Should I give water to my baby? Maintaining water balance: opinions of pediatricians and advice from experienced mothers. Can a newborn baby be given water to drink? When to give water to a newborn baby

Water! You have no taste, no color, no smell, you cannot be described, you enjoy you without understanding what you are? You are not just necessary for life, you are life. With you, bliss spreads throughout your entire being, which cannot be explained only by our five senses. You return to us the strength and properties that we had already given up on. By your mercy the dry springs of the heart are opened again.

Antoine de Sent-Exupery

On the threshold of summer, I would like to raise this topic, because, unfortunately, you can still get incorrect recommendations on feeding babies with water.

A child who is exclusively on breastfeeding, it is NOT necessary to give drinking water.

Many mothers may believe that supplementing with water, especially in the heat, will not harm the baby, on the contrary, it will quench his thirst. A older generation will also confirm: “Of course, we gave you some water and nothing happened - we all grew up!”

In fact, water in a baby's diet can have adverse effects.

Why is additional soldering dangerous?

Sometimes mothers try to “deceive” the baby, who does not want to drink water, and sweeten it. On a sweet environment, pathogenic flora grows rapidly, as a result the baby suffers: a stomach ache, diarrhea or constipation, and languishing from colic and flatulence. And the mother is worried that breast milk is not suitable for her little one.

And yet water is needed...Yes?

Do you still have any reasons to supplement your babies’ first months of life with water?

Yes, there are many myths that supposedly justify this. Let's smash them!!!

1. IN HEAT, you need to give water to avoid dehydration.

NO NEED! There is a LOT of water in milk. Just give your baby the breast more often. Mother's milk a priori will not cause dehydration. Special drinking water appeared no more than 1 century ago. How did medieval and cave women used to solve the issue of their children’s thirst in the heat? Not everyone lived near artesian wells and the purest mountain springs... Did they give the kids drinks from reservoirs where various microorganisms teemed? No! They just gave breasts! Even in the hottest countries, only breast milk is used to quench thirst and prevent dehydration.

IN modern conditions Along with more frequent breastfeeding in hot weather, it is recommended to wipe the baby with a damp cloth, not use disposable diapers, bathe more often, and use special refreshing spray bottles with water.

The apartments are very hot during the heating season and in winter. Here, in addition to all of the above, it is reasonable to use air humidifiers, ventilate the rooms more often and keep the temperature in the room at 18-20 degrees, and do not overheat the baby with excess clothing.

2. Water should be given to newborns with severe jaundice.

NO NEED. The yellow color of the baby's skin is caused by the color of the skin, which is formed as a result of the breakdown of excess red blood cells in the baby's blood after childbirth. Bilirubin is a fat-soluble substance, so it is not excreted with water. But with colostrum, and then with milk, it leaves the child’s body perfectly.

3. In case of vomiting and diarrhea, be sure to give the baby water.

NOT NECESSARY. If vomiting and diarrhea are not frequent (no more than 5-8 times a day), with a low temperature and smooth skin, just give the baby the breast more often. Breast milk contains components that help relieve intoxication and relieve inflammation in the gastrointestinal tract.

If vomiting and diarrhea are frequent and profuse, body temperature is high, and the skin is dry, the child may suffer from dehydration. Here you definitely need a drink. But not with plain water, but with special saline solutions as prescribed and under the supervision of a pediatrician.

If the baby is prescribed medications, then they can and should be taken with expressed breast milk.

When and how to introduce water?

It is advisable to introduce drinking water to a child who receives exclusively breast milk at the start of complementary feeding, i.e. after 6 months. Offer your baby water from a spoon. The first time - 0.5 teaspoons, gradually increasing, by the second month of complementary feeding, to 8-10 teaspoons per day. You can use a baby sippy cup.

At 7.5-8 months, offer your baby water from a wide-necked mug. Not all children can drink carefully without getting themselves wet. Therefore, don’t pour a large number of water in a mug. If the baby drinks (or spills) everything and asks for more, pour it again.

If the little one refuses to drink water, don’t insist. Still, he continues to receive it with milk. But keep a mug of water in your baby's sight. Drink water yourself in his presence often and with pleasure.

  • A child over 1 year old needs approximately 40-50 ml. drinking water per 1 kg of weight.
  • Over 3 years - 1000-1700 ml. per day.
  • Over 7 years - 1700-2500 ml. per day, depending on the degree of physical activity, health and weather.

