Why do not you have a boyfriend. Why don't I have a boyfriend

When a girl grows up and sees that her friends have boyfriends, she involuntarily wonders why she is lonely. The absence of a boyfriend can damage a girl's self-esteem and make her doubt her own attractiveness. In fact, the presence of a relationship, or lack thereof, is not an indicator of a girl’s attractiveness. And there are many underlying reasons for female loneliness. From this article you can find out why there is no boyfriend, what to do about it and how to prepare yourself for a relationship with a guy.

As a rule, at the age of 13-14, a girl dreams of meeting her love and thinks about relationships with men. But here you need to understand whether she is ready to enter into a relationship. At this age, love has the character of an owner - the young lady wants to have a guy as property, so that he would give flowers to his lady of the heart, admire her and give gifts. Young people subconsciously feel that a girl wants a relationship for the sake of a relationship, and not specifically for them.

It looks something like this- “Let’s meet, I’m so good, beautiful and talented. You will accompany me home and take me to the movies.” This, alas, is not a relationship. With such an attitude, a girl of 13-14 years old will never find a boyfriend. In order to enter into a relationship at this age, you need to understand that boys mature more slowly than girls, and when building a relationship with a peer, you need to understand that he needs, first of all, a girl - a friend who shares his interests, life views, and shares his hobbies.

A good move would be: go to a karate, volleyball or karting section, take a keen interest in these activities, read specialized literature and be able to carry on a conversation on “male” topics. After some time of such communication, the surrounding guys will pay attention to a pretty, smart girl who has common hobbies with them. And then all that’s left to do is show your strengths. For example, treat him to a pie you made yourself, or surprise him with an unusual act. For example, take part in a karting competition or participate in a school physics Olympiad.

At this age, a girl should not focus herself on relationships. You should start developing yourself, find a hobby, study, and engage in self-education. It is worth remembering that love is not an end in itself, but only a means to achieving spiritual harmony. Life has prepared a fateful meeting for every woman, which can happen at any age.

At 13 or 14 years old, a girl is no longer small, but sometimes she is not yet psychologically ready for a relationship. She wants love - adoration, not love - cooperation.

There is no guy at 15-16 years old, how to answer the question?

At the age of 15–16, every second girl experiences the feeling of falling in love for the first time. It is at this age that the first love relationship. But, unfortunately, first love rarely develops into real feelings. Dating a boy at this age is the norm. But why is there no guy at 15, 16 years old? Young people at this age have already gone through a period when a girl should be a friend and like-minded person. Here they choose first of all by external signs, that is, the brighter the plumage of a bird, the faster it will be noticed.

Psychologists surveyed 100 young people aged 15 to 16 years old and found out which girl they would not like to date.

So, boys don't like:

  • Ungroomed girls, in dirty clothes, sloppy.
  • Moody, whiny and annoying.
  • Smoking, drinking.
  • Angry, envious and bilious.
  • Promiscuous in relationships with the opposite sex.

So, to understand why there is no boyfriend at 15-16 years old, you need to delve a little into yourself; if 2-3 years ago young people needed a smart girlfriend, now they need Nice picture. If a girl understands that she really looks bad, then hard work on herself is required. Even if at this age you cannot find a guy, then with a good figure and well-groomed appearance it will be easier to do this in the future.

So, when planning to meet a guy, every girl would do well to:

  • Get rid of extra pounds, if any.
  • Visit the dentist, get your teeth treated and achieve a perfect smile.
  • Visit a hairdresser-stylist and choose a hairstyle that emphasizes the girl’s advantages.
  • Look through fashion magazines, get acquainted with fashion trends. If possible, visit a stylist.
  • Understand that bad habits do not make a girl beautiful. You shouldn't even start smoking or drinking. It is better to engage in sports - aerobics, sports dancing or jogging. These activities will have a beneficial effect on your figure, health and well-being.

