Plan for celebrating a woman's 55th birthday. The best table games and congratulations for a woman’s anniversary “Everything for you”

The 55th anniversary is an important date for women, as it is not only an anniversary, but also a retirement date. It is extremely important that the holiday leaves only pleasant memories, and that the hero of the day feels loved, needed and still beautiful. In the anniversary scenario, there should not be a drop of despondency, congratulations should be spectacular, and gifts should be beautiful and appropriate for the date.

A good option would be to remind the hero of the day what heights she has reached at the age of 55, guiding her and the guests through her entire life, starting from childhood. The script should be funny, contain jokes, humor, competitions, and of course, you can’t do without congratulations, preferably in verses that praise the hero of the occasion.

Let's give an example of a congratulations script for the 55th anniversary. To hold it, we will need any cozy place where you can freely hold competitions and dance, a cafe or restaurant is perfect for this, or as an option, spend the anniversary at home, because home and native walls help .
Leading: I've seen a lot in my life,
But you're not tired yet,
You'll still rock!
You will still have a rest!
Our dear birthday girl! Today all your friends and family have gathered at this festive table to congratulate you on this magnificent date - 55 years. And here's the first surprise for you.
Oriental music starts, a man in a burqa comes out - ( Muham). He holds a photo album in his hands. (This can be any relative)
Muham: Ashkalaraba, pokisutirpa and klintirop ahta.
The presenter translates.
Leading: Hello! My name is Muham. I came from a distant magical land.
Muham: Arnest Koldiyam Puraji Chateau.
Leading: I brought this wonderful photo album, but all the photographs disappeared from here.
Muham: ontripok pipim nakhtu.
Leading: I learned that you can return these photographs if you combine all your strengths together.
The gong sounds.
Muham: Ay danih ruken.
Leading: Well, I have to go. Good luck!
Mukham hurriedly leaves, leaving behind the photo album. While running away he drops a leaf. Leading lifts him up. (The man who played Muhama can safely change clothes and join the table.)
Leading: And here are the tasks! But first I want to play with you

COMPETITION: Question and answer

The host asks questions about the hero of the day to the guests.

  • On what day of the week was the birthday girl born?
  • His data at the time of birth (weight, height);
  • Where did it happen;
  • What time of day;
  • What was the name of the teacher in the kindergarten where the hero of the day went;
  • Her favorite toy;
  • Best friend at school;
  • What is her math grade on her certificate?
  • What is her education?
  • Where was her first day of work?
  • Where the hero of the day met her future husband;
  • When the birthday girl got married;
  • What was the weather like on the wedding day?
  • The exact ages of her children;
  • The birthday girl's favorite food;
  • Favorite song;
  • What is the size of her summer cottage?
  • What kind of trees grow there?

Leading: Well done everyone! And now I suggest you take a little rest and think about how we can get the photos back.

(Break 20 minutes) – For guests to have a snack.

Leading: Well, now it’s time for the first task. Since we remembered all the bright moments of our hero of the day, I propose to return her childhood photographs and remember what it was like to be little.


The congratulations scene involves a guest who will portray the hero of the day as a little girl. The props are an attribute, a baby drawn or printed on whatman paper and a cut out area of ​​the head where the hero of the day will stick his head to participate in the action. While the presenter reads the poem, the participants are fooling around.
Here comes the little baby!
So cute and graceful,
He woke up and yawned.
And then he ran.
Hooligan out of boredom
Showed everyone their tongues
He modestly waved his hand
I became sad and became happy.
I cried a little and then
Laughed all day.
Spun, spun
Doesn't sit still
He stomped his feet
Hands patted
Smiled and sneezed
Then he fell asleep before everyone else.
So cute, that's a joy.
Do you recognize the hero of the day?
Leading: Thank you very much for this wonderful baby (Thanks guest)

Leading: Well, here we are on the right track!
Shows a photo album.
Leading: Well, it's time for the next competition. What's our next task?! Let's think about what Raisa Alexandrovna was like at 10 years old?
The guests shout out their suggestions, and the hero of the day gives suggestions.
Leading: Well, let's imagine this. What songs and poems did you tell at school? But I won't complicate the task much.


The male half of the guests are invited, they sit on chairs like bunnies, and ears are placed on their heads. The presenter distributes the words of the song to the bunnies. To the tune of the song “Tell me, Snow Maiden” from the cartoon “Well, wait a minute!”

(First to sing)
I've been in love with a beauty for a long time,
(The second one sings)
But she is deprived of her attention!
(Third sings)
I've been dreaming about her for years,
(The fourth one sings)
But for some reason I have no luck!
Come on, attention
No, he says, wait!
Turn on us!
No, he says
No, he says
(The fifth one sings)
Who is this beauty, tell me!
(First to sing)
Who is this beauty, show me!
(The second one sings)
Well, this riddle is not difficult:
(Third sings)
It's the birthday girl - here she is!

Leading: Thank you, bunny boys, for such a touching confession!
While the guests laugh and discuss, the host discreetly inserts photographs of the first page into the album, where the hero of the day is under 5 years old.

(Break 20 min)

Leading: I suggest playing a game. Since our birthday girl is 55 years old, let’s name exactly 55 compliments for her. The main thing is not to repeat yourself. And whoever can’t tell will drop out of the game, and at the end of the game he will confess his love for the birthday girl, since they couldn’t say compliments.


While the guests laugh and discuss, the host discreetly inserts photographs of the first page into the album, where the hero of the day is under 15 years old.

Leading: Well, here we are adult life. Institute, sessions, exams. Let's help our hero of the day remember these wonderful years.


The presenter asks illogical riddles.

    • How long did the Hundred Years' War last?
    • In what country were Panama hats invented?
      1. Brazil
      2. Panama
      3. Ecuador
    • In what month is the October Revolution celebrated?
      1. January
      2. September
      3. October
      4. November
    • What is the name of King George 6th?
      1. Albert
      2. George
      3. Manuel
    • What animal does the name of the Canary Islands come from?
      1. Canary
      2. Kangaroo
      3. Seal
      4. Rat

The answers, as expected, differ from those that might seem logical to you:

  1. The Hundred Years' War lasted 116 years: from 1337 to 1453.
  2. Panama hats were invented in Ecuador.
  3. The October Revolution is celebrated in November.
  4. King George's name is Albert. He changed it in 1936.
  5. The name of the Canary Islands comes from the seal.

While the guests laugh and discuss, the host discreetly inserts photographs of the first page into the album, where the hero of the day is under 20 years old.
Leading: 25 years – this one best age. Young, active, so I suggest stretching our bones a little.


The host starts the famous game of “Streams”, the more participants, the better. The game is played to fast music. Suddenly the music stops and all pairs must quickly switch with each other; the one who is left without a partner performs a simple task (for example, kiss the birthday girl, or say a beautiful toast). Then the game continues.
While the guests laugh and discuss, the host discreetly inserts photographs of the first page into the album, where the hero of the day is under 25 years old.
(Musical break 5 minutes)
Leading: And we continue. Different situations happened to our hero of the day, especially at the age of 30. I suggest repeating them.


