Why did Andrey Malakhov quit Channel 1? Why Malakhov left Channel One and Let them say: Andrei Malakhov’s departure is still being discussed on social networks

(45) is inevitably associated throughout the country with the scandalous program “Let Them Talk” - together with the studio, he finds out where the Rusfond money went, who is to blame for the rape (18) and (34) on a lie detector test. But recently it became known that “Let Them Talk” may be left without a star presenter. According to rumors, after 25 years of work (12 of them at “Let Them Talk”), Andrei decided to leave Channel One. Let's figure out what happened!

It all started with a Twitter post by Current Time correspondent Yegor Maksimov. “Wow, they say VGTRK bought Malakhov. in any case, Shepelev took over his studio in Ostankino with a new program (this is a fact),” the journalist wrote. And a little later, the editor-in-chief of the R-Sport agency, Vasily Konov, joined him: “This is a fact and the main transfer sensation of the television off-season. There’s a lot of talk about this in TV circles.”

And so, the news was picked up by leading news agencies. For example, RBC reported that the TV presenter did not work well with the new producer of “Let Them Talk,” whom First General Director Konstantin Ernst (56) appointed to raise the show’s ratings. Andrey demanded the return of the previous producer, he was refused, and he decided to move to another channel. According to RBC, from the fall Andrei Malakhov will work on the Rossiya 1 channel (VGTRK holding) in the Live Broadcast program (now it is hosted by Boris Korchevnikov (35), but he plans to focus on the position of general director of the Spas channel) . Part of the team will also follow Andrei, so Channel One, if the information is confirmed, will have to conduct a rather large casting.

In any case, neither the leadership of the First nor Andrei Malakhov has yet commented on the rumors, and VGTRK refers to the vacation of the entire management team (we know nothing - we have heard nothing). Andrei himself, by the way, shared in 2014 that he had no idea what would force him to leave Channel One. He openly: “Sometimes during the recording of another program where a father raped his daughter or where ungrateful children, a week after the death of their mother, furiously divide the inheritance, you want to get up and leave. But the thought always stops me - we still help. The DNA tests that are carried out for broadcast are real. After many transfers, criminal cases were opened or reopened and the perpetrators went to prison. We are doing a good deed."

The TV presenter is already expected at “Russia 1” and “House-2”.

He is loved and hated with equal strength- there are no people indifferent to Malakhov. That is why the news that Andrei was leaving Channel One shook up all TV viewers. Some are worried, others are rejoicing. And everyone wonders together: what happened and where will he appear now?

Malakhov’s phone would probably have exploded with calls in the last week. But he prudently turned it off. Andrey is on vacation. Doesn't answer letters, doesn't comment on anything. People are at a loss: can we believe the news about his dismissal or is this just another rumor on the eve of the new television season?

Information leaked to the people from the corridors of Ostankino, where it is being vigorously discussed that Malakhov (of course, the main person of Channel One!) has no longer hosted “Let Them Talk” since September. And supposedly, casting for his place is already in full swing.

It seems like Dmitry Borisov from the Vremya program auditioned, and Alexander Smol came from Krasnoyarsk - the same “news guy” who became famous throughout the country by applauding local deputies who had gathered to double their salaries.

But, they say, the main contender for Malakhov’s warm place is Dmitry Shepelev. On the sidelines of the television center they are gossiping that it is he who is being pushed through by the new producer “Let Them Talk,” with whom Andrei seems to have had a conflict...


There was always a high turnover in Malakhov’s talk show: guest editors burned out under the crazy workload and after a few months of work they quit with the words: “Never again!”

Malakhov worked for 15 years without a break. The program changed its names: “The Big Wash”, “Five Evenings”, “Let Them Talk” - but the presenter remained unchanged.

- “Let them talk” is the goose that lays the golden eggs for Channel One. But I am an employee with a salary that does not depend on ratings or the number of hours worked,” Andrei recently said in an interview. - I am a convenient worker who is loyal, does not open doors with his foot and enjoys what he does. I saw people slamming doors and stamping their feet - and I know where they are now. This concerns both favorites and favorites - everything ended very quickly...

In May, there was a sudden mass exodus of staff from his show. Many considered the reason to be that producer Natalya Nikonova, who had left for competitors almost nine years ago, returned to the program.

She brought her team. And I decided to add some spice to the “family squabbles” - political topics began to appear on the air. Several issues were published only about the murdered deputy Denis Voronenkov and his widow Maria Maksakova.

Malakhov, who called his show “modern Chekhov stories” and valued the trust of the audience very much, was, to put it mildly, dissatisfied with the change in format.

Conflict began to brew in the team. And for the first time the word “dismissal” was heard. Whether by choice or “by agreement” is not so important...


And most likely, Boris Korchevnikov, his main competitor from the Rossiya 1 TV channel, is to blame for all of Andrei Malakhov’s troubles.

