Nutrition while breastfeeding for 2 months. Proper nutrition for mothers while breastfeeding

A nursing mother should plan her diet so that not only she, but also the child benefits from food. We must remember that not only beneficial nutrients enter breast milk from the blood, but also allergens and toxins that may be contained in food. Nutrition during breastfeeding should be balanced, varied and safe. How to choose a menu? What mistakes should you avoid when preparing your diet?

Organizing nutrition during breastfeeding

There are several rules and useful tips that are good to follow when organizing the diet of a mother who is breastfeeding:

  • You should not eat rarely - once or twice a day. Many mothers, citing being busy, cannot provide themselves with several normal meals. It is not right! You need to eat 5-6 times a day in small portions. Thus, food is better absorbed and the mother’s nutrition during breastfeeding brings more benefits to her and the baby.
  • You need to chew food thoroughly and slowly. Thanks to this more useful substances be absorbed, and digestion will be more comfortable and of higher quality. You can't eat while running.
  • One and a half to two liters clean water per day is a mandatory norm for a nursing woman. With this fluid intake, there will be no problems with lactation if stress, illness and bad habits are excluded.
  • If possible, you need to build your diet so that it approximately coincides with the baby’s feedings. That is, the mother should eat shortly before the baby’s meal. Eating and drinking warm water will help your breast milk flow.
  • Many mothers note that during breastfeeding I always want to eat. This does not mean that you need to eat a lot, satisfying a brutal appetite. Eating small meals every 2-3 hours will help solve the problem. If you still want to eat, then you can keep something light on hand for a snack - natural yogurt, vegetables, some fruit.
  • When purchasing products, you must always study the labels, since often the ingredients may contain flavorings, dyes, preservatives, flavor enhancers and other additives that will negatively affect the infant.
  • Proper nutrition when breastfeeding should be based on calorie counting (for nursing mothers daily norm- 2500 Kcal). It is not necessary to do this carefully and with fanaticism. A rough estimate is enough. This is necessary so that the woman has a clear idea of ​​how much she eats. This way you will definitely not gain extra pounds, and you will have enough energy to feed your child.
  • It is better to master nutrition while breastfeeding in advance. You can devote 2-3 weeks to this before giving birth, completely switching to a new menu and regimen. When the baby arrives, it will be easier to adapt to the new life.

How to cook food on GW

A mother's menu when breastfeeding should be predominantly dietary. In cooking, priority is given to methods such as boiling, stewing, steaming, and baking. Fried foods, grilling, deep frying will have to be left to other household members until the end of the GW.

What can you eat during breastfeeding? Approximate diet

Many women are in the grip of the stereotype that during breastfeeding almost nothing can be eaten, everything is prohibited. In fact, a strict diet is maintained only for the first weeks after childbirth. If you had a caesarean section, you will need to stick to food a little longer – a month to a month and a half after the birth of the child.

Menu for breastfeeding in the first weeks after birth

Since the newborn’s body is still very weak and not adapted to new food, in the first weeks you should select foods especially carefully. In addition, the woman herself is not ready to return to her usual diet. Often after the birth of the baby, the mother is plagued by complications such as constipation, hemorrhoids, stitches in the perineum or after surgery caesarean section. All these ailments require timely bowel movements without straining. Most medications are prohibited, so the problem will have to be solved by organizing proper nutrition.

What you can eat in the first week:

  • Light vegetable soups.
  • Stewed vegetables (zucchini, broccoli, green beans, cauliflower).
  • Fresh fermented milk products of normal fat content without dyes and sugar.
  • Low-fat cottage cheese.
  • Water-based porridge from gluten-free grains (corn, millet, buckwheat, rice, sorghum, quinoa).
  • Lean meat (beef, rabbit).
  • Drinks allowed are water and weak tea.

From the second week you can add:

  • Green and yellow apples.
  • Pears.
  • Bananas.
  • Cheeses of low-fat and unsalted varieties.
  • Dried fruits (dried apricots, raisins, prunes).
  • Fresh greens.

From the third week the following are added to the diet:

  • Whole grain bread and crispbreads.
  • Potato.
  • Pasta and cereals with gluten. Introduced into the diet carefully in small doses. If a negative reaction is noticed in a child, then they are excluded until the baby is six months old.
  • Vegetables you can add are carrots, cabbage, beets, and pumpkin.
  • You can add milk to porridge in a 1:1 ratio with water.

Absolutely all products must be well heat treated. The exception is fruits - apples and bananas.

Fruits must be washed thoroughly and doused with boiling water. It is better to peel the skin from apples.
This diet should be followed for a month. The diet looks quite strict, but you need to remember that this will only last 4-6 weeks.