Thus, by the age of 15 or 16, a girl, having worked on her appearance, has a better chance of finding a guy. But don’t forget about the “content”. A stupid beauty has less chance of finding a guy than smart girl with average appearance.

You also need to understand that the reason for the absence of a boyfriend lies not only in the girl herself; many young people of this age are simply afraid to start a relationship.

Even if relationships with the opposite sex do not work out, do not despair, you can meet your love at any age. The most important thing is to learn to understand what we expect from relationships and why they are needed.

Why can’t you have a boyfriend at 17-18 years old, but your friends do?

It's a shame when your seventeen-year-old girlfriends go on dates, but you don't. Well-groomed, pretty, well-read, fluent in a foreign language, but still alone. But Masha from the technical school is dating a handsome man. Is the situation familiar? Yes, then read on.

If most of your friends date boys, it means they have found someone who completes them. Thus, every person strives to build relationships with a person who is as similar to himself as possible. Therefore, at the age of 17 - 18 years old, it is worth looking for a person close to your interests. You teach French– sign up for public lectures at the French cultural center; if you love football, go to the stadium more often and attend the matches of your favorite team.

At this age, guys are also looking for a like-minded girl. It doesn’t matter to them what she looks like or how long her legs are. But much more important will be interesting inner world girls, easy character and cheerful disposition.

A girl at any age should know that angry and envious women scare away men. If you want to date a guy, become a kind soul. All in your hands.

Also, guys 17-18 years old pay attention to girls who are passionate, find something to do - a passion to which you are ready to devote your time. Be it: volunteering, animal protection, studying, drawing or collecting. If at 13 - 14 years old guys were looking for a friend, at 15 - 16 years old they were looking for good looks, at 17 - 18 years old they needed a girl - an ally.

But you need to understand what kind of ally a young man needs - if his interests include beer and discos, then decide for yourself whether you are ready to become his ally. It is better to look for a guy where there are promising and socially adapted young people - a university, sports clubs, language clubs, volunteer organizations, societies of the same hobby.

I don’t have a favorite guy at 19-20 years old, what’s wrong with me?

When a girl wonders what's wrong with me, there really is a problem. Here you need to consult a psychologist, he will help you understand yourself.

But, as a rule, the only reason (which is identified by all experts) is why at the age of 19–20 years there is no young man are the girl’s excessive demands on her chosen one.

A Cinderella complex may appear here, which, in fact, is nothing, but is waiting for a prince. And he refuses relationships to good, but ordinary guys, not astronauts, not football players and not world-famous actors.

A young woman looking for a guy from 19 to 20 years old should reconsider her attitude towards the opposite sex, understand that there is no ideal and highlight masculine qualities important and minor. To do this, you need two pieces of paper, a pen or marker. Then write “yes” on one piece of paper and “no” on the other. And they record what can be accepted in a man and what cannot. If there are more “no”, then a thorough analysis of why this is so is necessary. For example, if a girl does not agree to put up with her lover’s betrayal or drug addiction, then this is normal, but if she is annoyed by the presence of brothers or blue eyes, then one thing needs to be understood - little things in appearance and lifestyle are not so important. By narrowing the scope of her search for a guy, the girl herself scares away potential suitors.

I'm beautiful, but there's no guy next to me, does that mean I'm Scary?

Am I not worthy of Love?

Beautiful doesn't mean happy. A girl may be unattractive, but at the same time she is happy in her relationship. Every woman is worthy of love, but for this it is necessary to acquire adequate self-esteem, know your strengths and weak sides and understand that every woman is worthy of love.

To accept yourself, there is one psychological exercise - it is tough, but effective. To be loved by others, you need to learn to love yourself. Every day for 20 days it is necessary to perform exercises to increase female self-esteem and understand the aspect that any woman is worthy of love.

