Lesson obj. Methodological development of an open lesson on the discipline of basic life safety "from the subject of life safety to safe life"

Ministry of Education of the Saratov Region

State budgetary educational institution of the Saratov region of primary vocational education

"Vocational School No. 80"


life safety lesson


teacher-organizer of life safety


Bychkov A.I.

Rtishchevo 2013


Methodological development of a life safety lesson on the topic “Fire safety measures. Rules for safe behavior in case of fires."

In the process of studying this topic, conditions are created for the development of students’ creative thinking, their cognitive activity, and the ability to independently replenish knowledge from various sources of information. Students gain solid knowledge about the development of fire and its patterns.

This methodological development can be useful when conducting life safety lessons in the 1st year of studying this discipline.

1. Introduction.

2. Main part.

2.1. Methodological justification of the topic.

2.3.Lesson plan.

2.4. Didactic material for the lesson.

2.5. List of literature (sources) for students.

2.6. List of literature for teachers.

3.List of sources used.

4. Application.

Methodological development of a life safety lesson

On the topic “Fire safety measures. Rules for safe behavior in case of fires.”

The purpose of methodological development:

  • disclosure of the experience of conducting lessons on studying the program topic “Fire Safety Measures. Rules for safe behavior in case of fires",
  • use of elements of modern pedagogical technologies in life safety lessons.


Fundamentals of life safety (life safety) is a field of knowledge in which the dangers that threaten humans, the patterns of their manifestations and methods of protection against them are studied.

The tasks of life safety include: to anticipate danger; recognize danger; classify the hazard; avoid danger; act correctly in a dangerous situation.

The overwhelming majority of the population does not have a clear idea of ​​the real danger of fires; fire safety issues are reflected in literally all areas of human activity. It is no coincidence that up to 80% of all fires not only in Russia, but also abroad occur due to the so-called “human factor”, that is, when ignorance of basic fire safety requirements, their ignorance, as well as negligence caused by the opinion that the occurrence of a fire event is unlikely – often leads to tragic consequences. In 2003, the world population was just over 6 billion people. At the same time, the number of fires per year per 1 thousand people of the Earth’s population and the number of people killed in fires per year per 10 thousand people of the population are respectively equal to 1 (one). From these ratios it is easy to obtain final and largely catastrophic figures for the consequences of human carelessness. So, every year in the world there are (according to official statistical data) 6 - 6.5 million fires in which about 60 thousand people die. Only road traffic accidents (road accidents – 270 thousand people per year) have a higher indicator for the number of deaths in peacetime.

The current situation in society necessitates close attention from the education system, as well as the need to build constructive interaction between educational institutions and various departments that provide security, health protection, psychological support for the population, and scientific and methodological support in the field of safety and health.

In this regard, the role and responsibility of the education system for training students on issues related to life safety, creating a culture of safe behavior and developing healthy lifestyle habits is increasing.

Methodological justification of the topic

Knowledge of life safety is one of the most important sources of developing a culture of safe human behavior. It helps every person not only to anticipate, but also to prevent certain emergencies and disasters.

The entire life safety course contains rich opportunities for educating students and developing high moral qualities in them. In the process of studying the section “Human Safety in Everyday Life,” conditions are created for the development of their cognitive activity and the ability to independently replenish knowledge from various sources of information. Students receive solid knowledge about safe behavior in the event of fires, ways to save and preserve their lives and the lives of those around them.

When planning a lesson on generalizing and systematizing the knowledge and skills of students, I set myself the goal of creating conditions for improving and systematizing existing knowledge and skills, understanding the complex interdisciplinary nature of the material studied, the formation of generalized ways of working, systematic thinking, the development of analytical abilities, skills of independent mental activity, identifying the level of mastery of the system of knowledge and skills, experience of creative activity. To achieve my goals, I use project technology, gaming technologies, and student-centered learning technologies in my work., level differentiation, health-saving technologies,information and communication technologies.

This lesson is the seventh in the section “Human safety in everyday life.”The lesson is conducted with first-year students; first, you can carry out individual work with students on drawing up project presentations, as well as work on planning and developing projects.

Program topic: Human safety in everyday life.

Lesson topic: “Fire safety measures. Rules for safe behavior in case of fires.”

Lesson type: lesson of generalization and systematization of knowledge.

Type of lesson: mixed.

Methodological goal:creating conditions for the formation of knowledge, skills and abilities of students.


Summarize students’ ideas about the characteristics of people’s behavior when fires occur.

Continue testing on the topic using a combination of different forms of oral and written testing.

Continue to develop the ability to consider events and phenomena from a security point of view, to competently and adequately assess the current situation.

Lesson objectives:

1. Educational:

Summarize and consolidate students’ knowledge on the topic “Fire safety measures. Rules for safe behavior in case of fires.”

2. Developmental:

Search for the necessary information in various types of sources.

Critically analyze the source (characterize the authorship of the source, time, purpose of its creation)

Establish cause-and-effect relationships between phenomena.

Formulate your own position.

3. Educational

Contribute to the development of respect and tolerant attitude towards others.

Cultivate a sustainable interest in life safety.

4. Health - saving:

Prevention of mental overstrain by changing activities.

Material and technical support of the lesson:

  1. ON THE. Prokopenko, N.V. Kosolapova. Life safety for primary and secondary vocational education. Moscow "Academy", 2010
  2. Presentations by teacher and students.
  3. Didactic material.

Intersubject and intrasubject connections:social studies, history.

Technological map of the lesson:

Didactic structure of the lesson

Methodological substructure of the lesson

Signs of solving didactic problems

Teaching methods

Form of activity

Methodological techniques and their content

Means of education

Ways to organize activities

1. Justification of knowledge of the topic and objectives of the lesson.


computer, projector, screen


Students are ready to go

2.Motivation of educational activities, obtaining new knowledge by posing and solving problems based on communication and systematization of existing knowledge.

Creation of a problem situation, explanation and independent work.

When the video is shown, students are involved in a discussion of the issues being discussed.

Watching a video, conversation

film fragment, presentation


students’ readiness for discussion and document analysis

3. Step-by-step discussion of the progress of solving the problem, summing up, conclusions.

reproductive, partially search, play

Conversation, discussion, game

independent work with documents, conversation, game

use of presentation slides, map, handouts

individual, group, frontal

student performance assessment

4.Assessment of actions, knowledge and skills.

Explanation, survey

written test

testing, self-test

Test (handout)


identifying the level of mastery of knowledge and skills

5.Comprehension and analysis of the work done, reflection, summarizing the results.


frontal work with students

Reflection cards


student performances

Lesson plan:

1. General information about the fire. The concept of fire.

2. Defense of the project “Causes of Fires.”

3. Defense of the project “Damaging Factors of Fire”

4. Defense of the project “Evacuation of students from the school building.”

5. Project protection"Where to run? Why run?"

6. The importance of fire service. The history of its development.

7. Testing.

Material support:

  • Fire safety rules in the Russian Federation (extracts from PPB 01-03),
  • Life safety textbook. edited by N.A. Prokopenko, A.V Kosolapova, 2010
  • Scientific, methodological and informational magazine of life safety (October 2009), didactic materials of life safety,
  • Computer,
  • Disk media.

During the classes:

1) Organizational moment.

2) Communicate the topic and purpose of the lesson.

3) Work on the topic of the lesson.

During the lesson, students are divided into subgroups. Each subgroup has a corresponding task. Students in each subgroup must defend their project, and the rest of the students make notes in their notebooks.

We will begin our lesson with the definition of fire, which was given by V. Dahl in the Explanatory Dictionary of the Russian Language: “Fire is the phenomenon of combustion, the highest degree of heat, which manifests itself as condensed light, a combination of heat and light during the combustion of a body.”

Fire is an enemy if a person treats it carelessly. A fire can break out wherever fire finds even the slightest opening. It destroys everything that a person has created through many years of hard work. In the life safety textbook, the definition of fire is as follows: “Fire is an uncontrolled combustion process, accompanied by the destruction of material assets and creating a danger to the life and health of people.”

In 2010, 91 fires occurred in the Chusovsky district, 9 people died, including 1 child. 8 people were moderately or severely injured. Material damage amounted to 1,720,000 rubles.

  • Familiarity with the conditions for combustion.

Think about what components are needed for combustion to occur? (students' answers).

Indeed, there is a so-called triangle of fire:

Flammable substance;


Ignition source.

Recently, instead of a triangle, a quadrangle has been distinguished. A person was added to the three components. 97% of all fires are caused by humans.

  • Introduction to the causes of fires in buildings.

Name the main causes of fire in buildings (students' answers).

Defense of the project on the topic: “Causes of fire” (student presentation)

Watch the video “Causes of fires”.

  • Familiarity with the main damaging factors of fire.

Remember and name the main damaging factors of a fire. (Students' answers).

Your answers are correct. Indeed, the damaging factors of a fire are:


Smoke in the room;

Spread of fire in an open way;

Losses of load-bearing capacity of structures.

Defense of the project on the topic: “Damaging factors of fire” (student presentation)

Watch the video “Damaging Factors of Fire”.

  • Familiarity with the rules of safe behavior when evacuating from a burning building.

The main measure to save people in the event of fires in buildings is the evacuation of people.

List the stages of evacuation from a school building. (Students' answers).


Stage 1 - detection of the source of fire;

Stage 2 – alarm;

Stage 3 – report to the fire department;

Stage 4 – evacuation from the school building;

Stage 5 – formation at the gathering place;

Stage 6 – checking the number of students.

Defense of the project on the topic: “Evacuation of students from the school building” (student speech)

Watch the video “Evacuation of students from the school building.”

When viewing, pay attention to the following questions:

How to leave the classroom during evacuation;

How to move along the corridor correctly;

Attitude of senior students to junior students;

Report to the fire department;

Discipline at the gathering place.