Nutrition from the second month

The second month of breastfeeding is more gentle in terms of nutrition for a nursing woman, since the baby is already accustomed to the new food. From the second month you can add to the diet:

  • Low-fat fish (only in heat-treated form).
  • Nuts (except peanuts).
  • Low-fat pork.
  • Chicken meat without skin.
  • Turkey.
  • Eggs (no more than 1-2 per week, it’s better to start with quail).
  • Sour cream 15-20%.
  • Vegetables and fruits without heat treatment.
  • Compotes and fruit drinks from fresh berries.

Of course, all of these products should be administered carefully, starting with small doses. When the mother is convinced that the baby accepts new products well and no allergic reactions occur, you can gradually increase the amount of one or another product.

Sample menu nursing mother for a week, starting from the second month of breastfeeding

After the third month of breastfeeding, you can diversify your diet even more, but you should continue to eat right and not eat foods that are strictly prohibited.

What allowed foods can bring unpleasant surprises?

There are a number of products, the consumption of which can negatively affect the child. This is the exception rather than the rule, but it is better to be fully prepared.

Cottage cheese

Sometimes it happens that cottage cheese causes constipation in a child. If mommy has come to the conclusion that this product negatively affects the baby’s digestion, then it should not be consumed. In a few months you can return to it, most likely, the baby’s gastrointestinal tract will get stronger, and such troubles will not arise again. Constipation often occurs due to high-fat cottage cheese. Therefore, it is better to choose a fresh product with a fat content of up to 5%.


Red berries (strawberries, raspberries, blueberries) are especially dangerous. In the first months, many children react to them with rashes and redness on the skin. This does not mean that the product will be banned for the entire GW period. You’ll just need to return to them after the baby turns six months old.

Store-bought cookies

Many types of cookies are allowed when breastfeeding, but it is better to prepare them yourself at home, minimizing the sugar and fat content. Store-bought cookies are often not very good good composition, containing a lot of cheap vegetable fats and refined sugar. This food is difficult to digest and can cause abdominal pain and colic in the baby.


Rice is a good nutritious gluten-free food. It is allowed from the first days after birth, but if mother and child have problems with constipation, then this product should be avoided, as it will only worsen the situation.

Nutrition during breastfeeding. Strict prohibitions

There are a number of products that are strictly prohibited throughout the entire breastfeeding period. They should be completely excluded from the diet of a woman feeding a child. This list includes:

  • All alcoholic products. This also includes beer and low-alcohol cocktails.
  • Any carbonated drinks (even sparkling mineral water).
  • Fast food.
  • Snacks (salty crackers, chips, nuts, etc.).
  • Fatty and spicy sauces.
  • Mushrooms.
  • Hot and spicy seasonings, fresh onion, garlic. Lactation does not suffer from them, but the taste of the milk will change for the worse, which the baby may not like, and he will stop breastfeeding.
  • Margarine and spread.
  • Lard and fatty meats.
  • Sweets and chocolate.
  • Strong coffee.
  • Exotic (seafood, caviar, tropical fruits).
  • Citrus fruit.
  • Food instant cooking, semi-finished products, sausage products.
  • Canned food and pickles, including homemade ones.

Of course, no one can categorically prohibit a young mother from consuming these products during breastfeeding. In addition, there are many women who claim that they ate most of the items on this list, and the child suckled normally and gained weight. But if you are interested in the question of how to eat properly while breastfeeding and without risk to the baby, then these foods should be avoided.

What sweets are allowed during breastfeeding?

Many women cannot live without sweets. It is very difficult to deny yourself pleasure for the entire period of breastfeeding. And it is not necessary! There are a number of permitted sweets that, if consumed wisely, will not harm the baby:

  • Natural marshmallows and white marshmallows.
  • Dry biscuits.
  • Condensed milk without palm oil.
  • Natural marmalade without dyes or flavors.
  • Candied fruit.

Great attention should be paid to the quality of products when purchasing. Natural sweets are never cheap, you need to take this into account and carefully read the ingredients on the labels

It’s ideal if you have the opportunity to prepare healthy treats yourself.

It is better to eat sweets in the first half of the day so that you can observe the child’s reaction. In addition, with this regimen, calories will be consumed during the day, and sweets will not contribute to gaining extra pounds. A single dose of sweets in the diet should not exceed 50-70 g.

The period of breastfeeding is a time of restrictions and responsibility. By taking these few tips into account, the young mother will go through this time easily and with pleasure.

