Dow music director portfolio for certification. Music director portfolio presentation on the topic

Eremeeva Daria
Portfolio for certification music director

Stefanova Tatyana Vladimirovna.

musical director

MBDOU No. 75 "Ivushka"

Higher education

Pedagogical experience 37 years

Main tasks musical education are development musicality and musical thinking of the child. Music has the potential to influence not only adults, but also very young children. It has been proven that even the prenatal period is extremely important for subsequent development person: music, which the expectant mother listens to, has a positive effect on the well-being of the developing child. Music is art, affecting the child already in the first months of his life. Its direct influence on the emotional sphere contributes to the emergence of initial response actions, in which one can see the prerequisites for the further formation of basic musical abilities.

In order for the development of children in this direction to be successful, it is necessary to organize work on musical education taking into account special needs music and age capabilities of children.

A teacher organizing children’s communication with music, accumulating experience in listening to the simplest melodies (sung or performed on children's musical instruments, encourages you to respond to them with voice or movement, creates the preconditions for active musical the child’s activities at subsequent stages of development.

It is important to note that only by developing children’s emotions, interests, and tastes can they be introduced to musical culture, lay its foundations. Preschool age is important for subsequent human development musical culture . If in progress musical children's activities will develop their musically- aesthetic consciousness, this will not pass without a trace for the subsequent development of man, his general spiritual formation.

Publications on the topic:

Report by the music director on the joint work of the music director and teacher Our teaching staff considers musical activity as one of the aspects of the harmonious development of children preschool age.

Consultation for teachers of preschool educational institutions “Interaction in the pedagogical process of the music director with the teacher” Interaction in the pedagogical process of the music director with the teacher. General and musical-aesthetic development of preschool children.

Master class for parents “Do-it-yourself musical instruments” - Good afternoon, dear parents! I am glad to see you in this room.

Material for teachers of educational organizations. Description of the music director's work system Description of the work system of the music director of category I MBDOU kindergarten “Firefly” Mariinsky Posad district of the Chuvash Republic.

Teacher's portfolio for certification for the first qualification category Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution "Kindergarten for care and health improvement No. 30 "Malyshok" of the urban district "city.

Music Director Portfolio Portfolio of the Musical Director of MBDOU No. 162 "Fairy Tale" Svetlana Georgievna Tronko Education: Special secondary education, graduated from Arkhangelsk.

Presentation “Music director’s portfolio” I'm professional. I work in a kindergarten. I love my job very much. Communication with children, their affection and trust in me creates grace.


Work with children

Working with teachers

Interaction with parents

Use ready-made methods and develop your own methods of testing, questioning, observing the development of musical and creativity children, their physical and spiritual improvement.

Organization of a subject-developmental environment for musical education and health improvement of children. Collections of complexes of health-saving technologies. Music lesson notes. Scenarios of leisure and entertainment. Consultation material for parents. Consulting material for teachers. Creation of a set of CDs “Music Therapy”. Creation of a CD “To help the music director.” Generalization and dissemination of work experience.

Constantly replenishing the music room and music corners in the group with new equipment, including homemade equipment.

Morning exercises with musical accompaniment, music classes, individual work, leisure and entertainment. Diagnostics of the development of musical abilities. Children visiting the theater. Introducing new speech, articulation, and recreational games. Conducting music therapy. Participation in city events. Open music classes, performances for parents.

Speech at pedagogical councils of preschool educational institutions, city methodological associations of music directors. Consultations for teachers. Joint planning of children's independent musical activities. Collaboration with a physical education instructor on music and recreational work. Collaboration with a teacher on the Kalmyk language.

Conversations (individual) with parents about musical education at parent-teacher meetings. Questioning. Joint work of children and parents in the priority area of ​​the preschool educational institution. Participation in holidays, entertainment, leisure Consultations, speeches at parent meetings. Theater performances for parents. Meetings with interesting people.



Definition and main purpose of a portfolio

A portfolio is a tool for monitoring professional achievements. A portfolio is a storage folder in which materials are placed reflecting the employee’s achievements in professional activity and his effective professional and social experience over a certain period of time (during the entire certification period, from certification to certification).

