One of the most wonderful feelings. What is love - essay

Love is the most beautiful feeling on earth that a person can experience. Love makes you and I do rash actions, good and not so good.

It’s not for nothing that they say that love is visible. A man in love shines, burns and shines vital energy. A person’s eyes light up from love - has everyone heard this phrase? Love can be at first sight, from the first second, from one moment. Or it may come gradually. Common interests unite people, and this shapes feelings.

Some people believe that love is a chemical process in the human body. At the sight of a pretty person, the body begins to develop certain substances, which when combined cause love and delight.

Some say that love is a physical process. When you fall in love, your heart begins to beat faster, your blood begins to rush through your body faster, your cheeks turn pink when you see an attractive person.

Love can be different. You can love cats, dogs, mom, dad, the opposite sex, ice cream or mashed potatoes.

Mom's love is special. She begins to love her child long before his birth. Moms don't sleep at night because of us. Mom carries a 5 kilogram burden under her heart for 9 months. Mom is nervous about both 5-year-old Petya and 45-year-old Petya. Mom loves us and doesn't demand anything in return.

Dad begins to love mom long before the children. Their love leads to the birth of a child. And they already love their child with double strength. Over time, the child begins to give the opposite feelings towards his parents.

We all love pets because they are cute, kind, affectionate and fluffy. All animals also have feelings for their owners. Even if the owner is not born and beats the pet, the pet is still faithfully waiting for him from work.

The teacher loves his students. He puts his heart and soul into his lessons and tries to make sure the kids learn all the information.

A man in love with girls tries to win the heart of his chosen one. He does incredible things. A man tries to change, and change something in himself, so that the lady of his heart will like him.

Each of us has relatives to whom we pay little attention. Approach them, hug them, kiss them, remind them of your feelings.

Love can be different: pure and sincere, mercantile and untruthful. Love is a wonderful feeling that gives you wings! Love is wonderful! Only love can save the world from wars and strife. Love each other.

Essay 2

Love is without a doubt one of the most beautiful feelings a person can experience. For many centuries love has been sung in great works, in music and painting. For many, love is happiness, but also for many it is a curse that cannot be gotten rid of.

A person cannot live without love. But you should understand that love comes in different forms. There is love for parents, friends, wives and husbands. Everyone has their own, special love. True love requires us to respect our loved ones, be willing to be a protector, lend a helping hand, and sacrifice our own interests for the benefit of others.

For many, the question of love remains a mystery. What is her strength? The state of love allows us to open up from a new side, turns our soul inside out and awakens best qualities- determination, honesty, kindness. It is worth understanding that in love you need to be able to not only accept this very love, but also give it. What is important is not so much the receipt of pleasure as the willingness to sacrifice.

To be able to love, you need to be able to love yourself. The same applies to respect. Also important is the ability to value ourselves, regardless of those whispering behind our backs.

Love is not so much the result of a successful combination of circumstances as the result of a lot of work. We create love ourselves. We are all capable of loving and being loved. One of the most important features love is that it is able to overcome and forgive everything. Seeing a beautiful and intelligent person in front of us, certain feelings awaken in us, but we should not confuse them with love. They often love in spite of, that is, not only for positive traits, but also for the shortcomings that exist in each of us. The main advantage of love is the fact that it reveals the best virtues of a person, awakens in him the bright and kind, which a person did not even suspect.

Love makes us do good deeds; the whole world seems wonderful and beautiful to a lover. Simple life is filled with ease, things are done with a pleasant feeling.

Love is sung by many poets, artists and musicians, because it is the most important source of inspiration. A monument to such love is the wonderful, but sad, story of young lovers - Romeo and Juliet. With their love, the power of feelings, they managed to accomplish the impossible - they defeated enmity, hatred, and even death.

Let us remember the great Russian literature, namely the poem by A.S. Pushkin "I loved you." We see in the work all the sadness of a man who will never be able to be close to his beloved and share happiness and loss with her. Main character understands that they will no longer have anything with this woman, but still, in the depths of her soul, she hopes that perhaps love has not yet faded away. But still he renounces his feelings for the well-being of his beloved.

Love has enormous power and authority over a person. It can give both joy and bitterness. But life without love is meaningless and there will be no joy in it.

About Love (essay No. 3)

What is love anyway? What do we know about her?

Some will say that this is the most wonderful feeling, while others will say that this is all nonsense and it was impossible to come up with anything more stupid.

Love is the most mysterious emotional manifestation in people. It is so ingrained among us that it is difficult to imagine life without this feeling.

And it is this feeling that pushes many to stupid, reckless actions. It was as if a sticky fog had seeped into our minds and distorted our thoughts and perceptions. We begin to follow emotions, without listening to the arguments of common reason. Lovers are ready to do rash things, and a mother will always do anything for the sake of her beloved child.

You can turn to examples from literature to prove crazy things done for the sake of love. The same Mayakovsky, in whose place hardly anyone would have decided to live with his beloved and her husband. This seems stupid.

In the work of Alexander Kuprin “ Garnet bracelet"there is also a worthy example. How unrequitedly and madly Zheltkov loved the prince’s wife. And how did it all end? The man kept his warmest feelings for the woman for a long time, and once sent her a birthday gift - a garnet bracelet. The faithful wife, of course, told everything to her husband, and he, in turn, urgently asked the unrequited lover to take the gift and stop writing letters. The price of love for Zheltkov was his own life. Reckless actions destroy, and this example clearly shows us this.

In Leo Tolstoy's novel Anna Karenina main character In order to be with her loved one, she gives up everything and leaves home. The woman understands that there is no turning back and she will no longer be able to see her son, but she still follows her feelings. How did it end in Anna's case? She couldn’t decide what was more important to her: passion or her own child. Another death in the name of love.

