The concept of physical perfection and its criteria. Define the concepts: “physical development”, “physical education”, “physical perfection”, “sport”

The theory of physical education considers the following concepts: physical development, physical improvement, physical culture, physical education, physical education, physical fitness, physical exercise, physical activity, physical activity, sports.

Let us dwell on the definition of such concepts as “physical development”, “physical perfection”, “physical preparedness” and determine their relationship.

Physical development-- the dynamic process of growth (increase in body length and weight, development of organs and body systems, and so on) and biological maturation of a child in a certain period of childhood. The process of development of a set of morphological and functional properties of the body (growth rate, body weight gain, a certain sequence of increase in various parts of the body and their proportions, as well as the maturation of various organs and systems at a certain stage of development), mainly programmed by hereditary mechanisms and implemented according to a certain plan when optimal living conditions.

Physical development reflects the processes of growth and development of the organism at individual stages of postnatal ontogenesis ( individual development), when the transformation of genotypic potential into phenotypic manifestations occurs most clearly. The characteristics of a person’s physical development and physique largely depend on his constitution.

Physical development, along with fertility, morbidity and mortality, is one of the indicators of the level of health of the population. The processes of physical and sexual development are interconnected and reflect general patterns of growth and development, but at the same time significantly depend on social, economic, sanitary, hygienic and other conditions, the influence of which is largely determined by a person’s age.

Physical development refers to continuously occurring biological processes. At each age stage, they are characterized by a certain complex of morphological, functional, biochemical, mental and other properties of the body associated with each other and with the external environment and the reserve of physical strength determined by this uniqueness. A good level of physical development is combined with high levels of physical fitness, muscle and mental performance.

Adverse factors that have an impact in the prenatal period and in early childhood can disrupt the sequence of development of the body, sometimes causing irreversible changes. Thus, environmental factors (nutritional conditions, upbringing, social conditions, the presence of diseases, and others) during the period of intensive growth and development of a child can have a greater impact on growth than genetic or other biological factors.

The assessment of physical development is based on parameters of height, body weight, proportions of development of individual parts of the body, as well as the degree of development of the functional abilities of his body (vital capacity of the lungs, muscle strength of the hands, etc.; muscle development and muscle tone, state of posture, musculoskeletal motor apparatus, development of the subcutaneous fat layer, tissue turgor), which depend on the differentiation and maturity of the cellular elements of organs and tissues, the functional abilities of the nervous system and the endocrine apparatus. Historically, physical development has been judged primarily by external morphological characteristics. However, the value of such data increases immeasurably in combination with data on the functional parameters of the body. That is why, for an objective assessment of physical development, morphological parameters should be considered together with indicators of the functional state.

  • 1. Aerobic endurance - the ability to perform work of average power for a long time and resist fatigue. The aerobic system uses oxygen to convert carbohydrates into energy sources. With long-term exercise, fats and, partially, proteins are also involved in this process, which makes aerobic training almost ideal for fat loss.
  • 2. Speed ​​endurance - the ability to withstand fatigue in submaximal speed loads.
  • 3. Strength endurance - the ability to withstand fatigue during sufficiently long-term strength loads. Strength endurance measures how much a muscle can produce repeated forces and how long such activity can be maintained.
  • 4. Speed-strength endurance - the ability to perform sufficiently long-term strength exercises at maximum speed.
  • 5. Flexibility - a person’s ability to perform movements with a large amplitude due to the elasticity of muscles, tendons and ligaments. Good flexibility reduces the risk of injury during exercise.
  • 6. Speed ​​- the ability to alternate between muscle contraction and relaxation as quickly as possible.
  • 7. Dynamic muscle strength - the ability to exert effort as quickly as possible (explosively) with heavy weights or your own body weight. In this case, a short-term release of energy occurs that does not require oxygen as such. An increase in muscle strength is often accompanied by an increase in muscle volume and density—the “building” of muscle. In addition to aesthetic value, enlarged muscles are less susceptible to damage and promote weight control, since muscle tissue requires more calories than fat tissue, even during rest.
  • 8. Dexterity - the ability to perform coordination and complex motor actions.
  • 9. Body composition - the ratio of fat, bone and muscle tissue in the body. This ratio, in part, shows the state of health and fitness depending on weight and age. Excessive fat tissue increases the risk of developing heart disease, diabetes, increased blood pressure etc.
  • 10. Height-weight characteristics and body proportions - these parameters characterize the size, weight of the body, distribution of the centers of mass of the body, physique. These parameters determine the effectiveness of certain motor actions and the “suitability” of using the athlete’s body for certain sporting achievements.
  • 11. An important indicator of a person’s physical development is posture - a complex morpho-functional characteristic of the musculoskeletal system, as well as his health, the objective indicator of which is positive trends in the above indicators.

Since the concepts of “physical development” and “physical readiness” are often confused, it should be noted that physical fitness- this is the result of physical training achieved when performing motor actions necessary for a person to master or perform professional or sports activities.

Optimal physical fitness is called physical fitness.

