Alone at home, or why it’s good to live alone. How not to succumb to melancholy if you live alone? Is it hard to live alone

On Friday we decided to burn down those who live alone. Did you know what these people are doing, since no one can see them?

The employees of the iTrex translation agency have done it for you :)

23 (somewhat) embarrassing things to do if you live alone

No neighbor - no problem.

1. You only wear T-shirts - life is easier without pants.
I feel the breeze blowing...

2. My home is my kitchen.
If I want to eat a sandwich in bed, then I will eat it in bed.

3. The location of dirty laundry depends on your mood.
If you don't have a chair to dump clothes that you've changed your mind about wearing, the whole point is that you simply don't have a chair.

Nice try, honey! But I will still find a place for myself!

4. You can dance to any “terrible” music.
There is not a single banned group within these four walls!

5. Artificial colors can be consumed in any quantity, as if you were in a self-service warehouse.
And no one will steal my Cheetos. But it’s probably worth playing it safe... I’ll shoot everything at once!

6. You watch movies more than you communicate with others.
If I spend time with a laptop and chips, then this is the same as communicating with one person. Yes? Yes?

My cable broke, I called a repairman, he fixed everything and offered to check if everything was working, and we watched a movie together! Looks like it was a date...

7. You unconsciously spend time thinking about how long it will be until someone notices your absence, if you get killed or slip in the shower.
If you also work from home, then perhaps you will never...

8. Dirty dishes get out of hand.
When you start eating oatmeal with a fork, it's time to admit that you have a problem.

Crime scene, do not approach.

9. Physical needs are satisfied without restrictions.
Only those who have neighbors and good manners restrain themselves.

10. Come to my house - my doors are open.
Last night we had tacos for dinner - we needed some air, and more of it!

11. Don't bother and be quiet at night.
Come on, microwave! Burn!

This is what happens when you're trying to be quiet in the kitchen at 2 a.m. and suddenly you drop your spoon.

12. You can watch your favorite “hot videos” with the sound on (but you’ll immediately understand why you never turned it on).
A normal person does not make such sounds during sex.

Seriously? Seriously? Come on?!

13. You lie to your friends about why you don’t want to meet in the evening.
I tell my friends: “Something doesn’t feel right,” but my pajamas and ice cream know the real reason: “Game of Thrones” won’t watch itself.

14. If you are single, then you can safely have affairs without fear of judgment from your neighbor.
If it doesn't bother him (or her) that you go to the toilet with the door open, then he (or she) is most likely an orderly.

15. You watch your favorite crazy show without worrying one bit about how much your IQ has dropped.
I can just hear my brains boiling...

16. You often fight with yourself.
Well, who is so smart here that they didn’t make the ice again... Oh, it’s me.

17. Strictly follow the five-second rule.
Do you really think I'm going to throw away a cracker just because it fell?

Present! People, attack! No! We have to wait 5 seconds!

18. You compensate for the lack of company by communicating with yourself.
“Did I leave the hair straightener on? No, I definitely remember turning it off. Maybe I should go and check? STUPID, YOU FORGOT TO TURN IT OFF! YOU'RE GOING TO SLEEP THE WHOLE HOUSE DOWN!"

19. Looking for original ways to get rid of insects.
A huge centipede on the wall? No problem - my toy gun will finally come in handy!

If you live alone or alone, then you probably sometimes feel sad and lonely being alone in the house. This is a problem for all people who live on their own. Sometimes, the melancholy becomes so unbearable that you don’t even want to return home from work. Only an empty apartment is waiting for you and no one else. Therefore, for those who feel sad at home and lonely, we recommend some tips on how to improve the situation.

1. Don't sit at home all the time

Try to spend more time with friends, family, and company. You feel sad from a lack of communication. If there is enough of it, then there will be no trace of melancholy. Make yourself a tradition, for example, to meet with friends on Saturdays and visit family on Sundays. As soon as you feel sadness overpowering you, call and make an appointment. Invite your friends over more often, cook something delicious, come up with entertainment and gather a company that you will enjoy.

2. Find like-minded people

Attend meetings of like-minded people or find an organization where you can connect with people like you. This will brighten up the gap of loneliness. If you like hiking, tourism, sports, then there are many hiking clubs where you will find company for hiking and just hanging out. If you like some music, you can find their fan group. Find what you like. You can attend seminars, trainings, and various lectures. In any case, doing what you love will keep you in a good mood.