This requires:

  • Every morning in front of the mirror, give yourself 3 compliments, from the heart. Not just “I’m cute,” “I have beautiful, expressive eyes,” “I’m an interesting conversationalist,” “I’m worthy of the love of a wealthy man.” Praise yourself and wish yourself to meet a good man.
  • Write your main advantages on a piece of paper, then re-read them, and after each repeat “I am worthy of love.” For example, “I have a rank in chess, I am worthy of love,” “I quit smoking last month, I am worthy of love.”
  • Regularly practice the “mirror smile” - take out your pocket mirror every two hours and sincerely smile at your image.

20 days of this training will work wonders, more than 80% of the women who passed it were able to let love into their lives and find a man.

A simple psychology test for a girl

“Am I ready for a relationship?”

To understand whether a girl needs a young man right now, American psychologists created a simple test “Am I ready for a relationship.” By answering 5 simple questions and counting the points, the girl will be able to understand whether he is ready to meet a guy, or whether the time has not yet come.


  • Do you agree with the statement “Without love, life is meaningless”?

B) Partly

  • Where can you meet the man of your dreams?

A) On the Internet

B) At a disco, in a nightclub

B) Almost everywhere

  • What attracts you most in men?

A) Appearance

B) Material well-being

B) His personality and lifestyle

  • Imagine your first date, what it will be like:

A) Going to a cafe or restaurant

B) Meeting in the city, visiting an entertainment center

B) I don’t know, we’ll come to an agreement ourselves. (I'll let the man choose)

  • Why do you need a relationship with a man?

A) Everyone has.., this is the norm

B) Bored alone, no one to go out with?

C) It's time to build a serious relationship and start a family.

So, for each answer (A) 1 point is awarded, for answer (B) 2 points, and for answer (C) 3 points.

If you scored from 5 to 7 points:

You do not have a clear idea of ​​why you need a relationship; you are not yet ready for a mature relationship of cooperation and love. If you want to meet a man, then only because of the example of your friends and relatives. Don't rush, your time to fall in love has not yet come. Don't worry, everything is ahead of you.

From 7 to 10 points:

For you, having a relationship means status, prestige. You should not consider a man as property and protection from all adversities. In a harmonious relationship there should be both support and care from the woman. Your selfishness prevents you from building long-lasting relationships. Most likely, you meet men, but the relationship is too short-lived. Learn not only to take, but also to give.

From 10 to 15 points:

Are you not married yet? Strangely, usually women with this position in life are completely ready for a relationship and are happy in marriage or long-term relationships. If you are still single, don’t despair, you are completely ready for a relationship.

Never had a boyfriend, how to find one?

How to find a guy? Search - create a profile on a dating site, go on dates, visit crowded places where men “aggregate”: stadiums, fitness centers, cafes, cinemas. You can ask your friends to introduce you to your brothers and friends. This method is very effective and simple.

You can contact a potential matchmaker. When looking for a guy, the most important thing is action; you can’t wait for fate to knock on the door.

At what age is it difficult to find a boyfriend or a man?

Girls, if you are asking this question, then understand that even at 70 years old you can find a man. The main thing is to understand that you are worthy of love, you are capable of giving your love to a man, you want to be happy and make a man happy with yourself.

There is a misconception that after 35 years it is almost impossible to find a man, but look how many women there are around who have found a couple after 35, even after 50 and 60 years.

Age is not a criterion. It's important to understand what a relationship is for and what you can bring to it. If a woman is always ready to support, inspire and love a man, then building a harmonious relationship is not a problem for her at any age.

Ok Google! Why don't I have a boyfriend yet?

Top answers

Both Google and psychologists will give almost identical answers to this question.

Here they are:

  • Look in the wrong place

Remember, girls. Men do not go to discos and cafes to meet people. It’s easier to find a guy at a fitness club or through mutual friends.

  • No boyfriend because you are looking for a prince

And they only exist in fairy tales. Lower your demands. Get yourself in order, men love well-groomed ladies.

  • Engage in self-development

Become interesting as a person. There is no boyfriend because you consider yourself unworthy of love and have low self-esteem.

And remember girls, meeting a guy is not a goal, but just one of the paths to harmony and happiness. It is worth remembering one interesting saying: “If you want to change the world, change yourself.” Don't be afraid to change, improve and search.

