The main elements of the personnel management system of an innovative organization. Personnel turnover and stability: essence and significance The personnel composition of an organization is

Fluidity in the sociology of labor is understood as the socio-economic process of spontaneous changes in the personnel composition of workers in enterprises, organizations, and industries over a certain fixed period of time under the influence of various social, economic, psychological and other factors operating mainly in the relevant enterprises and industries.

The basis of turnover is the discrepancy or contradiction between the interests of the individual and the ability of the enterprise to realize them. Personnel turnover includes all dismissals of employees at their own request and dismissals for violation of labor discipline.

In a planned economy with an extensive type of development, employment of the population was formed in conditions of a rapid increase in the number of jobs, which outpaced the increase in the number of labor resources. An excess of vacancies predetermined the transfer of personnel from one enterprise to another and contributed to an increase in turnover. At the same time, enterprises were interested in maintaining a constant number of employees, since a guaranteed salary fund was allocated for them. In addition, turnover was considered as a form of resistance to the organization of the labor process in the country, a manifestation of the individual freedom of the worker.

With transition to market economy Both the motives for turnover and its assessment in the public consciousness have changed. The intensification of production, the transition of enterprises to full self-financing and self-financing will eliminate (should eliminate) the excess jobs; Other factors are taking their place - excess labor, freedom to choose where to work. New centers of social attraction are emerging - the so-called small economy (cooperatives, rental, small, mixed and other enterprises). They not only have better working conditions and higher salaries, but also greater opportunities to demonstrate independence and creativity at work. Undoubtedly, all this will contribute to the flow of labor here.

To characterize the degree of coverage of workers in an unorganized form of mobility, the turnover rate is used. It is measured in fractions of a unit and as a percentage, calculated both for the industry or region as a whole, and for a separate enterprise or group of workers.

Reducing staff turnover cannot be seen as an end in itself. A turnover rate of 8–10% of the average number of employees is considered normal. Both excessive (12-25% per year) and underestimated (3-5%) turnover are undesirable for an enterprise. In the first case, this leads to destabilization of the workforce, in the second - to aging, which hinders the restoration of the quality of personnel or the quality of the workforce (education, real qualifications, intellectual abilities, physical skills, psychological stability, production experience).

Along with the concept of real, or actual, turnover, the term potential turnover is also used, which denotes the category of people who have not yet left the enterprise, but have already decided to change their place of work, although it is unknown whether they realize their intention or not, and if they do, then where: inside the enterprise or outside it. Potential turnover does not always turn into real turnover, because, in addition to the subjective intention to quit, the presence of vacancies in enterprises with better conditions labor, access to information about such places, the absence of artificial restrictions on the part of the administration when moving to another enterprise. Potential turnover represents the initial stage of the labor movement process. The intensity and size of real fluidity depend on its development.

In the sociology of labor, a differentiated approach is used to various types of turnover, especially taking into account their social causes and consequences. For example, the German scientist R. Stolberg identifies the following types of staff turnover * 101:

* 101: (See: Stolberg R. Sociology of Labor. M., 1982. P. 178.)

Inevitable (natural outflow of workers due to death, disability, retirement);

Socially necessary (service in the armed forces, training, punishment for crimes, etc.);

Socially acceptable (changing work for the purpose of starting a family, professional growth, expanding knowledge and experience, better use of one’s own abilities, etc.);

Socially unacceptable (undesirable) (change of place of work due to a rash decision, for unimportant reasons, for unconstructive conflicts, in other words, we're talking about about changing the workplace without benefit to society and without significant positive consequences for the employee himself).

In a planned economy, a stereotype has developed of a negative assessment of the consequences of staff turnover. This meant material costs associated with the employee’s transfer to another enterprise and the difficulties of adaptation to a new workplace. It was believed that staff turnover undermines one of the most important characteristics of the workforce - its stability. At the same time, it was not taken into account that turnover, restoration, and turnover of labor are a completely natural and inevitable process. It is necessary, first of all, for the successful development of the team itself. Indeed, at the current pace of technological change, a low level of personnel turnover slows down qualification growth, leads to the aging of the team, a decrease in its creative potential, and this in turn contributes to a decrease in the pace of scientific and technical progress, conservation and psychological resistance of people to innovation.

