Why do they give even and odd numbers of flowers? Why you can’t give an even number of flowers

Often a person perceives an even number of flowers in a given bouquet negatively, as an insult. But in some situations, such a gift has a positive meaning.

The meaning of signs in Europe and Asia

In eastern countries, an even number of flowers is not perceived as something bad. According to signs, such a gift is given to a person who has problems in relationships. Another option is that the giver wishes the recipient to quickly find a soul mate and get married successfully. This is the meaning of the signs in Japan.

In Western Europe there are similar signs about an even number of flowers. Residents of these countries believe that such a flower arrangement brings good luck and happiness. If you give a bouquet to a loved one with an even number of flowers, this will be a kind of wish for success before an important event. On holidays it is also customary to come to visit with such a gift.

Europeans especially love arrangements with 4 flowers. They don’t understand why they give an odd number of flowers in a bouquet. According to the sign, with the help of a flower arrangement of 4 elements, the donor expresses a wish for prosperity, love and spiritual harmony. If you give a woman a bouquet with an even number of flowers, then according to legends she will become more feminine, tender and beautiful.

The meaning of signs in the CIS countries

In Russia and neighboring countries, it is believed that you cannot give an even number of flowers.

According to legend, such a gift brings a person closer to death. He begins to get sick more often and takes longer to be treated. His health is more often bad than good. This flower arrangement is associated with completeness, so it is only given to the deceased at a funeral. According to the sign, giving an even number of flowers will attract to the house:

  • mourning;
  • fear;
  • despair;
  • illness;
  • Bad mood;
  • funeral;
  • death.

You should especially not give carnations to women. In floristry, this flower is considered male. According to signs, if you give a composition of carnations to a girl, she will have problems building relationships with guys. Instead of good men, she will attract alcoholics, drunkards, drug addicts and other unfavorable personalities.

Young girls should not be given an even number of peonies or roses, especially if this is the first bouquet given. According to the sign, this will take away her external beauty and speed up the aging process. She will also be unsuccessful in her endeavors. After receiving such a bouquet of roses as a gift, the girl will get sick more often.

For couples and families

You cannot give an even number of flowers to newlyweds. This is how the donor will express his dissatisfaction with the upcoming wedding. This is regarded as a wish for lovers to part quickly or to constantly live in quarrels and scandals. For a wedding, it is better to present an odd number of flowers to express the sincerity of your feelings.

On the eve of the wedding, the groom should carefully consider the presented flower arrangement. It is desirable that it consists of wildflowers. According to the sign, it is important that there are at least 9 flowers. If there are an even number of them, then they will carry the following meaning:

  • chamomile - to rapid aging and loss of natural beauty;
  • fern - to serious financial difficulties;
  • cornflowers - to vision problems;
  • poppies - to infertility or the birth of physically or mentally disabled children.

It is better for the groom to give his bride a bouquet of wildflowers with an odd number of them. Then chamomile will symbolize a happy family life, cornflowers - joy, fun and carefree, poppies - tenderness and respect in relationships.

For a family celebration, it is better to choose a bouquet with white lilies or roses. The optimal quantity is 5-7 pieces. They will bring joy, prosperity, and symbolize success. If there are an even number, then financial difficulties, problems in relationships, and diseases of various organs may appear in the family.

Children and pregnant women

A pair of flowers in a bouquet given to children means a delay in development.

It is believed that an even number of flowers is not given as a gift for discharge from the hospital. This serves as a wish for a speedy death. However, there is a completely opposite meaning of such a gift:

  • twins will be born (especially if there are 2 or 4 flowers);
  • the baby will be healthy and beautiful;
  • both mother and baby will survive the birth well if there are 2 flowers.

If you give a bouquet with an odd number of flowers, then there will be a favorable atmosphere at home, and all family members will trust each other even more than before. And if you give flowers to a pregnant woman on the eve of giving birth, the process of giving birth will be easy and quick.

An odd number of flowers for a pregnant woman will be perceived as a wish for the best. According to signs, it is better to choose wildflowers or lilies for a bouquet, which symbolize purity, good intentions and peace of mind.

