Letter to the last century to Oblomov. Letter to Oblomov

Municipal budgetary educational institution

"Secondary school No. 3 of Yuryev-Polsky"

Heroes of the novel "Oblomov"

Final lesson on the works of I.A. Goncharov

Grade 10

Teacher: Egorova A.A.


Lesson Objectives:

    check and consolidate knowledge of the text of the novel;

    develop skills in working with text and involve students in research work.

Methodical techniques: literary game"Get to know the hero" independent work in groups, a miniature essay in the epistolary genre, a test to control students’ knowledge.

During the classes

In the ability to illuminate full image, mint,

to sculpt it is the strongest point

Goncharov's talent.


1.The teacher's word.

“Take a careful look at the entire novel, and you will see how many faces there are in it...” (A.V. Druzhinin) Indeed, in the novel “Oblomov” there are more than 50 heroes. Everyone is very different. As in real life, they love, and suffer, and search, and doubt, and are mistaken. But everyone does it in their own way. When depicting his heroes, Goncharov usually emphasizes some detail or feature in them, persistently repeating it, and thanks to this, this person is etched in the memory and is no longer forgotten. Such, for example, are Agafya Matveevna Pshenitsyna’s “ever-moving round elbows,” Oblomov’s “robe made of Persian fabric,” and Stolz’s “unyielding energy.” “Statue of grace and harmony” - these bright words characterize only one female image- Olga Ilyinskaya. Gorky called Goncharov one of the “giants of Russian literature” who “wrote plastically, their words were like clay, from which they divinely sculpted figures and images of people, alive to the point of deception...”

2.Literary game “Get to know the hero.”

Questions and assignments.

You are “a man about thirty-two or three years old, of average height, pleasant appearance, with dark gray eyes.” The opinions of various characters in the novel about you are quite contradictory. Some say that you are a “crystal, transparent soul”, that you are “meek, honest, gentle.” For others, you are a “stupid”, a “coward”, a “lazy person”, a “block of aspen”. Do you recognize yourself? Introduce youreself. / I am Ilya Ilyich Oblomov /

(The student who first recognized the literary hero will answer the following questions on his behalf)

1.- Dear Ilya Ilyich! We learned about you the opinions of various characters in the novel. Be so kind as to tell us about yourself now, just as you talked about it with Ivan Matveyevich. (“Who am I? What am I? I’m a gentleman and I don’t know how to do anything”)

2.- At the beginning of the novel we read thatYou are “very preoccupied with something”, you even woke up “unusually, very early, at about eight o’clock.” Tell me, if you can, what worries you so much? (“The fact is that... the day before I received an unpleasant letter from the village, from my village elder”)

- What troubles did the headman tell you about? (“It is known what kind of troubles the headman can write about: crop failure, arrears, decreased income”)

3.- We know that you are the collegiate secretary. In your youth, you came to St. Petersburg, dreamed of serving, “were full of various aspirations,” but for 10 years you did not advance “in any field,” became disillusioned with the service and one day “left it.” Don’t you remember now what “special occasion” made you do this? (“Once I sent some necessary

paper instead of Astrakhan to Arkhangelsk.” “I didn’t receive the deserved punishment, I went home... and then resigned”)

4.-Ilya Ilyich! We know that Stolz is your best friend, you have been friends for a very long time. Where did you two meet? How did your friendship begin? (We have been friends since childhood, from those times “when we were both still studying at our father’s boarding school

Stolz, in Verkhlev")

5.-Stolz is constantly trying to awaken you to activity. He made you promise to come to Paris. You “already had your passport ready,” you “even ordered a traveling coat and cap for yourself.” But what happened to you on the eve of departure? Why did you stay at home? (The night before departure, my lip became swollen. “A fly bit me, you can’t go to sea with a lip like that!” And I began to wait for another ship. But I didn’t leave a month later, or three)

6.-Dear Ilya Ilyich! You often ask yourself the question: “However... I would be curious to know... why am I... like this?” Please try to answer it, and we will all listen to you with interest. ( Brief retelling chapters “Oblomov’s Dream)


The main character of the novel, Ilya Ilyich Oblomov, caused numerous conflicting responses from critics, writers and readers. For some, he became a man." kindest soul”, for others - an example of “how you can’t live”, and still others simply argued that Oblomov is “a self-portrait of a writer.” “Most often they see me in Oblomov and say that I painted this face from myself.” (I.A. Goncharov) The measured life of the writer, without violent passions and serious changes, gave rise to the discovery of such similarities. Friends jokingly called I.A. Goncharov “Marquis de Lagne”.

