New religious movements (review). New religion Everyone pray, fast, listen to Radio Radonezh

Victor Smirnov: Anton, as a simple reader, I am grateful to you for your work. Truth and law are on our side! I started thinking about the topic after accidentally reading Leo Taxil’s “Funny Bible.” But I, a techie, can’t do this.

Thanks to you (and V.M. Zaznobin - “We believe not in God, but in God...”) a lot began to become clearer. Numerous prophecies say that Russia will become the birthplace of a completely new religion of the future, which will unite many nations...

Nostradamus: The salvation of the world will occur due to the emergence of a new religion in Russia.

Vanga: A new teaching will come from Russia - this is the oldest and truest teaching - will spread throughout the world, and the day will come when all religions in the world will disappear and they will be replaced by this new philosophical teaching of the Fire Bible.

Alice Bailey: From Russia - the symbol of the world Arjuna in a very specific sense - a new magical religion will come.

Monk Ranyo Nero in the 14th century: In the Northern Country of the Hyperboreans - in Russia, a new universal religion of Fire and Light will appear... This religion of the Sun in the 21st century will experience a victorious march, and it will find support for itself in northern country Hyperboreans, where it will be revealed in its new quality.

Saint Theophan of Poltava: Something that no one expects will happen, Russia will rise from the dead and the whole world will be surprised... The Orthodoxy that was in Russia before will no longer exist, but the true faith will not only be reborn, but will also triumph...

What should be the basis of this religion?

A return to Vedism and Paganism is unrealistic. The sources are lost. Apparently we all have to cleanse the Bible of dirty Jewish garbage. There is no hope for employees in robes. They cannot even explain the meaning of the variety of types of domes on cathedrals (for example, the Trinity or Intercession Cathedral on Red Square. They are afraid of it and do not hold services). And the difference between the crosses on the domes is for them (and for us) a “Chinese letter”. By the way, there is a book about the great variety of Russian crosses, perhaps it will be useful to you. Download a book"Russian Cross" .

Anton Blagin: Thank you, Victor, for your letter, understanding and support. I also believe that a new Teaching will come from Russia to the world, which will change and heal our sick society.

As for your thoughts: " A return to Vedism and Paganism is unrealistic. The sources are lost. Apparently we all have to cleanse the Bible of dirty Jewish garbage.", I will answer like this:

When the Teachings of Christ are cleansed from the dirty Jewish garbage and revealed to the world, then everyone will see and understand that the Savior just preached Vedism, which is based on the oldest teaching on earth “About the spirit that is God”!

The teaching of Christ, as is known, also tells “About the spirit, which is God.” Only the adjective “Holy” was added to it. Ethis is the most ancient and true teaching! But now it is greatly distorted.

I outlined my thoughts on this matter and some parts of the future Teaching, which is destined to replace existing religions, in the book "Between Evil and Good". You can download it . The New Teaching will not be a religion in the traditional sense, it will simply awaken the mind in people and make them clairvoyant, spiritually sighted!

George Magic: Anton, thank you for your educational work. He opened his eyes and pulled him out of the swamp of obscurantism. It's easier to live and breathe. And believe in God...

In March 2012, as many already know, I initiated the creation of an international peacekeeping Union of Christians and Muslims. The name of this Union speaks for itself. His goal is to prevent anyone from plunging humanity into a new world war. If the fans of the “golden calf” bring down the world financial system as planned, this Union could solve the important task of countering chaos and disorder in the world and, on the contrary, promoting the establishment of justice and order in the world.

For almost a year, I received many letters from different people, both approving and perplexed. Some people sincerely do not understand and ask me how it is possible to “cross” a Russian hedgehog and an oriental snake? Could this symbiosis result in something like “barbed wire”? - they ask with a bit of humor.

One reader, a Christian, wrote me the following:

“Unfortunately, in Islam, as in Christianity, there are many different movements, and they are openly at odds with each other. Every religion is accompanied by hatred, although it is forbidden by the prophets. In addition, world religions often organize wars for faith, calling them “sacred”. Evidence of this is our entire history with its “crusades”. What kind of "Union" could it be? Submission to other people's dogmas? This is unacceptable for a Russian person.”

Another reader, Egor, a Muslim by faith, wrote me this.

“Anton, you write very correct things, I learned a lot from your articles, and a lot was confirmed from my personal judgments and experience. But what kind of Union are you talking about if the Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said that there would be one religion on earth.

“Those Christians and Jews who do not accept Islam and my teachings will be at a loss...” - these are his approximate words. Why did the prophet say this? Probably because Islam is the oldest religion on earth. It was transmitted through the prophet Musa (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) and was intended for all mankind. Evil people once distorted Islam and, having altered it to suit themselves, decided to build their own monoethical culture, basing their policy on deception and robbery of all other peoples of the planet. Who are these evil people? They call themselves Jews. They proclaimed themselves God's chosen people, thereby placing themselves above other nations. To correct this imbalance in relations between people and expose the lies of impostors who claim to become kings of nations, the Almighty once sent the prophet Jesus into the world with the word of Truth...

Muslims revere Jesus along with the Prophet Muhammad (may Allah bless them both) and believe in his prophecy about the coming of God's new messenger - the Mahdi ("Leader"), who will restore justice on earth. Jesus said so: after me, another messenger from the Almighty will come to earth... Muslims believe in the imminent arrival of the Mahdi and have no doubt that the new messenger will abolish all false religions, and then Islam will again become the unified religion of all peoples. Therefore, modern Christians as well as Jews, who truly believe in the Creator, will have to accept Islam in accordance with their reason, otherwise, as the Prophet Muhammad said, “they will be at a loss.”When the large Ummah of Muslims gathers, it will, Inshallah, defeat evil on this earth.”.

As you can see, opinions are very different, and it would seem that there is no way to reconcile these age-old contradictions between religions. However, it is not.

Dear friends! I already wrote in one of my works that there are irreconcilable contradictions, and there are only apparent ones! Many people, due to their education, life experience and ability to analyze information, do not have sufficient knowledge about the world, and therefore classify apparent religious contradictions as irreconcilable. But many contradictions are easily eliminated, and misunderstandings disappear if you look at them from a different angle!

The same applies to all misunderstandings associated with the idea of ​​creating a Union of Christians and Muslims.

Sooner or later it will really happen that there will be only one Teaching about God the Creator left on earth, the true one. The fate of the rest, who contradict the true doctrine, is to disappear according to the principle: “When the light is turned on, the darkness goes away” .

If both the Prophet Muhammad and the Prophet Jesus pointed to this, shouldn’t we believe that this will happen?!

The Peacekeeping Union of Christians and Muslims can and should play the role of the first step on the path to the consciousness on earth of a single faith and a single family of peoples.

Billions of people today are blinded by various religious prejudices and contradictions, and this international Union could help believers free themselves from the burden of all the misunderstandings that have accumulated over the centuries. Thus, he could prepare the ground for the advent of the New Era of humanity.

Now I will name a number of arguments in favor of creating a peacemaking Union of Christians and Muslims and will try to eliminate the main psychological barriers that, for various reasons, arise among believers and prevent them from coming to unity for the sake of their own salvation.

Argument 1. According to the stories of Christ’s disciple John, the Savior often compared peace-loving people to sheep, and he called those who distorted the religion of the Prophet Musa and the Jews who fell to the devil wolves. Often he called the latter "wolves in sheep's clothing" for their ability to disguise themselves as respectable people.

In this allegory, Jesus introduced another character - a brave shepherd, a good shepherd, a fearless defender of the “sheep” from the “wolves.” He, of course, saw himself in this role, because that is what he really was.

Shortly before giving his life for his “sheep” in order to fulfill the will of the Most High, so that his death would become the reason for the appearance in the future of a new messenger from God, Jesus said words that were extremely important for all humanity: “I have other sheep which are not of this fold, and these I must bring, and they will hear My voice, and there will be one flock and one shepherd...”

These words of Jesus eloquently testify that sooner or later on earth there will be one family of nations, one creed, and one Shepherd - the Heavenly Father, who is spirit .

This is how it is described in the Gospel of John, chapter 10.

7. Truly, truly, I say to you, I am the door of the sheep.

8 All of them, no matter how many of them came before Me, are thieves and robbers; but the sheep did not listen to them.

9 I am the door: whoever enters through Me will be saved, and will go in and out and find pasture.

10 The thief comes only to steal, kill and destroy. I came so that they might have life and have it more abundantly.

11 I am the good shepherd: the good shepherd lays down his life for the sheep.

12 But a hired hand, not a shepherd, whose sheep are not his own, sees the wolf coming, and leaves the sheep and flees; and the wolf plunders the sheep and scatters them.

13 But the hireling flees because he is a hireling, and neglects the sheep.

14 I am the good shepherd; and I know Mine, and Mine know Me.

15 As the Father knows Me, [so] I also know the Father; and I lay down my life for the sheep.

16 I have other sheep which are not of this fold, and these I must bring, and they will hear My voice, and there will be one flock and one shepherd.

Argument 2. Muslims absolutely rightly believe in the coming of a new messenger from the Almighty - the Mahdi (“Man Guided by Allah”), because Jesus left a prophecy about the Second Coming. The Savior left him when he, quite consciously, in fulfillment of the will of the Almighty, went to martyrdom for his “sheep” - peace-loving and righteous people.

This is the situation in which this prophecy was spoken:

“I am the light, I have come into the world, so that whoever believes in Me will not remain in darkness. And if anyone hears My words and does not believe, I do not judge him; for I did not come to judge the world, but to save the world” (John 12:46-47). “...I told you this so that when THAT TIME comes, you will remember that I told you about it.” “And now I go to Him who sent Me.” " It is better for you that I go, for if I do not go, the Comforter will not come to you, but if I go, I will send Him to you. And he, having come, will expose the world about sin, and about truth, and about judgment. About Sin, that they do not believe in Me. About the Truth that I go to My Father, and you will no longer see Me. About the Judgment, that the prince of this world is condemned. I still have a lot to tell you, but now you can’t bear it. When He, the Spirit of Truth, comes, He will guide you into all truth; for he will not speak from himself, but he will speak what he hears, and he will tell you the future.” “He will glorify Me, because He will take of Mine and proclaim it to you. Everything that the Father has is Mine; therefore I said that he will take from Mine and tell it to you.” (John 16:4-15). “Truly I say to you, you will weep and lament, but the upper world will rejoice. You will be sad, but your sorrow will turn into joy. When a woman gives birth, she suffers sorrow, because her hour has come; but when she gives birth to a baby, she no longer remembers the sorrow for joy, because a man was born into the world.” (John 16:20-21).

Argument 3. According to traditional sources of Islam, the Messenger of the Almighty Mahdi will come during the Last Judgment (Qiyama) to save the world. The sign of the coming of the Mahdi will be the global domination of Evil on earth.

The threat of victory of the forces of Evil over the forces of Good will require the Coming of the last and final Savior.

Here are the views on this matter of a number of spiritual leaders of the Muslim world:

“The Mahdi will bring a new Order, a new Book, a new Legislation and a new Tradition. Other religions, also abandoned and distorted, will be restored to their Truth and Purity by the power of the Mahdi.”(Ibn Babin, 129, 1/161; Ibn-Ayyash Mugtad-ab).

“He will bring out the Torah and other Divine books from the caves, and will judge among the believers of the Torah according to the Torah, among the believers of the Gospel according to the Gospel, among the believers of the Koran according to the Koran. This is the universal initiation by the Imam of all people into the secrets of the emergence and beginning of their own religions, and this knowledge, without a doubt, is well described by the term “Mahdi” (“leading”), so named because He is the one who will lead us to the Truth.”(Al-Mumani, izb. pr., p. 342, “Qua”im (Mahdi)”)

“The Mahdi is the Imam who will create world order, he will make the ruling nations pay for crimes against society. He will bring benefit to humanity. He will find the hidden wealth of the earth and distribute it fairly among the needy. He will teach modest living and subtle reflection. He will make you understand that dignity is an internal state that lies in the middle between two extremes, and which is based on equality and justice. He will restore the teachings of the Holy Qur'an and the traditions of the Holy Prophet after the world has ignored them... He will protect science and higher knowledge and use them. His control over this will be complete. He will value higher knowledge and will always use it with reverence. His mind will be free from the desire to harm humanity. The highest knowledge with him will be like some property that was misused in the past, but which he now gives permission to reuse and correctly. At the very beginning he will be like a poor, inglorious stranger. And Islam will be in a hopeless and helpless state, like an emaciated camel with a drooping head and a limply swinging tail. But then he will establish the Kingdom of God throughout the world. He will teach everyone proof of God’s mercy - His Desire to give man Knowledge of the right life.”