I guess reason and love are always fighting each other. But it is worth noting that the voice of reason is not always right. Many great deeds were accomplished because of such a strong feeling as love.

So is love reasonable? Is there a place for reason when a person is in love?

Rather, “love” and “reason” do not go well together. In times of blind or even crazy love, we rarely think about the consequences and are ready to do anything for our loved one to make him happy. When a person loves, then love destroys all common sense.

Option 4

You and I all experience an incredible variety of feelings. It could be anger burning from within or all-consuming hatred. It could be relationship-damaging jealousy or stupid envy. We can be visited by joy, despondency, fear. But the greatest imprint on our soul can be left only by the most beautiful of all feelings - love.

Perhaps you can’t count all those songs and ballads, fairy tales, incredible stories and tales written and dedicated to only one only love. Love lives on our lips, in our hearts and souls, but what is love? Countless people have asked this question, and most likely you have asked it too. This word means a lot to each of us, but also everyone understands it differently. Someone longs for it, and someone desperately runs away from its influence, one denies it, while the other tirelessly dreams of it. One way or another, albeit unconsciously, we are all looking for her and dreaming of meeting her on our long journey of life.

Not everyone can understand love, not everyone can understand what it really is. It would seem that everything is simple! Love is a feeling that one person experiences for another. But is it really that simple? Is love really limited to relationships? Mutual understanding, care, patience, respect and devotion - this is the best thing that can be in life, this is what follows from love, but is this feeling really limited to this?

Love is immense. Emotions, actions and consequences that are explained by love are inexplicable and sometimes simply incomprehensible to anyone. Love is in the air, love can be found at every step, in every word, love surrounds us, although it is not so easy to notice. A drawing drawn by a child for his beloved mother is love. Cooking dinner for your family after a hard day is love. Lullaby before bedtime, affectionate " Good morning” or a grumpy “put on your hat” - all this is love!

Only this incredible feeling can apply to almost everything. Not just to family, significant other or friends. Love for the business to which you have dedicated or want to devote your life. Love of music or aromatic coffee. Love for long sunsets and sunrises. Love for a sometimes difficult, but full of incredible joys of life. But life without love is impossible. Only she fills her with happiness and real meaning. A person without love is an unremarkable organism. Inside a loving person lies a whole world.

Arthur Gray is one of the main characters of the story " Scarlet Sails", was born and grew up in a beautiful house, in a noble family. The only beloved son from infancy was surrounded by the love and attention of caring parents

(1) A model of an atom with a silvery nucleus and electrons fixed in wire orbits stood on a rickety shelf, supported by Zinochka Kryuchkova, a very small and very proud girl with a sharp face. (2) Around him, against the background of glass cabinets, diagrams and tables of the physics room, a stormy life was in full swing.

- (3) Well, no one will help you hammer in a nail? - Galya Vishnyakova, the most beautiful girl schools. (4) She and Zinochka could not cope with the shelf. - (5) Boys, I’ve already broken off all my fingers.

(6) Lyosha would hammer this nail very cleverly. (7) Not a great feat, but still it would have been somehow easier: universal recognition could have saved him from the bitter feeling of loneliness. (8) But as soon as he approached the girls, Gali again developed a desire for independence. (9) She was clearly expecting something different. (10) And she waited. (11) The hammer was intercepted by a slender giantin training pants - Vakhtang.

(12) Zinochka felt sorry for Lyosha.

- (13) Let this guy beat him, - to console Lyosha, Zinochkanodded dismissively at Vakhtang - he is taller.

(14) Lyosha sadly watched as Vakhtang, having made several“warm-up” movements, hit the hammer past the nail and jumped, blowing onbruised fingers. (15) Forgetting about Lyosha, the girls laughed benevolently: Vakhtang was forgiven everything.

(16) Lyosha walked away from them with a contemptuous gesture: “This shelf of yours is up to my waist.” (17) But the gesture did not help: the bitter feeling did not go away.

(18) And suddenly, in a ray of light falling from the window, Lyosha saw a new girl. (19) From an inconspicuous girl, she has now turned into the most noticeable. (20) With glasses, chocolate brown from a southern tan, the girl is so
smiled at him so that he even looked around.

(21) But no one else for whom this smile could be intended,there was no one nearby.

- (22) Is your name Lesha? – the girl asked, and Lyosha realized that she had been watching him for a long time.

(23) Lyosha did not answer immediately, because in such cases, as is known,the invisible conductor gives a sign to the invisible violins to join the soundingThe orchestra is not easy for someone who is not used to it.

“(24) I remember,” Lyosha said carefully and, it seems, did not spoil anything.

- (25) Because I’m just reading about Clero, and his name was Alexis.

“(26) And you are Zhenya Karetnikova, from Krasnodar,” answered Lyosha, fearing that the conversation might get stuck on the unknown Alexis.

“(27) I remember,” said Zhenya.

(28) Gradually Lyosha realized that the orchestra was performing not sodifficult melody, that some liberties are possible in it and that he, Lyosha,also quite on the level.

- (29) Why do you always look out the window during lessons? – Zhenya asked and went up to Lesha’s window. - (30) What did you see there?

(31) Lyosha stood next to Zhenya.

(32) From the window they could see the large open pavilion “Fruits and Vegetables”, located on the other side of the street. (33) Nearby, a glass telephone booth reflected the dazzling blue of the autumn sky.

– (34) Do you have to listen to what the teachers say in class? – Lyosha asked with irony, which he had never been able to demonstrate in front of any girl.

- (35) If you haven’t come up with something new instead of: “I taught, but forgot.”

(36) Lyosha laughed.

“(37) These words must be carved in marble,” he said.

“(38) You can... at my table... (39) I’m also sitting alone,” Zhenya suggested.

