scenario is perfect for celebrating the New Year in a spacious room that can comfortably accommodate up to 20 people.

Father Frost ,
Snow Maiden ,
New Year 2017.

gifts for competitions, a bag with wishes, cards with New Year's words and phrases, cards with songs, a roll of paper towels, New Year's rain, New Year's beads, a hat, carrots (all in duplicate).

The guests take their seats. The presenters appear in the hall.

The New Year is in a hurry to visit us,
We will throw away all problems
Let's drink and dance
Let's celebrate the holiday!

We are glad to see everyone this evening,
And I suggest we start,
So let's light our candles,
We will see off the old year!

(A toast is made about the passing year 2016)

Toast options:
1. He's leaving old year,
Let him take it with him,
All the troubles and sorrows,
All the people who were offended.
All the problems, all the troubles,
Let it take you away forever
Let's drink to this, friends.
For more laughter!

2. Let's drink to the passing year,
Let's thank him for everything he gave
Let him take you away with you,
All the troubles that he sent us!

3. Let's raise our glasses,
We are celebrating our 16th year
We will remember him for a long time,
Let him take all the evil with him.
We will say thank you for the experience,
For the wisdom that he gave,
Because he was still good,
That Trump suddenly became president!
And if there are no jokes, we spend it with dignity,
And let's drink to everything that the year has brought us,
For the fact that we still lived peacefully,
For not seeing grief and tears!

(Toast options may vary)

So I’m wondering, what wishes will you have for the New Year 2017?

So, let's check it out!

Great, I just have a magic bag in which there are so many wishes and desires that you can get tired of reading!

Game “Wishes for 2017”.
You need to write down on pieces of paper in advance your wishes and desires for the coming year. Place all this in an opaque bag and invite each guest to pull out a piece of paper and read it out loud.
You will need: a bag of wishes.

Example cards.
I want 2017 to bring me...
1. ... 10 kg of sweets, a mink coat, an arctic fox coat and a pink telephone;
2. ... peace of mind and a million dollars;
3. ... a lot of new toys and a new dress for mom;
4. ...diamond necklace and ice cream;
5. ... for me a unicorn and Hottabych’s beard;
6. ... happiness and new boots.
7. ... a new screwdriver, a wrench and a bottle of Armenian cognac;
8. ... long holidays and gifts;
9. ... a lot of days off and a huge salary;
10. ... a new set of tools and 2017 was the best year yet.

(Options for wishes may be different, it all depends on your imagination. Just remember that if there are children among those invited, you need to take care of wishes for them)

So let's drink to the fact that all your wishes come true and once again say goodbye to 2016!

(Everyone raises their glasses)

They say that on New Year's Day,
Congratulations are very important
How do you pronounce it?
This is how you start your year!

(If there are children in the hall, they say, and if there are no children, then adults read)

Well done to everyone, everyone was prepared, but did you know that the Rooster, the symbol of 2017, likes spontaneity?

So, this is what the Snow Maiden is telling you. She and I thought about it and decided that being spontaneous wouldn’t hurt anyone!

Competition "Spontaneous Congratulations".
Cards are prepared in advance on which one word or phrase is written. Guests are divided into 2 teams, each receiving 10 cards (5 words, 5 phrases). The task is to create from the received set New Year's greetings. The winning team will receive a prize. Execution time 1.5 minutes.
You will need: cards with New Year's words and phrases.

Examples of words and phrases.

New Year, Santa Claus, Olivier, fireworks, gifts, winter, rooster, snowman, Christmas tree, round dance.

I wish you happiness, joy; Happy New Year; we finally got it, we gathered at the table; what happiness and luck, what a miracle, what a mood; kind Grandfather Freezing; Congratulations, congratulations, and I wish prosperity to everyone; and the beautiful Snow Maiden; let him bring magic; miracle holiday New Year.

