Rules for feeding a newborn. Breastfeeding: feeding regimen and possible complications

Experts involved in breastfeeding problems insist that a mother should not deny her baby milk if he wants it. It turns out that a child can be fed as much as he requires, however, many pediatricians do not agree with this statement, pointing out the different feeding regimens for natural and artificial feeding. This double opinion raises an obvious question among mothers: how often to feed a newborn - according to the schedule or at his request?

Feeding a newborn can be done according to a schedule or guided solely by the baby’s wishes.

Frequency of colostrum feedings

In the first days after childbirth, the mother's breasts fill with colostrum. Pure breast milk will begin to be produced after 2-3 days. Naturally, the newborn receives only colostrum these days. It is advisable to put the baby to the breast immediately after birth and to frequently put the baby to the breast throughout the entire period of feeding with colostrum. Its quantity is small, but the newborn eats up, thanks to the high nutritional value of the product.

The frequency of breastfeeding is very important for the baby. Firstly, the baby receives adequate nutrition. Secondly, the newborn reflexively gets used to the method of obtaining food, he adapts to the shape of the nipple, and trains to suck correctly. Thirdly, frequent application stimulates lactation and prevents stagnation of milk.

Additionally, there is a relationship between demand (feeding the baby) and supply (milk accumulates in sufficient quantities). By actively breastfeeding the baby, the mother promotes successful lactation.

For a long time, breastfeeding was carried out by the hour, at clear intervals. Pediatricians recommended that mothers place their baby every 3-4 hours and let him nurse for 10-15 minutes. In addition, the remaining milk should have been expressed. Practical observations have shown the erroneous use of such a regime. Statistics from past years indicate frequent cases of mastitis in mothers and digestive disorders in children.

Today, experts have moved away from rigid boundaries and believe that the mother should determine the frequency of feedings according to the baby’s wishes. What does it mean to feed at will? Breast is given to a newborn at any time upon his first request and wherever the mother is at this time. The new feeding method is based on determining the frequency of feedings based on the baby's behavior, rather than on precise timing. Actually, the child sets the regime, and you obey this choice.

How to determine that your baby wants the breast?

Following this method, mothers give breast to their newborn at the slightest sign of anxiety, if he does not refuse it. However, it is unlikely that you will be able to attach your baby to the nipple when he is crying or very fussy. It is advisable that the mother learn to understand her child and distinguish the desire to suckle from the other reasons for his whims. Remember the following signs:

  • the baby smacks his lips;
  • your “chick” actively opens its mouth and turns its head;
  • begins to suck on a corner of the diaper or his own fist.

Free feeding allows the baby to breastfeed not only when he is hungry. The child reaches for the breast for peace of mind, receives protection and psychological comfort from the process, and absorbs the love and warmth of the mother. It is important that mommy approaches the process with pleasure, receiving a lot of positive emotions from close contact with her treasure. Breastfeeding is an invaluable period when a close bond is established between mother and child that lasts a lifetime.

The great thing is that the participants in the process receive mutual benefits. The free method, as studies have shown, has a beneficial effect on the mental and physical state of mother and baby:

  • Newborns develop quickly and harmoniously. Children who receive breastfeeding on demand grow strong, are less susceptible to diseases, and have a balanced nervous system.
  • The woman quickly regains her prenatal shape. Contraceptive protection is naturally maintained. Mom avoids nipple problems if the baby latch onto the nipple correctly.
  • The breast milk produced is high in nutrients, has high fat content and is supplied in large quantities.

With proper breast latch, feeding becomes a natural prevention of lactostasis and mastitis.

What are the benefits of frequent breastfeeding?

Some mothers express doubts about this method of feeding, worrying about the amount of milk the baby needs. Anxiety is associated with thoughts about the child overeating or undereating. There is no need to worry, since this frequency of feedings is balanced by the production of milk in sufficient quantities, and newborns eat so actively that they involuntarily provoke proper lactation (see also:). There is a kind of regulation by the child of the amount of milk that he requires. The little cunning one, intuitively controlling the amount of food he eats, eats well and feels happy.