Participants are encouraged to find an original way out of non-standard situations. It is advisable to play this out.
Examples of non-standard situations:
What to do if you accidentally sit on a birthday cake?
What should you do if you were bringing a porcelain vase to a friend as a gift and accidentally broke it?
What to do if your loved one and your best friend celebrate their birthday on the same day?
What to do if you remembered that it’s your birthday only 10 minutes before the guests arrive?
What to do if several guests (by an amazing coincidence) gave you the same gifts?
While the guests laugh and discuss, the host discreetly inserts photographs of the first page into the album, where the hero of the day is under 30 years old.
Leading: It’s been a long time since we congratulated our hero of the day. I suggest doing this in an original way.


The presenter asks the first phrase. For example: Our birthday girl is the most beautiful... The next guest must continue the phrase in rhyme. To make a poem.
While the guests laugh and discuss, the host discreetly inserts photographs of the first page into the album, where the hero of the day is under 35 years old.
(Break 20 min)
Leading: So many good congratulations
Sounds today, on the anniversary!
Life is a series of moments
Let there be more of them in it!


The presenter reads out real and fictitious facts from the life of the hero of the day when she was 40 years old, his real and fictitious habits, passions, etc., alternating them. If the phrase is true, then the contestants should clap their hands. If the stated fact is unreal, then they stomp their feet. Those who know the hero of the day best, who clap and stomp on time, win the competition.
While the guests laugh and discuss, the host discreetly inserts photographs of the first page into the album, where the hero of the day is up to 40 years old.
Leading: Today everything is for our birthday girl, she is a guest, a hostess and a boss. But I want to invite her to serve as a jury. The jury of the dance battle, where the younger generation will compete with the older generation.


The host divides the guests into generations and turns on modern music, the first to dance older generation. Afterwards, for the modern generation, music from the eighties is turned on and young people try to dance to it. And who better to determine the hero of the day.
While the guests laugh and discuss, the host discreetly inserts photographs of the first page into the album, where the hero of the day is under 45 years old.
Leading: Let it be something kind and good
Every hour will be marked
And what seemed impossible
May it be fulfilled more than once!


The presenter shows the guests a photo album of the hero of the day and asks one of them to name the page number. The most interesting photo from this page the participant is asked to film it, that is, show a scene with the continuation of the situation in the selected photo. The author or authors of the most fun and unusual scene wins.
While the guests laugh and discuss, the host discreetly inserts photographs of the first page into the album, where the hero of the day is up to 50 years old.
The man who was dressing up as Muhama is dressing up again. And he comes out with a bouquet of flowers.
Muham: aprinogi imtolv igal
Leading: So you have passed all the tests.
Muham: itongo imatiy gorniy
Leading: And I hope that the photographs of today will be in this album, as the best anniversary of 55 years. Happy holiday!
Muham gives flowers and a photo album to the birthday girl!
Then the holiday continues with a feast or dancing.

Slideshow of photographs of the hero of the day

During breaks and throughout the anniversary celebration, for guests of the holiday, photographs from the life of the birthday girl can be shown in the background.

A birthday is a great occasion to bring the whole family together, sit in a cozy circle of loved ones and have a blast. And if this is also a significant date - a woman’s 55th birthday, the script should be funny and cool to make the holiday truly unforgettable. It is necessary to organize it correctly, and the first step is a modern, interesting scenario.

If you are already thinking about organizing a holiday for your beloved wife, mother or grandmother, then below you will find original options hosting this event that will please all guests. At such a holiday, neither work colleagues nor small children will be bored, and the impressions of such a 55th anniversary will remain with everyone for a long, long time.

55 years is a wonderful date, as they say, at this time life is just beginning, acquiring all possible shapes and colors. Next to the birthday girl are loving children and grandchildren, as well as many reliable, time-tested friends.

With a sense of humor and a little creativity, even at home you can organize fun party having prepared in advance cool script anniversary for a woman at 55 years old. You don't need many props for this. All you need is some space, depending on how many guests you're expecting.

  • Props are specified separately for each competition.
  • Hints for the presenter are in italics
  • Prepare small prizes for competition winners

You can always use scrap materials to give a room at home or a cafe room a new and fresh look. Attach large fabric bows to regular chairs. Throw a lot of balloons filled with helium into the room, and you can attach small leaflets with wishes to the loose ends of the ties.

Don't forget about the flowers your birthday girl loves most. Let her be surprised by an armful of luxurious roses or a basket of hyacinths from the very morning.

In order to surprise the hero of the day from the first minutes of the holiday, blindfold her and lead her into the hall where all the guests will be waiting for her. Let her feel like she was a child again. Dress up your guests in party hats. Even if your guest is the director of a large enterprise, a formal accessory will not harm his status. Stock up on firecrackers, let everything be bright, colorful and cheerful.

Scenario for 55th anniversary

Leading: On this wonderful day, we all gathered here to celebrate our wife, grandmother, friend and just a wonderful person - our birthday girl (name). On this day a new page of her life begins, and we are sure that it will be written only in bright colors.
(It will be good if your script for a woman’s 55th birthday is funny and mischievous; everyone loves to have fun, so feel free to use all sorts of extraordinary techniques, for example, such as below).

But I can’t start our holiday without my helpers. So now I will select two groups of three people. (chooses)

So, the first group is analysts. Your task is to carefully ensure that no one has an empty glass.

And our second group is a group of practitioners. You will monitor whether everyone has drunk.
Well, my faithful assistants, I ask you to begin fulfilling your duties. Now that our glasses are filled to the very brim, I want to give the first congratulatory word to the husband of our charming hero of the day (name)! He tried his best to make the 55th anniversary of his beloved woman unforgettable, so let’s support him with loud applause!

Happy anniversary to a woman (by name)

Congratulations to my husband

Anniversary wife's birthday!
I want to wish at this hour -
Don't guess on the coffee grounds.
We will have joy and happiness!

There will be bright moments of life,
Our destiny will be successful!
Worries pass by,
When you and I go together!
(At this time, flowers are brought out, which the husband hands to the birthday girl)

Holiday Charter

Leading: I see that serious people have gathered at our table, so how can we do without the charter of our holiday?

    So, today it is allowed:
  1. Have crazy fun
  2. Dance until you drop
  3. Tell the funniest and most intimate stories
  4. Be an active participant in competitions, using all parts of the body
  5. Tasting food and drinks
  • Saying “I can’t”, “I don’t want”, “I won’t”
  • Sit and be sad

AND Additional Information According to our charter: gifts for the birthday girl are accepted throughout the current month and cannot be returned!

And now, to make your eyes sparkle, we want you to have a little refreshment! (inviting guests to the table)

Competition No1 for knowledge of the hero of the day

Leading: Well, let’s leave the goodies aside and let’s check how well we know our hero of the day.