Warm and sunny summer to you, dear mothers! Don't forget about yourself - you need to drink at least 2.5 liters of clean, drinking water per day.

Tell us in the comments how things are going with your water? Do you like it? Do you drink? Don't you give babies enough to drink? Are older children “water-drinkers”?

How to wean a child from breastfeeding? Read our next article.

There is an opinion that if a newborn is fed breast milk, he does not need additional water. But is it? Opinions are divided on this matter. Some experts say that it is necessary to offer the baby a few teaspoons of boiled water between feedings, others say that this is not necessary. Be that as it may, there are some recommendations that will make it easier to figure out whether your child needs supplemental drinking and in what volumes it is necessary.

Should I give my baby water?

Probably everyone has heard that mother’s milk is enough for a child and it is not necessary to introduce water into his diet. But this is not entirely true. In the first month of a baby’s life, milk actually acts as both food and drink for him. However, after this period, you just need to start giving your baby water to quench his thirst. This is due to the start of the sweat glands, which leads to increased fluid loss. Symptoms of thirst are hard to bear even for an adult, let alone a child.

Those children who are at risk especially need to drink water from the first days of life. It is better to give lukewarm water.

Often young mothers do not give their child water because they are afraid that he will develop a problem. However, clinical studies have long shown that this is a myth.

However, the decision about whether to give the baby water still remains with the parents.

When is it necessary to introduce additional fluids?

As already mentioned, on day 28 the baby begins to behave more actively, sweating increases, which leads to active loss of fluid. From this moment on, breast milk is no longer enough to quench your thirst. However, there are certain circumstances when water is simply necessary. These include:

  1. Being in a hot room or outside in the summer;
  2. With increased sweating;
  3. or cold symptoms, as well as;
  4. Weaning off night feedings. Water is an excellent helper for parents.

Remember: Never try to force your child to drink. If he drinks little water or refuses it at all, then the baby does not need to drink; when he wants, he will immediately let his parents know.

Video: Do ​​newborns need extra water?

What kind of water should I give my newborn?

There are many controversial issues about what kind of water a child should be given. Many parents claim that boiled water contains various microorganisms and is practically absent useful material. Therefore, most adults are of the opinion that special bottled water for newborns is more suitable for infants. As a rule, you can drink it from the first days of life. Water from a deep filter is also suitable.

You can also give it to your child melt water. First, pour purified water into a bowl, then place it in freezer and let it freeze. This water has a very beneficial effect on both children’s and adult bodies. However, monitor the water temperature before adding water. It should not be too cold or exceed 25°C.

If a child refuses water, many parents begin to sweeten it. This is unlikely to lead to anything good. Even minimal sugar content in water can disrupt your baby's metabolism and harm his teeth, even if they haven't hatched yet. If the child really wants to drink, then even unsweetened water will appeal to him.

Fluid intake norms for newborns

The baby is not yet able to set the standards that he needs, so parents must carefully monitor the amount of fluid he drinks. Excessive drinking can lead to milk refusal, since the baby's stomach will already be filled with water. This is fraught with a decrease in the supply of microelements and vitamins, which breast milk is so rich in, into the small body. You should not give your baby something to drink before putting him to the breast or to a bottle with formula, because this way he will eat less.

Children who are breastfed or bottle-fed are recommended to divide 60 ml clean water for the whole day, and it is better not to give more than 20 ml at a time. To monitor the norm, it is better to drink from a spoon or bottle. However, it is worth remembering that children quickly get used to bottles, as it is easier to drink from them. This can lead to breast refusal. Parents can also use a syringe to give the baby something to drink, and from the age of six months begin to accustom them to a special sippy cup.

How do you know if your baby doesn't have enough water?

Below are a number of symptoms that will tell parents that their baby needs extra fluids:

  • Lethargic and apathetic state;
  • Dry mucous membranes;
  • Dark color of urine and strong odor;
  • The baby urinates less than six times per day;
  • Recession of the fontanel.

All these signs indicate severe dehydration. To restore water balance, put your newborn to the breast more often, and give water between feedings. Even a few drops will do him good.

As you can see, there are a lot of opinions about additional fluid for a newborn. Pediatricians also look at this differently. It remains for the parents to decide whether to supplement it or not, in what volumes, as well as what kind of water to use for this. However, if your baby does not drink water for some reason, carefully monitor his mood and well-being in order to notice signs of dehydration in time.