The writer showed Oblomov during the ups and downs, revealing his struggle with himself. The author's arguments are kept to a minimum. Thus, without imposing his point of view, Goncharov gives the reader the opportunity to make

independent conclusions.

We will try to do this too. Highlight the positive and negative

Oblomov’s character traits and fill out the table

Positive traits

Negative qualities

Kindness, love, tolerance,

Laziness, apathy, indifference,

nobility, honesty, gentleness,

lack of will, inactivity,

simplicity, generosity

indecisiveness, selfishness

What did it become for you? main character novel "Oblomov"? (Students' answers)

Oblomov is a man with many positive qualities, capable of arousing sincere sympathy.

“He is dear to us as a kindly man, capable of mercy... He is dear to us as an eccentric who... did not offend a single person, did not deceive a single person and did not teach a single person anything bad” (A.V. Druzhinin)

3.Work in groups on the images of heroes

I.I. Oblomov unites around himself all the characters in the novel. There is not a single extra face in it, not a single superfluous detail.


Characterize one of the heroes of the novel “Oblomov”, using this


Hero name


Social status

Character traits

Relation to Oblomov

1st group: One of Oblomov’s guests (Volkov, Sudbinsky, Penkin, Alekseev, Tarantiev - at the students’ choice)

Group 2: Image of Zakhar.

Group 3: Image of A.M. Pshenitsyna.

(Each group fills out a table for its hero) We listen and discuss the answers of students from each group.

Conclusion: Each actor The novel emphasizes Oblomov’s character more sharply and clearly. Thus, meetings with guests show that Ilya Ilyich is significantly taller than his acquaintances. He sees Volkov’s emptiness and sneers at Sudbinsky’s careerism. It is difficult to imagine Oblomov without Zakhar, whose image helps illuminate the character of Ilya Ilyich in his favorite sphere - in home life. Without the services of the grumpy, clumsy, but devoted Zakhara, Oblomov is as helpless as a child. Olga Ilyinskaya had a huge influence on Oblomov’s life, thanks to whom he experienced “deity, inspiration, life, tears, and love,” but still preferred “a corner of comfort and laziness” in Pshenitsyna’s house. Before Goncharov, Russian literature had never had a work in which the biography of the hero was given so completely.

4. Creative task. The essay is a miniature.

Write a letter to one of the characters in the novel on your behalf, talking with the addressee about the issues that interest you.

(Discussion of creative works. Essays are attached)

5. Test based on the novel “Oblomov” by I.A. Goncharov

1.Specify the problem , didn't care Oblomov at the beginning of the novel:

a) unpaid bills

b) problems in the estate

c) upcoming marriage

d) moving to a new apartment

2.Indicate which of the characters in the novel first utters the word “Oblomovism,” which defines Ilya Ilyich’s lifestyle:

a) Zakhar

b) Stolz

c) Ilyinskaya

d) Oblomov

3. Find out the character by description:

“A man entered the room, in a gray frock coat, with a hole under his arm, from which a piece of shirt was sticking out, in a gray vest, with copper buttons…»

a) Alekseev

b) Tarantiev

c) Zakhar

d) Volkov

4. Find a statement, not belonging Oblomov:

a) “After all, there are such donkeys who get married!”

b) “I’ve never pulled a stocking over my feet, I live like this, thank God!”

c) “Work is the image, content, element and purpose of life, at least mine!”

d) “Touches life, reaches everywhere.”

