Pan is the Greek patron god of nature. Who is Alexander Shpak, what is he famous for? Why does he look like this, what about his appearance and orientation?

Who is Sasha Shpak

Real name

Hometown- Saint Petersburg

Height — 176

Weight— 90 kg

Activity— Blogger, bodybuilder, model, freak

Alexander Shpak biography

Alexander Shpak is a bodybuilder, a freak and, recently, a very popular blogger. Sasha gained popularity thanks to his shocking appearance.

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Alexander Shpak before surgery

Alexander Shpak grew up as an ordinary boy, born into the family of a teacher and a military man; because of his father’s profession, the family often moved. Since Sasha’s father was a military man, he instilled a love of sports in his son. At the age of 12, Shpak joined the gym for the first time, and after a short time he began to achieve some success.

At the age of fifteen, Alexander entered St. Petersburg State University of Economics to study “Financial Manager”; after graduation, Sasha realized that higher education alone was not enough for him, and decided to enroll in extramural, to “Securities Specialist.” Thus, Alexander Shpak has two higher educations, despite his provocative appearance.

Before plastic surgery and changes in appearance, Sasha looked like quite a handsome guy, with well-developed muscles. He was a very kind “shirt guy” who would always come to the rescue, but in appearance he looked very faded, gray, which prompted him to change his appearance. The main task was to weed out a huge number of unnecessary people who pay attention only to a person’s appearance, which I later did not regret at all.

Plastic surgery and tattoos by Sasha Shpak

Alexander got his first tattoo back in adolescence, but didn’t stop there. Tattoos occupy 90% of the entire body; according to Sasha, he spent about five million rubles on this “decoration”.

He also managed to undergo more than 15 operations, ranging from pumping out fat to completely changing the shape of his face.

He had silicone implants inserted into his chest and buttocks, but later had them removed.

Well, how could we not mention the extended fangs, like a vampire’s, for which he also paid a considerable amount of money.

Alexander Shpak always looks inimitable, because he also has in his arsenal: tattooed eyebrows, painted and enlarged lips, bright hairstyles, and of course, painted eyes and nails. One can only guess how much time Shpak spends daily on creating his image.

Throughout his life, Sasha was constantly involved in bodybuilding, building his body, which later developed into working as a fitness trainer.

Alexander Shpak is a very popular trainer, he helps many people, both live in gym, and conducts consultations via the Internet.

Previously, he was engaged in the sale of anabolic steroids, which attracted the attention of the police and was sentenced to three years probation.

Shpak Instagram

Alexander Shpak has a very popular Instagram account, on this moment it has over 1 million subscribers.

The blogger daily pleases his Instagram subscribers with new photos, videos, stories, Sasha also has several columns, for example “get your butt off the couch” - where Alexander shows physical exercises that can be done at home, “Cooking with Shpak”, where Sasha and his wife Masya prepares various dishes; Masya also has her own Instagram account with an equally large audience of subscribers.

Sasha also has an official YouTube channel, where he posts various recordings of TV programs with his participation, recordings of live broadcasts from Instagram, and vlogs.

Personal life

Despite Shpak’s appearance, he is in great demand among girls, proof of this is that he was married more than 5 times, even such a process as marriage Alexander managed to make insanely discussed, because right at the wedding he was practically naked, photographs of this action were included and instantly spread across the internet.

At the moment, Shpak is legally married to Irina Meshchanskaya, the couple conducts all videos on YouTube and live broadcasts together. The couple admits that they have absolutely the same outlook on life, they want to live life for themselves, and do not plan to have children in the near future, as husband Alexander has proven excellently. Alexander affectionately calls his wife Masya.

The lovers periodically take part in candid photo shoots, which fuels discussions around their personalities.

Alexander Shpak is a regular on all kinds of television programs, where he often succumbs to public condemnation, but as soon as you bring the person condemning him into dialogue, he instantly begins to look at Alexander with a different look, because behind his shocking appearance hides a very smart, psychologically savvy and educated person.

In a happy era, before the advent of social networks, the surname “Shpak” was associated only with a character from the cult Soviet film “Ivan Vasilyevich Changes His Profession.” Now his scandalous namesake, who never leaves TV and Internet media, has become much more famous. The average person may be horrified upon learning who Alexander Shpak is. Therefore, people with fragile psyches should refrain from viewing this article.

Who is Sasha Shpak?

The first word that comes to mind when looking at this character is freak. This is how in English-speaking countries they call harmless urban crazy people who shock others with their extravagant behavior and appearance.

But Shpak was not always like this. Early biography did not at all foresee this turn of events:

  • He was born in 1979 into a Puritan family of a teacher and a military man. Since the father had little time for the child, the latter was left to the female half of the house, his wife and mother-in-law;
  • Under pressure from his father, Sasha began to devote a lot of time to physical exercise, which gradually grew into a lifelong passion;
  • At the same time, he devoted a lot of time to his studies. He entered university a couple of years earlier than his peers. Perseverance and love of knowledge made it possible to obtain two higher education degrees in economics;
  • According to the recollections of the Internet hero himself, the turning point in his life happened on his 25th birthday. What exactly happened and how, history is silent. But after that, an ordinary-looking man began a rapid transformation into a sexless creature.