Do not miss. . .

Need to know -

The time will definitely come when a girl will ask something like this: why don’t I have a boyfriend? And this moment of soul-searching will come not at the age of 30, when everything is already normal, but during a difficult age. It is this difficult age that determines the complexity of the situation. But what if there is no boyfriend? There is always an answer! So, let's begin.

The worst thing you can do is justify yourself. Excuses include: “all guys are assholes”; “Mom didn’t raise the lady for a serf”; “I’m special and no one understands me” and so on. The next worst-case scenario would be humility. Example: “I’m worthless and I won’t even think about taking care of myself.” In any case, the problem is inside, not on the surface.

First you need to learn to ask questions to yourself. Why do you need a boyfriend? Because everyone has one, but I don’t have a boyfriend? 90% of all worries lie precisely in this plane. One thing is clear: thoughts urgently need to be organized!

Let's put things in order in our heads

The case when “everyone has it, but I don’t” is the most common. Behind this lies not loneliness in personal life, but unfulfillment. Thoughts like “I don’t have a boyfriend” are not a tragedy, they are a point of growth.

If you live in a typical provincial town with a population of up to half a million, then it is very easy to become a black sheep. If your friends hint to you about your loneliness, then this is not at all a desire to open your eyes and guide you on the righteous path. This form of behavior is common aggression. I describe everything in detail. A friend deliberately “let slip” to you about a walk with a guy, about sex with him, about a gift from him. Then he asks you about the following: do you like someone, have you thought about dating someone, or obsessively promises (in fact, demands) to introduce you to a young man. Moreover, your potential boyfriend should be either a womanizer (a local macho man, a self-appointed handsome man) or a completely shabby, unattractive character (these are called “suckers”). At the same time, her voice is lowered as if she is confiding in some secret, and her eyes are widened and staring intently. This conversation was started to humiliate you. This is not another stone towards female friendship, it is a description of a form of establishing superiority over you, which is very common among teenagers. For example, you can watch this film, you will understand everything yourself.

Personal life is a very subtle, exciting area of ​​your life. And through it it is very easy to influence you, especially if a person is predisposed to aggression. Aggressive behavior among teenagers is a very common phenomenon. The complex of absence of a young man cannot appear on its own. This is where the mechanism of social mimicry comes into play. Be careful.

Find your real "soul mate"

The advice of your girlfriends and the desire to be like everyone else will help you acquire sexual partner, but not a guy. For a guy is a young man who loves you, cares about you and plans his future based on the fact that he has you.

In order for the right guy to appear, you must avoid a closed social system such as classroom or an old circle of acquaintances. There is always competition and hierarchy, which means envy and aggression. You can meet a guy who will become your loved one in places such as courses foreign language, lectures and seminars, sections or institute, etc. We need a new environment, a new environment. Question to think about: Why do you think a young man or girl who did not receive respect and attention in his school or on small homeland(village, small town), change beyond recognition for the better as soon as they move to study in a large city? Yes, because there they can be themselves! So, be yourself. Find a new society, new acquaintances. There is no meanness or competition in English courses, which means that people will notice and love you good man.

Learn to take care of yourself

Sometimes you look at a pimply guy or girl and think: “Do you feel sorry for 200 rubles for a skin care product?” It’s surprising that people live with appearance defects all their lives, when you can get rid of them in a couple of weeks! And good things are so cheap today that everyone can afford them! There are online stores where a beautiful dress costs 300 rubles or even less. If you don’t like the way you look with glasses, buy contact lenses, they cost from 300-500 rubles per pair, which you can wear for 3-4 months. Why are you creating problems out of the blue? Love yourself and the question of what to do if you don’t have a boyfriend will stop frightening you with its intractability. The world is beautiful, you are beautiful!

As a rule, many girls who do not have boyfriends or who have simply been dumped begin to wonder about this question.
There are many reasons why a girl still doesn't have a boyfriend, and one of them may be your main one.

