Oleg Miami spoke about breaking up with Nastya Ivleeva and about a new novel. Arseny Borodin: biography and personal life Personal life of the presenter

Arseny Borodin is a famous singer, lead singer of the Chelsea group, participant in the popular television projects “Star Factory - 6”, “Star Factory. Return", winner international competition"New Wave - 2013", winner of the project " Main stage"on the TV channel "Russia 1".

Karina Pronina (K.P.):Arseny, when did the realization come, what musicthis is your future?

Arseny Borodin (A.B.): Realization came at the age of 23-24. Before that, everything was at the “fan” level, I mean my attitude towards it. Naturally, I always worked professionally, because I was raised that way, I was taught that way, but the realization came much later.

TO. P.: Your father, Yuri Gennadievich- famous musician in Barnaul, How much did he influence the choice of your future profession??

A.B.: My dad worked in one of the largest recording studios, and it so happened that we had part of this studio at home, where he wrote music. Mostly it was rock, one of my dad’s favorite bands was Black Sabbath. Somehow that’s how I got acquainted with heavy music; it always sounded different, but very good and of high quality. When dad once again heard me repeating some choruses of famous songs, he listened and sent me to the Accent song theater to study vocals. I think he greatly influenced the choice of my future profession, first of all, through his example and the atmosphere that he created at home. I couldn’t ignore it, I absorbed it like a sponge.

K.P.: At the age of six he brought you to the song theater« Accent” in which you studied11 years, talent for music, as already mentioned, was noticed before joining the theater. Tell us about its further development.

A.B.: Yes, as I already said, I have had hearing since childhood. Everyone in my family sings and has good voices. It wasn't for anyone future profession, but the fact that I have a very musical family is a fact. Training here - further development. The first thing I had to do was put on breathing - this is very important for every vocalist, but many modern singers stubbornly ignore this moment. Next came training in plasticity, voice control, detail, and work on timbre. This is a long and lengthy process that takes a lifetime to learn.

K.P.: Repeated performances in your city, victories at local festivals caused envy among peers?

A.B.: Regarding envy among peers, I can tell you one very terrible and tragic incident that happened to me at the age of 10 years. I broke my spine, the reason was that there weren’t many boys practicing in the studio of the Accent song theater, and one of them pushed me off the high marble railing where we were doing choreography. It was summer, we went outside to get some air, and shouting “YOU WILL NEVER SING AGAIN!”, he pushed me off the parapet. I broke 4 vertebrae, had a thoracic fracture and a concussion.

I encountered envy more than once, later on I was constantly pursued by some strange people, they tried to interfere with their opinion, but I was enough strong man internally. This situation has strengthened me very much, I am very glad that I remained healthy, well, relatively.

K.P.: What were you like at school?, was there a strong interest in studying?, or creative activity took over the lessons?

A.B.: Most of all I was interested in such disciplines as chemistry, biology, history and literature. I was very successful in these subjects and always prepared very strong reports and speeches. I have never been interested in exact sciences, I did not hide this. I am very grateful to my teachers, who did not put pressure on me, because they understood who I would become, and, in principle, to this day I express great gratitude, I try to mention them in every interview. It was difficult to do the lessons, I honestly admit, because teaching the song “Accent” in the theater took place in the evenings. I didn’t have a childhood, so to speak. That is, when the boys were playing football there, I ran with my grandmother to the bus stop to go study either vocals, or choreography, or some other stories.

K.P.: How did you find out about the casting for the project?« Star Factory-6″?

A.B.: I learned about the project from my colleague, my friend, who once worked with me at the Accent song theater. He offered to go together. Upon arrival in Moscow, we met the guys who were going on further tours. I was just lucky to be in the right place at the right time.

K.P.: Describe the feelings, who experienced, having learned, that they were included in the list of seventeen lucky winners, which will hold3 months in the Star House?

A.B.: The feelings, of course, were amazing when they noticed me. There was no limit to happiness, I think that such a shock could only be interrupted by the birth of the first child. The level of training played an important role; I had it the strongest of all the participants in “Star Factory-6”. All this was repeatedly noted by the vocal teacher Vladimir Ivanovich Korobka. He rewarded me with invaluable experience, which I use to this day, for which I can express my deep gratitude.

K.P.: Second place in the projectsuccess or failure?

