Singer LP: children, husband, personal life. Laura Pergolizzi: biography Popular singer who looks like a boy

Laura Pergolizzi was born into a family of Italian Americans. She inherited a strong and expressive voice from her mother. It is not surprising that from an early age the girl began to sing and independently master musical instrumentsharmonica and ukulele.

At school, Pergolizzi was sometimes teased because of his awkward figure and coarse, curly hair. Then, as she herself says, her parents gave her the most valuable advice in life - to be yourself, not to adapt to others and to perceive what is happening with humor.

After graduating from school, the aspiring singer moved to New York and began performing under the pseudonym LP. The first notable success came in 2001 after the release of the album Heart-ShapedScar: then the musical talent was called the discovery of the year and great fame was predicted for her. And so it happened.

Today Laura is one of the most popular singers and the author of hits for celebrities of the first magnitude - Cher and others. She tours a lot and attracts full houses.

Personal life LP

The singer never paid attention to the opinions of others and built relationships only with girls. Her mother died early without knowing about her daughter’s preferences, and her father, who considered such behavior to be youthful rebellion, eventually accepted his daughter’s tastes and supported her.

LP for a long time dated Lauren Ruth Ward, who is 7 years younger than her.

She is also associated with the music industry: she writes songs, records cover versions and quite often appears in Pergolizzi's videos.

In 2017, the couple legalized their relationship in Paris.

Singer LP: photos before and after plastic surgery

As soon as LP appeared in show business, the public for a very long time could not understand who was in front of them - a girl or a guy. Laura got her androgynous appearance by nature, but later she consciously began to emphasize her athletic figure without feminine curves, and refused to use makeup to make her dark eyes on a thin face with pale skin look even brighter.

At the same time, the singer treats with humor when she is compared to men, and especially to Bob Dylan in his youth.

The pop star, as she herself states, did not undergo gender reassignment surgery. Experts are inclined to believe her, since hormones taken in most cases would affect the voice. As for plastic surgery, comparing the before and after photos of Laura Pergolizzi, you can see how the shape and size of her chin has changed. Perhaps, to emphasize her masculinity, she had volumetric contouring of her chin or inserted an implant into this area.

Thanks to such manipulations, the face became more elongated.

A distinctive feature of the singer’s image are the dark glasses that she wears at any time of the day. According to LP, this is how she isolates herself from the frightening outside world.

During an interview on the topic of her appearance, the celebrity says that she has been honing her image for a long time and continues to do so to this day with only one goal - to achieve maximum compliance inner world and the image that appears to others. IN this moment she is happy with herself and feels harmony in all areas of her life, and this is very noticeable. The singer is adored by her fans, and her music inspires millions of people.

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by: showbizby
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Lauren Ruth Ward first appeared in the work of Laura Pergolisi in the video for “Lost On You”. It soon became known that this was not just a guest actress, but the singer’s lover. Folk singer Lauren Ruth Ward was born in 1988 in Baltimore, for some time she performed with an indie folk group, and also wrote songs herself. She signed her first contract with the recording studio Copeland Entertainment in 2014, after successfully performing the song "Just A Fool", in a duet with Mike Squillante.

Lauren performed a lot at charity festivals and participated in charity events. “Music touches all races, genders and ages. I have hope that the song will be able to overcome all barriers and reach human consciousness and touch the hearts of people, bringing into them a piece of goodness and mutual respect,” says Lauren. “Through music, we can show compassion to those who have already suffered from violence and attract the attention of those who can help them. I hope one day I will reach a point where I can give generously to charity. I feel the need for such actions and their importance.”

Lauren Ruth Ward met LP at a time when she was going through a difficult breakup with Tamzin Brown. As a result of mental torment, the song was born, which brought her worldwide popularity. Lauren, who supported the singer, finally “healed her heart.”

Lauren Ruth Ward ft. Mike Squillante - Just A Fool(Christina Aguilera and Blake Shelton cover, December 5, 2012)

To confirm their serious relationship, the girls got a pair of tattoos - they both now have the letter “L” on their arm, representing the name of their beloved. The collaboration of the two singers had a beneficial effect on the work of both. Lauren recently released a provocative video “Make Love To Myself”, in which she herself acted as a director. The video plays on the lesbian theme: Lauren changes many lovers from frame to frame - so that in the last frame she can see a smiling Laura...

On July 12, 2017, 36-year-old Laura and 29-year-old Lauren Ruth Ward decided to make their relationship official. They signed in Paris, during the European LP tour, which is taking place with truly triumphant results.

"This is true! We did it! Well, she did it, but I was going to do it anyway, so it's over! She asked, I said “Yes” and BOOM – we got married...,” Laura commented on the expressive photo on her Instagram page.