(Options for words and phrases may be different, it all depends on your imagination)

This is what I understand, spontaneity! Friends, I propose to toast your talent so that next year it brings many pleasant surprises.

(Everyone raises their glasses. Loud footsteps are heard)

What's that noise, who's knocking here?
Who is stomping so loudly?

This New Year is coming,
Happiness and joy brings us!

(The door opens and New Year 2017 enters)

New Year 2017:
Here I am, hello friends,
How are you all doing?
Are you already tired of waiting for me?
What are you doing here, checking in?

Well, until the clock strikes,
I'll sit quietly
I'll look, I'll watch,
I'll spread my wings!

And I’ll decide, then friends,
Will I bring you goodness?
Will I bring you health,
May I take away all the bad things!

Well, shame on you, just like that from the doorstep! People have been waiting for you, do you know how many hopes and plans they managed to build?

New Year 2017:
So, they waited a year, they’ll wait some more. You know, the bird is important, I love attention. Let them appease me, and I’ll think about whether I should come or not!

Look, what a sneak peek! Yes, we will celebrate the New Year without you!

New Year 2017:
You can mark it, and mark it, but whether I attack is my business!

Wow, how harmful! We can do without you, so sit in your corner, straighten your feathers, we don’t need you like that!

It was somehow wrong, we waited and waited, but this is how it turned out. It’s all bad, bad.

What are you suggesting, Grandfather, look, the guests are all tired of waiting, sitting, bored.

This way we will cheer you up! Let's sing!

Announced competition "New Year's ditty".
3-4 participants are selected from the guests. Everyone should sing a New Year's ditty, but standing on one leg. Whoever puts his foot down during the song is eliminated. The most persistent will receive a prize.

(After the competition, a dance break is announced, lasting 10-15 minutes)

I suggest to you, friends,
I'll drink to the New Year,
To be calm, kind,
Let him distribute happiness to everyone!

(Everyone raises their glasses)

I suggest you play
Riddles for you to guess,
And the riddles are not easy,
Oh, how funny!

(Riddles for children (if there are any in the room) or funny riddles for adults. Whoever gives the most correct answers will receive a prize)

Another competition awaits you, friends,
It's obviously time for you to move,
It will be easy, interesting, cool,
It will be fun, it will be exciting!

Competition “I dance as best I can”.
The presenter selects 3-5 people from all participants (including children). The task is to depict a given emotion during the dance (the dance cannot be interrupted. Depict it not only with facial expressions, but also with gestures). It turns out fun and interesting. A prize can be awarded for the best performance.

Emotion options:
1. Joy;
2. Anger;
3. Annoyance;
4. Resentment;
5. Happiness;
6. Bliss;
7. Enjoyment;
8. Calm;
9. Anger;
10. Rage.

(You can choose music from the 80s and 90s as the musical accompaniment for this competition)

It's time for us to drink to the coming year,
Let everything be fine in it,
Let all troubles recede,
And let everything be like in the movies!

(Everyone raises their glasses)

Soon the chimes will strike,
It's time to get ready
And I need to appease with you,
Such a harmful Rooster!
As you know, he loves songs,
I invite you to sing,
To make it interesting,
And there is a task for you!

Competition “I’ll Guess the Song”.
Participants are divided into two teams. In each, captains are chosen whose task is to crow the song. Each song is given 15 seconds. The team that guesses the most songs will win. The second version of the competition - captains must show songs without words. All songs are placed on cards.
What you need: cards with songs.

Songs for the competition (you can choose others):
1. Disco Crash “The New Year is rushing towards us”;
2. Well Wait “Tell the Snow Maiden”;
3. “Three white horses”;
4. “While the clock strikes twelve”;
5. “A Christmas tree was born in the forest”;
6. From Prostokvashin “If only there were no winter”;
7. “At the edge of the forest”;
8. “New Year’s toys, candles and crackers”;
9. “The January blizzard is ringing”;
10. Gubin “Winter, cold, lonely houses”;
11. “The snow is spinning, spinning and falling””;
12. “Little Christmas tree, it’s cold in winter.”