By the way, it is precisely with hourly feeding that the baby does not drink the milk completely, which leads to its stagnation. Lactation worsens, threatening to stop completely, which can push the mother to transfer the baby to artificial feeding. In addition, the moment of stagnation provokes the formation of mastitis in the mother. After such conclusions, will you still have doubts about which method is best to feed your baby? Choose the one that not only suits you in all respects, but will also be optimal for your child.

When to change the number of applications?

Considering that the frequency of feedings and breast fullness with the free feeding method are absolutely individual, it is impossible to give exact recommendations on the number of feedings. There are babies who suck quickly and forcefully, and there are those who “roll” the nipple in their mouth, slowly pulling out drop by drop. Obviously, it is difficult to calculate the exact number of latch, but one cannot help but mention the periods of active growth of the child, when he needs more milk.

Observing the cyclical development of a child, experts have identified four bright periods up to the age of 1 year, during which the child sharply increases in height. Approximate indicators are:

  • 7-10th days of life;
  • from 4 to 6 weeks;
  • by 3 months;
  • at 6 months.

Approaching these deadlines, mothers think that the baby is malnourished, that he is constantly hungry. Thinking that she has little milk, the woman tries to supplement the baby with formula. You shouldn't do this. 2-3 days will pass and your body will adapt to the needs of the baby and begin to produce more milk. The instability of indicators for the frequency of attachments is associated with both the general development of the child and his appetite. Moms shouldn't worry about such hesitations - just give your baby the breast when he needs it.

Statistics collected by pediatricians indicate that a baby may ask for the breast 8-12 times a day. The numbers are, of course, speculative and do not reflect the full picture. It is considered normal for a baby to want to suckle milk 20 times a day. Breast milk is absorbed very quickly, so there is nothing to worry about if your baby asks for the breast half an hour after feeding. Natural nutrition does not affect the functioning of the baby’s digestive system.

How long does it take for one feeding?

Each baby decides for himself how much he needs to breastfeed. The hurry-up is controlled in a short time, and the thoughtful little man stretches out the pleasure and eats for more than half an hour. As children grow up and master sucking, they increase the speed of feeding, choosing the required amount of milk in a few minutes. The time indicators recommended by pediatricians are averages, so accept the abilities of your treasure and feed as much as required - there is no exact norm. Special recommendations have been established only for formula feeding.

The older a child gets, the less time he needs to eat a full meal.

How to alternate breasts when feeding?

Alternating breasts during feeding is beneficial for the mother; it helps relieve painful swelling of the mammary glands by the time the baby eats. The duration of holding on one breast depends on the process of milk production in the mother and the appetite the child has worked up. Some babies manage one breast in 5 minutes, while the other stretches the process for 10-15 minutes. If you follow the recommendations of specialists, then it is necessary to change the breast, dividing the total feeding time in half.

Mothers with conservative views prefer to feed one breast per feeding. Those who adopt the free-form method keep records to track their meal schedule. Children are also different: some love to suckle on one breast, others calmly change nipples, thinking only about getting enough milk. Pediatricians agree that alternating breasts into one feeding is more convenient and correct.

Dr. Komarovsky comments positively on the free approach to feeding, but emphasizes that the child's demands should be based on hunger and not on other reasons. If the baby's diaper is full or the baby suffers from overheating, he is bothered by heat rash, he may reach for his chest, trying to find relief from uncomfortable sensations in it. You shouldn't give him breastfeeding. It is important for a mother to know exactly when the baby really wants to eat. It turns out that a child can eat according to the free method, but keeping an interval of 2 hours.

In addition, the famous pediatrician strongly emphasizes one important point: no matter what method you feed the baby, both mother and child should enjoy it.

If you find it stressful to constantly hold your baby at your breast, stop free-feeding and use your usual clockwise feeding routine. Additionally, you can optimize your on-demand eating by sticking to a happy medium. Reduce the intervals between feedings, but maintain the schedule.