Argument 4. I foresee that many Christians were horrified at the mere thought that I was suggesting they convert to Islam! What scares you, friends? Word "Islam"? Or the established dogma of Islam? Or its traditional image with its rites and rituals?

Let's figure it all out without panic, and I assure you that everyone will have to compromise for the sake of fulfilling the covenants of the prophets: both Muslims and Christians!

This compromise will affect dogma, traditions, and everything else that exists in world religions today. Moreover, Muslims themselves openly admit that the coming of the Mahdi will be marked by a New Order on earth, new Legislation and a new Tradition. So is it worth taking this idea with hostility?!

I ask everyone to pay their attention first of all to this. The word "Islam" is translated from Arabic as “surrender to God”, “submission to the will of the Almighty.” I ask: doesn’t the teaching that Christ brought imply the same thing? “Seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things will be added to you.” (Matthew 6:33)? This is it - surrendering oneself to the will and mercy of God in the covenant of the Savior!

Where should we look for the Kingdom of God? - Does everyone know today?

I quote the Gospel for those who have not yet understood this: “Do you not know that you are the temple of God, and the Spirit of God dwells in you?” (1 Cor. 3:16).

What kind of “God’s truth” should we obey? And what is this truth? - do you know? I quote for you another passage from the Gospel: God “must be obeyed not only out of [fear of] punishment, but also out of conscience.” (Rom. 13:5). Thus, we come to understand the following:

If a person lives according to his conscience and does not harm anyone, this is already ISLAM, this already means "surrender to God"!

The ritual side of faith, like national cuisine, like national music, is nothing more than seasoning in a dish called “religion”!

Whether someone wants to use this “seasoning” liberally, or not to use it at all, should be a personal matter.

Jesus, for example, taught this: “When you pray, do not be like the hypocrites, who love to pray in the synagogues and on the street corners, stopping to appear before people... But when you pray, go into your room and, having shut your door, pray to your Father who is in secret ; and your Father, who sees in secret, will reward you openly. And when you pray, do not say unnecessary things... for your Father knows what you need before you ask Him. Pray like this: Our Father who art in heaven! Hallowed be Thy name; Thy kingdom come; Thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven; Give us this day our daily bread; and forgive us our debts, as we forgive our debtors; and lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil. For Yours is the kingdom and the power and the glory forever. Amen"(Matthew 6:5-13).

Likewise, I believe there should be only one requirement for the clothes of believers - they should not shock, outrage, or offend the feelings of people around them.

I want to illustrate the above with an example from the Gospel of Luke:

Once a rich Jew, one of the number of politicians with whom the Savior happened to be together at the same table, strongly "was surprised to see that he didn't wash [his hands] before dinner." To which Jesus said to him: “Today you Pharisees cleanse the outside of the cup and the platter, but your insides are full of robbery and wickedness.”(Luke 11:38-39). Thus, Christ made it clear that the outer side of a person is not as important as the inner. The same goes for clothes!

By the way, the previously mentioned Haddis from Abu Dawud (Argument 3) said very well on this occasion: “dignity is an internal state...” In this regard, I want to convey to all believers and all spiritual leaders the wisdom that came to me one day in the form of a revelation: “the task of true religion is to teach people to hear the voice of their conscience and to protect them from the lies of those who have trampled on their conscience.” This is what religious teachers who will become participants in the international peacekeeping Union of Christians and Muslims will have to do.

Fortunately, many adherents of Islam are doing this everywhere today - they teach people to hear the voice of their conscience and protect them from the lies of those who have trampled on their conscience.

I can illustrate the above with an example: on October 13, 2012 in Ufa (Russia, Bashkortostan) at the IX Congress of the Central Spiritual Administration of Muslims, the Ambassador of Iran in Moscow, Reza Sajjadi, gave a short but vivid speech. He addressed the Muslims of the Russian Federation with the following words:

“True Islam is a religion of peace, peace and humanity. The Koran in Surah Al-Anbiya says about the prophet of Islam: “We sent you only so that you would be a source of mercy for all mankind.” The Koran does not say “for Muslims”, it says “for all mankind”.

Those who commit cruelty in the name of Islam are not friends, but enemies of Islam, enemies of the Prophet. Since the Prophet is a source of mercy, then his followers should also be sources of mercy..." The distinguished ambassador also considered it extremely important to speak at the congress of Muslims about those who fill our world with cruelty and vice. Following modern tradition, Iranian Ambassador Reza Sajadi called the enemies of Islam and peace with the term “Zionists,” linking this concept not with"the love of the Jews for their homeland" , as they interpret, but with the term widespread in the twentieth century"Zion mafia"

, which is still commonly called today, living off the deception and robbery of other peoples. "Today Zionism is a symbol of cruelty and an enemy of humanity and Islam. Don't think that Zionism is only in clothes Judaism. He also appears in the clothes of Christianity and Islam. Hosni Mubarak of Egypt was outwardly Muslim, but prevented food and medicine from being sent to Gaza. In fact, he was a Zionist. George Bush and Mitt Romney are outwardly Christians, but in reality they are Zionists. By and large, the backwardness of the Islamic world is the result of having leaders who only pretend to be Muslims, but in fact, are Zionists. The most important goal of Zionism is to create divisions: divisions among Muslims, divisions between Christians and Muslims, and divisions between nations.

Today, everyone who takes the path of disagreement becomes a soldier of Zionism... Our Prophet said:“Islam is based on two foundations: faith in God and unity (renunciation of contradictions).”

Therefore, all religions and nations should try to put aside contradictions, drive out supporters of cruelty from their ranks and, like the Prophet Christ and the Prophet Mohammad (may the blessing of God be upon them!), become sources of mercy.”

I hope now everyone understands what true Islam is? Argument 5.

"Who is a believer and who is not"

“I often see in public transport how grannies cross themselves at every church we pass by. On TV they show the same grannies praying in church, often among them are bosses of various ranks with lit candles in their hands.

Are they believers? Not at all necessary. Often this is fashion, often just imitation, and often hypocrisy - piety for show. There are many “massed believers” who are inclined to expose people of other faiths and non-believers and even destroy them. At the same time, among those who call themselves “atheists,” there are often honest, moral, and decent people.

We need to understand what faith is. If a male or female granny imagines God as a kind of little man with a beard sitting on a cloud who can send down a freebie, you just need to ask Him well, or if the granny believes that some kind of “relic” or “belt” will bestow all sorts of benefits, you just need to to venerate it, then this is not “faith”, but superstition - vanity in vain. If a person believes that it is enough to perform rituals and honor priests, and then you will be awarded heaven beyond the grave, then this is also not “faith”, but an ape-like ritual belief. For God is not in a cloud and not in a “miracle” and not in an external ritual, but in the Spark of God that is within.

Both superstition and ritual belief are either antipodes of faith, or a lack of it. Superstitionists and ritualists cannot be considered believers.

How are believers different?

The German philosopher Immanuel Kant said that he was amazed at two things - the starry sky above and the moral law within. Believers are those who hear the message of this Higher superhuman moral will coming from the depths of the human being, that is, they hear their own conscience. Once he hears, it means he recognizes her against the background of the noise of existence and thereby makes sure of her knowledge and believes her.

Believing your own conscience means being a believer, no matter what cultural-linguistic-confessional environment you grew up in, regardless of these or those external rituals, “miracles,” prejudices and obscurantism.

And not every “atheist” who militantly denies ritual and miracle is an unbeliever, for if he has a conscience, then he obeys the highest principle of the world and man and thereby believes in Him. And even if this highest principle (Kant’s “categorical imperative”) is thought of as impersonal in the form of some higher program, the one who comprehends the highest in himself and thereby knows himself comes to the personality in himself as the highest prototype and ascends to the Supreme Personality in himself.

Thus, the criterion of faith is conscience. He who does not have a conscience is not a believer, no matter how much he imitates piety, even if he is the Pope himself or the Patriarch of All Rus'. And vice versa, someone who calls himself an “atheist,” if he has a conscience, is a true believer, although he usually opposes rituals and superstitions that lead away from the Highest Principle.”

Argument 6. We have already found out that true religion is everyday life according to conscience (in truth and according to the will of God), whose voice one must be able to hear and recognize in oneself against the background of the noise of existence.

Muslims, in order to hear the voice of Allah within themselves, try to do such a procedure as prayer every day. Christians usually practice communion with God while standing.

I foresee the question: will it be necessary to come to a “common denominator” when creating an international peacekeeping Union of Christians and Muslims?

I answer: I don’t see any point in this. In addition, some people have such a strong connection with God that they can do without the procedure of namaz or prayer in the temple.

Argument 7. Now I will tell you, friends, the most interesting thing.

Think about what goal religion sets for a person? After all, this is extremely important! If we are to one day come to unity, then through what faith?

Through Islam? Or maybe through Christianity? After all, Jesus clearly said: “I have other sheep which are not of this fold, and these I must bring, and they will hear My voice, and there will be one flock and one shepherd...”

Unfortunately, few Christian believers have ever delved into what doctrine modern so-called “Christianity” is based on. And if they got into it, I think many would be very surprised and upset. As Herodotus once said, “In any case, you need to keep in mind its outcome, how it will end”. Also, believers need to know what their religion promises at the end of the journey.

Why is this necessary? And then, there is a very high risk of everyone falling into a deep hole if a blind guide or an outright enemy suddenly turns out to be at the head of the procession! This is exactly what, by the way, Jesus warned the Jewish believers - Jews with a small J, following the lead of the Pharisees - Jews with a capital J: “Leave them alone: ​​they are blind leaders of the blind; and if a blind man leads a blind man, both will fall into a pit.” (Matthew 15:14).

I must say that the doctrine that modern so-called “Christianity” adheres to and the doctrine on which Islam is based are today so different that they can be considered diametrically opposed. I will say right away that they differ because once upon a time the meaning of Christian teaching was distorted by the enemies of Christ - the Jews. And this fact, fortunately, turned out to be recorded in the Koran. I quote the Holy Scripture of Islam: “Do not take Jews and Christians as friends: they are friends of one another. And if any of you takes them as friends, he is one of them!”(Sura 5: 56(51)).

Think about why the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) voiced these words?

Presumably, due to the fact that he knew about the substitution of truths in the teachings of Christ.

Firstly, under no circumstances could the Jews and should not have been among the friends of Christians, but they suddenly became friends of the Christian clergy! Become! Despite Jesus' clear prohibition: "Do not be unequally yoked with unbelievers, for what fellowship has righteousness with iniquity? What fellowship has light with darkness?"(2 Cor. 6:14).

Secondly, the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) saw with his own eyes and heard with his own ears that the Jews (through friendship with Christian clergy) managed, unnoticed by the believing people, to replace the true goal of Christianity with a false one. And here's proof of that.

What does the Russian Orthodox Church, together with Catholicism and Protestantism, promise to believers today? Think about it!

Oh God! The doctrine of modern Christianity is the expectation of the End of the World! This means the destruction of humanity by the forces of Evil, "end of earthly life". Evil will be able to defeat good, and all people will be destroyed, but this does not mean the death of the righteous, the false Christian priests reassure the people, then the righteous will be resurrected and will find an “afterlife.” But first everyone will die!

In a brief summary by the head of the Russian Orthodox Church, Patriarch Kirill, it sounds like this: “We know when the End of the World will happen,- said the head of the Russian Orthodox Church in the Cathedral of Christ the Savior on January 7, 2013 after the Great Christmas Vespers. - It will not happen from any collision of the Earth with an asteroid, nor from any cataclysm, - it will happen when there is more evil in the world than good, when no regulatory factors will be able to extinguish the reaction that intensifies evil to infinity, because society will cease be viable". .