(According to M.G. Lvovsky)** Lvovsky Mikhail Grigorievich (1919–1994) – Russian Soviet songwriter, playwright, screenwriter.

Finished essay 9.3 “What is LOVE”:

What is love? Love is one of the most beautiful feelings a person can experience. Love is a feeling of deep affection and aspiration for another person or object. Love ennobles and evokes admiration for the world around us. Every person wants to love and be loved.

In the text by M. G. Lvovsky we see the emergence of a feeling of love between the boy Lyoshka and the girl Zhenya. In sentences 23-24, at first the boy does not immediately answer the girl’s question, and then gives the wrong answer altogether; what is important to him is that she remembers his name. His wife also likes Leshka, she smiles at him, enters into dialogue with him, and then invites him to sit at the same desk. This is where the wonderful feeling of love is born.

A person cannot do without love in life. I would like to give an example of true, sincere love from W. Shakespeare’s “Romeo and Juliet”. In it, the heroes were ready to do any act, make any sacrifice, just to be together. It was impossible for them to live in the world without their loved one, which is why the play has such a tragic ending. We can only admire the power of their love.

So, love is the most wonderful feeling that can inspire, inspire, bring joy and happiness to a person.

Love is a wonderful feeling
Love is one of the feelings that a person is given to experience in life. It can be said that
this feeling makes a person kinder, cleaner, more perfect.
The theme of love is one of the leading themes of world literature from ancient times to
today. Many lovers have become the personification of this feeling. Costs
remember Leila and Majnun, the Chevalier des Grieux and Manon Lescaut, the lady with the dog and
Gurov, as well as many, many others. It's hard to think of what famous people would write about
poets and prose writers, what would have inspired great composers and artists if it weren’t for
light of love.

spent their lives serving a beautiful lady and were happy. Since then the word "knight"
they began to call anyone who treats a woman with respect and admiration.
We can judge what place love occupied in the lives of our ancestors, in
in particular, based on the works of Russian classics. And one of the reasons most famous for
throughout the Russian history of the duel it was precisely ardent love that collided with burning

To say “I love you” means to say “you will never die,” the great
French writer Albert Camus. The lover imprints an image on his heart
loved one, makes him immortal, just as the sun, earth, wind, and
only such immortality is possible in our imperfect world.

“I have you alone, Like the moon in the night, Like spring in the year, Like a pine tree in the steppe.
There is no other like this, beyond any river,
No behind the fogs,
Distant countries"
These lines were written by the famous bard Yuri Vizbor. They can be considered

all his life, he can confidently say: “I didn’t live in vain”

Power of love
It seems to me that love is one of the most beautiful feelings that one can experience.
Human. So what is this feeling, which has been sung in praise for centuries now?
songs and send all sorts of curses?
I think a person cannot live happily without love. She has many faces. We love
parents, children, husbands and wives, friends - and everyone in different, special ways. But who would we go to?
never experienced this feeling real love always means understanding, respect,
willingness to help, protect, the ability to make a sacrifice for a loved one.
The power of love lies in the fact that it awakens a reciprocal feeling, heals the soul,
can save a life. This is the state of a person when his soul is most open
the supreme principles of goodness, truth and beauty. He who loves not only demands, but also
gives, not only thirsts for pleasure, but is also ready for the highest feats of self-denial.
True love is also an expression of creativity, it involves caring,
respect, responsibility.
Love is an important part of human life. We become what we are about
we are thinking. To love someone or something, you must first respect it. But first
everything, you need to respect yourself, because if you don’t love and respect yourself, it’s very difficult
love and respect others. You need to learn to accept yourself, value yourself, regardless of
what others think or say about you.
It seems to me that we create love ourselves - it is not the result of fate or luck. Everyone has it
We all have the ability to love and be loved. Love must be learned. Real
love overcomes everything, covers everything, forgives everything. Love is probably when you
you also love the shortcomings of another person. If a person seems handsome, smart,
talented - this is not necessarily love. It's another matter if you know and love those
the shortcomings he has. However, it is worth paying attention to the statement about
love of V. G. Belinsky: “Love is often mistaken, seeing in a beloved object something that
no... but sometimes only love reveals the beautiful or great in him, which
inaccessible to observation and mind." That is, the power of love is manifested in the fact that it can
to discover the dignity of a person, to awaken something beautiful in him.
Love gives rise to an uncontrollable desire in us to do good deeds. All
The world around a person in love seems beautiful and significant.
Everyday tasks become important and even pleasant and are carried out with some
special ease. No wonder love is considered the elixir of life - it awakens
hidden powers of man.
Of course, true happiness can bring mutual love. But in life it's not always
it happens. People, having once felt suffering from love, believe that it brings
only pain and should be avoided. By unrequited love they judge love in general - “well
It’s better not to love and not to suffer”... But is it so good to live “halfway”?
Love is a feat, a sacrifice, the pinnacle of development of the human soul. One of the facets of this
feelings - the love of a man and a woman - are captured in many creations
human spirit, sung by writers and poets, composers and artists,
directors and actors. Love is an eternal source of inspiration.
A monument to such omnipotent love is a beautiful and sad story
Romeo and Juliet - young lovers who, by the power of their feelings, overcame, it seemed
would be the most insurmountable – hatred, enmity and even death itself.
In Russian literature one can also find many works that sing the hymn of the eternal
love. Thus, the pathos of Pushkin’s poem “I loved you...” is a bright sadness about
eternal love and the impossibility of happiness with your beloved. Lyrical hero noble,
selfless. He timidly hopes that love, perhaps, has not completely faded away, but he renounces
from your happiness for the well-being of your beloved woman.
In the novel “The Master and Margarita” by Bulgakov, the main character of her own free will
sold my soul to the devil. The spirit of evil helped her take revenge on her lover’s offenders. A