In addition, there are still (and in the near future there will be) jobs in the economy with difficult and harmful working conditions. In such areas, it is necessary to achieve not stabilization of personnel, but to ensure their planned rotation based on temporary employment or limiting the maximum period of stay of workers in one place. Thus, staff stability is seen as the antithesis of turnover.

The stability of personnel as a characteristic of their stability and immutability became, on the one hand, a consequence of the rigidity and insufficient dynamism of the labor resource system in the USSR, on the other hand, evidence of a lack of conditions for self-realization and employee development, since the possibility of free movement in accordance with abilities and level of creative potential and is one of the main conditions for its development.

However, despite the fact that due to the democratization of political and socio-economic life in the country, the lifting of restrictions on social (including labor) mobility, staff turnover is losing its negative image, the concept of “stability” continues to embody this negativism in its content . This can be confirmed by the results of a sociological monitoring study conducted by the Institute of Sociology of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine * 102. According to research in a group of mobile workers (changed jobs once a year or more often), private sector workers and those who work combining work in the public and private sectors , twice as much as in the group of stable workers. In addition, the mobile group is younger: two-thirds of it consists of people under the age of 40. In the stable group, the vast majority (75%) work in the public sector, only 3% combine work in the public and private sectors. Taking into account the fact that many enterprises are in a state of crisis and are not yet able to provide production with profitable products, the stability of personnel at these enterprises is of a forced nature. One of the reasons for this stability may be the lack of competitiveness of workers in the labor market. True, the indicated discrepancy between the concepts of “stability of personnel” and “stability of the workforce” with the new dynamic conditions of modern production in the sociological literature is masked by references to the fact that a stable team is characterized by some constancy in the composition of workers in combination with rational mobility in connection with the official and professional advancement of workers, their qualification growth. That is, the stability of work collectives is a certain constancy of the personal composition of workers, combined with rational mobility of personnel in connection with the professional and job advancement of workers, due to their qualification growth.

* 102: (See: Ukrainian society: monitoring of social changes (1994 - 1999): Information and analytical materials / Edited by V. M. Vorona, A. A. Ruchka. M., 1999. P. 66 - 69. )

In our opinion, the concept of sustainability is more consistent with the new understanding of the role of staff turnover. It entered the domestic sociology of labor back in the mid-80s. Thus, V.S. Panyukov proposed to understand sustainability as the property (ability) of a production team to maintain and develop its social and production potential in the face of personnel dynamics (reduction, change, development, turnover, promotion, etc.).

As we see, a stable team is recognized as one in which the dynamics of the labor force leads to the preservation or growth of the social and production capabilities of the team to work or other actions that ensure the labor process. An unstable team is one in which the reduction, relocation or dismissal of workers leads to a drop in its potential. Externally stable (permanent) teams, whose production potential tends to decline as a result of internal hidden processes, should also be considered shaky.

Sustainability should not be identified with the stability of the production team, because it is thereby opposed to the turnover of workers - leaving the team at their own request or dismissal due to violations of labor discipline.

According to V.S. Panyukov, such a opposition is nothing more than the result of a purely economic approach in the views of individual researchers and business executives, conditioned by the traditions of an extensive type of production. A certain role here is played by the mechanical transfer of understanding of fluidity processes to new historical conditions. In the new conditions, turnover, together with the processes of recruitment and adaptation of personnel at the enterprise, together with the processes of potential (hidden) and intra-factory (real) mobility, constitute a unified system of personnel sustainability of the enterprise. Each element of the personnel sustainability system of the production team must function optimally, taking into account the use of all opportunities that ensure high quality of personnel selection and placement in accordance with abilities and qualifications, rational movement of employees within the enterprise in order to maximize the use of the labor potential of workers who make up the social and production potential of the team * 103.