This is the “pit” into which blind guides who call themselves followers of Christ the Savior are leading and want to drop all of humanity!

The Patriarch of the Russian Orthodox Church does not believe (!) that there will be a Second Coming!!! At the same time, he believes that “one day there will be more evil than good” and then “society will cease to be viable”!

But Jesus promised that the history of civilization would have a completely different ending. Judge for yourself. I quote the Gospel. “He who sows the good seed is the Son of Man; the field is the world; the good seed are the sons of the Kingdom, and the tares are the sons of the evil one; the enemy who sowed them is the devil; the harvest is the end of the age, and the reapers are angels. Therefore, just as the tares are gathered up and burned with fire, so it will be at the end of this age: the Son of Man will send His angels, and they will gather from His kingdom all who offend and those who practice iniquity, and will throw them into the fiery furnace; there will be weeping and gnashing of teeth; then the righteous will shine like the Sun in the Kingdom of their Father. He who has ears to hear, let him hear!”(Matthew 13:37-43).

As we see, it was not for nothing that Jesus received the nickname Savior. He painted a perspective according to which the Son of Man (Mahdi in Islam) will send his Angels at the appointed hour and they will destroy "all temptations and workers of iniquity", will literally burn them in a “fiery furnace”, while “The righteous will shine like the sun in the kingdom of their Father”.

Thus, in accordance with the teachings of Jesus Christ, it is not Evil that will triumph over Good, but quite the opposite, Good that will triumph over Evil.

Obviously, one of the Jews managed very cleverly and a very long time ago to change the places of “white” and “black” in the Christian doctrine.

Now let us once again delve into the doctrine of Islam to see that it fully corresponds to the true teachings of Christ, or at least does not contradict the above prophecy.

“The Mahdi is the Imam who will create world order, he will make the ruling nations pay for crimes against society. He will bring benefit to humanity. He will find the hidden wealth of the earth and distribute it fairly among the needy. He will teach modest living and subtle reflection. He will make you understand that dignity is an internal state that lies in the middle between two extremes, and which is based on equality and justice. He will restore the teachings of the Holy Qur'an and the traditions of the Holy Prophet after the world has ignored them... He will protect science and higher knowledge and use them. His control over this will be complete. He will value higher knowledge and will always use it with reverence. His mind will be free from the desire to harm humanity. The highest knowledge with him will be like some property that was misused in the past, but which he now gives permission to reuse and correctly. At the very beginning he will be like a poor, inglorious stranger. And Islam will be in a hopeless and helpless state, like an emaciated camel with a drooping head and a limply swinging tail. But then he will establish the Kingdom of God throughout the world. He will teach everyone proof of God’s mercy - His Desire to give man Knowledge of the right life.”(Haddis from Abu Dawud, Najul Balagha, Khutba 141, 187).

That's all for now, friends!

I considered it my duty to tell you about my feelings and views, as well as about the essence of modern so-called “Christianity” and modern Islam. Next, choose for yourself which path best suits your worldview and your spirit.

However, whatever your decision, I am sure that you will agree with me: the creation of an international peacekeeping Union of Christians and Muslims should be an important step towards the salvation of humanity during the period of global domination of SATANISM on earth.

It is appropriate to add to all of the above that before Nikon’s church reform, which was carried out in the mid-17th century, Christianity in Rus' was called “orthodox.” That is, just some 360 ​​years ago, both Christians and Muslims TOGETHER were called TRUE BELIEVERS!!!

Today there is a compelling reason to once again restore our religious cooperation and interaction.

A couple of thoughts for atheists: from communicating with different people and observing myself, I discovered an interesting pattern: if you do not swear for 40 days, do not smoke or drink alcohol, extinguish irritation and aggression in yourself (it is important for 40 days or more) - they begin to come very good thoughts come to mind. At the same time, conscience, which was previously dormant, awakens, intuition begins to work, which often acts as a guardian angel. For example, you completely forgot that you have to go to an important meeting, and suddenly a reminder comes to you, as if by itself, either in the form of a dream or in the form of a clear thought! I recommend everyone to try it! And then, you see, atheism will pass...

I repeat, I wrote this more than 3 years ago, and today I don’t even have a shadow of a doubt that "the salvation of the world will occur due to the emergence of a new religion in Russia", in the foundation of which will be the oldest teaching on earth “About the spirit, which is God”! And even the science of Nature - physics - recognizes this Teaching as true!

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Christianity is a religion of reproach and suffering.

Islam is a religion of fear and punishment.

Buddhism is a religion of non-violence and peace.

Krishna Consciousness is the science of surrender to the Lord.

Salavat (Simha-griva das), 47 years old, brahmachari. In the Society for Krishna Consciousness - 23 years.

To achieve the golden mean, knowledge of extremes is necessary.

A new teaching (the golden mean) may arise as a result of the manifestation of extremes.

This article will cover Christianity, Islam, Buddhism and Krishna Consciousness. The development of human thought is reflected in religions and teachings. Religions (Christianity, Islam, Krishna Consciousness) are built on indirect (through religious institutions, through a system of discipleship, through communication with a guru) worship of the Supreme Being (God) and the rituals that serve this worship. In general, the following main features of all religions can be distinguished:

  1. at the heart of any religion is the cult of a personalized God (the Absolute)
  2. the relationship of the flock (disciples) with a personalized God is built through specially created religious institutions (churches, mosques, ashrams) or chains of successive discipleship (relationships between student and guru)
  3. Serving God presupposes the obligatory performance of rituals (reading prayers, mantras, prayer, baptism, ablutions...)

A distinctive feature of all religions from the teachings (namely, Buddhism, Zen Buddhism, Taoism) is the cult of the anthropomorphic (that is, in human likeness) Supreme Divine Essence, “surrender to God,” “submission,” “submission” (to the laws of Allah, the commandments Gentlemen). The attractiveness of all religions lies in the proximity (anthropomorphism) of the object of worship to the congregation. God in religious scriptures is often endowed with human qualities; he himself appears in human form, which is depicted on icons (this applies to Christianity and Krishna Consciousness). The humanized God is the embodiment of the ideal, absolutized virtue, omnipotence and, most importantly, authority raised to truth. The commandments (laws) of God cannot be questioned.

The flock (disciples) are denied direct comprehension of the essence of God, since for them, according to religious teachings, it is incomprehensible. To bring the flock (disciples) closer to God, there are servants of God (gurus). Through the servants of God (a clergyman or mullah) or a system of discipleship and novitiate, the flock (disciples) can “communicate” with God.

Rituals are an integral part of religions. Without rituals, religions cannot exist. It is rituals (especially religious holidays) that unite people into religious communities. Each religion has its own rituals and attributes by which followers can be distinguished. Religious teaching without certain actions (rituals) loses its meaning. It has long been a proven fact that knowledge supported by practice is best remembered and stored on a subconscious level. Rituals are practices. By performing rituals, a person joins one religion or another.

According to the predictions of the prophets, the second coming of the Messiah, which dates back to 2015-2016, will be marked by the era of a new religion (the unification of religions into one).

According to the Russian language dictionary by D. N. Ushakov, the meaning of the word “messiah” is the Savior, according to the theory of Judaism and Christian churches, sent to Earth by God to cleanse it from sin, and the word itself comes from the Hebrew “madlyashiah” (literally - anointed; Greek translation - Christ).

Each religious teaching originated and was formed in certain historical conditions, which determines their specificity. Each religious teaching pursued its own goals.

At the heart of Christianity and Islam is the idea of ​​“surrendering oneself to God,” “submission,” “submission” (to the laws of Allah, the commandments of the Lord). Religions built on the idea of ​​submission and submission are a kind of instrument of suppression and control in the hands of those in power.

Since its inception, religious power has existed inextricably with secular power in a symbiotic relationship. Religious authority filled the state treasury (religious donations) and helped govern the people. Since then, the role of religions in modern countries has not changed.

In the USSR, instead of religion, they introduced ideology, which pursued the same goals.

In post-industrial society, transcorporations have created an ideology of consumption. Advertising controls people's minds. The famous 1930s economist John Keynes believed that in the 21st century people would work no more than 15 hours a week thanks to technological progress. But Keynes, firstly, did not know that our contemporaries would be obsessed with the concept of “consumption equals success,” and secondly, he did not imagine that an incredible number of specialties and professions would be created, which the world could easily do without.

Thus, religion is a tool for controlling the masses. We can put an equal sign between ideology and religion. People need meaning in life (dream). If there is demand, supply appears. Some find meaning in religions, others in consumerist ideologies.

Question: "Do people need a new religion?"

My answer will be unequivocal: “No.”

Question: "Will the new religion be a unification of existing religious teachings into one?"

As one could understand, every person needs a meaning in life, an object of faith, a dream. A person wants to fill his inner emptiness. A person wants to believe in a better future. A person must have a dream.

I propose to move away from considering religions (in the light of the main features highlighted in this article). The deep crisis (economic, environmental, spiritual) of society indicates the failure of existing religions and ideologies.

Everything new is well forgotten old.

We live in a society of Western standards (technocratic society of increasing consumption). In such a society, the idea of ​​the determining role of economic development, the idea of ​​subordinating nature to human purposes, prevails. The success of the state and its citizen is determined in economic indicators. The society of Western standards until recently was characterized by the absence of a holistic (whole) approach to the world, the absence of a systematic approach. A holistic approach to the world is a tradition of Eastern thinking. The world is considered as a living organism, in all the interconnections of its parts. It is the prevalence of a mechanistic approach (the absence of a holistic, systemic approach), which greatly simplifies cause-and-effect relationships, that has led to the crises (economic, environmental, spiritual) that we are seeing around the world.

Positive trends are the introduction of a systematic approach in science and technology, which can subsequently solve the economic and environmental crises of the modern technocratic consumer society.

However, the question of the spiritual crisis of society remains open. The spiritual cannot be reduced to the material. Consciousness cannot be reduced to a function of the brain. The solution to the economic and environmental crises will largely, first of all, be facilitated by the solution to the spiritual crisis of society.

Question: "How to cure the spiritual crisis of society?"

I also suggest turning to Eastern traditions. It is in the Eastern traditions that many thoughtful philosophers are looking for a way out of the spiritual crisis of society.

I propose to move on to ancient Chinese teachings. The most famous of them are Buddhism and Taoism.

Buddhism - This is the teaching of Buddha Shakyamuni. According to the four truths of this teaching, people can achieve Nirvana, thereby ending their suffering, which stems from desires.

According to Buddhism, the whole world is an illusion. The world depends on our perception. Suffering is an illusion, a creation of our consciousness. It is proposed to get rid of them through prolonged internal contemplation, observation and correction of thoughts.

Most of all, the understanding of the world as an illusion corresponds to the concept of the holographic Universe, developed by Pribram and Bohm.

Buddhism preaches the philosophy of the "middle path", the golden mean, denying asceticism and excessive passion for pleasure. Truth, according to Buddhism, lies in man himself. This teaching is intended to guide a person on the path of self-knowledge and self-development. This is the main difference between Buddhism and religions that preach the worship of an anthropomorphic God, following the letter of scripture and observing rituals.

Zen - one of the most important schools of Chinese and all East Asian Buddhism. Taoism had a great influence on the formation of this doctrine.

A distinctive feature of Zen is the lack of authority of words and written signs. Zen is learned not from the scriptures, but directly through communication between student and teacher (“from heart to heart”). Zen is the teaching of immersion in one's essence, the path of self-contemplation. The teacher's task is to convey to the student the ideas and methods of Zen. In essence, the roles of student and teacher are blurred, since everyone in this communication “from heart to heart” exchanges their ideas, everyone enriches each other. All Zen practice is aimed at revealing one's own essence.

Knowledge and understanding are different in their essence. Having knowledge does not imply understanding it. Only by passing knowledge through yourself can you understand it and join it. This is what Zen practices. Religions, in the form in which they exist, involve the worship of knowledge through reading or listening to sacred scriptures without understanding its essence.

Taoism - the teaching of returning to the Source of all things. The Taoist concept of “Nothing,” which at first glance seems empty, contains everything. This is the Origin of all things. The task of a Taoist practitioner is to dissolve his ego, “I”, and merge with “Nothing”.