3. Make a friend

If you get tired easily or get fed up with interacting with people, then getting a pet is a good alternative. Caring for and playing with him will bring you a lot of joy and positive emotions. And the apartment will no longer seem so empty and dull when you return home. On the contrary, you will rush home from work, because you know that there is an animal waiting for you at home, who is hungry and misses you.

4. Add comfort

Make your apartment a cozy nest where it would be pleasant to be. Create your own interior, just use everything that will make your apartment more fun. No dark or pale colors. Use warm and pastel colors, add bright colors. In general, fantasize, experiment, this is your apartment. Various little things will add zest to your interior, and beautiful curtains will make the room more comfortable. Surround yourself with the things you love, these are what give you a feeling of home.

5. Cook at home more often

This makes the house more lived-in, filling it with the aromas of cooking. Find some interesting recipes and create a culinary masterpiece. Cooking turns into a whole ritual. Don't forget to invite guests to your meal. You will spend a great day in pleasant company and with a delicious lunch.

So as you can see, you can live very well alone. You can find a lot of advantages in this. For example, you yourself regulate what you do and when to do it, without adjusting to your roommates. Cook what you like, go to bed and wake up at what time you want. Finally, clean up and wash the dishes without notice. Being in silence as much as you want is sometimes important. And many other positive aspects that you can see for yourself. The main thing is not to be bored or idle, but to occupy yourself with your favorite things and, of course, housework.

It's fun to live with someone, but often your housemates get boring and you want to be alone for at least a few hours. If you live alone, then the problem is the opposite - loneliness will sooner or later get boring (even if you started living alone for the reason that you are absolutely fed up with your roommates). However, by following a few tips given in our article, you can avoid the feeling of melancholy and depression that sometimes overtakes you in an empty apartment.

1. Visit family and friends regularly

If you live alone, you may sometimes feel depressed due to the lack of social interaction. If you or your family meet at least once a week, fill this gap in communication and balance will be restored.

2. Join a club or organization related to something you love

For example, if you love to read, then join a book club and attend meetings regularly. Love sports - attend sporting events, even if you have to go alone. In any case, doing what you love will keep you in a good mood.

3. Get a pet

A dog or cat will give you companionship, but won't be as annoying as a roommate. If you prefer animals that require a little less attention and care, then this could be a rabbit or fish.

4. Prepare yours regularly

When you live with someone, you are forced to adapt to your neighbor's culinary preferences. Even if you cook for yourself, he may be irritated, for example, by the smell of garlic or something else. When you live alone, you can cook whatever you want, whenever you want.

5. Surround yourself with things you love

Create an environment at home that you like. When you live alone, you can do as you want, without being guided by the tastes of your roommate.

Don’t get hung up on the fact that you live alone, this creates melancholy and a feeling of loneliness. Enjoy freedom: eat what you want, watch what you want, sleep when you want, clean and wash dishes at any time of the day or night, in general, do not limit yourself in anything, and good mood you are guaranteed!

I lived alone for about five years in a row. Apparently, a person is structured in such a way that he is always missing something, and while she lived on her own, she vaguely wanted to take care of and love someone. But I didn't realize how much I needed personal space. I agree with the girl a little higher about the fact that cleaning, music, etc. are easily doable even when living together, and all these items are one-time in nature. If Madame gets tired of her beloved roommate, his departure for the weekend to his parents is perceived by her as the crackling of a sail in the wind of freedom, she invites her girlfriends, walks around naked, turns on Ivan Dorn and Despacito to the fullest, and by the evening she is already bored and cries into the phone “well, when are you Are you sure yet?" To me, walking around the house naked makes sense if a guy is looking at it. By yourself it’s not only uninteresting, but also uncomfortable.

The main thing that I missed most from the period of loneliness was free time for my own needs. Everything is relative.))