  • Introduction to the concept of “panic” and its prevention.

Answer, what is the main enemy when evacuating a burning building?

Indeed, this is panic. The word panic comes from the Greek panikon, which means “unaccountable terror.” Namely, unaccountable, forcing a person to uncontrollably strive to avoid a dangerous situation by any means. Even in cases where there is no real threat to life. And then often the very panic movement of many people becomes the cause of human casualties.

Defense of the project on the topic: “Where to run? Why run" (student speech)

Watch the video “Where to run? Why run?"

  • Introduction to the fire service.

What do you think is the role of the fire service in a person’s life? (Students answer).

Let's get acquainted with the history of the development of fire protection.

The second half of the 15th century - the beginning of the creation of the fire service, the first legislative acts concerning the organization of the service, designed to fight fire.

Under Ivan III in 1504, the first fire regulations were issued, affecting the lives of ordinary people.

Under M.F. Romanov in the 20s of the 17th century. A fire brigade is being established in Moscow. April 30, 1649 Order on city deanery, approved by Alexei Mikhailovich and containing fire prevention rules mandatory for everyone. This date is considered the birthday of the fire service.

Fire safety during the time of Peter I (responsibility for all city residents).

June 24, 1803 - Alexander I signed a decree on the creation of professional police fire brigades from conscript soldiers.

2001 – State Fire Service became part of the Ministry of Emergency Situations.

4) Consolidation. Test on the topic covered (Appendix 1)

5) Summing up the lesson, grading.

6) Homework.

List of literature (sources) for students.

  1. Alekseenko, V.A. Life activity and biosphere [Text]: textbook / V.A. Alekseenko. – M.: Logos, 2005. – 232 p.
  2. Apraushev A.V. Ecological and pedagogical cooperative "Young Naturalist" // Primary school. - 1989, N6, pp. 73-79.
  3. Operational safety [Text]: encyclopedic dictionary / ed. O. N. Rusaka. – St. Petersburg: Information and Publishing Agency LIK, 2003. - 504 p.
  4. Life safety [Text]: textbook. / ed. E.A. Arustamova. – 2nd ed., revised. and additional - M.: Publishing House "Dashkov and Co", 2002. - 677 p.
  5. Life safety. Safety in emergency situations of natural and man-made nature [Text]: Textbook. allowance / V.A. Akimov, Yu.L. Vorobyov, M.I. Faleev and others - ed. 2nd, revised - M.: Higher. school, 2007. - 592 p.

6. Life safety. Collection of normative documents on the training of students in the field of protection from emergency situations [Text]. – M.: Publishing house AST – LTD, 1988. – 704 p.»

2. Collection of normative documents and materials on preparation for military service./Compiled by V.S. Dobrovolsky, M.P. Frolov, B.I. Mishin. – M.: Higher School, 2002.

3. Features of military service: Textbook for the section “Fundamentals of Military Service”: 11th grade / ed. IN AND. Kuznetsov. – M.: “ARMPRESS”, 2001.

4. Supporting life in extreme situations: Textbook / ed. A.N. Kostrov. – M.: “ARMPRESS”, 2002.

5. Fundamentals of Life Safety: Sample questions and answers to prepare for the final exam. 11th grade / Compiled by V.N. Latchuk, S.K. Mironov, B.I. Mishin. – M.: “ENAS”, 2003. Author of the development: Bychkov Alexey Igorevich, teacher-organizer of life safety of the State Budgetary Educational Institution SO NPO “Vocational School No. 80”, Rtishchevo.

List of sources used.

1. Safety at home. Fires. In a criminal environment. Drug addiction and suicide. Health safety. Ecology and health. Safety: organization and management // Library of the journal "Fundamentals of Life Safety". - 2006. - No. 2. - P. 83-200.

2. Butenko I. Safety lessons and lessons without danger/I. Butenko //Fundamentals of life safety.-2006.-No.9.-P.8-15. 2 articles

3. Bystrova M. Day of Knowledge - and Day of Security / M. Bystrova / Civil Protection. - 2006. - No. 9. - P. 55-56.

4. Vasiliev M. Don’t let the Red Rooster into the house / M. Vasiliev / Fundamentals of life safety. - 2004. - "12. - P. 9-11.

5. Vorobeychikov A. Firefighters in France / A. Vorobeychikov, A. Zakharov // Civil protection. - 2005. - No. 9. - P. 35.

6. Grinin A.S. Fire and explosion safety/A.S. Grinin / Grinin A. S. Life safety: Textbook. allowance/ A.S. Grinin, V.N. Novikov.-M., 2002.-P.95-121. 68.69ya73 G85

7. Gurzhey V. “We are the first to come to the rescue.” How to work with the population / V. Gurzhey // Fundamentals of life safety. - 2005. - No. 9. - P. 50-54.

8. Deshevykh Yu. State fire supervision in modern conditions / Yu. Deshevykh, V Volkov // Civil protection.-2006.-No. 3.-S. 15-17.

9. Dmitrieva L. Creative approach is welcome. Young fire brigades: creation and work / L. Dmitrieva // Fundamentals of life safety. - 2006. - No. 6. - P. 33-54.

10. Efimov V. Assessment of fire danger in educational institutions/V. Efimov //Fundamentals of life safety.-2004.-No.5/May/ -P.45-49.

11. Efimov V. Fire safety of educational institutions/V Efimov // Fundamentals of life safety.-2004.-No. 7.-P.31-34.

12. Karpov A. Guardian angel fire extinguisher and other primary fire extinguishing means / A. Karpov, M. Komova, G. Prytkov // Fundamentals of life safety. - 2004. - No. 11. - P. 6-11.

13. Klepinina T. Fire safety/T. Klepinina //OBZh.- 2003.-No. 8-9.-P.28-35.

14. Klepinina T. Safety and protection of people in emergencies: fire safety / T. Klepinina, M. Komova, G. Prytkov // Library of the journal "Fundamentals of Life Safety". - 2006. - No. 1. - P. 36-56

15. Knyazev P. Organization and management of the process of ensuring fire safety of an educational institution: Work program for advanced training courses for education workers / P. Knyazev // Fundamentals of life safety.-2004.-N9.-P.56-58.

16. Knyazev P. Fire safety at the university / P. Knyazev // Fundamentals of safe life. - 2004. - No. 4. - P. 49-51.

17. Knyazev P. Fire safety at the university/P. Knyazev //Fundamentals of life safety.-2004.-No.5/May/.-P.50-53.

18. Knyazev P. Fire safety at the university: Fire tactical training / P. Knyazev // Fundamentals of life safety. - 2004. - No. 6. - P. 45-48.

19. Komova M. History of disasters, history of exploits (April 30 - Fire Protection Day) / M. Komova, G. Prytkov //Fundamentals of life safety.-2004.-No.4.-P.23-28.

20. Komova M. Every student should know where the fire lives (fire safety rules for the population) / M. Komova, G. Prytkova // Fundamentals of life safety. - 2006. - No. 11. - P. 20-25.

Lesson No. 1. Healthy lifestyle for young people. ICT technology.

Lesson #2. Personal hygiene and health rules. Health-saving technologies

Lesson #3. Formation of correct gender relations. Rules for safe behavior of girls in the dark. Project activities of students.

Lesson No. 4 Family in modern society. Family legislation. Code of the Russian Federation. Integrated use of digital educational resources.

Lesson No. 5 Voluntary preparation of citizens for military service.



Lesson 1 Human protection in dangerous and emergency situations

Study questions:

1. Human protection in dangerous and emergency situations

2. Civil defense, basic concepts and definitions, tasks of civil defense

Unified State System for Prevention and Elimination of Emergency Situations (RSChS), its structure and tasks

Goals: introduce students to the basic concepts and definitions of Civil Defense; talk about the tasks facing Civil Defense, familiarize students with the organization of the system for preventing and eliminating emergency situations.

Educational and visual complex: a stand for visual propaganda on the history of emergencies and civil defense, the federal law “On the protection of the population and territories from natural and man-made emergencies.”

During the classes

1. Organizational moment.

P. Checking homework.

III. Studying a new topic.

Study the first question.

The teacher lists the main natural phenomena dangerous to humans:

Hurricanes, tornadoes, snow drifts, and landslides account for 20% of the total number of natural disasters per year;

Fires - up to 70%;

Floods, floods - up to 40%;

Landslides, volcanic eruptions - up to 18%;

Earthquakes, droughts - up to 15%.

Dangerous phenomena of a technogenic nature include soil pollution with heavy metals, air pollution from the emissions of toxic substances, and associated acid rain. All these unfavorable factors require prompt measures to eliminate them and protect the population.

1. Definition of the concept of “elimination of emergency situations.”

Students write the definition in their notebook:

Emergency response- these are rescue and other urgent work carried out in the event of emergency situations and aimed at saving lives and preserving people’s health, reducing damage to the environment and material losses, as well as on localization of emergency zones, cessation of the action of low-risk factors characteristic of them.

Study the second question.

Students write down basic concepts:

civil defenseis a system of measures to prepare for the protection of the population, material and cultural values ​​on the territory of the Russian Federation from dangers arising during the conduct of military operations or as a result of them.

Goals and objectives of civil defense - ensuring national security and maintaining the country’s defense capability.

2. A story about the history of the creation and organization of the Civil Defense structure in the Russian Federation.

Teacher. From a brief history of Civil Defense: the civil defense system in our country was initially created as a system for protecting the population and national economic facilities from air strikes. In 1932, the Council of People's Commissars of the USSR approved the Regulations on the country's air defense (AMVO). Its tasks included warning the population about the attack, warning, camouflaging populated areas, eliminating the consequences of falls, preparing bomb shelters, and organizing first medical aid for victims. MPVO personnel training was carried out at special courses.

During the Great Patriotic War, the air defense system significantly helped in protecting the population and national economic facilities from the consequences of fascist air raids.