Previously, Margarita, without hesitation, refused, for the sake of happiness with the Master, from
secured, quiet life with my husband.
And yet love cannot be deciphered, has no precise definition. Love -
this is the most complex, mysterious and paradoxical reality that faces
Human. And not because, as is usually believed, there is only one step from love to hate, but
because love cannot be “calculated or calculated”! You can't be in it
prudent - nature will easily upset any calculations! You can only be in it
sensitive to follow its whimsical course and in time to guess all its soul
bends, shifts imperceptible to the eye, turns sometimes inexplicable to the mind. IN
love cannot be petty and mediocre - it requires generosity and
talent, vigilance of the heart, breadth of soul, kind, subtle mind and much, much more
something else that nature has endowed us with in abundance and that we waste and waste unwisely.
we become dull in our hectic life.
This high, life-affirming feeling has enormous power. Love is
feeling of togetherness. True love? this is joy! This? giving and receiving joy.

Love, what it is... (based on the works of A. Kuprin)
One of the highest values ​​in a person’s life, according to A.I. Kuprin, is always
there was love. Love, which collects into a single bouquet all the best, all healthy and
brighter than life rewards a person, which justifies any hardships and hardships,
whatever may come his way. So in “Oles”. So in “Garnet Bracelet”.
So in “Shulamith”. So in “Duel”. The writer kept in his soul until the end of his life
the romantic mood of youth, and this is what makes his works strong.
Many events take place before us on the pages of the story “The Duel.” But
the emotional culmination of the work was not tragic fate Romashova, a
the night of love he spent with the insidious and therefore even more captivating Shurochka; And
the happiness experienced by Romashov on this pre-duel night is so great that it was
it is this alone that is conveyed to the reader.
The story “The Garnet Bracelet” makes us think about the enormous power
unrequited love. And the modest, inconspicuous telegraph operator suddenly appears before
us significant, great! After all, it was he who carried pure love throughout his life,
worship of a woman. And the words will always sound like a prayer: “Hallowed be the name
According to Kuprin, a person who is close to nature is truly capable of love. This
He reveals the topic in an unusually interesting way in the story about the Polesie girl-witch.
The main characters of the work are Olesya and Ivan Timofeevich. Whole and direct
Olesya's nature is distinguished by the richness of her inner world. It's rare to find a person
so generously endowed by nature, in which naivety and authority would be combined,
femininity and proud independence, touching courage and delicacy, spiritual
generosity. Together with the heroes of the story, we are going through an alarming period of birth
love and happy moments of pure, complete, all-consuming delight. World
jubilant nature merges with beauty human feeling. Light, fabulous
The atmosphere of the story does not fade even after the tragic ending. Fading into the background
gossip and gossip, vile persecution of the clerk. Above everything insignificant and evil
wins great love, which is remembered without bitterness, “easily and
A.I. Kuprin is an idealist, a dreamer, a singer of sublime feeling. He found special
exceptional conditions that allowed him to create romanticized images of women
and their ideal love. In his environment, A. Kuprin saw sad waste
beauty, crushing of feelings, delusion of thoughts. The writer's ideal rose to victory
strength of spirit over strength of body and to “love true to death.” For Kuprin, love is the most
a consistent form of affirmation and identification of the personal principle in a person.
Protesting against cynicism, corrupt feelings, vulgarity, A. I. Kuprin created the story
“Shulamith.” It was written based on the biblical “Song of Songs” by King Solomon.
Solomon fell in love with a poor peasant girl, but because of the jealousy of the queen he abandoned
Astiz she dies. Before her death, Shulamith says to her lover:
“I thank you, my king, for everything: for your wisdom, which you allowed me to
cling to your lips as if to a sweet source... There never was and never will be a woman
happier than me.” The main idea of ​​this work: love is strong as death, and one
she, eternal, protects humanity from the moral degeneration that threatens it
modern society.
A new return to the theme of great, all-consuming love took place in the story
"Garnet bracelet". Poor official Zheltkov, once meeting Princess Vera
Nikolaevna, loved her with all my heart. This love leaves no room for others
hero's interests. Zheltkov kills himself so as not to interfere with the princess’s life, and, dying,
thanks her for being for him “the only joy in life,
the only consolation, one thought.” This story is not so much about love as
prayer to her. In his suicide letter, the hero blesses his beloved: “When I leave, I

I say in delight: “Hallowed be Thy name!”
Kuprin especially singled out the figure of the old General Anosov, who is confident that
high love exists, but it “...must be a tragedy, the greatest secret in
world”, which knows no compromises. Princess Vera, a woman, for all her
aristocratic restraint, very impressionable, capable of understanding and appreciating
beautiful, felt that her life came into contact with this great love,
sung by the best poets of the world. The love of the official Zheltkov is alien to that deep
hiddenness, in which noble modesty is intertwined with noble pride.
“Be silent and perish”... This talent was not given to Zheltkov. But for him, too, “magical
“fetters” turned out to be sweeter than life.
The story “Olesya” develops the theme of Kuprin’s creativity - love as
saving power that protects the “pure gold” of human nature from “deterioration”, from
destructive influence of bourgeois civilization. It is no coincidence that my favorite hero
Kuprin became a man of strong-willed, courageous character and noble, kind
heart, capable of rejoicing in all the diversity of the world. The work is based on
a comparison of two heroes, two natures, two worldviews. On the one side,
educated intellectual, representative of urban culture, quite humane Ivan
Timofeevich, on the other - Olesya, a “child of nature”, not influenced by the city
civilization. Compared to Ivan Timofeevich, a kind but weak man,
“lazy” heart, Olesya rises with nobility, integrity, proud confidence
in its strength. Freely, without any special tricks, Kuprin draws the appearance of the Polesie woman
beauty, forcing us to follow the richness of shades of her spiritual world, always
original, sincere and deep. “Olesya” is Kuprin’s artistic discovery.
The writer showed us the true beauty of the innocent, almost childish soul of a girl,
grew up far from the noisy world of people, among animals, birds and forests. But along with this
Kuprin also highlights human malice, senseless superstition, fear of
unknown, unknown. However, true love triumphed over all this.
A string of red beads is the last tribute of Olesya’s generous heart, the memory of “her tender,
generous love."
A feature of A. I. Kuprin’s artistic talent is an increased interest in
each human personality and skill psychological analysis- let him
fully master the realistic heritage. The value of his work lies in
artistically and convincingly revealing the soul of his contemporary. Writer
considers love as a deep moral and psychological feeling. Stories
Alexander Ivanovich Kuprin raises the eternal problems of humanity -
problems of love.