* 103: (See: Panyukov V.S. Stability of personnel in industry (theory and methods of social management). K., 1976. P. 11 - 26.)

Thus, the workforce sustainability system creates very favorable conditions for managing labor mobility.

Masklin scratched behind his ear.
- But in general everything is going fine. - He leaned closer to the black cube.
- Do you know what this means? When you think everything is going well
in fact this is not the case at all. You just don't know about it yet.
Like this. Hm... Ogonyok finally managed to assume a sympathetic expression.
- Everyone says that I take everything too personally. I think the word
“too” is inappropriate here. Hm...

Terry Pratchett. Diggers, or New Adventures of Nomes

Not all organizations that successfully enter the market reach the stabilization stage. The paradox may be that even if there are many customers, the organization may die if it cannot grow in accordance with the needs of the market. Therefore, some organizations never “live up” to the stage of stabilization - the desired safe haven. It seems that this particular period is the calmest for the company - there are clients, there are employees, it is clear what and how to do (the technologies have been worked out). All that remains is to work quietly, but at the stabilization stage a number of problems await, without solutions to which the organization may perish.

What are these problems?

The main task of the work of management personnel at this stage is not only to maintain the achieved level of profitability and not increase production costs, but also to necessarily reduce the costs of raw materials, technology and especially personnel, in particular in a situation of fierce competition. To maintain sustainability, any organization needs to search for new market segments, diversify production, and include new businesses in its area of ​​activity. The grown organization must consolidate its own organizational structure and make it as efficient as possible in the new conditions of all-out economy. All this in a special way determines the activities of the personnel service.

What problems must be solved first of all in this situation?

To optimize production and reduce personnel costs, it is necessary to analyze activities, identify sources of losses and organize work as efficiently as possible. New options for activities should be enshrined in regulatory documents and become the norm of normal work. In a situation of stabilization, organizations should least of all have rush jobs and extreme decisions. The market is known, there is a consumer, a guaranteed volume of orders - all that remains is to work calmly and efficiently. Gradually, by introducing small improvements and rationalization of work, you can increase its intensity, and using the remuneration system, you can also increase staff motivation.

To assess the effectiveness of everyone's activities and identify reserves for growth in productivity and quality, the organization must conduct regular assessment procedures - certification of personnel and workplaces. Based on the data obtained, work distribution systems, operating technologies, forms of payment and incentives can be improved.

In order to use personnel more effectively, personnel management must think through a system of career planning, formation of a personnel reserve, organization of training and promotion of personnel. It is in a situation of stability that staff begin to perceive career plans and plans for increasing remuneration as reasonable and real tools for planning their lives. At the stage of formation and intensive growth, such personnel tools seem unfounded and too distant.

We will consider issues related to assessment and certification, reserve formation and career planning, personnel training and conflict management in Chapter. 10, dedicated to the issues of maintaining the efficiency of the organization.

However, the most significant problem faced by management personnel at the stabilization stage is choice between performance orientation(maintaining the organization’s performance in current technology and volume) and development(preparing the organization for the next change, preventing a crisis that is inevitable if the organization cannot find a new product, change the direction of activity).

Thus, both the management of the organization and the management of personnel must decide what is appropriate for the organization now: to focus as much as possible on the “exploitation” of what has been achieved or to begin changes, prepare a new product, a new market, the organization itself for the future, and thereby prevent the inevitably approaching stage of crisis. However, the HR manager must take into account that it is human nature to strive for stability and a natural process. Therefore, even after making a strategic management decision - to prepare for a new stage, create a new product, change activities and organizational structure - personnel must be included in reorganization and innovation activities. The process of change can only begin by overcoming resistance to change.

Overcoming Resistance to Change

The first thing that an HR manager who is concerned about the problem of preparing changes needs to understand is the level of orientation of the organization towards change, the degree of its variability. This can be evidenced by both the characteristics of the organization and its personnel.

