Pirate party scenario. Party in the style of pirates of the Caribbean: entertainment program and menu Pirate party: script, algorithm, competitions

Themed holidays: corporate parties, graduations, birthdays - bright and unusual, and therefore like appeal to everyone and are remembered for a long time, especially if during the preparation the organizers spared no effort in appropriately decorating the room, choosing props and music, i.e. took care of the “complete immersion” of guests into the atmosphere of the planned plot. The theme of pirate adventures and entertainment has become one of the most popular among both children and adults. You can take a new one as a basis scenario theme party"On a Pirate Ship", which contains tips on organizing a holiday and fun games and competitions.

If it is not possible to arrange this outdoors or on a boat trip, then the room is stylized, but it is better, after all, especially in the summer season, to hold such a party on a boat. It doesn’t matter what route the ship will take, maybe even in a circle. The most important thing is that you are on a ship, and there is water around you.

Decorating and preparing a pirate party

It is advisable to decorate the ship's interior (room) like a pirate ship: a "Skull and Bones" flag, an ancient chest, candles burning in shards of pottery. On the tables - some simple pirate food in clay or wooden plates: meat, bread, pineapples, coconuts, bananas, mangoes and other fruits. Kegs of wine and beer, bottles of water. There must be a large knife on the table for slicing meat and a hammer for breaking coconuts. Playing cards are laid out on the tables, on which rhymes for Burime are written; you need to select pirate songs. A map of the area where the events will take place is also being prepared. The map should be torn into several parts. Parts of the map are received by those participants who go through all the obstacles while searching for the treasure. If there are no stops during the swim, the presenter hands over part of the map after each competition. If it is possible to make stops and go ashore, then after the end of each competition the presenter gives the winner a note describing the shore and the place where part of the map lies. To do this, the assistant goes ashore before the others and hides the map. After this, the leader invites everyone to go ashore.

When guests board again, they are greeted by a host dressed as a pirate and a sailor in a matching sailor's uniform. Guests are given pirate bandanas. The pirate ship is setting sail.

Game filling for a pirate party

Before each exit, the presenter hits a bell or metal plate. The host welcomes the guests on board the ship, says that the pirate ship is going in search of treasure, and asks everyone to tie bandanas as an attribute of a pirate voyage. Using dice (dice), we determine the happiest guest (For example, it will be the guest whose birthday is the sum of the dice rolled). We give the happiest one the task of shouting “Piastres! Piasters!” every 15 minutes.

Throughout the trip, we invite guests to write quatrains based on the suggested rhymes, which will be read out later. There will be competitions in the form of obstacles along the way to find the treasure. Between competitions, pirate-themed songs are played, and treasure hunters sit at tables and eat simple food.

Sea Knot Competition

Participants were invited to demonstrate their ability to tie sea knots. We give everyone a rope. In 30 seconds, the participant must tie as many knots as possible, and then untie them. In this case, the participants exchange ropes.

Competition "Grab him, tie him up!"

Pirate Party. SCRIPT, PHOTO, INVITATION, COSTUME IDEAS, MUSIC and much more are collected on our website! Come in and save yourself time! A unique theme party navigator!

ANNOUNCEMENT: Search for treasure, pirate slang, a sea of ​​vests, the favorite drink of pirates - Mojito, boarding neighboring tables and much more!

Review: Guys, thank you very much! Everything is great! We will definitely keep you in mind when organizing future corporate events. Ksenia ( [email protected]) New Year's corporate party of the company “ Gap Engineering"

You can see the thoroughness of our approach to organizing themed parties with the help of this party navigator, which contains everything you need for a bright and memorable holiday:


An interesting quiz that can be diversified by giving out prizes in the form of “golden ducats” or “black marks”.

To start the program, it is better to use introductory questions, linked together and combined into a pirate quiz. For each correct answer you can give out some kind of prize, for example, it could be gold coin and the so-called “black mark”, it can be anything, for example, a piece of black fabric.

Quiz for real pirates.

Despite the fact that most of the pirates were uneducated, they were well versed in some things, now we have to find out which of you is closest to the theme of the robbers of the seas.

Attention, first question: which of the above drinks was the pirates’ favorite?

  1. 1. Pepsi-Cola
  2. 2. Coconut milk
  3. 3. Rum
  4. 4. Rum and cola

Question number two, let's dot the i's and find out once and for all who the pirate is?

  1. Transatlantic courier
  2. Gentleman of fortune
  3. Sea Robber
  4. Patriotic Citizen

The next question is quite complex and will require you to consult your memory. Now we will list the writers, your task will be to identify the one under whose authorship you will never find works about pirates:

  1. Daniel Defoe
  2. Mayne Reid
  3. Robert Louis Stevenson
  4. Samuel Johnson

Friends, let's continue our quiz dedicated to sea robbers, we have the next question in turn, it sounds like this: Pirates had the concept of a “powder monkey”. What do you think it could mean?

  1. A monkey injured in a naval battle
  2. A prisoner who was captured in a battle with other pirates
  3. Lowest position on the ship
  4. The teenager who was responsible for bringing gunpowder to the cannons

You did a great job, now we have the next question from our quiz. So, pay attention! What did the gunner do on the pirate ship?

  1. This was a pirate who was responsible for writing the team charter (the charter was also called the canon) and monitored the implementation of all points in this charter
  2. This was the man responsible for the excellent condition of the ship's guns.
  3. Escorted prisoner
  4. Right hand of the ship's captain

Let's continue our quiz! Pirates had a very strange tradition: they could cut off the ears and nose of their relatives. What do you think you had to do to deserve such a severe punishment?

  1. For swear words on the ship
  2. For secretly following and eavesdropping on the captain
  3. For stealing from co-workers
  4. For snoring in your sleep

This concludes the first part of the quiz and if this was not enough for you, we are ready to provide you with a few more interesting tasks while you are still getting used to your surroundings and getting your fill of food. So, second part of the pirate quiz.