The love everyone dreams of
Love is the most important component of our life. There is no such poet, writer, musician,
who would not bear this amazing feeling. Everyone encounters love
daily, whether it be brotherly, maternal, to a spouse or to a friend.
However, all people perceive the word “love” in their own way. Someone associates him with
pain, suffering, jealousy, and some - with joy, lightness: as if the soul was singing and
I want to fly.. How many people, so many opinions, so the exact definition of love
impossible to give.
For example, in the story “The Garnet Bracelet,” love, according to A.I. Kuprin, should
be based on elevated feelings, mutual respect and honesty. Such
is Zheltkov’s love for Vera Nikolaevna. A petty dreamer official fell in love with
society lady. Fell in love secretly, and, as a result, unrequitedly. His letters are not
Vera takes it seriously; the donated bracelet caused a storm of indignation. Meanwhile
reminders of these letters and the gift support hope in Zheltkov’s soul,
reduce the suffering of love. He felt such a passionate, sizzling feeling for Vera.
a love that he was ready to take with him to the grave. The official is grateful to the one who
evoked this wonderful feeling, elevated him above this vain world. Zheltkov
idolizes his beloved, as evidenced by the line from his last letter:
"Hallowed be Thy name."
However, I have a negative attitude towards Zheltkov’s suicide due to unrequited love. I
I think self-sacrifice is part of love. ss moment of danger. And a completely different thing is suicide from unrequited feelings. This should be treated as a disease, a problem with
In my opinion, love is similar to Kuprin’s description: to love is to give,
without asking for anything in return, forget about your own self, cherish every minute,
spent together, to sacrifice oneself for the sake of the life of the beloved. No wonder, in
Translated from one of the eastern languages, the phrase “I love you” means “I will take your
pain on yourself."
Many people prove their love through reckless actions. Probably every second
uttered these words: “I am ready to do anything for you.” I admit, I wouldn't refuse either
the earth strewn with flowers under the windows of his house. But I'll never be able to tell
person: "Die for me." I simply do not have the right to do this, because any life is priceless.
In the end, I would like to answer the question of what kind of love everyone dreams of. In my opinion, love should be mutual. Then the relationship will have both mutual understanding and
altruism, and there will be fewer deaths from unrequited feelings.

Love as a vice and as the highest spiritual value in Russian prose of the 20th century. (By
works of A.P. Chekhova, I.A. Bunina, A.I. Kuprina)
The theme of love in the works of writers of the turn of the 19th and 20th centuries is special - it is often
painted in pessimistic, even tragic tones. Chekhov, Bunin, Kuprin - all of them
they long for real, strong, sincere love, but do not see it around them
myself. According to these artists, the people of their time have forgotten how to love, they
selfish and selfish, their souls are callous and their hearts are cold. But the need to love
inherent in man by nature. That is why almost all the heroes of Chekhov, Bunin,
Kuprin are unhappy: they strive for love, but cannot comprehend it.
However, these writers are convinced that love is the brightest and happiest thing that can be
in the life of every person. And in their works they show examples of such
love. I was struck with great force by A.P.’s story. Chekhov “About Love” and the story by I.A.
Bunin "Caucasus". They are about different things and, at the same time, about the same thing, in Chekhov's story
it is said that people, not daring to change their lives, remain forever
unhappy, miss their love.
Landowner Alekhine tells a story. He was in love with a married woman -
Anna Alekseevna. This well-mannered, intelligent, well-read lady was the wife of a mediocre,
a gray man whom, in fact, she did not love. What kept her close to him? Habit,
fear of change, fear of serious action? Although sympathy and kinship of souls with Alekhine
the heroine began to experience it almost immediately. But I chose a routine life. Over time she
two children appear, and she continues to live with an unloved person.
The characters didn’t even talk about their feelings. For what? After all, they still wouldn’t dare
change something. And only the departure of his beloved forces Alekhine to confess to her: “When here,
in the compartment, our eyes met, our spiritual strength left us both, I hugged her, she
she pressed her face to my chest, and tears flowed from her eyes; kissing her face, shoulders, arms,
wet with tears - oh, how unhappy we were with her! - I confessed my love to her, and with
With a burning pain in my heart I realized how unnecessary, petty and how deceptive everything that we
prevented me from loving." But it was too late - the hero lost his happiness forever.
Bunin’s story “Caucasus” shows the opposite situation. The heroine and the hero have decided
run away from the heroine's husband. They fled to the Caucasus, where they spent perhaps better days V
of your life, the best days of your novel.
The Caucasian landscape contrasted sharply with cold, gray, dull Moscow. How
contrasted and state of mind heroes. Here they were together, against the backdrop of this
sunny, bright, exotic landscape: “When the heat subsided and we opened the window,
the part of the sea visible from it between the cypress trees standing on the slope below us had the color
violets and lay so smoothly and peacefully that it seemed there would never be an end to this peace,
this beauty."
These moments together became even more precious because they were soon needed.
return to Moscow, to a familiar and hateful life.
It would seem that this story is about two loving people. But the final lines
works turn everything upside down, change everything. We understand that the main character
“Caucasus” is the person who loved the heroine, and about whom only
in passing.
This man is given only the final lines of the story: “Returning to his room, he
lay down on the sofa and shot himself in the temples with two revolvers.” That's who love was for
a real obsession, whose feelings were conveyed by the sultry Caucasian landscape! I
I think this man’s obsessive feeling is similar to the obsessive Caucasian heat, which
clouds the mind, makes a person delirious.
Kuprin also tells us about the greatest need to love. His hero Zheltkov
(“Garnet Bracelet”) - the lucky one who was gifted with the ability to love. This
a man has great feelings for a married woman who is superior to him
social status. Zheltkov will never be able to connect with her, but this is for