A portfolio allows a teacher to analyze, summarize and systematize the results of his work, objectively assess his capabilities and plan actions to overcome difficulties and achieve better results.

The materials presented in the portfolio are considered as evidence of the professionalism and effectiveness of the teacher’s work, confirming the grounds for certification, as well as allowing conclusions to be drawn when conducting an examination for compliance with the declared qualification category.

Structure and content of the portfolio

It should be especially noted that some sample portfolio or an exhaustive list of materials included in it does not exist and cannot exist. The portfolio should reflect the subject position of the person being certified as a professional, which is expressed in the ability to solve professional problems using professional knowledge and skills, various mastered methods of activity. At the same time, methods for solving professional problems, tactics and strategies for a teacher’s professional behavior may differ significantly.

The main sections of the portfolio, which are primarily assessed by experts, are:

  1. The effectiveness of teaching activities, which examines the characteristics of the quality of education provided by a particular teacher;
  2. Characteristics of professional (scientific and methodological) activities as a condition for ensuring the quality of education, where indicators of teacher proficiency in modern technologies, indicators of involvement in methodological work, indicators of innovative (project) scientific and research activities are considered.

In addition to the main sections, the portfolio should include the following sections: general information about the teaching staff, copies of documents and table of contents. These sections allow you to structure your portfolio materials in such a way that experts can quickly navigate through the presented materials.

The structure and content of the certified person’s portfolio includes the following mandatory sections:

1 section

(landmarks and grounds)

  1. Table of contents
  2. Copies of documents

Section 2

(Performance and quality - student dynamics)

Section 3

(means and methods for achieving quality and results)

  1. Scientific and methodological activities

The content of the main sections depends on the specifics of the activity teaching worker and filled with materials at his discretion. It is necessary to pay attention to the fact that all materials presented in the portfolio must be supported by copies of documents or certified by relevant people. You should not include full texts of copyrighted programs in your portfolio, methodological developments and other voluminous materials, it is enough to provide a list and generalized data.

Item no.

Section names

  • The table of contents must contain a list of all materials presented in the portfolio;

General information about the teaching staff

  • FULL NAME. Date of Birth.
  • Information about education.
  • Work experience: general labor, pedagogical, (psychological), in the specified educational institution.
  • Current qualification category (indicate since when).
  • Position held (indicate since when).
  • Full name of the educational institution where he works this moment time (indicate postal and email addresses; telephone numbers).
  • Awards, certificates, letters of gratitude. confirming the presence of diplomas, academic degrees, honorary titles, awards, certificates and letters of gratitude.
  • Membership in commissions and expert groups (certification, trade union, conflict, PMPC, etc.)
  • Advanced training (over the last 5 years)
  • Contact phone number and email address.

Compiled on a separate sheet (electronically), all information (except contact phone number and email address) must be confirmed by electronic copies of documents presented in the portfolio section “Copies of documents”.

Copies of documents

This section should contain copies of the following documents:

  • diploma(s) of education (without insert, basic diploma teacher education, diploma of retraining and additional education);
  • certification sheet;
  • documents confirming state awards and titles; certificates of honor, letters of gratitude;
  • certificates of generalization of work experience;
  • certificates, certificates and advanced training certificates;
  • orders on membership in commissions and expert groups.

Compiled in electronic form, in a separate folder “Copies of documents”.

The effectiveness of teaching activities

Positive dynamics of pedagogical (psychological) impact in educational and extracurricular activities

The materials in this section should give an idea of ​​the dynamics of the results of the educational process in the preschool educational institution being certified for at least 3-5 years. In this section, it is necessary to demonstrate the achievements of students in the field of subject knowledge, in the organization of cultural and leisure activities, and in other forms of musical education.