The second important concept of Taoism is “Wu-wei” (the principle of non-action). If Western society preaches the active transformative power of human civilization and the passive (subordinate) role of nature in this process, then the principle of “Wu-wei” is intended to harmonize the activities of people, to subordinate it to the natural course of things in nature, which is considered as spiritualized, having an active creative principle.

The most widely used concepts in Western society are “Yin” and “Yang”. Each person in Taoism is seen as a microcosm, a unity of Yin and Yang, masculine and feminine.

This is a brief overview of the most common Eastern teachings.

Question: "Will the new religion be a unification of existing religious teachings into one?"

If we talk about religions, then every religion contains a grain of knowledge, the essence. However, sacred knowledge is hidden behind signs and symbols. The language of the gods is archetypes. In the “analytical psychology” of C. G. Jung, archetypes are the original, innate mental structures, images (motives) that make up the content of the so-called collective unconscious and underlie the universal symbolism of dreams, myths, fairy tales and other creations of fantasy, including fiction .

To know the sacred knowledge hidden behind the archetypes, a person must go through the alchemical process of initiation. Thus, there were 33 levels of initiation in Freemasonry. IN modern society It seems almost impossible for a person to undergo initiation through dedication. The path of occultism is difficult and dangerous. Only a few could complete this path to the end.

“There is a strange law in occultism, which has been witnessed and proven through thousands of years of experience... this law has been invariably confirmed in almost every case. As soon as one enters the path of the test subject, certain occult consequences begin to appear. And the first of them is the revelation of everything that has been in a person until now in a dormant state: his shortcomings, habits, qualities and hidden desires... if a person... is vain, or sensitive, or self-important, then all these vices are inevitable will come to light in him, even if until now he has managed to successfully hide and suppress them. They will come out uncontrollably, and he will have to fight them a hundred times harder than before before he can eradicate such tendencies in himself. A person who puts a mask on himself will not be able to hide his true nature, be it base or noble."

The simple truths of the teachings of Zen Buddhism and Taoism give rise to simple truth.

There are no words. There are no exercises. No religions.

From heart to heart, in the unity of Yin and Yang, see your own nature.

Three main principles:

  1. from heart to heart (direct knowledge transfer)
  2. unity of Yin and Yang (absence of teacher and mentor, equal relationships, relationships of mutual enrichment)
  3. see your own nature (direct your Qi energy, sexual energy to awaken Kundalini, energy centers, chakras)

You cannot teach to think “correctly,” but you can show the way to feel correctly.

Any animal is capable of feeling, including humans.

Teachings that have grains of truth appeal to consciousness, but it should be to feelings.

For so many centuries the world has been ruled by reason and consciousness. The era of female sensuality has arrived.

Love, if you carry it in your heart, will reveal, first of all, your true nature.

The point is to open your heart. Through purification through rebirth, open your heart.

The path of correct feeling can only be walked through the unity of Yin and Yang. It is in the unity of the masculine and feminine principles. To do this, you need to learn how to properly manage internal energy Qi. Direct this Qi energy to awaken Kundalini, which awakens and ignites energy centers in the human body (chakras), removing blocks and facilitating the opening of Sahasrara.

We live in a society of the cult of divinity male(the concept of the Tree of Life, the identity of church spiers with the phallus). The divine principles of the ancient peoples were personified by Mother Earth and her feminine manifestations (for example, caves and other holes in the soil). In modern consumer society, the feminine Earth is no longer revered, and animals and forests have simply become valuable prey.

According to a rough estimate by the World Factbook, up to 90% of earthlings experience spiritual thirst. The world is wrapped in a web of networks, floating in the virtual economy, leaving traces on Mars, finding the most elementary of elementary particles, diligently conquering itself and still searching for God. “Theories and Practices” tell how religious consciousness is being transformed in the 21st century, which, faced with scientific progress and social revolutions, has lost weight, but has not gone away.

Today, spiritual leaders find themselves at the epicenter of great political shifts, seizing the initiative from secular activists. Theologians, armed with the concept of postsecularism, are boldly winning back the flock from the decrepit postmodernity. Quasi-religious artistic activities and their consequences are discussed throughout the world, making unexpected inroads into pop culture. Religion worries modern times, and this is a paradoxical reality for those whose worldview is shaped by an advanced, mostly atheistic, agenda.

The main sources of spirituality today are still the great world religions. Their influence is enormous, but no longer so undeniable. Technical and social progress is more difficult for them than others and gradually leads them to the abyss of choice: transformation or collapse. On this path to the future, the religious is dispersed and embodied in other, small and malleable forms. Over the past half century, a huge number of diverse movements have emerged that use the challenges of the new everyday life, which were not handled in any way by the cumbersome churches of the past. Here, in metaphysical field laboratories on the margins of Christianity, Islam, Buddhism and Hinduism, the gods of the new age are synthesized. To comprehend the religious consciousness of the future, we must understand what it dreams of and where it is going today.

To the new

Of all the new religions, heresies are the easiest to spot. There have always been intricate branches of the dominant faiths, and modernity is not surprising. Today their number is innumerable, but we are interested in those who try to include pressing issues in their preaching. The first, like the sharply conservative Christian and Islamic groups that have proliferated in recent years, negatively perceive changes in public life and seek to roll back social changes to the moment when, for example, abortion was considered an obvious murder, and same-sex sexual relations a crime. Organizations like the Episcopal Church, which in the twenty-first century practices the ordination of women and, in test mode, homosexuals, understand the opposite. American priest Matthew Fox perfectly illustrates the dream of the “new,” trying to preserve the Gospel for a world where no one cares about your sexuality or gender. As a theologian of the new Christian spirituality, Fox creates a dialogue between the church and the progressive public. His arsenal includes unexpected mass raves and 95 theses of a new spirituality, nailed with deliberate cinematography on the door of the Castle Church, as Martin Luther once did.

To death

However, we should not forget that heresies and religious consciousness can be extremely destructive. Over the past half century, totalitarian and apocalyptic cults have become a favorite focus of the media, demonstrating the inherent nature of spiritual madness. And although such sects have always existed, after experiencing the horrors of the twentieth century, they deliberately exploit the believer’s fear of a complex world and the temptation to find themselves at the final point of the religious narrative, at the end of time, when the appearance of God will be inevitable and obvious. The Branch Davidians, Aum Shinrikyo, Jim Jones's apostolic socialism, and dozens of other notorious sects fall into this category, revealing man's futile but recurring interest in self-destruction.

Towards unity and tolerance

In addition to adapting to the obvious social changes of our time, large religious movements are working hard to create alternative projects for reality. One of them is universal unity, the dream of a cosmopolitan world, duplicating the civilizational initiatives of international institutionalization and basic messianic values. We are talking about the so-called syncretic religions, the number of which also numbers in the hundreds and takes on bizarre, sometimes monstrous forms. But the most consistent of them are already an impressive spectacle with millions of followers scattered around the world with a huge appetite for absorbing more traditional flocks. This is approximately how Baha’ism functions, whose commandments require, first of all, the irrefutable unity of all the major religions of the world and recognize the independent search for truth before each of its members.

Towards simplification

The desire for unity reveals not only the positive and constructive attitude of the future religious consciousness, but also speaks of an obvious simplification of views. Over thousands of years, Christianity, Islam, Buddhism, Judaism, and Hinduism have refined their philosophies and practices to form complex, contradictory, yet rich spiritual systems that require lifelong commitment to master. For representatives of different cultures, mutual involvement in these systems was completely impossible. But in our time this process has reversed. Zen Buddhism, yoga, transcendental meditation, and tantrism poured from the East to the West. Eclectic and syncretic cults fascinated the consumer society with their simplicity and accessibility and gave birth to New Age mutants in their brew, mixing the genes of everything from ancient shamans to Kabbalah. In the East, Westernization has given birth to bizarre varieties of Christianity like the Moon Unification Church or unusual movements like the swastika-wielding Falun Gong, proving that the tendency toward simplistic inclusion is present today in all modern forms of religious consciousness, regardless of mentality.

To pseudoscience

In the 19th century, a fundamental misunderstanding of the nature of electricity led to the emergence of spiritualism. This tradition has not gone away and has become stronger in the religious consciousness. The superficial perception of science began to lead in the direction of the metaphysical and the emergence of techno-myths, UFO religions and schools of pseudo-psychology. People who have already been brought up on a scientific picture of the world still want to find an outlet for their spiritual energy and notice God in the supernatural, in alien civilizations, without denying the material basis of the Universe. For example, the Raelites defend the values ​​of the sexual revolution, the development of scientific progress, the absence of God as such, but they themselves believe in supercivilization, recognizing the need to meet and dissolve in the highest and inaccessible. By flirting with psychology and science, Scientologists establish their intellectual foundation in Dianetics, but instantly lose it as soon as they learn about the colorful space opera in which their world is immersed. Such movements, in their internal logic, resemble cargo cults of airplane worshipers, but at the same time, they obviously capture the thirst for the religious among those who are well aware of the theories of evolution and the big bang.

Towards ecology

The next step in religious consciousness was the return of interest in the external environment. As evidenced by the revival of ancient pagan cults and the popularity of the myth of natural balance. Every known folk tradition of the past has emerged from sleep and has been embodied in the practices of grateful descendants, who, without any problems, connected in their souls the presence of cellular communications and the deification of the ancient forces of nature. Urbanization, global warming and environmental disasters awaken in them not only an interest in political activism, but also a craving for the transcendental. The growing gap between the natural and the technological only strengthens this trait and pushes people who are especially sensitive to nature not only to geographical, but also to spiritual escapism.

Towards mysticism

Beyond simplified systems and flying saucers, the information society of the last fifty years has revived a mystical consciousness. The victorious march of virtual everything, from economics to sex, could not help but revive the dormant occult forces driven deep underground by world religions. U modern man Interest in magic and the occult has sharply increased, which in no way contradict the triumph of the symbolic observed in the world. Modern tricksters happily exploit this hedonistic and aesthetically fascinating side of religious consciousness, degenerating into the form of psychics, channeling, tarot, witchcraft and other conscious charlatanism, and gradually build the road to the deification of illusions.

Towards anti-religiosity

Religious consciousness today is paradoxically used to identify obvious contradictions between itself and the modern world. Parody religions such as the flying spaghetti monster, the invisible pink unicorn, the sentient fall, and the church of the fool, along with pop culture ridicule such as Jediism and the cult of the Big Lebowski, invite people to ironic interpretations of the inherent absurdity that is inherent in the entire spiritual realm. This irony can be read especially well when communicating with ardent propagandists of creationism and other pseudoscientific ideas presented as a real alternative to science. In a similar way, only without much irony, movements like the Church of Euthanasia, Copism or the well-known Church of Satan operate. These movements use the institutional nature of religion to solve problems in those societies where spiritual enterprises are given not only ideological but also legal advantages over other forms of self-organization.

Towards pragmatism

If we discard the maximum of the metaphysical and turn to the spiritual with the approach of an exemplary manager, then from the religious consciousness functional practices emerge that work no worse than psychological and corporate trainings. The former organize movements similar to the “Art of Living” and are more like personal growth seminars. The latter, like Scientologists, deliberately use the developments of psychological schools, sometimes mutating into business enterprises like Zepter and Amway, whose commercial activities are based on quasi-religious ceremony and motivational ecstatic sermons. Such an attitude towards spiritual needs strengthens corporate culture and, despite its totalitarian nature, turns processed religious consciousness into an obvious management tool for companies of the future.

Towards transgression

Hardly identifiable movements like polygamous sects, more like swingers' parties with a light ritual atmosphere, or murderous spiritual leaders who gather people with manic tendencies around them, or racist organizations like the Church of the Creator, not only attract a lot of public attention, but also indicate the clear transgressive potential of religion. Without understanding how to sell their antisocial needs to society, these groups of people dress up their addictions in the form of a cult and justify themselves as a supernatural order of things. This loophole to absolute freedom through God will probably also remain reserved for religious consciousness and no rational arguments or obvious evidence will fundamentally prevent this.