LP (real name Laura Pergolizzi, born in 1981) is an American singer, songwriter. The songs of her authorship have been taken into their repertoire by such performers as Rihanna, Christina Aguilera, Rita Ora, Backstreet Boys, Cher, Joe Walsh, Cher Lloyd, Ella Henderson and others. Laura Pergolisi graduated from Walt Whitman High School in 1996 and moved to New York, where she began performing under...


LP(real name Laura Pergolisi, Laura Pergolizzi, b. in 1981) is an American singer, songwriter. The songs of her authorship have been taken into their repertoire by such performers as Joe Walsh, Cher Lloyd, Ella Henderson and others.

Laura Pergolisi graduated from Walt Whitman High School in 1996 and moved to New York City, where she began performing under the name LP. Her mother is from Naples, her father is half Sicilian, half Irish.

In 2010, after Laura wrote the song “Cheers (Drink to That)” for Rihanna, released on the singer’s fifth album Loud, she moved to Los Angeles. In an interview, Rihanna said that this song is one of her favorites.

In 2012 the LP was named Best Performer of the week (“Artist of the Week”) by Vogue magazine.

In July 2016, the singer successfully performed with the song “Lost On You” (“You Don’t Understand”) in Rome at the Coca Cola Summer Festival 2016. The composition took first place in the charts in Greece and Israel, and also became number 3 in Italy.

On July 12, 2017, in Paris during a European tour, Laura Pergolisi with her friend, folk singer Lauren Ruth Ward.

The clip (“When we’re high”) became each other. The video was published the day after the wedding, which took place in Paris. There are a lot of beautiful women of all races and skin tones are trying to seduce the singer, the heroine of the video. But LP remains cool and sings about loving only one girl... Of course, the central role in this kaleidoscope of beauties is played by Lauren Ruth Ward.

The LP's tour in Europe was a triumphant result. On

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by: showbizby
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The video for “When We're High” became a wedding gift that LP singers Laura Pergolisi and Lauren Ruth Ward gave to each other. The video was published the day after they. It happened on July 12 2017 in Paris during the LP's European tour.

Laura, 36, and Lauren Ruth Ward, 29, have been together for almost two years. "This is true! We did it! Well, she did it, but I was going to do it anyway, so it's over! She asked, I said “Yes” and BOOM – we got married...,” Laura commented on the expressive Paris photo on her Instagram page.

In the “When We"re High” video, there are many beautiful women of all races and skin tones in the frame. And each is trying to seduce the singer, the heroine of the video. All the beauties sooner or later find themselves in an elevator that inexorably moves up. But LP remains calm and sings about loving only one girl... Of course, the central role in this kaleidoscope of beauties is played by Lauren Ruth Ward.

Lauren also recently released a provocative video, “Make Love To Myself,” which she directed. In it, she changes many lovers from frame to frame - so that in the last frame she can see a smiling Laura...

The LP's tour is truly a triumphant result. At concerts in Kyiv, Moscow and St. Petersburg, the reception was so warm that the amazed Laura Pergolisi got a tattoo of the Russian word “Love” on her left arm. Russian fans (mostly fans) even released a T-shirt with a drawing of a sailboat - exactly the same as the tattoo Laura wears on her chest. In Moscow they believe that LP is the American embodiment and invite Laura to sing a duet. The singer listened to the recordings and found them very interesting. What Zemfira thinks about this is unknown.

After Ukraine and Russia, until the end of July, the LP visited the Czech Republic, Italy, France, Switzerland, Belgium and Israel with concerts.

When We're High
When we're high

Verse 1:
There was a time, there was a life, I was inside my head
There was a time, there was a life, I was all in my thoughts,
Then finally I rested in your bed
And then, finally, I lay in your bed.
The bars, the dives, the worst of vibes
Bars, hangouts, worst feelings -
I thought had come to pass
I thought it was all a thing of the past
But still I couldn't seem to make it last
But I still couldn't make it last.

Chant 1:
I"d swallow the moon and the stars
I would swallow the moon and stars
To follow the beat of your heart
To watch your heart beat.

Oh when we're high
When we're high
Oh my God, you blow my mind
Oh god, you're driving me crazy.
So let"s get high, let"s get high
So let's get high, let's get high
Live until we die, yeah
Live while we're alive, yeah!
Oh you and I, you and I
Oh, you and me, you and me,
Let's just do it one more time, one more time
Let's do it one more time, one more time
A million times
A million times.
Let's get high, let's get high
Let's get high, let's get high
Live until we die, yeah
Live while we're alive, yeah!

Verse 2:
A state of mind collected like
State of mind -
A slowly wounded bouquet
Like a slowly wounding bouquet
With memories of our favorite nights and days
Memories of our favorite nights and days.