Direct educational activities

This section can contain materials demonstrating the results of students’ mastery of educational programs and the degree to which they have developed a sustainable interest in the subject:

  • results of the final certification of students (information about the quality of knowledge and level of training);
  • information about the presence of musical abilities and their development;

Cultural and leisure activities

The section may contain the following documents and materials that reveal the content of the activities of a teacher in organizing matinees and evenings of entertainment and other forms of musical and educational work:

  • information about the participation of students in festivals, olympiads, competitions, projects, etc. municipal, regional and federal levels (may contain a list of winners and prize-winners; list creative works, abstracts, educational and research works, projects completed by students in the subject, diplomas, certificates of children);

Scientific and methodological activities of teaching staff

The professionalism of the teacher in the choice of teaching aids and technologies (availability and knowledge of teaching materials);

Research work;

dissemination of work experience during professional interaction

This section contains documents (certificates, orders, expert opinions) and other materials that testify to the professionalism of a teacher in the choice of pedagogical (psychological) means and technologies, about the features of pedagogical work experience, its dissemination in the course of professional interaction, about the results of scientific- research work. It is necessary to submit materials confirming:

  • availability of original programs that have passed examination ( expert opinion about authorship);
  • justification for the candidate’s choice of educational technologies used;
  • list of programs of elective courses, special courses, master classes, electives for students and pupils.
  • the use of information and communication technologies in the educational process, technologies for teaching children with developmental problems, etc.;
  • justification for the use of certain means of pedagogical and psychological diagnostics by the certified person in their practice to assess educational results;
  • participation in innovative and experimental activities (experimental sites, laboratories, etc.);
  • availability of publications;
  • participation of teaching staff in professional and creative pedagogical competitions, conferences, pedagogical readings, methodological and subject weeks, grant projects, etc.;
  • work in a methodological association (school, city and district levels), cooperation with the regional methodological center, universities and other institutions;
  • organization and conduct open lessons, seminars, round tables, master classes and other events;
  • thematic parent meetings

Educational, material and technical base

Availability and possession of modern ICT

This section contains an extract from the classroom passport (if available), which records:

  • availability of dictionaries, reference literature on the subject;
  • the presence of visual aids (layouts, tables, diagrams, illustrations, portraits, etc.);
  • Availability didactic material, collections of problems, exercises, examples of abstracts and essays, etc.;
  • availability of audio and video aids;
  • Availability of technical teaching aids (TV, VCR, music Center, projector, interactive whiteboard, etc.);
  • availability of a computer and computer tools training (multimedia textbooks, knowledge control programs, etc.);
  • other documents at the request of the teacher.

Portfolio evaluation criteria

A teacher’s portfolio is assessed based on the following indicators:

1.Complete and systematic presentation of the professional achievements of a teacher, covering all components of the portfolio structure.

2.Effectiveness of professional teaching activities.

3. The presence of dynamics of positive changes in the professional activity of a teacher.

4. The stability of the results of students mastering educational programs and the indicators of the dynamics of their achievements are above average in the constituent entity of the Russian Federation, including taking into account the results of students’ participation in all-Russian, international olympiads, competitions, festivals, competitions.

5. Innovativeness of a teacher’s professional activity (innovativeness of educational results, means of teaching activities, contribution to the promotion of innovations).

6.The use of modern educational technologies in the teaching and educational process and the methodological work of the teacher.

7. The presence of a system and high results of extracurricular work in the subject (participants and winners of subject Olympiads, subject competitions, grants, scientific and practical conferences, etc.).

8.Teacher participation in research and experimental activities.

9.Active participation in various forms methodological work(seminars, round tables, conferences).

10. Generalization and dissemination of own teaching experience, publications.

11.Open lessons and events, incl. master classes (at the level of educational institution, district, region, Russian Federation)

12.Professional growth, participation in professional competitions, advanced training and professional training, self-education.

