Features of the formation of accounting policies for tax purposes. Accounting policy structure What is the accounting policy structure for tax purposes?

Pskov State University


Taxes and taxation

Topic: Accounting policies for tax purposes


Chapter 1. Accounting policies for tax purposes

    1. The essence and objectives of the organization’s accounting policy

    2. Formation of accounting policies and its main elements

    3. Factors influencing the choice of accounting policies

Chapter 2. Practical part





Important decisions made by the management of the organization are the preparation and approval of accounting policies for tax accounting. When forming an accounting policy for tax purposes, one must proceed from the fact that a well-formed accounting policy can help in solving such an important task for an organization as tax optimization. The art of forming accounting policies lies in choosing the optimal accounting methods for a given organization, which allow legally reducing the tax burden.

The list of activities that allow you to save on taxes using accounting policies includes an assessment of the elements of accounting policies used and an analysis of the use of possible alternative options. All issues of determining income and expenses, their recognition, assessment, distribution, accounting, which are unclear or ambiguous in the Tax Code of the Russian Federation, or not prescribed at all, should become issues of accounting policy. And if they are consistent with other norms of current legislation, then the accounting policy will help reduce tax payments and win a dispute with the tax authority.

The taxpayer independently develops and approves the elements of accounting policies within the framework established by the Tax Code of the Russian Federation. The largest number of provisions to be enshrined in the accounting policy relates to the calculation of income tax.

However, it should be noted that the importance of accounting policies for tax purposes is underestimated by many enterprises in which their development is treated formally and the consequences of applying certain elements are not studied.

The relevance of this topic lies in the need to study the issues of forming an optimal accounting policy for profit tax purposes, modeling the criteria for its development and principles of formation in accordance with the types of activities of the organization.

The purpose of writing this course work is a detailed study of the elements of accounting policies for the purposes of taxation of corporate profits.

To achieve this goal, the following tasks must be completed:

disclose the essence of accounting policies for tax purposes;

characterize the elements of accounting policy for profit tax purposes;

consider accounting policy for tax purposes as a tax planning tool during the transition from a simplified taxation system to a general tax regime.

The subject of the study is the relationship between the state and the taxpayer when collecting income tax.

The object of the study is the regulations governing the formation of accounting policies for profit tax purposes.

During the research process, general scientific methods were used: analysis and synthesis, comparison, induction and deduction.

The theoretical basis for writing the work was legislative and regulatory acts, sources of scientific literature, as well as articles in periodicals.

      The essence and objectives of the organization’s accounting policy

Variants of tax accounting methods appeared in the Tax Code of the Russian Federation gradually.

Accounting policies for tax purposes appeared much later than accounting policies.

The first mention of the need to organize accounting policies for tax purposes was contained in Chapter 21 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation, which came into force on January 1, 2001. Then requirements for determining accounting options for tax purposes appeared in Chapter 25 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation, which came into force in 2002, and only then in relation to special tax regimes - since 2003. And only Federal Law No. 137-FZ of July 27, 2006 introduced the concept of “accounting policy for tax purposes” into the legislation on taxes and fees.

In accordance with the terminology given in paragraph 2 of Article 11 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation, accounting policy for tax purposes means the set of methods (methods) permitted by the Tax Code of the Russian Federation for determining income and (or) expenses, their recognition, assessment and distribution, as well as accounting for other indicators of the financial and economic activities of the taxpayer necessary for tax purposes.

The accounting policy is formed by the chief accountant of the organization (the company that carries out accounting at the enterprise) on the basis of regulatory acts on accounting and is approved by the head of the organization. At the same time, in accordance with the Federal Law “On Accounting” N 129-FZ, the following are approved:

    a working chart of accounts containing synthetic and analytical accounts necessary for maintaining accounting records in accordance with the requirements of timeliness and completeness of accounting and reporting;

    forms of primary accounting documents used to document facts of economic activity, as well as forms of documents for internal accounting reporting;

    methods for assessing assets and liabilities;

    the procedure for conducting an inventory of the organization’s assets and liabilities;

    document flow rules and accounting information processing technology;

    the procedure for monitoring business operations;

    other solutions necessary for organizing accounting.

The process of developing an organization's accounting policy includes:

    identification of accounting objects for which accounting policies should be developed;

    identification, analysis, assessment and ranking of factors under the influence of which the choice of accounting methods is made;

    selection and justification of the starting points for constructing accounting policies;

    identification of accounting methods potentially suitable for use by the organization for each accounting method and for each accounting object;

    selection of accounting methods suitable for use by the organization in their interrelation;

    registration of selected accounting policies.

Accounting policies are drawn up to solve four main problems:

1. Selecting one of several mutually exclusive accounting options present in the legislation. If an organization does not introduce the required element into its accounting policy, then tax accounting will be completely impossible. A classic example is the choice of a method for estimating the cost of purchased goods (based on the cost of goods first in time of acquisition (FIFO); based on average cost; based on the cost of a unit of goods).

2. Refusal of the “default” accounting method. If a taxpayer wants to use the alternative option provided for in the Tax Code, he must declare this in his accounting policy.