Since it was extremely important for the pirates to be a single cohesive team, because the outcome of the battles depended on the coordinated actions of the team. So now let’s divide our friendly team into two teams (or more, if all the guests are sitting, for example, at three or four tables; if there is only one table, then it makes more sense to divide it into the right and left parts). Now each team needs to come up with a name for itself, and we will continue.

You are ready? Now we will ask you simple questions. Your task is to raise your hand to get the right to answer. But: you can raise your hand only after pronouncing the last answer. In the event of a false start by one of the players, the right to respond automatically passes to the opposing team.

  1. The person in charge of cooking on a ship (cook)
  2. Name it full name captain of a ship that contains the name of the bird. (Jack Sparrow)
  3. Now tell me what kind of ship they sailed the oceans on? (Black Pearl)
  4. A more difficult question: What was the name of the captain, in search of whose buried treasure were: Jim, Trelone and Doctor Livesey. (Flint)

Great, you are great. Now the next task: Teams will take turns calling all the names of ships known to them (frigate, boat, cruiser, etc.) The winning team receives another black mark or gold coin.

Ideally, friendship should win.

So, friends! You did a great job with the simple part of our program, now let's take a short break and continue with the more active competition program.

Once again, welcome aboard our ship! It's time for the dynamic part of the program!

Competition I. "Pirate Nickname"

A simple competition that can be held at the table. To prepare for this, give each participant an A5 piece of paper and a pen, then the presenter asks each participant to come up with a pirate nickname for themselves and write it on this sheet, but this must be done so that no one except the writer sees it. The presenter explains in advance that this piece of paper will then need to be passed around in a circle, and everyone sitting at the table will make an assumption: who owns this nickname. Those. participants need to choose a nickname for themselves so that it somehow indicates characteristic feature this person (for example, Johnny Four-Eyes - if a person wears glasses, the main thing is that the person is self-ironic and can laugh at himself). As the participants walk around the piece of paper (it’s best to do this clockwise), everyone writes their opinion about who this pirate nickname could belong to. It is advisable that the presenter check that there are no repeated nicknames. The end result is a lot of fun and these nicknames are assigned to the participants until the end of the holiday.

Competition II. "Mummy in the Pocket"

For this competition, several participants are called and the presenter gives each of the participants one roll of paper (toilet). The players' task is to tear off this paper piece by piece and put it in different places on their clothes. It is also immediately announced that the winner will be assessed according to two criteria: the first is, of course, the speed of execution and the second is that the pieces of paper be as small as possible.

Just a joke - this is how people who decide to steal a mummy from a museum might feel

Competition III. "Pearl in a bottle"

Several participants are called for this competition, they can be both men and girls. Next, the presenter will give each person a bottle (an ordinary bottle with a narrow neck, preferably without an inscription) and thirty peas or small beads, if you have the opportunity to purchase something similar for the upcoming event. The participants’ task is to take all the peas in one hand, i.e. squeezing them into a fist and putting the second one behind your back (this is a mandatory condition) move all the peas into the bottle, accordingly, the one who does this first wins this competition for a pirate party.

Competition IV. "Strong with Breath"

To conduct this pirate competition, you will need a number of participants equal to three or four (or more). After entering the stage, all participants line up in one line, shoulder to shoulder. Next, a matchbox is placed edgewise in front of each participant. After the leader’s command, the participants need to use the power of their breathing to send this box as far as possible from the starting line. Naturally, you can only use the power of your breathing and the one who “breathes” further into his box wins. Or an alternative way to win is that you need to use your breath to go around the chair and return to the starting line.

Competition V "Captain Hook"

For this competition you will need at least two pirate hooks, which you can easily purchase in holiday stores. Two participants are invited to the stage, who are given these hooks (on which it is advisable to first attach small brushes to make it easier to draw) and a set of gouache (2-3 colors are enough) + a sippy jar of water. An easel is also desirable so that this pirate competition looks more aesthetically pleasing from the outside + with an easel you get more beautiful photographs. Also, if the participants do not have hats and blindfolds, it is advisable to provide them again, because the photographs will turn out incredibly creative. So, the task is that the participants must draw each other with this hook. The one who does it the most funny will win.

Competition VI. “Carl's TreasureIVVegetarian”

For this competition you will also need preparation. Buy two or three plastic containers with a volume of approximately five to seven liters. Also buy a variety of fruits and vegetables (apples, oranges, cucumbers, beets, you can buy two forks of white cabbage as a joke). Participants are invited and their task is to transfer all the treasures of Charles IV the Vegetarian from bowls of water into empty containers standing three meters away. The winner, of course, is the player who does this first.

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Competition VII “Accuracy is the sister of survival”

A simple competition, suitable when some of the guests are wandering somewhere, while others are sitting and don’t know what to do. Newly-made pirates who consider themselves very accurate are invited. They are given slingshots (instead of slingshots, you can use children's pistols with suction cups). The task is to hit the target (it needs to be prepared in advance; the target could be just a picture with a pirate). The participant who makes the most hits wins.

Competition IX “Fishing with live bait”

This competition also requires some preparation from the organizers of the pirate party. You will need two or three sticks, one meter long and two to three centimeters in diameter. You need to tie a rope to the stick (preferably a rope, not a fishing line, so that it can be clearly seen) and a magnet must be tied to the end of the rope. Participants stand on the shoreline, and at a distance of one and a half meters from them there is an area where there is a good bite (a circle with a diameter of 1 meter in which coins are scattered; coins must be picked up in denominations of ten and fifty kopecks, because others are not magnetic). During the allotted time, participants are asked to catch as many coins as possible.

Competition X "All hands on deck!"

This pirate competition again requires preparation. You will need two pairs of boxing gloves and two large shirts with strong buttons (when choosing, make sure that the gloves can be buttoned up). The task of the participants is to put on a shirt with boxing gloves and button it up as quickly as possible. The winner gets, as always, golden doubloons.