(the host takes turns asking the guests the following questions about the birthday girl):

  1. On what day of the week was (name) born?
  2. What would our birthday girl never eat?
  3. Favorite color of the hero of the day?
  4. What idol did she have as a teenager?
  5. Who was her first love?
  6. What animals did she have?
  7. What is the funniest incident in the life of the birthday girl you remember?
  8. Favorite song of the hero of the day?
  9. What hairstyle did she have in her teenage years?
  10. Funniest childhood incident?
  11. Favorite and least favorite school lesson?
  12. Which cartoon character do you see as our birthday girl?

Leading: Let's raise our filled glasses to our dear birthday girl, and the floor for congratulations is given to the children of our hero of the day. After all, it is with these very dear people that all the warm and tender memories are connected.

Congratulations to the children:

(example) Congratulations, mom, on your anniversary. At 55 years old, may the wave of your success and optimism be high and undiminished, may good health, strong strength and cheerful inspiration allow you to carry out everything you plan, may the beating of your heart always be happy and your soul inspired by the love of loved ones.

Leading: It’s not for nothing that they say that children are the flowers of life, just look at how much joy and warmth they bring to our birthday girl! But, of course, we cannot forget about our youngest guests of the celebration, who cannot wait to wish their beloved grandmother all the brightest and most joyful!

Congratulations from grandson (granddaughter):

(example) Happy birthday, Grandma! As long as I can remember, so have you. And you have always been the most affectionate, kind, attentive and caring for me! Your pies are the most rosy and sweet, and your fairy tales are the most interesting! I wish you for long years, and so that every day will be special for you, full of good events!

Leading: So let’s raise our glasses so that all wishes will certainly come true, and the joy from today’s celebration will not leave our hero of the day throughout the next year! Dear analysts and practitioners, are you performing your duties well?
(Guests sit down at the table)
(Don’t forget also that during the celebration there should be soft music playing in the background, which will create a pleasant holiday atmosphere. If your event is taking place in a cafe or restaurant, then having live music would be ideal)

After a while you can continue entertainment program. Adults are still a little children at heart.

Leading: How about feeling like pilots? Not just ordinary pilots, but those who deliver not cargo, not passengers, but happiness and smiles!

Competition No2 Pilots of Happiness

We form two teams with the same amount participants. They line up in a chain. The first players pick up a folded paper airplane, which they will pass to each other, while calling out wishes to the birthday girl. You can pass the airplane to the next player only after a wish has been named, for example, success, joy, etc. The hero of the occasion stands at the end of the chain between the two teams. The team whose airplane is the first to “fly” to the birthday girl wins. (The winners are awarded prizes.)

Leading: And now let’s give the floor to our dear friend of our birthday girl, who with all her heart wants to wish her all the most wonderful things on this wonderful day.

Congratulations from a friend:


Beautiful date - fifty-five,
And the age is also great,
Friend, I congratulate you now,
May happiness come in your personal life.

I congratulate you on your anniversary today
And I wish you to stay young,
So that your body works properly,
So that joy comes in a continuous wave.

Leading: Now it's time to do a little brainstorming! We are announcing the next competition.

Competition No3 Alphabet

For this competition you will need a bag of alphabet letters. Guests participate in this competition one at a time. We choose one person who wants it. By the way, how to do this if the guests do not show initiative? To keep everything organized rhythmically and honestly, you can turn on music and pass on an object. Then, when the music stops, the one in whose hands the transferred object is becomes a participant in the competition.

So, the selected participant takes a letter of the alphabet from the bag. He raises his glass and must say a toast, each word in which will begin with the letter of the alphabet assigned to him.

Leading: (with the following words you can invite one of the guests to make a toast)
Dear guests!
I see you are in a good mood.
We continue our congratulations.
We erect the Lily of the Valley flower on a pedestal
And we dedicate many flattering lines to him.

Which of you, guests, is ready to say a few words for the hero of the day?
(after the toast you can invite guests to dance)
Leading: They say that after retirement, life just begins, right? Therefore, in order to properly celebrate this significant moment, I invite everyone to take to the dance floor!

If hunger is satisfied,
If you ate and drank together,
If you don’t have the strength to chew -
Come out and dance!

Leading: And if we're already on the dance floor, why not do a little fishing? Surely there are those here who don’t mind sitting in a quiet early morning or evening with a fishing rod, thinking and bringing home an excellent catch, right? So, now we will break your ideas about fishing! As it turns out, this activity can make you really sweat!

Competition No. 4. Fishing

Leading: So, who can’t live here without fishing (participants are invited).
For this competition you will need improvised paper fish, which will be tied to the belt of each participant. Let these fish be bright and colorful so that they are clearly visible.

Those interested need to be divided into several teams, from two to four. Members of the same team must have fish of the same color. The rope on which the fish will be tied should be such that it barely reaches the floor.

Having tied the fish to the participants, the presenter gives a signal, and the “fishermen” try to move so as to step on the opponent’s fish, and it remains on the floor. The competition is accompanied by music. The winners are those who prevented their opponents from tearing all the fish from their belts. (Prizes are presented to the winners!)

If your script for a woman’s 55th birthday is humorous, then be sure that everyone will like such a holiday!

Presentation of an honorary diploma

Leading: And at the end of our celebration, I would like to tell you good news! It turns out that our shy birthday girl hid some of her achievements from us. But we found out everything! And for this we want to award her an honorary diploma! (music, hero of the day is invited)

So, this diploma is issued to (name) for high achievements in the study of the following subjects:

  1. Literature (conversation with husband in anger) – 5 excellent.
  2. Mathematics (recalculation wages husband in his favor) - 5 excellent.
  3. Geography (where it doesn’t take you, but everything comes home) - 5 excellent.
  4. Music (game on nerves) - 5 excellent.

Applause, friends!

Leading: Today we heard a lot nice wishes for our wonderful birthday girl! We sincerely hope that the inspiration and joy received today will accompany her in her endeavors throughout the next year! But she also has something to say to our dear guests, so let’s give the floor to our hero of the day!

(Words of the birthday girl)


This holiday is extraordinary
Anniversary and heartfelt,
Once again we congratulate (name),
And with all our hearts we wish her:

To also be kind,
To also be wise,
So that there is a mountain of money,
So that doctors are not needed!
Happy Anniversary to you! Hooray!

Decided to celebrate your anniversary at home? This is a great idea that we will help you with. After all, we know new competitions and games, jokes and skits for your anniversary. For an anniversary at home, we have an excellent scenario for a woman’s 55th birthday. And with its help you will amuse the guests and surprise the hero of the day. So let's start getting acquainted with the script and choosing the best moments.

If you still don’t know what to give a woman for her 55th birthday, then our option for gifts for her 55th birthday.

