Octopus Russia. ERYOMIN In Eryomin articles octopus harmonious society

Octopus imitator. Thaumoctopus mimicus, a species of octopus from the tropical seas of Southeast Asia, was recently discovered in 1998. While many octopuses can change their skin color, these guys go much further - they copy appearance and the behavior of more than 15 other sea creatures - stingrays, sea snakes, jellyfish, flounder, crabs and even sea anemones. Predators, counting on a certain behavior of the prey, do not at all expect that it will be a pretend octopus.

Octopus Paul. The only mollusk to win the British DAFTAS Awards for the most unusual animal story. Although the octopus prophet predicted Germany's football results at Euro 2008 with high accuracy and with absolute accuracy at the 2010 World Cup, his “mystical gift” is explained by simple luck. But he definitely attracted the attention of the planet to octopuses.

Autocannibalism. Octopuses can shed their own tentacles when threatened and then grow new ones. Some individuals have even been observed to have the frightening habit of eating their own limbs. It was not a lack of food or stress, but some strange disease that has still not been identified.

Octopus fight. This is the name of a specific sport in the USA, extremely popular in the 1960s. According to the rules, the diver grabbed a large octopus and tried to pull it out of the water. Clams caught in this way could be eaten, sent to a zoo, or simply released.

Bottle opening skill. A female giant octopus (Enteroctopus dofleini) named Billeye from the Seattle Aquarium can open baby food bottles, bypassing the child lock. When scientists gave her a timed test, Billai was able to get food in just five minutes.

Coconut armor. Octopuses are not very well protected, but their brains work perfectly. Some individuals look for two halves of a coconut shell and carry them with them, hiding in them on occasion from danger.

Soaring octopuses. Females of soaring octopuses (genus Tremoctopus) exceed males in size... by ten thousand times. Females reach up to two meters in length, while males do not grow more than two and a half centimeters. Males take advantage of their tiny size by hiding from predators among the poisonous tentacles of the Portuguese man-of-war jellyfish.

Short life. Most octopuses live no more than three years, some even die at the age of six months. The statistics are also influenced by the fact that soon after reproduction, a “self-destruction mechanism” is launched in the octopuses’ bodies, killing them in a matter of months.

Adherents of purity. Many octopuses - those that have a permanent residence in small grottoes among stones - keep their homes perfectly clean. With a stream of water they sweep all the garbage out the “door”.

Features of the structure. Octopuses have nine brains - a ganglion in the head and eight ganglia at the base of each limb. Three hearts - one for moving blood throughout the body and two gills for pushing blood through the gills. Their blood blue color due to the oxygen-carrying pigment hemocyanin.

It is only Russians who think that the symbol of their country is a bear. In the West, Russia has been perceived for almost 150 years as an all-suffocating octopus. The last Romanovs, Stalin, Putin and Gazprom were depicted as octopuses. On the other hand, in last years scientists have found that octopuses are not so scary: they can be trained, have good memory, distinguish geometric figures.
© Gennady Afanasyev

Beginning with mid-19th century, as soon as Russia was appointed after the suppression of the European revolutions of 1848 by the world gendarme, it became customary to draw its image in the form of an octopus. The octopus, even then, and even more so in the Middle Ages, seemed to be an archetype of the dark side of the Universal Mother, destroying the human Ego. But even back in the 19th century, Jules Verne presented octopuses in his works as fantastic monsters capable of devouring a diver or dragging an entire ship to the bottom of the sea. However, the person most to blame for the octopus’s notoriety is Victor Hugo, the author of the novel “Toilers of the Sea,” where this cephalopod is characterized as “a plague in the form of a monster.” And all these negative characteristics octopuses were transferred by the West to Russia.

For example, this allegorical Japanese drawing depicting the war between the two countries in 1904-05 describes Russia this way:

“Black octopus - this is the name given to Russia by a high-ranking Englishman. The black octopus is so greedy that it extends all its eight tentacles in all directions, and tries to reach everything that is within its reach... It is not proper for us Japanese to talk about the causes of the current war. Suffice it to say that the continued existence of the black octopus directly depends on the outcome of this war. The Japanese fleet has already almost completely destroyed the Russian naval forces, and the Japanese army is already ready to trumpet victory over Russia in Korea and Manchuria... Ugly black octopus! Hooray! Hurray for Japan!