If intuition still fails the apocalyptic cults, then all the above-mentioned directions will only become more dense in the future. It is important to understand that the path forward here is paved not by ignorance or the evil plan of a group of enterprising priests, but by a special perception of the world developed and formed in the rhythm of civilization, which does not turn to the logical answers of the external, scientific world, but listens to the usual whisper of the inner one. Called religious, such consciousness is capable of working not only with the obvious task of psychologically overcoming the corruption of existence, but also solving other more mundane problems at the same time. Such a condition cannot be uprooted, as radical atheist propaganda wants, nor can it be denied - even in the twenty-first century it manifests itself in the vast majority of humanity and in amazing diversity. Therefore, the position that will be rational and productive in the future will be one that learns to contact and work with religious consciousness, implying that this is truly consciousness, and not a set of primitive delusions of collective insanity.

Until recently, yoga practitioners were quietly laughed at, and vegetarians were hard to find during the day. Today among their ranks are stars, politicians, oligarchs, it-girls and you and your friends. We have selected the most influential systems, ways of life and teachings that can safely be called new religions.


In Hinduism, yoga is a set of physical and mental practices that help achieve moksha, or liberation from reincarnation. Celebrities and everyone else who doesn't leave home without a yoga mat today are unlikely to set such lofty goals, but yoga really restores contact with the body.

Neo-Advaita and Vedanta

The doctrine of non-duality is one of the six main philosophical schools of Hinduism. Saint Ramana Maharshi formulated its essence this way: “The world is illusory. Brahman (the impersonal root cause of the world) is real. Brahman is this world." Neo-Advaita followers tend to focus on the first part - the world is illusory, there is no “I”, then why work? The result is an elegant form of escapism for yuppies who, for various reasons, were unable to quit and move to Goa, and therefore are forced to spend the winter in the snow. They don’t kill themselves at work, gently shift their responsibilities to their colleagues and always maintain a good mood.


This Hawaiian practice became famous thanks to Joe Vitale, one of the authors of the best-selling book “The Secret”: he wrote another book about ho’oponopono, “Life Without Limits.” The bottom line is that you are 100% responsible for everything that happens in your life - from personal problems and illnesses of loved ones to the global financial crisis. By starting to use special cleansing tools, you can change not only yourself, but also the world.


Vegetarianism, fruitarianism, veganism, farm food, eco-villages, water births, clothing made from natural materials, environmentally friendly cosmetics and household chemicals - Rousseau’s call “Back to nature!” never before has it been taken so literally. Many - such as Gwyneth Paltrow with her constant detox and vegan Alicia Silverstone - follow eco-lifestyle with fanaticism. Ecologists who protect nature from humans are also aggressive adherents of this religion. They are doing a good job, but in their picture of the world, man is not the pinnacle of the universe, but a harmful organism, which contradicts the three main religions: Christianity, Islam and Buddhism.


Modern shamans do not wear feather clothes, but have Ph.D. in anthropology or psychology and consult for large corporations. Among those who have taken ideas about shamanism to a new level are anthropologist Michael Harner, the creator of procedural psychology, Arnold Mindell, and medical anthropologist Alberto Villoldo. main idea neo-shamanism - anyone can learn to contact the spirit world in order to unlock their potential.

Tibetan (Tantric) Buddhism

This system offers very powerful and fast practices for working with your own psyche. American neuroscientists who studied the brains of Tibetan lamas using a tomograph found that their brain zones responsible for fear and anxiety were practically frozen, while the zones of happiness and compassion were several times more active than in ordinary people. Adherents of Tibetan Buddhism are Uma Thurman's father Bob Thurman and actor Richard Gere.


A secret mystical practice in Judaism, which was previously only available to married men over 40 who had studied the Torah for many years. With the light hand of rabbis Michael Laitman and Philip Berg and their sons, Kabbalah became available to everyone, from Madonna and Ashton Kutcher to ordinary Russian oligarchs. Followers of this new Kabbalah are not required to read the Torah, change their religion, or give up their habits. All that is required is to understand and apply the spiritual principles of Kabbalah in everyday life. For example - when receiving money, share, do charity, pacify the ego. The motto of the Kabbalah Center in Moscow is “Get to know. Change. Unite."

Holistic medicine

Holistic means “whole.” Holistic medicine (which includes naturopathy, homeopathy, Ayurveda, acupuncture, etc.) perceives the body as a single system, emphasizing prevention rather than treatment, and also that the head should be healed first, not the body.

Personal growth trainings

Landmark and other personal growth trainings have also become a religion for many. Usually the training is led by a very charismatic guru, who guarantees complete “transformation” in three days. Those who are ready for this really receive a resource for changes in life, but for many, after the training, the upliftment is replaced by deep depression.


Translated from Japanese, “reiki” means “cosmic energy”, and the one who practices reiki connects to it using a special ritual. Founded this system of healing and spiritual development Japanese doctor Mikao Usui. There are many other techniques for managing various energies (female, male, ancestral, etc.). Some are taken from shamanism, Buddhism and martial arts. Other - clean water marketing.

Expansion of consciousness

In the 1960s, anthropologist Timothy Leary experimented with LSD. Later, experimenters switched to legal hallucinogens - holotropic breathing, rebirthing. They help you go beyond the ego and see the world from a different point of view.

Downshifting and Globetrotting

Two phenomena that have changed our ideas about how we can manage our time, money and plans for the future. But if downshifters refuse corporate, well-paid slavery in favor of meditation on a Thai beach, then globetrotters combine traveling around the world with active work or creative activity. Both of them need almost nothing except a credit card and a tablet, and both of them look defiantly free. Perhaps this is what awaits us all in light of the impending global crisis.

From the editor. We are publishing the fourth chapter from V.I. Talanin’s book “The Essence of the Ideology of Transhumanism: Modern Information Technologies.”

4. Transhumanism as a new religion of the 21st century

So, based on the analysis carried out, can we answer the question, what is the essence of modern IR? To understand this, we need to remember the clarifications of Krzhizhanovsky and Orwell that everything is carried out in communist era. We also need to remember the words of Krzhizhanovsky that the main inhabitant of the communist era is Deceased.

If modern man has already been turned for the most part into an animal, incapable of generalizing, analyzing and thinking critically, is he a human being? The ability to speak is not a defining sign of humanity. If in the next phase of development, that is, in phase of health, the person will become cyborg, will he be human? Krzhizhanovsky’s opinion that such a person will living dead correlates well with the concept of E. Fromm (1900-1980) about necrophilic character of modern civilization. The main aspects of this concept are as follows: 1) modern civilization– technogenic, that is, artificial, therefore dead; 2) a sign of dehumanization - the deification of machines; 3) symbols of carrion - automata and mechanisms; 4) since a person becomes part of a mechanism, the person himself becomes a machine (robot). Transhumanism postulates that the main feature posthuman society there will be a controlled earthly immortality of the human body. It is not at all hidden that the posthuman “man”, without any appeal to science fiction, can be called robot. However, the immortality of a body with a dead soul really represents a type living corpse.

Since Krzhizhanovsky turned out to be right in his prediction of the character of modern man, he must also be right regarding the characteristics of his habitat. The modern world is truly socialist: up to 95% of all political forces in the world in some form declare their commitment to socialism, from democrats to nationalists. Communism will be the next stage of human development, that is, knowledge society. To understand this you do not need to be either a Marxist or a socialist. For the first time, a parallel between transhumanism and communism was drawn by the sociologist M. Dublin, but he drew it only in a general historical aspect, pointing out that a number of ideological doctrines that took place in the movements of scientism and nihilism and subsequently merged into socialism can be entirely found in transhumanism.

Indeed, in the work of J. de Rosney it is specified that the statement planetary collective consciousness leads to the impossibility of posthumanity following its individual aspirations. Total collectivism, in his opinion, also leads to the refusal to control the power vertical and, consequently, to the destruction of governments in particular and the states that bear these governments in particular. Based on this, it is believed that transhumanism is a mechanism for moving away from the traditional world of many small and large states on the path to a single world statehood; it is assumed that this will be realized by 2050. It is clarified that the first value of OZ, which is replacing IO, is “ the process of homogenization of cultures, followed by the extinction of languages ​​and cultural traditions in many regions of the world". A very popular idea is that AI is “ society of non-knowledge", and the HP will be a certain " salvation"of humanity.

Thus, with the help of IT, for the first time in human history, it became possible to implement all utopian communist doctrines, starting with Pythagoras and Plato: building society total happiness. If an individual is constantly full, satisfied and thinks only about saturation and satisfaction, he is happy, since he is disconnected from any external stimuli, without the ability to make decisions. Therefore, it can really be said that with the help of computer science, under the slogans of global democracy, communism in its classical (non-Soviet) presentation is being defeated in the world.

The highest goal of human development is to achieve harmony through love for one's neighbor. But it is impossible to love everyone equally; sincere love is only possible for someone equal to oneself, because one cannot love by envying. Democratic equalization of all is possible only if we consider each individual as a node in a worldwide computer network through totalitarian control over thoughts and feelings. In this case, it becomes clear why in modern society traditional love is prohibited: d Democratic love is totalitarianism as the highest stage of democracy, and its goal is to purge humanity of humanity in the name of humanity.

Modern IO and the future OZ affirm a collective type of thinking (collectivism, globalism, cosmism or universalism) and therefore these societies are totalitarian. This type of thinking, when the point of view of the minority becomes dominant for the majority, and any individual desire that does not coincide with the “generally accepted” is rejected as false, is destructive. IT depersonalizes people and strives to make everyone the same in order to achieve social harmony. At the same time, as they say, “out of the gate” the eternal truth is rejected that people are not equal to each other: the Lord gives everyone his talents, and human inequality is due precisely to this fact. Only then is legitimate mental inequality determined by biological (gender, race) and social (class origin and level of income) factors: for the Lord gives everyone the opportunity to reveal their talent/talents. During children’s studies, it is impossible to equate a school class according to the lagging behind or the “average” class, so as not to “upset” the others, but also man and woman can never be and should never be equal(due to their different purposes), as well as mentally ill sodomites with triads and normal, healthy people cannot and should not be equal.

At the same time, in our world, at the beginning of the 21st century, the exact opposite is being imposed: mentally ill persons are declared “healthy,” and the fact of interhuman inequality is rejected even at the biological level. It should therefore be understood that as a modern socialism, speaking under the slogans of “democracy”, and the coming communism, - are a system in which it is declared, promoted and enforced equality of the disenfranchised. The only difference between the current situation and the coming victory of transhumanism is that now everyone disenfranchised intensively instill a false sense of pseudo-freedom (from which one can free oneself only by understanding the falsity of what is happening around), and when transhumanist communism every disenfranchised will be equipped with special attachments that will regularly maintain the sensation happiness because everything disenfranchised Now equal, and nothing can disturb this.

This was first defined - in other terms - by L. Mumford (1895-1990). In his work he examined human hierarchical organization. He called the internal structure of society megamachine, meaning by this a structuring of social society in which people are depersonalized and are standardized and interchangeable components. The development of technology, in his opinion, reached the middle of the twentieth century. to such a level that it became possible to talk about the cessation of its functions as an instrument, as well as its transition to the state of an active subject of reality, capable of transforming a person in his own image and likeness. And, despite the fact that in general the author did not protest against the technological innovations of his time, he was forced to postulate that human mechanization directs human energy in the wrong direction, perverting and nullifying the goals of humanity.

Two hundred years ago, they tried to make a revolution, the purpose of which was the depersonalization and standardization of humanity, with the help of a rifle, and now with the help of a computer and its derivatives. Socialist revolutionaries of the 19th and 20th centuries rejected floor, because it is closely related to love, A Love kills the revolution. Modern transhumanism also rejected floor for the same reason. The only difference is that two hundred/one hundred/sixty years ago they tried to prohibit sexual desire (Orwell), but now they have allowed anything (Huxley). However, both of them sought to destroy the human family and sever the ties between parents and children. That is, the goal of the revolutionaries of the 19th century and the transhumanists of the 21st century are the same, since the consequence of any globality is slavery. Within IR, information monopolies limit information choice in all areas of activity because they offer only one version of reality. Brave New World needed new person , obtained artificially. Such a pseudo-man, that is, a mechanism (robot, golem), will only be able to work and enjoy. He will not be able to think and reason. Bradbury described the principles of creating such a person without surgery: to rid the person of all the feelings that prevent him from adapting to the socialist revolution. However, the opposition, as Zamyatin, Krzhizhanovsky, Bradbury and even Orwell have shown, can always disrupt harmony. Therefore, from the point of view of transhumanism, the implantation operation vibrophages necessary: ​​this procedure will destroy the opposition and make all of humanity pseudo-happy. A man for communism - the main problem, because the I always opposes We. However, it must be remembered that I without We also impossible. Therefore, we think that individualism cannot be propagated, but we must fight for individuality.