The value of the number of flowers in a bouquet

The number of flowers in the composition also matters. Each number has its own special meaning:

  1. One flower. Represents sincere, mutual love. Symbolizes selfless relationships, real feelings. As a gift, it carries a good meaning - it serves as a wish for the couple to love, which will become stronger over the years.
  2. Two. They talk about mental problems and grief. Indicates the nearest accidental tragedy that may happen to the recipient of the flower arrangement or his loved one.
  3. Three. It speaks of devotion on the part of the donor. This is how he expresses his respect and seriousness of feelings.
  4. Five. Well-being indicator. When giving a composition of 5 roses or chrysanthemums, it is important to leave a note. It admits the sincerity of your feelings and expresses gratitude to the recipient. In this case, the recipient will receive a surge of energy, a charge of positivity and peace of mind.
  5. Eleven. According to signs, such a gift should be given by a husband to his wife on their first wedding anniversary. It is advisable not to choose roses. Preference should be given to chrysanthemums, tulips, daisies or lilies. According to the sign, they will give the girl a feeling of inner warmth and bring her closer to her husband.
  6. Twelve. An excellent gift for an anniversary or significant celebration. If the composition is made of wildflowers, then the girl or couple will expect ease of life and the absence of financial problems. At such a moment, all the pleasant words spoken by the donor will come true.
  7. Sixteen. It is better to never give such a bouquet. According to the sign, such a gift will entail sleep disturbances, mental abnormalities and problems with other body systems in the recipient. Therefore, it is customary to bring 16 flowers to funerals as respect for the deceased.
  8. Twenty nine. This is a symbol of sincere and pure love. If you give such a bouquet to your girlfriend or wife, the likelihood of divorce will be low. The lovers will be devoted to each other until the end of their lives.

But it happens that a person accidentally gives a composition with an even number of flowers, especially if there are more than 20 of them. If his message during the donation was positive, then nothing bad will happen. In this case, the algorithm of actions is as follows:

  1. Divide the composition into 2-4 vases so that each has an odd number of flowers. If in the end there is still a paired number left, put 1-3 pieces in separate vases.
  2. It is forbidden to place the composition in the bedroom. This will additionally attract negative energy and will have a bad effect on your relationship with your husband and sex life. It is better to place vases in the kitchen or office.

Remember, you will be able to avoid an unpleasant situation if you do not focus on such an unsuccessful gift. Thoughts are material, and if a person constantly thinks about bad things, then this will come true.


In Russia, the sign of an even number of flowers has a negative meaning. It is associated with something bad - funerals, death, serious illness. But it happens that the number of flowers in the composition turns out to be even by chance, and then nothing terrible will happen. Remember, whatever the mood, so will the result.

According to the magic of numbers, since ancient times, there have been signs about the meaning of the number of flowers given:

  • One is a shy sign of affection towards you.
  • Two - an invitation to legitimize relationships, engagement.
  • Three is a declaration of strong love.
  • Five - wishes for happiness and good luck.
  • Ten is a sign of admiration and adoration.
  • Eleven - exchange of courtesies between spouses.
  • Twelve is the anniversary number of flowers.
  • Sixteen - honoring friends and relatives.
  • Twenty-nine is a number symbolizing regret for a mistake and a promise of eternal fidelity and love.
  • Thirty-six is ​​a desire for great happiness.
  • One hundred and one flowers - the giver’s complete reverence for the object.

As can be seen from the symbolism of the number of colors, even numbers also have the right to exist. But even in the USSR nationalities and at all times, it was customary to only bring an even number of flowers to the cemetery and “give” it to the deceased person. Although, given the large number of flowers, no one will count them, and 50 and 70 roses will look more effective than 5.

Citing the example of America or Germany, where an even number of flowers in a bouquet is considered absolutely acceptable, we note that these fears also have their own beliefs and numerical meanings. The Japanese, for example, bring four flowers to funerals, and Italians bring an odd number. The people of Israel do not bring flowers to the cemetery at all, but give bouquets of an even number to the living.

In Georgia, flowers are associated with family, so a pair of flowers means the search for a mate is complete, and a pair is useless to a dead person, so it is worth giving an odd number of them.

On this basis, it is clear that the countries of the former USSR have their own concepts on this topic.

But still, what is the reason, where did this come from in the Russian states, i.e. Why can't you give an even number of flowers? live for people?

According to the opinion of the Magi in ancient Rus', an even amount of something meant a vicious circle, the end of a cycle, that is, death. And an odd number, accordingly, foreshadowed movement, the search for an ending.

This is also due to the opinion “trouble does not come alone”, taking into account the number of elements in amulets, etc. Both esotericists and florists who communicate with flowers and make bouquets believe that the number of flowers exceeding ten is acceptable both in Russia and in the countries of the former USSR.

On this basis, we can conclude that the number of flowers in the bouquet does not actually matter, what is important is the mood of the giver and receiver.