Meeting the hero of the day.
How to organize a meeting for the hero of the day at home? Simply and easily! For this you will need three men. And it is desirable that there is a husband among them. If there is no husband, then any three men. They need to be dressed up as actors, like in the film Prisoner of the Caucasus. After all, they will perform a song based on the tune - if I were a sultan. Let them learn the words in advance and practice with them.
And now, when everyone is assembled, we let the hero of the day in. She stands in the circle that all the guests have formed. A familiar melody begins to play and three men appear. They perform a song to the tune of the song - if I were a sultan...

Main holiday.
After meeting the hero of the day, you can sit down at the tables and begin the celebration.

Do you know what phrase is the most popular among all women? This phrase sounds like this: I’m so tired of all this!
Our dear hero of the day! We know that you have done a lot of things in your life, helped many, and said this just as often. But time after time you still moved on, not looking at the fatigue. Today is your anniversary. And we all tell you to relax and enjoy life. Now you have a completely different life, in which there should be time for relaxation and time for friends.
I propose to drink to our birthday girl, who will now only rest!

The game is a plane of wishes.
How nice it is to hear beautiful words and wishes addressed to you. But it’s even nicer to receive a whole plane full of wishes! Let's give our hero of the day such a plane.
Each side of the table gets one paper airplane and one pen. At the command of the host, the first guests write their wishes on the airplane. Then they pass the airplane and pen to the second guests. They also write their wishes. Then they pass everything on to third guests and so on.
Whichever party was the first to deliver its airplane with wishes to the hero of the day wins. Then both airplanes are given to the birthday girl as a lasting memory.

A toast to the guests and to those who are always nearby.
At holidays, people always raise their glasses and toast to the hero of the occasion and to the people close to him. Aren't guests close people? Let's say, or rather show, a toast to our closest guests and friends.
This toast will be in the form of a skit, so it is better to prepare in advance and change the clothes of those who will participate in the skit. And so, here is the toast scene:

Game block for invitation to dance.
We all know that getting guests to dance is a difficult task. Most people prefer to sit and watch two or three guests dance. That's why we have this game block.
We need to dress one girl as a nurse. A nurse comes out, holding a huge syringe in her hands. She says:
- Well, who should get vaccinated here?
The presenter then says:
- don’t be scared, the syringe is not real, and it’s empty. But tell me, which of you have been vaccinated? Yes, everyone did them. But these are vaccinations against diseases. Would you like to get vaccinated against bad mood? What about a vaccine against sleep deprivation? Let's name what you would like to vaccinate yourself against.

Guests name different options for what they would like to be vaccinated against.

Then the presenter says:
- unfortunately, we do not have a single such vaccination. But our nurse has magic vitamins. And she will distribute them to everyone.

The nurse gives everyone magic vitamins (ordinary ascorbic acid).

- vitamins will start working only when you dance. So come out and let's dance.

The guests come out and dance. After the dance the leader says:
- you see, the vitamins are magical - they made you dance!

A comic lottery for guests.
Now it's time to present gifts to the guests. But how to do it beautifully? Hold a comic lottery that will help you with this.
This lottery is carried out simply - you prepare beautiful cards on which you write poems. Place all the cards in a bag. Guests take turns taking out one card at a time and reading out the verse. And about what gift? we're talking about, that's what he gets.

Woman 55 years old

Host: Hello dear friends! It’s very nice to see you all at our holiday! And today we have a wonderful occasion - we want to celebrate the anniversary birthday of an amazing woman - the birthday of _________________________________________________! Let's start celebrating now, and so we sit down, serve, pour, don't be shy, smile, anticipate fun, and everyone Have a good mood for tonight, everything is just beginning!.. and, of course, I would like to appeal to our men, do not forget about our responsibilities, we look into the glass not only for ourselves, but also for the ladies sitting next to us, if we fill it empty.

Two fives stood side by side -
It turned out to be an anniversary.
___________we are happy to congratulate you.
And we wish her soon:
May you be enchanted
Will never leave!
Shine, smiles, charm
They will always stay with you!
Let happiness, joy, radiance of the eyes,
Success will last for years!
And may all your wishes
Fate will answer: “Yes”!

Is that how everyone is filled? I ask everyone to stand up, raise their glasses, congratulate the hero of the day while standing, in order to announce the beginning, we need to drink everything to the dregs - FOR THE celebrant of the day.
Men drink while standing, women drink to the bottom too.

Well, dear friends, and now a loud triple “HURRAY” for our ANNIVERSARY.

Music background:

Host: Friends, I would like to tell you something that a charter has been created for our event, a set of laws for this evening. I'll introduce you to him now.
Our charter states:
That the hero of the day is sitting in front of us.
It is announced for all to hear that today is the anniversary of _______________________________________.
Remember: it didn’t hurt for everyone to have a glass to begin with.
Gifts brought to the hero of the day are accepted 24 hours a day for another month after this evening and cannot be returned.

We are also creating teams for tonight.
Team "Pouring"! their motto is “Drinking is a fight, so let’s drink before the fight!” Your applause to the pouring team.
And the “Drinkers” team - “Always ready to drink for ____________________!” your applause. (when addressing the parties, each party says its motto)

Tree of wishes.

Friends. I would like to tell you that at our holiday there is an “Anniversary Tree of Wishes”, everyone can come up, tying a ribbon, to make a wish for our birthday girl, just to yourself, you don’t need to say it out loud, let this tree fulfill it, with all the revelation with which you make a wish, you can make a wish at any time. Well, friends, we have read the charter to you, we have talked about the tree, and we are gradually moving on to congratulations.

Congratulations 1.
Congratulations from my husband.

Host: To begin with, I will turn to our men, have you forgotten what to do? Then get started.
In the meantime, we will find out what the anniversary is for?
And the answer quickly comes to mind -
To capture happy moments,
Hearing congratulations from loved ones.
Friends, I don’t know about you, but I would like to know that our birthday girl’s husband has one thing:
______________________________________________, do you remember where and under what circumstances you met ___________________________________________? Do you remember the first time you kissed? How did you propose? What year did you get married, preferably date, month, and year? Bravo friends, here is the ideal husband, he remembers all the most valuable things that have been deposited in the soul of our birthday girl.
And it is with great pleasure that I give the floor to a person who has the opportunity to admire the beauty of our birthday girl every day and walk with her hand in hand along the road of life, the floor is given to a loving husband__________________________________________!
Friends, isn’t it true that we drink very bitter drinks, but let’s ask them to add some salt.

Music background:

Congratulations 2
Congratulations from the children.

Host: Dear friends, before I say anything, I will again turn to the men, let’s fill our glasses. Dear guests in Orthodox tradition, family life is understood as the Path to Salvation, the ascent along which is associated with bearing the cross daily duties, mutual work, cooperation, understanding and agreement.
Marital love extended to children warms them. Children are the greatest joy, the greatest happiness for parents, for the whole family! And so, the eldest daughter ____________________ addresses you with words of congratulations!

Host: Dear friends, for such sincere words from my daughter’s lips, I suggest raising your glasses and draining them to the very bottom.