We will try to identify the main points of contact between transhumanism and religion. It is entirely logical that from the theosophical concept of de Chardin, who denied Christ the status of the God-man, in symbiosis with the famous slogan of F. Nietzsche (1844-1900) - “God is dead!” – the so-called “ dead god theology» (« liberation theology"") D. Bonhoeffer (1906-1945). According to this doctrine: 1) in the modern world God " overcome and rejected", since the world became " adult"; 2) Christianity must renounce Christ, renounce the dualism of Divine and human, become “ irreligious Christianity", based on love for one's neighbor, that is, on " doing justice for people».

Transhumanism has fully accepted this doctrine, making it its own basis. One of the programmatic transhumanist works postulates that the connection “ little Omegas"in general" Omega point"(in de Chardin's terminology) will lead to the final collapse of the known Universe, which fact creates the conditions for eternal human immortality in reality, simulated inside megacomputer, which may be called " posthuman god". It is also clarified here that the main view of transhumanism is pure materialism, which does not recognize the existence of a transcendental soul. If so, then the human body, which is not the receptacle of the immortal soul, also does not have intrinsic value, since, according to transhumanists, it is not integral. Exactly for additions body to a holistic state and its – body – strengthening through special implants is promoted; IT, gradually merging with the body, redefines the concept of “person”, reducing the practice of self-improvement from the spiritual path to a purely physical one (improving the body itself).

Moreover, the current human body is declared by transhumanists to be an obstacle to human development and improvement. It is postulated that one must give up the body and receive in return “ perfect brain" And " almost eternal life". Essentially, the transhumanist desire to universalize individual “little Omegas” in favor of the “Omega point” can be called materialistic monism. Here, instead of God as the Supreme Principle, we consider megacomputer (worldwide computer-human network), and the goal, instead of spiritual transformation, the deification of man, becomes bodily transformation (“ hero leveling", speaking in the language of modern computer games). In turn, this, coupled with all of the above, gives us the full opportunity to call transhumanism neo-religion.

Transhumanism is trying to replace all religions. Transhumanism has been shown to be very " doesn't fit well"with any religious views, and adherents of the latter often consider transhumanism as an insult to their religious feelings. In 2003-2004 For the first time, several discussions were organized between American Protestants and Catholics and transhumanists. The seminar in Oxford (USA) in July 2004 was held under the general theme “Transhumanism, faith and hope”, and one of its two main sections was called “Towards religious transhumanism”; A seminar at the University of Toronto (August 2004, Canada) was held in the same vein, and one of its main leitmotifs was the unofficial, but very clear and widely supported statement that all religious people should be considered feeble-minded. Apparently, the result of precisely this approach was the fact that, according to statistical data on the religious views of members of the International Transhumanist Association (ITA) for 2003 and 2005. no one called transhumanism, as such, their religion, and according to 2007 data, out of 760 members surveyed, there were already 1% of them. Over the following years, the number of adherents of the transhumanist religion has increased both among members of the AIT and among the general public, since transhumanism clearly has features of proselytism: for ordinary people it is stated that for “ sane person"There can be no choice whether to join transhumanism or not, since, " who doesn't want to be smarter" or " become immortal"; refusal of transhumanism is regarded as a person’s refusal of socialization as a whole.

In our opinion, we can assume that transhumanism, despite its opposition to all religious movements, still considers Christianity its main enemy. The first and only ones to date who have declared this are American Catholics B. Gillett and Prof. R. Taylor. The concept " feeble-minded" was used in a 2004 seminar in a discussion with American Protestants and Catholics, and not with anyone else. One can see an interesting correlation with the fact that in 1918 the main theorist of the USSR in the 1920s. N.I. Bukharin (1888-1938) stated that all religions lead to “ mental retardation", and especially Russian Orthodoxy. Thus, in this aspect the programs of transhumanism and communism are identical.

The work of one of the modern leaders of transhumanism indicates that the first “ proto-transhumanist"You can call F. Bacon, but similar ideas were adhered to by such medieval humanists as Pico della Mirandola (1463-1494), the alchemist N. Flamel (1330-1418) and Paracelsus (1493-1541). This is a very interesting statement that allows us to trace the ancient roots of transhumanism.

If we trace the roots of transhumanism from among the classical humanists of the 15th-77th centuries, then we should see what the origin of classical humanism is. As is known, in the XIII-XV centuries. in France, Germany, Switzerland and Austria, the heresy of the so-called “ free spirit brothers and sisters" Their main doctrines were: 1) “ He who follows the law of love is above sin", 2) " Let it be better for the whole state to perish than for him (“free spirit” - V.T.) to abstain from what his nature requires" That is, these sectarians exalted the sensual individual pleasure of the body above any spiritual and national ideals. The center of their ideology was not God, not morality, but deified man, which became the center of the universe. Sharp anti-churchism permeates all the statements of the “holy spirits” and “ expressed in Luciferianism, the worship of Satan, which often arose in their sect". It is very characteristic that all these signs, without exception, were characteristic of the “broken generation” of the USA, that is, the hippie movement, etc. We agree with I.R. Shafarevich (b. 1923), who called the sect of “free spirits” “ model of the ideology of humanism" generally . “Humanism” became the basis of the ideology of the “Renaissance” (XIV-XVI centuries). Name " revival" is conditional and appeared in the middle of the 15th century, but this term clearly conveys the essence of the era. This was a “revival,” but not of true humanism, based on the nationalization of man, on the strengthening of his moral principles, on love for ancestors, on the cult of family. Reborn false humanism, based on the denationalization of man, on the decline of morality and ethics, on disrespect for history, on the denial of Christianity, on the cult of pornography. Humanist poets are the successors of the troubadours of the 10th-13th centuries. – they began, in particular, to chant “ the inexhaustible wealth of human spiritual powers”, which consisted not in asceticism, as in the ability to restrain one’s egoistic impulses, but in enjoying life in all its manifestations: according to the principle of “free spirits”.

A good description of medieval humanism is given by the work of L. Valla (1407-1457), whose mentor was L. Bruni (1370/1374 - 1444). Bruni was one of the heralds of communism, declaring that a person can only be “ social being", whose personal interest must be subordinated " common good"; only in this case does a person acquire “ limitless creative possibilities", Bruni rejected monasticism and asceticism. Valla was a Neoplatonist and Epicurean. In full accordance with the heresy of “free spirits,” he justified sensual pleasures, rejected virtue and sacrifice, affirming selfishness (extolling “ perfect man"and refusing sympathy for the weak). It was from Valla's work that Pico della Mirandola studied. In addition, Bruni's works genealogically go back to the heresy of "free spirits". Bruni's teacher was S. Salutati (1331-1406), and Salutati himself was a follower of F. Petrarch (1304-1374). Petrarch's father was a close friend of Dante Alighieri (1265-1321), and Dante himself placed in his “paradise” the figure of Joachim of Fiora (1135-1202), who was a member of the sect of “free spirits”.

The false humanism of the “Renaissance” is the deification of man within the framework of communism of the satanic sects of the late Middle Ages. Until the beginning of the 21st century. this is recognized by the ideologists of humanism: “ In its most consistent expression, humanism requires the creation of a humane society, that is, a communist society - in which the struggle of people with each other has ceased, in which “the free development of each is a condition for the free development of all” (K. Marx) ... Therefore, the most consistent humanism is communism". Thus, transhumanism, and from it communism, directly follow from medieval humanism.

The authors of the above quotation about the identity of communism and humanism show that the struggle for the ideas of humanism should be waged in our time using the same underground, sectarian methods as it was in the era of “renaissance”: “ The conscious formation of a communist subculture should occur through the formation of a network of communities of friends and like-minded people, the main thing in the relationship between them: “from now on we are responsible for each other”(mutual responsibility – V.T.) . This means that the successes and failures of any person in the community are experienced by everyone as common; that all emerging disagreements are considered as a factor of unity (in an effort to overcome these differences), and not of disengagement; that sincerity in relationships is more important than “political correctness”". It is very interesting, at the same time, that the communist unity proclaimed by the “humanists” was by no means intended for everyone. V.D. Malinkovich (b. 1940) correctly noted: “ The humanists of the Renaissance did not at all intend to empathize with the weak, their goal was to exalt ideal person... The humanists of the Renaissance helped get rid of all sorts of medieval taboos, and everyone who had such an opportunity hurried to enjoy life... Over the course of a century (XV century - V.T.), the entire value system changed. Not only religious views changed, but also the political preferences of people, their daily lives... Everything was clear to the Epicurean-minded society of the Renaissance: personal good was primary, gospel truths were secondary... The carnival culture of that era served to reveal the “cheerful relativity” of any problems. Let me remind you: the most important of these problems was then the problem of faith in God. It was precisely this belief that was questioned by the humanists of the Renaissance... Changed cultural paradigm: the theocentric model for the first time in European history began to be replaced by the anthropocentric one. Man decided to put himself at the center of the universe. The results of this change appeared quickly, but were not very encouraging. Spiritual values ​​began to be rapidly supplanted by values ​​that were not just grounded, but had a transient meaning, or even even momentary. The needs of the flesh came to the fore, and the thirst for power turned out to be stronger than any moral rules... Humanism was manifested in excessive praise of human potential. For a person, in their opinion, everything was available, which means that everything should be allowed to him. And there is nothing sinful for him. Very often, a Renaissance man was a convinced egoist, sometimes a cynic, indifferent to everything that did not directly concern him.”.

It is important, from our point of view, to note the following. If " successes and failures are experienced by everyone as common", this means that there are no secrets. It is not surprising, therefore, that absolutely all communo-humanistic sects defended the idea of ​​sexual promiscuity and group orgies (from the Cathars of the 10th century to the Khlysts and Soviet Bolsheviks of the 20th century): the best reward for a weak man is to present him as at least a “sexual giant.” It is very interesting that even the classical ideologists of communism noticed this: “ Interesting fact: in every major revolutionary movement the issue of “free love” comes to the fore". On the other hand, joint debauchery is the glue that binds sectarians together most of all: since the worst thing for a weak person is to appear incompetent in sexual matters, and total debauchery binds them together through the fact that everyone has dirt on each other. So-called " political correctness"in the XX-XXI centuries. is a product of the same sectarian communo-humanism, but in the lines we quoted it looks somewhat different. " Sincerity is more important than political correctness“in this context is the justification of anything in the name of the “free spirit.” By the way, it is very characteristic that these days, at the beginning of the 21st century, the ideas of sexual immorality and depravity are being intensively promoted and introduced into everyday life, as we described above. There is a clear connection: a surge of immorality on the eve of the overthrow of Catholicism by Protestantism (XVI-XVII centuries) and the same surge of immorality in our days, on the eve of the expected overthrow of all other religious movements by transhumanism.

By postulating the continuity of medieval humanism with communism and modern transhumanism, one can trace its genealogy even deeper. As is known, in the 10th century a sectarian movement arose in Bulgaria. Bogomilov", based on dualism taken from Manichaean-Paulicianism. The Bogomils opposed church sacraments, against the veneration of the cross, icons and relics of saints, but retained for themselves the concept of prayer. In the fourth quarter of the 10th century. Bogomilism penetrates into Western Europe, where it takes the name " Cathars" From the 1110s The Qatari center settled in Italy, where humanism was subsequently born earlier than the rest of Europe." revival" It was from the environment of Catharism that they brought their main heretical ideas Templars(XI-XIV centuries), and trace their ancestry from the Cathars and Templars Rosicrucians And masons(from the XIV/XV centuries to the present day). It is interesting that some researchers derive Catharism not only from Manichaeism and Bogomilism, but also directly from Neoplatonism, that is, from ancient Platonism and Pythagoreanism, considering Catharism the impetus for “ revival» .

