Review: Kharkov National Economic University named after. Semyon Kuznetsa (Ukraine, Kharkov region) - Specialized Economic University

general information

Kharkov National Economic University (KhNEU) - Additional Information about higher education institution

general information

Kharkov National Economic University is a public higher education institution of the highest, IV level of accreditation and is under the jurisdiction of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine.

Today, Kharkov National Economic University is the leading specialized higher educational institution in the East of Ukraine, providing a full range of educational services, carrying out multi-stage training, retraining and advanced training of specialists in 22 specialties in the following areas:

Economics and entrepreneurship, management, computer science, publishing and printing, tourism, public administration.

The Kharkov National Economic University includes 8 faculties, 34 departments, Higher Schools, the Interdisciplinary Institute for Advanced Studies, special councils for the defense of dissertations, educational and research laboratories, a computer center, a scientific library, a publishing house, and sports complexes.

Kharkov National Economic University provides multi-stage training of specialists in the following areas of knowledge:

Economics and entrepreneurship, management and administration, publishing and printing, culture (in the direction of "tourism"), computer science, computer technology.

Kharkov National Economic University is the base regional center for the training and retraining of civil servants and one of the scientific and methodological centers of the Ministry of Education and Science for the training of economists and managers.

Students of the Kharkov National Economic University have the opportunity to undergo internships in leading industrial, financial, consulting and other companies in the country. During the training process, students undergo language training in general and elective courses, studying elective English, French, German, Chinese, Italian, Turkish, Arabic, and Polish.

At the Kharkov National Economic University, you can get an education at the educational qualification levels of bachelor, master, obtain candidate and doctoral degrees, or acquire special professional knowledge necessary in work. Training is provided on full-time and part-time basis, at the expense of state and contract funding.

KhNEU graduates successfully meet the personnel needs of the country's leading public, private and joint-stock enterprises, work in research institutes and universities, banks and government bodies, in travel companies and in small and medium-sized businesses, in the service sector, ensuring international activities, plan and design the infrastructure of enterprises, cities, regions.

International cooperation of Kharkov National Economic University

Kharkov National Economic University is a participant in a number of international educational programs and projects. Universities in France, Greece, Poland, Turkey, China, and Vietnam have become official partners of the Kharkov National Economic University.

The compliance of the Kharkov National Economic University with modern educational standards is confirmed by the invitation to join Magna Charta Universitutum - a prestigious organization of universities around the world with headquarters in Bologna (Italy) - September 18, 2004.

Today I want to remember my native alma mater. who gave me the way to my professional life. Many people know it as INZHEK and KHNEU.
The information will be useful to applicants and bachelors planning to obtain a master's degree in economics.
I graduated from Kharkov National Economic University in 2003, receiving a master's degree in economics. I remember these years of study with warmth and trepidation. Here you can study without giving bribes to anyone, pass a subject simply because you learned it, and not paid for someone!

I remember the moment when we new arrivals were gathered in a huge auditorium, and our deputy dean, and now the dean of the Faculty of Accounting and Auditing, Grigory Fedorovich Azarenkov, spoke to us, he told us: “The study will fly by so quickly that you won’t even notice! " Then it seemed to me that all these were empty words, but I remembered them already in my fifth year, regretting the transience of time.
For those who study and attend classes, passing the exam will not be difficult. But they don’t like truants here. There may be problems with the delivery of “tails” and other things.
There are six faculties at KhNEU. In addition to my already mentioned Faculty of Accounting and Auditing, there is also a Faculty of Economics and Law, Finance, a Faculty of Economic Informatics, Management and Marketing, and, perhaps, the most sophisticated one - International Relations.
There is also a faculty for training foreign citizens. But it stands apart from other faculties. We have students from more than 40 countries. Here's an international photo in the auditorium of the first dormitory.

The learning conditions for students are simply wonderful: 5 academic buildings are located on the same street. Of these, two are newly built, the rest are renovated or are being renovated. Yes, the housing with the musical clock is already being finished.
I would like to show you a few photos from the library building, first floor. The admissions office is located here during the summer.

The library is located from the third to seventh floors inclusive. There is an elevator). In reading rooms you will rarely see a student with a book in his hand. Here the tables are equipped with computers with Internet access. All periodicals and many textbooks can be viewed in electronic form. There is now free access to the Internet via Wi-Fi on the university campus.
The university is actively involved in science and attracts students to this matter. You can often see such stands about conferences and scientific work competitions. At one time, I also took an active part in such events.