Physical fitness is characterized by the level of functional capabilities of various body systems (cardiovascular, respiratory, muscular) and the development of basic physical qualities (strength, endurance, speed, agility, flexibility). The level of physical fitness is assessed based on the results shown in special control exercises (tests) for strength, endurance, etc. To assess the level of physical fitness, it must be measured. General physical fitness is measured using tests. The set and content of tests should be different for age, gender, professional affiliation, and also depending on the physical education program used and its purpose.

Physical perfection-- historically determined level of physical development. It is the result of the full use of physical education. Physical perfection means optimal physical fitness and harmonious psychophysical development that meets the requirements of labor and other forms of life activity. Physical perfection expresses a high degree of development of individual physical talent, an increase in the biological reliability of the body, consistent with the laws of comprehensive personality development and long-term health preservation. The criteria for physical perfection are of a specific historical nature. They change depending on situations of social development, reflecting the real requirements of society.

physical education development

  • 2.2. Sports training: its principles, means and methods
  • 2.3. Principles of Sports Training
  • 2.4. Basic means and methods of sports training
  • 2.5. Planning and construction of sports training
  • 2.6. Forms of organizing sports training
  • 2.7. Educational and training sessions (training lessons)
  • 2.8. Physical qualities
  • 2.9. Competitions and their types
  • 2.10. Basic principles when conducting independent studies
  • 2.11. Planning self-study
  • 2.12. Forms and organization of independent studies
  • 3. Physical culture and health of students
  • 3.1. Definition of health
  • 3.2. Health is the leading factor in the security of the nation
  • 3.3. Diseases
  • 3.4. Population health indicators
  • 3.5. Key factors for a healthy lifestyle
  • 3.6. Physical education and healthy lifestyle of students
  • 3.7. The effect of physical exercise on the body of those involved
  • 3.7.1. The effects of exercise on the cardiovascular system
  • 3.7.2. Exercise and the respiratory system
  • 3.7.3. The effects of exercise on the musculoskeletal system
  • 3.7.4. Physical culture and the neuroendocrine system
  • 3.7.5. The effect of exercise on other body systems
  • 3.8. Features of classes for girls
  • 3.9. Balanced nutrition during increased mental and physical stress
  • 3.10. Fundamentals of hygiene of mass physical culture
  • 3.11. Self-massage
  • 3.12. Features of the methodology for training with special medical groups
  • Distribution of students into medical groups
  • 3.13. Physical education means used in classes with special medical groups
  • 3.13.1. Exercises without objects
  • 3.13.2. Exercises with objects
  • 3.13.3. Exercises on apparatus
  • 3.13.4. Special focus exercises
  • 3.13.5. Applied exercises
  • 3.13.6. Sports and outdoor games
  • 3.13.7. Swimming
  • 3.13.8. skiing
  • 3.14. Damage to the musculoskeletal system
  • 3.14.1. Osteochondrosis and scoliosis
  • 3.14.2. A set of exercises for osteochondrosis and scoliosis
  • 3.14.3. Flat feet
  • 3.14.4. A set of special exercises for flat feet
  • 3.15. Diseases of the cardiovascular system
  • 3.15.1. Hypertonic disease
  • 3.15.2. A set of exercises for hypertension
  • 3.15.3. Obliterating arterial diseases
  • 3.15.4. A set of physical exercises for obliterating arterial diseases
  • 3.16. Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract
  • 3.16.1. A set of physical exercises for diseases of the gastrointestinal tract
  • 3.17. Respiratory diseases
  • 3.17.1. A set of physical exercises for respiratory diseases
  • 3.18. Myopia
  • 3.18.1. A set of exercises for myopia
  • 3.19. Medical supervision during physical exercises
  • 3.19.1. Goals, objectives and forms of organizing medical supervision
  • 3.19.2. Assessment of physical development
  • 3.20. Control and self-control in the process of conducting independent physical education and sports activities
  • 3.20.1. Subjective indicators of control and self-control
  • 3.20.2. Objective indicators of control and self-control
  • 3.20.3. Indicators of physical development
  • 3.20.4. Indicators of development of physical qualities
  • 3.20.5. Prevention of injuries in physical education classes
  • Part II
  • 1. Athletics
  • 1.1. Brief historical background
  • 1.2. Characteristics of athletics exercises
  • 1.3. Organization and conduct of educational and training sessions in athletics
  • 1.4. Program for physical improvement of students in athletics
  • 2. Skiing
  • 2.1. Brief historical background
  • 2.2. Types of skiing
  • 2.3. Selection and preparation of ski equipment, clothing and footwear for a ski racer
  • 2.4. Techniques for skiing
  • 2.5. Organization and methodology of conducting training sessions, methods of teaching methods of skiing
  • 2.6. Preparation of ski slopes
  • 3. Gymnastics
  • 3.1. Brief historical overview
  • 3.2. Creation of national gymnastics systems
  • 3.3.1. Characteristics of gymnastics, its types and varieties
  • 3.3.2. Sports types of gymnastics
  • 3.3.3. Applied types of gymnastics
  • 3.4. Gymnastics as a section of an academic subject
  • 3.5. Basic information about gymnastics terminology
  • 3.6. Insurance and assistance in gymnastics
  • 4. Orienteering
  • 4.1. Brief historical background
  • 4.2. General characteristics of competitive activity in orienteering
  • 4.3. Contents and methods of physical training of orienteering athletes
  • Bibliography
  • Applications Appendix 1 Domestic athletes - winners of the Olympic Games
  • Appendix 2
  • Appendix 3
  • Content
  • V.V. Cheshikhina, V.N. Kulakov, S.I. Filimonova
  • 1.6. Physical perfection

    Optimization of physical development follows the path of achieving ever higher levels of physical perfection. Concept “ physical perfection” generalizes ideas about the optimal measure of harmonious physical development and comprehensive physical fitness of a person. Moreover, it is implied that this measure optimally meets the requirements of labor and other spheres of his life, expresses a fairly high degree of development of individual physical talent and meets the patterns of long-term preservation of good health. The specific historical nature of physical perfection lies in the fact that its actual features (signs, indicators, etc.) are determined by the real needs and living conditions of society at each given historical stage and therefore change as society develops. It follows, in particular, that there is not and cannot be some kind of unchanging ideal of physical perfection, just as there are not and cannot be unchanging standard indicators of it.

    1.7. Sport

    In modern systems of physical education, sport occupies an increasingly prominent place. This is explained by a number of reasons, but first of all by the special effectiveness of sport as a means and method of physical education, its popularity, the widest development of international sports relations in recent decades, the steadily increasing general cultural and prestigious significance of sport in the modern world.

    Sport, as a form of physical culture, also has a positive effect on people’s health (N.I. Ponomarev 1996; A. Hardman 1996; etc.).

    However, studies have shown that at the present stage in Russia there has been a partial reorientation of physical culture. In connection with this, the following negative changes were discovered: a decrease in physical culture and health work at enterprises made it difficult for children and adolescents to access physical education, weakened its health-improving function, which, in conditions of a general deterioration in health care, could jeopardize the survival of the entire people (N.A. . Ponomarev, 1996).

    The problem of the impact of sport on health is of great social, applied and theoretical significance. Modern research has shown that incorrect techniques, the use of prohibited procedures and drugs have a negative impact on health. However, the causes of diseases in athletes are associated not with the very essence of sport, but with certain “risk factors”, the number of which is in modern conditions is growing rapidly. These factors are grouped by the authors as follows: shortcomings in the selection system, sports orientation, admission to training and competitions, violation of the training regime and methods, non-compliance with hygiene requirements and healthy image life, shortcomings of medical and pedagogical control, lack of proper individualization of training, insufficient consideration of specific factors of individual sports (V.A. Geselevich, N.D. Graevskaya, V.G. Lioshenko, L.N. Markov, 1996). The listed “risk factors” largely indicate shortcomings in the training of physical education personnel.

    In this regard, scientists are actively developing ways and strategies to overcome the crisis situation.

    Achievement of scientists recent years- creation of new concepts and programs of physical education, the fundamental step of which is the rejection of unitary approaches to physical education, the creation of the possibility of choice by teaching staff own paths in implementing a healthy lifestyle. The main principles of this strategy are the adequacy of the content of physical training, individual sports and their conditions to the individual state of a person, the freedom to choose forms of physical activity in accordance with the personal inclinations of each person (V.K. Balsevich, M.Ya. Vilensky, V.I. Lyakh, A.P. Matveev, 1996, etc.). The experimentally tested concept of physical education and sports allows us to assert that creating conditions for a person to master a set of physical culture values ​​becomes for him a powerful incentive for self-determination and self-realization in the modern world (L.I. Lubysheva, 1996).

    The core of sport, the basis of its features is the specific competitive activity, that is, an activity whose characteristic form is a system of competitions, which historically developed primarily in the field of physical culture of society as a special sphere of identification, development and unified comparison of human capabilities (strengths, abilities, the ability to use them rationally). Unlike other forms of human activity, which include competition only as one of their moments or methods (in the field of production, art, etc.), competitive activity in sports is built primarily according to a specific logic, in the form of competition. At the same time, it is characterized by a special type of competitive relationship, free in principle from antagonism, clear regulation of the interactions of competitors, as well as the unification of the composition of actions, the conditions for their implementation and methods for assessing achievements according to established rules, which have now acquired the meaning of international or relatively local, but quite widely accepted norms of competition.

    The immediate goal of competitive activity in sports is to achieve the highest possible result, expressed in conventional indicators of victory over an opponent or in other indicators conventionally accepted as a criterion of achievement. But its essence is never reduced to achieving purely sporting results. As an activity that affects the person himself, and as a sphere of unique interhuman contacts, it also has a deeper meaning, ultimately determined by the totality of the basic social relations in which it is included and which determine its social orientation in the specific conditions of a particular society. In its life embodiment, sport is a person’s steady desire to expand the “boundaries” of his capabilities, realized through special training and systematic participation in competitions related to overcoming increasing difficulties, and the whole world emotions generated by successes and failures on this path of life, and a complex set of interhuman relations, and the most popular spectacle, and one of the most massive social movements of our time, and much more. Sport, therefore, is a multifaceted social phenomenon. In the process of its historical development, it has occupied a prominent place in both the physical and spiritual culture of society, and its social significance continues to grow rapidly.

    In a broad sense " sport" -This is the competitive activity itself, special preparation for it, specific interpersonal relationships and institutions in the sphere of this activity, its socially significant results, taken as a whole. The social value of sport lies most of all in the fact that it is a set of the most effective means and methods of physical education, one of the main forms of preparing a person for work and other socially necessary activities, and along with this, one of the important means of ethical and aesthetic education, satisfying the spiritual needs of society, strengthening and expanding international connections that promote mutual understanding, cooperation and friendship between peoples.

    The special effectiveness of sport as a means and method of physical education is due to the competitive nature of sports activity, its inherent focus on the highest possible results and objective patterns of their achievement in the process of special training (the need for in-depth specialization associated with the use of training loads, increasing up to the limit, etc.) , as well as the peculiarities of organizing and stimulating sports in society (a specific system of rewards for sports achievements - from qualifying badges and titles to the highest government awards). Because of this, sport, in comparison with other means and methods of physical education, allows for the highest degree of specialized development of certain abilities, skills and abilities.

    In the interests of concretizing ideas about the relationship between physical education and sports, it is important, along with the above, to take into account that sport is not limited to physical education. As already noted, it is a multifaceted social phenomenon that has independent general cultural, pedagogical, aesthetic, prestigious and other meanings. This especially applies to elite sports (the so-called “ big sport"). In addition, a number of sports are not an effective means of physical culture at all or are indirectly related to it (chess, aircraft modeling and some other sports that are not directly related to highly active motor activity).

    On the other hand, physical education cannot be limited to sports only. The same features that make sport effective do not allow us to consider it as a universal means of physical education. Due to the increased, often extreme requirements for the functional capabilities of the body and other specific features of sports activity, the inclusion of the latter in the pedagogical process is limited by a certain age, state of health and level of preliminary preparedness of the students. The physical education system includes, in addition to sports, other facilities, providing opportunities for a less “acute”, more regulated and selective impact (strictly regulated physical exercises related to basic gymnastics, relatively simple outdoor games, regulated tourism, hygienic factors and the use of external forces of nature (sun, air, water).

    In addition to the general concept of “sport,” the term “type of sport” is used, meaning a type of competitive activity that is characterized by a specific subject of competition, a special composition of actions and methods of wrestling (sports technique and tactics). For example, they say that there are many species sports, about classification species sports, etc.

    Control questions:

      What is physical culture?

      Name the basic concepts of the theory of physical education.

      What basic concepts does the Theory of Physical Culture study?

      What role does physical education play in a person’s life?

      How does physical education affect a person’s physical development?

      Is there a standard for human physical perfection?

      The concept of “sport”, its social functions.

    24 February 2013, 09:54


    The theory of physical education, like any generalizing scientific discipline, requires, when becoming familiar with its content, a clear definition of the most general initial concepts related to the object being studied, and clarification of their connections with basic related concepts. It's about first of all about concepts<физическое воспитание>And<система физического воспитания>, as well as such directly related concepts as<физическое развитие>, <физическое совершенство>, <физическая культура>And<спорт>.

    The concepts of “physical development” and “physical perfection”

    In the most general sense, the physical development of a person is the process of changing the natural morpho-functional properties of his body during individual life. External quantitative indicators of physical development are, for example, changes in spatial dimensions and body weight, while qualitatively physical development is characterized primarily by a significant change in the functional capabilities of the body over the periods and stages of its age development, expressed in changes in individual physical qualities and the general level of physical performance.

    It is known that throughout the life of an individual, various periods of development successively follow: prenatal (intrauterine), early postnatal (first years of life), childhood, adolescence, youth, periods of maturity and aging. The most significant progressive changes in the forms and functionality of the body occur in the first periods; Then there come periods of relative stabilization of forms and functions, replaced as we age by periods of age-related involution, when certain morpho-functional properties of the body gradually regress.

    This life cycle of physical development is reproduced from generation to generation, repeating certain features and at the same time acquiring new features depending on the totality of natural and social conditions of human existence. Although biological evolution modern man, apparently, is basically completed, new generations differ significantly from the previous ones not only in their functionality, but also morphologically.

    Depending on the totality of factors and conditions influencing physical development, it can acquire a different character - be comprehensive and harmonious or limited and disharmonious.

    Knowing and skillfully using the objective laws of a person’s physical development, it is possible, in principle, to influence him in such a way as to give him a direction that is optimal for the individual and society, to ensure the harmonious improvement of the forms and functions of the body, to increase the efficiency necessary for creative work and other social useful forms activities, and even<отодвинуть>terms of natural aging, thereby increasing a person’s creative longevity.