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Competition XI "Luck"

Pirates love luck and believe that it smiles on them more often than others. Let's check which of our pirates present today will be the luckiest. We invite five participants to our stage. Our check will have five stages, at each of which one unlucky pirate will be eliminated. So, test number one: the leader has five cards in his hand (from ten to ace), all participants draw a card - whoever has a ten is eliminated. Next, the presenter offers to draw four fireplace matches. Whoever is short is out of the competition. The next test of luck is the dice. Each participant takes turns throwing the dice, the one who gets fewer points stops participating in the competition. And the fourth stage, the most interesting one, will require two pirate chests - and only one of them will contain the coveted prize for victory (the prize, as always, can be gold coins)

As a final competition, you can organize a treasure hunt, you need to focus, of course, on the site where everything is being held, this will not be relevant everywhere, but if the site allows you to do the following:

Option A: draw a map with intricate designations of the area, for example, the tables at which the participants of the pirate party sit can be ships, the bar can be an island, etc. After each team receives a card, its task is to find the treasure faster than the opposing team.

Option B: writing a stepwise system of riddles, where solving the first riddle leads to the place where the next riddle is located.

Gives an unforgettable extravaganza of vivid emotions and impressions. You can find on our website a large selection of interesting competitions for a pirate party. Conducted this way adult birthday, New Years corporate party or any other corporate event, will become a fun, interesting and somewhat fabulous event. Guests dressed as pirates and sailors can participate in treasure hunts, marked by numerous competitions and games. Organization of holidays This kind of event will also require an interesting design of the festive room, a selection of suitable musical accompaniment, drawing up a suitable menu and creating up-to-date paraphernalia (for example, “pirate” invitations in a bottle).

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If you decide to organize a themed event for an adult or mixed-age audience, then perhaps the best choice for you will be a pirate party.

Adventures filled with the flavor of the times of filibusters, with a touch of romance and slight brutality - this is exactly what will ignite the audience, regardless of its age and temperament.

At the pirate party, everyone will be able to show their best strengths character, show skills and abilities, emphasize your individuality and at the same time work as part of a team.

And the most important thing is to have fun and interesting time!

If there are children in your company, then they can also be actively involved in the party.

Meeting with guests

Where does any holiday begin? Of course, with an invitation!

A few days before the “pirate meeting” guests receive invitations, which can be made in the form of scrolls, wound with twine or placed in a bottle, or as postcards resembling chests or piastres in shape.

A good intrigue will arise if each individual invitation is a piece of one whole card. Subsequently, these pieces can be used for a competition, which we will describe below.

Place a costumed character at the entrance who, upon meeting arrivals, will ask them for their password (the password is written in advance on the invitation).

Guests at the party who correctly name the secret words will be given pirate paraphernalia: bandanas, pistols, blindfolds, etc. Then give them pirate tattoos, bruises and scars using face painting.

Now your guests are ready for adventure!

Script idea

Tortuga is a beautiful island in the Caribbean that resembles a huge turtle. To be known as the bravest and richest among the inhabitants of this “nest of free brotherhood” is a great honor for every true pirate. And today your guests will have such an opportunity.

But to do this they will have to go through a series of exciting and sometimes dangerous tests.

The crews raise the flag

Before starting the competition part, it is necessary to create two pirate teams. But what team can cope without a captain? Choose two captains “pirate style” - the one who shouted loudest is in charge. Give them each a pirate hat and a sword.

And now each of the captains recruits his crew using the counting rhyme:

- I’ll invite you to board,
welcome the miracle crew.
I know a lot about pirates.
Come to me quickly, sea wolf!

When both teams are formed, everyone comes up with a pirate name for themselves, for example, “Black Cuttlefish”, “Desperate Heads”, “Merry Rake”, etc. and present themselves in an unusual way. It is these two teams that will compete for the title of the bravest crew in Tortuga.

Be sure to prepare two flags with pirate symbols in advance, one can depict the Jolly Roger, the second can have a steering wheel with a skull or two sabers.

Testing your knowledge of pirate terminology

Of course, pirates are well acquainted with pirate terminology. To make sure of this, you need to listen to the teams’ answers to a number of questions (at the same time you can compete for the title of the most “informed”).

  • What is the back of the ship called? (stern)
  • What is the front part of the ship called? (nose)
  • A room on a ship where food is prepared? (galley)
  • Does he cook food in the galley?.. (cook)
  • Captain's room on a ship? (cabin)
  • What is the name of the side of the ship? (board)
  • The room where the sailors live is called... (kubrick)
  • Name of the stairway to get off the ship? (ladder)
  • The name of the rudder on the ship? (steering wheel)
  • Floors on a ship (deck)
  • Toilet room (latrine)
  • The name of the bell on the ship (rynda)
  • Steel hook
  • What is the name of the bench in a boat? (jar)
  • Window on a ship? (porthole)
  • Hourglass pirate name? (flasks)
  • Nautical rope? (end)

Give the team that gives the most correct answers one coin (this could be a nickel cut out of cardboard, a paper bill from the board game Monopoly, or a store-bought chocolate coin).

Throughout the holiday, present the members of the leading crew with such “piasters”.

Pirate party competitions

During the competition, it would be good to reward not only the team, but also those pirates who coped with the task best.

Suitable here prizes such as balloons, bandanas and pirate t-shirts, magnets and keychains in the form of an anchor, parrots, a steering wheel and other themed souvenirs.

Tug of War

Pirates are a strong and fearless people. And the easiest way to prove this is in the classic pirate game - tug of war.

Mark the middle of the rope by tying a red ribbon to it, on the floor draw the boundaries of the two ships. Now let each team try to drag members of the second team onto their “ship”.

Drying the deck

A good sailor should be able to polish the deck until it shines. Give both teams a brush on a long stick and a small box to represent the trash.

Now their task is to use a broom to bring the box to the mark, then return it back and pass the baton to the next participant.

Whoever among the teams completes it the fastest will be the winner.


If pirates get to the island, they will definitely need to learn how to cross a bridge over a river or abyss.