Attention! The use of any medications and dietary supplements, as well as the use of any therapeutic methods, is possible only with the permission of a doctor.
There are a number of reasons why a baby should not be given water. Should a newborn be given water to drink? The answer to this question depends on what kind of feeding the baby is on. If you are bottle-fed or mixed-fed, the answer is yes, give. Newborn babies can drink up to 100 ml of water per day (in total). This is fine. It is not normal to deprive a child of water if he asks (dry lips, curls his mouth, looks for something, but refuses to breastfeed). Water for newborns is the main vital component that can not only remove thirst, but also ensure the normal functioning of the entire body. Therefore, the question of additional soldering infant whether the baby needs water, how much and when to give water. Let's try to figure out whether it is necessary and possible to give water to newborns? If you have older children, then you probably already know that dehydration is extremely dangerous, and even more so as younger child. As a rule, such doubts about whether water can be given to newborns appear in young mothers in hot weather, or when the baby is bottle-fed. Boiled or special children's bottled, Fruto-nanny or Agusha. It’s better from bottles, because boiled water is dead, everything comes out of it when it boils, and from bottles it contains minerals.

There are a lot of questions for young mothers, one of them is whether breastfed newborns need water, and if so, how much and under what circumstances. The problem is quite urgent.

Answering the question whether babies need water is quite simple. Let’s just try to mentally go back even if it were a hundred years ago. And let’s think, how many mothers always have enough clean (apparently boiled) water to give it to their baby without risking his health? For many thousands of years of human evolution, babies in the first months of life did not receive water, because this meant a direct danger to their lives. That is, it is unusual for humans, as a biological species, to give extra milk to small children. As, indeed, for other mammals, the cubs begin to receive water when they begin to eat the same food as their parents.

If we talk not only about common sense, but also about medical justifications, the World Health Organization, as well as the latest instructions from the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation, suggest not giving additional drinks to breastfed children without special medical indications, until about six months. Why?

Danger one– malnutrition. The baby's stomach is the size of his fist, and he is able to accept and process a limited amount of incoming food (in the first month of life this is 1/5 - 1/6 of body weight per day). And the peculiarity of the nervous system of a newborn is such that water gives him a false feeling of satiety. Therefore, it is important for a mother to understand: if her child drank 100 ml of water, it means that he did not receive 100 ml of milk. At the same time, the growth and development of a child depends on milk, and water brings him absolutely no benefit.

The second danger – decreased milk production. Milk is produced in response to the baby's sucking, that is, as long as the baby sucks at the breast, so much milk will subsequently arrive. If the mother gives the baby water, he will suckle less. In this regard, supplementing the baby with water at night is especially dangerous, because during night feedings the production of the hormone prolactin is stimulated, which increases daily milk production. This means that a baby who feeds on his mother’s breast at night, thereby provides himself with the necessary amount of milk during the day. And if “well-wishers” advise the mother to “deceive the child with some water so that he doesn’t disturb him at night” - think that the child may be able to deceive, but you cannot deceive the natural milk production system...

The third danger – disruption of the natural balance in the child’s digestive system. A child is born with a sterile intestine, and until about six months of age it is actively seeded with beneficial microflora. Mother's milk helps form and maintain the natural balance of bacteria in the digestive system, and everything that the baby receives at this time of life besides mother's milk worsens this balance. And if the practice of supplementary drinking becomes constant, then very often the child exhibits a predominance of harmful microflora over beneficial microflora - the very phenomenon that our doctors usually call dysbiosis. Research specifically conducted by the World Health Organization shows that most babies who are exclusively breastfed for the first 6 months are healthy and grow well. And children who received water or tea in addition to breast milk suffered from intestinal disorders three times more often than babies who were fully breastfed... Do you need this risk?

The fourth danger – the likelihood of breast refusal. Water is given, as a rule, from a bottle with a nipple, which often leads babies to “nipple confusion” - that is, a refusal to suckle from the mother’s breast in favor of a bottle.

Let's now look at the arguments of those who insist on the need to give the baby water.

“Water helps eliminate infant jaundice”

Jaundice is caused by bilirubin, which is a fat-soluble enzyme. Not water-soluble, but fat-soluble. That is, it is not excreted from the body with water, but is excreted precisely with colostrum and subsequently with milk, which, unlike water, contain the fats necessary for the child in optimal proportions.

“Milk is the same food as, for example, porridge. Hunger must be satisfied with food, and thirst with drink. Otherwise, the child gets extra calories!”