However, in the middle of the twentieth century, experiments by scientists showed that the octopus has many and positive traits. They have the most developed brain of all invertebrates - it has a rudimentary cortex. They are trainable and have a good memory. The octopus distinguishes geometric shapes - a small square is distinguished from a larger one; a rectangle placed vertically from a rectangle placed horizontally; a circle from a square, a rhombus from a triangle. They get to know people and get used to those who feed them. If you spend enough time with an octopus, it becomes tame. They keep their home clean: they “sweep” it with a stream of water from a funnel, and put scraps outside in a garbage heap. The main requirement for a shelter is that the entrance be narrow and the inside wide. They even live in boxes, cans, tires and rubber boots - that is, they are undemanding to environment. In general, the image of an ideal Russia, which one should strive for (probably, a lot in this case depends on the trainer).

It is no coincidence that one of the archetypal modifications of the octopus - Cthulhu from the works of Lovecraft - has become so widespread in the Russian Internet environment. At the press conference of President No. 2 Putin in 2006, the question of Cthulhu became one of the central moments of the show. Putin did not comment on the octopus issue, probably so as not to prematurely reveal the foreign policy secrets of the world gendarme.

Today, the West continues to draw both Putin himself and his enterprise Gazprom in the form of an octopus. However, this image no longer means fear, not an all-consuming Mother, but rather a funny invertebrate, at the very beginning of the evolutionary path.

Igor Petrovich (04/05/1904, Revel, now Tallinn - 09/17/1963, Leningrad), Russian researcher, Belarusian. and Ukrainian books of the 11th-19th centuries. E. studied at a real school in Petrograd, then in the city of Elabuga, Vyatka province. In 1919, he volunteered for the Red Army and served in the political department of the 51st Division of the 5th Army. In 1921, upon returning from the army, he entered the Russian department. languages ​​and literature of the Petrograd University, which he graduated in 1924. At the university, E. studied at the seminary on ancient Russian. literature from academician V. N. Peretz. In 1923 he began teaching, in 1927-1931. At the Higher Courses of Art History of the State Institute of Art History, he taught a course on ancient Russian. literature and folklore. In 1934, he was accepted into the graduate school of the Institute of Literature of the USSR Academy of Sciences and in the same year defended his Ph.D. dis. “Research of the Novgorod “Tale of the Mayor Shchile”” (previously, the scientist published a study dedicated to this work: From the history of an ancient Russian story: The Tale of the Mayor Shchile: (Research and texts) // Proceedings of the Commission on Old Russian Literature. Leningrad, 1932 . T. 1. P. 59-151; ed.: L., 1932), defended by Dr. dis. "Ivan Vishensky and his journalistic activities." On May 15, 1937, E. was enrolled as a senior researcher in the Department of Ancient Russian Studies. liters of IRLI, in which he worked until October 5. 1941, then from March 1945 to January 25. 1960 E. combined scientific activities with teaching. At Leningrad State University from 1938 until the day of his death, the scientist taught a course on Russian history. literature of the 11th-18th centuries, conducted special courses and special seminars. In 1957-1963. was the head Department of Russian Literature of the Faculty of Philology of Leningrad State University, since 1959 he has been the dean of the Faculty of Philology. Continuing the traditions of the Peretz Seminary, E. educated several. generations of students. He was awarded the medals “For the Defense of Leningrad” and “For Valiant Labor in the Great Patriotic War 1941-1945."

E. - author of several monographs and more than 60 articles devoted to the study artistic originality and patterns of development of ancient Russian. literature, russian chronicles, ancient Lives, “The Tale of Igor’s Campaign”, the works of St. Theodosius of Pechersk, St. Kirill, bishop Turovsky, John (Vishensky), Simeon of Polotsk, archbishop. Feofan (Prokopovich) and others. While still at the Peretz seminary, E. began studying ancient Russian. the parable of the blind man and the lame man and came to the conclusion about its connection with the work of St. Kirill of Turovsky (“The Parable of the Blind and the Lame” in Old Russian Writing // IORYAS. 1926. T. 30. P. 323-352). A number of works by the scientist were published on various aspects of fame. crops In 1927, E.’s study was published on the Consolidated Patericon of the 14th century. (“Consolidated” patericon in the Pivdenno-words of the Yan, Ukrainian and Moscow scripts // Notes of the Historical-Philological Branch of the Ukrainian Academy of Sciences. 1927. Book 12. P. 48-77; Book 15. P. 54-101; dep. ed.: K., 1927). E.’s works were published on the folk puppet theater (Russian folk theater). puppet show // Tsekhnovitser O., Eremin I. Petrushka Theater. M.; L., 1927. pp. 49-82, 181-184) and the Petrushka Theater in Ukraine in the 17th-19th centuries. (“Parsley” in Ukraine // Ukraine. K., 1927. Book 5(24). pp. 23-30), etc. After many others. years E. returned to the study of the works of Cyril of Turov (without touching on his hymnographic work) and published the work “The Literary Heritage of Cyril of Turov” (TODRL. 1955. T. 11. P. 342-367), prepared critical editions of a number of works by St. Kirill (publication of texts: Ibid. 1956. T. 12. P. 340-361; 1957. T. 13. P. 409-426; 1958. T. 15. P. 331-348). E. recognized as indisputably belonging to St. Cyril “The Parable of the Soul and Body”, “The Tale of the Careless Tsar and His Wise Advisor”, “The Tale of the Monastic Order” and 8 Words (the works of St. Cyril prepared for publication by E. and the study were republished in 1989 at the University of California -those in Berkeley (USA) in the series “Monuments of Early Russian Literature”). In the study “The Literary Heritage of Theodosius of Pechersk” (TODRL. 1947. T. 5. P. 159-184), E. published 11 works of the ancient Russian author (epistles, Words, teachings and prayers).