5. Find out the character by description:

“There is no sleep, no fatigue, no boredom on his face... sitting with a book or writing in his home coat; a light scarf is worn around the neck; The collars of the shirt are extended onto the tie and shine like snow. He comes out in a beautifully tailored frock coat, in a smart hat... He is cheerful, humming..."

a) Stolz

b) Oblomov

c) Tarantiev

d) Volkov

6. What did Oblomov Stoltz ask for in front of them? last meeting:

a) take care of Agafya Matveevna

b) don’t forget his son

c) go abroad

d) do not leave his property unattended

7. Indicate the place that most closely resembled Oblomov’s way of life in Oblomovka:

a) summer cottage

b) house on the Vyborg side

c) apartment on Gorokhovaya Street

d) Olga's dacha

8.Indicate which portrait characteristics do not apply to Olga Ilyinskaya:

a) “She was not a beauty, that is, there was no whiteness in her, no bright coloring of her cheeks and lips, and her eyes did not burn with rays of inner fire.”

b) “She was about thirty years old. She was very white and full in the face, so that the blush, it seemed, could not break through her cheeks. She had almost no eyebrows at all, but in their place there were two slightly swollen, shiny stripes, with sparse blond hair.”

c) “Slightly tall height was strictly correlated with the size of the head, the size of the head - with the oval and size of the face; all this, in turn, was in harmony with the shoulders, and the shoulders with the waist..."

d) “She walked with her head tilted slightly forward, resting so slenderly and nobly on her thin, proud neck; she moved her whole body evenly, walking lightly, almost imperceptibly..."

9. “Literacy is harmful to a man.” These words are spoken:

a) Stolz

b) Oblomov

c) Ilyinskaya

d) Tarantiev

a) I.A. Goncharov

b) A.P. Chekhov

c) I.S. Turgenev

d) L.N. Tolstoy

Homework. Write out the theses “Oblomov in the assessment of the critics Dobrolyubov and Druzhinin”

Creative work

Letter to I.I. Oblomov

Hello, dear Ilya Ilyich! Mikhail Kononov, a 10th grade student, is writing to you. Excuse me, but I only recently found out that there is such a kind literary hero"with an honest, faithful heart." You have been living for almost 150 years, but if it weren’t for literature lessons, I would hardly have taken a novel with such an unattractive title “Oblomov” from the bookshelf. And so our correspondence acquaintance took place, and I am very glad about it. Before reading the work, I heard different opinions about you. Some of my peers said that you are a very lazy, weak-willed person, others felt sorry for you, others condemned you, and there were even those who did not read the book to the end. And this is probably because your life is very monotonous and monotonous. “I know everything, I understand everything, but I have no willpower,” you seem to answer us, saying this to your friend Stolz. I read eleven chapters, and you still haven’t gotten up from the couch. Why am I surprised? After all, this is your “normal state”. But we want some bright interesting episodes, and we still waited for them. Thank you for that. Admit it, you were happy when “divinity, inspiration... and love” appeared in your life. I was glad that Olga Ilyinskaya resurrected you, and I was already sure that the robe had been thrown off forever. You walk all day long, worry about something, go to visit. Too drastic changes! Is this why, having flared up brightly, your love quickly faded? Or maybe this is for the better! Why act against yourself? On the pages of the novel you are never alone. You are surrounded different people. Who are they? For most of them, life is “gossip, gossip, an eternal game.” And I sincerely say that you are above them with “doing nothing.” You have retained your humanity and kindness of heart. What could be more important for a person? Thank you for that. And now I’ll put your novel on the bookshelf next to N.V. Gogol’s poem “ Dead Souls" It seems to me that you will have something to chat about with Manilov, and maybe you will become friends with him.

Goodbye. Your new friend Mikhail Kononov.

Answers (2)

    Letter to the last century to Oblomov

    Dear Ilya Ilyich! I am writing to you from the 21st century. It’s so nice, even in this day and age, to receive a letter from a friend! I hope you read my message.

    Ilya Ilyich, I recently read your story. I must admit to you that you and I are not at all alike. To be honest, I was very offended that you suffered because of your laziness. I think your life would have turned out much better, but, in essence, it is not your fault. Your entire lifestyle was laid down by your parents in your childhood. Do you know that your name has become a household name? We call lazy people Oblomovs. Admit to yourself, Ilya Ilyich, what a lazy person you are! But in my opinion, he is the most sincere and kindest of all the lazy people I know. You are a person with a pure soul, capable of true love- with these qualities you conquered me.