1. Perhaps this is your complex. Among many girls, unfortunately, there is such a widespread opinion that if you don’t have such a chic figure as the models, or if you don’t look like any of the actresses, then no one will look at you, much less will fall in love. And therefore they begin to constantly think about how to change their appearance and fill their heads with unnecessary things. And of course, no man wants to be next to a nervous woman. And if you think about it, are all those girls who have a boyfriend so similar to actresses or models?

2. Perhaps you have stopped going beyond your social circle and, moreover, you are afraid and do not want to meet new people. You're too lazy to go to parties and nightclubs and it's easier to talk to your mom and best friend. If this is actually the case, then how exactly are you going to meet someone if no one can see you? Read the Be Alpha website, pickup for a girl section - and flirt with men, look at them so that they notice you.

3. It is possible that you are a very modest and shy person. Being in fact a fairly pleasant and interesting person to talk to, when you meet some guy, with your shyness, you create not the best impression of yourself - the guy doesn’t get turned on by talking to you, but is rather afraid of offending you in some way. If you are by nature such an unsociable person, then you should start getting involved in social affairs or take part in various kinds of events where you communicate with guys. 4. Some girls, seeing the success of their friends, begin to envy them and somehow imitate them. At the same time, they forget about their individuality and turn into a copy of someone, which naturally no one needs. You won’t be able to copy completely; you don’t know how your friend behaves when she’s alone with her boyfriend.

5. Many girls try to pretend to be someone they really are not, or pretend to be too serious, thereby trying to show their individuality and difference from others. But you shouldn’t turn your nose up so much and you need to be simpler - guys don’t like girls who try to put themselves above men, so don’t take mtv videos with independent and proud girls seriously - it’s just a picture.

6. Some girls try to make jokes, showing guys that they don’t need them, but this doesn’t attract them to them, but on the contrary, guys don’t want to talk to them.

7. Immediately after meeting, some girls begin to talk about further relationships, which the guy may not have thought about yet. By doing this, on the contrary, they scare away guys, because... As you know, they don’t like showdowns.

8. There is no need to play hard to get, believing that no guy is worthy of you. It is no longer within any scope to sit and wait for a prince on a white horse, remember that if you meet a worthy guy from your circle who you like and are happy with him, then he will be your prince.

9. If a guy comes to visit you, and you begin to show him excessive care, then this will remind him of his mother and I think that he does not need a second mother. The guy wants sex, first of all, and not baby talk and friendship.

10. It is possible that for many of your friends and girlfriends you are a kind of vest in which they can cry and while listening to their problems you take on all the negative energy, your mood drops and you become uninterested in organizing your personal life, seeing so many disappointments other's.

11. It is possible that every time you meet guys, you begin to see them as your friends and nothing more, and you also let them know this, putting yourself on a par with them, i.e. you show how independent you are, and you don’t need anyone’s help, especially a man’s. It is possible that even you are infected with the virus of feminism, which is poisoning your life, with a negative attitude towards men.

12. Also, you should not believe girls who are disappointed in guys, friends who, at any convenient moment, especially immediately after breaking up with their boyfriends, try to say and prove that all guys are bastards. It is because of girls like this that many guys think that all girls are bitches.

If you are still very young and have not had a boyfriend, then you should not be upset in vain. On the contrary, you have enough time to think about what kind of guy you need and what kind of relationship you need. Keep in mind that if you want a relationship with an already established man, then you should think about whether you are ready for a serious relationship and whether you will match your man and not seem like a stupid and ordinary dummy next to him. To find a guy and build a relationship, try first to learn how to communicate with different guys and understand male psychology.

What to do, if you don't have a boyfriend, but I really want to - this question worries many girls who suffer from the inattention of guys. If speak about beautiful girls, then this does not concern them, because guys are always running after them. But every girl wants to be happy, regardless of appearance. In fact, happiness does not lie in beauty, but not all people understand this. Before falling in love with a girl, a guy develops sympathy.