  • No need for strict restrictions! Of course, you shouldn’t eat everything, as many people advise, but keeping yourself within strict limits is unnecessary. Gradually, you can diversify your diet and introduce a variety of foods to make your food tasty and varied.
  • Nutrition for a nursing mother means eating proper and healthy food. It is good to perceive this period as a transition to healthy habits and a healthy lifestyle. You may not want to give up this diet after breastfeeding.
  • Proper nutrition is not all that is important during breastfeeding. Adequate physical exercise and walks in the fresh air help maintain shape and a good level of lactation, and are also an excellent prevention of constipation.
  • If you want to pamper yourself, you don’t have to eat your fill. A small piece of treat is enough to satisfy the desire.
  • A food diary is very useful, where mommy should write down everything she eats during the day. It is so easy to assess the amount of food eaten and identify allergens if the child has a negative reaction.
  • It’s good to show imagination and variety when preparing dishes. It’s good to arm yourself in advance with such assistants as a blender, a slow cooker and a double boiler.
  • When completing breastfeeding, it is necessary to reduce the daily amount of calories. This is necessary so as not to gain kilograms. The body spends 500-700 kcal to produce milk. If you continue to eat as before and do not breastfeed, then these calories will go into excess weight.

Breastfeeding is not as difficult as it seems at first glance. By following the rules of nutrition and a healthy lifestyle, you can not only provide your baby with the best food - breast milk - but also improve your body's health.

Breast milk is rich in proteins, carbohydrates, fatty compounds, vitamins, microelements and other nutrients. This abundance comes to the child from the mother's body. Therefore, it is very important to make a nursing mother’s diet correct, balanced, and varied to regularly replenish losses. The diet must be enriched with main food groups: a variety of fruits, bakery products, dairy products, vegetables, meat, fats, fish, berries.

Food for a nursing woman

The diet of a nursing mother must include:

  • Meat – rabbit, veal, turkey, skinless chicken. Meat dishes should be present in the diet every day in stewed, baked or boiled form.
  • Dairy products - cheese, fermented baked milk, yogurt, cottage cheese, plain yogurt, kefir. It is advisable for a nursing mother to eat them daily or every other day. It is forbidden to add jam, honey or sugar to dairy products, as this can cause severe gas formation.
  • Low-fat fish - pike perch, cod, pollock, flounder, hake.
  • Vegetables - broccoli, pumpkin, cauliflower, turnips, cucumbers. Prepare dishes from stew mixtures without adding oil. Before eating, add a little unrefined vegetable oil to the prepared vegetables.
  • Cereals - corn, buckwheat, rice, oatmeal.
  • Sweets – biscuits, marmalade, marshmallows, marshmallows.
  • Fats – butter, vegetable oil.
  • Pasta without egg additives.
  • Nuts - walnuts, almonds, hazelnuts in moderation two hours after the main meal.
  • Fruits - bananas, peeled apples, persimmons, apricots, pomegranates, cherries. It is not recommended for a nursing mother to eat such fruits on an empty stomach, or two hours after the main meal.
  • Drinks - herbal teas with thyme, oregano, mint, non-carbonated mineral water, fruit drinks, compotes, rosehip decoction.

Daily diet to increase lactation

Nutrition for a nursing mother has direct influence on the amount of milk that is produced in her body. If you don't eat well, the quality and quantity of your milk will suffer. How to increase lactation, what foods to eat? First, it is worth remembering that the daily diet should be 2500 kcal. You shouldn’t eat for two; you need to learn how to choose the right food.

To improve the quality of milk, daily include in your diet 200 g of meat or fish, a glass of kefir or milk, 100 g of cottage cheese, 30 g of hard cheese, that is, the emphasis in nutrition should be on protein-rich foods. If you supplement it with fruits, vegetables, and whole grain bread, lactation will increase and the body will be provided with all the necessary substances. It is also important to observe the correct drinking regime in the diet of a nursing mother. You should drink two liters of liquid per day.

Menu for a nursing mother in the first month: table

Nutrition in the first month of a nursing mother is very important for the child, since then the foundation of his health is laid. At first, the diet followed is strict, but gradually new dishes are included in it. They should be introduced carefully and gradually in order to have time to track the baby’s reaction to each product. At the same time, nutrition for a nursing mother should be equivalent in fats, proteins, carbohydrates, vitamin and mineral composition, calories and dietary fiber. For convenience, below is a table that describes in detail the diet of the first month.