A.B.: Success that helped me believe in myself. And this, moreover, is a victory. Life has shown that it doesn’t matter what place you occupy. If you don’t do anything, don’t continue to work on yourself, don’t continue to act, don’t continue to take some steps forward, then, in principle, in ten years it will no longer matter what place you took, twenty-fifth or fifteenth, no one will will remember this.

K.P.: Thanks« Factory» Chelsea group formed, why did you become the soloist??

A.B.: Creating a group was my idea, because in 2006 there weren’t enough fashionable boy bands on the Russian stage, and I suggested that Viktor Yakovlech create an analogue of the English group Blue. Here, in fact, is the story; he came up with the name, but later.

K.P.: What significance does the creation of Russian pop play in your life?bands and how much has your life changed after the release of your first hit?— « Someone else's bride«? Is it possible to divide it into« BEFORE» And« AFTER«?

A.B.: Life has changed dramatically, as I already said, after I got to the “Factory”, I began to understand that life would not be the same, I would further develop in a musical direction. It was nice to realize that we received the Golden Gramophone award, became group of the year twice, and had a huge number of music awards in other countries.

Yes, of course, it is possible to divide life into “BEFORE” and “After”. Everything became different: outlook on life, attitude to work, attitude, communication with people and friends.

K.P.: Today youthis is an independent creative unit. Victory in the project« Main stage» on Russia TV channel1 — new stage in life. Expand, Please, secret of success! May be, Can you give me somethen advice for beginning vocalists and musicians?

A.B.: I have no desire to convulse for years as a solo artist, in the hope that someone somewhere will hear me. I had an urgent task - to minimal amount time in our country they learned who Arseny Borodin was and what he was like. I was invited to the general casting of the “Main Stage” project, I came and, naturally, showed a good level of preparation, choosing good material with which I performed.

The secret to success is your repertoire!!! Dear vocalists, musicians, the repertoire is your face and future, or your grave, because a huge number of guys made simply terrible mistakes. You only have one chance to convince the jury without leaving any questions in your speech. You need to shoot exactly at the target: from appearance before arranging the song.

K.P.: Do you have time for your personal life?? What should your wife be like?? Who, in your understanding,ideal woman?

A.B.: Now I just physically don’t have time to communicate with friends, go to some premieres, hang out, and so on. To be honest, I’m glad about this, because I now have a huge amount of time for the really important things in life: music, working in amazing studios. I could only dream about this before.

Ideal people do not exist, I am ready to accept a person with his problems, disadvantages and advantages, but there is one point, the most important thing is love, no matter how trite it may sound, you either feel that this is your person or not. One can argue endlessly; this topic is eternal, I would say. Now I just don’t bother about it.

K.P.: Tell us about your immediate plans for the future. How are you going to surprise the audience??

A.B.: The most important plan for the future is to shoot a new video and release good song, if it can still be called a summer song, then let it be a summer song, because we are a little behind on deadlines. Another new song is planned for the fall. Let's hope that before the new year there will be another solo concert in Moscow. If globally, then I dream of creating best show in Russia, which has not yet existed.

Interviewed by Karina Pronina

At the end of last year (27) he released a video for the song “If you are with me” the main character which became Nastya Ivleeva (27). And a little later it became known that the guys not only worked together, they were actually dating.

But the music did not play for long. In his latest online broadcast on Instagram, Oleg answered questions from fans. And, of course, everyone asked him about Nastya. At first the singer remained silent, but then he finally admitted that they had broken up.

“Nothing like that happened. It’s just that now everyone lives their own life. Nastya and I have not been together recently. There are many versions - PR, not PR. I have never tried to promote myself at the expense of anyone. Nastya and I have a long history; those who watch “Khach’s Diary” remember how I confessed my love to her. From that time we started communicating. And then it so happened that they started dating, but did not advertise it. It was just the two of us. And then everything... Nastya has a lot of work, and so do I. Somehow it doesn’t grow together.”

By the way, Oleg agreed with the fans’ opinion that he and Nastya were a very beautiful couple. “I agree, Nastya and I were suitable for each other. At some point it even seemed that it could not be more ideal. We were just super, that’s why the video turned out so natural and lively,” the singer admitted.

But Miami is not discouraged: he admitted that now he really likes one girl. “We’re communicating. I don’t plan to advertise,” he said.

Let us remember that before Miami, Nastya met with a participant in the show “The Voice”, “Main Stage” and “Star Factory” Arseny Borodin (29). But Oleg’s most high-profile romance is with Dom-2 participant Katya Zhuzha (29).