How to get a guy's attention

To attract a guy, first of all you need overcome fears and anxiety. If he rejects you, then you will understand that there is no more chance. And you will stop suffering.

To attract a guy's attention, you need to start showing signs of attention so that he understands that you are not indifferent to you. Perhaps he likes you too, but he is embarrassed to say so. And if you take the first step, then he will not be so afraid to confess his feelings.

You can ask friends to assist in the process, for example, let your girlfriend hint to the guy that you like him. You shouldn’t talk to him directly; it’s better to speak in hints. It is worth remembering that guys do not understand hints well and therefore should contain as much directness as possible.

How to get a guy to like you?

To please a guy need to look good. If you have flaws regarding your appearance, then first of all you need to correct them. A common reason why guys don't like girls is considered to be excess weight. Today, many diets have been developed that even schoolgirls can adhere to, as they do not harm the body.

One of the simple diets can be considered water. Its essence is that before each meal you need to drink a glass of water, filling your stomach. This diet can be beneficial for your health, because everyone needs water.

If there are no problems with appearance, then you need to conquer the guy with your interests. It is necessary, with the help of friends, to find out what he is interested in and support him. All males love it when girls support them and are interested in their hobbies.

For example, if a guy loves movies, then you can invite him to the cinema.

You shouldn’t talk about feelings right away; it can stun a person. It's better to become friends to see if the person is interesting to you. Perhaps it will not seem as interesting to you as it seemed at first glance.

For girls aged 14-16 years, love relationships play an important role. This age is considered the period when people fall in love and may be seriously worried about being separated from their boyfriend. To meet a good guy, you must follow these guidelines:

  • Visit cultural places where you can meet a decent guy;
  • Be yourself - guys don’t like it when girls pretend to be someone else;
  • It is worth behaving according to the norms, since dissolute behavior by a guy will not be appreciated;
  • You need to be interested in your partner’s hobbies;
  • See a guy as a friend and advisor;
  • If you like a guy, then it is better to seek his attention than to have an affair with those who like you;
  • If you study with a guy at the same school, then you need to talk and communicate during breaks so that he sees a friend in your face;
  • You need to make witty jokes and be the life of the party.

In life girls 16-18 years old guys play an important role. Since they are already adults and crave a relationship. Ladies of this age need to follow these tips to attract a guy:

  • Spend a lot of time with friends who can introduce you to a good person;
  • Even if you don't like the guy's appearance, you can go on a date with him. Perhaps it will dispel doubts;
  • Don't get hung up on one person;
  • It’s worth being thrifty and showing culinary delights - guys appreciate this;
  • You should not be available to a guy and give yourself to him on the first date - he will take advantage of your availability and will not build a relationship with you;
  • If you want to find a stylish guy, you can go to clubs, this is where most guys hang out;
  • You shouldn't do stupid things if the guy doesn't reciprocate your feelings;
  • Know: sooner or later you will meet;

If you're going on a date with a guy, you need to look your best, put on makeup, do your hair and wear your best outfit. You need to learn how to impress a guy.

How to get your boyfriend back if he dumped you?

Often in adolescence The relationship between a guy and a girl is not stable. They either break up or get back together. And if a guy dumped you, then you need to try to get him back.
Parting with a loved one is a difficult experience. When a person loses a loved one, he experiences emotional distress and a feeling of loneliness that is difficult to overcome. But, unfortunately, many people, especially teenagers, are familiar with such feelings. Anyone who finds themselves in a similar situation can do the following:

  1. Forget about the relationship and just cry;
  2. Bring back your old love.

Girls who want their lover back you need to do the following:

  1. Don’t limit yourself to anything and enjoy life to the fullest. You need to do what you have long dreamed of. Perhaps this is a reason to return to old connections and make new acquaintances. You shouldn’t do this feignedly, feelings should be sincere;
  2. You need to stop communicating with your ex-boyfriend. Thanks to this method you will attract attention;
  3. After a month, you can try to communicate with the person you broke up with. Agree, it’s not difficult to come up with a reason for a meeting. The conversation should be short, and you should not talk about your love stories and ask your ex how things are going on his personal front;
  4. Then you need to arrange a casual date, which should melt the feelings of your loved one. You need to show that you do not hold a grudge against your chosen one and that everything is fine with you. This behavior will hurt the guy’s pride and he will think about how to get you back.