Menu for a nursing mother in the first month

Authorized Products

Principles of nutrition

1-2 days Oatmeal with milk, vegetable soups, mashed potatoes, cutlets from lean fish and meat, stewed vegetables and meat, butter, yogurt, cottage cheese, sour cream, hard cheese, whole grain bread, kefir, fermented baked milk, dry cookies, weak tea, dried fruit compotes. The first days should be gentle in terms of nutrition. All products are stewed or boiled.
1st week Porridge with milk and water; stewed, boiled, steamed skinless chicken, rabbit, veal, beef, lean pork; stewed and boiled vegetables; soups with a second meat broth, vegetarian, without frying; fermented baked milk, cottage cheese, yogurt, kefir, cheese; rye-wheat, bran, wheat bread, dry biscuits; herbal teas for nursing mothers, compotes from apples and dried fruits, weak tea with a small amount of milk, boiled water. Dietary requirements remain the same strict. At this time, the nursing mother’s lactation begins to develop, so a nutritious diet is important. Breastfeeding mothers are prohibited from carbonated drinks, whole milk, yoghurts with fillers, strong tea, coffee, industrial juices and compotes.
7-14 days It is allowed to add boiled or baked white sea fish, eggs, mild hard cheese, pasta in limited quantities, crackers and bagels, dried apricots, and prunes to the diet. The rules remain just as strict. Each new product is introduced gradually.
Subsequent days until the end of the month It is allowed to add apricots, black currants, gooseberries, chokeberries, plums; yellow-green and green apples and pears, bananas; cucumbers, grated carrots, white cabbage, zucchini, parsley and dill; river and sea fish. The diet of nursing mothers is gradually expanding. You are allowed to add no more than one new product per day to keep up with the reaction infant. Fresh vegetables and fruits are slowly introduced, which provide microelements, vitamins, and dietary fiber to prevent the development of constipation and a healthy diet. It is mandatory for nursing mothers to consume meat and dairy products daily, and boiled eggs a couple of times a week.

Proper nutrition for a nursing mother by month

For proper nutrition, a nursing mother should keep a diary where you will record the time of the meal and everything that was included in it. This will allow you to track products and adjust your diet correctly. It is better to choose whole grains as the basis of your diet, such as buckwheat, oats or rice. Give preference to bread made from wholemeal flour. The diet of a nursing mother must be enriched with dairy products with a low percentage of fat. And fermented milk products should not contain fruit substitutes, dyes or sugar.

  • First month: we consume meat in moderation, otherwise it will negatively affect the functioning of the child’s liver and kidneys. Give preference to fish and poultry. The diet of a nursing mother should be devoid of sweet, spicy and salty foods, chips, red fruits, canned food, crackers and any products containing an excess of preservatives, stabilizers and emulsifiers.
  • In the second month, we gradually introduce barley, pearl barley and wheat porridge into the diet. You can cook them in low-fat milk with a piece butter. Vegetables include pumpkin, peppers, eggplant, turnips, carrots, beets, greens, and cabbage. Enrich the diet of a nursing mother with boiled beef tongue, pasta, crackers and cookies. Eat jam or preserves in moderation. The menu must contain fruits that grow in the region of your residence.
  • From the third to the sixth month, it is allowed to introduce fresh juices from beets, apples, carrots and pumpkins, fresh onions and honey into the diet.
  • From the sixth month, gradually add legumes, beans, veal and beef, seafood, fresh fruit, dried white bread, and fruit juices to the diet of a nursing mother. During this period, complementary foods are usually introduced to the baby, so you are allowed to experiment a little with products. Remember that a child’s allergies do not appear immediately after the first introduction of new foods. For example, you ate beet salad and the baby is fine the next day. But after the second intake of the same salad, diathesis may appear. Therefore, each dish must undergo double or even triple testing.

Diet for a mother with colic in a child

Nutrition for a nursing mother with colic in a child should be balanced. It should contain carbohydrates, proteins, vitamins, fats, and microelements in sufficient quantities. The calorie content of the diet is 2500 kcal, which allows you to produce the required amount of milk, and at the same time will not harm the mother’s figure. The drinking regime includes two liters of liquid, represented by green and black weak tea, drinking water.

If the baby has colic, industrial juices, carbonated drinks, sweet, salty and fatty foods are prohibited for nursing mothers. You shouldn’t get too carried away with homemade juices either. Foods that provoke increased gas formation are strictly contraindicated for a nursing mother: chocolate, legumes, cabbage, whole milk, mushrooms, onions and garlic.

Nursing mothers are allowed to eat vegetables only in baked, stewed or boiled form and only in white or green color. Before consumption, apples are peeled and baked in the oven. Dairy products should be removed from the diet for a while, but kefir can be left in the diet. Their return to the diet should be gradual, while at the same time you need to monitor the baby’s reaction.

Drinking regime during lactation

To maintain normal breastfeeding, it is important for a nursing mother to follow the correct drinking regime. You should drink at least two liters of fluid per day. Immediately after birth, large amounts of water should not be administered. Before breastfeeding, when colostrum is produced, the amount of fluid consumed is limited to one liter. Otherwise, when you start producing milk, you will have an excess of it, which will make it difficult to separate.

Nursing mothers should avoid whole milk in their diet. It contains foreign proteins, which can provoke the development of allergies in the baby. Industrial juices should be completely excluded, and homemade juices should be consumed in moderation. In the drinking regimen of a nursing mother, include non-carbonated mineral water, broths, yogurt, kefir, fermented baked milk, yoghurts, dried fruit compotes, herbal infusions and decoctions.