A thorough study of the monuments of oratory art of Kievan Rus allowed E. to take a fresh look at “The Tale of Igor’s Campaign” and show its almost complete compliance with the Domong genre system. literature and characterize it as a monument of political eloquence. A special place among E.’s scientific interests was occupied by the study of Russian. chronicles. Considering the chronicle as lit. monument, E. identified various forms of chronicle narration (weather record, chronicle story, chronicle legend, chronicle story about the death of the prince, documents from the princely archives) and showed their specificity. Special meaning in E.'s studies they have recreated lit. portraits of the Middle Ages. writers: St. Nestor, Theodosius of Pechersk, St. Kirill Turovsky, author of “The Tale of Igor’s Host”, St. Joseph Volotsky.

E. made a significant contribution to the study of literature and Baroque culture. He owns an annotated edition of the verses of Simeon of Polotsk in the “Literary Monuments” series, a fundamental article devoted to the analysis of his poetic style. A number of works by E. touch upon the problems of the development of baroque theater and folk theater both in Russia and in Ukraine. Russian-Ukrainian connections are the most important factor of the East Slav era. baroque. The scientist’s article “On the history of Russian-Ukrainian literary relations in the 17th century” is devoted to this issue. (TODRL. 1953. T. 9. P. 291-296) and a work published after E.’s death (On the history of East Slavic Baroque: From lectures on Ukrainian literature of the 17th-18th centuries. // Siberian Archeography and Source Studies. Novosibirsk ., 1979. pp. 188-198). Interest in Ukrainian Literature and culture were not limited to the medieval period: E. owns works devoted to Ukrainian classical drama, in particular to the work of I. P. Kotlyarevsky.

E. was the first to publish critical (using lists of the 17th-19th centuries) commented works in Ukrainian. publicist con. XVI - 1st quarter XVII century hierome John (Vishensky) (Ivan Vishensky. Works / Prepared text, article, commentary: I. P. Eremin. M.; L., 1955. (Literary monuments)). In the accompanying study, based on Dr. dissertation, E. described the work of this Orthodox Christian. scribe against the backdrop of dramatic events taking place in southwestern Russia. lands on the eve and after the conclusion of the Union of Brest in 1596, characterized the socio-political views and style of the writer (theological issues are given a small place in the work, which is explained both by the time of publication of the study and by the range of interests of the literary scholar). E.'s archaeographic research demonstrated the interest of the Old Believers in the monuments of Western Russian anti-Catholicism. and antiuniate. polemical literature con. XVI - beginning XVII century and the role of the late (19th century) Old Believer tradition in preserving the most polemically acute works of this circle (in particular, the works of John (Vishensky)), which, due to the intransigence of their position, were not published.

In a number of studies, E. outlined conceptual generalizations on the problems of artistic originality of Old Russian. literature and methods of its analysis. E. considered it important to study the history of genres and the stylistic system, dependent on genre traditions. Old Russian work. E. defined a writer who acted within strict limits as a lit. rite. However, despite the traditionality and normativity of the stylistic principles of ancient literature, E. considered the monuments to be medieval. literature phenomena artistic creativity and sought to reveal the stylistic structure of this or that work and the individual style of this or that ancient Russian. writer. In one of the latest works - a report at the V International Congress of Slavists “On Byzantine influence in Bulgarian and ancient Russian literature IX-XII centuries." (in the book: Slavic Literatures: Reports of the Soviet Delegation, V International Congress of Slavists. M., 1963. P. 5-13; republished: Eremin. 1987. P. 214-222) E. was one of the first , who studied the specifics of Byzantine reception. cultural heritage in ancient Slav. literature - a topic that became the most important in paleoslavic studies of subsequent decades. E.’s rich teaching experience is reflected in “Lectures on the history of ancient Russian literature” (published posthumously in 1968 and 1987).