The readiness for change is evidenced by the following organizational features of the company::

  • flexibility of organizational structure- the presence of small, easily manageable structures (for example, project groups), minimization of bureaucratic rules and procedures, adequacy of the management structure to the operational tasks - elimination of unnecessary management links;
  • principles of innovation embedded in corporate culture,- focus on continuous improvement and long-term change process, understanding of the naturalness and continuity of the development process, orientation, disposition of management and staff to search for something new, attentive attitude of the organization to the ideas of its members, the presence of specific indicators for assessing the process of change in the organization, comparison with the results of competitors;
  • orientation to change, enshrined in the provisions of the personnel policy, - continuous training of personnel, a creative approach to business, a flexible remuneration system that increases interest in results, requirements for a good result of production activities (quantity, quality, creativity, readiness for new things, a variety of ways of working), assessment of the contribution of line managers to the training of subordinates , a system of prizes and awards for mastering new skills and identifying problems, assessing experience and broad outlook.

The ability to change is evidenced by the following characteristics of personnel:

  • analyticity of consciousness- the ability to consider the situation as a whole and in individual aspects to highlight the relationships, determinants and properties of certain objects;
  • dialogicity of consciousness - the ability to see several options for the development of events, ways to solve problems, and assume the possibility of several options for solutions.

When inviting employees of an organization to change, it is important to assume why they might agree to innovation and what motives they will be guided by. The following can be distinguished driving forces changes:

contract philosophy - concluding an agreement between a group of shareholders and a group of workers (through managers) to exchange labor for a certain fee;

philosophy common destiny - confidence in the existence of interdependence between employees, consumers and shareholders and that the interests of employees and consumers are as important as the interests of shareholders.

The degree of change that can be achieved depends largely on time and the capacity to resist the challenges that impede change. Time is an important resource for change; it is impossible to significantly change an organization in a very short time. The availability of material, financial, and human resources is also an important parameter for choosing a change strategy.

Four main levels of change can be distinguished:

1) change in knowledge- requires minimal time and minimal costs, it is enough to conduct a training program and distribute materials, for example, instructions. However, the problem is that almost everyone may know how to do it, but no one in the organization will do it right because they may consider it unimportant, too difficult, ineffective, etc.;

2) change in individual settings(everyone’s attitude to what and how to do) requires longer time and greater costs, so it is necessary to create conditions for a person to accept the need for change. For example, everyone knows that smoking is harmful, but in order for a person to quit smoking, he must experience, for example, a lot of stress - get sick, fear for his life;

3) change in individual behavior- should be provided with even more time and resources. The most important thing at this stage is that the person must gain positive experience of the new behavior. Continuing the example with the smoker, it is important that a person, for example, under the threat of illness, not only realizes the need to break with a bad habit, but also gets the first, albeit small, result. For example, I was able to survive without smoking for at least a few days. Without this, even a small victory, he will consider quitting smoking impossible for himself, will gradually come to terms with the impending threat and return to his previous behavior.

4) change in group behavior- the most complex organizational behavior that requires maximum time and significant resources. A situation often arises in an organization when employees who have completed a training program and are inspired by new views and enriched with best practices, after some time lose mutual language with colleagues, begin to be rejected or, of course, do not abandon their innovations. A group always requires behavior close to average from its members; only a leader or a “fool” can allow deviant behavior. The biggest challenge is creating a new way of collective behavior. In such a case, one of the options for overcoming resistance to the new could be training the entire unit at the same time, for example, in the organization itself.

If we evaluate the costs of making changes, then it is always cheaper to maintain the system in its existing state (even a very unfavorable one) than to change it. And since the costs of changes require a one-time investment of very large capital (in equipment, training, purchase of technology, design and other things, without which the organization cannot function effectively), changes must begin to be prepared precisely at the stabilization stage.

How should the process of preparing and implementing changes be structured for it to be successful?

  • Summing up and praising the past. A concise and necessarily plausible history of the past for a certain period, outlining the essence of the matter, the objective facts, the hopes and dreams of the participants, as well as the means of achieving them. Values ​​that are significant to the listeners must be presented, but it is important not only not to acknowledge or even glorify the values ​​that are left behind.
  • Justification for changes. A reasoned reason explaining the innovation.
  • Creating continuity between past and future. All significant changes meet active resistance, so it is necessary to motivate the changes and communicate that some of the values ​​of the past will be preserved and will continue to exist in a new form.