“Our calling is to help children enter the world of music, understand its laws, and join its mysteries. This process is endless. How endless and limitless all musical activity is. It's important to start it. Let the child feel that the magical world of music can bring him joy, become understandable and close to him.” S.I.Merzlyakova



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PORTFOLIO Larisa Gennadievna Gushchina

FULL NAME. Gushchina Larisa Gennadievna Date of birth: July 16, 1970 Place of birth: Vasilyevo village, TASSR Citizenship: Russian Federation Gender: female E-mail: [email protected] Education: secondary specialized, Kazan Pedagogical School No. 1, 1998 Specialty: teacher kindergarten. Work experience: a) general 28 b) general pedagogical 25 c) pedagogical in this institution 15 years Position held: Music director Category _2___ rank 12_ SUMMARY Place of work: Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution kindergarten “Sosenka No. 36”, Educational Institution of the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Tatarstan .g.t.Vasilevo, Lagernaya st. 9a

“Our calling is to help children enter the world of music, understand its laws, and join its mysteries. This process is endless. How endless and limitless all musical activity is. It's important to start it. Let the child feel that the magical world of music can bring him joy, become understandable and close to him.” S.I. Merzlyakova “I am proud of my profession for the fact that I live my childhood many times...”

I love my job because it is an opportunity to constantly be in the world of fairy tales and fantasy, in the world of childhood. Children are the most important people on our planet. We don't know who they will become when they grow up, what they will do. In order for them to grow into good ones, good people and we are needed - teachers who help children discover a new, unknown world. I found a poem on the Internet, I really liked it, but unfortunately I don’t know the author: There are many different professions in the world. But I know mine couldn’t be more interesting. In the hands of the teacher is a priceless treasure: Twenty stubborn, loud-mouthed children, Twenty with eyes like radiant stars, Which I raised to be kind and pure. The world opened up to them as bright and wonderful. My work is not more interesting.

Years of study Name of advanced training courses Number of hours Type of document received 2006 "Increasing the level of professional activity of a teacher" 72 Certificate of short-term advanced training 2008 "New approaches to music education of preschool children" 72 Certificate of short-term advanced training 2011 "Innovations in music education of preschool children: theory and practice" 108 hours certificate of advanced training 2015 " Modern technologies music education children of preschool age" Systematic training

My publications: Social network educational workers website Materials for parents 10 COMMANDMENTS FOR PARENTS Rules of conduct for parents on children's party Musical and rhythmic lesson Scenario of the March 8 holiday "MOTHER'S COUNTRY" in senior group MUSICAL - DIDACTICAL GAMES Scenario of the spring holiday on March 8 "All notes" The world Scenario for children's energy saving entertainment “Let's save the planet” Holiday scenarios Scenario for graduation in kindergarten on March 8 with Kolobok. "PIE - RUSH SIDE" Musical fairy tale "Geese-swans" New Year's scenario"Magic book" New Year's scenario "Mitten" Autumn sports entertainment "In order not to be afraid of the flu, you need to play sports" Sports entertainment "Olympic hopes, go to kindergarten" Prom scenario "City of Childhood" SCENARIO OF ENTERTAINMENT ACCORDING TO TRAFFIC RULES IN A SECONDARY GROUP "TRAVEL TO CITY OF ROAD SIGNS" Festive concert for the Day of the Elderly "How young we were" International educational portal Maam. Scenario for a kindergarten graduation party (2015) Musical and didactic games and aids for a music lesson Musical fairy tale “Geese and Swans” Scenario for children’s energy saving entertainment “Let’s save the planet”

Resource support List of scientific and methodological support: Use of methodological materials and educational literature Use of ICT in the educational process Information on participation in professional and creative pedagogical competitions, holding seminars Development of projects, clubs, regulations, writing articles Personal pages in online communities: http: // website/ /

Use of ICT in the educational process: List of some used Internet resources No. Site name Address 1. MATVEJKA 2. For teachers http:// www. o - childhood. ru/forteachers. html 3. Portal Sunshine http://www. solnet. ee/contests/index. php 4. Kinder-planet users . php? m = register 5. Your child http:// www . two children ru/index. shtml 6. Raising preschool children http:// doshvozrast. ru/rabrod/rabrod. htm 7.. Educational and methodological office 9. Notes of classes in kindergarten 10. International educational portal Maam. / 11. KINDERGARTEN 12. CENTER FOR DISTANCE COOPERATION [email protected]

I have the following awards: a certificate from the Executive Committee of the town. Vasilyevo for participation in the public life of the village in 2011. For active participation in the social network of educators nsportal. ru, awarded by the administration of the social network letter of thanks, 2013; “For many years of work, high professionalism and creative approach in working with children,” she was awarded a letter of gratitude from the executive committee of the town of Vasilyevo, 2014, and was awarded a letter of gratitude from the Council of Veterans for participation in festive concert“For the Day of the Elderly” 2015

Promotions, awards, certificates.