In the 40-50s, new weapons appeared - nuclear - and new carriers - missiles, which required the improvement of the defense system.

In July 1961, the MPVO was transformed into the Civil Defense (CD). It has become an integral part of defense measures against weapons of mass destruction (WMD), as well as for rescue work in various disasters. Similar organizations are being created in other countries.

Civil defense in the USSR was organized throughout the country, and general management was carried out by the Council of Ministers of the USSR. Thus, from the moment of its inception, civil defense was part of the system of national defense measures.

Civil defense is organized similarly to RSChS on a territorial production principle; planning of all events is carried out both through government bodies and through departments and institutions.

In peacetime, civil defense forces participate in providing assistance to the population during various emergencies and enter into martial law after a declaration of war or a special decree of the President of Russia.

The leadership of civil defense in the country is carried out by the Government, and on the territory of national economic facilities and in the subjects of the Federation - by the corresponding leaders.

Familiarity with the activities of the Unified State System for the Prevention and Elimination of Emergency Situations (from the provisions of the federal law “On the protection of the population and territories from natural and man-made emergencies.”

"Article 4. Unified state system for the prevention and liquidation of emergency situations.

The unified state system for the prevention and liquidation of emergency situations unites governing bodies, forces and means of federal executive authorities, executive authorities of constituent entities of the Russian Federation, local government bodies, and organizations whose powers include resolving issues of protecting the population and territories from emergency situations.

The main objectives of the Unified State System for the Prevention and Elimination of Emergency Situations are:

Development and implementation of legal and economic norms to ensure the protection of the population and territories from emergency situations;

Implementation of targeted and scientific and technical programs aimed at preventing emergency situations and increasing the sustainability of the functioning of organizations, as well as social facilities in emergency situations;

Ensuring the readiness for action of management bodies, forces and means intended and allocated for the prevention and elimination of emergency situations;

Collection, processing, exchange and distribution of information in the field of protecting the population and territories from emergency situations;

Preparing the population to act in emergency situations;

Forecasting and assessment of socio-economic consequences of emergency situations;

Creation of reserves of financial and material resources to eliminate emergency situations;

Carrying out state examination, supervision and control in the field of protecting the population and territories from emergency situations;

Elimination of emergency situations;

Implementation of measures for social protection of the population affected by emergency situations, carrying out humanitarian actions;

Implementation of the rights and responsibilities of the population in the field of protection from emergency situations, as well as persons directly involved in the liquidation;

International cooperation in the field of protecting populations and territories from emergency situations.

The principles of construction, the composition of forces and means, the procedure for performing tasks and the interaction of the main elements, as well as other issues of the functioning of the Unified State System for the Prevention and Elimination of Emergency Situations are determined by the legislation of the Russian Federation, decrees and orders of the Government of the Russian Federation.”

After the adoption in 1994 of the federal law “On the protection of the population and territories from natural and man-made emergencies,” the main role in eliminating such phenomena was assigned to the Ministry of Emergency Situations, hence the name of the Unified System of RSChS.

Her tasks include:

Carrying out a unified state policy in the field of prevention and response to emergency situations;

Formation and implementation of legal and economic norms related to ensuring the protection of the population and territories from emergencies;

Carrying out measures to protect the population and territories;

Warning and informing the population about emergencies;

Emergency response;

Creation and ensuring the readiness of forces and means of the RSChS;

Implementation of civil defense activities, etc.


Regional (Southern Federal District);




At each level, the work of the RSChS takes place using its own forces and means, communication and warning systems, and its own control bodies.

IV. Lesson summary.

What is the main task of the country's Civil Defense?

What functions does the Civil Defense of the Russian Federation perform? V wartime, in peacetime?

What Civil Defense warning signals exist and what is the procedure for responding to them?

What is the structure of the Unified State System for the Prevention and Elimination of Emergency Situations?

Name the problems solved by this system.

What are the tasks and actions to prevent and respond to emergency situations in a particular institution (for example at your school)?

Homework:draw a diagram of the management of Civil Defense in the country, including constituent entities of the Russian Federation and national economic facilities.


Life safety lesson in 11th grade on the topic:

“There is such a profession - to defend the Motherland”

If you sow an action, you will reap a habit,

If you sow a habit, you will reap a character,

If you sow character, you will reap destiny.

Folk wisdom.

Lesson objectives:

1. Contribute to the formation of students’ life position and search for their place in life.

2.Create a microclimate in the lesson that arouses students’ interest in the military profession, promoting awareness of their personal responsibility for the defense of the Fatherland.


1. Educational: conducting professional orientation for students, forming an idea of ​​the moral, volitional and moral qualities of a Russian officer, patriotic education.

2. Educational: studying the main provisions of the Law of the Russian Federation “On Military Duty and Military Service”, familiarization with the history of the formation of the Russian officer corps, the main types of military educational institutions and the rules for admitting citizens to military educational institutions.

3.Developing: developing students’ ability to correlate their desires and capabilities.

Planned results:

1.Knowledge of the requirements of the Law of the Russian Federation “On Military Duty and Military Service” (Section III, Articles 11,17, 18, 19, 20).

2.Formation of internal readiness to perform military duty.

Preliminary preparation for the lesson.

1.Give individual assignments to students:

Prepare a report on the history of the formation of the Russian officer corps;

Make a selection of the main provisions of the Law of the Russian Federation “On Military Duty and Military Service” relating to the training of officers;

Conduct a survey among students in grades 10-11, the purpose of which is to find out how feelings of patriotism and attitudes towards military service are formed among young people of conscription age.

2.Invite an officer to the lesson.

Lesson questions:

1. History of the formation of the Russian officer corps.

2.Law of the Russian Federation “On military duty and military service”.

3.The system of military education in Russia.

4.Rules for admission to higher educational institutions.

5. Studying at a higher educational institution

During the classes.

I Introductory speech by the teacher.

If you sow an action, you will reap a habit; if you sow a habit, you will reap a character; if you sow a character, you will reap a destiny. This is what the ancients said, and this phrase has a deep meaning: man creates not only the material world, but also the world of his soul. After all, the actions we perform day after day for some time become ordinary and natural for us, and we simply stop

wondering whether they are good or bad. And then our character, formed as a result of behavior, becomes the compass that guides us in the stormy sea of ​​life throughout our voyage. But everyone is rewarded according to what he does, no matter what we think about it and no matter how much we refer to accidents, coincidences and other circumstances beyond our control. And it's so understandable if you really think about it. And you are approaching the point where you need to think about what action to take, what profession to choose, because this action will ultimately shape your destiny.

There is such a profession - to defend the Motherland. Not everyone can choose such a profession. An officer is a profession for real men. Zhenya Mozhzhukhina will tell us how this profession appeared, how officer traditions arose and developed.

II Presentation of new material.

1.Individual message:

"The history of the formation of the Russian officer corps."

There has been a regular army for almost three centuries. The professional officer corps of the state has the same period of formation and development. The warrior, defender of his native land at all times enjoyed honor and respect in Rus'. The people praised the courage, courage, and heroism of those who did not spare their lives in defending their land. Since ancient times, military service was considered, although dangerous, honorable and necessary.

For many decades, the Russian army developed a code of morality for military personnel, which included such values ​​as honor and military duty.

Under Peter I, military service for everyone began from the lower ranks. Peter paid special attention to the quality of training of the troops of the officer corps. The formation of Russian officers is associated with the emergence of the regular army. Peter, unlike foreign armies, where patents for officer ranks were sold for money, considered the correct system when a future officer began serving as a private.

For the noble class, Tsar Peter introduced compulsory personal and lifelong service. Upon reaching the age of 16, young men were examined by special commissions. Those who did not pass this exam were “written as soldiers” without length of service, those who passed were taken into public service: two-thirds into the military, one-third into the civil service.

At the end of the 18th century, the Russian army was the only one, not counting the revolutionary French army, in which the soldier and non-commissioned officer had consolidated access to officer ranks.

The remarkable tradition of Russian officers consists of holy devotion to the Fatherland. The creator of the regular Russian army, Peter I, patiently and persistently called on his soldiers to subordinate all thoughts and actions to one thing - the well-being of Russia, and by his example attracted his subjects to selfless service to the state.

Young people who were to serve in the army as officers were subject to increased demands in all respects. It got to the point that such young men “belonged not to their parents, but to the Fatherland; The Fatherland should be holiest for them than anything else in the world.” Throughout the history of Russia, advanced officers selflessly served the Fatherland. We have the right to be proud of the military valor of Russian soldiers.

2.Working with the table.

The professional training of Russian officers, as you have already heard, began under Peter I and continues to this day. Nastya Fedchishina will comment on the table she prepared.

From the history of military educational institutions.

1698 – Artillery and Infantry schools were opened in Moscow.

1698 - Nautical school was opened in Azov,

1701 – Artillery and Engineering Schools, School of Mathematical and Navigational Sciences,

1732 – Land gentry cadet corps (St. Petersburg),

1743 – Naval gentry cadet corps,

1798 – Medical-Surgical Academy,

1819 – Main Engineering School (now the Military Engineering Academy),

1820 – Mikhailovskoye Artillery School, (now the Military Academy of the Strategic Missile Forces),

1867 – Military Law Academy,

1877 – Naval Academy

Groups of military educational institutions of Russia (before 1917)

  1. Lower (for training junior command personnel)
  2. Secondary (cadet corps, preparatory schools)
  3. Secondary special (trained command and engineering personnel for the army)
  4. Higher and intermediate type for training and retraining of officers

Groups of military educational institutions of Soviet Russia (since 1917)

  1. Courses and regimental schools (for junior command staff)
  2. Command courses (for training platoon commanders)
  3. Command level improvement courses
  4. mid-level specialist training schools
  5. Military academies (for training senior officers)

In 1924 – 1925

A) Military academies.

B) Naval schools.