In fact, the consistency of milk and porridge is completely different. Milk is 85-90% water. If adults constantly ate equally liquid food, then they would not have the assumption that it needs to be liquefied even more... In addition, until a certain age, a small child does not make any distinction between hunger and thirst. That is why, as already mentioned, water creates a feeling of false satiety in him, displacing mother’s milk. Let’s shift the emphasis: since receiving water is not biologically justified, it is correct to say not that an exclusively breastfed baby receives “extra calories,” but that a child who is supplemented with water is deprived of the calories he needs.

“Water should be given if it’s hot outside and the air in the room is dry.”

Indeed, in summer, additional soldering is argued by the heat, and in winter - by the dryness of the air in a heated room. However, many studies have been conducted around the world in dry and hot countries (for example, in India at a temperature of 35-40°C and humidity from 10 to 35%; in Pakistan at a temperature of 27.4-40.7°C and humidity from 24 to 77%; in tropics at temperatures ranging from 4 to 41°C and humidity from 9 to 60%), which clearly showed that children who were fed only breastfeeding suffered less from dehydration than those who were fed only breast milk. The fact is that mother’s milk contains the optimal concentration of all the salts and minerals necessary for the child - by the way, if an adult suffers from dehydration, he is also recommended to restore the moisture balance not with plain water, but with a solution of specially selected salts... So, if the mother thinks that the child is hot - he should not be given additional water, but it should be easier to dress him and the room should be well ventilated! A baby who is thirsty will simply ask for his mother's breast more often. In extreme heat, you can wipe the child’s body with cool water, and a steam humidifier or a simple spray bottle will make the room air less dry, but even in this case, water is desirable outside, and not inside the child’s body...

“If a child is sick, you can’t do without water - it will restore the moisture balance, help eliminate viruses in the urine, and you can dissolve medicines in it.”

There is not a single function in the above that mother’s milk cannot cope with better than water. The same medicine that a child will try his best to spit out diluted in water, he will much more favorably accept with expressed mother's milk, which will also help better absorption.

“My child sometimes calms down only when he receives a bottle of water.”

The key word here is “bottle”. For many different reasons, a baby sometimes wants to suck on something other than his mother's breast. The two simplest and most harmless ways to calm a baby, who right now is not enough of his mother’s breast, is to let him suck a cleanly washed finger or simply rock him to sleep, because most often this is how children tired of the day’s impressions behave before falling asleep.

“Everyone is thirsty, and children are no exception!”

There are many foods that adults can easily eat, but that will cause big problems for babies because their digestive systems are not yet mature enough. Trying to feed a child based on the needs of an adult stomach would lead to serious consequences. Most infants themselves refuse to drink the water that is offered to them and begin to quench their thirst with it only after 9-12 months.

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Water is the source of all life on earth and not a single living organism will survive without it. What about the newborn’s body? Does he need water? And if needed, then in what quantities and from what month?

In this article we will tell you whether it is necessary to give water to a newborn, why and when to do it, and how to give water to a child correctly.

Why does a baby on IV need this?

All pediatricians agree that A child fed on mother's milk does not need to be given additional food or water. at all. But do children who eat adapted milk formulas need water?

As you know, infant formula contains more protein, which means it is thicker and more nutritious for the baby. Unlike breast milk, which is divided into “front” (thinner) and “hind” (thicker) milk, infant formula is homogeneous and equally dense in consistency.

On a note. If a breastfeeding baby does not need water before complementary feeding is introduced, then the artificial baby should receive additional fluid from the first month of life.

The famous doctor Komarovsky agrees with this opinion and considers the procedure of supplementing a bottle-fed newborn with water an integral attribute.

Rules for soldering

You can offer water to a newborn from the first week of artificial feeding. Particular attention should be paid to the baby's stool. If constipation is observed from the very beginning, then water will become an indispensable assistant.

In the case when the baby’s digestive system copes well with the absorption and excretion of dairy foods, You can start drinking water from the 28th day.

When to give water?

Give your baby water as often as possible between formula feedings. It’s okay if the child refuses to drink, it means this moment, the fluid balance in his body is normal and he needs the water that you give during meals.

The optimal time to drink is an hour before or an hour after feeding. It is not worth offering your baby a lot of water before the main meal - after all, the volume of his ventricle is no more than 250 ml, therefore, the more he drinks, the less he will eat.

How to propose?