it's not important to him. This man is happy that he sees Vera Nikolaevna and breathes with her
just air, sometimes you can hear her voice. For the sake of his love, because of it Zheltkov
departs this life, at the last moment deifying his beloved: “Hallowed be thy name.”
Bunin's heroes love a little differently. Their feeling is a bright flash, love, passion, which certainly passes, sometimes giving way to tragedy (“ Dark alleys»,
“Cold Autumn”, “Caucasus”, etc.). Love, according to Bunin, often destroys, cripples,
kills. But still - this is the greatest, highest and most divine that is available
person on this earth.
In this, both Chekhov and Kuprin agree with Bunin. Love is a divine gift, for
which you need to be grateful to the Almighty. Without this feeling life is empty and
worthless. And let sometimes love look like a vice, destroying, incinerating,
destroying. However, truly unfortunate are those who are unable to experience this
vicious and, at the same time, divine feeling.

Love in the life of L. N. Tolstoy's heroes
In the novel “War and Peace” L.N. Tolstoy singled out and considered the most significant “thought
folk." This theme is most vividly and multifacetedly reflected in those parts of the works
which tell about the war. In the depiction of the “world” the “family thought” predominates,
plays a very important role in the novel.
Almost all the heroes of “War and Peace” are subjected to the test of love. Towards the true
love and mutual understanding, they do not all come to moral beauty at once, but
only after going through mistakes and the suffering that redeems them, develops and purifies
Andrei Bolkonsky's path to happiness was thorny. Twenty years old inexperienced
As a young man, carried away and blinded by “external beauty,” he marries Lisa. However
very quickly Andrei came to a painful and depressing understanding of how “cruelly
and unique” he was wrong. In a conversation with Pierre, Andrei says almost in despair
words: “Never, never get married... until you have done everything you could... God
my, what I wouldn’t give now not to be married!”
Family life did not bring Bolkonsky happiness and peace; he was burdened by it.
He did not love his wife, but rather despised her as a child of an empty, stupid world. Prince Andrey
was constantly oppressed by a feeling of the uselessness of his life, equating him with
“a court lackey and an idiot.”
Then there was the sky of Austerlitz, the death of Lisa, and a deep spiritual change, and
fatigue, melancholy, contempt for life, disappointment. Bolkonsky at that time was like
the oak tree, which “stood like an old, angry and contemptuous freak between the smiling
birches” and “did not want to submit to the charm of spring.” “The unexpected confusion of the young
thoughts and hopes” rose in Andrey’s soul. He left transformed, and again before
there is an oak, but not an old, ugly oak, but covered with a “tent of lush, dark greenery,” so
that “no sores, no old mistrust, no grief - nothing was visible.”
Love, like a miracle, revives Tolstoy's heroes to a new life. True feeling for
Natasha, so unlike the empty, absurd women of the world, came to Prince Andrei
later and with incredible force it turned over and renewed his soul. He “seemed and was completely
a different, new person,” and as if he had walked out of a stuffy room into the free world
God's. True, even love did not help Prince Andrei to humble his pride; he never
forgave Natasha for “betrayal”. Only after a mortal wound and a mental breakdown and
rethinking life Bolkonsky understood her suffering, shame and repentance and realized
the cruelty of breaking up with her. “I love you more, better than before,” he said then
Natasha, but nothing, not even her fiery feeling, could keep him in this world.
Pierre's fate is somewhat similar to the fate of his best friend. Just like Andrey, in
in his youth, infatuated with Lisa, having just arrived from Paris, childishly enthusiastic
Pierre is captivated by Helene's “doll-like” beauty. The example of Prince Andrey did not become for him
“science”, Pierre was convinced from his own experience that external beauty is not always
inner beauty - spiritual.
Pierre felt that there were no barriers between him and Helen, she “was terribly close to him,” her
the beautiful and “marble” body had power over him. And although Pierre felt that this
“It’s not good for some reason,” he limply succumbed to the feeling inspired in him by this “depraved
woman,” and eventually became her husband. The result is a bitter feeling of disappointment,
gloomy despondency, contempt for his wife, for life, for himself, overcame him after a while
after the wedding, when Helen’s “mystery” turned into spiritual emptiness, stupidity and
Having met Natasha, Pierre, like Andrei, was amazed and attracted by her purity and
naturalness. Feelings for her had already timidly begun to grow in his soul when
Bolkonsky and Natasha fell in love with each other. The joy of their happiness mixed in his
with sadness in my heart. Unlike Andrey, Pierre's kind heart understood and forgave Natasha
after the incident with Anatoly Kuragin. Although he tried to despise her, he saw