For example, there are two options for accounting for interest on loans/credits in expenses: either according to the interest actually paid, or according to the estimated refinancing rate. If the write-off method is not reflected in the accounting policy, then it will be possible to write off as expenses only 1.1 times the estimated refinancing rate (currently it is 11% per annum). Reflecting - at real interest, which is much more profitable.

3. The convergence of accounting and tax accounting, and, accordingly, a reduction in the amount of work of an accountant. Tax consultants often suggest that directors carefully study academic policies, even giving instructions on which lines should be compared with which in order to identify what accounting is doing that is easier and not more profitable. It should be borne in mind that the final cost of large differences in tax and accounting and, as a result, an increase in the likelihood of errors, an increase in time for the accounting itself can negate all savings.

4. Minimization of expected (predicted) taxes. Competent accounting policies will allow you to actually reduce tax payments. For example, when allocating production/sales costs, you can establish a different list of direct expenses for tax accounting than for accounting. In this case, the costs can be written off immediately, without stretching them out over a long period, thus minimizing tax payments. However, it should be understood that there is a difference between accounting and tax accounting, and the accountant will have to do additional work applying PBU 18/02, which is designed to reconcile the difference in accounting.

Let us note that the very concept of accounting policy for tax purposes is currently absent in the current tax legislation. However, on January 1, 2007, it appeared in the Tax Code. After all, paragraph 2 of Article 11 of the code is supplemented with the following paragraph: “accounting policy for tax purposes is defined as the set of methods (methods) allowed by the code for determining income and (or) expenses, their recognition, evaluation and distribution, chosen by the company.” In addition, this concept includes “taking into account other indicators of the financial and economic activities of the taxpayer necessary for tax purposes” 2.

Typically, tax accounting policies consist of three main sections:

      principles of tax accounting;

      methods for calculating a particular tax;

      tax registers.

Previously, one of the main provisions of the accounting policy was the method of calculating VAT (cash or accrual). From this year, everyone is required to pay tax only on the accrual basis. Therefore, there is no need to establish this method in the accounting policy. A few more words about VAT. If the company conducts transactions both taxable and not subject to this tax, you should determine the procedure for their separate accounting. The main part of the accounting policy will concern income tax.

Accounting policies for tax purposes appeared much later than accounting policies, but it would be wrong to underestimate its importance.

After all, it is the tax accounting procedure that directly affects the correctness of determining the amounts of taxes payable to the budget, and errors made in accounting can be very expensive.

The principles for constructing accounting policies for tax accounting purposes are “scattered” across various chapters of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation. And often accountants believe that tax accounting policies exist only within the framework of income tax accounting. At the same time, an analysis of the norms of legislation on taxes and fees shows that the taxpayer’s right to choose (accounting option) exists in one form or another, regardless of the taxation system used by the organization.

The amount of taxes transferred to the budget, as well as the time of their payment, largely depend on the choice made by the organization’s management when developing accounting policies. Consequently, it is the tax accounting policy that is one of the legitimate tools for optimizing taxation, which is especially important in conditions of economic instability.

In some cases, accounting and tax policies are interdependent. And only with a thoughtful combination of them will optimization of taxation be possible. For example, if we are talking about property tax, it should be recalled that the tax base for this tax is calculated based on the residual value of property taken into account as fixed assets, determined according to accounting data. Accordingly, the amount of tax payable to the budget is directly influenced by the procedure for organizing the accounting of fixed assets, defined in the accounting policy.

Thus, in the current situation, it is impossible to do without a well-drafted order on accounting policies both in terms of accounting and taxation.

  • Neshchadimova Anastasia Alekseevna, bachelor, student
  • Frolov Alexander Vitalievich, Candidate of Sciences, Associate Professor
  • Stavropol State Agrarian University

The article is devoted to aspects of accounting policy that individual entrepreneurs need to take into account based on the specifics of taxation of their activities and accounting. The features of the accounting policy are reflected depending on the specifics of the organization’s activities and the selected object of taxation.

  • Problems and directions for improving tax accounting in the Russian Federation
  • Application of Unified Agricultural Tax. Control and ways to prevent risks
  • Features of using tax calculations as an element of accounting policy for tax purposes
  • Identifying the relationship between accounting and tax reporting

PBU 1/2008 “Accounting policy of an organization”, approved by Order of the Ministry of Finance of Russia dated October 6, 2008 No. 106n, determines that accounting policy is a set of accounting methods. According to the Tax Code, Part Two, accounting policy is the method chosen by the taxpayer for determining income and (or) expenses, their recognition, evaluation and distribution, as well as taking into account other indicators of the taxpayer’s financial and economic activities necessary for tax purposes. Thus, the definition of accounting policies in various regulatory sources has the same meaning, but different wording for different accounting purposes - this is a document that describes how an individual entrepreneur is guided when keeping records in cases where there is a choice from several options.

In accordance with Article 6 of the Federal Law “On Accounting” No. 402-FZ of December 6, 2011, individual entrepreneurs may not keep accounting records, which allows them not to draw up an accounting policy for the purpose of accounting, but this does not exempt them from drawing up accounting policies for tax purposes.