In the mid 50s-60s. In the 20th century, a new type of Armed Forces appeared - the Strategic Missile Forces (Strategic Missile Forces). Secondary military schools have been transformed into higher ones with periods of study of 4 and 5 years.

System of military educational institutions of professional education of the Ministry of the Russian Federation.

Types of educational institutions of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation

  1. Academy. 2. Universities. 3.Institutions. 4. Branches of the Higher Educational Institution.

3. A story about an officer.

So, you are convinced: in Rus' they have always paid due attention to the training of officers, to the education of real men.

Man... What does this word mean? A man is courage, will, courage, generosity, nobility.

(Music plays. Story about an officer)

Today this man is our guest – Kalinkin Vasily Borisovich.

Vasily Borisovich, I think the guys would be interested to hear about how you became an officer, what influenced your choice of profession, what educational institution you graduated from.

5. The officer's story.

6.Working with reminders.

The legal basis for preparing citizens for military service and for training in military institutions is the Law of the Russian Federation “On Military Duty and Military Service”. You and I have studied Articles 11 and 17 on compulsory and voluntary preparation for military service. In more detail the paragraphs of Art. 17 are revealed in Art. 18, 19, 20 of the Law of the Russian Federation “On Military Duty and Military Service”. I will distribute notes with extracts from these articles for you to study on your own. (Student distributes memos). Pay attention to paragraph 2 of Article 18, which states that citizens who have received a sports rank or sports title enjoy preferential rights when enrolling in higher educational institutions. In Art. 19 names educational institutions for military training of minors. These are the Suvorov Military Schools, the Nakhimov Naval Schools and the Military Music Schools. You can find out more about the organization of the activities of these educational institutions in the Regulations on Suvorov, Nakhimov schools and cadet corps in the Collection of regulatory legal documents and materials. (Showing the book).

7. An officer’s story about the rules for admission to higher educational institutions.

On the rules of admission to higher educational institutions. Vasily Borisovich will tell us. Pay attention to the table prepared by Katya Kuznetsova; the same table is in your instructions.

Rules for admission to higher military educational institutions of the Russian Federation.

Law “On Military Duty and Military Service”.

  1. Citizens of the Russian Federation from 16 to 22 years old.
  2. Military personnel under 24 years of age.
  3. Having secondary (complete) education.

3.Annual leave of 30 days and winter holiday leave of 14 days are provided.

8 Conversation.

As you can see, the usual set of documents that is required for admission to any university. However, for some reason, few apply to military schools. Establishments. Why do you think?

(Answer: probably it’s all about individual psychological qualities. To become a military man, you need to meet certain requirements).

Absolutely right. But we will ask a specialist to tell us what requirements a future officer must meet.

- An officer's story about the officer's individual psychological qualities.

And of course, every officer must be a patriot. How do you understand the word “patriot” and “patriotism”?

(Answer: Patriotism is devotion and love for one’s Fatherland, for one’s people. A patriot is a person who loves his Motherland, his people. Moreover, love for one’s Fatherland must be effective, not in words. To love the Motherland means to serve it, and not counting on reward, and if necessary, the patriot sacrifices his life defending his homeland).

You absolutely correctly defined the concepts of “patriot” and “patriotism”. Now let's listen to what the students of our school think about this. Yulia Petrovskaya conducted a survey among students in grades 10-11 of our school.

9.Message about the results of the survey.

Thank you Julia, you did a great job. The results of the survey showed that there are no people indifferent to the issue of forming patriotic feelings, that you are aware of the decline in the level of patriotic education, and this worries you, and for us, teachers, it leads us to certain thoughts about increasing the level of patriotic education, but your willingness to cooperate is also visible with representatives of the Armed Forces and the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

Now guys, what questions would you like to ask the officer?

10.Questions: 1.What moral and life values ​​are patriotic beliefs formed from?

2. Do you think it can be said that patriotism is a concept of yesteryear?

Officer's responses.

Vasily Borisovich gave us a book (book display) “100 Questions and Answers”, which outlines changes in the Law of the Russian Federation “On Military Duty and Military Service”, as well as answers to many questions about conscription and contract service.

III Lesson summary

1. I think you have received enough information about how to become an officer - defender of the Motherland. Let's summarize: what did we learn in class today?

The profession of an officer is honorable.

Not everyone can become an officer, but only those with certain qualities.

We learned about military educational institutions and the rules for admission to them.

This lesson made me think about patriotism and how we fit into this concept.

We met an interesting person and we want to thank him and invite him to come to us more often.)

2. Reinforcing the material - working with cards.

3. I also want to summarize your work. Study grades.

IV Homework:Section 3.5, page 203. Learn the reminders.

In 1924 – 1925 years, a military reform was carried out, as a result of which a new system of military educational institutions was formed:

A) Military academies.

B) Military schools of the Ground Forces and the Air Force.

B) Naval schools.

In the mid 50s-60s. XX centurya new branch of the Armed Forces appears - the Strategic Missile Forces (Strategic Missile Forces). Secondary military schools have been transformed into higher ones with terms of study of 4 and 5 years.

System of military educational institutions of professional education of the Ministry

Russian Federation.

Types of educational institutions

RF Ministry of Defense

  1. Academy. 2. Universities.

3. Institutions. 4. Branches of the Higher Educational Institution.

Training at higher educational institutions, assignment of officer rank.

1. Upon enrollment in a higher educational institution, a military rank is assigned - cadet.

2. Upon completion of the first year (18 years old), a contract is concluded (for the duration of study and for 5 years of military service after graduation).

3. Annual leave is provided - 30 days and winter holiday leave - 14 days.

4. Duration of training from 3 to 6 years (free).

5. The training schedule is the same as in civilian universities.

6. Those expelled from universities are sent for military service upon conscription.

Those who successfully graduate from a higher military institution receive secondary or higher military-special education and one of the prestigious civilian professions with a military rank and a civilian diploma.

From the history of military educational institutions.

1698 - Artillery and Infantry schools were opened in Moscow.

1698 – the Nautical School was opened in Azov,

1701 – Artillery and Engineering Schools, School of Mathematical and Navigational Sciences,

1732 – Land Noble Cadet Corps (St. Petersburg),

1743 – Naval Gentry Cadet Corps,

1798 – Medical-Surgical Academy,

1819 – Main Engineering School, (now the Military Engineering Academy),

1820 – Mikhailovskoye Artillery School, (now the Military Academy of the Strategic Missile Forces),

1867 – Military Law Academy,

1877 - Marine Academy


Lesson summary on life safety in 11th grade on the topic "Basic concepts of military duty"

The article belongs to the section:Teaching life safety

Lesson objectives:

  1. Summarize the knowledge acquired on the previous topic.
  2. Introduce students to the basic concepts of military service.


  1. computer, projector, screen;
  2. licensed disk with lesson notes on life safety for 11th grade. (series “Cyril and Methodius”);
  3. cards for checking homework, for the game “Apply by military rank.”

Lesson plan:

  1. Organizational moment: greeting, communication of the lesson objectives.
  2. Work orally:
  1. Independent work.
  1. Studying a new topic.
  2. Summing up the lesson.
  3. Homework assignment.

During the classes

1. Today in the lesson we will get acquainted with the basic concepts of military duty: we will get acquainted with the regulatory documents that define the responsibilities of citizens to society, we will discuss the components and main directions of military duty, the history of the creation of military registration and the procedure for registering with the military.

2. However, before studying new material, we will repeat and check how you have learned the military ranks of the armed forces of the Russian Federation.

  1. Each student is given cards with images of military ranks on shoulder straps (10 pieces on each card). Within 4-5 minutes. students must sign the appropriate military rank.
  2. Game "Apply by military rank."Each student is given a card with a picture of their military rank on their shoulder strap. Students sitting next to each other should identify ranks by seniority and address the higher rank accordingly.

3. Open your notebooks and write down the date and topic of the lesson.

1) Studying this section of the life safety course is carried out with the aim of developing your internal readiness for a special type of public service - service in the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation (RF Armed Forces). Mastering this section will facilitate faster adaptation of you, future soldiers, to the conditions of the army (and perhaps navy) environment. In addition, it should provide you with sufficient legal knowledge in the field of military service, about your rights and responsibilities as a soldier of the Armed Forces and about responsibility for violations of military laws and regulations.

In the process of studying this section, we will get acquainted with the essence and content of military activity, the main tasks of the RF Armed Forces, the purpose of the types and branches of the military, and we will understand the role of military service in the civil, moral, professional and physical development of the individual. I hope that studying this topic will allow you to gain a sense of respect for the RF Armed Forces.

Many of you may ask the question: “Why do I need this?” I draw your attention to the fact that this obligation is spelled out in Art. 49 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation, is defined by the law of the Russian Federation “On military duty and military service” in Article 11.

In the broadest sense, the word “activity” means a versatile process by which a person creates conditions for his existence and development.

What main types of human activities do you know?

(Main activities: work, study, play.)

Throughout his life, a person is engaged in various types of activities, including military ones. At the same time, it is important to emphasize that since ancient times, a man was destined to be not only the breadwinner of the family, a hard worker, a creator, but also a warrior. If necessary, he must be able to stand up for himself and for his family, and for his honor and dignity, and for his homeland.

Do you think it is advisable to consider the issue of the appointment and composition of the RF Armed Forces at all levels at the present stage?

(Students' answers.)

Indeed, despite the softening of the international situation, war as a method of resolving controversial issues remains common. The relevance of this topic is exacerbated by the terrorist actions of aggressive world forces.

Give examples, specific facts, events in the world.

(USA, Georgia, NATO, missile defense, etc.)

Why were the RF Armed Forces created?

(To protect the population from a possible armed attack, ensure the sovereignty of the country and the inviolability of its borders.)