Ask two captains to hold the rope at different ends above their heads. Lay the rope on the floor along the same trajectory - this will be a bridge. Now both teams will take turns crossing the bridge, holding on to the top rope, which the captains must swing strongly from side to side - there is wind after all!

Whose team fell off the bridge the least wins a coin in this competition.


While the background music plays, all the pirates dance.

As soon as the music stops, they need to climb as a team onto their ship (chairs put together, a sofa).

The crew that completes the task faster wins.

With the help of karaoke you can diversify the competition. The best Caribbean voice will receive a separate prize!

"Drinking at speed"

Pour rum-cola into two large glasses and give each adult participant a long straw (connect two pieces together).

Now let's see which team drinks this pirate drink faster?!

"Underwater volleyball"

Give both teams a large piece of cloth. blue color– these will be waves. Now the pirates need to throw a beach ball to each other using these same waves.

The score is kept as in regular volleyball, the team that is most likely to score 15 points receives a coin. This competition is more suitable for an open-air tropical party. Tortuga Islands.

"Count the Coins"

Scatter gold and silver coins throughout the room (print them in advance and cut them out of thick paper).

Now let each team quickly collect and count their coins.

While adults play the last three games, children can draw pirate maps, where they will definitely depict the ocean and continents with all their colorful reliefs.

When all participants are a little tired from active games, take a break in the program for an “intellectual break” and test both teams' knowledge of Pirates of the Caribbean. There are several answer options to choose from, one of which is correct.

Questions for a competition based on "Pirates of the Caribbean"

Captain Barbosa's name:

  1. Croquet
  2. Aleftin
  3. Hector (+)

Name of the actress who played Elizabeth:

  1. Demmy Moor
  2. Keira Knightley (+)
  3. Milla Jovovich

Jack Sparrow insisted on being called:

  1. Captain (+)
  2. Mister
  3. Senior

What did the seekers want to take from Siren?

  1. Tear (+)
  2. Hair
  3. Voice

The fourth film in the series was called: “The Queen’s Revenge...”

  1. Elizabeth
  2. Anna (+)
  3. Elena

What was the name of the soothsayer and fortune teller in the film?

  1. Marriott
  2. Constinia
  3. Calypso (+)

Will Turner's father's nickname:

  1. Bootstrap (+)
  2. Slap
  3. Vociferous

Reward the winning team of fans of this film with a coin or some other pirate attribute.

Award ceremony

All tasks have been completed, it’s time to sum up.

Do the math which team collected more coins, it is she who will be declared the bravest and richest crew of the island of Tortuga. Prepare medals with inscriptions in advance and distribute them to all participants.

If there is no winner, you can give out an additional coin for the best outfit. The jury for the competition for the best pirate party costume will consist of both teams, making a decision by simple voting.

Examples of inscriptions:

  • Daredevil Captain
  • Trickster Captain
  • Keen Eye
  • Desperate
  • Hustler
  • Chatterbox
  • Veselchak
  • Powerful fist
  • Gorgeous
  • Sea storm
  • Charm

Everyone has been awarded, and now it's time to test your skills in action.

Search for pirate treasure

Now it's time to remember the invitations that the guests came with.

Each of them is part of one big map. Only by connecting all the pieces together will the pirates be able to find the treasure.

The teams have no choice but to unite together and begin their journey. Each starting point must have a task, after completing which the pirates will be able to get part of the note.

Point "Buoys"

Plastic Kinder Surprise boxes with notes float in a large basin. Brave participants take turns catching them with their mouths until they get the word “ treasure».

Item “Pop the ball”

Balloons are hanging on a rope, containing either blank sheets of paper or a note with the inscription “ hid" Participants throw sharp darts until the desired ball bursts.

Item “Playing blindly”

On the table are five opaque dishes with noodles, broken eggs, some fluffy plants, cotton wool and toy lickers. You need to get from there without looking the boxes, in one of which the note is hidden “ from you».

Item "Final"

There are six envelopes hanging here, each with numbers from 1 to 6 written on it. One of the participants throws a dice. The envelope with the dropped number is opened: it contains either a forfeit task or the last part of the inscription.

Participants perform forfeits until they find the note. The content of the final note will notify where the treasure is, for example, in the refrigerator, in the closet, on the balcony etc.

It is best if the treasure is of a general nature: a cake, sky lanterns, bowling tickets, festive fireworks, etc.

If you are holding a pirate party under open air, then you can add a fight with water pistols, searching for notes at the bottom of the pool. And it’s better to distribute all the games at points throughout the territory.

And finally, to end the holiday, you just need to take a photo of the pirate crews led by the captains. The scope for the participants' imagination is unlimited.

The song from the clip below can be used for musical warm-up.


“They show crooks on TV! Well, why am I worse! Ugliness!"
M/F "Kid and Carlson"

Among themed parties, some of the most popular are pirate parties. On the Internet you can find a lot of different scenarios for such parties for every taste and color. I bring to your attention a universal scenario for a pirate party, which can be held both at home and outdoors. This party is suitable for both adults and children. It can be done just like that or coincided with any holiday. And most importantly, my option does not involve large material costs.

I started preparing for the party about three weeks in advance. The first thing I started was studying material on the Internet and, in fact, writing my own script (). I took some ideas from other sites, but I don’t remember which ones.

A few days before the party, I gave the invitees a rolled-up scroll. The invitees are my parents and brother with his family. There were nine people in total, three of whom were children (2, 5 and 14 years old).


  • Terrible Harry is my husband
  • Mistress of the seas - I
  • Sea Amazon - our daughter, Dashenka
  • The rest of the pirates are our guests

Meeting with guests:

At the entrance, be sure to ask for the password that was specified in the invitation. For us it sounded like this: “ Shut up and let me pass! "We are pirates after all 🙂

Guests are greeted with phrases like this:

  • “Thunder strike you, whoever brought it!!!”
  • “Mock up quickly, damn it!!!”
  • "Thousand devils! Old man, we've been waiting for you!