You should offer water to your baby! Despite the fact that the newborn is still very small and defenseless, he already knows how much liquid and food he needs. It is better to offer it often and “a little bit” at a time than to forcefully pour in an unwanted drink.

A child can drink water:

  • from a bottle with a nipple;
  • from a spoon;
  • from a syringe without a needle.

Note! Any selected dishes must be washed daily with baby soap under hot water and boiled at least once a week. You also need to ensure that the water does not stagnate and refresh it before each additional soldering.

How much fluid does a child need?

A child’s daily water intake varies from person to person. The figure ranges from 50 to 200 ml per day. Naturally, Various factors need to be taken into account:

  1. climate;
  2. child activity;
  3. consistency of food and much more.

Therefore, be guided by the instincts of your baby. For correct calculation daily norm, pay attention to the amount of mixture you drink, i.e. The volume of liquid should correspond to the volume of one meal.

Thus, if the baby eats 120 ml of formula in one feeding, then the daily portion of water corresponds to this figure. This amount is distributed throughout the day and night if the newborn has a need to drink at night.

What to drink?

  • The healthiest drink for babies will be special baby water, purchased at a pharmacy or store. It contains minerals and vitamins necessary for the child's body. Before purchasing such water, be sure to check the expiration date.
  • Ordinary bottled mineral water without gas will do. The main thing is that it is not specially enriched with salts and does not have an additional taste.
  • You can make healthy water at home yourself. Water filters in the form of plastic jugs are ideal for this. Just remember to change the cartridge on time and refresh the water daily.
  • Boiled water can also be suitable for supplementary drinking. However, it must be borne in mind that the boiling process kills everything beneficial features water, making it only a liquid to quench thirst.

Important! A child is not allowed to drink ordinary tap water that has not been filtered or boiled, as it contains chlorine and other harmful substances that lead to poisoning of the body.

What should the temperature be?

In the first days of supplementation, the water temperature should be as close as possible to the child’s body temperature – 36 degrees. Warm water is absorbed faster by the body, since it does not need to expend additional energy for heating or cooling.

Then, you can gradually reduce the temperature, bringing it to room temperature. Thus, in 2-3 months it will be 20-22 degrees.

What to do if your baby doesn't drink water?

Always listen to your baby’s wishes, and if he now refuses to drink or eat something, do not insist under any circumstances. This can lead to a complete refusal of some liquid or food. Wait a bit and then offer again. Let your child choose what kind of water he will drink - mineral water, boiled water, or special water for children.

What to do when a child refuses to drink? Helpful Tips:

  1. Perhaps the newborn does not like the temperature of the water - then next time, give it warmer or cooler.
  2. You can also experiment with different bottles - get one designed just for water. All babies have developed imaginative memory, and your little one may simply be perplexed as to why a liquid with a different “non-dairy” taste comes out of the bottle. Let the water dishes be bright, with colorful designs. Many babies like bottles with handles or with a special hole in the middle into which they can stick their fingers.
  3. If you give water from a spoon, make sure that it is made of a special silicone material - such spoons are warm, unlike ordinary tea spoons, and some also change color, signaling that the water or food is too hot. Such spoons may interest the baby, so do not scold him if he wants to touch it or play with it.
  4. You can set an example for your baby by first drinking from a bottle or from a spoon and showing how delicious it is with the help of facial expressions or some gestures. When your child repeats after you, be sure to praise him.

Doctors are divided on whether to give water to a newborn while breastfeeding. One camp is vehemently against it, arguing that mother's milk contains all the essential elements. Another says that milk is food, and for the body to function properly, liquid must be present in the diet. What should parents do?

Do young mothers ask doctors if they need to give water while breastfeeding? And they cannot get a definite answer. You need to pay attention to the fact that after the baby is born, he must be given some water, but under certain conditions.

Nature did not provide water as a drink for babies. Baby mammals, as soon as they are born, are able to move independently. Man is not adapted to this. The baby is completely dependent on the mother.

If we go from the opposite, it turns out that only by giving the child breastfeed, he survives perfectly, develops, grows and feels good. Based on this, we can draw an unambiguous conclusion - there is no need for additional soldering.

  • Breast milk contains all the necessary microelements for the growth of the baby.
  • Water is only a means of quenching thirst and an element that can be indicated by doctors as an additional remedy.

Why do newborns need water during breastfeeding?