What are the main tasks facing the Armed Forces in various domestic and international conditions? Separate formations of the Armed Forces may be involved in eliminating armed conflicts that threaten the vital interests of the country and can be used as a pretext for interference by other states in its internal affairs. The task of the troops and forces involved in localizing and suppressing such conflicts is to quickly normalize the situation and separate the warring parties, as well as to protect strategically important facilities.

Military service, like any activity, is potentially dangerous. Military service is associated with the impact on military personnel of dangerous and harmful factors determined by the specifics of the branch of service, the physical and geographical conditions of the unit's deployment, and the characteristics of the military collective. Unfortunately, there are still negative phenomena in military groups (fraternity, “hazing”). What are the reasons for their manifestation? The army is part of society. And naturally, the social and everyday processes taking place in it are connected with those occurring in the country: it also suffers from the same vices that exist in society. In this regard, it is especially important to prepare oneself for military service, as one of the most dangerous types of activity, already from school. At the same time, you must prepare yourself, first of all, morally, mentally and physically.

The role of military service in the civil, moral, professional and physical development of the individual is undeniable. After all, military service is not only about each soldier fulfilling his constitutional duty. Service in the army and navy is also a school for education and personality development. During their service, everyone acquires a lot of useful professional and personal benefits, and is strengthened spiritually and physically. A.V. Suvorov also said that the army should be the school of the nation.

Military service primarily contributes to the formation of a warrior-citizen, a warrior-patriot, a devoted and skillful armed defender of the Fatherland. The entire way of military life is aimed at this. A warrior’s understanding of his own role and responsibility in defending the Motherland is manifested in his active and conscientious military work, in his readiness and ability to overcome any difficulties and hardships of military service. Military service is an effective means of moral education.

How do you think moral attitudes manifest themselves in military service?

(Morality is manifested in all spheres of a person’s life: in his attitude to the Motherland, military duty, comrades in service, and then to himself.)

Military service helps to instill military camaraderie among soldiers. Even N.V. Gogol, a century and a half ago, in the words of Taras Bulba, said: “There are no bonds holier than fellowship.” In the army and navy, a young man learns to use modern military equipment and weapons. This requires a lot of emotional preparation and special knowledge. Often, during his service, a soldier (sailor) masters a profession that helps him find employment in civilian life and take a worthy place in it.

After service, many soldiers enter higher educational institutions, the profile of which was predetermined by their military specialty. Moreover, military personnel transferred to the reserve still enjoyed priority rights when entering universities, and the commander’s recommendation gave the right to non-competitive enrollment, subject to their receiving positive grades in the entrance exams. Currently, changes in the conditions for admission to universities and secondary educational institutions in connection with the introduction of the Unified State Exam are also possible, and changes in benefits for those transferred to the reserve are possible.

The army develops in a young man qualities that determine his entire subsequent life. The famous writer Valentin Pikul began serving in the navy as a cabin boy during the Second World War. Already a mature man, he recalled with gratitude and warmth that the navy gave him a profession, and most importantly, raised him as a soldier, citizen and person. According to the writer, this was the happiest time in his life. He remained grateful to the service for the truly masculine qualities that it formed in him.

(Examples from modern life.)

2) Let’s write down the main components of military duty in a notebook:

  1. Military registration.
  2. Mandatory preparation for military service.
  3. Conscription.
  4. Completion of military service.
  5. Stay in stock.
  6. Call for military training and its completion.

The fundamental document for those liable for military service is the Federal Law “On Defense”, adopted on May 31, 1996. The document containing the forms, procedure for execution and other features of military service is the Federal Law “On Military Duty and Military Service” of 1998.

3) And now I would like to dwell on the history of the creation of military registration. The history of our Fatherland shows that the need to defend the state and protect the interests of Russia constantly put forward demands for improving the system of manning the Armed Forces, taking into account the country’s population capabilities. The acquisition system developed gradually:

  1. In 1705, by Decree of Peter I, conscription military service was introduced in Russia, according to which men aged 20 to 30 years physically fit for military service were annually recruited into the army. Initially, one person from 20 households was recruited, and from 1724, 5-7 people from 1000 male souls. This organization of military registration and conscription allowed Peter I to have a 220,000-strong regular army by 1725.
  2. In 1874, as a result of military reforms, the author of which was the Minister of War of the Russian Armed Forces D.A. Milyutin, there was a further significant improvement in the system of recruiting troops. Universal conscription was introduced, replacing conscription, which applied to the male population of the country who had reached the age of 21. The conscripts drew lots to determine who should go to serve that year. The total service life was set at 15 years, of which 6 years were in active military service, and 9 years were in the reserve. This system of recruiting the Russian army made it possible during the Russian-Turkish War (1877-1878) to mobilize the Russian army in just four weeks.
  3. In 1897-1917, the recruitment of the Russian army was carried out in accordance with the Charter on military service. It stipulates that the male population, regardless of condition, is subject to military service. Only one age of the population was called up for military service each year, namely: young people who turned 20 years old by January 1 of the year in which the call was made.

Service in the standing troops was divided into active service and reserve service. The total service life for those serving in infantry and artillery units was determined to be 18 years, of which 3 years of active military service and 15 years in reserve; for those serving in units of all other branches of the military - at 17 years of age, of which: 4 years of active military service and 13 years in reserve. The lower ranks of the ground forces, after leaving active military service for the army reserve, spent 7 years in the first category reserve, and the rest of the time, until the end of the total service period, in the second category reserve. The condition in reserve was limited to reaching the age of 39.

Thus, a system of military registration of all Russian citizens has historically developed, who, if necessary, can be drafted into the ranks of the armed forces in order to defend their Fatherland with arms in hand.

4. Question to the class:

  1. What are the basic concepts of military service?
  2. What personal conclusion did you draw about the need to study this topic?

5. Homework.

Answer in writing the question: “What does military duty include?”

Lesson outline on life safety on the topic:

“Personal safety during the threat of a terrorist attack”

Performed: Zhgunova Kristina, 4th year student, faculty of MIEN, direction of training: environmental education, life safety.

Class: 10

Lesson type: Lesson on developing students’ practical skills.

Lesson duration: 45 min.

The purpose of the lesson: Formation of the ability to act in the event of a terrorist attack, consolidation of knowledge about safe behavior in emergency situations arising from terrorist attacks.

Lesson Objectives:

Educational: improve the concept of “Terrorism”; develop skills to act in the event of a terrorist attack; improve students’ skills in providing self- and mutual assistance;

Developmental: to develop students’ thinking in the field of ensuring personal safety under the threat of a terrorist attack.

Educating: to instill responsibility in students for their lives and the health of others.

Methods and methodological techniques: verbal (story, conversation), visual (presentation), practical (situational tasks, exercises).

Forms of work organization: frontal, group.

Educational and methodological support: presentation, teaching aids for work in the classroom (rules of behavior in the event of a threat of a terrorist attack), balloons; dummy bomb and Kalashnikov assault rifles.


Fundamentals of life safety. 10th grade: textbook. for general education institutions / A. T. Smirnov, B. O. Khrennikov; edited by A. T. Smirnova; Ross. acad. education, publishing house "Enlightenment". – 6th ed. – M.: Education, 2012. – 224 p.

The work program for the course “Fundamentals of Life Safety” is compiled on the basis of the program for general education institutions: Fundamentals of Life Safety: grades 5-11 / A.T. Smirnov, L.P. Anastasov, B.O. Khrennikov and others; Under general ed. A.T. Smirnova. M.: Education, 2011. – 112 p.

Federal Law of March 6, 2006 No. 35-FZ (as amended on July 6, 2016) “On Countering Terrorism.”

During the classes

Lesson steps

Time (min.)




Introduction Greetings

For friendship, for smiles and for meetings

We inherited the planet.

We are bequeathed to protect this world

And this amazing land.

We are bequeathed to protect this world -

So unique at dawn,

He has been very dear and dear to us since childhood,

We are responsible for the future of the world.

Good afternoon guys. Already from childhood, we begin to dream. First - to grow up faster and go to school, then to enter a university, build a career, climb the career ladder, girls - to get married successfully, and boys - to have time to do 3 things (build a house, plant a tree, have children).

Students stand up and greet the teacher.

I invite you to reproduce your dream on stickers. Write it down and put it in a balloon, then we will inflate it.


Exercise No. 1 “Dream”

They write their dreams on stickers, roll them up and put them in a balloon.

II. Consolidation Goal setting.

We dream, but sometimes dreams cannot become reality (a balloon explosion with the dreams of students from a knitting needle), in an instant they can be cut short by words that are terrible for us: explosion, capture, violence, hostages, death... Slide No. 1

Read information about the tragedy in Beslan on slide No. 1.

In previous lessons, we discussed with you what a terrorist attack and terrorism are. We watched video clips that showed all the cruelty and inhumanity of terrorists, looked at examples of major terrorist attacks in the world and the rules of safe behavior in the event of a threat of a terrorist attack.

What can we do if the threat actually happens, not in words, but in deeds?

Only the right actions in the face of a threat of a terrorist attack can save our lives.

Today we will conduct a practical lesson on the topic: “Personal safety during the threat of a terrorist attack.” Slide No. 2

Lesson objectives:

Determine the purpose and objectives of the lesson.

Today you must acquire knowledge: about the rules of behavior in the event of a threat of a terrorist attack at school (unfamiliar object unattended, suspicious stranger, hostage taking, demands of terrorists, rules of conduct when releasing hostages)

Each of you must study and remember: algorithm of behavior in the event of a threat of a terrorist attack;

Must learn: analyze situations. Slide No. 3

The threat of a terrorist attack has turned from theory into a harsh reality. Anyone at any time can be a victim of a terrorist attack.

On slide No. 3 they look and perceive what tasks they have to complete.

I will ask you to work in pairs.

Each couple has an envelope on the table. Open it and work through the task that is there.