Terrible Gary: Dear guests! Welcome aboard our schooner, the Flying Dutchman. Raise anchor!

Lady of the Seas:On our schooner it is strictly prohibited:

  • sleeping under the table, especially with snoring
  • poke your neighbor's last eye with a fork (if the fork breaks, we won't give you another one!)
  • boring and tedious faces, hari, turnips, muzzles, as well as faces will immediately go to feed the sharks!

But a great mood and excellent swearing are welcome!

Terrible Gary: I am the captain of the schooner Grozny Gary, and these are my assistants -Lady of the seas andSea Amazon.

Sea Amazon:

It's stupid that girl
It's not good on a frigate.
I am a sea Amazon
Whatever I like, I take it!

I found a short poem for Dasha on the Internet so that she too could feel involved in the holiday.

Terrible Gary: You already know our names, now let’s get to know you.

Each participant takes turns coming up with and announcing their name. If he gets stuck, other members help him (Example names: Dirty Billy, Lame Joe, Jack Ragged Ear, Shark Eater, Death to Clams). The performance of each pirate is accompanied by thunderous applause and hooting. If the party is for adults, after meeting each pirate, you can offer a glass of rum (or gin) to the health of the captain and the entire crew. Green olives are perfect for an appetizer.

Lady of the Seas: Come on, let's check if you are real pirates! Laugh for real, like a pirate! The participants laugh in turns, and then all together.

Terrible Gary: Soooo, but can you swear like pirates (not like Ukrainians and Russians)? Who knows pirate curse words? ...Well done, but not enough! Now I will teach you how to swear!

  • Freshwater clam!
  • Leech Eater!
  • Burst my spleen!
  • Piranha is in your fly, that is, by the scruff of your neck!
  • Your shackles will rattle forever!
  • You'll have to scrub the deck all your life!
  • Fore-main-browsel in your left ear!
  • Sweaty fish gut eater!

Great! I see that you are good bullies and hooligans.

But before we begin the treasure hunt, you must pass a few more tests.

Lady of the Seas: Now we will determine which of you is the most resourceful pirate. Whoever guesses the riddle first receives a black mark from the Sea Amazon.

I printed out the black marks and gave them to Dasha to cut out. The help is nice for both me and the child :). On several marks with reverse side wrote the letters that make up the word TREASURE.

Riddles competition "The Most Resourceful Pirate"

Who is Jolly Roger? (symbol of pirates, skull and crossbones)
When needed, they throw it away; when not needed, they raise it (anchor).
What tool do pirates most often use to find treasure? (with a shovel).
Name it literary hero who spent 28 years, 2 months and 19 days on a desert island? (Robinson Crusoe)
Which seas have “colored names”? (Black, Red, White, Black)
What is the name of the ship's rudder? (steering wheel)
There is water all around, but drinking is a problem. What is this? (sea)
What stones are not found in any sea? (dry)
Name the types of pirate weapons (sabers, daggers, muskets, cannons).
Which continent doesn't have a single river? (Antarctica)
The thread connecting the fisherman and the fish (fishing line).
House for indoor fish (aquarium)
What is a “flock” of fish called? (jamb)
What is SOS? (save our souls)
What is the unit of measurement at sea? (mile)
A giant swims across the sea and releases a fountain (whale)

For an adult party, the most active participants can be given a penalty :).

Accuracy competition "Dead Eye"

Each participant takes turns throwing a ball or a more complex version - a balloon into a hoop lying on the floor. The most accurate pirate gets a black mark

Contest "Sensitive Ear"

Similar to a damaged phone, but with pirate-themed words.

Contest "Strength of mind"

For the competition you will need empty matchboxes. Those wishing to participate in the competition stand in a line. A matchbox is placed on the floor opposite each player. At the leader's signal, players blow on their boxes as hard as possible to move them as far as possible. The one whose box has moved further is given a black mark.

Contest « Save a friend from piranhas »

In each pair, we blindfold one pirate and attach clothespins to the other. On command, those who are blindfolded begin to remove the piranhas from their comrade. The couple that gets rid of the piranhas the fastest wins.

Each participant chooses a question and answers it

1. Name your favorite pirate drink:

2. Who is a pirate?

Sea Robber
The Honorable Gentleman
Office plankton representative

3. Who wrote the novel “Treasure Island”?

Daniel Defoe
Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin
Robert Louis Stevenson
Taras Grigorievich Shevchenko

4. What is the name of a ship's cook?


5. What is the name of Captain Sparrow?

Blind Pew

6. Pirate money?


7. The name of the captain whose treasure was sought in the work “Treasure Island”

  • Flint
  • Trelawny
  • Livesey

8. Captain Sparrow's Ship

  • Flying Dutchman
  • Black Pearl
  • White Pearl
  • Unsinkable

Poem in roles

We don’t forget to give black marks to the most active participants.

After the end of the competitions, participants count their marks.

Lady of the Seas: Thousand devils, how many tags have you collected?! Only real pirates can do this! I wonder if you can handle the next task? Some tags have letters on the back that you need to use to form a word.

Terrible Gary:(after solving the word “TREASURE”)

I'm on a distant island
Many years ago
In a hole dark and deep
Buried a priceless treasure.
A couple of friends were killed with him.
Here is the cross on the old map!
Tradition tells me
To do this, because I am a pirate!

Gary betrays to the pirates map, on which the location of the treasure is marked with a cross.

Terrible Gary: Now go on a treasure hunt!

I made a map using Photoshop in accordance with the plan of our apartment, veiling the names of the rooms in this way: corridor - Island of Waiting, kitchen - Island of Pleasure, bathroom - Island of Ablutions, children's room - Island of Parrots (2 parrots live in a cage there), hall - Entertainment Island, and the loggia - Cold Springs (the party was held in January).

A map template for Photoshop can be taken from the article

She hid the treasures in a souvenir box for alcohol in the form of a chest, which was once given to her husband at work, and hid it on the loggia. In it I put: a bag of chocolates in the form of coins in gold foil, two inexpensive pirate-themed games (a walker and a puzzle), several balloons with drawings of pirates.