(After this competition, you can announce a musical break lasting 10-15 minutes)

The chimes are already striking,
New Year is coming,
Pour the glasses,
New Year is just around the corner!

(The chimes ring out. At the twelfth stroke, everyone lights sparklers together and congratulates each other, says, and Father Frost distributes gifts together with the Snow Maiden. New Year 2017 is approaching the presenters)

New Year 2017:
I'm getting really arrogant,
Forgive me, friends,
Here I come,
I took up my post!
I will bring good to everyone,
I will help everyone in business,
And at home there is comfort and happiness,
And, of course, wealth!
I'm a difficult Rooster,
Red, so fiery,
I will justify all hopes,
Congratulations on my year!

So our capricious one has come to his senses!

Happy New Year with a new happiness,
I wish everyone to laugh,
Never be discouraged
Make all your wishes come true!

For miracles to live
It was full of magic
Happy New Year,
I wish you all good health!

New Year 2017:
On my own behalf I wish you
So that all your dreams come true,
So that the bad is forgotten,
May you find good luck!

I suggest, New Year,
Let's start with fun
I ask you to leave the table,
There will be a mood!

All of you stand up in a round dance,
Let's dance now
We will be with you today,
Relax and light up!

(Everyone forms a round dance, in the center of which is the New Year 2017. It seems like nothing unusual, but there is still a trick, all participants in the round dance must repeat the movements after the central figure)

What is New Year without a woman?
I'm talking about the snowy one,
We need to fix this
Let's create a woman!

Competition “Sculpt me, sculpt me”.
The participants are again divided into two teams. Captains and those who will play the role of “snow women” are selected. The captains receive the same set: a roll of paper towels, New Year's rain, New Year's beads, a hat, and a carrot. Using this set you need to decorate the “snow woman”. The trick is that you need to do this with your eyes closed, only relying on the command prompts. Execution time 1 minute.
What you need: a roll of paper towels, New Year's rain, New Year's beads, hat, carrots (all in duplicate).

(After the competition you can toast the New Year and have a dance break lasting 10-15 minutes)

Come on, congratulations,
Tell me again
Only grandfather is deaf,
You shout them to me!

Competition “I speak very loudly, and I want to congratulate everyone”.
2 participants are selected. The task is to congratulate each other and all guests on the upcoming Year of the Rooster. Mandatory condition: the congratulation must contain the word Rooster, red, fiery and congratulations must be pronounced loudly, and most importantly at the same time! After this, the guests reproduce what they heard, and the one who shouts louder and clearer will receive a prize.

(After this competition, you can make a couple more toasts and have a dance break lasting up to 20 minutes)

Our holiday is coming to an end,
We will say goodbye
But literally a year later,
I promise to get together again!

Don't be sad, don't be bored,
Have a wonderful life,
Celebrate the holiday for a long time,
Let the year be clear!

New Year 2017:
I promise I'll be the best
I will bring joy to everyone,
I will instantly fulfill all my dreams,
I will give everyone prosperity!

It is important to consider the number of children invited to the party. If necessary, you can add several

In our country there are a lot of good proverbs, for example, prepare a sleigh in the summer and a cart in the winter. After all, it is natural that it is best to prepare for what will happen next in advance. For this reason, we have already come up with for you new script New Year 2017 rooster for holding in the club, so that you have the opportunity to change it for yourself, make changes and adapt it to the New Year's party. Watch a new cool scenario with competitions, games and let your guests rejoice in the coming of the new year.

And so, the beginning of the New Year holiday.

The host comes on stage and reads out the New Year's greeting to the guests:

After the greeting, the main celebration begins.

Friends! There is very little time left until the new year, and it’s time to say goodbye to the old year. let's do it?! Then let's remember what good events happened in 2016. Speak up, and I will invite the authors of the best events to the stage.

Guests offer their options, and the host calls 4 guests onto the stage.

And so, you remembered the best and most positive events of the past year. Tell me, did 2016 leave imprints on your life? Yes?! Then let's play with you.

Competition 1.
The guests who appear on stage turn their backs to the guests, and signs with the inscriptions are hung on their backs:
- bathhouse
- striptease
- sobering-up station
- bushes

An important point: the participants on stage do not see the signs, but the guests do! When the signs are on the backs, the host asks the guests questions. And they answer them.
For example:
- do you go there often?
- who do you go there with?
- how many times were you there in 2016?
- Would you go there on New Year’s Eve?
- Which friend would you take with you?
- how you described this place to your friends. What catches you?

After the contestants have answered the questions and the other guests have laughed, you can show the signs to all the contestants and give them gifts.

And so, we spent the past year having fun. And now it’s time to welcome the new 2017!
Are you ready for it yet?! Have you written a letter to Santa Claus? Let's write a collective letter!

The game is a letter to Santa Claus.
Everything is simple here. You have this letter in your hands:

As you can see, adjectives are missing in it. You invite guests to name adjectives one by one and write them in the letter. When the letter is completely written, you read it to all the guests and send it to Santa Claus.

Wow, what a fun letter we wrote. Now Santa Claus will definitely come to us for the holiday! And to speed up his arrival, let's play.
I invite brave and passionate people to the stage who are not shy and not afraid to play.

To play, you will need empty Kinder Surprise barrels. You write tasks on papers and put the papers in barrels. Each barrel contains one task. You put all the barrels in a bag, and the guests who come out take turns taking out one barrel at a time, opening it and completing the task.
Examples for tasks in forfeits:
- sing a song in the forest, a Christmas tree was born in the power of opera (rock, jazz, and so on)
- crow loudly the phrase - Happy New Year 2017!
- show how a rooster crows in Germany, China and France.
- show a rooster that is scared.
- show how the ice melts.
- use gestures to show some New Year's rhyme.

Great! And now meet Santa Claus!

Santa Claus comes out.

Father Frost:
Hello, my dear! Are you having fun?! Then let's continue. While I was on my way to see you, I received new telegrams. But my eyesight is rather weak, so I can’t understand who they are from. Can you help me guess?

Game - New Year's telegrams.
The presenter or Santa Claus himself reads out the telegram, and the guests guess who the telegram is from. Whoever guessed correctly receives a prize from Santa Claus.
Here is a list of telegrams:

Father Frost:
Do you already know that 2017 will be the year of the rooster? Then let's celebrate the symbol of the New Year!

The rooster comes out.

Crow!!! Finally, I became the symbol of the year! And I’m just in a great mood, which I’ll be happy to convey to you. I will also give you gifts.

Game - gifts from the rooster.
To play you need to buy Kinder Surprise chocolate eggs. You can also download and print these templates:

Each kinder surprise is wrapped in one template. Then you put all the chocolate eggs in a bag, and the rooster approaches the guests, who take one egg out of the bag. When the first guest takes out one chocolate egg, the rooster reads a poem about it.
Examples of verses:

Now we have both Santa Claus and the symbol of the New Year. What's missing? That's right - prizes and gifts!
Now we will hold a lottery. And everyone will receive their own gift.

Lottery for guests.
For the lottery you need kegs from the game Russian lotto. Put them in a bag numbered from 1 to 16. And write poems about gifts on pieces of paper. Guests take turns taking out one barrel at a time and showing the number. The presenter or the rooster reads a verse for this number, and Santa Claus gives a gift.

And now it's time to dance! Dance with Santa Claus and the cockerel!

The most anticipated holiday is the New Year, because it brings with it not only a joyful mood, many gifts, pleasant communication and a delicious festive table, but also the main thing in the life of any person - hope. Without it, it is impossible to look into the future, which means you should do everything to ensure that success accompanies you throughout the coming year, so that all your dreams and expectations come true.
Where and how best to celebrate New Year 2017?