Arch.: RNB. F. 1111. Bibliography: Chronol. list of works by I. P. Eremin / Compiled by: N. S. Demkova // TODRL. 1964. T. 20. P. 425-431; Chronol. list of works by I. P. Eremin. Literature about life and science. activities of I. P. Eremin / Compiled by: N. S. Demkova // Eremin I. P. Lectures and articles on the history of ancient Russian. liters. L., 19872. pp. 316-324.

N. S. Demkova, S. A. Semyachko

It is only Russians who think that the symbol of their country is a bear. In the West, Russia has been perceived for almost 150 years as an all-suffocating octopus. The last Romanovs, Stalin, Putin and Gazprom were depicted as octopuses. On the other hand, in recent years, scientists have found that octopuses are not so scary: they can be trained, have a good memory, and distinguish geometric shapes.

Starting from the middle of the 19th century, as soon as Russia was appointed the world gendarme after the suppression of the European revolutions of 1848, it became customary to draw its image in the form of an octopus. The octopus, even then, and even more so in the Middle Ages, seemed to be an archetype of the dark side of the Universal Mother, destroying the human Ego. But even back in the 19th century, Jules Verne presented octopuses in his works as fantastic monsters capable of devouring a diver or dragging an entire ship to the bottom of the sea. However, the person most to blame for the octopus’s notoriety is Victor Hugo, the author of the novel “Toilers of the Sea,” where this cephalopod is characterized as “a plague in the form of a monster.” And all these negative characteristics of the octopus were transferred by the West to Russia.

For example, this allegorical Japanese drawing depicting the war between the two countries in 1904-05 describes Russia this way:

« Black octopus - this is the name given to Russia by a high-ranking Englishman. The black octopus is so greedy that it extends all its eight tentacles in all directions, and tries to reach everything that is within its reach... It is not proper for us Japanese to talk about the causes of the current war. Suffice it to say that the continued existence of the black octopus directly depends on the outcome of this war. The Japanese fleet has already almost completely destroyed the Russian naval forces, and the Japanese army is already ready to trumpet victory over Russia in Korea and Manchuria... Ugly black octopus! Hooray! Hurray for Japan!»

However, in the middle of the twentieth century, experiments by scientists showed that the octopus has many positive traits. They have the most developed brain of all invertebrates - it has a rudimentary cortex. They are trainable and have a good memory. The octopus distinguishes geometric shapes - a small square is distinguished from a larger one; a rectangle placed vertically from a rectangle placed horizontally; a circle from a square, a rhombus from a triangle. They get to know people and get used to those who feed them. If you spend enough time with an octopus, it becomes tame. They keep their home clean: they “sweep” it with a stream of water from a funnel, and put scraps outside in a garbage heap. The main requirement for a shelter is that the entrance be narrow and the inside wide. They even live in boxes, cans, tires and rubber boots - that is, they are undemanding to the environment. In general, the image of an ideal Russia, which one should strive for (probably, a lot in this case depends on the trainer).

It is no coincidence that one of the archetypal modifications of the octopus - Cthulhu from the works of Lovecraft - has become so widespread in the Russian Internet environment. At the press conference of President No. 2 Putin in 2006, the question of Cthulhu became one of the central moments of the show. Putin did not comment on the octopus issue, probably so as not to prematurely reveal the foreign policy secrets of the world gendarme.

Today, the West continues to draw both Putin himself and his enterprise Gazprom in the form of an octopus. However, this image no longer means fear, not an all-consuming Mother, but rather a funny invertebrate, at the very beginning of the evolutionary path.

Any person perceives and comprehends the world based on its information database. The information that enters the brain from our senses, as psycholinguistics confirms, is filtered by our stereotypes - patterns of consciousness that are formed with early childhood through upbringing, education, etc. This is why brilliant discoveries in science are often perceived as crazy. As a rule, they are made by researchers who are not blinded by the dogmas existing in this field of knowledge. One of the first attempts to scientifically study the nature and mechanism of functioning of personal filters of perception and understanding, as an integral component of human consciousness, is the work of V. Nalimov (1). He noted that the condition necessary for the spontaneous emergence of a filter remains the processes occurring in the “basements” of consciousness, i.e. in the unconscious. “The commonality of the inner vision of the world, refracted through personal filters of understanding, may look unrecognizable. Man is given the opportunity to see the world in a diverse way. Meanings can be unpacked in different ways.” The study of the nature of language and thinking allowed V. Nalimov to conclude that the rejection of discreteness gives rise to another Universe in our consciousness, creating the idea of ​​timeless life in a system of concepts devoid of opposition (2). Well-known psychosomatic practices - prayer and meditation - contribute to such a transcendence of consciousness. V. Nalimov believed that logical thinking is discrete control of a continuous flow of thoughts. Moreover, a person can “scoop” from this flow only what he can comprehend in his own language. “Creative insight is associated with going beyond the boundaries of thinking. A discovery is an answer to a meaningfully posed question that suddenly comes to mind” (2).