The treasure was found quite quickly. The children immediately began studying the “treasures”, and at this time we quickly served and set the table.

Pirate Party Menu

In any themed party, the main thing is to name the dishes correctly :).

Here are the dishes we had:

Baked feet of wild pigs (actually baked chicken legs)

Jolly Roger Salad
(Mimosa salad, in which I stuck a small pirate flag, printed on a printer and glued to a wooden skewer. Will be published soon,).

Salad “Tongue of the Chatty Pirate” ().

Sandwiches with sperm whale liver (with cod liver)

Sandwiches with shark caviar (with red salmon caviar). I know that sharks are viviparous, but this name seemed cool to me :)

Pirates' Treasures
(stuffed, rolled into bags)

There was something else, but, to be honest, I don’t remember what exactly.

There are many ahead of you interesting scenarios. Subscribe to the free one so you don't miss anything.

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Endless sea spaces, endless adventures and bottomless treasures! It's no wonder that a pirate party for children is one of the favorite themes for birthdays or school dates. Parents are also lucky: decorating a room will not take much effort and will not break the budget, because many accessories and decorations are easy to make with your own hands.


Since this children's party, the surroundings should be flashy-bright, cartoonish and full of details. Don't be afraid to overload the room with decorations - the more, the merrier!

But don’t worry about shapes and complex compositions - kids don’t care how highly artistic a colorful garland is. It’s even better if the decorations are rustic, as if they were put together by children. Spend the free time on working through the script and preparing treats - these moments are much more interesting for the children.

Original ideas for a pirate party for children can be drawn from dozens of themed cartoons: “Treasure Planet”, “Treasure Island”, “Mysteries of the Pirate Island”, etc.

Posters/ Cartoon frames are great for wall decoration- print, cut out. Figures of recognizable characters and attributes can be assembled into garlands, cards for skewers, and signs for a candy bar.

To decorate a room or open space, if the party is outdoors, prepare:

  • paper garlands of boats, skulls, anchors, Jolly Roger flags on the ceiling, walls;
  • globes, "vintage" maps, cardboard pirates, guns, mountains of gems, gold;
  • telescopes, sextants, nautical compasses. The real ones will certainly delight children! But you can make fake or print photos, just to create an ambiance;

You can buy bright themed attributes for a children's pirate party. There is literally everything, from jewelry to accessories, clothes, weapons, balls, dishes.

  • pirate balloons with themed designs, stickers. It is easy to assemble palm trees, anchors, ships, and skeletons from long SDMs;
  • cracked barrels, huge anchors, steering wheels fake, made of polystyrene foam or cardboard;
  • for draping walls/furniture and use stylized sails, ropes and fishing nets. Hang rope ladders/ropes with grip knots on one of the walls or on a branchy tree if the holiday is outdoors. Don't forget to lay down mats;

  • dark in the hold or treasury without fire... Place candles around the room - safe, battery-powered ones!
  • shells, algae, fish, krakens and all sorts of octopuses. The sea monsters aren't very creepy, this is a kids' pirate party after all. Although you can’t just scare today’s children. But still with horror films in moderation;
  • don't forget the most important thing - treasures in chests. Bent forks and spoons and other aluminum used as silverware, grandma's jewelry, dagger knives, chocolate coins, candy beads. The chests can be easily assembled from a box cut out from a template, painted or covered with wood-look wallpaper, and attached with a fake lock.

Friends will probably not refuse to help organize a pirate party for children - ask them for toys for decoration:

  • plastic boats, pirate figures, swords, sabers, Lego themed ones;
  • talking parrots. Glue on a cardboard cocked hat and an eye patch to create a real pirate companion! Repeating parrots, shouting after the children “Shatter me with thunder” and “Whistle up everyone”, will certainly amuse the children;
  • swimming fish, octopuses, battery-powered turtles and other marine life. Place them in beautiful jars with shells, sand, and treasures at the bottom.


Thematic background with a pattern or tantamaresque. It’s easy to make with your own hands, using a funny picture as a model. Draw, cut out “windows” for faces. A simple example that an older child can repeat.

You can make a real pirate ship! Let it be made of cardboard, but with masts and sails! Take the time to paint the boat beautifully – it takes an hour, and the difference is noticeable.


Ordinary invitations for such a colorful theme are unthinkable, and the kids will certainly love the original “cards.” Make your own pirate party invitations for kids:

  • paper boat with text on sails;

  • card with burnt edges, "antique". Draw a diagram of the path to your “island” or “cave” (where will you celebrate your pirate birthday?);
  • encrypted message - riddles, puzzles, puzzles(simple, for children). The answer will be “I invite you to a party” or “come at the date and time”;

  • a chest with a letter from Flint himself and chocolate treasures in golden foil. Or a black label with text inside/on the back;
  • mysterious message in a bottle, wandered for a long time on the waves (decorate with shells and starfish).


Dear parents, without fanaticism. This is a pirate-themed children's party, and kids don't like tight clothes that are hot and uncomfortable to run and play in. For example, heavy high boots or a leather hat are a real nightmare for an active child. But newspaper accessories, assembled in five minutes, will not look very festive in the photo.

Don't try to dress the little pirate spick and span. Some disorder and even tattered costumes are welcome! A girl can create a creative mess on her head by braiding several braids with multi-colored rubber bands. The boy should dishevel his hair, draw a bruise, a mustache, a beard.

We offer simple options on how to dress for a pirate party without spending a lot of money. Top: a long T-shirt or T-shirt with stripes - blue, red, black. If it’s a shirt, then it’s white or “grimy” gray/beige. Gather the puffy cuffs and collar with elastic. Bottom: dark wide trousers, loose shorts or a skirt. For a boy, you can sew a short vest or a long, open camisole. For a girl - a dress with a corset, frills and flounces, retro. For ideas, look at the photos of pirate costumes available for rent.