    It seemed strange to me that you and Stolz are not at all alike. WITH early childhood you were best friends, and later became completely different personalities. Here my friend and I are like two peas in a pod! I think that Andrey, your friend, and I are somewhat similar. His unusual character was brought up in him by a tough, demanding father and a kind, gentle mother. From his father he receives a “practical education”, and from his mother the love of art, which she so diligently invested in him. Thanks to all these qualities, such as love for work, independence, perseverance in goals and German habits, Stolz achieved a lot in adult life. But the only thing I didn’t like about him was that his happiness was in constancy, Stolz was afraid to dream. Everything about him seems perfect. I’m still surprised, you are completely different people living your own lives! But Andrey is not your only friend. What can I say about others? These are people whose time is scheduled minute by minute, they have a lot to do, they are in a hurry to live and have fun, and also try to involve you in their active lifestyle. Don't you think that some people are simply taking advantage of your kindness and hospitality? For example, Mikhei Andreevich Tarantiev, your fellow countryman. In my opinion, he is a very cunning person. My friend, Ilya Ilyich, how do you tolerate him? All your friends are different people, but they are also somewhat similar: vanity, deceptive activities, social visits. But in friendly relations, first of all, sincerity is needed.

    I would like to write about Zakhara. Even though he always grumbles, he values ​​you. Despite the external looseness, he is quite collected. The eternal habit of the servants of the old century does not allow him to squander the master's property - when your fellow countryman, the swindler Tarantiev, asks to give him a tailcoat for a while. 3 akhar immediately refuses: until the shirt and vest are returned, Tarantyev will not receive anything else. But you were at a loss before his firmness. Ilya Ilyich, take a closer look at him - you are very similar!

    Another important person I would like to talk about is Olga. I can imagine how many happy moments you had with her in your life! It was no coincidence that Stolz brought you into the house. He knew that she had intelligence and deep feelings, he hoped that with her spiritual requests she would be able to awaken you - make you read, watch, find out. With her, life seems to wake up along with your life. In my opinion, Olga wanted to turn you, my dear, into Stolz. Olga Ilyinskaya cannot be Oblomov, and in the end she became Olga Sergeevna Stolts. Any disappointment in love is very painful, but I ask you, do not be disappointed in this feeling in the future.

    In the end, I just ask: don’t be angry with my “criticism”, maybe I’m wrong - there are so many people, so many opinions. I will wait for an answer, dear Ilya Ilyich.


    Hello, dear Ilya Ilyich! Even before I got to know your story, I began to sympathize with you. They told me a lot about you. That is why your laziness, apathy and inaction did not come as a surprise to me. I know very well that you are a wonderful, kind and intelligent person.

    But this way of life, lying on the sofa among dust and dirt, brought you to death. But why did you give up your love? Why did you choose Agafya Matveevna, that woman who did not demand anything from you? After all, love for Olga could become a “saving” circle for you! But... a sofa, a comfortable robe, slippers and delicious food turned out to be more valuable to you than a wonderful life with your beloved, surrounded by children and grandchildren. I know that you have often imagined a picture of your family life.

    So why? Although I can probably answer this question myself. You were not adapted to life in your time, a time of change, new trends, when everyone strived forward! Only people like your friend Andrei Stolts and your beloved Olga could survive. They tried to pull you out of your small, dark world. But “Oblomovism” turned out to be stronger.

    I am sincerely sorry that a person like you, Ilya Ilyich, died mentally. Your pure, gentle, once sparkling soul has been ruined. I hope that yours last days were happy. Goodbye, Ilya Ilyich!