Arseny Borodin - Russian singer, winner of the project “Star Factory-6” and “Star Factory. Return", member of the Chelsea group.
Arseny was born on December 13, 1988 in the city of Barnaul. At the age of six, his father brought Arseny to the Accent song theater, where he studied for 11 years. While studying in the 11th grade, Arseny went to Moscow for the casting of the project “Star Factory-6”. He successfully completed all stages and was among the 17 finalists. During the project, vocal teachers Vladimir Korobka and Marina Leonova spoke more than once about Arseny’s potential, and eventually recognized him as the strongest and most flexible vocalist in all the seasons of “Star Factories.” According to the results of the popular SMS voting, Arseny took second place.
Arseny is a soloist Russian group Chelsea. The Chelsea group was created during the Star Factory-6 project. The first hit of the future group, “Someone else’s Bride,” reached the second line of the Golden Gramophone hit parade of Russian Radio and stayed there for more than twenty weeks. The group’s second hit was the song “The Most Favorite”. This song later brought the guys a second Golden Gramophone. In subsequent years, the group was in great demand and actively toured, with an average of about 300 concerts per year. In 2011, the group took part in the “Star Factory” project. Return”, where graduates of the “Star Factory” from different years compete, each of whom once began their career in the “Star House”. During the project, the group changed its style, and now it can be described as “pop-rock”, although previously “Chelsea” was considered exclusively a pop group. On May 28, 2011, the final of “Star Factory” took place. Return”, in which the Chelsea group took 2nd place.
Now Arseny Borodin is an independent artist. The search for “his” music led him to Finland, where he met producers Toni Kimpimaki, Milos Rosas, known for their work with The Rasmus, Sunrise Avenue, Max C, etc. The result of the collaboration was Arseny’s first single “Deadman”s Kiss." In July 2012, the first music video was shot, which simply blew up the Internet.

Balyuk. Producer: Oksana Shabanova

Ten years ago, a sweet-voiced blond Arseny Borodin(27) completely overwhelmed the girls of Russia with romantic ballads together with his friends in the group “ Chelsea" Chelsea is no more, the boy has grown up and plays rock. Arseny told PEOPLETALK, how from the dream of all the girls in the country he turned into a brutal musician with a bunch of tattoos.

Shirt and trousers, Giorgio Armani; loafers, Loake 1880; jacket, 0909showroom

Hi all! My name is Arseny Borodin (Laughs.) I was born in 1988 in the Siberian city of Barnaul - the capital Altai Territory. My dad is a musician, arranger and composer, so I was involved in music since childhood. My father instilled in me a love of rock; he always played BlackSabbath and Peter Gabriel (66). And as soon as he heard me sing, he said: “Let’s go, son, to music school.” At the age of six, I was sent to study at the Accent Song Theater, where I went for 11 years, and at the same time studied at the Sigma Lyceum. He received an incomplete secondary education, and then in February 2006 he packed his things and flew to Moscow to try his luck in the TV project “Star Factory-6”. This was a very serious step. And I took second place. The first, if you remember, was taken by Dima Koldun (31), he then went to Eurovision from Belarus. By the way, many thanks to the director of my lyceum Vladimir Stepanovich Talyukin, which allowed me to return to school after the project and still pass the Unified State Exam as an external student.

I received amazing emotions from the “Star Factory”. It seems to me that only the birth of a child can surpass such sensations, honestly. There has never been anything cooler in my life yet.
Even during the project, the boy band Chelsea appeared. This was my idea. I offered Viktor Yakovlevich Drobysh(50) create a group because I understood that it was impossible to start a solo career at 17 years old. And in Russia there simply wasn’t a cool boy group a la English Blue. The selection principle was very simple - whoever lived in the same bedroom with me was suggested: Roma Arkhipov, Lesha Korzin and Denis Petrov.

We signed a contract for seven years, traveled half the world with concerts, all over Russia, and gained an unreal experience.