It is necessary to consider an example of a possible terrorist act and write 3-5 words - associations that arose while reading the text. (Examples: bomb indoors; shootout on the street; suicide bomber on a bus; hostage taking.) - You have 2 minutes for this task.

And now the speaker from each pair, tell us what words you wrote.

As we see, you have similar concepts; “Terrorism” evokes very similar thoughts and phrases in you.


Exercise No. 2 “Words - associations”

They write their words - associations in a notebook for a given situation.

(for example: explosion, pain, tragedy, tears, fear, etc.)

So what thoughts arise in all people in the world who are faced with this concept of “terrorism”.

Let's remember, what is terrorism?

They answer the question posed.

“Terrorism is the ideology of violence and the practice of influencing decision-making by government bodies, local governments or international organizations, associated with intimidation of the population and (or) other forms of illegal violent actions”

Solving situational problems

I suggest you consider terrorist attacks using the example of analyzing situations and situational tasks. Slide No. 4

Now I’ll ask you guys to divide into 3 groups. Using handouts, I ask each group to complete the task. Solve problems and simulate the proposed life situation (see Appendix 1). You have 15 minutes for this work.

You have already become acquainted with situational tasks, considered it in your groups, and now I ask you to demonstrate, in practice, how you will act in the event of a particular threat of a terrorist attack.

Please, the first group present your analysis of the situation.

Second group...(situation analysis)

Third group... (situation analysis)

Perform Exercise No. 3

"Situational tasks"

Students are divided into groups, choose a situational task, read, distribute roles; creatively and proactively simulate situations using bomb models and Kalashnikov assault rifles.

Analyze what actions, in what order, need to be taken in the current situation.

Summarize together with the teacher.

III. Checking the progress of work

The main thing is that in case of any terrorist attack (hijacking in a school, plane, bus or train, during a shootout or a telephone threat), follow the rules of personal safety. Thanks to practice, we have learned to act correctly in the event of a threat of a terrorist attack.”

Now I will give you practice sheets.

On these sheets of paper, a task is given in the form of a table: an algorithm of actions in a situation, mark the correct and incorrect actions when taking hostages, and mark the correct (P) and incorrect (NP) statements about the behavior of citizens during shooting, riots and armed clashes (see. App. 2). 7 minutes to complete.

Now let's check the completion of the tasks. The algorithm of actions in the situation, I think, was written correctly, since we played out this situation. And to check your judgments, sign each of your completed work. I’ll ask you to exchange papers with your desk neighbor. Now I will dictate the correct answers to you, and you will check the work and give a grade.

Work evaluation criteria:

23 - 26 correct answers - score “5”

18 - 22 – score “4”

12 – 17 – score “3”

0 – 11 – score “2”

At the end of the lesson we submit work for grading.

Students perform exercise No. 4

"Right wrong"

Mark correct and incorrect judgments in the table on the sheets (handout).

Discuss the answers, evaluate their neighbor at the desk. They give grades.

Lesson summary


IV . Homework


Every child is a smile, a laughter, a drop of morning dew.

On the table each of you has a “drop”, which I associate with a tear, the tear of a child who saw all the cruelty of terrorism (see Appendix 3).

Let's make sure that these droplets merge together, and there are no tears or unfortunate situations on the planet!

Write a phrase on the “droplets” - a wish against terrorism on Earth.

We got such a wonderful sun.

And let it shine in memory of the children who died in a terrorist attack... About those whose lives were cut short before they even began!

And I want to dry all the tears on the planet with the help of the bright sun...

Summarize the lesson.


Exercise No. 5 “Droplet”

Each student writes on his own piece of paper a phrase or individual words that he would direct against terror.

(for example: world peace, joy, peaceful sky above, smile, laughter.)

I want there to be love in every home

I want there to be happiness in every home

I want every home to be warm

I wish you health, fulfillment of your dreams and safety! I hope that the rules, recommendations and actions studied and applied in practice will help us all maintain personal safety in the situation of a terrorist attack.

Now let's write down our homework.

Homework: paragraph 23 on page 124 complete the assignment. Formulate rules of personal behavior in such situations and draw up a personal safety reminder.

Write down homework in a diary.

Giving grades for work and exercises in class.

Thank you for the lesson. Well done!

They give grades.

Annex 1

Situational tasks using role-playing game elements

(with answers)

Episode one.

A stranger is spotted at school acting suspiciously. He is holding a large package in his hands, which contains what appears to be a box.

Task: What should a student do if he notices such a person?

The following participants in the game are appointed - “terrorist”, “teacher on duty”, “security guard”, 3-4 “students”.

Running an episode: The “terrorist,” who is handed a large package with a box, begins to move around the class, trying to hide the package somewhere. “Students” observe the “terrorist” without attracting his attention, and are obliged to quickly report this person to the “teacher on duty” or “security guard.” The “teacher on duty” must inform the “security guard” about this and call the police. The “security guard” must detain the “terrorist” and hold him until the police arrive.

Episode two.

Students find a suspicious box on school grounds with a wire sticking out that looks like an antenna.

Task: What should students do if they discover such an item?

The following participants in the game are appointed - “teacher on duty”, “guard”, 3-4 “students”.

Running an episode: Students who discover the box are required to report this to the “teacher on duty” or “guard.” At the same time, they are strictly forbidden to open the box, pull out the antenna, change the position of the box - tilt it, lift it, touch it at all, or use a mobile phone near the box. After finding the box, students must remember where it is and quickly move away from it.

The “security guard”, having received a message from students, is obliged to “report” this by phone to the school director and act on his instructions.

The “teacher on duty,” in addition to “calling” the director, is obliged to report this to the police and announce an evacuation from the school building.

Episode three.


Running an episode:

“Terrorists” should threaten the hostages with execution, say that if they try to contact the outside world in any way or violate (not comply with) the demands of the “terrorists”, they will be tied up or handcuffed, deprived of food, water and sleep and etc. The “hostages” must sit quietly, with their heads down, despite the “terrorists,” show restraint, and under no circumstances protest or cry, or even show signs of panic.

Episode four .

Students are captured by terrorists.

Task: to practice the skills of correct behavior when taken hostage.

The following participants in the game are appointed - 2-3 “terrorists”, 2-3 special forces, 5-6 “hostages”.

Running an episode:

“Terrorists” may offer moldy bread, vegetables that have not undergone heat treatment, tap water and other food that is not familiar to the “hostages” as food. They may be given food and not given cutlery and utensils, or given cutlery and utensils in limited quantities so that there are not enough spoons, forks, and utensils for everyone. The hostages must take and eat all the food, because... they simply will not have any other food. Refusal of food may anger the “terrorists,” and they may either deprive the hostages of food and water altogether, or take some punitive measures.

Episode five .

Students are captured by terrorists.

Task: to practice the skills of correct behavior when taken hostage.

The following participants in the game are appointed - 2-3 “terrorists”, 2-3 special forces, 5-6 “hostages”.

Running an episode:

In this situation, the “special forces” imitate an assault, and the “terrorists” imitate retaliatory actions. For greater authenticity, you can use dummies and mass-dimensional models of small arms, sound effects - the sounds of shots and grenade explosions, recorded in advance, created using simple sound simulating devices.

During the assault, the “hostages” must close their eyes, lie face down on the floor, cover their heads with their hands, and before that protect their respiratory organs with protective bandages made from improvised materials - from scarves, handkerchiefs, both head and nose, items of clothing.

Appendix 2

Suggest an algorithm for your actions in the following situation

Exercise. You are a teacher. During class, three masked men with guns enter the class. They declare that you are hostages. Your actions as a teacher in this situation.

What needs to be done?

What actions are undesirable?

Mark the correct (R) and incorrect (IP) actions when taking a hostage.


    Don't pay attention to terrorists.

    Call your friends on the phone.

    Give the terrorists the things they demand.

    Do not submit to the demands of the invaders.

    Look around, mark possible hiding places.

    Don't look terrorists in the eye.

    Move freely around the room (cabin).

    Do not make unnecessary movements if you are injured.

    When storming a room (salon), lie down on the floor, covering the back of your head with your hands.

    Remove jewelry.

    Once freed, move away from the building (or vehicle)

Mark the correct (R) and incorrect (IR) statements (recommendations) about the behavior of citizens during shootings, riots and armed clashes.

    Turn off the lights and move around the apartment crouched down. Approaching the window from the side, use a stick or mop to close the curtains.

    Go outside in large groups, warn your neighbors.

    Go outside only after putting things in order.

    If you find yourself outside during a firefight, immediately lie down on the ground or hide behind the nearest cover.

    Do not indulge the military’s illegal demands for masking and curfews.

    Carry your valuables with you so they don't get lost in a fire.

    Stay vigilant, rest often and look around.

    When leaving home, leave information for your family so they can find you.

    Follow all instructions from armed people.

    Do not show your fear, shout, demand investigation and punishment of the military who were rude and tactless towards you or other people.

    Do not provoke the military to use weapons and harm you.

    Try to keep a low profile so that people will notice you while you plan your escape.

    Use convenient moments to collect weapons and ammunition in case of sale or exchange for food.

    To avoid being harmed by gunfire, leave the dangerous area and choose a place to hide. Leave the city or danger zone.

Appendix 3

Each student writes phrases or words on the “drop” (handout) that are associated with life without terrorism on Earth.

Droplets with words must be attached with glue in the shape of a sun.

Note. When performing this exercise, students form an association not only with the sun, but also with a flower (for example, a chamomile - a symbol of FAMILY), so these two associations can be combined.

Also, when designing a game lesson, the teacher needs to take into account the following factors: the age of the children, the development of their mental and physical abilities, the peculiarities of the course of cognitive processes, the cohesion of the children's team, the material and technical capabilities of the educational institution.

Below are examples of lessons taught in the form of a game.

Lesson-game for 5th grade students “No fire!”

Goals: consolidation of students' knowledge on fire safety issues; development of the ability to analyze.