Accounting policies for tax purposes are a set of methods for calculating income, expenses of an economic entity, their recognition, assessment, distribution and accounting for other indicators for calculating taxes. This local regulatory document must necessarily reflect the rules and methods used in the activities of the entity when calculating and paying taxes to the budget.

Currently, individual entrepreneurs have the right to independently choose methods for assessing assets and the tax regime used in calculating taxes. For example, the Tax Code of the Russian Federation provides for the choice of one of several methods for assessing materials and raw materials:

  • average cost valuation method;
  • valuation method based on the cost of a unit of inventory;
  • valuation method based on the cost of the first acquisitions (FIFO method);

There are also a number of situations for which there are no legally established tax accounting rules. This applies, for example, to the procedure for distributing income and expenses when combining several taxation regimes, the simplified taxation system (STS) and the unified tax on imputed income (UTI). In this regard, there is a need to independently develop accounting methods and their mandatory consolidation in accounting policies. In order to lawfully apply a tax accounting policy, it must be developed and then approved on the basis of an order (instruction) of the entrepreneur. It is worth noting that in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation, accounting policies must be formed before January 1 of the year in which they will be applied. The approved tax policy must be applied consistently from year to year, without the need to draw up a new one for each year. If necessary, changes and additions can be made to the accounting policy, which are issued in separate orders approved by the individual entrepreneur. Information reflected in accounting policies for tax purposes may vary among different economic entities. This is due to differences in the type of activity performed, the taxation system applied, due to the combination of different tax regimes.

For tax purposes, it is advisable to prescribe the main elements of accounting policy that are subject to disclosure regardless of the tax regime applied by the economic entity:

  1. Tax regime. The essence of this element is to describe the applied taxation system; any tax regime at a given time is applied voluntarily. It is worth noting that in order to switch to special taxation regimes - simplified taxation system, UTII, patent system - it is necessary to submit a corresponding application to the Federal Tax Service within the prescribed period.
  2. The right to sign documents. It consists in the need to indicate the persons who have the right to sign documents. A power of attorney must be drawn up for the authorized person, certified by a notary, in this case the representative of the entrepreneur receives the right to conclude and sign agreements on behalf of the manager, represent the interests of the organization in the tax office, manage a bank account, etc.
  3. Preparation of cash documents. The essence of this element is to reflect the conditions for conducting cash transactions - whether incoming and outgoing cash orders, a cash book, etc. are drawn up. In accordance with the instructions of the Bank of Russia “On the procedure for conducting cash transactions by legal entities and the simplified procedure for conducting cash transactions by individual entrepreneurs and small businesses” dated March 11, 2014 No. 3210-U, individual entrepreneurs from June 1, 2014, entrepreneurs may refuse to register cash documents, in this case it is necessary to draw up an appropriate order.
  4. Cash limit at the till. Individual entrepreneurs may not set a cash balance limit for the cash register, in accordance with the instructions of the Bank of Russia No. 3210-U dated March 11, 2014; in this case, this decision must be fixed in the accounting policy of the entity and the necessary order must be drawn up if the entrepreneur decides to continue working with a cash limit, it is necessary to specify the procedure for its calculation in the accounting policy.
  5. Accounting for fixed assets. Starting from January 2016, low-value fixed assets are reflected differently in accounting and tax accounting. In tax accounting, in accordance with clause 1 of Art. 257 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation, fixed assets are recognized as means of labor with an initial cost of over one hundred thousand rubles, other objects are not classified as fixed assets and their cost is written off as current expenses. At the same time, it is worth noting that for accounting purposes, in accordance with PBU 6/01, this limit is forty thousand rubles; objects that do not correspond to it are taken into account as part of inventories.
  6. Rates for calculating insurance premiums for employees. It is necessary to indicate whether a given economic entity has the right to apply reduced rates on insurance premiums.
  7. The procedure for issuing money on account. The essence of this element is that you can issue money in two ways: by transfer to a bank card and in cash from the cash register. Also, an individual entrepreneur can combine both of these methods, for this it is necessary to specify this condition in the accounting policy.

Depending on the tax regime applied by an economic entity, there is a need to reflect specific provisions related to it in the accounting policies. Entrepreneurs using the simplified taxation system (STS) must select an object of taxation. The Tax Code of the Russian Federation defines two objects of taxation: income or income reduced by the amount of expenses. One of the most important issues that must be included in the tax accounting policy is the method of assessing materials, raw materials and purchased goods, in accordance with the Tax Code of the Russian Federation. An individual entrepreneur has the right to choose any of the proposed ones.

Entrepreneurs applying the single tax on imputed income (UTII) must include the following issues in their accounting policies:

  • separate accounting of physical indicators. That is, it is necessary to prescribe the order of distribution of physical indicators between various types of activities, areas used in different types of activities, etc.;
  • separate accounting of insurance premiums from employee salaries when conducting “imputed” activities. It is necessary to indicate how contributions from the earnings of support and administrative personnel will be distributed - in proportion to the share of imputed income for each place of business in the total income. If one type of “imputed” activity is simultaneously carried out in several separately located places, then the insurance premiums of employees involved in each place should be taken into account separately. This information is used without fail to fill out a UTII declaration drawn up for each place of business.

There is a patent tax system, which is an independent tax regime. According to it, accounting for income received from sales is kept for each acquired patent in the Accounting Book in accordance with the form approved by the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation (this fact must be reflected in the accounting policy of the organization). However, it is worth noting that, according to Article 346.45 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation, if the amount of income received from patent activities exceeds sixty million rubles from the beginning of the year, an individual entrepreneur loses the right to use this system.

Also, individual entrepreneurs combining the simplified tax system and UTII must keep separate records of total expenses in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation. The accounting policy must reflect the order of distribution of total expenses, according to one of the selected options:

  • in proportion to the share of income calculated on an accrual basis from the beginning of the year;
  • in proportion to the share of income from a specific type of activity in the total amount of income calculated for the month

In paragraph 8 of Art. 346.18 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation states that expenses must be distributed in proportion to the share of income received from each type of special regime, but the distribution rules themselves are not given. In this regard, it becomes possible to choose the most convenient option for a particular economic entity. Also, when accounting for insurance premiums separately, if the entrepreneur is not an employer, you can choose one of the options for accounting for personal contributions: distribute the entire amount of contributions into one special regime or distribute them in proportion to income across different special regimes. Separate accounting of insurance premiums is provided by the employer, that is, if he has employees engaged in business activities both on the simplified tax system and on UTII. In this case, it is necessary to reflect the procedure for distributing contributions for employees, the option of distributing income proportionally from the beginning of the year according to different special regimes on an accrual basis, or proportionally to the income from each special regime for the quarter. Contributions that are paid for oneself can be taken into account only in the part that falls on activities under the simplified tax system.

Thus, we can conclude that individual entrepreneurs must necessarily formulate an accounting policy for tax purposes. It must reflect those accounting rules that provide the right to choose from several existing options and that are not clearly formulated in legislative acts. The selected methods and methods of tax accounting must correspond to the internal capabilities of the subject and take into account the conditions of the external environment. The application of a well-designed accounting policy will allow the organization to most effectively solve its problems and carry out economic and financial activities.


  1. Russian Federation. Tax Code of the Russian Federation. Tax Code of the Russian Federation (part two) dated 05.08.2000 No. 117-FZ // SPS Consultant Plus.
  2. Russian Federation. Laws. About accounting: approved. Decree of the President of the Russian Federation dated December 6, 2011 No. 402-FZ // SPS Consultant Plus.
  3. Russian Federation. Laws. Federal Law “On Insurance Contributions to the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation, the Social Insurance Fund of the Russian Federation, the Federal Compulsory Medical Insurance Fund” dated July 24, 2009 No. 212-FZ // SPS Consultant Plus.
  4. Accounting policy of the institution 2016 [Electronic resource] / Glavbukh Magazine, http://www.glavbukh.ru/art21459–uchetnaya–politika–uchrejdeniya–2016
  5. Accounting policy of an organization: how to form, supplement, change [Electronic resource] / Glavbukh Magazine, http://www.glavbukh.ru/art/30991–qqqm7y16–uchetnaya–politika–organizatsii–kak–sformirovat–dopolnit–izmenit


1.2 Structure and composition of accounting policies for tax purposes

The accounting policy for tax purposes, like any other document, has its own structure and consists of two sections.

The first section is general. It establishes the rules for maintaining tax records and indicates the persons responsible for maintaining them. If the organization includes separate divisions, then the accounting policy sets the deadline for submitting information to the head office for consolidated accounting for the organization as a whole.

The second section provides rules for forming the tax base for specific taxes. It is advisable to group these rules by types of taxes.

Today, the choice of provisions that can be fixed in the accounting policy for tax purposes is provided for in Part Two of the Tax Code, in particular:

1. for value added tax;

2. corporate income tax;

3. mineral extraction tax;

4. excise taxes;

5. taxation when implementing production sharing agreements.

accounting policy taxation land

The provisions that need to be enshrined in the accounting policies are mostly listed in Chapter 25 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation. There are much fewer similar provisions in other chapters of the Tax Code.

All elements of accounting policy for each tax are conditionally divided into two groups:

1) main group - these are elements of accounting policy, the mandatory presence of which is required by the Tax Code or to which there are direct references in it;

2) additional group - these are elements of accounting policy that are not mandatory or that are not directly classified by the Tax Code as elements of accounting policy, but it provides a rule that allows the organization to choose one of the proposed options.

Not all elements, even from the main group, need to be fixed in the accounting policy. Some of them are not mandatory, since they are directly dependent on the organization’s availability of the element being assigned. There is no need to include tax accounting methods for objects that are not present in the organization, even if they belong to the main group. When new facts of economic activity arise, the organization reflects the procedure for their accounting in an addition to the accounting policy for tax purposes.

When developing accounting policies, the following must be taken into account. If the Tax Code does not provide for the taxpayer to choose one or another option for forming the tax base, such issues are not reflected in the accounting policy.