In winter, he accepted an offer to become the head of the Orthodox TV channel Spas. The producers of the show quickly decided who would host the “Live Broadcast” instead of him - look, Shepelev is without a job, his name is well known, let’s take him.

Dima happily announced his appointment on Instagram. But he never appeared on the screen. As they say, the producers acted on their own initiative - they forgot to approve his candidacy from the channel management. For which, it seems, they paid with work.

So Natalya Nikonova first found herself on the street. Then again in “Let Them Talk.” And soon, tired of the feuds with Malakhov, she again remembered Shepelev - why don’t they replace the obstinate Andrei?

Dmitry shows himself well in the new project “Actually”, he doesn’t lose face when the heroes start yelling and insulting in the studio, he doesn’t mince his words - there’s a chance to make him a new star.


Behind his eyes, TV bosses often call Andrei Malakhov “Our Yuri Gagarin” - for his sincere smile and ability to humanize the most scandalous topic. A presenter who has not forgotten how to empathize with the characters over so many years is worth his weight in gold. And if you actually get fired from the First, you won’t be left without work.

“Dom-2” dreams of getting him on the perimeter, and “Russia 1”, according to rumors, has already made Malakhov an offer that is difficult to refuse. But the TV channel responds vaguely to official inquiries. “Our entire management is on vacation, so this physically cannot happen in this moment", - the press service jokes.

TV critics don't believe in dismissal at all. They believe that this whole story is an exaggerated PR. “It’s like assuming that Putin will go to work in the Moscow mayor’s office,” they laugh.

Meanwhile, in an interview just two months ago, Malakhov very clearly outlined the one and only reason that could force him to leave the First: “Only if, in order to increase ratings, they would force me to fuck a pig live on air”...

1 August 2017, 12:07

This program most clearly demonstrates to us that, it turns out, putting up for sale other people’s pain, tears, misfortunes, digging through dirty laundry in full view of the whole country without any moral right today is called in a simple word"format". Or rather, a format that brings good money. The degree of cynicism simply boggles the mind... What do you want?! Of course this will be in demand! Toilet paper, for example, will always be in greater demand than Dostoevsky's manuscripts! And stupid reality shows, in which participants endlessly sort things out and sleep with everyone, will a priori have a higher rating than a Tarkovsky film.”

Alexey Serebryakov

For almost a day now, the Internet has been buzzing with reports that the country’s main TV channel, First, will soon be left without a face, or rather, without its most famous presenter, Andrei Malakhov. Since Malakhov goes to work for VGTRK - according to some sources, due to a conflict with the team of the talk show “Let Them Talk”, according to others - due to the return of Dmitry Shepelev to Channel One, ex-husband deceased singer Zhanna Friske, who allegedly occupied Malakhov's studio

The first more or less clear and informative explanation has appeared why Malakhov left Channel One.

History of events from one of the employees of Russia 1 (cannot be quoted directly, so it’s very short):

Malakhov is being dragged to Russia 1 out of a sense of revenge.

Recently, Russia 1 producer Natalya Nikonova left for Channel One.

And so, she developed a vigorous activity, decided to direct Malakhov’s program, while simultaneously offering the management ideas for new projects, including the recently launched show of Dmitry Shepelev.

And Malakhov didn’t like it.

He has been running “Let Them Talk” for many years and believes that he does not need a boss. And for “Russia 1” his candidacy is very beneficial: the ratings of “Let Them Talk” have always been higher than those of “ Live broadcast" And who will miss the opportunity to beautifully wipe the nose of both Nikonova and Channel One in general. And it just so happened that he was offered more favorable conditions.

Natalya Nikonova, twice winner of TEFI-2007, was the head of the Studio of Special Projects of Channel One, without any irony, the founding mother of the genre of Russian talk shows for housewives.

At one time, it was Nikonova who launched Andrei Malakhov’s show “Let Them Talk”, “Malakhov+”, “Lolita. Without Complexes”, “Judge for Yourself”, etc.

Judging by the leaked information, Natalya Nikonova left Russia 1 after a financial audit was carried out.

Alexander MITROSHENKOV, president of the Transcontinental Media Company, which includes the New Company, the producer of this program, discovered financial irregularities. As it turned out, presenter Dmitry SHEPELEV was paid a salary for six months, but he never went on air. When they were looking for a replacement for Boris Korchevnikov, Shepelev was proposed, as we all remember.

Shepelev never went on air on Rossiya 1, the talk show was still hosted by Korchevnikov, but for more than six months Dmitry received money for nothing.

When the results of the financial audit were reported to Mitroshenkov, he suggested that the leaders of “Live Broadcast” Nikonova and Petritskaya resign.

Natalya Nikonova and Marina Petritskaya once came to “Live” from Channel One.

They managed the show for several years: they decided on creative and financial issues, what topics to air, and which participants should be paid how much.

These are the passions that go on on our television.

What Malakhov can bargain about, reports the Methodichka telegram channel: “The real reason Malakhov left for VGTRK is that for several years he asked Ernst to allow him to produce his own programs. But Konstantin Lvovich sent him to f..., motivating the refusal by the fact that “I made you a TV star - you will earn your money at corporate events.”

