Aries dragon man what kind of man is he if he is in love. Dragon Aries: character, love, compatibility, work, talents

We have several other bright characters that are interesting to talk about. The satirical writer Anatole France (“The Gods Thirst,” “Rise of the Angels”) was noted for his rejection of bourgeois reality. He opposed religion, asceticism and fanaticism. His Penguin Island is a witty historiography of fictional humanity with an avian twist.

He and Maxim Gorky are similar only in symbolic appeals to the “bird” language of allegories. But Anatole’s penguins were funny creatures, but in Peshkov’s case all they did was hide their “fat body in the rocks.” Actor Steven Seagal (“Niko”, “Under Siege”, “The Capture”) loves adventure, is determined to achieve goals, tireless in love, rich and elegant. He, an on-screen fighter against injustice and a fan of martial arts, is caught having connections with the mafia.

Dancer, choreographer, artistic director of the Bolshoi Theater Vladimir Vasiliev is always at work and full of creative ideas and grandiose plans. Playwright Edmond Rostand (“Cyrano de Bergerac”) wrote a play about an honest, naive, brave man fighting injustice, vulgarity and vice. Considering that every writer writes primarily about himself, Rostand himself is the same.

There are almost no Aries-Dragon politicians, except perhaps Grigory Yavlinsky and political scientist with an admixture of Sovietology Zbigniew Brzezinski. We have already talked about writers and economists.

We can say for sure that Aries-Dragons excel in science, sports and acting. Among the first are geneticist, physicist and creator of the DNA structure model James Watson, geneticist Joseph Goldstein, economist John Hicks, physicist Robert Millikan, archaeologist who discovered the remains of Sumerian Ur, Leonard Wooley, biochemist Christian Anfinsen.

The sports career of Aries-Dragons is as follows: football players Grigory Fedotov, Emerson and Rainer Bonhoff, skier Alexei Prokurorov, boxer Teofilo Stevenson, Formula 1 race car driver Ricardo Zonta, basketball player John Havlicek, writer of baseball rules Alexander Cortright.

In the acting field, Gregory Peck (“To Kill a Mockingbird”); Vasily Merkuriev (“Heavenly Slugger”, “The Cranes Are Flying”); Oscar winner John Gielgud (“Caligula”); shirt-guy, prone to fighting and drugs, Meg Ryan's ex-husband Dennis Quaid ("Inner Space"), as well as Meg Ryan's current husband, a favorite of women, a brawler, a brute and an amateur farmer, Ryan Russell Crowe ("Gladiator"). There are also directors in this zodiac group; Alan Pakula (“All the President’s Men”), Alexander Belinsky (“The Marriage of Balzaminov”).

All other personalities are difficult to unite according to their preferences, and we will simply list them: the Pope; poet, first friend, and then persecutor of Galileo Galilei Urban VIII; the composer who invented the baton, Ludwig Spohr; the famous matador Juan Belmonte; mountaineer and explorer William Conway; pop musician and businessman Alexander Kutikov (“Time Machine”); cartoonist and photographer Nadar.

The group includes: historian, general, writer, politician Dmitry Volkogonov, aircraft designer Donald Douglas, artist Fra Bartolomeo (“Lamentation of Christ”), Prince of Transylvania, leader of the Hungarian uprising Ferenc Rakoczi II, astronaut James Lovell, blues musician Alexis Korner.

Horoscope of Aries-Dragon woman

Actress Elina Bystritskaya was born on April 4, 1928. Judging by numerous interviews, she has a proud, quarrelsome, strong and even domineering character: “the blows of fate must be overcome with dignity”, “I don’t like being dependent”, “I don’t have the habit of walking with an outstretched hand”, “I am deeply convinced that it is actions that determine the scale of personality.”

Her credo is not to expect favors from life, but to achieve them. As a child, Elina was only friends with boys, which is where her interest in chess, billiards and shooting arose. Her film career began with the film "The Unfinished Tale." A beautiful woman was noticed. Then there were “Volunteers”. And after the release of Quiet Don, where Bystritskaya played the role of Aksinya, the actress became a star.

“In each of my heroines there is, of course, something of my character.” She says that she has faced many obstacles in her life, but she has never worried much about them. She believes that “the beauty of any person lies in one thing: not to do harm to people,” and any obstacles can be overcome with daily work. The actress continues to serve in the theater and dreams of new works. She is also involved in social activities - she created a charitable foundation to help artists.

Aries-Dragon women - some into the forest, some for firewood. It is important for them to express themselves, to lead, to mean something, to be the center of attention, and not to “shake over manuscripts.” Actress Maria Schneider (“Caligula”), model Melissa Joan Hart, folk singer Tracy Chapman, tennis player Jennifer Capriati, fencer Maria Mizina, politician, head of the Women’s Union of Russia Alevtina Fedulova.