2 chant:
Let's swallow the moon and the stars
Let's swallow the moon and stars
Let's wallow just right where we are
Let's enjoy here and now.


Blow my mind
You're driving me crazy.
Blow my mind
You're driving me crazy.

Oh my, my, kiss the sky
Oh god, oh god, kiss the heavens
Jimmy, baby, you were right
Jimi, 1 darling, you were right:
She"s so fine, hips don"t lie*
She's so beautiful, her hips don't lie. **
Hit me baby one more time
Darling, put me down again.
Go ahead and insert any random ass line
Go ahead, come up with any random stupid line.
Go ahead, yeah, yeah
Come on, yeah, yeah!


*Reference to Jimi Hendrix's song "She"s So Fine."
** Reference to Shakira and Wyclef Jean's song "Hips Don't Lie".

Translation by Alex
!!emoji!!4!!emoji!! Linguistic laboratory "Amalgam"



LP (real name Laura Pergolizzi, born in 1981) is an American singer, songwriter. The songs of her authorship have been taken into their repertoire by such performers as Rihanna, Christina Aguilera, Rita Ora, Backstreet Boys, Cher, Joe Walsh, Cher Lloyd, Ella Henderson and others. Laura Pergolisi graduated from Walt Whitman High School in 1996 and moved to New York, where she began performing under...


LP(real name Laura Pergolisi, Laura Pergolizzi, b. in 1981) is an American singer, songwriter. The songs of her authorship have been taken into their repertoire by such performers as Joe Walsh, Cher Lloyd, Ella Henderson and others.

Laura Pergolisi graduated from Walt Whitman High School in 1996 and moved to New York City, where she began performing under the name LP. Her mother is from Naples, her father is half Sicilian, half Irish.

In 2010, after Laura wrote the song “Cheers (Drink to That)” for Rihanna, released on the singer’s fifth album Loud, she moved to Los Angeles. In an interview, Rihanna said that this song is one of her favorites.

In 2012, LP was named Artist of the Week by Vogue magazine.

In July 2016, the singer successfully performed with the song “Lost On You” (“You Don’t Understand”) in Rome at the Coca Cola Summer Festival 2016. The composition took first place in the charts in Greece and Israel, and also became number 3 in Italy.

On July 12, 2017, in Paris during a European tour, Laura Pergolisi with her friend, folk singer Lauren Ruth Ward.

Laura Pergolizzi, an American singer with Italian roots who suddenly became super popular, was born in 1981 on Long Island.

Carier start

Laura inherited her vocal abilities and love of music from her mother, a singer who performed opera roles. But her hot-tempered character, irrepressible temperament and surname were inherited from her father, a native of sunny Sicily.

She has been involved in music since childhood. The singer’s favorite instrument is the guitar, not only a classical one, but also a four-string Hawaiian one. She practically never parts with them, and from time to time a new melody begins to emerge under her fingers.

Laura began to sing almost before she spoke. Moreover, quiet singing did not suit the young talent at all. She could only sing her favorite songs at the top of her voice, sometimes even drowning out the sound of the TV or vacuum cleaner. The neighbors suffered from the screams, the parents laughed, and the girl developed her voice.

The road to the top

Having made the decision to become a singer, and a popular one, while still in school, Laura immediately after receiving her certificate went to New York, believing that there were more opportunities for fast musical career. Of course, no one was waiting with open arms for a young, unknown performer in a huge metropolis.

However, she soon managed to come to an agreement with the musicians The group Plan, and she toured with this band for some time and even recorded several songs with them. Then she worked with several more groups and at the same time composed songs for her first solo album, which was released in 2001.

The release of the album did not bring the popularity that the girl had hoped for, but it sold quite well. Therefore, already in 2004, she decides to try again and releases a new album together with Linda Perry. Literally immediately after the presentation, Laura comes under the close attention of journalists. But their curiosity was aroused not so much by the girl’s music as by her personal life.

Then Laura decides to temporarily abandon her ambitious plans and agrees to write music for already popular performers. Over the course of several years, she managed to collaborate with Christina Aguilera, Rihanna, Cher, the Backstreet Boys, and The Veronicas.

At the pinnacle of success

Although few knew who the author of famous compositions was, Laura's musical style became recognizable. And over the next ten years, she actively performed at national concerts, various festivals, and took part in music shows. Some of the singles from the first and second albums gradually gained popularity.

She reached the pinnacle of success only in 2011, when a composition from her very first album unexpectedly took the top steps of several music charts. Laura finally started giving full-fledged solo concerts and felt like a real star.