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Formation of accounting policies for tax purposes in an organization

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The concept of accounting policy for tax purposes. Article 11 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation (TC RF) introduces the concept of “accounting policy for tax purposes”.

Accounting policy for tax purposes is a set of methods (methods) permitted by the Tax Code of the Russian Federation for determining income and (or) expenses, their recognition, assessment and distribution, as well as taking into account other indicators of the taxpayer’s financial and economic activities necessary for tax purposes.

Requirements for the formation of accounting policies. Requirements for tax accounting policies are scattered across different chapters of part two of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation. In paragraph 12 of Art. 167 ch. 21 “Value Added Tax” of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation contains the following requirements:

The accounting policy adopted by the organization for tax purposes is approved by the relevant orders and instructions of the head of the organization;

The accounting policy for tax purposes is applied from January 1 of the year following the year of its approval by the relevant order, order of the head of the organization;

The accounting policy for tax purposes adopted by the organization is mandatory for all separate divisions of the organization;

The accounting policy for tax purposes adopted by the newly created organization is approved no later than the end of the first tax period. The accounting policy for tax purposes adopted by a newly created organization is considered to be applied from the date of creation of the organization.

Chapter 25 “Organizational Income Tax” of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation obliges taxpayers to maintain tax records in order to calculate the tax base for income tax. The procedure for maintaining tax accounting is developed by organizations independently and is enshrined in the accounting policy for tax purposes, approved by the relevant order (instruction) of the head (Article 313 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation).

In Art. Art. 313, 314 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation establish the following requirements for tax accounting policy:

Accounting policy for tax purposes should be formed based on the principle of consistency in the application of tax accounting norms and rules (Article 313 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation). The accounting methods chosen by the organization must be applied consistently from one tax period to another;

A change in the accounting procedure for individual transactions and (or) objects for tax purposes is carried out in the event of changes in the legislation on taxes and fees or the accounting methods used. Making changes to the accounting policy when changing the applied accounting methods is possible only from the beginning of the tax period (year). When the legislation on taxes and fees changes, changes to the accounting policy are made no earlier than from the moment the corresponding changes in legislation come into force;

If the taxpayer began to carry out new types of activities, he is also obliged to determine and reflect in the accounting policy for tax purposes the principles and procedure for reflecting these types of activities for tax purposes;

The tax base for income tax is calculated on the basis of tax accounting data. To maintain tax accounting, an organization must independently develop tax accounting register forms and the procedure for reflecting tax accounting data in them. All this information is documented as appendices to the accounting policies.

The accounting policy is approved by the head of the organization and is mandatory for use by all branches, representative offices and other divisions of the organization.

Tax legislation does not contain a requirement for the mandatory submission of accounting policies for tax purposes to the tax authorities.

The tax inspectorate has the right to demand an organization's accounting policy for tax purposes only when conducting a tax audit (on-site or office).

Making additions. According to Art. 313 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation, when new types of activities emerge, an organization is given the right to make additions to the tax accounting policy that regulate the rules for tax accounting of new operations.

Additions to the accounting policy are made when the corresponding need arises (not necessarily from the beginning of the year). Although this is not explicitly stated in the Tax Code of the Russian Federation, it can be argued that the amendments made are applied immediately from the moment the corresponding order of the head is issued.

During the year, an organization can supplement its accounting policies several times. There are no restrictions on the number of additions in regulatory documents.

The accounting policy needs to reflect only those accounting methods that relate to current activities (those assets and liabilities that the organization has, those transactions that are already being carried out). If the organization does not have transactions with financial instruments of futures transactions, then the nuances of tax accounting for such transactions do not need to be specified in the accounting policy. If during the year something new appears that did not exist before and about which there is not a word in the organization’s accounting policy, then appropriate additions can always be made to it.

Alteration. As a general rule, accounting policies can be changed only from the beginning of the next tax period (year). Changes to accounting policies are made when legislation changes or in connection with changes in accounting methods used.

Moreover, in contrast to accounting policies, an organization that decides to change a tax accounting method does not have to justify this decision. In a word, if for some reason an organization is no longer satisfied with the accounting method used in the current year, it can, without any additional justification, change it to another one starting next year.

It should be taken into account that on some issues, certain articles of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation establish special rules that limit the possibility of changing accounting policies (Table 1).

Table 1

Special rules limiting the possibility of changeaccounting policy

Accounting method

assigned to the account


The procedure for changing the account


Norm of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation

Accrual method

depreciation by object



The taxpayer has the right to switch

from nonlinear to linear method

depreciation method

no more than once every five years

Clause 1 of Art. 259

Distribution order

direct expenses

to unfinished

production and

manufactured in the current

month products

(works completed,

services provided)

Order of distribution of lines

expenses (cost formation

work in progress),

to be used within

at least two tax periods

Clause 1 of Art. 319

Formation order

acquisition cost

Cost formation procedure

purchasing goods,

fixed in the accounting policy,

applies for at least

two tax periods

Article 320

The changed tax accounting method begins to apply from the beginning of next year. At the same time, there is no need to recalculate data from previous years (as is required when changing accounting policies).