In his concept of personality, V. Nalimov understood the transcendence of consciousness as a path of personality transformation, going beyond the limits of its rigid semantic encapsulation. “This is the path of searching for the lost connection of the personal principle with the nature around us and the universal principle. The former esoteric teachings are an endless search for ways of transcendence - personal and social" (1). A similar conclusion was made by one of the founders of transpersonal psychology, S. Grof, who believed that no external intervention has a chance of creating better world, unless it is associated with a deep transformation of human consciousness (3). Researcher of the metahistory of Russia - D. Andreev emphasized that the breakthrough of cosmic consciousness is an event of colossal subjective significance. “It happens suddenly. This is not pleasure, not happiness, not even amazing joy - it is something more. It is filled with such bliss that it is more correct to speak in connection with it not of shock, but of enlightenment” (4).

In 1922, a book by a railway engineer, V. Shmakov, was published in Russia, dedicated to the study of the theoretical mechanics of the formation of the Spirit (5). It sets out, in particular, the doctrine of two modifications of Reality - monadic and plastic, in terms modern science– discrete and continuous. Human consciousness has a similar nature, as V. Shmakov showed. It is interesting that the hypothesis about the dual nature of light - corpuscular and wave - was experimentally confirmed in 1923 by A. Compton, who in 1927 received for this discovery Nobel Prize in physics. Considering the World as the eternal formation of the flow of the nature of Reality, V. Shmakov noted that the isolation of consciousness from this flow is due to the fact that in the history known to us, the actual consciousness of man predominantly developed in the category of monadity. Such isolation causes not only the loss of the ability of immanent coexistence with Reality, but also a fundamental distortion of the nature and capabilities of the monadic element. “Knowledge of the esoteric doctrine of two modifications of reality requires a revision of all the achievements of mankind. This doctrine opens up endless scope for creative activity in all its forms, doubles the meaning and significance of everything, opens access to a new world, the wealth and possibilities of which are limitless” (5).

From this doctrine it follows that our consciousness is always not only monadic, but also plastic. It not only perceives and creates data, objectified in forms and distributed among the levels of hierarchies, but also directly experiences plastic flows various types, vibrations and aspirations. The activity of consciousness in the mode of logical thinking is determined by its monadity, and in the mode of intuitive contemplation - by its plasticity. Even in the field of mathematics, as V. Nalimov believed, discoveries do not occur at the level of logical thinking, which confirms V. Shmakov’s conclusion about the priority of intuitive knowledge in the evolution of human consciousness. “The plastic element, through knowledge of the own nature of an integral person, leads to knowledge of the universal universality in it, makes it related to the Divine and to all nature.” Therefore, overcoming the dictates of the monadic aspect of consciousness and renouncing the self are practical methods for immersing consciousness in its internal flow. An important condition for such immersion is the ability to synthesize opposites, to connect them into a single whole, giving a basis to both extremes. This, as V. Shmakov believed, is the goal of the seeker of Truth. “Truth is always expressed only in antinomies; any non-antinomic judgment is always false.”

To clarify the nature of the transcendence of consciousness, priority may be given to the unconscious, which in V. Shmakov’s understanding is a plastic flow, and therefore monadic categories are inapplicable to it. “It is through his unconscious that a person is directly connected with Reality, with the Divine. Universal reality in its unity is spread throughout the world and is present in man as his unconscious” (5). V. Nalimov makes a similar conclusion, summing up the results of research into altered states of consciousness. “If we take the unconscious in its transpersonal manifestation seriously, then all the diversity of material accumulated here forces us to recognize the insufficiency of this helpless, apophatic-sounding term. It seems to us that now we can already say that what is opening before our eyes is what could be called a semantic cosmos, coexisting with our temporary cosmos and, moreover, manifesting itself in it” (1).

Based on V. Shmakov’s conclusion about the identity of essence and analogy of qualities between human organisms and society, it can be assumed that the conditions conducive to the transcendence of consciousness will be similar for such organisms. It is obvious that only an understanding of the mechanism and the implementation of the considered transcendence of consciousness will allow us to overcome the initial cause of social disharmony - the loss by social organisms of correspondence between their noumenal prototypes and phenomenal personalities. The relevance of this task is confirmed by the words of V. Nalimov: “our goal is to open the way to Cosmic consciousness. Our culture prevents this - the dogmatism of the church, the rationalism of science, the worship of capital, subordination to technology” (6). The basis of the worldview of the outstanding logician and sociologist A. Zinoviev is scientific atheism and logical rationalism, the more significant is his assessment of the activities of scientific and technical civilization built on these dogmas: “most of what people do is the production of unnecessary, useless, harmful things. They have not understood this for a long time and will never understand it again... Humanity has lost the meaning of its social existence” (7).