Feeding frequency when using formula

Infant formula, despite manufacturers' assurances that its composition is as close as possible to breast milk, differs significantly from it. A formula-fed baby needs more time to digest it, so a flexible feeding schedule is not suitable. The mother should distribute formula feeding at fixed intervals. The optimal break lasts 3-4 hours during the day and 6-7 hours at night.

When analyzing feeding options for artificial babies, it should be remembered that pediatricians have calculated approximate standard indicators that it is advisable to adhere to. The baby receives as much formula as he needs at a certain age. By incorrectly organizing your baby's formula feeding, you can cause health problems for the baby. The baby's digestive system is especially vulnerable to the use of formulas.

Breast-feeding- This is a healthy and correct type of feeding a newborn. It is worth understanding the benefits of breastfeeding, finding out how to help yourself with possible complications and how to choose the right diet for breastfeeding.

Composition and benefits of breast milk

Breastfeeding by a mother is a natural and wonderful phenomenon that connects a mother with her child; in addition, it brings health benefits not only to the child, but also to the mother. Breast milk saturates the child's body with nutrients and substances necessary for the child's body. Increases cognitive abilities, reduces the occurrence of chronic diseases, and helps strengthen the immune system.

Basic The components of human milk are:fats, proteins, carbohydrates and minerals . And also the main component iswater . Everything is in a balanced state, we can say that there is nothing superfluous in the composition of human milk.


Breast milk contains a special fraction of proteins that is practically not destroyed in the baby’s digestive system and has immune activity, being components of the body’s defense system.

  • Lactoferrin– iron-containing glycoprotein. Due to its ability to bind iron, it can block this element in the bacterial cells of pathogenic microorganisms, thereby suppressing their growth.
  • Immunoglobulins is a group of whey proteins. Their variety is immunoglobulin IgA, which is capable of enveloping the mucous membrane of the intestines and throat, thereby preventing the penetration of viruses and bacteria through it.
  • Lysozyme– like lactoferrin, it has bactericidal activity, disrupting the integrity of the bacterial membrane. In human milk its concentration is 300 times higher than in cow's milk.
  • Alpha-lactalbumin- promotes the formation of peptides with immunoregulatory and antibacterial properties, supports the growth of bifid flora in the child’s intestines. When it is broken down in the gastrointestinal tract, bioactive lipids are formed, the so-called HAMLET complex, which helps destroy cancer cells.

Milk can independently change its composition, determining from saliva which proteins the child needs now!


About 130 types of oligosaccharides have been identified, the biological role of most of them is still poorly understood. Many of them are able to suppress the binding of toxins of viral and microbial origin to intestinal epithelial cells. All oligosaccharides are prebiotics, stimulating the growth of beneficial intestinal microflora.


About 90% of milk is water. Therefore, for a child it is both drink and food. Moreover, its temperature is optimal, such as is needed for good absorption of liquid. Thus, breast milk proves another advantage over artificial formulas: itsno need to heat or coolin case of overheating. Be sure to give your baby breastfeed as soon as he or she asks, perhaps he is just thirsty, and dehydration is extremely dangerous for a rapidly growing body, as it disrupts the functioning of many organs.


The fats in human milk are not exactly the milk fats we are used to. In terms of their consistency, they are an emulsion of a very thin composition. These fats are easily digested by gastric juice and are 95% absorbed by the body. They have twice the content of polyunsaturated acids than cow's milk, and also have a very low melting point.Human milk fat, like most natural fats, has several main components: triglycerides; phospholipids; sterols.


Carbohydrates in human milk are represented by lactose . This milk sugar differs in structure from animal lactose. For a newborn baby, it plays an invaluable role, since lactose supplies beneficial biphytobacteria to the intestines. As they develop, they suppress pathogens, and therefore those babies who are breastfed are much less likely to suffer from diseases of the digestive system.


Their composition is so optimal that it does not imply a lack of any microelements. If, for example, cow's milk contains the same number calcium and phosphorus, then in the mother their ratio is already 2:1. And also, compared to cow’s milk, women’s milk has a higher content of the following elements: zinc, copper, potassium and iron, sodium, chlorine, phosphorus, calcium iodine and others.

There is enough calcium in milk, it is less than in cow's milk, but exactly as much as your baby needs for development and it is absorbed much better than from formula.


In terms of the amount of vitamins A, D and E, breast milkexceeds cow's by 2-3 times. Moreover, these vitamins are in optimal condition for the child. The amount of vitamins can only be influenced by the mother’s diet.

Vitamin K- little in colostrum, much in mature milk. At 2 weeks of a child’s life, its own flora is formed for the synthesis of this vitamin.

Vitamin E- sufficient for the child's needs.

Vitamin D- depends on the mother’s diet, so you need to eat fish, eggs, butter and flaxseed oil.

Water-soluble vitamins (ascorbic acid acid, nicotinic acid, riboflavin, thiamine, pyridoxine, folic acid and vitamin B6, B12 and others) directly depend on the mother's nutrition.

In addition, scientists have noticed that during the absorption of mother's milk, the baby spends much less gastric juice than when drinking cow's milk.

Enzymes and hormones

The main function of enzymes is to accelerate biochemical reactions, and hormones to regulate their speed. Enzymes in breast milk facilitate the absorption of its components. Since the synthesis of its own enzymes by the child’s body is still insufficient. Thus, the enzymes pepsinogen and trypsin are directly involved in the breakdown of protein. Lipase facilitates the breakdown of fat due to its partial hydrolysis before entering the stomach.

Nucleotides. When they talk about the protein content in milk, they often mean total protein, determined by the calculation method based on nitrogen content. However, the nitrogen-containing compounds of milk include not only proteins, peptides and amino acids, but also other nitrogen-containing compounds. Such substances include nucleotides - nitrogen-containing compounds, precursors of DNA and RNA, the content of which in breast milk is 7-10 mg/100 ml. In the human body, their synthesis is limited and occurs only in certain tissues. Therefore, food is almost the only opportunity for entry into the body. Their functions are as follows:

  • maturation of the immune system and formation of an immune response;
  • a universal source of energy that promotes cell growth and division;
  • participate in the formation of normal intestinal microflora and the metabolism of essential fatty acids.

Breast milk contains immune cells (macrophages and leukocytes), which provide protection against various infections. In addition, breast milk contains dozens of types bifidobacteria , necessary for the formation of an adequate immune response and play a huge role in the fight against infections and inflammation.

What are the benefits of breast milk for a newborn?

Strong immunity

So, with a constant flow of nutrients and beneficial elements that are present in breast milk, important antibodies are transferred from mother to child. Infants are generally quite susceptible to illness, and complications often arise. Scientists have proven that infants have a reduced risk of developing various types allergies, asthma, and they are less likely to experience respiratory diseases and stomach upsets.

Breast milk protects baby from infections

So if mom gets sick , then l eukocytes in her body produce protective antibodies to the disease. Individual white blood cells enter the mammary gland and produce antibodies there. Antibodies to the mother's infection pass into the milk and protect the baby.

If a child is sick : Mom inhales and absorbs pathogens from the baby's skin when she kisses, smells, washes, and cuddles the baby. The mother's immune system receives information about the infection and activates its lymphocytes. Activated lymphocytes penetrate the mother's breast and begin to secrete antibodies into the milk. The baby suckles and receives updated protection - antibodies developed specifically to fight the current infection.

Disease Prevention

Recent studies have established the fact that without drinking mother's milk, infants develop diseases such as obesity and even asthma, this is a very significant advantage of this process.

Normal height

The necessary composition of minerals and nutrients that breast milk contains is ideally accepted by the child’s body. Milk contains proteins, fats, antibodies and vitamins. The quality of the milk itself also affects the products consumed by the mother; during the first postpartum months, the mother should eat only high-quality and healthy foods adhering to a certain diet.

Enhance Cognitive Skills

Scientists have also linked breastfeeding with an increase in IQ scores in an already matured child. Even as it grows, cognitive abilities increase.

What are the benefits of breastfeeding for a mother?

Losing weight gained during pregnancy

It is believed that women who have gained excess weight During pregnancy, it is especially important not to give up breastfeeding, since the baby’s body absorbs nutrients from the mother’s body, the so-called proteins and fats. Because of this, a large number of calories are burned from breastfeeding, and this process also speeds up the metabolism.