Rising to the top of popularity

In the mid-2000s, a young man in the prime of his life decided to radically rewrite his life. But he decided not to change his inner world, but appearance. Over the course of several years, the entire body of an ordinary “jock” has changed significantly: he covered himself with tattoos from head to toe, underwent a series of plastic surgeries, began to use makeup and wear provocative hairstyles.

And the effect was not long in coming. The combination of the incongruous - muscularity and effeminate appearance - has become the key to sustainable popularity:

  1. For the first time, a bodybuilder appeared in trends back in those years when LJ (Live Journal, livejournal) ruled the roost on the RuNet. There he posted a photo of himself, relaxing on the beach. The effeminate appearance of the pumped-up man shocked many then;
  2. The next wave of popularity awaited him in 2010, when photographs from the wedding ceremony of a scandalous person appeared online;
  3. Feeling the tart taste of fame, Shpak opened his video channel on youtube dedicated to body care and proper nutrition. Sometimes a holder of two higher educations shares his life philosophy, the general message of which can be characterized by the words “love yourself”;
  4. Today Shpak’s persona is one of the most recognizable in RuNet. His photograph appeared in the extremely popular “Druzhko-Show”, and he himself is a frequent guest on television, hosting your Instagram with over a million subscribers.

What did Alexander Shpak look like before?

In the case of our hero, the “he was like this before” photographs will look more presentable than the “after” ones. Before his extraordinary transformation, he looked like a rather attractive and confident man of strong physique. It is probably these women who say “like behind a stone wall.”

Everything changed after Alexander decided to radically reshape his appearance:

  • The face was hit first. Plastic surgeons corrected the shape of the forehead and brow ridges, tightened the skin on the eyelids;
  • He didn't spare his nose either. Sharply flared nostrils made the profile look like a bird's;
  • The cheekbones and lips increased in size, which finally drew a line under the feminization of the image;
  • Against this background, silicone implants in the breasts are not surprising, the shape and size of which could cause envy in any metropolitan beauty. However, after some time, the noted fashionista decided to abandon the chic bust for inexplicable reasons;
  • After several unsuccessful attempts to lose weight on his own, the author of videos about a healthy lifestyle gave up on diets and decided on liposuction (surgical removal of fat).

The aesthetic effect of these transformations was very dubious.

Trade in prohibited substances

The hero of Instagram and YouTube decided to convert his Internet popularity into real money. This is how a store for professional bodybuilders, Leader Sport, appeared in St. Petersburg. But the self-proclaimed expert in the field healthy eating significantly damaged his reputation by deciding to engage in entrepreneurial activity:

  1. In 2012, he once again appeared on television screens - this time against his will. The St. Petersburg police department for combating drug trafficking found a lot of interesting things in the windows of “Sport Leader”;
  2. In particular, the police discovered a number of substances for building muscle mass, prohibited on the territory of Russia. Almost one and a half thousand dangerous pills that were sold under the guise of sports nutrition were seized;
  3. A criminal case was filed against the store owner. However, he never managed to show off his curves in “places not so remote.” Law enforcement officers decided that the first time was enough suspended sentence .

Steroids did not bring any good to the failed drug lord: in 2016 it became known that he had become infertile.

Here is a video of Alexander being caught red-handed:

Sasha and Masya Shpak: who are they?

Oddly enough, many representatives of the fair sex really like the image of a glamorous jock. How else can one explain Alexander’s popularity with the opposite sex? In his less than 40 years, he managed to be married as many as six times!

His latest passion attracts no less attention than himself:

  • Irina Meshchanskaya (or Masya, as she affectionately calls her loving husband) before meeting her fate, she lived in an unhappy marriage for several years. This made her significantly reconsider her views on men;
  • Meeting Shpak changed her life forever. Just like her second husband, she became a regular at the plastic surgeon. As a result of the operations, she renewed her bust and buttocks, tightened the skin on her face;
  • She is not inferior to her other half in activity on social networks. The number of her subscribers in instagram is more than a million;
  • From the outside, the lovers give the impression of an ideal couple: they always stick together in public, and in YouTube videos they openly share the secrets of happiness with numerous viewers.

Beauty - horrible power. One can involuntarily come to this conclusion after finding out who Alexander Shpak is. A wonderful creature, half man, half woman, he occupies a worthy place in the pantheon of freaks on the Russian Instagram. And let the haters foam at the mouth with anger - he doesn’t care, because that's how he feels happy.

Video: Alexander Shpak about his appearance

In this video, Alexander himself will tell you what prompted him to give himself such an appearance, and how others treat him:

Herodotus also describes the religion of the Scythians. “They were pagans and worshiped many gods: first of all Hestia, then Zeus and Heya. These gods are recognized by all Scythians, and the so-called royal Scythians also make sacrifices to Poseidon. In the Scythian language, Hestia is called Tabiti, Zeus is called Papai, Gaia is called Api.”