Personal life

The singer always tried to hide her personal life from camera lenses. But it was difficult to do, since she always loved to stand out from the crowd and be different from everyone else. This was reflected in her clothing style - she prefers vintage casual, complemented by cross jewelry, and in her gay sexuality, which she stopped hiding only after the death of her mother. And also in her music, which she composed differently from everyone else.

With Tamzin Brown

According to Laura, her songs are born themselves. She doesn't make anything up. He can only sit, thinking about his own thoughts and fingering the guitar strings with his hands. Suddenly a melody is born out of nowhere. And only when it is already recorded, Laura tries to understand what this song is about. Then the poems come by themselves. Maybe this is what makes her music so special?

LP and 9 more singers who dedicate songs to women

Everything on this planet is dedicated to women: victories, defeats, even the stars are named after them. But the simplest and most understandable way to express feelings is to dedicate a song to your beloved. And some women do not hesitate to do this on an equal basis with men, declaring their love to the whole world. We have collected 10 of the bravest and coolest.


If you spent the last six months somewhere on Mars or in a deserted desert where there is no Internet or radio, then you most likely missed the appearance of the mischievous curly-haired Laura Pergolizzi, an American singer and songwriter who blew up the dance floors with her “Lost on you”. The song, by the way, is dedicated to Laura’s ex-girlfriend, who does not hide her sexual orientation.


Her songs, which are clearly about a woman, speak best about her. Well, it’s impossible to imagine that, for example, “We are breaking” is about a man. In addition, a constant, hmm, companion has long appeared in Zemfira’s life. However, some journalists still continue to claim that the singer’s sphere of interests is exclusively men and even attribute her to an affair with Roman. Abramovich.

Svetlana Surganova

Svetlana Surganova says practically nothing about her personal life. But savvy fans of the singer’s work are absolutely sure that women interest her much more than men. Yes, and in the songs no, no, and “female” endings slip through.

For me, the person himself is interesting, what he is like. I’m not going to get into anyone’s bed or personal life.

Diana Arbenina

Diana Arbenina still remains the permanent leader of the “Night Snipers” group, created back in 1993 in the company of Svetlana Surganova. By the way, during Surganova’s presence in the team, the girls were credited with romantic relationships, the breakdown of which led to Svetlana leaving the team. Today Diana has two beautiful children, born, as they say, from an unknown American businessman. But this is hard to believe.

Leisha Haley

Actress, producer and frontwoman of the group “Uh Uh Her”. She became most famous for one of the central roles in the TV series “The L word” - Leisha played journalist Alice, but before that she managed to appear in a number of TV series (“Supernatural”, “Grey’s Anatomy”, “CSI Crime Scene Investigation”, “Beautiful to Death” ") and even in yogurt advertising. According to friends, Haley is always on the move, always willing to try something new and have a lot of fun. Happy Hours don't watch!

Samantha Fox

Former British model and star of the 80s pop scene. The frankness and liberation of her songs, combined with her luxurious appearance, made Samantha Fox one of the sexiest pop singers - many dreamed of her while lying under cozy blankets at night. However, in February 2003, she made a statement about her personal life:

I can’t always say “Maybe” or deny. It's time for people to know where my heart is. People keep saying that I'm a lesbian. I do not know who I am. All I know is that I'm in love with Mira [Stratton, her manager]. I love her madly and want to spend my whole life with her.

Unfortunately, in 2005 Mira died of cancer.

Sinead O'Connor

According to the recent admission of the singer, who recently celebrated her 51st birthday, she is kind of messed up with men, so she doesn’t mind trying relationships with women. Well, it’s clear that the beard is gray, but the devil knows where. By the way, Sinead was never distinguished by a meek disposition, she often challenged society and played tricks to the fullest. Some are still convinced that the famous “Nothing compares to you” is dedicated to the artist’s mistress.

Melissa Etheridge

The winner of the Oscar and Grammy awards is offensively little known in Russia. However, according to critics, the uncompromising confessional lyrics, melodic folk rock and hoarse vocals allow Melissa to be compared with such classics of the genre as Bruce Springsteen and John Mellencamp. By the way, she received her first Grammy in 1993 for the album, which she called “Yes, I am,” in response to questions that tormented her about sexual orientation.

Linda Perry

American singer, songwriter and music producer, widely known for her work with Christina Aguilera (“Beautiful”), Gwen Stefani (“What are you waiting for?”) and Pink (“Get the party started”). She contributed her two cents to the glorification of women as the leader of the group 4 Non Blondes.

Kay Di Lang

Winner of four Grammy Awards, she is also known as a Buddhist, vegetarian, animal rights activist, open lesbian and LGBT activist. It is noteworthy that despite her rather brutal appearance, the singer’s voice is very gentle - mezzo-soprano.

Text: Aya Romanova

Quotes from S. Surganova

Photo at sunset: