Useful applications for schoolchildren. Educational programs Developmental programs for school

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Knowledge will be absorbed much easier and easier if you choose wisely when choosing assistant applications. Now you don’t need to carry a bunch of textbooks with you and pore over cheat sheets at night. It is enough to download these programs to your smartphone - and everything will fit into your head in an easy and accessible form. But there are so many of them that your eyes run wild, and you don’t know where to start.

To prevent you from drowning in a sea of ​​information, website I have selected only the best applications for schoolchildren and students.



PhotoMath is a calculator that uses your smartphone's camera - just point the camera at a math problem and PhotoMath will immediately give you the answer, with a step-by-step solution to the problem.


Solving equations step by step

The calculator can solve all types of equations (except differential ones), corrects errors in expressions and offers its own options for input. Shows detailed solutions to quadratic and simple trigonometric equations.



The application solves chemical reaction equations and will help with organic and inorganic chemistry. There is an interactive periodic table and a table of solubility of substances. Reactions are shown in normal and ionic form. And even formulas of organic chemistry are drawn.

Chemistry X10

Foreign languages

Duolingo: Learn languages ​​for free

One of the best, completely free apps for learning English. Training takes place in a playful, discreet and exciting way. Lives are lost if you answer incorrectly, but by learning small lessons you move forward. Colorful trophies mark the milestones of your progress.

English Grammar Test. 1200 tasks on English grammar

Russian language and literature

Russian spelling

"Spelling" is a test, a game, and a quiz. The words you misspell will appear on subsequent tests to ensure you remember them. Spell checking will help you spend your time productively and improve your spelling and literacy. You can use it to prepare for the Unified State Exam in Russian.

Grammar of Russian language

30 works of literature from grades 9 to 11 in abridged form. Works without an Internet connection.

Ekaterina Morozova

Reading time: 8 minutes


Even old people nowadays can no longer imagine life without phones and tablets. What can we say about schoolchildren and students, for whom existence without a smartphone is already unthinkable.

Of course, this habit is harmful (as any doctor will confirm), but if you can’t wean your teenager off it, then at least download several useful programs to your high school student’s smartphone.

So, let's pack our smartphone for school!

Extremely useful, convenient, needed by everyone. Especially for schoolchildren and students with their “girlish” memory.

Notepad for necessary notes (seminars/lectures, homework, etc.); creation of shared notebooks by several users to find common solutions; use for admin/notifications, etc.

Price: for free.

ABBY Lingvo

One of the best translators. Convenient application from all sides.

Price: 440 rub.


This collection of encyclopedias will be useful to every student.

In it you will find everything that may be useful in tests.

Price: for free.

You no longer need to carry books, flash drives and laptops with you. This application, which supports almost all reading formats, is sufficient.

One of the most advanced “readers” to help science rodents.

Price: for free.


A convenient and useful “reminder” for forgetful students.

You can rest assured - now you have everything under control! A clear and extremely convenient program that will help you record all your affairs for months in advance and remind you of them on time.

Price: for free.

About Evernote developers.

This application is for students who need to quickly jot down ideas and notes in a notepad.

The interface is a la “minimalism”, but the program is useful and necessary. In this graphic editor you can write and draw, change pen colors/thickness, select “paper” and add photos instead. Errors can be easily corrected with an eraser.

Price: 1 dollar.


A program for creating cheat sheets and attaching images to them.

Promotes quick memorization of the necessary material. Using the application, you can create an endless number of cheat sheets.

Pronunciation of the text is available in 22 languages ​​(in particular in Russian, but for a fee of 120 rubles).

Price: for free. But for storing a significant number of cards on the “cloud” you will be asked for 170 rubles.


One of the most downloaded applications! "5 stars" from 1.4 users!

A program that will help you learn foreign languages ​​on your own - from level to level, in a playful manner.

For Russian-speaking users - learning both German and English.

Price: for free.

One of the best cartographic projects to help students of any university and any school.

The application contains the most accurate and most detailed maps of countries and cities with general information, statistics and facts, including weather and news. Also here you can calculate distances, use filters, pin “pins” for quick search, etc.

Price: 66 rub.


Are you preparing for an exam? Do you need visual structuring of materials? This application will provide you with the ability to draw up any diagrams on an endless “canvas”, ideas and plans.