Indeed, in addition to the number of flowers, their color, the moment of flowering, and the types of flowers given are taken into account. Each of these characteristics carries its own meaning and determines and even removes the significance of their number.

All signs and beliefs, as well as their strict observance, are controlled by the people around you. You can also give chamomile, which, in fact, means solar energy, that is, a wish for strength and prosperity, and rarely will anyone count them in a bouquet.

The magic of numbers concerns not only bouquets of flowers, but also the number of dishes on the table. After all, Old Russian beliefs were clearly divided: even is bad, odd is good.

Beliefs about an even number of flowers in a bouquet are originally Russian. Only in our country is it customary to give an odd number to the living and an even number to the dead. In Europe, for example, 108 flowers are a marriage proposal, and not at all a sign of death.

In the article:

Is it possible to give 10 roses, 50, 100 or more?

Flowers are a sign of attention, which, as you know, can never be too many. According to sales statistics in florist salons, roses are the most popular.

Bouquets of 50, 100 and, in case of minor occasions, ten roses enjoy considerable success. It's hard to find a girl who wouldn't be happy with such a gift. However, it is known that signs warn that there should not be an even number of flowers in a bouquet.

So, is it possible to give an even number of roses or is it still not worth the risk of incurring the wrath of higher powers on yourself and your other half?

If you are giving it to a superstitious person, and most girls are like that, then it is better to give two bouquets with an odd number of roses. The signs that became the reasons for this foreshadow imminent death the recipient of such gifts. They also prohibit giving a hundred roses, recommending that you get by with 99 or buy one more flower so that there are 101. But is it possible to give 50 roses or, say, 30? Superstitions are categorical regarding all round numbers - they are unacceptable in a bouquet just like other even numbers.

What to do if you were given such a bouquet? Just divide it into two different vases.

In addition, signs about even numbers are relatively easy to challenge. A bouquet of roses may include greenery and other elements. They can be counted, resulting in an odd number, thereby deceiving superstition with a negative meaning.

Is it possible to give 9 roses or another odd number?

On the one hand, 9 is an odd number, which means that such a number of flowers in a bouquet cannot do any harm. On the other hand, there is a reference to special days after the death of a person- third, ninth and fortieth.

Therefore, a bouquet of 3, 9 and, even worse, 40 flowers is a sign of death.

People often doubt whether it is possible to give 5 roses or is this not the most appropriate number? Such a gift does not carry any negativity. There is no need to doubt the question of whether it is possible to give 7 roses. These are odd numbers that do not carry any negative meaning.

The question of 15 roses is controversial. But this is not a matter of signs. In the language of flowers, such a bouquet will mean a plea for forgiveness. If a person is well versed in such things, you may be misunderstood.

Is it possible to give a damn dozen - 13 roses

The Slavic people did not have superstitions about the number 13 - they came to us later from Europe.

In European countries, it is not customary to give bouquets of 13 flowers. This leads to a whole series of failures. In addition, etiquette does not welcome such gifts - spoiling the mood with bad predictions is still not a good idea.

According to an old European legend, there lived a king several centuries ago who wanted to find out whether his wife had been faithful to him during a military campaign. The king went to the witch for advice. She advised him to give his wife a bouquet of scarlet roses, which should be placed near her headboard at night, during his absence. If the queen had been faithful to her husband, the flowers would have remained scarlet. But the next morning the king saw that they had acquired a bright yellow tint.

Yellow roses given to a person with whom you are not in a relationship will bring him good luck and creative success.

This is a great option for a bouquet intended for your favorite artist, boss or colleague, as well as for a friend who loves the color yellow. Often sunny yellow bouquets of roses are given to distant relatives, if it is not a wedding.

Is it possible to give white roses?

The meaning of white roses does not carry any negative meaning. It lies in purity of thoughts and feelings, for the most part. Very often, white roses are given before a marriage proposal. They are considered one of the most auspicious wedding flowers.

However, you can give one to relatives, friends, and colleagues. According to signs, white roses bring happiness in family life, good luck in business and lift your spirits.

If you have been wanting it for a long time, you can ask someone to give you a bouquet of white roses. Ideally, this should be a man who arouses your sympathy. We are talking about sympathy, not love feelings. You can get a bouquet that will help you get married from a friend, relative, or colleague. The longer it sits, the less you can expect a wedding ceremony.

In general, there are many superstitions about the number of roses in a bouquet and their color. Some of them contradict each other. Only you can decide which signs to believe and whether to believe in them at all.