A few photos of our lecture building.

And here is a view from the porch of the L building (lecture building) and a view of the second academic building.

In the main building there is an assembly hall, where various events are held: the freshman talent competition - “Debut”, student spring, Miss University, graduation ceremony with honors, meetings with interesting people(for example, a meeting with the coach and players of the Metalist football club), a meeting with graduates of past years and much more.

The university has several of its own dormitories. I lived in number five. It is located directly opposite the first academic building. We got up for classes half an hour before the bell. And sometimes they were even late. Here are some photos of the dorm rooms.

You can bring your own refrigerator or ask the commandant. Repairs in the rooms were done centrally, so parents do not need to run around the city in search of wallpaper and paint. Some hostels have their own gym. In particular, he was in the top five.
Time flew by. It seemed that it was just a student initiation celebration, and now there was a ceremonial presentation of diplomas. For some reason, the third year of study was the hardest for me. perhaps because at the same time we needed to write a coursework on accounting and defend a research paper on economic analysis. Still, both calculated items required a lot of time to properly prepare the work. Now the programs have changed somewhat and it has become easier for students in this regard.
And yet, I remember my student years with great warmth. Living in the hostel, we were like one family. Even the coursework on accounting was written by the whole group together in the classroom on the first floor - “so that the numbers were the same,” as our elder Tolik put it.
Therefore, if your choice fell on economic specialties, then the University of Economics was created precisely for this. Let it become your home for several years, just as it was for me.
I recommend it without any reservations!

Kharkov National Economic University named after Semyon Kuznets. Conducts training for bachelors, masters, candidates and doctors of science in the areas of economics, entrepreneurship, management, computer science, computer technology, public administration, tourism, etc.


As of July 2018, it has faculties:

  • Faculty of Economics and Law
  • Faculty of Economic Informatics
  • Faculty of Management and Marketing
  • Faculty of International Economic Relations
  • Faculty of Consulting and International Business
  • Finance Department
  • Faculty of Training of Foreign Citizens



In 2013, KhNUE was named after Semyon Kuznets - Order No. 1425 was signed by the Minister of Education and Science of Ukraine on October 14, 2013.



Since the late 1980s. The Institute is expanding the range of student training areas, moving on to training specialists in international economics, finance and banking, personnel management, etc. In 1994, the Institute received the status of a state economic university.


In 1956 - 1960s. The HIEI was headed by prof. O. G. Liberman research laboratory on industrial economics. The proposals of its scientists, created based on the results of research, formed the basis of the concept of the Economic Reform of 1965


1920 began a day of Soviet reorganizations: in 1921. KhKI was renamed the Institute of National Economy, and finally, during the higher education reform of 1930, it was divided. On the basis of its faculties, branch universities with departmental subordination were created. On October 30, 1930, the Kharkov Engineering and Economic Institute was formed on the basis of the industrial faculty. This date is officially considered the founding date of KhNUE. KhIEI trained economic engineers for the heavy industries of Soviet Ukraine.



In 1912 prof. M.V. Palienko initiated a public initiative - evening Higher Commercial Courses were opened at the school. The founders of the courses, led by Commerce Advisor I.K. Velitchenko, made extraordinary efforts to create a higher economic educational institution. The teaching staff and course curriculum were initially of a high standard. The courses provided training for specialists in the field of commerce, local economy, banking and finance, and training for commercial specialists for industrial enterprises. In 1916. State Duma the courses were given the status of a Commercial Institute.

The Economic University in Kharkov has been in existence since 1930. Since 2004 it has been named after the National, and was named after Semyon Kuznets in 2013.


KhNEU - Kharkov National Economic University is one of the popular universities in Ukraine. Becoming KhNEU dates back to the last century. In fact, the institution was formed in 1893 as the “Kharkov Commercial School of Emperor Alexander III.” Over the long period of its formation, the institution has experienced many ups and downs. On given time KhNEU widely popular not only in our state, but also far beyond its borders. Every year a large number of applicants want to join KhNEU ( Kharkiv).

According to the fundamental knowledge acquired at the institution, students KhNEU They can easily find popular and highly paid activities. Like many famous establishments in Kharkov KhNEU has IV qualification rank. Applicants can choose 1 of 8 divisions, as well as from most of the offered specializations. Those who come from other cities are given a room in a hostel.