What not to eat during breastfeeding

  • Sweet pastries and chocolate.
  • Canned foods.
  • Strong coffee and tea.
  • Carbonated drinks.
  • Semi-finished products.
  • Horseradish, mustard.
  • Soft cheeses, blue cheeses.
  • Garlic, hot pepper.
  • Mayonnaise and hot sauces.
  • Fried meat, kebabs.
  • Smoked sausages.
  • Salo.
  • Cocoa.
  • Cheremsha.
  • Pollock and cod caviar.
  • Spicy herring, squid, mussels, octopus in sauce and other fish delicacies.

The ban on such products for nursing mothers is due to the fact that they can harm the milk (make it very salty, bitter, spicy), provoke heartburn, allergies, and colic in the baby. In general, when breastfeeding, it is necessary to monitor each dish: what is harmful to one child will not have an effect on another. Broccoli, cabbage, beans, onions, peas, coffee, and dairy products can cause bloating and colic. Nuts, citrus fruits, eggs, chocolate can provoke allergies, so during the first months you should not overuse these products.

Remember that initially nursing mothers should not give up the entire list of foods that can have a negative impact on the baby, otherwise you simply will have nothing to eat. Try foods you like in small doses while keeping an eye on your baby. Introduce these dishes one by one, gradually. And if, for example, after consuming stewed cabbage If your child starts to feel bloated, then avoid this dish for at least a month.

Video: mother’s nutrition while breastfeeding - Dr. Komarovsky

The topic of the video below is a woman’s varied diet. It tells about five food groups that are the basis of a complete diet. In addition, the doctor talks about people’s misunderstanding of the term “varied diet.”

No more in the world beautiful picture than a mother holding a newborn baby. The most important person in the world for a newborn child is the mother. She loves the baby, takes care of him and can give him something that no other person can. Mother's breast milk. Much has been said about its benefits, but what should a mother eat and do in order to enjoy the process of feeding her little miracle for as long as possible?

  • Early breastfeeding in the first hours after birth.
  • Staying together between mother and child (in the same room).
  • Correct positioning of mother and baby during feeding.
  • Do not deprive your baby of night feeding.
  • Avoid bottle-feeding your newborn and give up pacifiers.
  • The frequency and duration of feedings is regulated by the child.
  • You should not give your child more to drink (except during the hot season).
  • Apply the baby to the second breast only after he has completely sucked the first.

Successful breastfeeding needs to be addressed before birth.
And now you are holding the baby in your arms. Mom now needs to take care not only of caring for him, but also of feeding him properly. For all children, the best nutrition a mother can provide in the first year of life is breastfeeding for at least 6 months.

Not all organs are mature at birth; these include the brain, liver and kidneys. The brain and liver, even if artificially fed, will mature sooner or later. But the buds will not be mature and strong enough. And of course, milk must be clean (without foreign microflora), tasty and safe. So, let's consider all the factors affecting the quality of breast milk.

Foreign microflora in milk

Since the baby’s intestines are sterile at birth, it is necessary to exclude any supplementary feeding and water supplementation. All microflora contained in the air will inevitably come with bottle feeding. And 100% sterility cannot be achieved even in a maternity hospital. Only you, by feeding your baby with your milk, will seed the baby’s intestines with the correct microflora. Therefore, everything that enters the mother’s body must be thermally treated (boiled, or at least scalded). Dairy and fermented milk products only fresh for a period of time shelf life up to 3 days; for storage beyond this period, foreign microflora is added.

Delicious milk

A mother can give her child something that no one else can - breast milk.

It is possible and not so difficult. Mom should exclude the following foods: smoked meats, marinades, canned food, spices, spicy, highly salted foods. A small amount of sweets will provide a pleasant taste, and the sweetest thing is mother’s love, warm breast and gentle touch.

Safe milk

The most important thing is safety.

  1. Under no circumstances should a mother take drugs, alcohol, or cigarettes throughout breastfeeding; chocolate, citrus fruits, strawberries, and honey are strictly limited.
  2. All products containing artificial colors are excluded.
  3. Sort vegetables and fruits by color: red ones are not allowed, yellow ones are very carefully (it is better to exclude them, especially the first 6 months), green ones are ok.
  4. Boiled meat (ideally double boiled). If these are minced meat products, then the frying is light, only to hold the shape and it is cooked or steamed as much as possible. The meat should be lean, preferably poultry.
  5. It is better to exclude fish in the first weeks. You can only eat seafood with white meat.
  6. Almost all cereals can be eaten, with the exception of legumes.
  7. Pay attention to sweets. Reduce to a minimum: firstly, they cause mucus in the stool, and secondly, some sweets contribute to gas formation. For example, baked goods cause colic and constipation, sugar in large quantities– mucus in the stool, fatty cookies – constipation. Cookies should be lean: biscuits and not salted.