exhausted, suffering Natasha, and “a never-before-experienced feeling of pity
filled Pierre’s soul.” And love entered his “soul, which blossomed towards a new life.”
Pierre understood Natasha, perhaps because her connection with Anatole was similar to his
Helen's passion. Natasha believed in the inner beauty of Kuragin, in communication with
with whom she, like Pierre and Helene, “felt with horror that there was no
no barrier." After a disagreement with my wife, the way life's quest Pierre
continues. He became interested in Freemasonry, then there was a war, and a half-childish idea of ​​murder
Napoleon, and burning Moscow, terrible minutes of waiting for death and captivity. Past
through suffering, Pierre's renewed, purified soul retained his love for
Natasha. Having met her, who had also changed greatly, Pierre did not recognize Natasha. They are both
believed that after everything they had experienced they would be able to feel this joy, but love awoke in
their hearts, and suddenly “it smelled and filled with long-forgotten happiness,” and the “forces of life” began to beat,
and “joyful madness” took possession of them.
“Love has awakened, and life has awakened.” The power of love revived Natasha after
mental apathy caused by the death of Prince Andrei. She thought her life was over
but the love for her mother that arose with renewed vigor showed her that her essence is love -
still alive in her.” This all-encompassing power of love, which brought to life those she loved
the people it was aimed at.
The fates of Nikolai Rostov and Princess Marya were not easy. Quiet, meek,
ugly in appearance, but beautiful in soul, the princess during her father’s life did not even hope to leave
get married, raise children. The only wooer, and only for the sake of a dowry, Anatole,
Of course, I could not understand her high spirituality and moral beauty.
In the epilogue of the novel “War and Peace” Tolstoy exalts the spiritual unity of people,
constituting the basis of nepotism. Was created new family, in which they connected,
seemingly different beginnings - the Rostovs and the Bolkonskys.
“As in every real family, several people lived together in the Lysogorsk house.
completely different worlds, which, each maintaining its own peculiarity and making
concessions to one another merged into one harmonious whole.”

Love in the lives of Onegin, Tatyana and Pushkin (based on the novel “Eugene Onegin”)
The theme of love is one of the leading ones in the novel by A.S. Pushkin "Eugene Onegin". Exactly
the ability to love sincerely and devotedly, the author “measures” human nature, the level
development of their heroes. Pushkin himself believed that love is the meaning of existence,
only by loving can a person fully reveal all his capabilities, experience life before
The main character of the novel is the young nobleman Eugene Onegin. One of the main
questions of the work - does Onegin know how to love? The reader thinks about this
throughout the novel.
It seems to me that to answer this question, it is worth turning to the description of education
and the hero's lifestyle. Onegin from the very youth was part of high society
St. Petersburg. All that the hero could learn there was the art of lies and hypocrisy:
How early could he be a hypocrite?
To harbor hope, to be jealous,
To dissuade, to make believe,
Seem gloomy, languish...
The high society of St. Petersburg is completely unpretentious. It only values
superficial ability to make a pleasant impression. No one can look deeper
not going to. I think in such a society it is easy for superficial people to shine.
Constant romances, intrigues, flirting - these are the main entertainments in this society.
Naturally, Onegin perfectly mastered the “art of tender passion.” But in these
There is not a drop of sincerity in the relationship. Evgeniy quickly became disillusioned with
life and your surroundings. He lost interest in everything around him. After some time Onegin
went to the village. For only a few days he was interested in simple village life. But
then the hero became bored again.
It was during such a “spiritual coldness” that Evgeny Onegin met Tatyana.
The young girl instantly fell in love with the capital's dandy. She, unlike Onegin,
knew how to love strongly and sincerely, giving herself completely to this feeling.
Confirmation of this is the confession that the heroine first wrote to Onegin:
I know you were sent to me by God,
Until the grave you are my keeper...
You appeared in my dreams,
Invisible, you were already dear to me...
But Onegin was sure that no one would be able to agitate him for long. Onegin is not
reciprocates the heroine's feelings, giving her a rebuke. Having survived this refusal, Tatyana, without
love, marries someone else.
Onegin, after the murder of Lensky, he wandered for some time, moved away from
high society has changed a lot. Everything superficial is gone, only the deep remains,
ambiguous personality. A few years later, Evgeniy meets Tatyana again.
Now she married woman, socialite. But we understand that the heroine still loves Onegin:
I love you (why lie?),
But I was given to someone else;
I will be faithful to him forever.
And the changed hero is now capable of loving and suffering, but it’s too late - Tatyana
refuses him, remaining faithful to her husband.
Thus, Pushkin’s heroes came to the end of the work as truly loving
people. This is not surprising, since the Author himself considers love to be the most important feeling in
life of a person: “And the mighty life gives And lush blossom and sweet fruit.” Ability
love is the main criterion in evaluation literary heroes and people for Pushkin.

Talk about love
Love is one of the feelings that a person is given to experience in life. You could say
that this feeling makes a person kinder, cleaner, more perfect. The theme of love is one of
leading themes of world literature from ancient times to the present day. Many
lovers became the personification of this feeling. It is worth remembering Layla and Majnun,
the Chevalier des Grieux and Manon Lescaut, the lady with the dog and Gurov, as well as many, many
others. It’s hard to think of what famous poets and prose writers would write about than
Great composers and artists would be inspired if there were no love in the world,
The ancients considered love a gift from the gods. This feeling, in their opinion, brought mortals closer
to the celestials. In the Middle Ages, a real cult of love developed. The knights dedicated everything
spent their lives serving a beautiful lady and were happy. Since then, the word "knight"
they began to call anyone who treats a woman with respect and admiration. ABOUT
We can judge, in particular, what place love occupied in the lives of our ancestors
based on the works of Russian classics. And one of the reasons for the most famous in all of Russian
The story of the duel was precisely ardent love colliding with burning jealousy.
Love has many faces. This is love-friendship, love-cooperation, love-passion,
love-tragedy and others. In love there is not only happiness, the joy of mutual
understanding, pleasure, but also deception, jealousy, fear, pain. We can say that in the background
love, other spiritual manifestations of a person appear more clearly, prominently,
convex. In this way a person is trusted by love.
To say “I love you” means to say “you will never die,” he once remarked
the great French writer Albert Camus. The lover imprints on his heart
the image of a loved one makes him immortal, just as the sun, earth, wind are immortal,
and only such immortality is possible in our imperfect world.
Love, as has already been said, is not a profitable acquisition, but a gift. And like everyone else
unexpected and a nice gift, this feeling must be treasured. After all, they say
that true love is given to a person once in a lifetime, and this is not far from the truth.
It is known that love is realized entirely in the sphere of interpersonal communication. That's why
It’s like you need to learn to speak, think, and breathe again. Many see this as work and
the hardships of love, especially if love culminates in legal marriage. What's important here is not
lose your own individuality, your own point of view on the world around you
and on love itself in particular.
"You are the only one I have,
Like the moon in the night,
It's like spring in the year,
Like a pine tree in the steppe.
There is no other one like this
Beyond any river
No behind the fogs,
Distant countries"