Primary accounting documents (including an accountant’s certificate), analytical tax accounting registers, calculation of the tax base.

The accounting policy must approve:- primary accounting documents

, including an accountant’s certificate, which are the basis for transferring data from them to tax accounting registers. In general, these are the same primary documents on the basis of which accounting is carried out;- analytical registers

tax accounting. If an organization uses any software that allows for tax accounting, the tax accounting registers used are listed. If an organization uses analytical registers developed independently, then their forms must be approved in the accounting policy;- calculation of the tax base.

Accounting policy structure. There are no special requirements for the procedure for drawing up and processing accounting policies for tax purposes.

You can develop accounting policies for each tax separately (separately for value added tax (VAT), separately for income tax, etc.), approving each of them by a separate order of the head. You can draw up a single document that will set out the rules for all taxes assessed and paid by the organization.

1. Organization of tax accounting. These issues are relevant for large organizations, especially those with separate divisions. Here you need to determine the timing of data transfer from divisions to the parent organization, the procedure for maintaining purchase books and sales books, etc.

2. Choosing a tax accounting method. For many issues, the Tax Code of the Russian Federation contains several options for accounting methods, inviting taxpayers to choose and consolidate one method in their accounting policies. On such issues, the organization chooses and establishes in its accounting policy the method that it will use.

3. Independent development of tax accounting methods. There are issues that are not regulated by the Tax Code of the Russian Federation or it states that the accounting method must be developed by the taxpayer independently. If an organization encounters such situations in the course of its activities, then it needs to independently develop appropriate accounting methods (Table 2).

table 2

Options for tax accounting methods

Accounting element


Options allowed


Norm of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation

Chapter 21 "Value Added Tax" of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation


separate accounting

taxable and not

subject to VAT


1. If the share of total expenses

for the production of goods (works,

services), sales operations

which are not subject to

taxation, does not exceed 5%

total amount of aggregate

production costs,

organization of all “input” VAT


2. The organization maintains separate

VAT accounting, regardless of the share

expenses for non-VAT taxable

transactions in total expenses

Clause 4 of Art. 170

Accounting for “input” VAT

banks, insurance

organizations and


pension funds

1. Amounts of “input” VAT,

paid to suppliers,

included in the costs accepted

deductible when calculating tax

at a profit. Moreover, the entire amount

tax received from transactions,

subject to taxation

subject to payment to the budget.

2. “Input” VAT is taken into account

in general order in compliance

rules of separate accounting

Clause 5 of Art. 170

Chapter 25 "Organizational profit tax" Tax Code of the Russian Federation

Revenue recognition

from the delivery of property

2. As part of income

from sales

Clause 4 of Art. 250

Revenue recognition

from providing

for use




1. As part of non-operating

2. As part of income

from sales

Clause 5 of Art. 250

Raw material evaluation method

and materials

when written off

1. At the cost of a unit of inventory.

2. At average cost.

3. At the cost of the first in time

acquisitions (FIFO).

4. At the cost of the latter

by time of acquisition (LIFO)

Clause 8 of Art. 254



1. The organization applies

depreciation bonus. In that

case in accounting policy

need to fix the size

depreciation bonus and criteria

its application.

2. The organization does not apply

depreciation bonus

Clause 9 of Art. 258

Accrual method


1. Linear method.

2. Nonlinear method

Clause 1 of Art. 259

Accounting procedure






in area



1. Purchase costs

electronic computer technology

are recognized as material

expenses in full at the time

putting it into operation.

2. Electronic computing

equipment is taken into account according to general

rules as part of the basic

funds or material

expenses (depending

from cost)

Clause 6 of Art. 259


to the basic norm




1. The accounting policy reflects

decision to apply increasing

coefficients and reflects them

2. Increasing coefficients

do not apply

Points 1, 2


reduced standards


1. Reduced depreciation rates

apply. Installed

list of objects and reduced

2. Reduced depreciation rates

do not apply

Creation of reserves

for upcoming

major repairs

1. Reserves are created. In accounting

standards are fixed in the policy

contributions to reserves.

2. No reserves are created. Expenses

for repairs are recognized as others

expenses of the period in which

they were implemented, in total

actual costs

Articles 260, 324

Expense accounting

for the purchase

land rights

plots, as well as


for the purchase

right to conclude

lease agreement

land plots

1. Expenses are recognized as expenses

evenly over time,

defined in accounting policies

(at least five years).

2. Expenses are recognized as expenses

reporting (tax) period

in an amount not exceeding 30%

tax base of the previous

tax period, until full

recognition of the entire amount of the specified


Subclause 1 clause 3

Creating a reserve

on dubious

1. Provision for doubtful debts

is created.

2. Provision for doubtful debts

not created

Article 266

under warranty

repair and



1. A reserve is created.

2. No reserve is created

Article 267

Reserve upcoming




social protection

disabled people

1. A reserve is created.

2. No reserve is created

Article 267.1

Evaluation method

purchased goods

when they are written off

acquisitions (FIFO).