Equipment: medical first aid kit, fire extinguisher, fire prevention posters, album sheets, colored pencils or markers, VCR, TV.

All participants in the game are divided into 3-4 groups, for each correct answer the group receives 2 points.

During the classes

1. Organizational moment, setting the goal of the lesson.

Students are shown a fragment of a video about fires, after which the purpose of the lesson is indicated.

2. Game.

2.1. “There is no riddle without a solution.”

Participants guess riddles, the content of which is related to the theme of the game:

1) The red cow ate all the straw. (Fire.)
2) I come from fire, and from fire I die. (Coal.)
3) Small, remote, but brought big trouble. (Spark.)
4) In a small barn there is a fire on fire. (Matchbox and matches.)
5) The red bull stands and trembles, the black one runs to the sky. (Fire and smoke.)
6) Black smoke pours out of the window - it is very scary, this disaster happens from the wrong action. (Fire.)
7) To avoid fire, don’t play with me. I am a fire sister, little... (Match.)
8) The carpet on the floor caught fire, falling onto the floor... (Ember.)

2.2. "What is the reason?"

Each team names the main causes of fires in residential buildings, public buildings, on the street, in nature (for each reason named, the team receives one point). Main reasons:

Malfunction of gas and furnace equipment;
violation of operating rules for gas and furnace equipment, electrical appliances;
electrical equipment malfunction;
careless handling of pyrotechnic products;
violation of rules for storing flammable substances;
pranks with fire, flammable and explosive substances;
violations of the rules of safe behavior in the building (thrown cigarette butt, unextinguished match);
violation of the rules of behavior in nature (left an unattended fire, thrown a cigarette butt);
broken power line;
pipeline (oil, gas) breakthrough;
natural disasters (volcanic eruption, peat bog and forest fire).

2.3. "A little creativity."

Teams must complete a drawing illustrating one of the causes of the fire (completion time 5 minutes).

At this time, you can play the game with spectators. Viewers need to name the main fire extinguishing equipment, as well as the services involved in eliminating fires and their consequences.

2.4. "There is a problem".

Participants in the game are presented with situations in which fire safety rules are violated. After a preliminary discussion, students evaluate the actions of the heroes, predict possible developments of events.

1) Left alone at home, eleven-year-old Kolya decided to check the serviceability of electrical appliances. He plugged into the sockets of one extension cord a heater, an electric hair dryer, a tape recorder, a TV and a VCR.
2) While watching a TV show, seven-year-old Pavel, who was alone at home, smelled burning wiring. He decided to go pick up some friends living in a neighboring house.
3) After cleaning the school grounds, the children decided to burn garbage (leaves, branches, slate fragments, etc.) on a fire. Kolya and Tolya began to light matches, and Seryozha began to fan the flames.
4) Olya was sitting at home and watching TV. Her friend Sveta came behind her and invited her to go for a walk in the yard. While Olya was getting ready, Sveta was telling the latest news. Forgetting about the TV, the girls ran for a walk.

2.5. "Situation".

Each team will have to play out an emergency situation in which any person could find themselves. Participants demonstrate the actions necessary to eliminate it.


1) the TV caught fire;
2) the laundry caught fire under the iron on the ironing board;
3) the victim is under rubble in a smoke-filled room;
4) there was a fire in public transport.

2.6. "Little Aibolit"

Participants demonstrate first aid skills for fire victims. The “victim” may have: a burn on the arm, an open fracture of the arm, carbon monoxide poisoning, severe bleeding.

In conclusion, pre-prepared students perform a song (based on the song from the cartoon “The Summer of Leopold the Cat”), showing the importance of following fire safety rules.

Be careful with fire, my friend. Don't joke with him, baby! If you do this, it will be good, but when it’s the other way around, it will be bad.

Cover the fire in the forest with earth, Do not give free rein to the fire. The wind will blow, and then the fire may, little by little, lead to pain.

There is only one piece of wisdom: matches are not a game - everyone should remember this. If suddenly there is trouble, call “01”, And the desired help will come.

Lesson-game for 5th grade students “The Basics of Safety - 5”

Goals: systematization of knowledge on life safety, development of cognitive processes, increasing interest in the subject.

Equipment: numbered question cards and corresponding picture cards.

For the lesson, which is held at the end of the school year, it is necessary to prepare cards with images of dangerous objects, situations that pose a threat to life and health, symbols, emergency phone numbers, as well as items used to prevent and eliminate dangerous situations and promote the preservation of health. Cards with questions are prepared separately. The numbers of cards with questions and their corresponding pictures must be the same.

During the classes

1. Organizational moment.

The class is divided into 3-4 teams, each receiving the same number of cards with pictures. The presenter can be either the teacher or one of the students.

2. Game.

The presenter reads the question from the card without saying its number. Players must determine which picture number it belongs to, describe its plot, formulate the basic rules of behavior (use), determine priority actions (make a plan), and possible consequences of the development of the event.

Table 1. Approximate contents of cards

Card number Question Drawing
1 A situation that arises when handling a gas stove carelessly
2 Danger on the beach
3 The main danger of the roads
4 Telephone number of the fire service of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia
5 If it breaks, your home may flood.
6 Personal respiratory protection equipment
7 This phone number should be called in case of criminal danger.
8 One of the means of rescue on water
9 Violation of the rules of behavior on the train, which can lead to serious consequences
10 An electrical appliance used to heat a home
11 This staircase can be used to leave the building in the event of a fire.
12 A box (cabinet) in which medications are collected
13 Explosive cylinder that should not be stored at home
14 A fire extinguishing agent that should be in every building and every vehicle
15 Medicines and medical supplies that should be in every car
16 Holiday park dangers
17 Criminal situation in the home
18 If you don't know the bottom, don't jump into the water!
19 An electrical appliance in front of which people are willing to sit until late at night.
20 The intersection of a road and a railway track
21 They are used when lighting a burner on a kitchen stove or firewood in a stove.
22 Feeling the smell in the apartment, call...
23 Tool used to perform household work
24 A kitchen utensil in which water is boiled
25 The danger of winter ponds
26 Emergency phone number
27 A natural phenomenon that may cause destruction of buildings
28 Careless handling of stove heating
29 Automatic traffic controller
30 Violation of rules for keeping pets
31 Violation of rules of conduct in the subway
32 Ministry dealing with emergency response
33 A vehicle that must be passed in front
34 Don't swim near this pipe, dear.
35 An electrical appliance that can cause burns when handled
36 Drugs used to stop bleeding

3. Summing up.

Development of a lesson on life safety on the topic:

Forest fires"

Relevance of studying the topic

Natural emergencies include forest fires. The Russian Federation is famous for its forests; it is one of the world's largest exporters of wood. But recently, the total area of ​​forests has been decreasing disproportionately. And one of the reasons for this reduction is forest fires.

Lesson effectiveness

Ways to organize activities in the lesson, ensure cooperation between the teacher and students studying with each other; everyone can show interest and get involved in activities to achieve the goals of the lesson;

Group form of work promotes the development of communication skills in students: the ability to negotiate, patiently listen to the opinion of another group member, and correctly defend their point of view.

Using educational opportunities The teacher’s verbal assessment, as well as students’ self-esteem, contribute to the development of students’ cognitive interest, the cultivation of personality traits, such as activity, independence, responsibility and the ability to reflect on one’s own activities.

Academic subject : Fundamentals of life safety.

Lesson topic: " Mutual influence of the environment and human activity. Forest fires ".Class : 7

Lesson type: lesson of learning new material.

Forms of work: group, frontal, individual.

Methods: verbal, visual, practical, partially search, activity.

Methodological goal of the lesson: present experience in using effective techniques for organizing independent work when studying a new topic.

Lesson objectives:

Educational - study of material on the topic “Mutual influence of the environment and human activity. Forest fires”; familiarizing students with the destructive effects of fires.

Developmental - awareness of the problem of the danger of natural fires for human life; promoting the formation of an understanding and assessment of hazards in nature, broadening the horizons of students.

Educational - ability to assess the degree of risk of natural fires to ensure the safety of human life; instilling skills in careful handling of fire.



Create conditions for developing knowledge about forest fires and measures to ensure personal safety;

Create conditions for developing the ability to highlight the main thing, select the necessary material, draw conclusions, justify your point of view;


Promote the development of educational motivation, cognitive interest, attention, logical thinking;

Create conditions for the development of communication skills;


Create conditions for the development of such personality qualities as responsibility, activity, discipline, independence;

Create conditions for the formation of safe behavior among students.

Technical equipment:

computer, projector, screen

Materials for the lesson:

assignments for students, handouts, electronic presentation, sheets of individual work (in appendices).

Lesson summary on life safety on the topic

“Interaction between the environment and human activity.

Forest fires"

(7th grade)

Updating knowledge.

The topic of natural emergencies is becoming increasingly relevant. The number of floods, earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, and natural fires increases every year, killing more and more people.

Natural emergencies include forest fires. The Russian Federation is famous for its forests; it is one of the world's largest exporters of wood. But recently, the total area of ​​forests has been decreasing disproportionately. And one of the reasons for this reduction is forest fires. Currently, many forest fires occur every year, but forests bring enormous benefits:

· absorb carbon dioxide and release oxygen, soften the climate, return moisture to the atmospheric cycle;

    protect agricultural lands, settlements, and reservoirs;

    serve as a home for most species of living organisms;

    serve as one of the main places of recreation for people.

Our region is rich in forests, so we are concerned about the issue of preserving the forest and improving the environmental situation.

Therefore the main The purpose of the lesson is to understand the problem of the danger of natural fires for human life.

Type of lesson: Reinforcing previously learned material using modern technologies.

Technology: information.

Time: 30 minutes.

Equipment: computer, multimedia projector.

Lesson objectives:

Educational - consolidation of material on the topic “The concept of forest and peat fires. Classification of fires"; familiarizing students with the destructive effects of fires.