Letter to Oblomov Hello, Ilya Ilyich! I am very concerned about your condition. Your fate is so important to me that I am trying to sincerely help you. But for this I need to clarify something for myself: Are you an ordinary lazy person or a person who does not see any meaning in life? The latest events in your life worry me very much. You stopped living life to the fullest, and began a meaningless existence. Each new day is similar to the previous one, you have no aspirations. I remember that on the first of the month there was a holiday in Yekateringhof. I also know that on that day your friends visited you, they came to invite you to a holiday, but you didn’t even deign to get out of bed. You can’t resist in every possible way those who are trying to get you off your cozy sofa. Every day, friends find you doing your favorite activity - lying on the couch. You find the meaning of life in the sofa, robe and shoes. But these are symbols of laziness and inaction. You don’t even have the desire to leave the house or communicate with different interesting people. Your circle of friends has narrowed to almost only Zakhar. The whole life of a big city is not for you. But you live in the center. This is such an opportunity to visit many useful and interesting places, but you are missing this opportunity. You have complete indifference to everything around you. You don’t want to change your life because it suits you completely. But you don’t know any other life, and maybe you should try to make tangible changes to your usual lifestyle. Even your friends are in a hurry somewhere, doing something, but you remain indifferent to everything. But life does not stand as a dead weight, it passes, your love passes, the possibility of family happiness passes. Your inaction is detrimental to you. You gradually descend, and there is nothing left in your life. Your best friend, Andrei Stolts, also tried to revive you to life. I know that for some time you wanted to change and renew yourself, but nothing came of it because you are too afraid of a new life. What about your love for Olga Ilyinskaya? You have already begun to awaken, dreams have appeared, the desire to live. But you were scared again, scared of changes in life. Until you cross the line of inaction and fear of new beginnings, you will not achieve anything. Think about it. Well-wisher.

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“The Journey of a Letter” - Sender. How does a letter travel? The journey of writing. Post pigeon. Mail carriage. Destination. Delivery of containers. Messenger. Container transportation. Our guests. Stamps.

“Letter in English” - As for me, I prefer Radiohead. Love, Kate. I have just received your letter. Divide the text of the letter into several logical paragraphs. I"ll be delighted if you could get me a T-shirt with views of London. It was great to hear about your new house! Hope to hear from you soon. Mum wants me to help with the housework.

“Business letter” - Letter of request. Sender's company name. Body Complimentary clause Signature References Enclosures or Copies. Dear Sirs, The date is on the right. Advertising letter. Response to letter of request. Heading or letterhead. Aligned to the right. The full postal address. 4 lines. Letter of order. "With retractors." Letter header.

LETTER FIRST Hello Ilya Ilyich Oblomov, this is written to you by a student of (some) class (Name). In literature lessons we read Goncharov’s novel “Oblomov”, and having learned a lot about you, I decided to write a letter. I am very dissatisfied that you sit at home all day and stare blankly at the ceiling. Although you are a man of soul and have a good heart, but Still, why sit at four walls and wait for your old age. Even your servant Zakhar is addicted to this and lies all the time and does not clean his rooms, and always finds excuses like “why, why,” even when you order him. Meanwhile, friends are very active.

They have a lot to do, they are in a hurry to live and have fun, and they also try to involve you in their active lifestyle, like Olga. Why then don’t you get up from your dilapidated bed and read a book, or go outside and take a walk along the embankment or Nevsky Prospekt, because you live in such a beautiful city as St. Petersburg, and even in the center.

Yes, even though you are a “good-natured fat man” who didn’t even kick out his servant Zakhar, whom any gentleman would throw out into the street for his insolence towards himself, you need an active lifestyle. You’re probably reading now and thinking that how - as if I’m not like that. On the contrary, sometimes I have the same mood as you, and sometimes I don’t do anything, but then I regret that I spent the day in vain. But still, you are the sweetest and kindest of all lazy people. that I know. Your “dovelike soul”, incorruptible honesty and “pure goodwill towards people” amaze me about you.

Love and Olga - for you these concepts are truly inseparable. I can imagine how many happy moments you had with her in your life! In my opinion, Olga is a good Russian girl, a daughter of her time and her environment, touched by the desire for interesting life, dreaming of happiness - and, of course, not free from the mistakes of her youth. Olga is that serene creature, in last explanation yours says: “I love in you what I wanted to have in you, what Stolz showed me, what we invented together with him.” How do you feel after these words, and Ilya Ilyich?

After this confession about imaginary love? Moreover, it was invented with the help of Stolz. It began quite harmlessly - with curiosity, a feeling from which genuine heartfelt feelings often begin. Olga wants to turn you, my dear, into Stolz. Sounds scary...