April Fool's Day Harvest 2012




Marina Kukushkina
Music Director Portfolio

General information about the teacher

My family

Pedagogical credo

My profession

Self-analysis of teaching work

Education documents

Refresher courses

Self-development work “Teaching children to play children’s musical instruments».

GMO "Children's music playing"

Photo report of the event GMO:

"Organization of children's music playing in traditional musical instruments».

"Ways to create non-traditional musical instruments , their implementation in children's musical activities».

11. Participation in professional competitions for the period 2015-2017.

12. Achievements of students

Use of modern educational technologies:

Gaming technologies

Project technology

14. Information and communication technologies

15. Work with teachers

16. Working with parents

17. Feedback from parents about the events held

18. Social activities

Pedagogical credo

There are many different professions in the world

And each has its own charm.

But there is nothing more noble, more necessary and more wonderful

Than the one I work for!

« Music like a book makes us

better, smarter and kinder" (D. Kabalevsky)

Self-development work

Subject: “Teaching children to play children’s musical instruments».

Relevance of the topic: Children's music playing expands the scope musical activity

preschoolers, increases interest in music lessons, promotes development

musical memory, attention, helps overcome excessive shyness and stiffness.

During the game, the individual traits of each player are clearly revealed. performer: Availability

will, emotionality, concentration, develop and improve musical


Work plan on the topic “Teaching children to play children’s musical instruments».

Selection musical repertoire.

Development of lesson notes.

Selection of illustrations, creation of a card index musical instruments.

Consultations for parents on home design music corner.

Master class cycle "Children's music playing". (GMO)

Competition for teachers for the best music corner.

Homemade exhibition musical instruments.

Children's performances at children's matinees.

Performance of the children's orchestra at the concerts of the Children's Philharmonic of the Zarechny Children's Music School.

City Methodological Association "Children's music playing"

Since September 2016 I have been head working group of the City Methodological

associations "Children's music playing".

The target audience: teachers and specialists of preschool educational institutions.

Target: contribute to increasing the competence of teachers in organizing independent

Musical creative activity children.

Tasks of the working group:

To increase the level of competence of teachers in the field of using games for children musical instruments;

To contribute to the improvement of practical skills of teachers in playing children's musical instruments;

Modernize the developmental subject-spatial environment of groups and kindergartens;

Broadcast and disseminate innovative experience.

Working group work plan

1. Organization of children's music playing in traditional musical instruments.

2. Ways to create non-traditional musical instruments, their implementation in

3. Children's music playing as a way to integrate educational areas.

4. Virtual concert of children's orchestras of the preschool educational institution Zarechny. Exhibition musical

Participation in professional competitions for the period 2015-2017.

Third degree diploma in the all-Russian competition of the information and methodological center « Scarlet Sails» . Holiday scenario "Victory Day". (June, 2015).

Laureate diploma in the All-Russian competition « Musical drops» . Holiday scenario "Victory Day". (February, 2016).

Winner diploma, 1st place in the All-Russian competition « Musical drops» . Scenario for the holiday March 8 "Little Miss". (June, 2016).

1st degree laureate diploma international competition Talent 2016 in the category - violin ensemble. (February, 2016)

5. Second degree laureate diploma in the international competition Talent 2016 in the category "Instrumental Performance"- violin ensemble. (February, 2016)

III degree diploma in the competition “The best do-it-yourself teaching aid” from kindergarten "Firefly". (December, 2016)

Achievements of students

Diploma for participation in the city festival of the Zarechny urban district "April drops". (April, 2015).

Certificate for participation in the city festival of the Zarechny urban district "April drops". (April, 2016).

Winner diploma, 2nd place in the All-Russian competition « Musical drops» . Dance composition "Children of war". (June, 2016).