Jumper, Asos; trousers, Hugo Boss; trench coat, Dior; shoes, Carlo Pazolini; scarf, Massimo Dutti In 2012, in parallel with working in the group, I began a solo career in the pop-rock genre and released the first video for the song Deadman's Kiss , on which he worked together with producers of such groups as, The Rasmus Max C And Sunrise Avenue

. I met them quite by accident in Finland in 2010. It so happened that a friend of mine from this country invited me to come to the studio and record a song for fun. And it was there that the fateful meeting took place. Deadman’s Kiss was not to Russia’s taste, but YouTube completely tore it up. And after that I had no doubts left - I should perform this music, this is me. Main stage In 2013, I decided to take part in the “New Wave” competition in Jurmala and won what I think is the most important prize there - audience choice. Since 2015, I have released three videos and three singles, and this year I won the project “ "TV channel" Russia 1 " I went there to convey to all corners of the country who Arseny Borodin was.. But I deliberately did not go to “The Voice”, although I once auditioned for this competition in Germany Interesting story then it happened. I had already been approved for the blind auditions, but I needed to get into higher education. educational institution in Germany and learn German

I can’t answer the question what kind of girls I like. This is the same as saying: “Oh, but when I’m 30 years old, I’ll start a family, and everything will be perfect and cool.” Nevermind. I believe that you need to trust feelings and emotions, no matter how trite it may sound. You feel it - that means it is so. If you don’t feel it, don’t waste your time and the girl’s time. Develop better: build a career, take care of your body, health, read, travel, make yourself more interesting to others.

I’m tired of even thinking about it, to be honest, I just live the way I like. Everything will come. (Laughs.) A woman should always remain a woman. I'm an old school kid. I tried to date these, you know, modern Moscow girls - it didn’t work out. (Laughs.) I really like these phrases: “I’m not your cook” or “If you want order, hire a cleaner.” But I'm not saying that a girl should be a housewife. I'm not looking for a woman who will look into my mouth - this is not about me at all. I want a bright one smart girl with her own opinion on everything, who would support me and share my point of view. (Laughs.)

This is love.

Suit, Hugo Boss; jumper, Marciano Guess I love the longboard - it's such a long skate. It was invented by surfers in the fifties. When it was off-season for skating, they nailed the tracks from the skateboard to the surfboard and rode like that. And then they improved it - they installed shock absorbers and other useful gadgets. In 2010, I came to the park with a long, and everyone asked: “What is this?” (Laughs.) I also like to run - it increases my endurance at concerts.(Laughs.) Oh, see what calluses I have? It’s immediately clear that I really love barbecue.

And in general I love to cook. Breakfasts and dinners, but lunches are not my thing, I don’t know how. I am not afraid of anything. In 2013, after the “New Wave”, I toured a lot, a lot of fatigue accumulated, and I had a breakdown. heart attack in Domodedovo. I am very grateful to the doctors of the airport and the 13th Moscow hospital, where I was taken by ambulance. Then I realized that Russian medicine

really cool. And then I thought: “I’m 24 years old, I have tachycardia, and my heart is about to explode. What would I like? Family? Yes. Live this life the way I want? Yes". Since then I'm no longer afraid of anything. The only thing I'm afraid of is living my life differently than I intended.

Arseny Borodin is a singer and musician from Barnaul, who became famous as part of the Chelsea group, which was born on the Star Factory 6 project in 2006. He won prizes on other vocal television projects (“Star Factory. Return”, “New Wave”, “Main Stage”). In parallel with group activities, he is developing his solo project. In 2017, he took part in the sixth season of the show “The Voice”.

Childhood and youth

Arseny was born on December 13, 1988 in Barnaul. When Borodin was 6 years old, his father, a professional musician, brought his son to the Accent children's and youth theater, where Arseny studied until he graduated from school. In addition to music classes, the theater taught choreography and theater skills. The young man received his secondary education at the Sigma Lyceum.

WITH early years Borodin began performing at various concerts and events in Barnaul. Arseny earned his first fee with his voice - he performed in one of the local clubs. He performed compositions, including parts from famous musicals, in Russian, English, French and even Chinese. In 2005, the teenager won the title “Mr. Hit 2005.”

"Star Factory"

In 11th grade (2006), Arseny went to the casting for the new season of the TV show “Star Factory” by Viktor Drobysh.

At the second reporting concert, Drobysh brought together three such dissimilar, but equally talented members of the “Factory” - Denis Petrov, Alexey Korzin and Arseny Borodin - into the Chelsea group. The newly formed team performed their first hit, “Someone else’s Bride,” which brought the guys enormous popularity. The song took second line on the Golden Gramophone hit parade of Russian Radio and stayed there for about 20 weeks. Subsequently, the song “The Most Favorite” brought the Chelsea group the Golden Gramophone Award.