1. Nalimov V.V. Spontaneity of consciousness. – M., 1989.
2. Nalimov V.V. Continuity versus discreteness in language and thinking. – Tbilisi, 1978.
3. Grof S. Holotropic consciousness. – M., 2002.
4. Andreev D.L. Rose of the World. – M., 1997.
5. Shmakov V. Fundamentals of pneumatology. – Kyiv, 1994.
6. Nalimov V.V. I'm scattering my thoughts. – M., 2000.
7. Zinoviev A.A. Understanding factor. – M., 2006.

20 comments on “How is transcendence of human consciousness possible?”

    Everything is correct except the last conclusion.

    There has long been multipolarity for humanity.

    One of the first works on multipolarity is called “The Origins of Entering Multipolarity. The path to transcendental worlds."

    Those. You can not only ask questions, but also receive answers.

    >Vladimir Eremin
    >Saulius. What conclusion do you mean?

    “Humanity has lost the meaning of its social existence.”

    Saulius. But this conclusion of A. Zinoviev is a consequence of the two previous ones.

    “... understanding the mechanism and realizing... the transcendence of consciousness will allow us to overcome... the cause of social disharmony - the loss of... correspondence between... noumenal prototypes (PURE IDEAS, discarded as an impossibility (!?))
    and phenomenal personalities (EARTHLY IDEALS that replaced heavenly IDEAS).

    The relevance of this task is confirmed by the words of V. Nalimov:

    “Our goal is to open the way to Cosmic consciousness.

    This is hampered by our culture (elevated to IDOL WORSHIP) - the dogmatism of the church, the rationalism of science, the worship of capital, subordination to technology."

    I hope that the idea has acquired a more understandable form?

    >Vladimir Eremin
    >Saulius. But this conclusion of A. Zinoviev is a consequence of the two previous ones.

    I understand, of course
    that every person has the right to evaluate
    everyone and everything from their personal positions,
    despite the level of awareness,
    levels of maturity and development, mastery,
    as well as other circumstances.

    But, from an optimistic (or life-affirming) position:
    if at least one representative of the human race has actually solved a specific issue or problem,
    reported this at a technical level to the so-called specialists, then it is no longer worth reproaching all of humanity for helplessness and hopelessness.

    It seems to me that Humanity is now going through an embryonic stage, in the process of developing into a single organism. At the same time, individual tissues and organs arise and dissolve in it, specialization of cells (individuals) occurs as part of special tissues (nationalities) and the formation of individual organs (different countries).
    All this happens in the space of the “body of thought” or noosphere of our planet, by analogy with the formation of any multicellular organism inside the so-called etheric body (electromagnetic frame). The cells of a growing embryo feel the formative influence of the frame on their membrane potential, and a person develops under the influence of the noosphere, feeling this influence with his brain as a flow of thoughts.
    The flow of thoughts is the sense of time; with loss of consciousness it disappears.

    Lyudmila N. Your thoughts are consonant with the approach of V. Kuzmin (see my article in Octopus - “Social creativity: inevitability through spontaneity?”).

    Popelush. Phenomenal personalities and earthly ideals are “two big differences.” If you want to figure it out, see V. Shmakov’s book “The Law of Synarchy.”

    Vladimir Eremin

    Popelush. Who in your version lost the match?


    To call “Cosmogenesis of Consciousness” just MY option is probably too strong a word!
    The fact is that this is not my option at all, since many Prophets and Teachers had already tried to convey it long before my person...

    This is an option for development using precise representations
    and self-control, that’s what the Universe is trying to give to man!

    In Revelation it is said about a woman (who gives birth in agony, for further it is described about another woman - a political harlot),
    and before that (the clergy broke the meaning with the subtitle) it is explained that the “Ark of the Covenant” will appear / which refers to an object that a woman cannot give birth to and with which she is, as it were, “pregnant”/!

    M. Nostradamus addresses in the “Letter to Henry” (Chiren), for everything is built on Palmistry - deciphering its semantic codes with subsequent learning to correct the codes of this very consciousness (earthly) with the possibility of cultivating Cosmogenic Consciousness (second part) in different individuals (with different makings) a lot will turn out differently... /removing “blockages” from signs of the flesh by race, nationality, individual characteristics/...