The symbol of the coming year will be the Fire Rooster. His likes and dislikes largely determine the nature of the events that will certainly happen to all of us over the next 12 months. Because best strategy for New Year's holidays It will be the right meeting for 2017 so that the keeper is satisfied and favors all our endeavors. The Fire Rooster prefers to stick to established family traditions. Therefore, it is recommended to celebrate the New Year 2017 - the Rooster at home, with family and loved ones.

A noisy (but not riotous) friendly company, united by family ties, will certainly also appeal to the eccentric and emotional symbol of the eastern horoscope.

What to wear for the New Year of the Rooster 2017

The best color scheme for New Year 2017 is red and gold. Don’t get carried away by the neckline and transparent fabrics - such an image is unlikely to attract the attention of the sophisticated Rooster. Female image should consist of a neat cocktail dress in red, yellow, pastel golden tones, high-heeled shoes that visually lengthen and decorate a woman’s leg, and accessories to match the main color. Would be a great addition jewelry made of gold (or gold), pearls (including artificial ones).

Men can celebrate New Year's Eve in a less formal outfit. But if he came to visit arm in arm with his missus, then he should comply. A formal suit can significantly reduce the level of comfort at such a fun holiday, but welcoming 2017 in home clothes or in your everyday look will look almost immoral in the eyes of the pedantic Fire Rooster.
How to decorate your house and Christmas tree

The color scheme when decorating the house should correspond to the favorite color scheme of the 2017 symbol of the Fire Rooster. However, it is also allowed to decorate the house with green and blue colors, which, along with red, are traditional for the New Year holidays.

The interior should be dominated by decorations made from natural materials. It will be difficult to overdo it with glitter and lights, because the New Year cannot be imagined without light, colors, smiles and the accompanying surroundings.

The Fire Rooster, like many living beings, will approve of the presence of an artificial Christmas tree, which does not in any way detract from the fact of his love for natural materials. Use tinsel in shades of gold and red to add heart to the upcoming festivities - Christmas tree– the look is luxurious and elegant, and this will perfectly emphasize the overall atmosphere of the New Year 2017.

To dilute the social mood, you can decorate the interior with soft capes, which go so well with frosty winter days, and will also give a combination of home comfort and a special event. The best decoration for New Year 2017 are ripe red apples, matching the favorite color of the Fire Rooster. Instead of New Year's star you can use a figurine of a Rooster.

What to cook for the New Year's table 2017. Table setting

The 2017 New Year's table should not include poultry dishes, in particular chicken. It’s better to cook something from lamb, beef or pork for the New Year. All game should be crossed off the menu: ducks, turkeys, quails. Using chicken eggs as decoration on the New Year's table is also not recommended.

Since the Rooster is a herbivorous bird, a variety of vegetarian dishes will come in handy when celebrating the New Year 2017 and Christmas. It is advisable that the menu include a variety of vegetables, fruits and herbs, as well as a grain dish (for example, millet or rice). If we are preparing for the New Year 2017, in addition to tangerines, you can put in the holiday basket those types of fruits that you like. Everyday life do not usually eat - for example, mango, physalis, papaya, etc. Meat (with the exception of chicken, of course) is recommended to be served in moderation and on small plates - or as part of sandwiches in combination with grain baked goods and vegetables. A small saucer with sprouted grains should be placed in the center of the table. Since the Rooster is a poultry, it will be welcome on the table different kinds homemade portioned baked goods. Aperitifs - light cocktails (which literally means “rooster tail” in English) will help whet the appetite of guests. In addition, it is recommended to serve invigorating drinks to the table - wine, vermouth, mulled wine, a variety of liqueurs, liqueurs and liqueurs.