See also the characteristics of the sign-year:

The key characteristics of the Dragon-Aries will be: leadership, speed of reaction, fight for their rights, independence and impulsiveness. You won’t envy a person who wants to “run into” the Dragon-Aries or simply advise him something, and even better, force him to do something if he has his own opinion on this issue! He will never give in out of politeness! This is a superman who always goes his own way and always knows where he is going.

A whirlwind man who sweeps away all obstacles in his path! The horoscope of Aries, born in the year of the Dragon, is replete with strong energy, fiery ardor, and the ability to take direct action in all areas of life. He is self-confident, even too confident, and has good business qualities. The degree of balance of this nature is, of course, very individual. There are also relatively calm individuals.

Dragon-Aries character

Despite his swiftness, the Aries Dragon feels great in a team, knows how to work with people, and infect them with his enthusiasm. He doesn't know half measures and always wants to get everything! He can be reckless and can commit rash acts, but who among us does not do them...

Such a person is not distinguished by ceremony and depth of judgment. He tends to slide on the surface, but everything he does is done 100%! In love, as in business relationships, he shows inflexibility and, it must be said, few people are able to argue with the Aries Dragon... But if everything goes as he wants, the Aries Dragon will show his best qualities.

Dragon-Aries Man

A conqueror and at the same time a connoisseur of female beauty, intelligence, education and good manners. On the one hand, he wants to attract the attention of an interesting woman by any means, on the other hand, he tries to do this not too directly, not obviously, pushing the woman herself to take decisive action in his direction. And here the complexity and contradictions in the nature of the man of this combination of signs are revealed. What will ultimately become more important for him - the dynamism of a woman’s feelings, her independence or, on the contrary, weakness and inability to “take what’s hers” is a big question!

It is practically impossible for one woman to combine these qualities. Given this feature, the Dragon-Aries man may never find his ideal and become attracted to different women. The only thing that can stop him is a situation with a woman, when he is simply deceived - he sees in a woman something that is not really in her, or a situation with children, when life will already dictate its terms to him.

Dragon-Aries Woman

The Dragon-Aries woman is an Amazon. She is demanding, and playful, and is open to any new activities and getting new impressions, and will not get along with a man who is frankly lethargic and timid. She needs a competitor, a rival with whom she will live in constant good shape. However, in life all this is also difficult to realize, since finding a strong man who will allow her a lot is a big problem. Either he will try to pacify her and put her on the sofa in front of the TV under the roof of the house, or he will be busy with an active personal life and then she will want to call the man to order and “tie” him into family affairs.

Both options in their pure form are unacceptable. Compromise decisions will be required: you will need to give in on some things, and insist on your own on others. In any case, to begin with, the Dragon-Aries woman must understand one thing: there will be no game with one goal (hers), because family life is built on a system of concessions and interactions on equal terms. All other “options” will not lead to a happy family life.

Ukrainian boxer Vladimir Klitschko.
New Zealand actor Russell Crowe.
Russian athlete-boxer Natalya Ragozina.

American actor Steven Seagal.

King Philip IV the Handsome of France.

The dragon-man is powerful, impetuous, and decisive. His zeal for leadership and power sometimes reaches the point of madness; in the struggle for power, this man knows no boundaries and limits, he will fiercely fight for the crown to the last. The Dragon-Aries man is an excellent businessman who is able to quickly make the right decisions and act quickly. All the actions of this person are logical and thought out; there is no room for hesitation or long-term doubts - everything is done quickly and clearly. Moreover, the Aries man, born in the year of the Dragon, never goes deep into the essence of the problem, the solutions lie on the surface, and he does not worry about the details. In personal relationships, as well as in everything else, this man is a leader and even a dictator. He is passionate, very amorous, and tends to choose women who are calm and flexible.


The Aries woman is very energetic, ambitious, and sociable. Like men of the same combination, this woman loves to lead and command. She will make an excellent boss, director, manager - any leadership position will suit such a lady. At the same time, she cannot be called an iron lady - in personal relationships she is very feminine, loves beautiful courtship, compliments and gifts. Next to the Dragon-Aries woman there should be a strong and strong-willed person who will not try to put out her fire and besiege her, but, on the contrary, will give her the desire to develop even further, to move higher up the career ladder. This woman always knows how to combine work and home, so no aspect of her life will be infringed.

Dragon-Aries is incredible energy, it is a fire that burns any obstacles in the way. It’s nice to be friends with such a person, but it’s better not to have such enemies.