Congratulations 3

Host: Yesterday I read in the newspaper that the son of Arkady Ukupnik stopped listening to his father. This indicates that the child has a good ear for music. So the word for congratulations is given to _________________________________________________!

Congratulations 4

Presenter: The floor for congratulations goes to ___________________________________!

Game “Do you know the birthday girl well?”

Host: Friends, well, first I’ll ask the men to fill the glasses, don’t forget not only for yourself... and ask you this question, “DO YOU KNOW THE BIRTHDAY GIRL WELL?” I clarified everything with her before the feast, so you won’t be able to deceive me . She probably knows you all well, since she has gathered her closest and dearest friends, but the question is different... and so, let me ask questions, and you, in turn, answer them together.

So, in the year __________ a girl was born, who was named ___________________________. Who knows…

1)- In what city was our birthday girl born? ___________________

3) - Favorite dish?_________________________________

4) - Favorite color?_________________________________

5) - Do you think the birthday girl is in a festive mood today? I just asked that.

6) - What is her favorite activity, hobby? __________________________

7) - Does the birthday girl like milk? ______________________________

8) - Favorite drink?_______________________________________________

9) - Favorite musical performers?_____________________________________________

10) - Does the birthday girl like fruit drink with currant jam?_____________________

11)- What television program does he like to watch?_________________________________

12) - What’s your favorite TV show?__________________________

13) - What color are the shoes she’s wearing today?_______________

14) - Does the birthday girl like to look out the window?_________________

15) - What is your favorite time of year?_________________________________

16) - Does the birthday girl like to fix her hair every hour?____________________

17) - Does the birthday girl like to dance until she drops?___________________________

18) - Does our birthday girl like to drink?________________________________

19-What kind of strong drinks does the birthday girl like?_________________________

And if you think the birthday girl likes to drink, I suggest raising your glasses and toasting the birthday girl!

Music background:

Congratulations 5
Congratulations from sisters and brothers.

Host: Friends, do you know what the name Svetlana stands for? And I'll tell you now. The name Svetlana is of Slavic origin, from the word “bright.” She is independent and hardworking, diplomatic, kind, flirtatious, Svetlana cares very much about her family, an ideal mother and wife. Notice how much good qualities incorporates this wonderful name. And now I want to give the opportunity to congratulate the birthday girl to people who have known her since birth, remember the secrets of childhood pranks and funny stories of youth, the floor is given to ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________!
(Brothers and sisters take turns congratulating)
Host: Dear friends, I suggest you take a little break from the feast and stretch your legs. There is a dance program for you.

Dance program.

Game with cards.
Host: Dear friends, let's take a little break and play. I will need 5 girls and 5 guys. Girls stand on one side, men on the other. So, keep these medallions around your neck, just remember these letters that you own, because I will ask you questions, and your task will be rearranged into the correct answer, in the correct order, if the letters remain, they must be turned over to another side, that is, to close. And so: a warm-up word, which must be defended, for the ball of one or another team.
1) - And so, it’s time when everything blooms and becomes colorful? (Spring)
2) - The river flowing in St. Petersburg? (Neva)
3) - Shelter from the rain, on a summer cottage? (canopy)
4) - Where does the nurse in the clinic draw blood from? (Vein)
5) - City and lake, what are they called? (Seva)
6) - The capital of Australia? (Vein)
7) - Near the Caucasian mountain lake, lives a beautiful horseman, whose name is? (Vanez)

Well done, and by a margin of _______, the team __________ wins! Now, let's make pairs with the same letters, so now choose the 1st card, and see what is written on them. And so, I think a little older people remembered this period. It was believed that there was nothing in the Soviet Union? (sex) however, this is everyone’s favorite activity, we won’t do it now, but what comes with this wonderful activity? (Sighs), everyone received cards with syllables written on them, I will now approach each pair, and you, in turn, must wake up this sound, which is on your card five times. There is only one condition: it must be pronounced as erotically as possible.
And so, dear guests, there are five couples in front of you, I will name each team in turn, and you, with your applause, must choose the best couple, well, are you ready? (gifts for the winning couple, and chupiki for the rest)
Well, dear friends, we have had a little rest, and now the most active part of our program continues.

Everyone's at the table
A toast to the company.

Host: Well, dear friends, I’ll ask everyone to sit down and fill their glasses, I’m ready for another toast: In ancient times, a very beautiful Queen Tamara ruled in Georgia, she spent every year on the high, rocky bank of the KURIL river "an archery tournament, she put the most ordinary bullseye on her chest, and every jikit - an archer, must accurately hit the target; whoever hits the bullseye exactly, had the right to live for one year as a spouse with the queen. The first horseman was found, pulled the string, took aim, shot an arrow and missed. Queen Tamara asks the assembled honest people, what are we going to do with this horseman? and the people respond to the kuru and they threw the poor fellow. A second horseman was found - an archer, of course he was afraid, he knew the fate of the first shooter, but still he pulled the bowstring, took aim, fired an arrow and also missed, again Tamara asks the honest people, what are we going to do with this horseman? And the people answer, they threw him into the kuru, they threw this participant from the cliff into the river. Then the third horseman - an archer - appeared, and he was also scared, but still he pulled the bowstring, took aim, shot and accurately hit the target. Tamara was delighted, because the horseman was brave, handsome, and she wanted to live with him for a whole year, but the people still had to ask, what are we going to do with this handsome man? And the people answer, he’s screwed, but for what, asks Tamara? Yes, for company. I’ve been leading to this key word “company” for a long time, because we have such a cheerful, good company gathered at the table, with whom you can go through thick and thin, and even go on reconnaissance, so let’s fill our glasses, glasses and drink to cheerful and friendly company.

Congratulations 6
Colleagues congratulate.
Presenter: In a good team you can
Works on a positive note,
I am glad to congratulate the hero of the day
From you, work colleagues.
The floor for congratulations is given to_________________________________________________________________!
Colleagues take turns congratulating

Game "Anniversary Bottle"

Host: Friends, Today on festive table There are an abundance of festive drinks - vodka, wine, cognac... Not infrequently, they are consumed by diluting with water or mixing with each other. So let's talk about famous cocktails. And so, I will name the ingredients, and you must answer what cocktail is made from it.
Beer and vodka - “Ruff!”
Vodka and tomato juice - “Bloody Mary!”
Vodka and champagne - “Northern Lights!”
By the way, who knows the recipe for homemade champagne? And the recipe is simple: Vodka while your wife hisses! It turns out so sparkling, I checked it myself. And so we continue.
Vodka and Coca-Cola - “Summer!”, but where there is summer, friends, a picnic, a lawn, there will be a “Three Little Pigs” cocktail, who can tell me the recipe? Sign up, a box of vodka and three friends!
What was I leading to? This is true. To warm up, now we will be raffling off this bottle of vodka from our birthday girl, which means I ask questions, and whoever answers them correctly the most will receive it for personal use!