Most babies and their mothers experience the problem of increased bilirubin in the blood after birth. This is due to a large amount of iron, which the liver cannot remove from the body immediately. This problem may drag on for several weeks.

In the maternity hospital, babies are placed under lamps. This is done so that ultraviolet rays break down iron elements and remove them from the blood. As practice has shown, if there is supplementation during breastfeeding, then jaundice goes away much faster or such a problem does not arise at all. This is due to the fact that water molecules bind excess iron and remove it from the newborn baby’s body along with urine. From this point of view, the question of whether it is necessary to supplement the baby with water is not worth it at all.

Differences in the diet of a newborn during breastfeeding, bottle feeding and mixed feeding

The mother's task is to ensure that the baby has enough breast milk

All babies are different. Mothers' bodies are also different. Hereditary predisposition to the absorption of certain products also varies. Therefore, the choice of nutrition should always be approached individually.

Water is not necessary for newborns who are breastfeeding. The baby gets along just fine without it and feels good.

Is it necessary to give water during mixed feeding? This question leads to the next one: why? After all, in addition to milk, the child receives formulas that contain dry powder and liquid. Additional drinking will be unnecessary. The baby will be saturated with water and will not eat well. There will be a problem of underweight.

How much water to give to a formula-fed newborn? Here, most doctors come to a unanimous decision - not at all. And breast milk contains water. With artificial nutrition, the baby regularly receives it with the formula that he consumes. The baby does not need additional feeding. Otherwise, without fluid he would be restless. You can learn how to introduce cottage cheese into complementary foods.

Dietary Differences

  1. Breastfeeding - drinks are given to the child at the request of the mother, because doctors are not able to control this. When obeying the doctor's wishes, follow the instructions of the local pediatrician and neonatologist.
  2. Artificial feeding. There is not much need for liquid. Since the baby receives water-based formulas.
  3. Mixed feeding. The mother does not have enough milk - you should think about the issue of additional feeding. We tell you how to restore lactation.

Should a newborn be given water immediately after birth? If this were really the case, then after birth doctors would not put the baby immediately to the mother’s breast, but would give him a bottle of water or feed him from a spoon, which is completely absurd.

At what age is water required in a baby’s diet?

At the moment when the first complementary foods are introduced. That is, at 3-5 months, when the mother introduces the baby to the first fruit purees: plum, apple, zucchini. The baby begins to eat adult food, which contains much less liquid than milk. During this period, he definitely needs water.

Step by step nutrition:

  1. Immediately after birth, fluids are completely unnecessary. Breast milk or formula is sufficient.
  2. When introducing the first complementary foods, water is required.
  3. Later, when the baby happily chews crackers and dry cookies with his gums, drinking becomes a necessity.

Should I give water to a newborn while breastfeeding? Most experts still recommend doing this. Motivation, milk is food, but water is drink. In this case, consumption must be calculated for each kg of the child’s weight, 1-5 teaspoons per day is enough.

When and how to give water to your baby

When to give water to a breastfeeding baby, before or after meals? If you finish drinking it immediately after eating, the child will refuse to drink it, will spit it out and will only wet himself. It is better to do this 10 minutes before the main meal. The stomach will accept the liquid and be ready to digest heavier food.

How to supplement your baby's water intake? The easiest way is to take a bottle, pour warm liquid into it and give it to your baby. Some babies are indiscriminate and will happily drink it, indistinguishable from milk. Others will immediately refuse. How to give water to a newborn?

Pediatricians advise supplementing with a teaspoon so that the baby already at this age can feel the difference between drinking and eating.

How much water should a newborn baby drink? In general, he shouldn't drink. But if there are indications for taking fluid, then there should not be a lot of it. The baby does not distinguish between a feeling of fullness from milk and a stomach full of water. He can drink a whole bottle and fall asleep. There won’t be much harm from this, but the baby will fall asleep and wake up 20 minutes later because he is hungry and thoroughly wet from an overfilled diaper. How to tell if a baby is getting enough breast milk from.

Admission rules for a newborn

  1. Give the drink 10 minutes before the main meal.
  2. It is advisable to drink from a spoon so that the child learns to distinguish between water and food.
  3. 2-3 teaspoons at a time is quite enough.

If a young mother doubts whether her newborn needs water when breastfeeding, then she should decide who she will trust: modern medicine or nature.

What kind of water should I give my baby? Boiled if you are not sure of its purity. You can purchase purified water in bottles for newborns in stores. Distilled water definitely cannot be given.