Among other things, Catharism preached asceticism in the form of celibacy and the doctrine of “ non-resistance to evil" The latter found its brightest follower in the person of the Russian writer L.N. Tolstoy (1828-1910): this makes his personal renunciation of Christianity and his legal excommunication from the Church by the Russian Orthodox Church in February 1901 quite understandable. As for celibacy, in Catharism it took the form of debauchery: the so-called “ public marriage”, that is, the communist community of women. Moreover, Catharism had a negative attitude towards procreation and children, therefore, within its framework, same-sex perversions were encouraged in every possible way. As is well known, in our days, at the beginning of the 21st century, the ideology “ childfree"and same-sex perversion are actively promoted in the world, and almost everywhere at the state level. Moreover, it is Cathars They were the second after ancient Sparta to introduce into European practice something that is very popular in the 21st century. We are talking about euthanasia- killing the elderly, unnecessary children and the sick, then called " endura».

Thus, it turns out to be possible to trace - to a first approximation - the genealogy of transhumanism up to the Bogomilism of the 10th century. We will refrain from further tracing, if only because the scope of this work does not allow it, but the fact that hypothetically it can be brought up to Pythagoreanism of the 6th century. BC more than a typical moment. The aspects we have already traced allow us to strengthen our statement that transhumanism considers Christianity in general to be its central enemy, since all the above-mentioned sects - from the Bogomils to the humanists - fought, first of all, with Christianity.

So, we can summarize that modern transhumanism is neo-religion, the basis of which is open anti-Christianity in all its manifestations. This alone characterizes transhumanism sufficiently.

How should it be created new person For new world? Let us remember that everyone, both philosophers - followers of Lulli and sects, saw Christianity as their main enemy. Therefore, in new world should have lived new person, completely freed from Christian morality and Christianity, from prejudices, from idols of the kind, as Bacon later called them. The essence absolutely everyone atheistic teachings were aimed at creating new person. This was achieved through destruction of stereotypes, both behavioral and moral. To seduce certain unstable people, evil took different forms: you can practice theosophy, if you don’t like it, you can do anthroposophy, if you don’t like it, you do Nietzscheanism, you don’t like it, you do Freudianism, etc. Creation of a new person otherwise called improvement of the human race, however, it has nothing to do with classic racism, which implies such an improvement. Improving the human breed or eugenics aimed at unification intellectual, physical, racial, etc. signs, that is, strives to create a world state inhabited single race and nation. It is very characteristic that it was in the works of Dante, permeated with ancient morality, that the idea of ​​a “world monarchy” was promoted, formalized in the form of the Roman Republic. This fact reliably links into a single whole the heresy of Catharism, medieval humanism, the revival of ancient morality in society and transhumanism.

Note that in Europe the idea of ​​creating artificial person was borrowed from Judaism. The Jewish Talmud contained references not only to artificial man, but also to his one day successful creation. In the ordinary Tanakh there is the concept “ golem» (« goylem") [Ps. 139:16] (translations into other languages ​​often use words assimilated to local perception; in the Russian translation the term " embryo"), meaning a formless human embryo. In the Talmud, this term refers to unfinished objects and beings that are not ready or have not begun to perform their functions: 1) “Adam” before he was given a soul [Sanhedrin. 38b]; 2) a virgin before marriage [Sanhedrin. 22b]; 3) general meaning, meaning “moron”, “fool” [Avot. 5:7]. In a general sense, the term " galmi", the derivative of which became " golem" meant " my raw form" Once in the Talmud it is indicated that a certain Jewish sage “ miraculously"created a human being through an act of magic, which being was called " golem"[Sanhedrin. 65b].

Historically, the first Jew to describe exactly how to create a “golem” with spells and rituals was Eleazar ben Yehuda (c. 1165 - c. 1230) from Worms in his work “The Secret of the Sacraments” (1200s). He is considered in Jewish tradition, the earliest “sage” of the Middle Ages, who possessed secret knowledge, and the most prominent representative of the Hasidim Ashkenazi movement (“pious Ashkenazim”), which arose in Southern Germany in the second half of the 12th century. and which became the threshold of Sephardic Kabbalism, giving rise to it and self-destructing by the end of the first half of the 13th century. In Jewish mythology, it is believed that the real “golem” was created by Yehuda Liv (Loeb, Lion) ben Bezalel (1512-1609), nicknamed “Maharal” (head of the Jewish communities of Moravia in 1553-1573, chief rabbi of Poznan in 1584-1588 and 1592-1597, chief rabbi of Prague in 1597-1609). Ben Bezalel is often considered a direct predecessor of Hasidism and a distant predecessor of Zionism. According to legend, in Prague he created a “golem” servant in order to prevent the Jews from being accused of ritual murder by physically exterminating the accusers. Having completed the task, the “golem” turns to dust from which it was created, but is reborn once every 33 years in case a new “work” is needed. It is interesting that the Jewish tradition does not doubt the reality of the existence of the “golem” at one time and the possibility of its existence today. There is a legend that Rabbi Eliyahu of Chelm in the middle of the 16th century, that is, before Ben Bezalel, created a “golem” from clay, but when he saw that it took on gigantic dimensions and his growing power will be able to destroy the world, turned him to dust. It is important to note here that if the “golem” is not controlled by its creators, then it is capable of destroying the world of these creators. The blood descendants of Rabbi Eliyahu - Zvi-Hirsh ben Yakov Ashkenazi (1660-1718) and his son - Yakov ben Zvi-Hirsh Emden (1697-1776) did not evaluate the “golem” as a fairy tale. In their works, they even considered the possibility of including a “golem” in a minyan (a quorum of 10 adult men over 13 years of age, necessary for a number of religious ceremonies); they believed that the “golem” could be deprived of life with impunity, since it has no soul, and the meat of animals created by magic can be eaten without observing kashrut (kosher rules) and ritual slaughter.

It is very interesting that the time frame for the existence of “Ashkenazi Hasidim” is almost identical to the emergence of the heresies of Catharism, Lullism and alchemy (the latter took shape at the turn of the 12th/13th centuries, that is, simultaneously with the activities of E. ben Yehuda). Apparently, having been borrowed from Jewish mythology, by the middle of the 13th century, European alchemists had already fully formulated the postulate about the possibility of creating a creature similar to a person artificially. In Latin he was called homunculus(“little man”, “homunculus”, “homunculus”). In the alchemical tradition, it is believed that the first alchemist who managed to create a real “homunculus” was a native of Spain, the physician Arnold de Villanova (c. 1235/1240 - 1311), who in this aspect can be considered a direct follower of E. ben Yehuda. Subsequently, practice in this area did not stop. Paracelsus left behind the most popular recipe for creating a “homunculus,” which we will refrain from citing, only specifying that male sperm was required for its production. In the 17th century the latter was explained. Dutch biologist A. van Leeuwenhoek (1632-1723) constructed the first microscope, with the help of which he also discovered spermatozoa. He formulated his views in the form of the so-called “ preformationism", the essence of which was that the development of organisms " preformed" It was believed that the finished creature was located in germ cells: sperm (opinion of “animalculists”) or eggs (opinion of “ovists”). That is, inside the sperm there was a little person who just needed to grow in the womb; It was this little man who was called the “homunculus” by the preformationists. However, the German scientist K.-F. Wolf (1733-1794), who lived permanently in Russia from 1767 and was an academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences, showed in a series of experiments in 1759 that every organism is sequentially formed in the process of development (“epigenesis "). He laid the foundations of modern embryology by tracing in detail the development of the chicken embryo and proving that it was not “preformed” in advance. From the end of the 18th century. the ideas of preformationism were refuted and rejected, and along with them the concept of “homunculus” was condemned.

I wonder what formally Both Wolf and the preformationists were right. The latter were and remain right that the birth of every living being, including humans, is uniquely predetermined. But it is predetermined not by the fact that the creature is formed in the sperm, but by the fact that it exists in God's plan and is designed to fulfill a specific purpose. The goal can be anything, from a Royal destiny or the role of the savior of the Fatherland to a heroin addict, who, with his seemingly worthless and unnecessary life and, possibly, a stupid and unpleasant death, must show someone nearby that it is impossible to live like that.

It is still believed that since official science rejected Leeuwenhoek’s constructions about the “homunculus” in the sperm, it also rejected the idea of ​​the “homunculus” and stopped working on it. However, this is not quite true. Just look at what the so-called genetics and one can see that this is a combination of the alchemical process of creating the “homunculus” with eugenics.

The idea of ​​a "golem" and its ability to get out of control was first popularized in early XIX century. In 1818, the wife of the poet P. Shelley (1792-1822) M.W. Shelley (1797-1851), daughter of the first anarchist theorist W. Godwin (1756-1836) and the historically first feminist M. Wollstonecraft (1759-1797), published the novel Frankenstein, or the Modern Prometheus" Its plot: the scientist “Victor Frankenstein” wants to create a living creature from inanimate matter, collects the likeness of a person from parts of corpses and revives him with alchemical solutions. At first " Frankenstein's demon"was as smart as the average person, learning to read, speak coherently and think independently. He then surpassed the average man by beginning to live a life independent of his creator. After that, he began to commit crimes, doing it consciously and justifying them. He found excuses in the fact that Frankenstein created him alone in the world, for ridicule. He must kill those who disagree, force “Frankenstein” to make him a female mate, begin to reproduce and populate the world with his descendants, who will exterminate or enslave an ordinary person. Since 1910, cinema began to use the image of the “Frankenstein demon”. The cinematic demon has become widespread, coming to life not from alchemy but from lightning, having the intelligence of a five-year-old child, speaking in monosyllables, killing unknowingly. Since the 1930s this interpretation continued to persist. Only in 1994 was the film “Mary Shelley’s Frankenstein” (USA) released, filmed close to original work. However, the philistine majority is accustomed to calling the “demon” itself, ignoring the name of its creator, “Frankenstein”. Perhaps this trend in cinema was intentional in order to create a condescending attitude towards the artificial “demon” among the human masses: after all, he is uneducated, and if he is “educated”, he will not kill. What does M. Shelley's work mean? The bottom line is that the “Frankenstein demon” is the person who will be created after being removed from human soul Christian morality and other so-called “prejudice”. This will be a person concerned only with the processes of reproduction, consumption and obsessed with the idea of ​​power. That is, this is a spiritually extremely limited subject, easily influenced and controlled. But this is a very convenient subject: he will be sure that he is free and makes any decisions himself, while in fact he is a slave and makes decisions that are unobtrusively put into him from the outside. The essence of eugenics is to create a “Frankenstein demon” instead of an ordinary person».

In this regard, it is important to understand where Shelley got the idea of ​​writing a novel. In May 1816, the Shelley couple, who were living in illegal cohabitation at that time, settled with the poet J. G. Byron (1788-1824), who was then living in illegal cohabitation with the half-sister of the future writer, near Geneva. Byron gave the idea by talking about the experiments of E. Darwin (1731-1802), the grandfather of the future founder of the “theory of evolution.” According to Byron, he was engaged in the processes of galvanization and attempts to return a dead body or parts of a dead body to life and allegedly managed to revive dead matter. History has not preserved any documentary reports; one can only assume that experiments were carried out and attempts to create a “demon” were actually carried out. But, since it was E. Darwin, then his grandson C.R. Darwin (1809-1882) and the latter’s comrade T.G. Huxley (Huxley) (1825-1895), gave birth to Darwinism, the essence of which we outlined earlier, we must see here that Darwinism is actually a false teaching, not aimed at studying what what happened in fact, but on postulating that what should be.