1) The name “Vodka” appeared only in the 17th century; earlier this drink had a different name...
A) Bukhalka;
B) Alcohol distiller;
C) AQUA - VITA: from Latin “water - life”.
2) What does the word “Vodka” literally mean?

Congratulations 7
Friends congratulate.

Host: I must say that our birthday girl is a happy person. Today, so many good close friends have gathered around her, who have walked next to her throughout her life, been together in both sorrow and joy.
Dear ___________________________________________!
We see what came for the Jubilee
Many of your devoted friends!
They are ready at this hour
Everyone congratulates you from the bottom of our hearts!
The word for congratulations is given to __________________________________________________________!

(Friends take turns speaking)

A candle burns in the soul of every person,
Which produces warmth.
But when we get together
The candles connect and heat arises
From united souls.
The floor is given to ____________________________________________________________________________________!

Music background:

Host: Before we sat down at the table, we were told that a very cheerful and friendly company would gather. Having been here for a short period of time, I was completely convinced that this was so.
First question:
1) - Which word has forty letters - A? (Magpie)
2) - What cup do we drink from, but can’t get drunk? (Cup of Love)
3)- Good husbands, they don’t lie on the road, they lie on...? (On the couch)
4) - A solemn promise of loyalty to each other? (Vow)
5) - Name the author of the lines: “Only a lover has the right to the title of a person? (Block)
6) - A deity who shoots love arrows? (Cupid)
7) - Which knot cannot be untied? (Railway)
8)- Why does a dog howl at the moon? (From the earth)
9)- What is 906090? (Speed ​​with traffic police inspector)
10) - About 40 million people do this at night? (Social network)
11) - Sometimes hanging, sometimes standing, sometimes cold, sometimes hot? (Shower)
12) - Which wheel does not spin when turning right? (Spare)
13) -Nourishes in the fall, warms in the winter, cheers in the spring, cools in the summer? (Vodka)
14)- Will it stand up and reach the sky? (Rainbow)
15) - Which word always sounds wrong? (Wrong)

Toast “About the Raven”

Host: And now I’ll ask you to fill your glasses, men, I’m addressing you, and listen to the next toast addressed to our birthday girl. High, high in the mountains lived a lonely highlander. He was a hermit; no one could climb so high on the mountain where his lonely house stood. One day a mountaineer found a little crow with a broken wing. He took him out, raised him. And when the highlander had his birthday, a huge old raven said to him - Happy anniversary.
So let's drink to the fact that our hero of the day is congratulated not by just one raven, but by a whole flock!

Music background:

Host: Dear friends, we have been sitting in one place for a while, I suggest we dance a little.

Dance program

Congratulations 8

Host: We hurry to the table, once again, since there is a reason for fun. Let them become a holiday for us, for ____________________________________________________________ Let us close our friendly glasses, strengthening our goodwill. May this day become a bright day for the one whose birth we are celebrating.
How they sat down at the table.
Host: I know you have a secret,
The years have no power over you!
I've known you for many years
And you are still fresh and young!
So let's drink to miracles!
What helps ladies not to grow old,
And this secret is guarded by heaven!
We men can only watch with bated breath!

Presenter: Friends, today on this significant day is the anniversary of wonderful person, _____________________________________________________! And today she is awarded a CERTIFICATE certifying that its owner is the HAPPIEST woman on the planet.

Certifies that its owner is
THE HAPPIEST woman on the planet.

Happy because... she lives an active, rich, versatile life, full of various emotions. Because she has the opportunity to experience a range of feelings and turn out to be the heroine of unique events, she boldly overcomes all obstacles, gaining experience and skills.

Happy because... she is a mother, she has three loving daughters, and this is the best creation of her life!

Happy because... she is a grandmother who has granddaughters, who brings a lot of wonderful impressions and emotions, and delights with her victories and skills.

Happy because... she is a wife, and she has a loved one nearby and loving man, caring, thrifty, kind, sympathetic and noble. And it’s hard to imagine people more suitable for each other.

I am happy because... thanks to my sociability, naturalness and devotion, I have found many friends who are always there, always in touch, and she gives herself to them with all her soul.

Happy because... she has and loves her home and strives with all her might for coziness and comfort in it. And he brings all his grandiose ideas to life with lightning speed.

Happy because... she has excellent culinary skills that attract guests to her house.

She’s happy because... everything she plans always comes true, a little earlier or a little later.

Happy because... she has the opportunity to live on this planet and enjoy all its gifts.

Happy because... she never doubts that she is really happy!!!
November 12, 2011
The certificate must be framed and hung above your favorite sofa!

Host: And to everyone who agrees with this, I invite you to raise your glasses and drink to the endless feeling of happiness of our birthday girl.

Tree for the hero of the day

Presenter: Friends, well, the festive evening has come to an end, and we sincerely congratulate the hero of the day, and give the “Tree of Wishes”, to which throughout the evening, you, dear guests, expressed your most sincere wishes, and the evidence of this is the ribbons on this tree.
Dear _________________________________, please accept this Anniversary tree with wishes, and save it until the next anniversary, because this tree contains the most cherished wishes of all the guests who came to the holiday, and everything that our guests whispered to this tree will certainly come true.

Host: Well, lastly, I would like to turn to our men, let’s fill our glasses and once again raise them to our JUBILER.
Last toast
Some vessels are marked with divisions: 50, 100, 150, 200... We wish you to fill such a vessel to the top with a beautiful creature - your life! Happy anniversary! Happy 55th birthday to you!

How to make sure that guests at the anniversary do not cluster together according to their interests, and do not forget where they ended up. How to fill an anniversary with dynamics, how to intrigue and surprise guests? Swipe cool competitions for the anniversary.

Competition "By touch".
8-10 small items are placed in a dark bag made of material: scissors, bottle cap, pen, button, spoon, thread, thimble, meat grinder knife, etc. You have to guess by touch what is there. The fabric should not be too rough or thin.

Contest "Couples in reverse".
Two or three pairs are tied back to back (legs and arms free). These couples must dance a waltz, tango, lady dance and run 10 meters back and forth like Siamese lickers.

Competition "Whose ball is bigger".
The competition is simple: participants receive a balloon and, on command, begin to inflate. Whose balloon bursts is out. The one with the largest ball in terms of volume wins.

Competition "Match-Spear".
Draw a line on the floor with chalk and, without crossing it, throw an ordinary match at a distance like a spear. The winner can be determined by three throws.

Competition "Dancers".
Hold a dance competition with objects to the tunes “Yablochko”, “Cossack”, “Kalinka”, etc.
Let the participants dance: 1) with an apple (ball, ball); 2) with chairs and stools; 3) with a glass of wine

Competition "Ode to the Birthday Boy".
This is the familiar game “Burime”, when ready-made rhymes are offered, and you need to compose a verse based on them. “Ode to the Birthday Boy” can be composed with the following rhymes:

- fire,
- gift,
- schoolboy,
- painter,
- hit,
- case,
- radar.

Prize for the winner: a bottle of champagne and a medal "Best Poet"

Competition of ditties.