Chelsea Group - Most Favorite

According to the results of Farbika, Borodin took second place, losing first to Dmitry Koldun. Other participants in the show included Alexandra Gurkova, Zara, Sogdiana, Prokhor Chaliapin.

Immediately after the end of the show, the “manufacturers” began to actively tour the cities of Russia and other countries. In parallel with his work in the group, Arseny received higher education at the Moscow Academy of Entrepreneurship under the Moscow Government.

In 2006 the group released debut album, Chelsea, and three years later - the album Point of Return.

In 2011, the team took part in the “Star Factory” project. Return”, in which graduates of the “Star Factory” from different years competed. As a result, the group took 2nd place; 1st place went to Victoria Daineko, and 3rd place to Irina Dubtsova.

By 2012, the excitement around Chelsea gradually subsided, although the guys continued to tour. In an interview of those years, Borodin admitted that they were tired of making commercial music and were reconsidering the direction of the group’s work.

Further musical career

The desire to move away from the “pop” genre led Arseny to Finland, where he met with producers who had once worked with groups The Rasmus, Sunrise Avenue and HIM. As a result of their collaboration, Borodin released his first English-language single, “Deadman's Kiss,” the video for which became very popular on YouTube. However, there was no talk of Chelsea breaking up, the singer just wanted to try himself in a new genre. In 2013, Borodin once again declared himself as a solo artist, taking part in the “New Wave” competition. Arseny’s song “If I” was very popular with listeners and received the audience award, as did the video for it.

Arseny Borodin - “If I”

After a successful performance at the competition, Arseny formed his own group and began work on their first album. The genre in which Borodin’s team worked was radically different from the image with which fans were accustomed to associate the “Factory” graduate. Arseny, who adored the band Metallica since childhood, decided to direct his creativity towards heavy music.

In the fall of 2015, Borodin became a participant in the second season of the vocal show “Main Stage” on the Russia-1 channel (analogous to the British program The X Factor). Arseny successfully passed the casting and joined Valery Leontyev's team. The musician admitted that, as a professional, he had no room for error, and therefore participation in the show was not easy. As a result, Arseny received the coveted 1st place. In the winter of the same year, the musician had his first solo concert.

Arseny Borodin in the project “Main Stage”

Meanwhile, the Chelsea group, still with the participation of Borodin, continues to perform and record songs, sometimes together with famous singers - Ani Lorak, Yulianna Karaulova, Emin Agalarov and others

Personal life of Arseny Borodin

In his distant youth, at the Star Factory, Arseny Borodin began an affair with another participant in the show, Yulia Lysenko. He was very worried when the girl left the project, but the relationship continued outside the studio. At the end of 2008, the singer announced a breakup. Subsequently, he said that he had pleasant memories of Yulia, his teenage love, but he did not consider it anything serious.

In 2015, Arseny began dating blogger and TV presenter Anastasia Ivleeva. The young people met in 2011 in St. Petersburg, where Nastya is from. The girl worked as a hostess in a nightclub where the Chelsea group performed. Later, Ivleeva moved to Moscow, and eventually a romantic relationship began between Nastya and Arseny.

In November 2016, the singer posted a scandalous video for the song “Rodnaya” on YouTube, inviting main role Nastya. Users reacted to the very frank video in different ways: someone accused Arseny of lacking moral principles, but people with a good sense of humor greeted the musician’s work warmly. By the way, Borodin often appears in humorous mini-videos for which Nastya’s Instagram page has become famous.

Arseny Borodin - Native

In October 2017, it became known that the young people had separated. In June 2019, the media reported that the performer began dating the singer Nyusha’s younger sister, synchronized swimming champion Marisha Shurochkina.

Arseny is studying extreme species sports, loves to travel, enjoys longboarding. The artist’s favorite film director is Tim Burton, his favorite composer is Sergei Rachmaninov.

Arseny Borodin now

In September 2017, Borodin went to the casting of the 6th season of the vocal competition “The Voice” on Channel One. Arseny performed a cover of the song “Stop!” Joe Bonamassa. During the “blind” auditions, all the mentors turned to Borodin, except Alexander Gradsky. Arseny chose Dima Bilan. “He and I have very different musical preferences. And I believe that when polar styles are mixed, something very interesting appears,” Borodin shared.

Arseny continues to perform as part of the Chelsea group. In particular, the guys appeared as invited guests at the new “Star Factory” on the Muz-TV channel, performing their main hit “The Most Favorite” with manufacturer Zhenya Trofimov.