In Georgia, an odd number of flowers is placed only on the graves of the deceased, and an even number is given to the living. And in Germany, men present their lovers with bouquets of eight flowers. However, in Russia, eight or any other number of flowers divisible by 2 are taken with them exclusively to the cemetery, while those who are alive are entitled to an odd number.

The secret meaning of numbers

The tradition of giving bouquets to the living, consisting only of an odd number of flowers, has its roots in the distant past, when paganism still dominated in Rus'. Numbers were very important back then. Moreover, all even numbers symbolized the end of life, a certain completeness, a dead end, while odd numbers, on the contrary, suggested the continuation of the cycle, movement forward.

But the odd number 3 in Rus' symbolized the spiritual principle. It is not without reason that in many pagan rituals one or another action had to be performed three times. And in Russian folk tales, the troika constantly appears: three wishes, Gorynych has three heads, the crossroads of three roads, the distant kingdom, and so on.

According to S. Yu. Klyuchnikov, only one odd number, 13, was considered unlucky, which was called only “dashing one-eyed.”

Odd numbers have a definite place in Christianity. Examples of this include the holy trinity: Father, Son and Holy Spirit; 5 loaves of bread that fed 5 thousand people; 7 deadly sins, 9 angelic ranks. But the even number 666 represents evil and is called the “number of the beast.”

People still believe that an even number of flowers given to a living person is fraught with misfortune or even death of the person to whom these flowers are intended. When talking about an even number of flowers, it is customary to say “gifted up to a couple.” That is, a deceased person finds his mate in the image of death, becoming her husband or wife.

What to do if you gave an even number of flowers?

Few people know that the number of flowers is only relevant in small bouquets. Florists even have an “odd to dozen” rule. That is, if there are more than 12 flowers in a bouquet, then their number no longer matters, and it is quite possible to give a living person 20, 30, or a million roses.

However, if you are still worried about the “wrong” number of flowers in the bouquet, then simply divide the bouquet into two or more parts at your discretion, so that each part contains an odd number of stems.

Many people wonder: why do they put an even number of flowers on the grave and where did this tradition come from? There are several opinions on this matter:

  1. Even in Ancient Rus', two flowers were placed on the grave of fallen soldiers who defended their homeland from enemy invasion.
  2. According to pagan belief, an even number is a symbol of evil and death. It’s not for nothing that they say “trouble does not come alone.” Perhaps this was the reason for the emergence of the custom of giving an odd number of flowers to the living, and an even number to the dead.
  3. Many ancient cultures associated even numbers with completeness and completeness. In the case of a funeral, this may indicate the end of life. All odd numbers except 13 symbolized happiness, joy, movement and life.
  4. The ancient Pythogoreans considered odd numbers to personify goodness, light and life, and unpaired numbers - death, grief, disappointment.
  5. Two flowers are placed on the grave: one is intended for the deceased, and the second is for God or the guardian angel.
  6. Some believe that an odd number of flowers is given to the living “up to a couple,” and since the person has died and thus becomes “married” to death, he is presented with an odd number.

Not in all countries is it customary to give people an unpaired number of flowers for their birthday or any other holiday. For example, in the USA, Europe and some Eastern countries, the birthday boy or hero of the day is presented with a bouquet with an odd number of flowers in the bouquet, without considering this something strange and frightening.

If there are more than ten flowers in the bouquet, then no attention is paid to their number (even or not).

Many people, going to a funeral, do not know which flowers are better to buy: fresh or artificial. Different ones are also placed on the grave. It all depends on a person's personal preferences. Of the fresh flowers, the following are considered mourning:

  1. White chrysanthemums, which are often brought to deceased friends. This flower symbolizes openness, sincerity and friendship.
  2. White lilies symbolizing purity. They are often placed on the graves of girls and young women.
  3. Red carnations are appropriate on the grave of a person who was highly respected among his circle. These could be mentors, teachers and managers. These flowers express their respect. They are also placed at monuments dedicated to military actions.
  4. Dark red roses are a symbol of sorrow and living blood. They are placed on the graves of tragically dead people.

There must be an even number of flowers in the bouquet. They need to be placed with the buds towards the head of the deceased.

Artificial flowers, rather than real ones, are much more popular. This is because they retain their original appearance for a long time, and the living ones already wither and dry out on the second day, after which they look very untidy on the grave.

And in general, artificial flowers are traditionally considered mourning. You can decorate your grave with them at any time of the year. Today you can buy both a wreath and just a bouquet. It is worth remembering that wreaths are usually laid on the day of the funeral; it is not customary to bring them on the anniversary and birthday of the deceased.

What to plant in a cemetery?