These lines were written by the famous bard Yuri Vizbor. They can be considered
a unique result of modern artistic and everyday experience. Today
love has hardly changed much: this feeling still inspires a person to
new beginnings, achievements, exploits. And the one who carried this wonderful feeling through
all his life, he can confidently say: “I did not live in vain.”

Love on the pages of the works of I. A. Bunin
In the first half of the twenties, the struggle was stronger than ever in Bunin’s work
two principles: life and death. The writer sees the opposition to death in love. This
the topic becomes the main one for him. According to him, love is beautiful
moments that illuminate a person's life. “Love does not understand death. Love exists
life” - these words of Andrei Bolkonsky from “War and Peace” are deeply reflected in
works of Ivan Alekseevich Bunin. He writes about the highest and most complete, from his point of view
sight, earthly happiness.
In the twenties, Bunin writes big story“The Case of Cornet Elagin.” Hero,
in love with an actress, experiences a painful and crushing feeling. It
turns out to be fatal for both and leads to a tragic outcome.
Usually first love is viewed poetically or as something frivolous,
even frivolous. But Bunin claims that this is not at all true: “Often this “first
love” is accompanied by dramas and tragedies, but no one thinks at all about how
since at this time people are experiencing something much deeper, more complex than excitement,
suffering, usually called adoration of a cute creature: they experience it without themselves
knowing the terrible blossoming, the painful opening, the first mass of sex.” This "first mass"
gender” changes to the ground inner world a person, heightens his sensitivity
to everything around. What was the relationship between Elagin and Sosnovskaya? Hot feeling it
collided with her capricious and changeable mood. Elagin painfully
experiences transitions of his beloved's feelings from sudden manifestations of love to
indifference, almost indifference. The hero was close to suicide, rushing about in despair
to outbursts of tenderness, from rage to forgiveness.
As witness Zalessky says at the trial, “she either inflamed him (Elagin) or doused him
cold water.” Elagin had to constantly suffer from jealousy, since
Sosnovskaya was constantly surrounded by fans.
A very similar situation is described in the story “Mitya’s Love”, in the novel “Life
Arsenyev”, in the story “Chang’s Dreams”. According to the writer, passionate love and cruel
Jealousy is caused by a certain type of woman who is the epitome of

An example of an essay in the direction of “Love”

What is love? This is one of the most mysterious feelings inherent in humans. It inspires someone, makes them happy, and brings pain and disappointment to others. Despite this, every person dreams of experiencing this feeling, hoping that it will give him happiness. Perhaps there is not a single poet or writer who would ignore this wonderful topic.

One of the greats said that it is in love that the true character of a person is revealed. How brave Tatyana Larina turns out to be, the heroine of the novel in verse “Eugene Onegin”! She decides to confess to Onegin because she is unable to hide the strong feeling that overwhelms her. Risking her own reputation, the girl excitedly writes a frank letter to the unsuspecting Evgeniy. Having learned that Onegin does not love her, disappointed Tatyana experiences pain, but remains true to herself, her habits and affections, spending a lot of time with a book in her hands and communicating with nature. The deep moral principle that A.S. Pushkin admires remains in the heroine even after marriage. Yes, she continues to love Onegin, but remains faithful to her husband. The image of Tatyana is an example of the fact that a person can and should control his feelings, without succumbing to emotional impulses, and maintain moral purity.

A.I. Kuprin reflects on the eternal secret of love in the story “The Garnet Bracelet.” His hero - a modest telegraph operator Zheltkov - is capable of strong deep feeling which becomes the meaning of his life. Love for the married princess Vera Nikolaevna Sheina is admiration for a woman without any hope of reciprocity. This is a bright and at the same time tragic feeling that became the basis of Zheltkov’s life. The hero is happy at the thought that his beloved lives somewhere nearby. It is important for him that she knows about his feelings and at the same time is not burdened by him. Only after the death of the hero does the princess realize that the amazing love that every woman dreams of has passed her by.

The heroine of I.A. Bunin’s story “Dark Alleys,” Nadezhda, experienced bitter disappointment. The feeling that flared up in her youth turned her whole life upside down. The young master quickly lost interest in the serf girl, and Nadezhda could not forget and forgive the pain he caused. The mental wound turned out to be so deep that the heroine, who had lost faith in happiness, never got married. She retained love in her soul and even years later did not regret the strong feeling that she experienced in her youth.

What is love? This is an amazing gift, a feeling that transforms a person, elevates and enriches him. Does this mean that love has miraculous powers? Yes, it changes, “regenerates ourselves.” This magical power makes someone happy, inspires, and hurts someone, bringing disappointment. And yet, every person dreams of experiencing this wonderful feeling, hoping to find happiness.