Drinking regime

You need to drink a lot - up to 2 liters per day. You can reduce the water load for 3–4 days, as milk begins to flow, but then it is important to return to the original figure. You can drink weak sweet tea, jelly, compotes (from dried fruits). Decoctions of herbs (nettle, yarrow, shepherd's purse, thyme, parsley - these herbs improve lactation).

Drinks and foods that improve lactation

The simplest and most proven is black or green tea with milk (not fatty). It is better to drink it 20-30 minutes before feeding.
Uzvars are compotes of dried fruits with a small amount of sugar (apples, pears, prunes, dried apricots). This drink contains many vitamins and makes stool easier.
Herb tea. Dill (seeds), anise, cumin, nettle, oregano, yarrow, lemon balm, hawthorn (1 tablespoon) are poured into a glass of hot boiling water and infused for 2 hours. You can take herbs separately or together. Take half a glass 2 times a day. Use dill and anise carefully: they can cause an allergic reaction.
You can also buy ready-made herbal teas for nursing mothers in pharmacies.
Juices good diversify your drinking regime: carrot, currant, blackthorn. The main thing is that these juices should be without preservatives and diluted with water in a 1:1 ratio.

Lactogenic products

Adyghe cheese is recommended for use by nursing mothers as a product that improves lactation.

These include meat broths and soups, carrots (in their pure form, as well as in any dishes), seeds, nuts (can cause allergies, and some can cause gas in a child), milk and fermented milk products, Adyghe cheese, feta cheese.
You can prepare a vitamin mass. Mix raisins, dried apricots, prunes, figs, walnuts (peeled) in equal parts, you can add honey. Take 30 minutes before feeding.
Oatmeal with dried apricots. Buckwheat is dry, it can be fried in a frying pan and eaten like seeds.
Watermelons improve lactation well. But be careful with the first fruits: you can be poisoned by them.
Leaf salad with green dill with the addition of olive oil or sour cream is not only tasty, but also useful for mothers in the first month.

Nutrition after natural childbirth

First two days

  • Chicken broth (second broth).
  • Porridge with water (preferably buckwheat or oatmeal with a small addition of vegetable oil).
  • Boiled beef or poultry (chicken without skin and boiled twice).
  • Wholemeal bread or crispbread.
  • Drink as much as possible – up to 2 liters of liquid per day.

From 3 days

Let's stop drinking a lot. Liquid volume – up to 1 liter.

Add to the menu:

  • Vegetarian soups, with a small amount of potatoes.
  • Fruit (baked apple).
  • Steamed or baked vegetables.
  • One glass of milk or dairy products.
  • Porridge (whole grain cereals).
  • You can include bran in your diet to prevent constipation.

From 7 days

We expand the diet and add:

  • Meat broths.
  • Brown rice
  • Boiled fish.
  • Cottage cheese.
  • Fresh fruits and vegetables (safe).
  • We return to the original volume of liquid - 2–2.5 liters per day.

From 21 days after birth, the baby’s intestinal microflora has already been formed, so the diet expands even further. Of course, without enthusiasm: you need to introduce one new product for 2-3 days and monitor the child’s stool, gases and skin (for an allergic reaction).

Nutrition after caesarean section

First day

Due to the surgical intervention, the woman spent the first day in the intensive care unit. The child is bottle-fed at this time. You can only drink, it is better if it is still mineral water with the addition of a small amount of lemon. After the operation, the woman receives all nutrients in IVs.

Second day

The woman is transferred to the general ward. Low-fat broths and cereals without sugar can be included in the diet. Eating 6-7 times a day in small portions. Drinking regime unchanged.

The third day

Add cottage cheese, souffle, boiled meat (preferably minced through a meat grinder or blender). Eating 5-6 times a day. From the drink, add unsweetened tea, compote, rosehip decoction, liquid jelly. It is better to limit the single volume of food to 70–100 ml.

Fourth day

Compote of dried fruits (dried apples and prunes) will improve the immunity of a nursing mother, make her stool easier and, most importantly, will not cause allergies in the newborn.

On this day there should be an independent bowel movement. If available, you can expand the diet to the diet of a nursing mother after natural birth. It is necessary to pay attention to the fact that it is better to introduce solid foods gradually, and too hot and cold dishes are undesirable.

Second week and beyond

A woman’s diet in the second week after a cesarean section and after a natural birth is the same.

But don’t forget that you shouldn’t eat everything. A young mother should understand that modern newborns initially have an increased allergic background. This is due to the quality of the foods that mothers ate during pregnancy and long before its onset. In Soviet times, even simple bread was made from flour, yeast and water. In modern bread, leavening agents, flavor improvers, etc. are added to the old ingredients. Don’t forget about the environment: even in small towns it is not the same as it was 15–20 years ago.

Breastfeeding is beneficial not only for the baby, but also for the mother. This is a good prevention of breast cancer.
Proper nutrition of the mother is important during breastfeeding. Sleep and rest patterns are also important. Mom needs to get enough sleep, she must have the strength to produce milk and to feed herself. You should wear comfortable clothes and underwear that do not compress your chest.