It is better to make the tops of the boots fake, made of thick fabric. It is advisable that they be removed - with elastic, Velcro, buttons from the inside out. If it’s hot indoors or outdoors, after a few photos as a souvenir, the boots can be unfastened:

Of course, a costume would be incomplete without important pirate accessories and recognizable elements:

  • wide belt (a long thin scarf will do), belt with gold buckle;
  • fake rivets, chains, lacing;

  • eye patch, sleeve hook, skeleton skulls (keychains, drawings, stickers on clothes, transferable tattoos);
  • spyglass, saber, pistol. Surely there are some “weapons” in your home collection. If not, make one from cardboard and paint it with silver/gold paint;
  • bandana and/or hat. They cost pennies in stores for organizing parties, but it’s easy to make a paper hat with your own hands (with an elastic band or two parts glued at the edges):

A real pirate cocked hat can be assembled from an old baseball cap and a wide brim.. Cut off the visor, sew on the “steering wheel”, bend and sew the brim at three points, as in the photo below. The top of the head will be almost invisible, but you can paint it or cover it with fabric in the color of the hat brim. Decorate with a frill around the edges, insert a dashing feather or draw a skull. You will get a hat of this shape:

Menu, serving

It hardly makes sense to organize a serious feast at a children's party - the children are waiting for active competitions and goodies, not potatoes and chicken. But for parents, you can include several salads, sliced ​​meats and vegetables in the menu. It is better to arrange all dishes in small portions, in baskets, vases.

Pirate treats will become more attractive if the presentation is beautiful. Lay out a striped or black tablecloth, decorate the “board” - anchors, steering wheels, life buoys. You can throw an imitation fishing net on the tablecloth. Buy stylized dishes and napkins, bright skirts and muffin tins, and make miniature cards for skewers.

Bring a country table with an umbrella. The stick on which the umbrella is attached is an almost ready-made mast for the developing sails of the galleon! Or hang a sail/flag on the wall behind your desk. If you are celebrating a child's birthday in a pirate style, there is no better “canvas” for congratulations. Make an inscription like this on the sail:

Captain Max
9 years on the high seas
Fly forward with full sails, adventures await you!

If you plan to relax all day in nature, prepare something substantial. For example, you can make a couple of salads and put them on plates, like a ship’s cook using a ladle from a huge pan. Sausage octopus jellyfish are also quite in the theme:

But the most important thing is the pirate Candy-bar or sweet menu. This is where decorations come in handy - skewers, cards and other small things with pirate symbols. Any recipes, at your discretion - pies and cakes, shortbread cookies, biscuits, puff pastries. But it’s easier to buy most of it and then decorate it.

We offer several ideas in a pirate style.

  • Boats - insert a skewer with a sail into the treat. The hull of a galleon can be:
    • hot dogs, cabbage rolls (have nothing to do with the sweet menu, but don’t forget about parents, and not all children have a sweet tooth);
    • pie cut into long diamond shapes;
    • eclairs, tubes with cream;
    • pancakes with filling (in envelopes or in a tube).
  • Striped jelly. Buy bags of two colors - lemon and berry (red) or plum (blue) jelly. Cool in layers in transparent glasses/vases.

  • Montpensier, nuts in multi-colored glaze, pour into transparent jars. The neck can be wrapped with twine or colorful ribbon, attached as a pendant for a toy skeleton, an anchor, etc.
  • Candies in bright wrappers Place lollipops and chocolate coins in chests. Some candies can be packed in “pirate” pieces of paper. Unwrap the small chocolates, leaving the foil, and “gird them” with a strip of skull-tricorned hats (so that the foil is visible).

  • Bake cookies in the shape of pirate paraphernalia. Or decorate the rounds with fondant - an indispensable thing for decorating sweets! Food coloring or syrup will give the mastic the desired shade. Sculpting as if from plasticine is not at all difficult.
  • Arrange fruits beautifully, “ours” and always from the tropical pirate island - mangoes, pineapples, etc. Decorate the fruit with skewers with pictures. And you can make angry and cheerful corsairs out of bananas: glue or draw faces, tie a triangular piece of striped or polka-dot fabric in the middle.

  • Drinks – juices, lemonades, milkshakes. In stylized paper cups. With tubes decorated with pictures and figures. You can put quarters of oranges in some glasses and stick the sails in (the quarter is placed end-to-end so that it rests against the edges and does not sink). Replace bottle labels with colorful stickers.

If you are celebrating a birthday, don't forget a pirate cake in the shape of a ship, treasure chest, island and so on. Any recipe you like, it’s better to have a suitable form right away. Decorations – glaze, mastic. You may need the help of a pro to bake a grand cake.


Perhaps, The script for a pirate party for children is more important than colorful decoration and tasty treats. Take the time to prepare colorful props. Assign the most artistic parents to lead. Pirate music will create a fun atmosphere - download soundtracks from themed films/cartoons.


If the children's party is held outdoors, draw a map. Schematically, on “old” paper with tattered edges. The guys will go through a quest using it, going in search of treasure. It is not necessary to travel far, but it is better to conduct each test away from the previous one, so that you get a real journey across the map. According to our scenario, we need to designate this path:

  • pier (place where the table and seating area are)
  • quicksand
  • swamp
  • enemy camp
  • entrance to the treasury
  • the place where the chest is hidden. You can bury it in the sand, hide it in dense bushes, in a dark barn or on a tree (adults will help you get it out). Play it up somehow, because this is the highlight of the party.


If the pirate's birthday is held at home/in a cafe, there will be nowhere to move around. The markers for the map according to the scenario are described above, but there can be any number of games between the journey from one point to another, at your discretion. Draw a map and tear it into as many pieces as there are competitions and tasks you prepare. For completing each task, give the young pirates another fragment of the map.

Since the children don’t have a map at first, the presenter instead of “What’s next on the map, let’s see...” says something like this: “Oh, we’re in the sand,” “The path is blocked by a swamp,” etc. And the chest can be slowly taken out and placed behind the guys while the young pirates glue all the pieces together.