At this time, the University of Economics is the main regional center for training and retraining of government workers and one of the large scientific and methodological centers of the Ministry of Education and Science on the problems of training economists and managers. Head KhNEU there is a Doctor of Economic Sciences, Professor V. S. Ponomarenko.

Contacts KhNEU

Address: 61001, Ukraine, Kharkov, Lenin Ave., 9a.

Specializations of education in Kharkov National Economic University named after S. Kuznets

Informatics and computer technologies;

Political Science and World Relations;

Economics, management, marketing;


Students study full-time or by correspondence. Training is provided only on a commercial basis. Students KhNEU have a diploma of state significance.


Material and technical structure KhNEU unites: rooms for seminars and lectures, equipped auditoriums, highly specialized classes, modern computer rooms with the prospect of Internet access, a dormitory, a library, reading rooms, a sports and fitness complex. The total territory of the educational institution is 3142 sq.m.

Division and Qualifications Kharkov National Economic University:

1) Accounting and audit division:

Accounting and Auditing.

2) Department of Economics and Law:

Labor economics, personnel management;

Economics of organizations.

3) Financial division:


Banking activities;


4) Management and Marketing Division:


Administrative management;

Management of innovative work;

Organizational management;

Business administration;


5) Economic Informatics Division:

Economic cybernetics;

Applied Statistics;

Information structures and technologies;

Computer monitoring;

Technology of electronic publications;

Structures of publishing and printing production and computerized technologies.

6) International Economic Relations Division:

Economic theory;


World economy;

Management of foreign economic work.

University students have the opportunity to complete internships at domestic industrial and financial enterprises. During their education, students undergo special training, which allows them to choose the right decisions in the field of modern economic problems, develop a strategy for the formation of organizations, plan activities and organize production, conduct effective marketing research, carry out in-depth economic analysis, and so on.

The university takes part in several global educational programs and projects.

The structure of the institution includes 34 departments, Higher Schools, the Interdisciplinary Institute for Increasing Specialization, special councils for the defense of dissertations, educational and research audiences, a business center, a computer center, a scientific library, printing, sports complexes, and dormitories.

The institution has created conditions not only for fruitful educational activities, but also for excellent leisure, physical training of students, there is a modern sports complex and a health dispensary.

Applicants and students can eliminate deficiencies in their knowledge, prepare for external independent assessment, and enter a university.

Students can use the distance education portal in educational resources, they already have access to about 600 educational electronic courses.

Some students have discounts on education fees, these include disabled children, orphans, Chernobyl victims, miners, war veterans, etc.

Seven well-equipped student residences accommodate non-domestic and overseas students.

Under agreements with other higher educational institutions, students can receive education in a military unit and, upon successful completion, receive the rank of reserve officers.

At the Department of Management and Business, you can study in the specialization of management with education in English.

Academic mobility programs provide students with the opportunity to complete internships in organizations abroad, receive education in master's programs, and improve their knowledge of foreign languages ​​through a Summer School with teachers from other countries.

The international cooperation KhNEU

Kharkov National Economic University established agreements on commonwealth with more than 40 higher educational institutions of the European Union and Russia: St. Petersburg State University Economics and Finance, Baikal State University of Economics and Law, Voronezh State agricultural university named after K. D. Glinka, CIS, Belarusian State University of Economics, USA, Canada, East Asia, etc.

Upon completion of their education, students of the institution receive diplomas of state significance. There is a prospect of having a double diploma when studying master's programs with institutions in France, the Czech Republic, and Austria.

Educational activities Kharkov National Economic University

Youth organization is the student government body of the university.

Trade union organization , as an authorized public body of all participants in the educational, educational, scientific process, has a unique, difficult and remarkable history of its formation, formation, and development. Several generations of active participants in the university trade union movement, whose work is, first of all, based on friendship, openness, honesty, goodwill, and support. At this time, the important task of the trade union organization is to protect the rights and interests of trade union members, create safe and healthy working conditions, training and rest.

The main goal of the organization is to involve students in active participation in student life, protection, presentation and implementation of their rights and interests, creating conditions for self-realization of students’ personalities, developing their leadership competencies, increasing the level of professional training.

If you decide to join KhNEU, but you need to collect more information about the university, the site will help you. Here you will find information about the most popular universities in Ukraine, have the opportunity to choose a department and qualification, as well as find out the information you are interested in, which applicants will definitely need.

Sincerely, IC "KURSOVIKS"!

Kharkov National Economic University is a state higher education institution of the highest level of IV accreditation, it is subordinate to the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine.