If desired, you can change the font, adjust the colors, etc.

Price: for free. But you will have to pay 279 rubles to unlock the “export” option.


Advanced development (together with neuropsychologists) - a program for brainstorming.

With its help, you can qualitatively prepare for heavy mental workload, increase your intellect, improve memory and concentration. Special exercises and problems of various difficulty levels are offered as training.

Price: for free.

Do you need a smart voice recorder? Then this application is for you!

With it, you can record sound in 4 formats, slow down/speed up sound playback, add notes and shortcuts, organize files into folders, and even cut out unnecessary fragments. There is also rewinding, a convenient search for records and other useful options.

You can save audio clips directly to Evernote, and then send them by mail or export them to Dropbox.

Price: 129 rub. Full version: 599 rub.


An extremely useful “pocket” reference book that allows you to find answers to any questions.

Using the application, you can plot a function, find out about the weather “anywhere,” calculate an integral, or even find out what the unemployment rate is in a certain city and for a specific period. The area of ​​knowledge is very wide.

Price: 172 rub.

Minus: English language.

Yandex.USE (approx. Android, free) and ABBYY.USE (approx. iOS, 66 rubles per subject)

From the names it is clear that the purpose of the programs is to help prepare for the Unified State Exam.

Of course, a good tutor is a much more valuable assistant, but these applications can also help and relieve unnecessary fears.

For each subject in Yandex.USE there are 5 training options for each subject. If the user makes a mistake, the program gives the correct answer and then explains it.

Training using the ABBYY application gives you more opportunities, and the cost of the program is quite justified.

An application that will be useful not only for students and schoolchildren, but also for many adults.

If you have problems (or gaps) with literacy, then download the program without hesitation! You no longer need to frantically remember whether to write “not” together or separately with words, 2 or 1 “n”, with or without a soft sign. An offline dictionary app will quickly fill your memory gap!

Also here you can solve the issue of punctuation marks and find out the correct stress.

Price: 99 rub.

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This program generates examples from the multiplication table. The solver needs to write down the correct answer in a special field and click the CHECK button. After clicking, the program will display the result.

You can skip tasks by clicking on the example you want to skip, but all gaps will be counted and after clicking on the RESULTS button, the number of correct and incorrect answers, as well as the number of missed tasks, will be shown.

The program will be useful to everyone who wants to repeat and consolidate their knowledge of the multiplication tables.

The program requires a java virtual machine (JVM) installed on your computer.

Subject: Mathematics

The program generates number series of different lengths (up to 12 characters) and displays them on the screen. The user selects the display time of the series and its length. After pressing START, the series is shown and disappears after a specified time, and the user must repeat it. The program is quite easy to use and will be useful for memory development. The program requires java installed on your computer to run.

Subject: Metasubject

Automatic diagnostic analysis. The table presents 4 methods: “Questionnaire for assessing the level of school motivation of N. Luskanova”; “Student survey” (according to N.Yu. Yashina); Methodology “What am I?”; “Attention test” (P.Ya. Galperin, S.L. Kabylnitskaya).

For each method, a table has been compiled with automatic output of results. Points must be entered in gray cells. The findings for each indicator are entered into the Diagnostic Summary Sheet. The archive contains diagnostic materials.

Subject: Metasubject

Target audience: for 3rd grade

Analysis of dictation and grammar assignments in 1st grade with individual diagnostics for each student.

The teacher marks the work; if the student made a mistake, you need to put + from the drop-down list, if there were no mistakes, leave the cell empty. The upper cells are active - you can enter the classification of errors. In individual sheets, the program automatically processes data for each student. The table contains instructions.

Subject: Russian language

The table presents a list of educational achievements that the teacher evaluates in students at the end of the year. A 5-point system is used for evaluation (description attached). A report is displayed for each student after filling out the main table.
The template allows for changes: you can change the class by a quarter, as described in the table. The table was compiled based on the material of L.I. Berdikulova. (the document is included in the archive).

Subject: Metasubject

Target audience: for teachers

Analysis and processing of control cheating in 1st grade with individual diagnosis of each student.

The teacher enters the text of the work in the upper cells; makes a mark for the work; the number of corrections the student made when cheating; indicates errors and the words in which they were made. In individual sheets, the program automatically processes data for each student; if many mistakes are made, recommendations “How to copy the text correctly” are displayed, which can be printed for parents.

The table contains detailed instructions.

Subject: Russian language

Target audience: for 1st grade

Analysis and processing of data on the surrounding world (VPR) in 4th grade. After filling out the table on the achievement sheets for each student, a report appears on the formation of subject and meta-subject results of mastering the main educational program of primary general education.

On the “Analysis” sheet, the mark will be placed only after entering the option number.

Subject: Environment

Target audience: for 4th grade

Analysis and processing of data on the Russian language (RLP) in 4th grade. After filling out the table on the achievement sheets for each student, a report appears on the formation of subject and meta-subject results of mastering the main educational program of primary general education.

After entering the results for each task, the program displays an analysis of the work performed. The number of correctly completed tasks and the names of students who completed each task are displayed. Skills acquired at a high level are displayed on individual sheets for students; skills to look out for.

Subject: Russian language

Target audience: for 4th grade

School apps should first and foremost be interesting and visually appealing. Otherwise they will not be popular. To attract the attention of schoolchildren, developers are introducing mini-social networks, organizing user communities with forums and feedback, and this is not to mention the amount of information contained in.

TOP applications for schoolchildren.

Let's look at the most popular and useful applications for schoolchildren and iOS.

When it comes to math, it's not just about getting the final answer. It is much more important to understand the stages of the solution. Mathway on Android and iOS is a math tutorial that lets you solve equations and display step-by-step solutions. Inequalities can be entered manually or imported from an image or camera. Mathway will give you the answer and show you each step of the solution. Covering a wide range of sections of higher mathematics, the application will be an excellent assistant for every high school student or student. The downside is the cost of the program – $19.99 per month.

The amazing Wolfram Alpha engine on Android and iOS is an incredible database covering countless topics and areas of science. So it's no surprise that the app offers fantastic math, numbers, calculations, and statistics (among 29 other disciplines). Not only will Wolfram Alpha help you solve any equation, but the program will also provide formula breakdowns, graphics, and explanations of the solution.

The app reads your handwriting on the screen, which makes MyScript Calculator's functionality impressive. After you write the equation, the software converts the scan into digital text and then solves it. The utility is perfect if you need to enter a lot of formulas and special characters, and constantly switching keyboards and copying/pasting text is very inconvenient.

Math Solver helps solve linear and quadratic equations by providing the user with a detailed step-by-step solution. The utility also simplifies expressions, solves equations and inequalities, and creates function graphs and diagrams.

Named Apple's best back-to-school app for iPhone in 2013, DuoLingo is one of the most popular apps. DuoLingo activities are great for learning vocabulary and grammar skills, while dictation and read-aloud exercises help students develop strong speaking skills. DuoLingo currently supports 23 languages, including Spanish, French, German, Italian, .

Google Translate is a popular app with various text translation features, including microphone and camera translation. In addition to basic text translations, students can use this powerful application to translate conversations in different languages ​​in real time. Students can also instantly translate and copy text from an image or camera. Additional offline features make the program especially popular for those planning long trips.

Google Keep is a very functional application for creating and organizing notes. Schoolchildren and students can use Google Keep to store records such as websites, images, quotes, and lists. Like Google Drive, the program supports sharing. This means you can save notes and create lists or reminders directly from your browser or text editor on your phone.

This smart app turns mobile devices into portable scanners through the camera. CamScanner automatically enhances documents for brightness and sharpness. After recognition, the document can be saved and used later as PDF or JPEG.


With the NASA app, students get access to a limitless gallery of videos and photos, as well as the latest news from the scientific world. Here you can check out the latest NASA articles and tweets, watch live NASA TV broadcasts, and even save your favorite images to use as wallpaper on your devices.

to study the history of the Earth over the past 4.5 billion years. Based on extensive research, it includes interactive features and detailed maps on topics such as continental reconstruction, sea level, and global warming. Stunning animations, interactive details and lists of links make it ideal for students who want to learn more about the development of the planet and its unique features.


The app provides access to the entire library of official TED Studio blogs. Students can view featured episodes, playlists of their favorite scientists, and open conversations on almost any topic of interest. The portal brings together millions of scientists and humanitarians around the world, offering to share valuable information directly with the user who needs it.

Applications for Apple smartphones and tablets

Apple does not open up such wide opportunities for developers as Google, so iOS software is usually monotonous and does not stand out with unusual functions. On the other hand, the system allows us to offer “all-inclusive” solutions that quickly and accurately perform all the stated functions. Here is a list of the best programs that will be useful for any student, available only on iOS.

This is a charged particle simulator for iPad. Allows you to create dozens of positively or negatively charged particles that move freely in space or are located in conductors. You can observe complex particle interactions and the resulting electrical forces, create capacitors, simulate a lightning rod, a cathode ray tube (CRT), and much, much more. Through the game, you can easily gain a deeper understanding of many natural phenomena. By following a guided tour of 10 experiments, students will be able to learn much more about the world of electricity.

The learning app's tools cover all the basics, from electricity and magnetism to motion, mechanics, and thermodynamics, to name a few.

Formulary: Physics is a multi-award winning interactive collection of formulas, the full version of which is available offline on iPhone or iPod Touch. Includes all the formulas that are used throughout learning - from elementary school to basic studies from the sections of mechanics, gravity and gravity, electricity, etc. In addition, the utility contains dozens of constants that may be needed in calculations, and this is all in one application! The formulas are divided into convenient sections, and the program itself has a rather nice user-friendly interface.

PCalc Lite for iOS earns its place on this list as a free, extremely flexible scientific calculator packed with powerful features that can be enhanced with numerous add-ons. The basic package gives you the ability to work with trigonometric and logarithmic functions, unlocks radian mode, undo and redo, and a unit and constant converter. You can expand the functionality of the utility to the maximum for $9.99.

MathRef is a reliable application for quickly searching for formulas in several disciplines. The program does not cover as many areas of science as Wolfram Alpha, but it does offer more detailed information on traditional topics such as algebra and geometry. MathRef has a great user interface that lets you add notes, save favorite equations, and copy text from the app to your email or word processor.

This app will help you understand Physics easily and quickly with the help of basic conceptual theories, formula calculators and tests. The program contains a complete list of formulas for all branches of science, including a smart calculator for solving any equation or calculating any unknown. The full paid version of the program contains access to additional content (11 manuals). In the free version, only 4 of them are open.

The list of programs suitable for schoolchildren can be continued for a very long time. We only looked at a few of the most popular categories. Grammar, drawing, programming, biology and many other scientific niches remained outside the top. If you use a useful and stable application related to the education of school-aged children, tell us about it in the comment section below this article.

Various smart assistants have long penetrated our lives. Today, no one can be surprised by a smartphone or tablet; such technology is accessible and widely available! However, gadgets are associated with entertainment, and with their help you can simplify the process of learning the school curriculum, you just need to use a few special applications. With them, learning will become truly visual and interactive. Electronic gadgets are indispensable assistants for the modern student, which have extensive communication capabilities and greatly facilitate the performance of everyday tasks!

For example, simulator apps teach skills in a playful way that you cannot do without at a school desk!

Quick Brain is a mathematical simulator aimed at training mental arithmetic. The main goal is to quickly solve mathematical problems involving addition, subtraction, multiplication and division! With each correct answer, the complexity of the tasks increases, which forces you to concentrate and stimulates the speed of solving.

Among the modes: selecting an answer, true/false, entering an answer manually. Separately, you can practice the multiplication tables - useful for elementary school students. There is also a game, the application has a built-in mathematical puzzle 2048. A well-thought-out interface allows you to train literally on the go: in transport, during a break. Application testing was carried out on a smartphone.

Stress and spelling trainers are primarily aimed at those who are preparing for the Unified State Exam. At the same time, the proposed situations are found everywhere in the school curriculum. Interactive applications will help you effortlessly remember difficult spelling and stress situations.

Those who study foreign languages ​​cannot do without DuoLingo. The interactive simulator develops reading, speaking, writing and listening comprehension. The main feature is the gaming form and the ability to take tests on the go.

Lessons in English, German, French and Spanish are available for Russian-speaking users. You can take an unlimited number of courses at the same time. First of all, the application determines the current level of training, after which an individual program is built. DuoLingo focuses on conversational vocabulary and is based on short tasks and questions. For greater motivation, you can set the desired amount of time spent on studying per day.