    These possibilities for the expedient management of physical development are realized under certain conditions in the process of physical education. The scientific understanding of the role of physical education in human physical development comes precisely from the fact that the process of physical development is, in principle, controllable; in the expediently directing influence on this process, first of all, lies the specific social function(purpose) of physical education.

    Physical education promotes comprehensive personal development. Optimization of physical development follows the path of achieving ever higher levels of physical perfection. Concept<физическое совершенство>generalizes ideas about the optimal measure of harmonious physical development and comprehensive physical fitness of a person. Moreover, it is understood that this measure optimally meets the requirements of labor and other spheres of his life, expresses a sufficiently high degree of development of individual physical talent and meets the patterns of long-term preservation of good health. The specific historical nature of physical perfection lies in the fact that its actual features (signs, indicators, etc.) are determined by the real demands and living conditions of society at each given historical stage and therefore change as society develops. It follows, in particular, that there is not and cannot be some kind of unchanging ideal of physical perfection, just as there are not and cannot be unchanging standard indicators of it.

    Physical culture values

    Value is a concept that has become widespread in sociology in the study of personality and social behavior. Values ​​embody the significance of objects and phenomena of the social environment for an individual and society. Values ​​are socially acquired elements of the personality structure; they act as fixed, stable ideas about what is desired. They exist independently of a specific individual as an element of culture and become elements of the spiritual culture of the individual, important regulators of behavior to the extent that the values ​​of a given culture are mastered. Each type of culture, each era, nation, ethnic group, group has its own specific value system.

    In this regard, when speaking about the value potential of physical culture and sports in modern society, it is necessary to keep in mind two levels of values: public and personal - and to imagine the mechanism for transforming public values ​​into the personal property of each individual.

    Among the social values ​​of physical culture we include the special knowledge accumulated by mankind, sports equipment, sports training technologies, healing methods, the best examples of motor activity, sports achievements - everything that has been created by people for physical improvement, recovery and organization of a healthy lifestyle. It is especially important to emphasize the importance for society of intentional values ​​that determine the significance and prestige of physical culture and sports among others. social phenomena. Financing, legal basis, formation of positive public opinion - these are the main indicators characterizing the level of significance of the intentional values ​​of physical culture in a given society.

    The personal level of mastering the values ​​of physical culture is determined by a person’s knowledge in the field of physical improvement, motor abilities and skills, the ability to self-organize a healthy lifestyle, socio-psychological attitudes, and orientation towards physical education and sports activities.

    The valeological values ​​of physical culture in the aspect under consideration one way or another include all its value content. Thus, the valeological values ​​of physical culture include the knowledge accumulated by theory and methodology about the use of physical exercises for the effective physical development of a person, the formation of his physique, hardening, increasing performance, and psycho-emotional stability.

    The mobilization values ​​of physical culture also have a clear valeological orientation: self-organization of a healthy lifestyle, the ability to withstand the adverse effects of the external environment are the result of mastering the valeological values ​​of physical culture.

    International sports movement

    The international sports movement is an important part of the socio-cultural sphere of public life. These include the following activities, which are classified according to the following criteria:

    a) geographically - global and regional;

    b) by the nature of membership in them - collective and individual;

    c) by professional affiliation - by type of sport;

    d) according to religious beliefs - into special and universal.

    To the above classification it is necessary to add that these organizations can be classified according to the duration of their activities into temporary and permanent. The temporary category includes international congresses, symposiums, and conferences. The permanent ones include sports non-governmental organizations, for example the General Association of International Sports Federations. It follows that members of sports organizations include national and international sports organizations, as well as individuals. In addition, there are NSOs of a general nature, whose activities are diverse (for example, the International Council of Physical Education and Sports - CIEPSS); special - by type of sport (international sports federations); by branches of knowledge and activity (for example, the Sports Press Association - AISP); on a professional basis (for example, the European Federation of the Psychology of Sport and Physical Activity - FEPSAC); religious (for example, the International Catholic Union of Physical Education and Sports) and other associations.

    Components of a healthy lifestyle and their characteristics

    The main components of a healthy lifestyle include: work and rest schedule, sleep organization, diet, optimal physical activity, prevention of bad habits.

    Work and rest schedule. A person, observing an established and most appropriate mode of life, better adapts to the flow of the most important physiological processes. If adaptation reserves are exhausted, a person begins to experience discomfort and fatigue. Therefore, it is necessary to lead a well-organized lifestyle, maintain a constant regime in study, rest, nutrition, sleep and exercise. With the daily repetition of the usual way of life, a relationship is quickly established between these processes, secured by a chain of conditioned reflexes. Thanks to this physiological property, the previous activity acts as an impetus to the next one, preparing the body for an easy and quick switch to a new type of activity, which ensures its better performance.

    The daily routine is the normative basis of life for all students. At the same time, it must be individual, i.e. correspond to the state of health, physical condition, interests and value orientations of the individual. It is necessary to ensure the consistency of this or that type of activity within a day, without allowing significant deviations from the given norm.

    Organization of sleep. Sleep is an obligatory and most complete form of rest. The usual sleep norm for students is 8 hours. Relatively educational activities. it is necessary to take into account the fact that intense mental activity must be stopped 1.5 hours before going to bed, since this makes it difficult to fall asleep, leads to lethargy and poor health after waking up.

    There is a distinction between deep and superficial sleep. The most effective deep sleep. To do this, it is necessary to eliminate emotional tension before going to bed, ventilate the room, and eat food 2-3 hours before bedtime. A common sleep disorder is called insomnia. Insomnia caused by excessive worry and anxiety is called situational. It usually goes away with the disappearance of anxiety. Persistent sleep disorders can be caused by the use of sleeping pills, if taken periodically.

    Diet. Nutrition is one of the leading characteristics of a healthy lifestyle. Every student should know the principles of balanced nutrition. Rational nutrition is a physiologically complete meal, taking into account gender, age, nature of work and other factors. Nutrition is based on the following principles: achieving energy balance; establishing the correct ratio between the main substances - proteins, fats, carbohydrates; balance of minerals and vitamins; rhythm of eating.

    An important aspect of nutritional culture is the diet and the distribution of calorie content throughout the day. The diet should be approached strictly individually. The main rule is to eat well at least 3-4 times a day. Systematic violations of the diet (eating on dry food, rare or heavy, disordered meals) worsen metabolism and contribute to the occurrence of diseases of the digestive system, in particular gastritis, cholecystitis.

    Optimal physical activity. Systematic use of appropriate gender, age and health status is one of the mandatory factors for a healthy lifestyle for students.

    For most people engaged in intellectual work, physical activity is significantly limited. This is also true for students. The negative consequence of this is physical inactivity and hypokinesia, which are the cause of many diseases. Therefore, the most important social and pedagogical task arises - determining the optimal, as well as the minimum and maximum possible modes motor activity.

    Prevention of bad habits. Bad habits - smoking, drinking alcohol and drugs - have a detrimental effect on the human body and reduce mental performance. They are not compatible with physical exercise and a healthy lifestyle. Smoking is a harmful and dangerous habit that develops according to the principle of a conditioned reflex. When smoking, many toxic products are released along with tobacco smoke. These are mainly nicotine and tarry substances. Systematic smoking has bad influence on the central nervous system and the body as a whole. The lethal dose of nicotine for humans is 50 mg (when smoking 1 cigarette, about 1 mg of nicotine enters the body). Smokers often experience headaches, sleep disturbances, and decreased mental performance. Smoking also causes various diseases of the cardiovascular and respiratory systems. Drinking alcoholic beverages, like smoking, leads to severe health problems. It has been established that even small doses of alcohol inhibit inhibitory processes in the central nervous system, which upsets the necessary balance between inhibitory and excitatory processes in favor of the latter. At the same time, a person’s mental abilities sharply decrease. He cannot think quickly and accurately and becomes inattentive. At the same time, physical performance is impaired, the speed of motor reactions decreases, strength decreases, and the accuracy of movements deteriorates. Bad habits include drug use. Their main property is the ability to induce a state of euphoria. Introduction to narcotic substances is associated with a process of persistent addiction (“dependence”) to them. Over time, mental and then physical dependence on drugs develops. Deaths are common in drug overdoses. When getting used to the drug, refusing it causes a state of withdrawal, which is accompanied by spasms and muscle pain in the lower back.


    Being an integral component of education in the broad sense of the word, physical education plays a significant role in the implementation of both general pedagogical and specific educational tasks dictated by the needs of society for the expedient influence on human development, the need to prepare him for work and other socially significant activities. The specific content of physical education consists of physical education and the development of human physical qualities. The first is carried out through training and is associated primarily with the formation of motor skills, skills and special knowledge; the second is aimed at developing the vital properties of the human body, related to the physical qualities of a person, which underlie his motor abilities and collectively determine the overall level of physical performance.


    1. 1. Avdeeva M. S., Bogatyrev V. S., Osipov R. L. Level of physical fitness junior schoolchildren// Problems and prospects of physical culture and sports: Interuniversity collection of scientific papers / ed. V.V. Chapaikina. - Kirov: VyatGGU Publishing House, 2005. - P. 44-53.
    2. 2. Fetisov, V.A. With thoughts about the health of the nation - M.: Rossport, 2005 - P. 2.
    3. 3. Yashin V.N. Healthy Lifestyle: A Study Guide for Students medical schools M., 2003. - 95 p.

    Optimization of physical development follows the path of achieving ever higher levels of physical perfection. Concept “ physical perfection” generalizes ideas about the optimal measure of harmonious physical development and comprehensive physical fitness of a person. Moreover, it is implied that this measure optimally meets the requirements of labor and other spheres of his life, expresses a fairly high degree of development of individual physical talent and meets the patterns of long-term preservation of good health. The specific historical nature of physical perfection lies in the fact that its actual features (signs, indicators, etc.) are determined by the real needs and living conditions of society at each given historical stage
    and therefore change as society develops. This implies,
    in particular, that there is not and cannot be some unchanging ideal of physical perfection, just as there are not and cannot be unchangeable benchmarks for it.


    In modern systems of physical education, sport occupies an increasingly prominent place. This is explained by a number of reasons, but first of all by the special effectiveness of sport as a means and method of physical education, its popularity, the widest development of international sports relations in recent decades, the steadily increasing general cultural and prestigious significance of sport in the modern world.

    Sport, as a form of physical culture, also has a positive effect on people’s health (N.I. Ponomarev 1996; A. Hardman 1996; etc.).

    However, studies have shown that modern stage
    In Russia, a partial reorientation of physical culture took place. In connection with this, the following negative changes were discovered: a decrease in physical culture and health-improving work at enterprises made it difficult to access physical education, especially for children and adolescents, weakened its health-improving function, which
    in conditions of general deterioration of health care, it can threaten the survival of the entire people (N.A. Ponomarev, 1996).

    The problem of the impact of sport on health is of great social, applied and theoretical significance. Modern research has shown that incorrect techniques, the use of prohibited procedures and drugs have a negative impact on health. However, the causes of illness in athletes are not related to the very essence of sport, but to certain “risk factors,” the number of which is rapidly increasing in modern conditions. These factors are grouped by the authors as follows: shortcomings in the selection system, sports orientation, admission to training and competitions, violation of the training regime and methods, non-compliance with hygiene and healthy lifestyle requirements, shortcomings of medical and pedagogical control, lack of proper individualization of training, insufficient consideration of specific factors of individual types of sports (V.A. Geselevich, N.D. Graevskaya, V.G. Lioshenko, L.N. Markov, 1996). The listed “risk factors” largely indicate shortcomings in the training of physical education personnel.

    In this regard, scientists are actively developing ways and strategies to overcome the crisis situation.

    The achievement of scientists in recent years is the creation of new concepts and programs of physical education, the fundamental step of which is the rejection of unitary approaches to physical education, the creation of the opportunity for teaching staff to choose their own paths in implementing a healthy lifestyle. The main principles of this strategy are the adequacy of the content of physical training, individual sports and their conditions to the individual state of a person, the freedom to choose forms of physical activity in accordance with the personal inclinations of each person (V.K. Balsevich, M.Ya. Vilensky, V.I. Lyakh, A.P. Matveev, 1996, etc.). The experimentally tested concept of physical education and sports allows us to assert that creating conditions for a person to master a set of physical culture values ​​becomes for him a powerful incentive for self-determination and self-realization in the modern world (L.I. Lubysheva, 1996).

    The core of sport, the basis of its features is the specific competitive activity, that is, an activity whose characteristic form is a system of competitions, which historically developed primarily in the field of physical culture of society as a special sphere of identification, development and unified comparison of human capabilities (strengths, abilities, the ability to use them rationally). Unlike other forms of human activity, which include competition only as one of their moments or methods (in the field of production, art
    etc.), competitive activity in sports is built primarily according to a specific logic, in the form of competition. At the same time, it is characterized by a special type of competitive relationship, free
    in principle, from antagonism, clear regulation of the interactions of competitors, as well as unification of the composition of actions, conditions for their implementation and methods for assessing achievements according to established rules, which have now acquired the significance of international or relatively local, but fairly widely recognized norms of competition.

    The immediate goal of competitive activity in sports is to achieve the highest possible result, expressed in conventional indicators of victory over an opponent or in other indicators conventionally accepted as a criterion of achievement. But its essence is never reduced to achieving purely sporting results. As an activity that affects the person himself, and as a sphere of unique interhuman contacts, it also has a deeper meaning, ultimately determined by the totality of the basic social relations in which it is included and which determine its social orientation in the specific conditions of a particular society. In its life embodiment, sport is also a person’s steady desire to expand the “boundaries” of his capabilities, realized through special training and systematic participation in competitions related to
    with overcoming increasing difficulties, and a whole world of emotions generated by successes and failures along the way life path,
    and a complex set of interhuman relations, and the most popular spectacle, and one of the most massive social movements of our time, and much more. Sport, therefore, is a multifaceted social phenomenon. In the process of its historical development, it took a prominent place in both the physical and spiritual culture of society, and its social significance continues to grow rapidly.

    In a broad sense " sport" -This is the competitive activity itself, special preparation for it, specific interpersonal relationships and institutions in the sphere of this activity, its socially significant results, taken as a whole. The social value of sport lies most of all in the fact that it is a set of the most effective means and methods of physical education, one of the main forms of preparing a person for work and other socially necessary activities, and along with this, one of the important means of ethical and aesthetic education, satisfying the spiritual needs of society, strengthening and expanding international connections that promote mutual understanding, cooperation and friendship between peoples.

    The special effectiveness of sport as a means and method of physical education is due to the competitive nature of sports activity, its inherent focus on the highest possible results and objective patterns of their achievement in the process of special training (the need for in-depth specialization associated with the use of training loads, increasing up to the limit, etc.) , as well as the peculiarities of organizing and stimulating sports in society (a specific system of rewards for sports achievements - from qualifying badges and titles to the highest government awards). Because of this, sport, compared to other means
    and methods of physical education, allows us to ensure the highest degree of specialized development of certain abilities, skills and abilities.