Mom needs to be as nervous as possible. Admire your miracle, take care of it. May you have only positive emotions in the first month of your baby’s life!

Breastfeeding brings changes to a woman's lifestyle, and at first glance it may seem that the changes entail significant restrictions. But in fact, the restrictions depend on the health status of the mother and baby and, with a competent approach to organizing and feeding, can be minimal and not burdensome.

Breastfeeding experts assure that every woman can breastfeed a child, since the amount of milk does not depend on the shape of the breast or heredity. What is important is the mother’s psychological attitude and feeding the baby on demand.

Diet of a nursing mother

What to limit

First of all, it is necessary to limit obvious allergens. The main products that cause allergic reactions in children are chocolate, citrus fruits, strawberries, honey, and seafood. This doesn't mean you shouldn't eat them at all. If you are in doubt about whether or not to try an orange or a chocolate bar, eat a little and watch your baby’s reaction. If there are no skin rashes or changes in bowel habits, eat these foods calmly. The child’s reaction will always tell you whether this food is suitable or whether it is better to hold off on strawberries, red fish and tangerines.

It is also worth limiting, and in some cases completely eliminating from the diet:

  • alcohol;
  • drinks containing a lot of sugar - carbonated drinks and packaged juices;
  • coffee: in addition to the fact that caffeine can cause anxiety in the baby and problems with sleep, it has a diuretic effect and removes fluid from the mother’s body;
  • spicy, smoked and salty dishes: pickles and marinades, on the contrary, retain fluid in the body, and spicy dishes can worsen taste qualities milk. Monitor your child's reaction: if after eating curry with exotic spices, your child's sleep has worsened or your baby is nervous at the breast, it is better not to experiment yet;
  • products with preservatives and dyes - while affecting the taste of milk, they can also cause allergic reactions in the child.

Daily routine while breastfeeding

The main thing about the daily routine when breastfeeding is that there is no clear routine. In the first months, the baby and mother adapt to each other's needs. But in order not to become exhausted, a woman must find an opportunity for rest and sleep, sacrificing household chores or social activity. Whether a mother gets enough sleep depends on her well-being and willingness to happily care for her baby. You can rest during the feedings themselves, sleep next to the baby during the baby's sleep, or while one of your relatives is walking with the baby.

If you have the opportunity to accept the help of loved ones or household assistants, do not refuse it by taking on exorbitant responsibilities for putting things in perfect order or preparing complex dishes. Having your family involved in your home life will be a big help while you focus on getting things going.

Right now, in the first weeks, it is important to put your baby to the breast as often as he wants. A simple law comes into play here: by latching on to the breast, the baby stimulates milk production and gradually establishes the frequency of feedings that he needs. It may seem that in the first months the baby suckles not only to eat, but also for self-soothing, and this is true. But over time, frequent attachments will pass and acquire a regularity that is convenient for the baby, and he himself will show more and more interest in the world.

And on this moment let your main priorities be healthy eating, sleep, walks in the fresh air and lack of stress. Let grandiose plans and career achievements wait a little while life with your baby settles into an understandable rhythm and you learn to distribute your forces. Everything is just beginning: allow yourself and your child to be together as often as possible, because this precious time is a gift that is worth enjoying.



Surprisingly, the article gives advice on nutrition for a nursing mother, but does not take into account the fact that the baby may have colic. In this case, you will have to exclude some of the products recommended in the article. You may also have lactase deficiency, and then you will have to exclude from your diet everything that may contain cow protein (and all its components, and this is a drop-dead large amount of products).

Comment on the article "Nutrition for a nursing mother. The first month and beyond"

A nursing mother needs to follow a diet for the first 2 months. And then gradually she can eat it. Nutrition for a nursing mother. First month and beyond. First month and beyond. Breastfeeding: diet, regimen in the first months - useful tips nursing mother.

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Nutrition for a nursing mother. First month and beyond. For example, Lactaphytol® herbal tea contains fennel fruits, anise, caraway seeds and nettle leaves in the correct ratio; it is very nourishing for mothers during breastfeeding. Pears don't give you real constipation, but apples do...

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Diet of a nursing mother. Nutrition, introduction of complementary foods. A child from birth to one year. Caring for and raising a child up to one year old: nutrition, illness But, for a couple of days now, I’m sorry, I’ve been experiencing terrible constipation. Menu for a nursing mother. For sweets, it is better to use marshmallows, marmalade...

What can a nursing mother eat?": Nutrition for a nursing mother. The first month and beyond. Breastfeeding: diet, regimen in the first months - useful tips for a nursing mother. The main foods that cause allergic reactions in children...