Table setting should also take into account the tastes of the symbol of 2017. Use a plain tablecloth in light colors that will not attract attention. But the dishes can be bright, preferably made from natural materials. Synthetics and plastics should be avoided this year.

Scenario for celebrating the New Year 2017 Rooster - at home

To prevent the holiday from being boring and turning into just another feast, you should provide a New Year's scenario, thanks to which you will not only have a good time, but also have an active and fun time with your family, relatives or friends.

In families with children, you should definitely come up with funny scenario, as well as funny and funny competitions for the New Year 2017 to create an exciting adventure that will be remembered not only by children, but will also involve adults, addicted to the world of a real fairy-tale childhood.

The simplest and most reliable way to celebrate the New Year 2017 in an interesting way will be a masquerade ball. The very preparation of costumes will become little man a pleasant pastime.

If several children are expected at the party, then agree with their parents about who will come in what costumes. You can prepare a costume party for the older generation. The holiday scenario may also include the so-called face control at the entrance to the room where the feast will take place: without a costume there is no movement.

It will be a great pleasure for children to participate in New Year's scene or prepare a performance. Help the kids assign roles and organize the action. Let adults also take part in the fairy tale, for example, in the roles of the Snow Maiden and Father Frost, who, at the end of the performance, will distribute gifts to everyone for the New Year 2017.

Advice. It is not necessary to prepare expensive gifts, especially if a lot of guests are expected at the holiday. Prefer small souvenirs that everyone can enjoy (mugs, small soft toys, souvenirs, scarves, warm socks, Christmas tree decorations and any New Year paraphernalia). If you have stocked up on the required number of gifts, you can invite each of the guests (including children) to pull a gift out of the bag themselves.

Ideas for New Year 2017 competitions for children and adults

First of all, funny and cool scenarios for the New Year 2017, the year of the fiery Rooster, may include the following New Year's competitions, entertainment and games.

Adults and children, divided into teams, draw the symbol of the year: the outgoing one - the Monkey or the upcoming one - the Rooster. Grandfather Frost and Snow Maiden determine the winner

You can arrange a competition to see who knows more poems and songs about the New Year.

A great pastime is the game “Crocodile”: without words, members of one team must explain a word or phrase to members of the other team.

Children really like a game called “Swap Role,” when they act as adults, and their parents take their place: the children “educate” or show funny skits.
Cool New Year's scenarios 2017 for young people
Funny competitions for boys

Cut out snowflakes are placed on the table. Participants take positions and, at a signal, begin to blow on snowflakes. Whoever reaches the finish line faster wins.

You can come up with a different kind of entertainment by asking the young men to cut out snowflakes for time (and quality) on their own. After a minute has passed, the winner is determined.

The next competition could be “Dress up the Snow Maiden.” Each participant is given all kinds of items that can be used as decorations. With their help, the young man must decorate his Snow Maiden so that she wins the competition as the most original Snow Maiden of this New Year.
New Year's competitions for girls

Notes with the name of one or another are placed in the hat. young man who is present at the celebration. The girl must take out a piece of paper with a name and come up with an adjective for each letter of the boy’s full name that would characterize this young man.

The girls are blindfolded. Some objects are placed on a chair, on which you should sit on top and determine, without looking or feeling with your hands, what these objects are and in what quantity.

The song competition is very popular among the fair sex. A great idea for those rooms that provide karaoke, but this is not necessary. After the performance of each performer, the hosts of the holiday or Father Frost and Snow Maiden determine the winner.
Scenario for New Year's corporate party 2017 - competitions

Cool and fun New Year's competitions will help you not to get bored at the New Year's corporate party 2017:

A certain number of balloons are inflated according to the number of participants. Each ball contains a note with a task. All participants must pop the balloon without using their hands and complete the task.

sitting behind New Year's table Each of those present must compliment some part of the body of the person sitting next to them. After all the compliments have been made, you need to kiss the person in the place that you liked the most.