I alone could go to the gym in the evening for two hours, and from there straight to the pool - no question at all - and then come and immediately go to bed. When living together, you can no longer afford such luxury. It would seem why not, but No. Moreover, my early-morning rhythm of life with getting up at 6-7 am without an alarm clock and falling asleep no later than 11 pm - was covered with a copper basin. But the biggest problem was not immediately clear. I'm used to reading and studying a lot foreign languages, especially if I found good book, - it was difficult to put it down until it was over. I got used to playing something like solitaire on the computer and at the same time listening to a course of lectures on literary criticism, history, and psychology. I constantly read articles on my interests and discussed them with people on thematic forums. I watched a huge amount of arthouse that you couldn’t watch together, and wrote criticism about it. She ran two public pages. I constantly learned something new and took numerous courses. At the same time, I met with friends online. It’s difficult to get me out to visit somewhere, and I myself am reluctant to receive guests, but there was enough communication in the network. Needless to say, with the advent of a man, 1-3 hours a day at best are left for all these activities. Plus, I’m an introvert, and I get very tired of people, that is, after work it’s vital for me to be alone, to restore my energy, but only a person like me can understand this. It seems that the man says, “Take as much time as you need,” but it turns out that all the time I am distracted by his rustling, walking, “where did you put the pancakes with meat?”, “It would be nice to have a snack,” “what are you reading there?” , “come here for a minute”, “let’s better go to the supermarket, the water is running out” and so on. I had to practically give up sports, as well as travel: before I could go anywhere for a weekend, but now I didn’t have enough time, and considering that “lifting” myself somewhere is like two fingers on the asphalt, it’s 10 times harder for a man , even relatively easy-going ones. We still need to show him the charms of this place, then discuss it for a long time, and in the end, even if we go somewhere, it’s usually not where I originally wanted. In a year I read 4 books, and then in fits and starts, but I learned how to cook 30 dishes from vegetables and 40 types of soup and gained 5 kg, because... Previously, in my house there was no talk of condensed milk, cookies and sausage. Losing weight alone is elementary; with a man, considering that I cook, it’s a mission impossible. But the sacrifice, I think, is still justified. And he had to make some sacrifices for me.

In general, I would like to dissuade people who have a rhythm of life similar to mine from being bored alone while they are not in a permanent relationship. Enjoy it to the fullest!

And by the way, they will begin to flock and swirl around you in flocks. This is needed to raise. Even if you parted without any particular insults, then he probably said the usual “bye” instead of “I will love you all”, and this fact somewhere gets stuck as a prickly thorn. We need to get this splinter out. And this time say “bye” first. This is very dishonest, but very effective.

To learn to live alone, you can go to work with. Your personal life probably takes up a lot of your time, and now it’s not occupied with anything. And so we find an alternative path and replace personal life with work life. This is needed to fill time. Otherwise, it will simply be ruined by TV series, all sorts of goodies and tearful songs about.

To learn to live alone, you don’t need to languish in anticipation of a prince or load your day with meaningless activities to the point of complete exhaustion. Living alone does not mean that you need to pamper yourself all the time with some kind of buns and feel sorry for yourself as much as you can.

Living alone means simply living and enjoying. Smile at the sun in the morning, drink your favorite coffee, dance when you want, and when you want, cry while sitting on a stool. Call and fall asleep with a teddy bear. Draw someone's portrait or cross-stitch it, compose a song or put together a puzzle. Finally, you can write a novel about your novel.


Good afternoon, the question is how to live alone without feeling sorry for yourself? We are not talking about a short time, but about a lifetime. But individual people live by their own minds, not subject to stereotypes. It’s easier to live in a herd; everything there has long been clear and understandable. “Live and be happy,” as the hero of the film Pokrovsky Gate said. But being different from everyone is both difficult and lonely.

Most children's fairy tales end with the couple living happily ever after and dying on the same day. Having heard such fairy tales since childhood, many of us would like to transfer this ideal scenario to our real life. life.

You will need

  • Understanding, patience, optimism, calm, humor.


Mutual understanding is the key to long-term success. You must always remember that your significant other has the right to own opinion, hobbies, thoughts and feelings. Trying to understand him as he is is very important. Do not remake your loved one to suit yourself, be able to look critically at yourself and your shortcomings, and, if possible, correct something in yourself.

Common interests and hobbies. Try to find as many points of common ground as possible with your spouse. This does not mean that you need to give up your own hobbies, but the interests of your significant other cannot be ignored. It’s better to separate them or at least support your spouse in his hobby.