    I associate my profession with a semantic decoder + translator of biblical ideas, and, probably, with a psychologist and psychotherapist (nothing more)!?
    It is important not to overestimate the possibilities!
    If there was an audience capable of perception, then there would be no “price on market day” for these developments... However, the audience is not visible in the visible space, and therefore there is no need to say “A”
    because “B”... there’s no one to tell anyway!

    Sometimes I think that this is how I will leave this mortal world!
    “Someone” sometimes wants to deal cruelly with me (more than once), because they are afraid of losing their flock
    and voters... “Someone” simply does not want to hear and listen, because they consider themselves Jesus (Babanyuk-Romanyuk filmed a video on this topic and posted it on the Internet recently, which was not surprising at all - it was expected)...
    “Cosmogenesis of Consciousness” is a universal version of the Teaching in its pre-Babylonian state (when the “Stumbling Stone” - the “Magic Crystal” or also the “Grail” - was not yet discarded), presented for now as the ABC in terms of modern scientific processing...

    It took 30 years of completely selfless work, but somehow the uniqueness was not noticed in the Russian Federation... During my defense, the teachers said that I should go to the USA - only there they will appreciate and accept it!

    In fact, Adam and Eve began to deteriorate immediately... lies, the murder of Cain, etc., then they tried to replace their descendants through the flood... God tried to improve the internal content of people, which is extrapolated to the outside in the form of symbols (signs of the neurophysiology of the subconscious and preconscious - in as a basis for indicators of consciousness)…

    Peoples such as the Chinese (nothing reprehensible/) have long lived on earth outside the biblical civilization, and they also include the ancient Indians (Mayans, Aztecs)... If you remember, with all their conventional development, the sacrifice of human blood and flesh did not stop among them... , attitude towards animals also speaks volumes - about inner world..., and I don’t want to say that anthropomorphic signs indicate something terrible, but someday, if things get moving, I’ll explain in detail, in detail, and I’ll show in scientific detail... the stereotypes of thinking within which people coexist (all of Asia is here) until they learn to leave the body and live outside the body... (noumenal and phenomenal). Asians don’t need this - the main thing for them is material security!

    Stereotypes of thinking are like a cat cannot become a dog, no matter how hard you try! This is due to the structure of the genetic apparatus, the neurophysiology of the brain and tissue cells, other (insurmountable in an earthly context) factors... limited thinking and ideas..., hence - give MIRACLES and MONEY, OWN REPRESENTATION or recognition of talents (Idols) and that's it!

    It's boiling!

    Jews are also not good for anything, the majority have darkness in their heads (potential and relevance are determined, as in mathematics, by external signs anthropology - unmistakably)!

    There are also problems with politicians...
    Do they consider themselves kings and gods!?

    Popelush. I have an intuitive understanding that you have unique knowledge. But such people were rarely understood and appreciated (especially in Russia). A good example is V. Shmakov. Therefore, there is no need to “throw pearls.” Those who are looking in the right direction will be “given.” As V. Shmakov told me (almost personally), “Alas, my friend! Russia is not yet ripe for lessons in wisdom. It needs lessons in action.”

    You might say you don’t quite understand...
    Actually, I don’t really care whether those around me understand me or not... In any case, I do my job with high quality - I carry the cross (“I pull the strap”)! Therefore, if they don’t accept it, it’s bad for everyone...
    In psychology there is a definition of a “reference group” - to whose values ​​a person wants to belong!
    The group to which I belong is not within the usual visibility...

    Accelerated mass maturation always occurs against the background of mass tragedy: wars, epidemics, atomic emissions - Ruthenium-106 at the level of the explosion in the Urals in October of this year. - in the Russian Federation they remained silent until they discovered that the norm was 986 times higher in European countries: a new scandal-investigation, etc. (?)
    The effect of the “lash” on consciousness is always primary in relation to the “carrot”, and the “lash” will only intensify until they see the “carrot”!
    This could all end badly...
    Coming New Age cancel
    impossible - about this in Revelation!
    However, the process can take place with large or
    with less destruction and losses... And this already depends on the actions and maturity of the participants in the events... WAITING / waiting for time for prophetic claims to “fall from the sky” / only aggravates the situation...
    Maturity lies in when people begin to choose: what is important to do in order to tune in to the result of their activity...

    “Ruthenium-106” in Chelyabinsk can be equated to a nuclear explosion - the effect is similar, a surprise from our own, Europe, however, also suffered, how will the leadership justify it?

    Vladimir Eremin
    Popelush. Phenomenal personalities and earthly ideals are “two big differences.” If you want to understand, see V. Shmakov’s book “The Law of Synarchy.”