Without exaggeration we can say that Photomath- camera calculator. Instead of traditional data entry, the app uses a camera to recognize mathematical examples. The program can handle: linear, quadratic, trigonometric, logarithmic equations and inequalities, as well as entire systems, factorials and integrals. In addition to the answer, the system shows a detailed solution. The application is suitable for students of all grades, as well as for parents who want to control the completion of assignments.

The traditional way of entering examples into a calculator cannot be called visual; additional skills are required. MyScript Calulator works with the most visual - handwritten input. The working screen imitates paper, no keys with mathematical operations. In addition to basic mathematical operations, MyScript Calculator supports fractions, powers, roots, moduli, and trigonometry. Unfortunately, the application does not solve the example step by step, but immediately shows the ready answer.

Parents are concerned about their child - naturally, modern cities are fraught with many dangers. The tracker application allows you to monitor the location of your child and other family members. All you need is a smartphone with GPS connected to the Internet. A smartphone was used for testing. There were no problems with GPS, and the connection via LTE made it possible to quickly receive information about movements. It is worth understanding that control is based on trust; it is necessary to explain that the tracker is driven by care, and not by the desire to completely track every step of the child. Don't forget about your child's personal space!

GeoLoc is an advanced tracker application. In addition to the basic ability to track the location of devices within one family, the following functions are available: monitoring the battery level, SOS button, family chat, and the ability to get directions to any smartphone within the group.

For convenience, you can assign safe zones, for example: school, home, football section, and so on. The service will notify parents if a child enters or leaves the designated area. At the same time, the application supports the right to personal space; if necessary, the parent can temporarily disable tracking of their smartphone.

Another indispensable tool for a student is a tablet with an Internet connection. We had at our disposal an interesting choice for a child. For your little money, the tablet is even equipped with a cover - extremely unusual! After all, no matter how large a smartphone is, it is more convenient to view web pages and documents on a tablet. In the learning process, books and textbooks are increasingly found in electronic format, which have to be downloaded directly during classes. I note that teachers react more calmly to a tablet than to a smartphone - a toy.

Polaris Office is a universal mobile office suite with support for Word, Power Point, Excel, Google Docs and Adobe PDF documents. Textbooks, teaching aids, tests - the program can handle everything! At the same time, the application is lightweight - it takes up about 50 MB, which is why it works quickly on almost any device.

A tablet is an assistant not only at school; special services will help you complete all your homework assignments. One of them - Brainly, in Russia also known as the Knowledge portal. This is a kind of social network, its main task is mutual assistance in completing school assignments in any subjects. There are already more than six million solved exercises in the service database, and you can always ask your question. Brainly is an indispensable assistant that makes homework easier.

During self-study, you cannot do without theory. Foxford Textbook- an advanced reference book that contains theory from grades 1 to 11. The number of items varies depending on the class. For elementary school, only mathematics is available, then the number of disciplines presented grows, the maximum being collected for high school. The selected material is based on the school curriculum; many topics are given at basic and advanced levels.

In addition to reference books that contain a large number of subjects, it is useful to use specialized applications on subjects of particular interest. One of them - Physics from Study Apps. The appendix collects and sorts theory across the entire school course; the material is presented briefly but clearly. Study Apps also has reference books for biology, math, chemistry, and social studies.

YouTube is the most popular video hosting site, which is perceived as an entertainment resource. Although it publishes video lectures that help you master missed material and prepare for tests and exams.

Today, knowledge is more accessible than ever, heavy textbooks fade into the background, all you need is a few electronic gadgets! An electronic reader will complete the picture. Trashbox editors got acquainted with the reader. Its internal storage capacity of 4 GB will fit all the necessary literature. There will even be room to download music that you can listen to while reading. But there is also a slot for microSD memory cards up to 32 GB.

We are truly convinced that electronic gadgets are indispensable assistants for the modern student, which have a wide range of capabilities and make everyday tasks much easier! This type of technology is the future; you just need to change your perception and your attitude towards it. After all, a smartphone, tablet and reader are not just toys, but powerful working tools that increase learning efficiency!