The second author who wrote about the likelihood of a golem revolt against its creator was the Russian and Soviet writer M.A. Bulgakov (1891-1940), who outlined this issue in the story “Heart of a Dog” (1925). The essence of the work is in the description of a certain Russian professor who transplants part of the brain and gonads from a deceased person into a dog. The result of the experiment is the complete transformation of a dog into a human. If we limit ourselves to this, then Mr. Bulgakov simply described those real experiments that really began to be carried out in the world after 1918. However, recalling his “The Master and Margarita”, one should see here certain allegories. The creature the dog turned into was stupid at first, but similar like Frankenstein's demon“very quickly learned to speak, think, etc. coherently. Despite the fact that this creature was created by a professor and his assistant - nobles who considered themselves intellectuals - the creature did not join them, but the Bolshevik house committee and very quickly became a Bolshevik communist itself. Having become such, it begins to participate in the persecution of its creators and writes denunciations against them. In the end, the professor and his assistant forcibly operate on him, turning him back into a dog.

All these conclusions are acceptable, unfortunately, for Russia, reflecting its historical realities from February 1917 to the present. But more general conclusions also follow from Bulgakov’s work: 1) The professor declares to his assistant: the fact that the creature will be a Bolshevik, as well as an alcoholic, a parasite, etc., was predetermined in advance, because it came from the corresponding human individual. In an excellent way, this opinion of Mr. Bulgakov fully supports the ideas of C. Lombroso (1835-1909) and classical racism. When asked by an assistant whether a creature with the brain of an outstanding person should not be created, the professor replied: “ Why artificially fabricate people when any woman can give birth to them at any time?"Thus, Mr. Bulgakov showed the harmfulness of the idea of ​​​​creating artificial person by itself. 2) The professor’s phrase shows that it makes no difference from whom, an alcoholic or a genius, it will be produced artificial man, he brings only destruction, striving, like Frankenstein’s “demon” or Eliyahu’s “golem,” to devour his creators in order to subjugate their world and make the rest his slaves. The victory of the intellectuals over the Bolshevik bastard, that is, over artificial person, by Mr. Bulgakov clearly echoes the victory of Rabbi Eliyahu over the “golem”. But this victory was by no means predetermined, for the professor was assisted in the work by the Bolshevik leader, who spoke incognito. That is, Russian realities were and remain such that in fact Bolshevik bastard, be it in the form of a proletarian-criminal, or a major party leader who came either from the same criminals, or from intellectuals-commoners, devoured the nobles in general and noble intellectuals in particular, but life shortfalls, derived in the story, depends entirely on Bolshevik creatures, ruling in Rus'. As we see, this was shown by Mr. Bulgakov quite subtly, and not as clumsily as H.G. Wells showed it. In his novel The Island of Doctor Moreau (1896), Wells showed a British doctor who created semi-humans from animals on an island in the ocean. The created creatures of different sexes, of which there were many, unite and kill their creator, and then return to their animal state.

However, all these works were clearly not written in order to show the harmfulness of fabricating a nationless, raceless worldwide human biomass - a collection of “golems”, or “ collective golem" Both Wells and Bulgakov, and ben Yehuda and Rabbi Eliyahu are united by the fact that the newly created artificial man, be it a “demon” obtained during laboratory experiments (now as a result of cloning), be it a “demon” created through psychological processing from a living person, as was actually done throughout the twentieth century, constant strict control and constant strict leadership are needed. Without this, the newly created “demons”-“golems” will definitely try to devour their creators, and then, since everything human has been eradicated from them, they will definitely descend to complete ossification. Here we see the main thing: in what is being created at the beginning of the 21st century new world, populated a new person, without nationality, race, states, with fluid gender, etc., there must be someone who stands over the created artificial biomass.

Let us leave the last question open as it is not related to the topic of this work. Here we point out the fact that all the individuals who are the actual founders of transhumanism were related by blood. Heredity plays a vital role in a person’s life, so this fact cannot be ignored. In addition to being brothers, Julian and Aldous Huxley were the grandchildren of T.H. Huxley (Huxley), comrade-in-arms of C.R. Darwin and the popularizer of "Darwinism". The daughter of J. G. Byron is Countess O.A. Lovelace was the first popularizer of the prototype of the personal computer – “Babbage’s machine.” Until 1893, H. G. Wells, as a school teacher of exact sciences, was a student and personal assistant of T. G. Huxley (Huxley). Finally, the foundations of the theory of eugenics were laid in 1865 by the English psychologist F. Galton (1822-1911) in the article “Hereditary Talent and Character” and developed in the book “Inheritance of Talent” (1869). Galton was C.R. Darwin's cousin and E. Darwin's grandson, descended from his daughter. In the 1870s. Galton developed a methodology psychometric studies, to study how to turn a person into an animal and vice versa (the essence of the research is visible from his 1872 article entitled “Herdness in Cows and Man”). In 1883, Galton introduced the concept of “eugenics” to denote the activity of breeding improved varieties of cultivated plants and breeds of domestic animals. At the same time, he was an active non-classical racist, believing that “ weak nations"must die to clear the way" nobler versions of humanity". In 1904, Galton defined eugenics as “the science concerned with all factors that improve the innate qualities of the race.” In the 1910s his student, W.E. Kellycott, defined eugenics as “the social control of human evolution.” That is, the “theory of evolution” was really needed not to explain the historical past of the Earth, because it cannot do this to this day, but to say: since “ everything is developing", Let's " we'll help"person" develop" and become " better».

Galton's students declared two versions of eugenics: 1) “negative eugenics”, stopping the reproduction of persons with hereditary defects, or those whom in a given society it is generally accepted physically or mentally disabled; 2) “positive eugenics”, promoting the reproduction of people with traits valuable to society. “Negative eugenics” (in the form of forced sterilization) was used at the state level in the USA (1907-1963), Scandinavia without Sweden (1925-1959), Sweden (1934-1976), Switzerland (1920-1987), Germany (1933-1945 ), Japan (1907-1952), Canada (1933-1972). In 1973-1989 Sterilization of gypsy women was carried out in Czechoslovakia. To this day, this type of eugenics is used in India and China: diagnostics of the sex of the unborn child is practiced here, and girls are often aborted, including forcibly. “Positive eugenics” was officially practiced only in Nazi Germany: when SS employees fathered children with Aryan women, who were then raised in special orphanages. The foundations of both eugenics were laid by Plato (428/427 – 348/347), postulating that in society it is necessary to destroy physical monsters and “ moral degenerates"and also encourage temporary mating full-fledged opposite-sex pairs to create high-quality offspring. Here it is worth asking who the supporters alterations of man, from Plato to modern transhumanism, have been considered “moral degenerates”? After all, not sodomites, tribads and pedophiles, which were the norm in ancient Greece in the era of Plato, and not other atheists, which were and remain all adherents of creating a “collective golem” instead of humanity. Hence, For such persons A “moral degenerate” is someone who thinks and acts differently from what is prescribed in their society, that is, first of all, this is any Orthodox Christian.

Considering all of the above, we must also understand why O. Huxley called the computer and IT “ a drug better than gin and heroin" Active promotion of human drug use began in 1840, when England restricted the free sale of alcohol, but did not restrict the sale of opium tablets. At the same time, the widespread use of hashish and absinthe began. Back in 1803, morphine was isolated as a product of processing opium, and in 1853 the injection needle was invented. In 1859, cocaine was isolated from coca leaves in Germany, which began to be promoted in the USA and Europe as a means of local anesthesia and “raising the spirit of life.” It was also recommended as a food supplement, and from 1884 S. Freud (1856-1939) began to recommend cocaine as a remedy for depression, neuroses, syphilis, sexual disorders, as well as alcoholism and morphinism. In 1874, the first synthetic drug was isolated from morphine, which in 1898 received the name “heroin”. Since 1898, it began to be used in all areas instead of morphine and as a remedy for children’s coughs. It was only in 1914 that heroin was banned for free sale in the United States, but remained available for purchase by prescription for medical purposes. It was freely sold in the rest of the world until 1930, and in West Germany until 1971. Only in the period 1963-1971. The free production, sale and use of “hard drugs” have been banned throughout the world. However, at the turn of the XX/XXI centuries. a movement to allow “soft drugs” gradually emerged again, gradually crowned with success in one country or another.

In fact, the permitted use of narcotic substances in the 1840-1960s. meant intentional habituation biomass of “golems” to be obtained quick pleasure: This is the idea popularized by Huxley in the form of his "soma" in Brave New World. To “golemize” a person, “soft” drugs are needed, that is, psychoactive substances. The biomass of “golems” should always be in a slightly excited state, in a slight euphoria, it should be dependent on stimulants, but should not be destroyed by them as quickly as “hard drugs”.

At the turn of the 1880/90s. The term “fantasticum” came into use, referring to the hallucinogen “mescaline” and its derivatives. All narcotic substances are otherwise called " psychoactive substances", affecting the central nervous system, leading to a previously known change in mental state (state of mind). These are all substances, from heroin and methadone to alcohol and nicotine. The effect of “fantasticums” was that it did not cause a predetermined change in mental state, but only shift of the center of consciousness, that is, a shift in thinking and perception of the environment. In other words, these substances create altered consciousness, and if taken regularly, the state of altered consciousness will be maintained regularly and consolidated in its new version. In the mid-1950s. these substances were called " psychedelics", which literally translates as " manifesting (expanding) consciousness" Since 1956, this term began to be used in scientific works, and by 1965 the old name “fantasticum” had finally fallen out of use.

The effect of psychedelics facilitates manipulation of mass consciousness (public opinion). The essence of this is to dominate and suppress the will of people by spiritual influence on them through programming their behavior. The essence is that the subject thinks that he makes decisions himself, but in reality they are made for him, and are slipped to him as a result of his supposed own developments. The main methods of manipulating consciousness, according to KaraMurza, are as follows: 1) suggestion; 2) transfer of some small particular into the system (into the sphere of the general); 3) the use of rumors and speculation in the official interpretation of something; 4) shocking society according to the principle “we need corpses and blood”; 5) method of intimidation; 6) silencing or mentioning in passing some facts and deliberately emphasizing others, more suitable to the program setting; 7) method of fragmentation (decreasing the general); 8) multiple repetitions; 9) creation of false events (obvious falsification). For our part, we will add one more aspect here: the constant production of “entertainment” for television, video and print audiences.

Otherwise, what S.G. highlighted in his work. Kara-Murza can be called a well-known concept neuro-linguistic programming(NLP), aka social programming, it's the same Ericksonian hypnosis. This method was developed by the American psychiatrist M. Erickson (1901-1980). Its essence is that the hypnotist does not give a pseudo-"asleep" person instructions for action, but introduces him into a type of trance when the person is awake and actively communicates with the hypnotist: being confident in his freedom, the person, in fact, while awake, seems to "sleeping." According to Erickson, up to 70% of people in the world are subject to classical hypnosis (with immersion in sleep), and up to 99% of people can be put into this type of hypnosis.

However, in a general sense, a drug is anything that is not natural to the body, but to which the body can physically (psychologically) get used. That is, this includes television, computers, and gambling, tobacco, and alcoholic beverages. Drugs marketed under the name " products of scientific and technological progress"(television, computer, etc.) or under the name " elements of a beautiful life"(alcohol, tobacco, etc.) are not considered such. However, it was precisely in this capacity that O. Huxley conceptualized IT, and that is why T. Leary stated that the computer of the 1990s. identical in the sense of its impact on average person LSD 1960s That is, it should be understood that modern computers and the Internet are classic fantasticums, the main goal of which is to put a person into a state of altered consciousness.

At the same time, quite sensible thoughts about the techniques of suggestion were expressed by the American psychiatrist N.P. Spanos (1942-1994). Since 1982, in a number of publications, he has shown that “hypnosis” is not a special state of consciousness, but just behavior caused by increased motivation. Hypnotized or subjected
to another suggestion, wanting to verify the effectiveness of “hypnosis” and wanting to convince others of this, he begins to succumb to the influence of the hypnotist and, moreover, interprets his actions as imposed from the outside. The state of “hypnosis” depends solely on the expectations and desires of the target. That is, let us emphasize: it is possible to turn a person into a golem only if the person is weak and does not have a strong spiritual basis for his life: in other words, if the person “wants” this. That is why the goal of the transhumanistic transformation of humanity is, first of all, the secularization of the human spirit and consciousness, the destruction of religiosity in a person, or his involvement in sects in which, instead of spirituality, there are only external attributes of religion. Such a person, as a rule, will agree with any ideas of the so-called “scientific and technological progress”, not understanding what their essence is, but believing their distributors.