Today, Kharkov National Economic University is one of the leading specialized higher education institutions in the East of Ukraine, which provides a full range of educational services, implementing multi-stage training, retraining and advanced training of specialists in 26 specialties such branches of knowledge

    Economics and Entrepreneurship;

    Management and administration;

    Informatics and Computer Science;

    Publishing and Printing Business;

    service sector;

    Public administration;

The University is a licensee of the Ministry of Education and Science, Youth and Sports of Ukraine for the preparation of Ukrainian and foreign citizens for admission to higher education educational establishments(License series No AE. 458586 from 07/28/2014).

There are 7 faculties, 34 departments, Correspondence and Center distance learning, Center for Postgraduate Education, specialized scientific councils for the defense of dissertations for obtaining the academic degree of Doctor or Candidate of Sciences in the field of economics, educational and research laboratories, computer center, scientific and technical library, Publishing house, sports complexes at the university.

With significant experience in teaching Ukrainian students, KhNUE influences HR, scientific, technical and economic policy industrial enterprises and organizations of the country. The fundamental principle of KhNUE's activities is the formation of an intellectual elite for the economy of our country. To achieve this goal, the university trains highly qualified professional economists familiar with modern information technologies and innovative models of behavior.

Developed in the university system of continuing education serves to implement these solutions. Today, this system is represented by a scientific and educational complex, which includes the preliminary selection of capable applicants and their training, stationary and distance learning, as well as training and retraining of highly qualified specialists. Studying in secondary schools created within the faculties, students have the opportunity to obtain a related specialty at a reduced price.

The University has created a flexible quality management system for training specialists, based on continuous monitoring of the achievements of KhNUE graduates."

KhNUE actively implements educational standards that apply in the countries of the European Community. Construction of training in accordance with the principle of “unification of form (standardization of courses) - Originality of content (filling out modules)” Allows you to realize the benefits of KhNUE in the most effective way. Benefits associated with high level development of research work and its integration with the educational process and economic practice. Participation in scientific research should create a motivated specialist with a creative approach to work, who is able to solve problems that arise from modern economic practice.

S. Kuznets KhNUE maintains broad international contacts with higher educational institutions from near and far abroad for the purpose of training, retraining and advanced training of specialists; organization of joint research activities, exchange of students, graduate students and teachers, preparation of joint projects for participation in grant competitions. S.Kuznets KhNUE have partners among foreign universities and educational organizations from many countries, namely Austria, France, Russia, Belarus, China, Italy, Armenia, Germany, Poland, Czech Republic, Canada, USA, etc. The university is consistent with modern educational standards was confirmed by an invitation to join the Magna Charter of Universities - the world's prestigious universities organization headquartered in the city. Bologna (Italy) - September 18, 2004.

KhNUE students have the opportunity to undertake internships at leading domestic industrial, financial, consulting and other companies. During their studies, students receive language training in general and elective courses, they can study English language, French, German, Chinese, Italian, Turkish, Arabic, Polish.

At the university they receive fundamental training, which allows them to make and implement effective decisions in the range of modern economic problems, including the selection of competitive products, assessing the effectiveness of investment projects and the technical and organizational level of production, developing an enterprise development strategy, planning activities, organizing production and labor, marketing research, in-depth economic analysis, etc.

KhNUE graduates successfully meet the HR needs of leading public, private and joint stock companies countries, they work in research institutes and higher education institutions, banks and government agencies, in travel companies and in small and medium-sized businesses in the service sector, ensuring international activities, they plan and design the infrastructure of enterprises, cities, regions.

Faculties of Kharkov National Economic University

Faculty of Economics and Law

  • Economics of enterprises
  • Human Resources Department

Faculty of Economic Informatics

  • Economic statistics:
  • Information Management System:
  • Economic cybernetics:
  • Publishing and printing business
  • Computer environmental and economic monitoring

Faculty of Marketing and Management

  • Organization management:
  • marketing:
  • Administration

Faculty of International Economic Relations

  • Economic theory
  • International economics
  • Foreign trade management

Faculty of Accounting and Auditing

  • Accounting and audit

Faculty of Finance

  • finance
  • Banking

After graduation

The university provides Professional Development foreign citizens of all previously mentioned specialties in the form of a probationary period and retraining. PhD (Doctor of Philosophy) and Doctor of Science courses are available at the university. The duration of the postgraduate course is 3 years followed by the defense of a dissertation and the degree of Doctor of Philosophy. in the field of economics are awarded.