A competition of funny, mischievous ditties is one of the most memorable moments of the anniversary, especially if there is an accordion player in your company. To ensure that the competition is organized, the presenter passes a special stick around in a circle, which the guests pass to each other to the music. As soon as the music dies down, a member of the company who has a stick in his hands performs a ditty. If you know that guests practically do not know ditties, you can write the texts on cards and distribute them to the invitees in advance.
Winner: the guest whose ditty caused the biggest burst of laughter
Prize for the winner: medal "The most cheerful guest" and a kiss from the birthday boy

Dance competition.
The presenter seats the competition participants on chairs so that they are clearly visible to all guests, then turns on the recording. Dance melodies familiar to everyone sound - waltz, gypsy, tango, letka-enka, Russian, twist, shake, rock and roll, lezginka, etc., 15-20 seconds each. Guests show their art without leaving their chairs. Applause from the audience is a reward for participants dance competition, and the most temperamental one receives the medal “Best Dancer” and a gift - a hug from the hero of the day.
Winner: guest who received great applause from the audience
Prize for the winner: medal "Best Dancer" and a hug from the hero of the day

Competition "Portrait of the hero of the day"
The host invites all guests to find out how the birthday boy’s wife really represents him. To do this, she is blindfolded, and she draws a “Portrait of the hero of the day” on a large sheet of paper. The host shows it to all guests and gives it to the hero of the occasion as a souvenir. The wife is awarded the “most attentive wife” medal to applause.

Competition "Attentive hero of the day"
The host offers to check how attentive the hero of the day is. To do this, invite several women. The birthday boy must, blindfolded, stroke the woman's hand and identify his wife's hand. To prevent the hero of the day from getting into an awkward position after being blindfolded, the presenter replaces the women invited to participate in the competition with men. We hope that the hero of the day will be able to distinguish a woman’s hand from a man’s. The host awards the hero of the occasion the “Most Attentive Husband” medal for participating in the competition.

Competition "The Warmest Heart"
All participants are given the same piece of ice, which needs to be melted. You can do this with your hands, or rub it on your chest.
Winner: melted the ice first
Prize for the winner: medal "Hottest Man" and a glass of cold wine as a cooling prize.

Competition "The most dexterous man"
A stick with apples tied to it with elastic bands is placed high above the heads of the competition participants. You need to jump up and bite off an apple without using your hands.
Winner: the first to bite into the apple.
Prize for the winner: apple

Competition "The most persistent man"
Balloons are tied to the seats of the chairs. You need to sit on the ball and crush it. This is not as simple as it seems at first glance, and causes a lot of laughter among both participants and spectators of the competition.
Prize for the winner: balloons

Game "Confession"
The owner of the house holds two sets of cards in two colors; Questions are written on dark-colored cards, answers are written on light-colored cards. Guests are invited to choose a question for themselves, read it, then choose a card with an answer for themselves and also read it out loud to everyone present. The point of the game is that any answer is suitable for any question, the only important thing is that the number of questions matches the number of answers.

Sample questions for cards.
1. Does your loved one torment you with jealousy?
2. When do you have to smile forcibly?
3. Do you compliment your boss?
4. Are you afraid of prison?
5. Do you often put wine on the table?
6. How often do you sort things out with your fists?
7. Do you respect alcoholic drinks?
8. Are you ever delighted with erotica?
9. Do you remember those who previously loved you?
10. Do you dream of winning a car?
11. How often do you step on others’ toes?
12. How often do you quarrel with friends?
13. Are you jealous of your other half?
14. Is your character sometimes intolerable to others?
15. Do you like to enjoy food?
16. Do you like playing the fool?
17. How often do you remember your loved one?
18. Do you spend your honestly earned money on trifles?
19. Do you want to go to America?
20. Do you hide your ill-gotten earnings from your family?
21. Do you use obscene words in conversation?
22. Do you believe in love at first sight?
23. Do you feel tired from work?
24. Do you criticize our government?
25. Are you capable of noble deeds?
26. Are you moderately patient and well-mannered?

Sample answers.
1. It never happened and never will.
2. Let's talk about this without witnesses.
3. It’s a shame to ask such questions, knowing my character.
4. This is the most pleasant thing for me.
5. Only when you are in a bad mood.
6. Of course, and more than once.
7. It happens, but only at night.
8. Every day, and more than once.
9. Whenever I go to bed.
10. I had to suffer from this.
11. Only half asleep and in slippers.
12. Exclusively in a restaurant.
13. I won’t tell you under torture.
14. This is my hobby.
15. I allow myself this pleasure once a day.
16. It happened once.
17. When there are guests in the house.
18. Of course, otherwise it would be uninteresting to live.
19. Not without this.
20. This is my secret, I don’t want others to know about it.
21. If there is no other half nearby.
22. When kicked out of the house.
23. This topic is unpleasant for me.
24. When my loved ones don’t see me.
25. At night under the blanket.
26. Only in thoughts.

Competition "Fishing"
All men of the celebration are invited. The host offers to play fishing. “Let’s take imaginary fishing rods, throw them into the imaginary sea and start fishing, but then suddenly the imaginary water begins to wet our feet and the presenter suggests rolling up our pants to the knees, then higher and higher.” The funny thing is that when everyone’s trousers are already pulled up to the limit The presenter stops fishing and announces a competition for the hairiest legs.

Test "Tell me about yourself"
This comic test is designed for married couples. The first to write on a piece of paper - in a column, under numbers - are ten names of animals (insects, birds, reptiles) present at a party married men- of course, in secret from their wives. Then the wives do the same. The person conducting the test asks the married couple to look at the side of the sheet where the representatives of the fauna chosen by the husband appear in a column. And so, he, the husband, -
Affectionate as...
Strong like...
Sociable as...
Authoritative as...
Independent like...
Smiling like...
Neat as...
Amorous as...
Brave as...
Beautiful as...

Then the representatives of the fauna chosen by the wife are named. So, "Your Wife":
In transport like...
With relatives like...
With work colleagues like...
In the store it's like...
At home it's like...
In a cafe or restaurant like...
With the boss how...
In a friendly company like...
In bed like...
In the doctor's office it's like...

Competition "Light Dance"
Couples who wish to take part in the competition are invited.
Condition: Before the start of the dance, all couples light sparklers.
Music is playing. Couples are dancing.
Winner: The couple who can keep their sparkler burning the longest.

Game "Rocket Flight"
Guests are divided into 2 rooms (2 halves of the table). The presenter gives the guests two rocket models.
Flight rules: at the presenter’s signal, the first participant loudly says: “Happy anniversary!” and hands the rocket to his neighbor. The second one says: “Congratulations!”, the third one: “Happy anniversary!” etc. until the rocket goes around each guest at its half of the table.
Winner: the team whose rocket reaches the birthday girl faster.

Competition "Encryption"
Find kind words addressed to our hero of the day by deciphering the card you have chosen. Guests are given cards attached to a soft toy. Guests must decipher the abbreviation and name what they got.