Olga Ilyinskaya cannot be Oblomov, and in the end she became Olga Sergeevna Stolts. Any disappointment in love is very painful, but I ask you, do not be disappointed in this feeling in the future. In the end, I’ll just ask: don’t be angry at some of my comments, maybe I’m wrong - there are so many people, so many opinions.

Write to me, dear Ilya Ilyich. Your letters will be a great consolation to me.

Goodbye, yours warmly, Toma. P.S. Don’t quarrel with Zakhar! He loves you

4.75 /5 (95.00%) 4 votes

I. A.’s novel is considered his pinnacle creative activity. This work was published in 1859, but critics’ controversy still continues around the character of the main character of the novel. Oblomov miraculously combines both repulsive and attractive features. On the one hand, he is a generous, kind and gentle person, on the other hand, he is a lazy gentleman who has no interests and goals and is not adapted to life.

As for Zakhar, in the novel he represents, as it were, a twisted reflection of Oblomov and plays an important ideological and compositional role. He not only embodies the worst that is in Ilya Ilyich, but also in some way influences the process of Oblomov’s physical and moral decline. Zakhar is quite an interesting and colorful character, and if I had the opportunity, I would write to him with the following letter:

“Hello, Zakhar!

I know well who you are, because I carefully read I. A.’s novel “Oblomov,” in which you are one of the most interesting characters. At the time described in the novel, you are already old man over fifty years old, but you have been serving with the Oblomovs since your youth. At first you served as a footman in a manor house, then you were promoted to Ivan Ilyich’s “uncle”, and once in St. Petersburg, you became his valet.

Laziness was given to you, Zakhar, as well as to your master, by nature. You were born in a blessed corner, where everything was sleepy and quiet. After all, the peasants in the Oblomov village were happy, because they were sure that it was simply impossible to live otherwise, they thought that living a different life was a sin. You developed your natural laziness to the extreme in your servant service. In your youth, you were “an agile, gluttonous and crafty guy.” Your duties included accompanying the owners during their visits or to church. The rest of the time you were completely free.

We see that in your old age, Zakhar, you have become very awkward. Everything falls out of your hands, everything breaks: “Another thing... stands in place for three, four years - nothing; As soon as he takes it, look, it’s broken.” You, like your owner, do absolutely nothing and only create the appearance of activity. I think that your awkwardness is an amazing reflection of the life of the unadapted Ilya Ilyich.

I would like to note that an important detail in your image is clothing. Although it changes, its bearer does not undergo any changes. But if Oblomov’s robe is a symbol of nobility, then yours, Zakhar, uniform frock coats are a symbol of slavish obedience and affection for the owner.

I consider the main detail of your portrait to be your sideburns, streaked with gray hair, thick and immensely wide, “each of which would be enough for three beards.” They, like your livery and frock coat, remind you of the former greatness of the Oblomov house.

I know from the novel that you got married at the age of fifty, and your chosen one was the “lively, nimble woman” Anisya. Surprisingly, she possessed all the qualities that you did not have and, as it were, compensated for your shortcomings with her advantages. She becomes your savior, because she nullifies your conflicts with the owner, and after Oblomov’s death, she completely supports you, since without her you turned out to be completely helpless.

On the one hand, you were infinitely devoted to Oblomov, and on the other hand, life in the city had a bad influence on you: you robbed the master, gossiped about him, drank with friends at his expense, were rude and lied. In this respect, you were the complete opposite of the master, and you could not understand Oblomov’s feelings. Upon closer examination, you turned out to be a simple serf, and long years Slavery corrupted you, but did not teach you worthy traits. And if you look at it, it was you who prevented Oblomov’s attempts to get out of his state of laziness. At the same time, you and the master could not do without each other, despite the constant quarrels.

I am sure that you, Zakhar - mirror reflection Oblomov and between you there is an amazing deep similarity. Most likely, this is why after the master’s death yours also ends. real life, and simply existence begins. You, Zakhar, evoke conflicting feelings in me, and if I think about it, some of my friends remind me of you, which suggests that your image is eternal and will remain relevant for many more decades, and maybe even a century.

With this I want to finish my letter and express my gratitude to you for the fact that your unique image brought variety to I.A.’s novel “Oblomov” and made it more interesting.

All the best and goodbye!”