The HR manager should organizationally ensure changes and consider the process of gradually introducing new ways of working. To do this he must:

  • identify the leaders of the team, groups - people who are authoritative for the team, to include them in the transformation process either into target project groups or into an expert group;
  • form target and project groups to develop a strategy and change plan and include representatives from different departments and areas of the organization’s business;
  • form an expert group that includes group leaders and people occupying high statuses in the organization, as well as formal and informal leaders;
  • organize regular meetings of the project and expert groups to discuss the project and its development;
  • present the project to the organization's employees.

Particular attention should be paid to psychological support for the implementation of changes. To do this, the HR department must:

  • draw attention to the need for change;
  • organize the process of receiving specific proposals from employees of the organization and support for active employees submitting such proposals;
  • create an informal information network for disseminating information about ongoing changes;
  • take into account the characteristics of personnel and the personal characteristics of the audience when preparing information and methods of presenting materials;
  • try to take into account productive objections that arise from staff, adapt the change program taking into account the difficulties that arise.

To build an optimal change process, it is important to consider individual ways of accepting change (typical for each mechanism). The following can be distinguished individual mechanisms for accepting changes:

  • identification- people accept the proposed changes, guided by external motives; in this case, it is important for the personnel service to develop an incentive (payment) system for the changes made;
  • assimilation- when people translate general goals and principles of change into specific personal goals, it becomes possible for the personnel department to develop a motivation system, focusing on the type of fundamental internal motives that are specific to everyone - the need for communication, orientation towards obtaining status, self-realization.

Intermediate mechanism - approbation A person tests changes through his own experience in order to formulate his own attitude towards it and determine the method of acceptance. For the HR service at this stage, it is necessary to organize support (from a social group and person that is significant for the employee) and reinforcement of effective behavior (to develop assessment, incentive or motivation systems).


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  1. c) to the main and auxiliary processes;d) to partial processes for the manufacture of semi-finished products included in the finished product in the form of parts and components.

  2. It involves the simultaneous implementation of individual management decisions and increases the efficiency of the management process.

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A gradual rise to a higher level of the structural hierarchy means: a vertical career.

A labor (production) collective is a collection of people united by a goal, a common action for the production of goods and services within an enterprise, regardless of its organizational and legal form of ownership. The stability of labor collectives is understood as the constancy of the composition of the enterprise's employees, which is based on the integrity of public and personal interests and is one of the conditions for the effective organization of production and the successful functioning of the organization. With the stability of work collectives, stable intra-production connections appear in them, highly qualified personnel are formed who perfectly master production techniques and technology.

The stability of the workforce contributes to the development of creative activity of workers, increased labor productivity and improved product quality, and daily improvement of work organization.

Optimal team stability is the assignment of workers to certain areas of work to the extent determined by the needs of production and the interests of the individual. It is achieved if workers occupy jobs that best suit their aspirations and desires.

The stability of the work collective is not equivalent to assigning a person to one, once and for all assigned area of ​​work. A correct understanding of the economic essence of stability is facilitated by the recognition of its relativity and relationship with intra- and inter-industrial mobility of the labor force. With the help of comprehensive intra-production mobility, a balance is achieved between the interests of the enterprise and the employee. This mobility allows the enterprise to use human abilities to a greater extent, and for the employee it is a way to satisfy the ever-growing material and spiritual needs.

The mobility of workers is a necessary element, a prerequisite for staff stability. To achieve stability in relation to the enterprise, movement in other directions is necessary: ​​qualification growth, promotion, improvement of living conditions, etc. If an employee’s qualification growth and job advancement are interrupted, and housing and other social conditions do not improve, this may result in a decision to change jobs. Permanence of personnel, which does not ensure high-quality development of the workforce and full use of its capabilities, causes no less damage than increased turnover.