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Daily routine and nutrition of a nursing mother. Menu for a nursing mother. Menu for a nursing mother. Kotya, tell me what exactly you ate on your menu, my Sashulya is allergic, I don’t know why, what foods can I make up my daily diet. diet for breastfeeding in the first weeks.

Menu for a nursing mother. Nutrition during breastfeeding. Losing weight after childbirth. Menu for a nursing mother. Mother's nutrition during breastfeeding. He is simply allergic to milk and milk; I don’t give it... a diet for breastfeeding in the first weeks.

They say that in order to avoid allergies/diathesis in a child, the mother must follow a certain diet during the first months of 2-4 breastfeeding - do not eat red fruits, etc. Tell me a more precise list - what is possible and what is not, and Nutrition for a nursing mother. First month and beyond.

diet of a nursing mother. Increased lactation. A child from birth to one year. Care and education of a child up to one year: nutrition, illness, development. If it’s for weight loss\, then this recipe was published here a few months ago Diet for nursing mothers: in the morning - 1 piece of bread with...

” №8/2007 03.12.12

The baby was born, and now your main task is to provide him with full-fledged breast milk.

The diet of a nursing mother must be complete. Not only does a woman need to regain her strength and health after pregnancy and childbirth. The quality of her milk depends entirely on nutrition during breastfeeding. The daily routine is also very important: it is advisable that breakfast, lunch, afternoon snack and dinner always take place at the same time.

Nutrition during breastfeeding. What can a nursing mother do?

If you breastfeed your baby exclusively for several months, it means you are producing a huge amount of milk - about 1 liter per day. This takes away 10 g of protein, 70 g of lactose, 40 g of fat, 800 kilocalories. To ensure that milk continues to be produced in required quantities, such costs of the body must be immediately compensated with the help of nutrition during breastfeeding. Therefore, you should eat, and most importantly, drink more than usual. Especially do not forget that it is important for you to receive an increased amount of any liquid - this could be tea, juice, water.

Your food should be tasty and varied. Make sure that your daily menu includes dishes prepared from products of all groups. These are dairy, meat, fish products, cereals, fruits, vegetables, sweets.

You also need to ensure that your body gets dietary fiber through nutrition during breastfeeding– coarse bread, prunes, raw vegetables. They are very useful because during lactation you may have a tendency to constipation, so you need to help cleanse your intestines.

You should also take vitamins while breastfeeding. But watch how the child reacts to them. If he doesn't get a rash or a tummy ache, be sure to continue drinking them. The usual recommended vitamin complexes, as well as special vitamin and mineral complexes for pregnant and lactating women, are suitable for you.

What should a nursing mother not do?

A nursing mother should definitely limit the consumption of foods that can harm the baby's health. Their list, unfortunately, is quite long.

You need to exclude from your diet the entire group of allergenic foods: peanuts, citrus fruits, tropical fruits, strawberries, raspberries, bananas, mackerel, crayfish, shrimp, chocolate, chocolate candies.

You should also avoid anything that irritates the gastric mucosa, since nutrition during breastfeeding easily pass into the blood, and from there into milk. These are products containing significant amounts of extractives (fish and meat broths); containing large amounts of organic acids (sour apples, cherries, cranberries, pickled and pickled vegetables and fruits); containing in large quantities essential oils(garlic and onion); products high in sugar, salt, food colorings and food additives (sweet curd cheeses, curd pastes, sweet soft drinks, smoked sausage, salted and smoked fish, pickles).

Kefir, milk, yoghurts are recommended only “pure”, that is, not containing fruit additives. IN as a last resort, choose those supplemented with neutral fruits - apple or pear. After all, it is unknown how your child will react to yogurt, say, with passion fruit. Maybe everything will go fine, or maybe he will develop digestive problems or a rash.

Alcoholic beverages should not be consumed while breastfeeding.

Drugs that increase lactation

It is useful for a nursing mother to use special lactation stimulants. These are teas made from cumin, anise, and fennel. Homeopathic preparations are also produced that increase the level of prolactin in the blood, the main hormone that regulates milk production in the female body.

There are also special nutrition during breastfeeding, which increases lactation, made from cow's milk, as well as goat's milk with the addition of vitamins and minerals. It is produced both here, in Russia, and abroad.

Acupressure breast massage helps increase the amount of milk and maintain lactation, warm shower and especially the “on demand” feeding regime established by the child himself.

How to maintain lactation

In order for your body to produce full-fledged milk, you must follow healthy image life and diet, ensure proper sleep and good mood, good nutrition during breastfeeding. A calm and friendly atmosphere in the family and the help of loved ones are very important.

But the most great importance has your positive attitude: you must, both during pregnancy and after childbirth, constantly convince yourself that you are capable of feeding your baby with your own milk, that this is both pleasant and useful for both - mother and baby. Scientists know that the percentage of congenital hypogalactia (lack of milk) is only 4-5 percent. It turns out that almost all women can breastfeed!