Developmental - awareness of the problem of the danger of natural fires for human life; promoting the formation of an understanding and assessment of hazards in nature, expanding the horizons of students.

Educational - the ability to assess the degree of risk of natural fires to ensure the safety of human life; instilling skills in careful handling of fire.

Preparation for the lesson:

    Selection of material and typing.

    Selection of images from the Internet and other sources for slides.

    Preparation and design of the presentation.

During the classes

I. Organizational moment (5 min.).

II. Learning new material (12 min).

Lesson plan:


2. Work in groups (independent study of the material)

1. Teacher's opening speech.

I want to start the lesson with a fragment of a poem by F.I. Tyutchev:

Calm order in everything, complete harmony in nature,

Only in our illusory freedom do we create discord with it... (slides 1, 2 of the presentation are used)

Frontal survey: Give examples of positive and negative human impact on the environment? (Students' answers)

As you can see, unfortunately, there are many more examples of negative impacts than positive ones. This summer, the environment of the Russian Federation has undergone serious testing.

QUESTION: Which one? (Forest fires)

Lesson topic message (slide number 3):

“The mutual influence of the environment and human activity using the example of

forest fires."

    Independent study of the material (work in groups 12 min.).

The class is divided into three groups: Researchers, ecologists, Ministry of Emergency Situations. Each group receives an assignment, handouts,sheets of individual work.

Assignment for group No. 1 “Researchers”:


Assignment for group No. 2 “Ecologists”:

Identify the impact of forest fires on the environment (ecosystem)

Prepare a speech (defense of the project)

Assignment for group No. 3 “Ministry of Emergency Situations”:

Prepare a speech (defense of the project)

During the work, the teacher offers to use a computer presentation (prepared in advance) during the groups’ presentations.

    Exchange of information (team performance)

Group No. 1"Explorers"

Main causes of forest fires

Match, cigarette, wad

Bonfire, glass

Spontaneous combustion


Lightning strike


Combustion object


Fire movement speed

Combustion temperature

Underground (soil)


1 km. Per day

About 600 gr. WITH


Grass, moss, fallen branches

Up to 5 km. at one o'clock

Up to 700 gr. WITH


Leaves, needles, branches

Up to 30 km. at one o'clock

900-1200 gr. WITH

The presentation is accompanied by slides No. 4-7 of the presentation, the rest of the students enter the information received into sheets of individual work.

Group No. 2"Ecologists" presents the compiled diagram:


A fire can destroy a home

It's impossible to breathe

You may die or get burned


Rare species are being destroyed

Oxygen in

the atmosphere is getting smaller


Rare species are being destroyed

The food chain is disrupted



Carbon monoxide

Greenhouse effect

The presentation is accompanied by slides No. 8-10 of the presentation, the rest of the students enter the information received into sheets of individual work.

Group No. 3"Ministry of Emergency Situations" presents the compiled diagram:

Determine the direction of the wind, fire movement

Cover your head with wet clothes

Breathe through a wet handkerchief

Exit at right angles, bending to the ground

Take a dip in the nearest body of water

The presentation is accompanied by slide No. 11 of the presentation, the rest of the students enter the information received into sheets of individual work.

  1. Watch the video clip “Fire in the Forest”

To consolidate the material, I suggest you watch the video clip.


Let's summarize. The goal of our work in the lesson was to establish the mutual influence of the environment and human activity using the example of forest fires.

Do you think the goal has been achieved? (Yes)

Before I conclude, I would like to read you one more poem

Vadim Shefner:

And they reluctantly smoked until the morning.

What conclusion can we draw today? (Forest fires are easier to prevent by following fire safety rules)


1) Paste a sheet of individual work into your workbook

2) come up with and draw a sign calling on people to protect the forest from fire;

3) select material about forest fires in the Sverdlovsk region.

Individual work sheet

Main causes of forest fires

Anthropogenic (human) factor:

Spontaneous combustion

“Characteristics of types of forest fires”

Combustion object


Fire movement speed

Combustion temperature


Underground (soil)





Impact of forest fires on the ecological system





"Actions in a forest fire zone"

Technological lesson map

I stage. Organizational

Target: create conditions for the rapid inclusion of students in work and educational activities.

Teacher activities

Student activities

Greets students. Checks students' readiness for the lesson and finds out who is absent.

Gives each student a sheet of individual work (Appendix 1).

Guys, we are seated in groups according to the list. Inspect the workplace to see if everything is ready for the lesson.

Determine their workplace, assess their readiness for the lesson.

Result: students are ready to work.

II stage. Frontal survey

Target: create conditions for students to understand the need to study the topic, stimulate mental activity, motivate for success, results.

Teacher activities

Student activities

The teacher reads lines from a poem by F.I. Tyutchev (slide 1):

Equanimity in everything,

Consonance is complete in nature, -

Only in our illusory freedom

We are creating discord with her.

Man is part of nature, he interacts with the environment, affecting it both positively and negatively.

Frontal survey:

1.Give examples of the positive impact of humans on the environment? 2.Give examples of the negative impact of humans on the environment? As you can see, unfortunately, there are many more examples of negative impacts on the environment than positive ones. Every summer, the environment of the Russian Federation is subjected to serious tests.

3. QUESTION: Which one?

Right. As a result, people suffered, many lost their homes. Fires also raged in the Sverdlovsk region. We felt their influence on ourselves, so I propose to devote our lesson to this problem.

Lesson topic: “Interaction between the environment and human activity. Forest fires"

Children analyze lines from the poem.

Suggested answers:

1. In nature, everything is interconnected. A man plants trees and cleans the area.

2. Man harms nature. Deforestation. Rivers' pollution. Garbage.

3. Forest fires

Result: Students experience emotional uplift and are motivated to succeed.

III stage. Updating knowledge

Target: check the level of assimilation of previously acquired knowledge, create conditions for secondary comprehension of knowledge, formulation by students of the goals and objectives of the lesson.

Teacher activities

Student activities

- What would you like to know about this topic and issue?

Would you like to learn more about the impact of forest fires on the environment and actions in the forest fire zone?

Based on the topic of the lesson and the problem, try to formulate the purpose of the lesson

Summarizes the answers, voices the purpose of the lesson (slide 3).“Track the mutual influence of the environment and human activity using the example of forest fires.”

What do you think we will do to achieve the goal?

We will work in groups

What to do in case of a fire?

Answer questions.

Consequences of forest fires

Forest fires

Their impact on the environment

Suggested answers:

Study the components of biogeocenosis.

Complete the mind map.

Study the composition and structure of biogeocenosis.

Work in groups, complete a task

Result: students show readiness for active, conscious mastery of new material, formulating the purpose and objectives of the lesson.

IV stage. Learning new knowledge (work in groups)Target: create conditions for the successful work of each group, searching for the necessary information, understanding new material, and developing methods of activity.

Teacher activities

Student activities

Provides students with the material necessary to complete the assignment (Appendices 2,3,4). Explains the task.

Creates conditions for learning new material.

The result of the groups' work will be completed diagrams and answers to questions.

They remember the rules of working in a group, distribute responsibilities in the group, receive a task and materials to complete the task.

They work in groups, discuss the problem, fill out diagrams, write out answers on the board (if necessary).

Result: students demonstrateskillwork with sources of information, highlight the main points, prepare speeches, collaborate.

V stage. Consolidation of new educational material

Target: create conditions for the conscious perception of new information, its comprehension and memorization, and the manifestation of communication skills.

Teacher activities

Student activities

Creates conditions for a comfortable psychological state of respondents, organizes the order of reports.

Offers to fill out a sheet of individual work

Evaluates each group's answers.

Video fragment

Students present the results of group cognitive activity. (Appendix 4)

1st group: "Researchers":

Describe the types of forest fires

Group 2: "Ecologists":

Identify the impact of forest fires on the environment

Group 3: "Ministry of Emergency Situations":

Establish the procedure for human actions in a forest fire zone

Each student fills out an individual work sheet

Ask clarifying questions.

Result: students demonstrate primary awareness, comprehension and application of new material, draw conclusions, demonstrate organizational skills, and the ability to interact when performing practical tasks

VI stage. Summing up and reflecting on activities

Target: create conditions for generalizing and consolidating the content of new material, assessing the effectiveness of one’s own activities.

Teacher activities

Student activities

The teacher creates conditions for students to understand the significance of the acquired knowledge and methods of activity, to clarify the emotional mood of the students (asks questions, returning to the purpose of the lesson):

Let's summarize. What was the purpose of the lesson?

Do you think the goal of the lesson has been achieved?

Before concluding, I would like to read you a poem by Vadim Shefner:

Forgetful hunter at rest

He didn’t scatter or trample the fire.

He went into the forest, and the branches were burning out

And they reluctantly smoked until the morning.

The fire overtook the hunter - and, suffering,

He was suffocating in fiery captivity;

He prepared this fate for himself, -

But how he atoned for his guilt!..

What conclusion can be drawn?

How do you evaluate your activities in class?

The teacher analyzes the answers, evaluates the activity and work of the students.

I hope that you are satisfied with your own activities in the lesson, and that the knowledge gained will really be useful in life and you will be able to convey it to others.


- studying material on the topic "Mutual influence of the environment and human activity. Forest fires"


Forest fires are easier to prevent by following fire safety rules

Result: students receiveand securenew material, conduct a self-assessment of their own activities.

VII stage. Informing students about homework and instructing them on how to complete it.

Target: create conditions for generalizing and consolidating new knowledge and the ability to apply it in practice.

Teacher activities

Student activities

    - Homework:

1) Paste a sheet of individual work into a workbook 2) come up with and draw a sign calling on people to protect the forest from fire; 3) select material about forest fires in the Sverdlovsk region.-Thank you for your work. The lesson is over.

Write down the task.

Result: Students are emotionally motivated to successfully complete their homework.


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