Regulation of personnel turnover is one of the main factors determining the strategic success, sustainability and stability of enterprise development, since the key to maintaining the competitiveness of an organization is workforce productivity, human capital, and the competitiveness of employees. Moreover, natural resources, the capital of an organization, are resources that require human intervention to produce value. Thus, the organization's profit increasingly depends on the competitiveness of human resources.

The employer's losses from staff turnover are financial and organizational losses; let's look at their main types.

So, the first type of financial loss is the cost of training newly hired employees, including travel expenses (in cases of training in another structural unit of the organization). The negative side of this type of financial loss can be defined as the excessive employment of a personnel employee with hiring and layoffs.

Further, as financial losses, there are postal costs for sending notifications to the departments of military commissariats about the hiring/dismissal of military-bound employees, notifications about the hiring of former civil servants at their previous place of work (within two years from the date of dismissal of the latter). Here we can identify the following negative aspects of “turnover”: increased employment of IT support specialists to connect and disconnect new/departing employees. Due to an increase in the volume of work, it may be necessary to increase the salaries of these specialists or introduce a new system of their motivation.

The third type of financial loss is legal expenses - in the event of litigation, if staff turnover is caused by the employer’s failure to comply with labor legislation, the employer’s failure to provide guarantees and compensation in accordance with the Labor Code of the Russian Federation. This type is characterized by the organizational negative aspects of “turnover” as a deterioration of the company’s image in the labor market, among competing companies. This leads to the practical impossibility of attracting or “luring” a good specialist: publicly available information about increased turnover in the inviting organization does not cause an optimistic mood in the candidate regarding the duration and his stay in this company.

The fourth type of financial loss is the cost of increasing the wage fund - if the employer tries to stop turnover by increasing wages. For them, the negative aspects of “turnover” are identified, in which the company becomes a kind of springboard for the career growth of quitting employees. Many companies have requirements regarding the work experience of candidates. And employees who “run away” from one organization, having gained little experience in it, can apply for a higher position in another company.

The fifth type of financial loss is the low result of the economic activity of the company as a whole or of a separate division: due to constant “turnover,” monthly and quarterly standards are not met, information is processed for a very long time; partners begin to express dissatisfaction with the instability in the company's personnel. This type of expense is characterized by the following negative aspects of turnover, namely the constant redistribution of the load. Due to the formation of vacant positions, work for these positions during the selection period of new candidates is redistributed among the remaining employees. As a consequence, employees are constantly overworked, which can also lead to the dismissal of these employees.

The sixth type of financial loss is the cost of paying for the services of recruitment agencies (if the recruitment of personnel is entrusted to the agency). This type is characterized by constant “shake-ups” of the team with the emergence of new members. Accordingly, distraction from work to study and accept a new colleague as negative aspects staff turnover.

The seventh type of financial loss is the cost of building corporate spirit (trainings, joint events). For them, the lethargy of employees who are on the way to making a decision to resign or are already waiting for the expiration of a two-week notice period to resign can be identified as the negative aspects of “turnover.”

The mission of regulating personnel turnover in market conditions is to maintain the parameters of personnel turnover necessary to achieve proportionality in the system of competitiveness of the internal labor market at a natural (normal) level.

Thus, the relativity of the stability of the work collective is manifested in two ways: the constancy of workers relative to the enterprise is combined with their mobility in other directions, and the stability of personnel is interconnected with the natural turnover of workers, inter-production mobility, determined by the needs of production and the interests of the individual. The stability of the work collective presupposes a sufficiently long-term joint activity of its members. It is customary to include employees who have been continuously working at a given enterprise for over five years as stable personnel. A low level of staff turnover is one of the main factors that determines the sustainability and stability of an enterprise's development, since the basis of an organization's competitiveness is workforce productivity and human capital.

Bibliographic link

Zakharkina A.V. STAFF TURNOVER AND STABILITY: ESSENCE AND SIGNIFICANCE // Start in science. – 2016. – No. 5. – P. 147-148;
URL: (date of access: 01/15/2020).