2. At the cost of the latter

by time of acquisition (LIFO).

3. At average cost.

4. By unit cost

Subclause 3 clause 1

Determination procedure

limit amount


on debt


1. Calculation is carried out

based on determination of average

interest level for comparable

debt obligations.

debt comparability criteria


2. Calculation is carried out based on

from the Bank's refinancing rate

Clause 1 of Art. 269

Recognition procedure

income and expenses

1. Accrual method.

2. Cash method

Articles 271, 273

Write-off methods

securities with their

implementation and other

1. At the cost of the first in time

acquisitions (FIFO).

2. By unit cost

Clause 9 of Art. 280

Closing procedure

short position

If within one

days were carried out simultaneously

acquisition transactions and

sale (disposal) of valuable

securities, closing a short position

happens at the end of this day

only in case of exceeding

number of valuables purchased

papers over quantity

sold securities.

The taxpayer has the right

in its adopted accounting policies

for tax purposes

provide for the closure of short

positions within one day

taking into account the sequence

acquisition transactions and

sale (disposal) of securities

Clause 9 of Art. 282

Calculation order


advance payment

on tax

at a profit

1. Calculation and payment

are made based on actual

received profit.

2. Calculation and payment

monthly advance payments

are produced in the size of one

third of what was actually paid

advance payment for previous

Clause 2 of Art. 286



for calculation purposes

profit shares,


to isolated


1. Amount of payment costs

2. Average headcount


3. Specific gravity indicator

labor costs. This

option may apply

organizations with a seasonal cycle

work as agreed

with the tax authority

Clause 2 of Art. 288

Payment procedure

tax to the budget

subject of the Russian Federation

in the presence of




on the territory of this

subject of the Russian Federation

1. Profit is distributed among all

divisions that

pay taxes on their own.

2. The share of profit is determined

attributable to all isolated

divisions, and tax

paid in one

(responsible) department

Clause 2 of Art. 288

for the formation

bank reserves

1. Reserve for possible losses

for loans is created.

2. Reserve for possible losses

not created for loans

Article 292

Creation of reserves

under impairment

securities (for


market participants

valuable papers)

1. Reserves are created.

2. No reserves are created

Article 300

Accounting for direct


when providing services

1. Direct costs are distributed

for the remains of unfinished


2. Direct expenses of the reporting

(tax) period include

in full to reduce

income of this reporting

(tax) period

without distribution to balances

work in progress

Clause 2 of Art. 318




1. Cost of purchasing goods

determined by price,

established by the contract.

2. Cost of purchasing goods

determined taking into account expenses,

related to the acquisition of these

goods. Selected order

applied by the organization

for at least two tax periods


Article 320

Creating a reserve


expenses for payment


maximum contribution amount and

to reserve

2. No reserve is created

Article 324.1

Creating a reserve

for payment



for long service and

based on the results of the work

1. A reserve is created. Determined

maximum contribution amount and

monthly percentage of deductions

to reserve

2. No reserve is created

Article 324.1

Accounting procedure


for the purchase

licenses for law

use of subsoil

1. The cost of the license is taken into account

as part of intangible assets.

2. The cost of the license is taken into account

as part of other expenses

during two years

Clause 1 of Art. 325

Independent development of tax accounting methods. If in the activities of an organization there are situations for which there are no clearly defined accounting methods, then the appropriate accounting methods need to be developed independently and fixed in the order on accounting policies.

In a number of cases, the Tax Code of the Russian Federation contains direct instructions that, on a particular issue, the tax accounting procedure must be developed by the taxpayer independently and enshrined in the accounting policy (Table 3).

Table 3

Tax accounting issues for which accounting methods are not fixed at the regulatory level

Accounting element


Requirements for the method

Norm of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation

Value added tax


separate accounting

when implementing

goods (works,

subject to VAT

at a rate of 0%

establishes in accounting policy

procedure for determining the amount of tax,

related to goods (works,

services), property rights,

purchased for production and (or)

sales of goods (works, services),

operations for the implementation of which

taxed at 0% rate

Clause 10 of Art. 165


separate accounting

taxable and



If the taxpayer carries out

transactions subject to taxation,

and operations not subject to

taxation (exempt

from taxation), he is obliged to conduct

separate accounting of such transactions.

The procedure for separate accounting is determined

in accounting policies

Clause 4 of Art. 149

The taxpayer is obliged to maintain

separate accounting of tax amounts

for purchased goods (works,

services), including basic

funds and intangible assets,

property rights used for

implementation as taxable,

not subject to taxation

(tax exempt)