The Scythians revered this deity “most of all.” The oath to this goddess was considered the most important, and those who violated it were executed. The cult of Tabiti, like the cult of the Greek goddess Hestia, was associated with fire and the hearth, which were revered. Tabiti was also considered a giver of food and prosperity.


Popeye is the progenitor of the Scythians and Scythian kings. His name is of Iranian origin and means “father”, “protector”. Popeye is the personification of the sky, the creator of the world and people.
Api was considered Popeye's wife. In Scythian mythology, she was represented as the serpentine, “earth-born maiden,” the ancestor of the Scythians. Her image is also associated with water that feeds the earth, underground waters. Quite a lot of images of Api-serpent were found in the Kuban - in the Bolshaya Bliznitsa mounds on the Taman Peninsula, near the village of Ivanovskaya and Ust-Labinsk. On a golden plaque from the village of Ivanovskaya, which adorned a wooden bowl, a winged goddess is depicted in a tunic, the folds of which end with the heads of snakes and griffins. On the goddess's head is a high headdress, in her hand is a man's head. It is interesting that in the same burial golden plaques (clothing decorations) with images of Hercules were found.


Herodotus does not give his Scythian name. But he is close to the image of Targitai - the first man of Scythian mythology, the conqueror of monsters, the father of Lipoksai, Arpoksai and Kolaksai, who became the ancestors of the Scythian tribes. Hercules-Targitai is both a man and a god, the creator of the world order, the personification of strength and valor. Unlike Popeye-Zeus, his image is closer to people and therefore was very popular in the Bosporus and among barbarian tribes. On the rhyton from the Karagodeuashkh mound he is depicted as a horseman in the scene of the divine transfer of power. The popularity of Targitai’s image is evidenced by the use of his name. Thus, the famous Meotian queen bore the name Tirgatao.
Other Scythian gods are also associated with the Greek ones: Argimpasa - with the Greek Aphrodite Urania (Heavenly). She was revered as a fertility deity, intercessor and patroness.


Ares is close to the Greek god of war Ares. Altars were built in his honor, and sacrifices to him were particularly pompous and cruel. “In each Scythian region, shrines to Ares were erected in districts: mountains of brushwood were piled one on top of the other... At the top there was a quadrangular platform. On each such hill there is an ancient iron sword. This is the idol of Ares. Horses and cattle are sacrificed to this sword every year...”

Tagimasad - Poseidon

The Scythians deeply revered Tagimasad - Poseidon, the god of fruitful water (seas, rivers) and patron of horses.
Herodotus's information about Scythian cults and sanctuaries is confirmed by archaeological finds.

Alexander Shpak was born on April 1, 1979 in Russia in St. Petersburg. Sasha was raised by her mother and father. Alexander’s mother is a school teacher, and his father is a military man. Due to his father's work, Alexander's family often changed their place of residence. In 1985, Alexander went to first grade. At school, Sasha Shpak always achieved good grades; he paid special attention to the subjects of literature, biology and chemistry. At the age of 14, Alexander began to play sports, he went to the gym.

In 1997, after graduating from school, Sasha entered the St. Petersburg State University the University of Economics for the specialty "Financial Manager". After Shpak received higher education, he decided to study further. Sasha received his second higher education in absentia, majoring in “Securities Specialist.” During his entire studies, Alexander Shpak went in for sports. In 2002, Alexander began to actively engage in bodybuilding.

Plastic surgery and tattoos of Alexander Shpak

It is worth noting that Alexander was a very handsome young man before plastic surgery. In one of his interviews, Shpak said that he did all the operations and tattoos intentionally in order to change himself beyond recognition. He always wanted and strived for people to pay attention not to his appearance, but to his inner world.

Sasha got his first tattoo on his arm at the age of 19. Now Alexander's entire body is covered with tattoos. On the “We Talk and Show” program, Alexander Shpak admitted that he spent more than 4.8 million rubles on all his tattoos. Alexander Shpak performed plastic surgery more than 14 times. He completely changed his face, grew fangs and got implants in his buttocks and chest. As Alexander himself states, it is not enough to make implants for yourself, you need to maintain their shape, with the help physical activity. This is what Shpak himself does.

Alexander Shpak on Instagram

Alexander registered Instagram in 2014. Initially, Sasha occasionally posted photographs on his Instagram profile, but in the period from 2016 to 2017, Alexander devoted a large number of time social network. He posts daily cooking notes, photos with his wife, as well as funny videos from training in the gym. Alexander and his wife often conduct online broadcasts in which they answer questions from subscribers. Now Alexander Shpak has more than 1.3 million followers on Instagram.

Personal life

On Instagram, Shpak puts his personal life on display. He regularly posts small videos with his wife. Alexander and Irina call each other Mom and Masya. Alexander said in one of his interviews that he had 5 ex-wives. Despite this, in every marriage Shpak was a faithful husband. Sasha often says that family is not the most important thing in life for him. He and Irina are not thinking about children anytime soon.

Alexander Shpak and his wife often take part in television programs. In one of the “Let Them Talk” programs, Irina Meshchanskaya admitted to TV viewers that she does not want to have children because of her selfishness. Irina does not want to share the love of her husband Alexander with anyone.

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