Admission of foreign students to S.Kuznets KhNUE

Kharkiv National University of Economics (KhNUE) is the largest provider of economic education in Eastern Ukraine, it trains Bachelors, Specialists and Masters of Economic Sciences. Level 4 accreditation is provided by a university with the right to train specialists for foreign countries. The teaching staff includes 722 persons: 53 doctors of science, professors and academicians, 363 candidates of science, associate professors. Since its founding in 1930, 50,000 specialists in the field of economics in Ukraine and 79 countries have graduated from the university.

The university is an institution with significant scientific potential. Currently, there are 7 scientific schools at the university, which are headed by leading Ukrainian professors and doctors of science. Two research and experimental laboratories studying the socio-economic problems of society, creativity assessment and geodetic level of intelligence were created at the university.

Kharkov National Economic University supports international relationships with more than 50 neighboring and foreign higher schools and associations, takes part in cooperation within the framework of international and European programs and projects in the field of education. Since 2005, in the context of a bilateral agreement between KhNUE and Universite Lumiere Lion2 (France), a joint French-Ukrainian master's degree program operates in the specialty "Decision Informatics and Statistics". Graduates of the program receive two diplomas: Master diploma from the Kharkov National University of Economics and Master diploma from the Universite Lumiere Lion2. In 2009 a similar master's degree program was launched in collaboration with the University of Applied Sciences.

Technical Sciences Vienna (Austria).

Currently KhNUE covering 4 lecture buildings, a complex for physical education and recreation, scientific and library buildings. Since March, 2003 there has been an automated library system, all processes in the library are automated due to this system. Language laboratories allow students to use audio and video aids to master Russian in order to be able to study at university.

There are no problems with students living in dormitories. KhNUE has gyms in the residence halls with training and other equipment, where students can do any sports they like.

Currently, the university has a license to prepare foreign citizens for admission to higher educational institutions (preparatory faculty), to train students and provide them with higher education (Bachelor's and Master's degrees), retrain specialists and provide them with another degree, improve their qualifications in basic specialties , provide postgraduate and doctoral studies.



Economics of enterprises

A specialist in the field of enterprise economics can perform the duties of an economist, manager of relevant services at enterprises, corporations, organizations and institutions - in any area where there is a need to develop a business strategy and current plans.

Human Resources Department

A specialist in the field of personnel management can perform professional duties in the field of personnel management (motivation and stimulation of work), can plan a business career, develop human resource management strategies and strategies for social progress.



Applied Statistics

An economic statistician can perform professional work as an economic analyst and work in organizations involved in the processing of statistical data.

Information management systems and technologies

A specialist in the field of information systems and technologies is able to carry out professional activity as a developer of information systems in economics, an analyst of economic information, engaged in the processing and development of a database management system, and also work as a system administrator.

Economic cybernetics

A specialist in economic cybernetics is able to carry out professional activities as an economist, operational research analyst, as an economic adviser, Researcher; can hold responsible positions in economics, commerce and business.

Computer Ecology and economic monitoring

A specialist in the field of computer ecology and economic monitoring is able to assess the environmental consequences of large-scale scientific, technical and technological programs, economically significant investments in conservation projects environment using computer technology.

Computer technologies and publishing and printing production systems

Technology of electronic multimedia publications

A specialist in the technology of electronic multimedia publications can develop the design of multimedia interactive publications, presentations, WEB sites on the Internet, design and administer a local computer network, analyze the efficiency of a multimedia system, and create dynamic video clips.

Applied Economics

A specialist in the field of applied economics can carry out professional activities as an economist-analyst in the field of market research for goods and services; expert in the field of international economic activity; economist-analyst at a bank, Insurance Company, investment company; project manager; private business manager; scientist; university teacher.



Organizational management

A specialist in the field of organizational management can carry out professional activities as a manager and economist in the production of goods and services, conducting scientific research and development, trade and sales activities.



A specialist in the field of administrative management can work in state administrative institutions and private organizations, in enterprises of various forms of ownership, in the state industrial administration of national economic bodies as an economist.

Business management

A specialist in the field of business administration can work as a top and middle level manager of an organization of any form of ownership, Marketing Manager, Logistics and International Relations.


A logistics specialist can carry out analytical, management, scientific and development activities, to work as a planning manager, a subsidiary producing company or an entire enterprise manager.

Control innovation activities

A specialist in the field of innovation management can work as a top and middle manager of an organization, as a manager of logistics, trade and sales activities.