    On occasion, I’ll look into “The Law of Synarchy” by V. Shmakov (Internet), I just have a presentiment that in the description
    V. Shmakov I may be disappointed...

    In my case, it is my own experience and the opinion of authoritative representatives of modern psychology that coincide... (V. Shmakov, it seems, thinks in terms of philosophy)

    An example was found on Wikipedia...

    “...The starting point and the only premise of phenomenology is the possibility of detecting and describing the intentional, object-oriented life of consciousness (Husserl), the existence of the individual (Scheler) and the fundamental structures of human existence (Heidegger).
    Rejection of any UNCLARIFIED premises is an essential feature of the phenomenological method.

    The main idea of ​​phenomenology /personal psychology/ is the continuity and at the same time mutual IRRUMIBILITY of consciousness (!?), human existence, personality and the objective world, psychophysical nature, society and spiritual culture (!?).”

    This judgment is confirmed by our own experience and visual psychodiagnostics of consciousness indicators in the scientifically grounded practice of “Cosmogenesis of Consciousness”, that is, in the case of the new paradigm of the “Hierarchy of Consciousness” this is an accurate (fair) visually measurable /mathematical methods of comparison/ and experimentally confirmed phenomenon that noumenally, a person assumes (fantasizes) “God knows” about himself and society - in terms of phenomenality, but in reality he does not live in fantasies - does not use / means that consciousness only captures and predicts the universal human potential and passes it off as existing reality /.

    Everything is resolved in the case of extreme situations - a natural test for verification - all fantasy tendencies (outdated - philosophical version of personality phenomenology) instantly disappear and the person appears as a real - earthly “phenomenon” /individuality/ - appears before us “in all its glory”, what is happening every day (today) in the political field is very clear:
    - demonstrate themselves to society as political phenomena - in the role of WINNERS OF THE WORLD and conquests,
    in essence - “Geltmen of Luck”!?
    We observe the same masquerade in the TOK SHOW “Actually”: a person thinks one thing about himself - in fact / active-associative consciousness / is different!
    This happens in batches at psychological appointments!
    Therefore, not a single psychologist can fully carry out them for more than three years, as a practitioner, since the “pros”, in most cases, have a seriously damaged psyche...

    V. Shmakov, I believe, did not set out to distinguish a person’s potential from his actuality (philosopher)…

    Popelush. Management will come up with an excuse. Can you outline (but not in terms of scientific psychology) the main provisions of the doctrine of “Cosmogenesis of Consciousness” on the forum of this article?

    Dear Vladimir!

    Psychology is a science that studies the “Basics” of the logic of human relationships with the environment;
    “The ABCs” are fully taught for five years at a university, they cannot even be called the alphabet - they are just “LETTERS” and “SOUNDS”, and even huge treatises have been written on them (certified specialists are graduated)!
    What I had to translate into the language of psychology is the basic psychological Code of the Immortality of Jesus, which allows you to change and regulate under your own control the energy-informational part of your own consciousness (the earthly and heavenly parts of consciousness - about which psychology “doesn’t know anything”), which the British and others (masons) dug up from Revelation, but they could not even move a step collectively in this direction for hundreds of years, although they tried (with all the achievements of related sciences: nuclear physics, genetics, criminology, neurophysiology, anthropology, bioinformatics, etc. )!

    This is New Knowledge - the basis for changing the values ​​and interests of life on the entire planet, when “the invisible world will become visible”, and a person will also live freely (at the same time) in Heaven,
    just like on Earth (new technologies)!

    It’s impossible to say anything else briefly...
    This Knowledge is too exorbitant and capacious at the level of our usual consciousness,
    and it’s all the more offensive that the wretched Patriarchs
    and the holy fools Rulers slow down the world in its development, trying, out of habit, to crush everything under themselves - to serve supposedly politics!
    Without their primitive speculations and claims, all the earthly interests of peoples are taken into account here, and only on this basis of comprehension of knowledge are the heavenly realities for life and activity revealed!

    I apologize, I can’t expand further, because this activity here is simply pointless!

    I’ll definitely look for N. Motovilov and V. Shmakov online...

    Thank you…

    Popelush. If you think that there is no point in presenting the “CS” doctrine on the Internet, then why translate it into the language of psychology? Did Christ preach for patriarchs and rulers? But the right to choose is sacred.

    Admin - I recently became acquainted with the book (Okoneshnikov V.I., Romm V.V. “Engineering of Shamanism”), which, in my opinion, is a metascientific confirmation of V. Shmakov’s doctrine of two modifications of Reality. Is it of interest to consider this doctrine in relation to man and society?

    Vladimir Eremin, I already told you that you have become a regular author, so you are free to choose topics. Yeah interesting.