    In the interests of concretizing ideas about the relationship between physical education and sports, it is important, along with the above, to take into account that sport is not limited to physical education.
    As already noted, it is a multifaceted social phenomenon that has independent general cultural, pedagogical, aesthetic, prestigious and other meanings. This especially applies to elite sport (the so-called “big sport”). In addition, a number of sports are not an effective means of physical culture at all or are indirectly related to it (chess, aircraft modeling and some other sports that are not directly related to highly active motor activity).

    On the other hand, physical education cannot be limited to sports only. The same features that make sport effective do not allow us to consider it as a universal means of physical education. Due to increased, often extreme demands on the functional capabilities of the body and other specific features sports activities inclusion of the latter in pedagogical process limited by a certain age, state of health and level of preliminary preparedness of those being educated. The physical education system includes, in addition to sports, other facilities, providing opportunities for a less “acute”, more regulated and selective impact (strictly regulated physical exercises related to basic gymnastics, relatively simple outdoor games, regulated tourism, hygienic factors and the use of external forces of nature (sun, air, water).

    In addition to the general concept of “sport,” the term “type of sport” is used, meaning a type of competitive activity that is characterized by a specific subject of competition, a special composition of actions and methods of wrestling (sports technique and tactics). For example, they say that there are many species sports, about classification species sports, etc.

    Control questions:

    1. What is physical culture?

    2. Name the basic concepts of the theory of physical education.

    3. What basic concepts does the Theory of Physical Culture study?

    4. What role does physical education play in a person’s life?

    5. How does physical education affect physical development?

    6. Is there a standard for human physical perfection?

    7. The concept of “sport”, its social functions.

    Physical development is the process of changing the natural morphofunctional properties of the body during an individual’s life.

    This process is characterized by the following indicators:

    1. Indicators that characterize the biological forms or morphology of a person (body size, body weight, posture, amount of fat deposits).

    2. Indicators of functional changes in the physiological systems of the body (cardiovascular, respiratory, muscular systems, digestive and excretory organs, etc.).

    3. Indicators of the development of physical qualities (strength, speed, endurance, flexibility, coordination abilities).

    Each period of life has its own indicators of physical development. They can reflect processes of progressive development (up to 25 years), followed by stabilization of forms and functions (up to 45-50 years), and then involutional changes (aging process). Physical development is determined by many factors, both biological and social. This process is controlled. Depending on the totality of factors and conditions, physical development can be comprehensive, harmonious or disharmonious, and the aging process can be delayed.

    Physical development is determined by the laws of: heredity; age gradation; unity of the organism and the environment (climatogeographic, social factors); the biological law of exercise and the law of the unity of forms and functions of the body.

    Indicators of physical development have great importance to assess the quality of life of a particular society. The level of physical development, along with such indicators as fertility, mortality, and morbidity, is one of the indicators of the social health of the nation.

    Physical development is manageable. Through physical exercise, various types sports, rational nutrition, work and rest regime, you can change the above indicators of physical development in the necessary direction. The basis for managing physical development is the biological law of exercise and the law of the unity of the forms and functions of the body.

    Meanwhile, physical development is to a certain extent determined by the laws of heredity, which must be taken into account as factors that favor or, on the contrary, hinder the physical improvement of a person.

    The process of physical development also obeys the law of age gradation. Therefore, it is possible to intervene in this process in order to control it only taking into account the characteristics and capabilities of the body at different age periods: formation and growth, highest development forms and functions, aging.

    In addition, physical development is associated with the law of unity of the organism and the environment and depends on human living conditions, including the geographical environment. Therefore, when choosing means and methods of physical education, it is necessary to take into account the influence of these laws.

    Physical development is closely related to human health. Health acts as a leading factor that determines not only the harmonious development young man, but also the success of mastering the profession, the fruitfulness of his future professional activity, which constitutes general well-being in life.

    Physical fitness is the result of physical training, embodied in the achieved performance, the level of development of physical qualities and the level of formation of vital and applied skills.

    Physical training is the process of forming motor skills and developing physical abilities (qualities) necessary for specific professional or sports activities.

    Physical perfection is a historically determined ideal of a person’s physical development and physical fitness, optimally meeting the requirements of life. Society in its historical development made various demands on the physical improvement of man. It follows that there is not and cannot be a single ideal of physical perfection.

    Physical perfection in different time has different physiological characteristics and depends on socio-economic conditions.

    In recent times, physical perfection implied three parameters: spiritual purity; moral perfection; physical harmonious and optimal development.

    The most important specific indicators of a physically perfect person of our time are:

    1. Good health, providing a person with the ability to quickly adapt to various conditions.

    2. High general physical performance

    3. Proportionally developed physique, correct posture

    4. Possession of rational technique of basic vital movements

    5. Comprehensively and harmoniously developed physical qualities, excluding one-sided human development.

    6. Physical education, i.e. possession of special knowledge and skills to use one’s body and physical abilities in life, work and sports.