If there is love between you, then the relationship can be restored, because loved ones do not part.

Come to terms with not having a boyfriend

If you don’t have a boyfriend, but you want a relationship, then you need to try all the methods described above. If a guy doesn’t want to be friends with you, then you shouldn’t run after him and humiliate yourself. Don't forget about self-esteem. Remember - you need to respect yourself.

If you were unable to meet a guy in the real world, then you can create an account on a dating site and meet a person there. Sometimes such acquaintances are more effective than dating in real life.

It’s better not to be puzzled by the question of what to do if there is no boyfriend, but simply believe that he will appear in your life when the time comes.

Video about relationships

Everyone has love, do you have a list of the most beautiful cat breeds on the last tabs in Safari? You can’t understand why a former classmate with a perpetually fat head posts photos from a romantic trip to Rome, but no one even invites you for coffee? It's time to face the truth and find the reason.


A romantic relationship with a guy is a complicated thing. This requires spending time, energy and nerves. It’s one thing if you just don’t want to, but it’s a completely different thing when you have no one to go with.

Let's figure out why the famous "All by myself" became the soundtrack to your life.

Low self-esteem

No, you don't have to inaugurate yourself as the president of beauty and wit by kissing your reflection in the mirror. But loving yourself is a must-do homework.

Low self-esteem of a person indicates that he underestimates his qualities and greatly influences how he is perceived in society. Simply put, your lack of self-confidence is noticeable to other people.

A man doesn’t need to be a subtle psychologist to understand that you are dissatisfied with yourself. This is where the quest for your consciousness begins: “what’s wrong with her?”, “why doesn’t she do anything about it,” etc.

In addition, it is obvious that uncertainty has a bad effect on the ability to hone the skill of flirting, and even open up to someone by telling about your feelings.

How do we fix this?

The main task is to learn to identify your strengths and present yourself correctly. Focus on what seems most successful to you in your appearance and character and feel free to emphasize it.

Excessive requirements

A complete antonym of the previous problem. Everything is wrong for you: this one is too short, the other one is a smoker, the third one has only the gym on his mind, and the fourth one laughs too loudly at stupid jokes in cinemas. Where is the ideal one?

Get ready, it's going to be unpleasant.

There are no ideal ones. There are only your people and not your people. And fate is unlikely to give you manners and intelligence. You'll have to look for the best in Seryozha from the office center opposite, or in Ruslan from Tinder. Don’t even look, but tune in and see.

How do we fix this?

Let's open our eyes a little wider and accept that we are not perfect either. Cool, of course, but imperfect. And we’ll finally give someone a chance to make us fall in love.

You're very busy

Kamon! Now this is a complete lie. “One of my friends” loves to tell off everyone who is not interesting to her with a story about an 18-hour working day. But this is all nonsense.

There is a legend that we can always find time for special people. Of course, I haven’t tested it on myself yet, since I work 20 hours a day, but when a friend calls and invites her for an Aperol, the working day ends. Suddenly. It’s the same story with mom, who calls for coffee. So maybe stop telling me that during breaks between work you only eat and sleep?

How do we fix this?

Next time, try to give an affirmative answer to the voiced invitation. What if he turns out to be “the one”?

You're not getting to know each other

One of the most severe cases. There is a category of people to whom any “new” people are alien. You can blow off a drunk dancer in a bar without any regrets and not leave your number to that ugly neighbor, but if you shy away from everyone in the world, that’s a problem.

There is nothing wrong with what you choose. But choice is not ignorance. Remember this.