Well, a completely fantastic version, however, which has the right to exist, that no departure was planned, and all the noise was created deliberately with the aim of pumping up ratings during the summer off season. The fact that Channel One has not yet played such dirty games is not in favor of the version.

With Malakhov's departure, the First would have lost a lot. Malakhov is the channel’s key media personality, the goose that lays the golden eggs of the ratings; despite all the immoral distortions, his talk show is the best in its genre. Dmitry Shepelev, who, although younger, is also quite a professional, as they say, has less charisma. Pug against elephant.

The aesthetics of scandalous shows, which is promoted by producer Natalya Nikonova, is somewhat traditional: endless Alexey Panin, DNA tests, staging, etc., without unnecessary reflection.

At the same time, Malakhova last years, despite the fact that he works in an identical vein, he is drawn to journalistic generalizations and monologues full of morality. Probably, the conflict, if there was one, really arose somewhere here. They tried to cut off the wings of an artist claiming to be a demiurge and put him in a cage; the management did not listen and... The dramaturgy came out completely in line with the talk show “Let Them Talk.”

Don't switch.

Take care of yourself and your loved ones.

As Russian figure skater Marina Anisina said on her Instagram, the host of the show “Let Them Talk” Andrei Malakhov was fired from Channel One after she wrote an open letter to Russian President Vladimir Putin. According to the wife of the outrageous artist Nikita Dzhigurda, the project team put pressure on them, so the couple contacted the police and wrote a letter to the Russian leader.

Anisina claims that she received threats from former producer“Let them talk” by Natalya Galkovich, who allegedly stated that the figure skater and her husband would regret that on February 26, 2016, they did not say in an interview with Malakhov what they wanted to hear from them.

The dismissal of Galkovich, Malakhov and their team from Channel One is directly related to our filing of complaints against them with the police and the court! My open letter to Vladimir Putin helped... But after a short lull, alas, threats and provocations resumed again! I'm afraid for Dzhigurda! — Anisina wrote, noting that the actor was allegedly threatened because of the will of the late businesswoman Lyudmila Bratash. Also, according to her, the family is constantly attacked by pranksters.

Also in her publication, Marina Anisina, who almost broke off her relationship with Dzhigurda, confessed her love to him. The post ends with a call not to believe the lies of the black media.

Let us note that the day before Channel One announced a new episode of the Let Them Talk program, promising to reveal the main intrigue of the summer. The broadcast will take place on August 14 at 19:50 Moscow time.

According to media reports, the reason for the dismissal of Andrei Malakhov was a conflict with the new producer of “Let Them Talk,” who demanded that more politics be introduced into the talk show, as well as the presenter’s desire to take maternity leave.

For several weeks now, the media have been discussing Andrei Malakhov’s departure from the “Let Them Talk” program. Rumors, speculation, assumptions... But the TV presenter himself remained silent, confirming only that he would become a father in November. Now Malakhov has decided to dot all the i’s and in a frank conversation with journalists from one of the publications he spoke about his career plans.

The TV presenter revealed a secret: now he will become an employee of the VGTRK Rossiya1 channel and will host own program"Andrei Malakhov. Live broadcast”, which he will also produce part-time. As Malakhov stated, he had long ago “outgrown” both “Tonight” and “Let Them Talk,” in addition, he had long dreamed of his own project, his own TV show.

“Even though you have become a popular TV presenter, you still work with the same people who treat you like the son of the regiment. This is a situation where your colleagues came much later, but already have their own projects. And you still have the same old status. You are expected to be the “talk-to-the-ear” presenter, but you already have something to talk about with your viewers. It’s like in family life: at first there was love, then it grew into a habit, and at some point it was a marriage of convenience,” Andrey noted.

When it comes to age, it is important to make sure that our choice of clothing, and therefore style, plays into our hands, and in no way emphasizes possible shortcomings, and certainly does not add a couple of dozen extra years.

“I want to grow, to become a producer, a person who makes decisions, including determining what my program should be about. The TV season ended, I decided that I needed to close this door and try myself in a new capacity in a new place,” added the popular showman.

Malakhov did not expand on the conflict with Natalya Nikonova, who returned after a long break to Channel One and who once came up with “Let Them Talk,” noting only that “you have to be consistent in love and dislike.”

It turns out that Malakhov warned the leadership of First about leaving a long time ago, but for a long time they did not believe him. As the TV presenter says, he had a serious conversation with the general director of the channel, Konstantin Ernst, in which they discussed the prospects of the program in the new season.

“This conversation was superimposed on the fact that I was due to have a child in November, and I said that I needed to devote at least a day a week to what I was talking about for a long time dreamed. But this whole story is not a conflict with the channel’s management. I have deep respect for Konstantin Lvovich. Moreover, he understands what a blessing it is to become a father and that there is life beyond the daily struggle for ratings,” the TV presenter concluded.