The name of the presenter for example is Pretty Katie or Captain Hook (hereinafter CC).

QC: I see that the whole brave team is assembled? Glad, very glad! Greetings, um, ahem... And what should you call you, actually? Masha? Vasya? This will not work! A pirate must have a nickname so that he cannot be identified by his real name.

The guys choose pirate names for themselves. Prepare cards - red and blue, with names for girls and boys. Anyone who wants can come up with a nickname for themselves. You can make badges, hang them up and call the guys by their pirate nicknames throughout the party. Frisky Joe, Ragged Ear, Miss Mary, One-Eyed Bill and the like.

QC: Phew, got it figured out! Have you already come up with a team name? Have you chosen a captain? Why not? Let's go! Those into whom you will instill fear and horror must call you something!

They come up with a name and choose a captain. You can give this honor to the birthday person. And if it’s not your birthday, then, like true pirates, decide the issue by drawing lots. For example, take chocolate coins out of a bag. Whoever gets the special one (in foil of a different color) will be the captain.

QC: Why are you hanging your noses? Don't be upset - the captain's share is not at all as sweet as birthday cake. And who is a captain without his team? Every pirate on the ship and in battle is important! Let's fill the holds (let's eat and drink), while I go get some gifts. I like you, a thousand devils! How can you not pamper such brave pirates?

QC: Have you eaten and drunk? Well done! But, sea ​​urchin in my liver, someone stole the gifts!

“Someone” comes out - the villain, the presenter’s assistant.

QC: Oh, you torn jellyfish! Well, give me my chest!

Assistant: Here's another! They just arrived, didn’t really show themselves, and you immediately hand them treasures? Well, I do not! I hid them at the other end of the island and drew a map. Let them go in search of treasures. And we'll look at their pirate skills. Maybe they are not pirates at all, but...

QC: Guys, let's show this toad burp what we're worth? Shall we get our treasures?
- Yes Yes!

QC: Then go ahead! Through the quicksand deep into the island!

  • A large yellow sheet with holes of different diameters and at different distances. Holds two to four adults. You can cut the sheet lengthwise and sew it to create a long strip. The guys must quickly walk through the “quicksand”, stepping only into the holes.

QC: Well done, everyone did a great job! But, according to the map, there is an enemy camp ahead. Let's practice swinging sabers. Otherwise they will stop us halfway...

  • Foam, inflatable or cardboard saber swords. A thin long board on the floor. The two are having a duel. The goal is to stand on the board (you can sit on a bench if children school age). If you step on the floor, give way to the next person. And so on until everyone has played enough.

  • Give the children two small boards or cardboards with the Jolly Roger - the wreckage of an enemy galleon. Create a swamp: scatter pieces of green fabric or paper across the floor. Children must cross the swamp by standing on only one of the “debris”. You stand on one, put the second one in front of you, climb onto it, and shift the freed “piece” in front of you. And so on until the finish.

While the children are moving through the swamp, the villainous assistant is quietly taken aside (so that the children do not see). And they attach about 30 fish clothespins to his clothes.

QC: You did great - the swamp devil didn’t drag anyone to the bottom! Well done! Where is our wrecker? Did he drown?

An assistant comes out wearing clothespins and hanging his head.

QC: Aha-ha-ha, the anchor is in my throat, that’s what you want! How will you go further?

Assistant offended: But no way! And I’ll hide the chest so that Flint himself won’t find it! Let's unhook these toothy reptiles. But wait... It's a great chance to test our pirates... Well, let's see how attentive you are. KK, blindfold them and let them manage by touch. And don't you dare tickle me!

  • Blindfolded children unfasten clothespins. You can compete to see who can unhook the most piranhas.

Assistant: Well, thank you! For this, I will tell you a secret - there is an ambush ahead. I know for sure, because I am familiar with these fragments on which you climbed through the swamp... Apparently, my enemies crashed on the rocky shore of our island... Oh, it will be hard for you! Get ready!

QC: Damn the jellyfish, here they are!

  • While the children were blindfolded, the presenter prepared the props for the accuracy competition. Depending on the age of the children, you can throw darts at face targets, knock down enemy paper figures with soft balls, and put out candles (with face bands) using water pistols.

QC: Phew, it looks like everyone was sent to fish food... Let's refresh ourselves before we stomp further.

QC: Karamba, we're almost there!

Assistant: Don't rush, otherwise you'll make it in time. First you need to get the key. I'll have to scrub the deck for the rest of my life if I give it for that!

  • The key can be hidden in a large pinata (ship, skull, kraken). Or pour streamers and candies into several balloons, and also put a key in one.

QC: Well, that's it, there is a key. Let's go for the treasure!

Assistant: Look, they scattered like crabs at the sight of my boot! You, of course, are dexterous and brave, and everyone around you is tanned... And what about your intelligence? Didn't you deprive Calypso? If you don’t make a mistake here, so be it – I’ll give up the chest.

  • Quiz on a sea/pirate theme, riddles, charades, puzzles. You can prepare several questions or a test with humorous answers. At your discretion and according to the age of the guys, so that most of the young guests of the party are not bored.

QC: Well, how did the team cope, evil one?

Assistant: I admit - real pirates have gathered! Both brave and smart - just right! I like treasure hunts like this – a sight for sore eyes! Sort out your treasures. Make sure you don't get into a fight, otherwise you'll ruin the whole impression. You are a friendly team, with you even for monkfish, even for boarding!

Completing the quest: the grand opening of a chest with the most valuable treasures - sets of gifts packed in themed bags or boxes. Toys, movie tickets, coloring books, puzzles - according to budget and age. It is better to collect identical sets so that no one leaves offended. And attach something as a souvenir - medals or certificates of real pirates.

QC: Have you sorted out the treasures? Now welcome to the table! Our cook has prepared a wonderful surprise for you!

They bring a surprise - a pirate cake. We eat and have fun in free mode. Happy holiday to you!