operations. Separate accounting procedure

determined in the accounting policy

Clause 4 of Art. 170

Corporate income tax

Accounting procedure


for development




to several


The algorithm for calculating the share is fixed

expenses per each

subsoil plot

Clause 2 of Art. 261




for recognition

valuable papers


on an organized

securities market

In cases where it is impossible to clearly

determine in what territory

states made deals

with securities outside the organized

securities market, including transactions,

concluded via electronic

trading systems, taxpayer

has the right independently in accordance

with the purposes adopted by him

choose such a state

depending on location

seller or buyer of securities

Clause 3 of Art. 280


tax base

on transactions with



on an organized

Bank market

Russia, and

tax base

on transactions with


not applying

on an organized

Bank market


market participants




Professional market participants

securities (including banks), not

carrying out dealer activities,

accounting policies must determine

procedure for forming the tax base

on transactions with securities,

securities, and tax base

for transactions with securities, not

trading on the organized market

valuable papers. Wherein

taxpayer himself

selects types of securities

(trading on the organized market

securities or non-traded

on the organized securities market),

on transactions with which

when forming the tax base

income and expenses include other

income and expenses determined

in accordance with Ch. 25 Tax Code of the Russian Federation

Clause 8 of Art. 280

Accounting procedure

valuable papers

on REPO transactions

The taxpayer himself

in accordance with the purposes adopted by him

taxation accounting policy

determines the accounting procedure for retiring

(returning) under a REPO transaction

valuable papers

Clause 1 of Art. 282


assignment of transactions


with financial


forward transactions

The accounting policy defines

criteria for classifying transactions,

involving the supply of an item

transactions (except for transactions

with financial instruments of urgent

Clause 2 of Art. 301


tax accounting

The accounting policy establishes

tax accounting procedure

Article 313

Tax system


Forms of tax accounting registers and

the order in which analytical data are reflected

tax accounting data, data

primary accounting documents

developed by the taxpayer

independently and installed

appendices to accounting policies

Article 314

Principles and methods


by production

with long

The accounting policy establishes

principles and methods, in accordance

with whom income is distributed

from sales by production

with a long technological cycle

Article 316


list of direct


list of direct costs associated

with the production of goods (execution

works, provision of services)

Clause 1 of Art. 318


direct expenses

to unfinished

production and

for manufactured

this month



work provided

The accounting policy defines

procedure for distribution of direct costs.

The developed procedure is subject to

use for at least two

tax periods

Clause 1 of Art. 319


direct expenses

between species

products (works,

The distribution mechanism is determined

organization independently

using economically

reasonable indicators

Clause 1 of Art. 319


1. Tax Code of the Russian Federation (part one): Federal Law of July 31, 1998 N 146-FZ.

2. Tax Code of the Russian Federation (part two): Federal Law of 05.08.2000 N 117-FZ.

Formation of accounting policies

For tax purposes

The primary task of any organization is to formulate a rational accounting policy, which is approved for both accounting and tax purposes.

Accounting policy for tax purposes is a set of methods (methods) permitted by the Tax Code for determining income and (or) expenses, their recognition, assessment and distribution, as well as taking into account other indicators of the taxpayer’s financial and economic activities necessary for tax purposes.

In other words, this is a set of mandatory rules enshrined in the order, according to which information on business transactions during the reporting (tax) period is systematized and summarized in order to determine the tax base for specific taxes. The main task in developing accounting policies for tax purposes is to create an optimal tax accounting system.

Almost every taxpayer has to choose one tax option or another. The decision in favor of the choice made should be documented.

The accounting policy for tax purposes must be approved by the appropriate order (instruction) of the head of the organization (clause 12 of article 167 and article 313 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation). There is no unified, “rigid” form of order on accounting policies.

The accounting policy adopted by the organization for tax purposes is applied from January 1 of the year following the year of its approval. This document is adopted by the organization as a whole and is mandatory for use by all its separate divisions.

Initially, it is assumed that the organization applies tax accounting policies from the moment of creation until the moment of liquidation. Therefore, if it does not change, there is no need to take it again every year. The tax accounting policy, the validity period of which in the order is not limited to a calendar year, is applied until the approval of the new accounting policy. If necessary, amendments can be made to the adopted accounting policy, issued by a separate order. However, if there are many changes, it is more advisable to adopt a new accounting policy.

Changes to the accounting policy can be made in two cases:

1) if the organization decided to change the accounting methods used;

2) if changes are made to the legislation on taxes and fees.

In the first case, changes to the accounting policy for tax purposes are accepted from the beginning of the new tax period, that is, from the next year. In the second case - not earlier than the moment the specified changes come into force.

These provisions apply to income tax, as they are provided for in Art. 313 Tax Code of the Russian Federation.

Changing the accounting policy in relation to VAT is possible only from January 1 of the year following the year of its approval, that is, once a year. Other options ch. 21 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation is not provided for.

In the event of the emergence of new types of activities, additions to the accounting policy can be made at any time in the reporting year. At the same time, it is necessary to determine and reflect in the accounting policy the principles and procedure for accounting for these types of activities for tax purposes.

The main sections of the accounting policy provision for tax purposes are:

General and organizational and technical issues;

Methodological aspects.

General and organizational and technical issues of organizing tax accounting include:

Distribution of functional responsibilities of accounting employees, appointment of persons responsible for maintaining tax records;

Application of analytical tax accounting registers;

Technology for processing accounting information.

This section also includes the basic rules for maintaining tax records.

If an organization has separate divisions, it is important to determine:

Deadline for submitting information to the head office of the organization for consolidated tax accounting;