Achievements of students

musical And artistic creativity preschool children "Creative Kaleidoscope". Nomination – choreography (choreographic ensemble). Organizer: UrSPU. Ekaterinburg. (2016) .

Diploma for participation in the All-Russian competition musical "Creative Kaleidoscope". Nomination – instrumental performance (Children's orchestra). Organizer: UrSPU. Ekaterinburg. (2016) .

Third degree laureate diploma for participation in the All-Russian competition musical and artistic creativity of preschool children "Creative Kaleidoscope". Nomination – choreography (choreographic ensemble). Organizer: UrSPU. Ekaterinburg. (2016) . Diploma for participation in the All-Russian competition musical

Use of modern educational technologies

In my work I widely use traditional and innovative technologies aimed at developing cognitive interest in musical activity.

Health-saving technologies

Creation in musical hall of a comfortable and safe developmental environment.

Load dosing and differentiated approach in the educational process.

Inclusion of rhythmoplasty, logorhythmics, breathing, articulation, and finger gymnastics into organized educational activities.

A system of outdoor games has been developed, including the protection of voice and hearing, the development of speech breathing, musically-rhythmic exercises for posture correction.

Activities, entertainment and celebrations in the summer, including Maslenitsa, are held outside. (To support this idea, the kindergarten purchased a synthesizer and portable audio system).

Gaming technologies

The use of gaming technologies enriches children with new impressions, knowledge, skills, develops interest in literature and theater, forms dialogical, emotionally rich speech, activates the vocabulary, and contributes to the moral and aesthetic education of each child.

Creating an integrative musically-game environment in group rooms and in kindergarten music room.

Development of card files didactic games, theatrical games, creative, role-playing games, dramatization games, educational and educational games.

Project technology

The use of design technology in GCD enriches preschool children musical impressions and contribute to the formation musical taste, musical memory and musicality

Development and implementation projects:

"Children's Album" P.I. Tchaikovsky",

"Tale in music E. Grieg",

"Game for children's musical instruments» ,


The basis for presenting the results of implemented projects is the Zarechny Children's Music School.

The children of our kindergarten are active concert activities within the walls musical

schools, participate in children's concerts music philharmonic.

Integrative learning technology

Integration different types arts and a variety of children's activities promotes

formation of connections between all educational areas. This activates development

visual-effective, visual-figurative, logical thinking; forms in children more

deep, versatile knowledge, a holistic view of the world and the interconnection of all of it

components. Integrative learning technology is widely used in project


Information and communication technologies

I actively use Internet resources when planning educational activities. musical development of children, I am studying the pedagogical experience of other teachers - musicians on the website - Social network of employees education:

I conduct classes that require a visual presentation of the material using computer presentations.

To collaborate with parents and share experiences with colleagues musical education

I'm working on creating my own blog on the Internet - address:

Working with teachers

I interact with kindergarten teachers in the following ways: directions:

Individual consultations

Discussion of entertainment and holiday scenarios

Group workshops on musical education

Active participation of teachers in entertainment and celebrations

Participation of teachers in the design music hall

Teachers prepare costumes and attributes for events

Working with parents

Success in developing children's creative abilities can be achieved

only in close interaction with the parents of the pupils, since the knowledge

which the child receives in kindergarten must be reinforced in the family environment.

Solution: properly organize work with parents on musical

raising children in a family.

Social activity

For more than 10 years I have been actively collaborating with kindergarten teachers music school

Zarechny. I am part of a violin ensemble, under leadership T. P. Razina. Ensemble

takes part in competitions different levels, in all kinds of school and municipal


In March 2016, a concert was successfully organized and held for children's pensioners

educational institutions of our city. Children and

employees of the kindergarten structural unit "Firefly". In gratitude,

the guests of our concert left a pleasant

review in the city newspaper "Fair".

In April 2016, I organized and

city ​​annual festival held

"April drops". I want to note,

that the festival was first organized in

Theater for Young Spectators in Zarechny

In December 2015, I represented the city of Zarechny at the beauty contest “Mrs.

Eurasia 2015”, where she was awarded two nomination:

Nomination "Mrs. Natural"

Winner of the competition "Mrs. Eurasia 2015".