Aries - Dragon
Aries – Dragon

Character of Dragon women - Aries: These women are incredibly lucky. Finances are drawn to them, they easily make the necessary contacts and overcome all obstacles. Not only luck, but also other pronounced qualities help them achieve their goals: fearlessness, courage, straightforwardness and incredible stubbornness. The only thing that can interfere with their path is vanity and excessive pride.

These are noble, generous and good-natured women who strive for harmony in everything in their lives. They are very friendly and enjoy communicating with a variety of people. It is easy for them to find a common language and you can talk to them on any topic. They quickly become close to people and experience betrayal hard, but they will never dare to take revenge on their offenders. At the same time, they will always be able to stand up for themselves and their loved ones.

Dragon women - Aries in love and relationships: When these Aries are in love, you can do whatever you want with them. They are unusually trusting, gentle and ready to please their chosen ones in everything. They have a serious attitude towards relationships, which they try to build on honesty and complete trust. They make the same demands on their partners and if they do not see these qualities, they are deeply disappointed. They will never be able to forgive betrayal.

Dragon women - Aries in finance and career: By middle age they become successful people with good income. They build their careers well, advance in it and have professional knowledge. At the same time, they rarely suffer from star fever, and their modesty and self-confidence are highly valued by their superiors. They build relationships well with employees, expressing respect and maintaining the necessary distance.

Dragon women - Aries in family and marriage: Family relationships are very important to them. They will try their best to provide financially for their children, parents and spouse. They do not forget about their other responsibilities, which is why they have earned the title of an ideal spouse. At the same time, they try to avoid unnecessary conflicts, believing that home is a quiet and peaceful place. Therefore, they will leave the solution to some issues to their significant other and will not interfere.

Advice for Dragon-Aries women: Your chosen ones are sensitive to the most important human qualities: honesty, trust and nobility. And if they find opposite qualities in you, then there will be a break in the relationship. It is also worth remembering that they cannot live on a volcano all the time - they need harmony and tranquility. And their chosen ones must ensure this, and then they will remain devoted and faithful companions until the end of their lives.

The characteristics and compatibility of the Aries - Dragon man interests everyone who was born under the control of these signs. Both astrological signs give this man hyperactive and infectious enthusiasm, but he must learn to finish whatever he starts. The impulsive and selfish Aries-Dragon lives a cheerful and stormy life and often does not notice that he behaves arrogantly and arrogantly with other people.

A man born in the sign of Aries in the year of the Dragon becomes bold and elegant. Aries-Dragon has a rather intellectual approach to life, which attracts a huge number of friends and new acquaintances. In life, he is an optimist and it may even seem to others that he has few worries in life. He is characterized by creativity, speed of thinking and wit. Often the sense of humor is filled with sarcasm.

He is not very curious and does not strive to learn everything about everyone. An incomplete idea is enough for him. He enjoys exploring hypotheses, although he doesn't tell anyone about it. Of course, he is also driven by curiosity, which makes him interested in something in life. He wants to communicate with those who are different in their thinking, because he loves hours-long discussions.


The Aries-Dragon man is one of those people who asks a person questions and, depending on the answer, determines what approach is needed to him, so you will enjoy talking with him. At moments when this guy is angry or upset, he will not listen to other people's advice and will simply ask you to leave him alone. He tends to find solutions to his problems himself and rarely asks others for help.

This guy has all the makings of a strong personality. He is self-confident, fairly balanced and has excellent business qualities. To some it may seem ideal, however, this is a superficial impression. Of course, like other people, he has doubts, he just doesn’t focus his attention on them and continues to go his own way. Along with this, he manages to show others the path, inspire and infect others with his enthusiasm.

A man born under the sign of Aries in the year of the Dragon always acts on the “all or nothing” principle. He likes power, and his self-confidence and courage sometimes reach the point of recklessness. For him, the world is a struggle in which he knows no limits, this applies to both love and friendships.

Compatibility in love between Aries and Dragon men

The Aries-Dragon man surprises those around him with his calmness even in difficult situations, including in love. Feelings for him are more practical than philosophical. If the partner does not reciprocate, he quickly decides to break up. At first glance, one gets the impression that a love relationship with him will be simple and harmonious. But in reality, he constantly analyzes the attitude of his chosen one towards him and sees all her shortcomings.

This guy chooses a partner only in accordance with the presence of certain character qualities. For example, he will try to build a relationship with someone who has connections or some other benefits. At the same time, his significant other must certainly be self-confident, smart and decisive, that is, to match him. Feelings of jealousy rarely arise in him, since, in principle, his thoughts are always directed towards himself. He loves to do bright things for the sake of narcissism and is often hypocritical.

Marriage for an Aries-Dragon man is possible only after he has realized himself. The main guideline for marriage for him is not feelings, but more material values. If he meets a suitable woman, he will be able to evaluate her not by material wealth, but by spiritual compatibility.