For example: OVD - we adore Valera for a long time.

Attention! I have things that belong to the hero of the day. He asked me to sell them to guests at a reasonable price. However, guests will have to pay not with coins, but with kind words spoken to our respected birthday boy. So, I consider the auction open!
Lot No. 1. This faded cloth is a diaper in which the parents wrapped our hero of the day when he was a few days old. Today, looking at such a small diaper and such a respectable birthday boy, it is difficult to even imagine that he once fit into an envelope folded from such fabric. How many kind words will this diaper be sold for?
There is a “sale” of the hero of the day’s diaper. The winner and its owner is considered to be the one of the guests who said the most kind words to the birthday boy. Further, other things can be “sold” in the same way, in different time belonging to the hero of the day: a toy that he never parted with, shoelaces in which he went to first grade, a school diary for fifth grade, his first tie, etc.
After all items are “sold”, the winner of the competition is announced. He has the right to make a congratulatory speech. Then you can invite guests to drink a glass of wine for the health of the birthday person. And to the auction winner who said greatest number epithets, a prize is awarded, which can be used as a medal made of paper “For eloquence and strong friendship.”

Outdoor games for the anniversary (“fun” relay race).
Participants - 2 teams, with odd number Human.
Props for competitions:
8 glasses (plastic can be used), 2 books (not too heavy);
2 brooms, 2 balls, 2 tablespoons, 2 chairs, 2 bottles of alcohol, snack.
Anniversary competition 1
Participants compete in one-legged jumps while holding glasses of water. It is desirable that the glasses are full at the finish line.
Anniversary competition 2
Running with a ball on your head, holding it with one hand. Although this can hardly be called running.
Anniversary competition 3
Quickly walk a certain distance with a book on your head, holding a full glass of water in one hand, a broom in the other, and sweeping the road in front of you.
Anniversary competition 4
One player from each team runs, while he holds 2 glasses in his hands: one with water, the other empty. During the race, participants pour water from a full glass into an empty glass, and at the finish line they determine who spilled the least amount of water. In addition, the speed of the players is taken into account, that is, who came first.
Anniversary competition 5
Using tablespoons, fill the glass by transferring water from one glass to another.
Anniversary competition 6
One player runs and at the same time holds the other by the legs, and the latter moves on his hands, holding a glass with his teeth.
Or the participants stand with their backs to each other and clasp their hands and run to the designated place and return as well
Competition for the 7th anniversary
Stand in a circle, close your eyes, stretch your arms forward and try to catch the hands of another participant. According to the principle of the game “Mom, unravel the thread,” they must unravel without breaking their hands
Anniversary competition 8
"The Journey of a Ball - a Ball."
Give the participants a ball. First, you need to pass it with your hands from above to the back (to the tail of the train), and back - from below between the legs. Play three times. You can make it more difficult by alternating the ball above your head, under your feet, etc. The last one who has the ball runs forward and passes the ball again.
Anniversary competition 9
“I poured it, drank it, ate it.” The competition involves an odd number of participants. The first player runs to a chair on which there is a bottle of vodka (wine, beer), a glass (glass), a snack, pours the contents of the bottle into the glass, and returns to the team. The second player runs up to a chair, drinks, and returns to the team. The third player runs up to the chair, has a snack, and returns. The fourth pours, the fifth drinks, the sixth has a snack. And so on until the liquid in the bottle runs out. If you don’t want the relay to drag on, place an incomplete bottle.

Anniversary competition "What to do if..."
The presenter calls three to five volunteers. Participants are encouraged to find an original way out of non-standard situations. Based on their answers, viewers choose a winner who receives the main prize. The remaining participants receive incentive prizes.
Examples of non-standard situations:
What to do if you accidentally sit on a birthday cake?
What should you do if you were bringing a porcelain vase to a friend as a gift and accidentally broke it?
What to do if your loved one and your best friend celebrate their birthday on the same day?
What to do if you remembered that it’s your birthday only 10 minutes before the guests arrive?
What to do if several guests (by an amazing coincidence) gave you the same gifts?
What should you do if the day after your birthday you wake up in an unfamiliar place?
What should you do if a wizard flew to your birthday party in a blue helicopter and gave you 500 popsicles?
What to do if you received a live crocodile for your birthday?
What to do if this crocodile accidentally ate the one who gave it to you, and now there is no one to return the crocodile?
What to do the day after your birthday?

Competition for the anniversary "Princess Nesmeyana"
The players are divided into two teams. The members of the first team - “Princess Nesmeyana” - sit on chairs and take on the most serious or sad look possible. The task of the players of the other team is to take turns or all together to make the “non-laughers” laugh. Every smiling “non-laugher” joins the team of mixers. If, within a certain period of time, it is possible to make all the “non-laughers” laugh, the team of mixers is declared the winner; if not, the “non-laughers” team is declared the winner. After this, the teams can switch roles.
To make the “non-funny people” laugh, players can show pantomime, tell jokes, make faces, but they are not allowed to touch the “non-funny people”.

Anniversary competition "Balloon Battle"
Each player has a balloon tied to his right leg (ankle). After the starting signal, all participants try to pierce other players’ balloons and protect their own. Participants whose balloon bursts are eliminated from the game. Last Man, remaining in the game is declared the winner.
The thread of the ball should be no longer than 30 cm.

Anniversary competition "Crocodile"
The players are divided into two teams. The first team chooses a concept and shows it in pantomime, without the help of words or sounds. The second team tries, after three attempts, to guess which concept is being shown. Then the teams change roles. The game is played for fun, but you can count points for guessed words.
You can guess individual words, phrases from famous songs and poems, proverbs and sayings, idioms, fairy tales, names of famous (real or fictional) people.
The numbers of additional games suitable for this holiday are given in the entertainment index.
In addition, participants can play sport games: football, mini-football, volleyball.

Fun Questions Quiz
For entertainment, you can conduct a fun quiz. The most active participant who answers the most questions receives a prize.
Examples of questions:
- When is a person in a room without a head? (When he sticks it out the window)
- How do day and night end? (Soft sign)
- What needs to be done so that four guys remain in one boot? (Take off each person's boot)
- The crow is flying, and the dog is sitting on its tail. Could it be? (The dog sits on its own tail)
- In which month does the chatty Mashenka speak the least? (In February, it is the shortest)
- When a horse is bought, what kind of horse is it? (Wet)
- A person has one, a crow has two, a bear has none. What is this? (Letter “o)
- What belongs to you, but others use it more often than you? (Name)
- In what year do people eat more than usual? (In leap year)
- Can an ostrich call itself a bird? (No, because he can't speak)
- What stones are not in the sea? (Dry)
- What disease on earth has no one been sick with? (Nautical)
- What can you cook, but cannot eat? (Lessons)
- Which hand is better to stir tea? (It is better to stir the tea with a spoon)
-What gets bigger when you put it upside down? (Number 6)