Stopping uterine bleeding

Thanks to the hormone oxytocin, which the body produces during lactation, the uterus, being protected, returns without problems to its prenatal state. Heavy bleeding can cause postpartum complications. Breastfeeding can help reduce the chances of these complications.

Improved emotional state

Among women who have given birth, such a dangerous consequence as postpartum depression occurs. With the help of breastfeeding, in close contact with the baby, mothers experience a decrease in anxiety and an improvement in their overall emotional state.

Strong Bones

During pregnancy and breastfeeding, the body's ability to absorb calcium increases, which is why a nursing mother is four times less likely to develop osteoporosis.

WHO rules on breastfeeding

Almost every woman is capable of breastfeeding her child, provided she has a sufficient amount of milk. According to statistics, only about 5% of women cannot breastfeed due to hormonal imbalances.

  • It is necessary to feed the child “on demand” ", not by the clock. Feed your baby when he begins to sob, wakes up and looks for the breast, tries and cannot sleep. Remember that milk is not only food for your baby, but also drink. If feeding occurs in the winter, the baby may need frequent breastfeeding. In the first days, it will seem to you that you spend all the time with him “in your arms.” Gradually your regimen will come to ten to twelve feedings per day. A newborn baby looks for his mother's breast with every movement. He may be capricious, turn his head, open his mouth in search, all these signs indicate the child’s desire to attach to the breast, not always for food, sometimes for comfort, and sometimes just to feel the mother’s warmth.
  • Feed from one breast at one feeding. To ensure that your baby gets enough to eat, do not rush to change breasts during feeding. Try to feed him only from one breast at one feeding, since with prolonged sucking of the mammary gland, the baby “gets” to the hindmilk. It is thicker than the front, it contains fats and nutrients that maintain satiety. With the first liquid milk, the baby is more likely to drink than to eat. But it is also necessary to quench the child’s thirst.
  • Without supplementary feeding . Lack of supplementary feeding and additional water is the main factor in the question of how to properly breastfeed a newborn. Until he is six months old, he doesn't need anything other than your milk. Supplementation and additional feeding disrupt the natural intestinal microflora and prolong the maturation process of the gastrointestinal tract.
  • No pacifiers . A nipple, bottle, and pacifier are the main enemies of full breastfeeding. They develop incorrect sucking skills in the baby, which negatively affects the level of lactation, prevents complete emptying of the breast, and creates a risk of injury to the mother’s nipples due to improper latching.
  • It is necessary to put the baby to the breast in the first minutes of life.

When the baby is latched correctly, the breast is stimulated to the required extent for milk production, and the baby, by sucking, requests the quantity and quality of milk he needs.

Also, proper attachment will protect you from troubles such as cracked nipples and so on. You can take the advice of an experienced relative or friend, or consult with a breastfeeding consultant at the maternity hospital. After all, the first attachments are the key to successful feeding in the future.

  • Breastfeed your baby at night.

The break between feedings should not exceed 4 hours. This must also be monitored at night. If the child does not wake up to eat on his own, he should be woken up so that right time offer the baby the breast. Night feedings are important to stimulate lactation. They maintain sufficient levels of prolactin, on which breast milk production depends. The largest amount of prolactin is produced at night, between 2 and 8 hours. It is recommended to follow this routine before the introduction of complementary foods, that is, until the baby is six months old.

How to properly attach your baby to the breast

How to prepare your breasts for feeding and learn how to latch on correctly? The importance of proper attachment of a newborn to the breast is very great, because the health of not only the baby, but also the mother directly depends on it. An incorrect procedure can lead to stagnation of milk and mastitis.

On the left is incorrect, on the right is correct attachment to the chest

The basic rule for how to properly attach a baby to the breast is that the baby should be given the breast as deeply as possible so that he has both a nipple and an areola in his mouth. To do this, you need to get into the upper part of the mouth that is already open in search, after which you simply press the child closer to you.

Let's try to figure out in more detail what needs to be done and how. For a successful attachment, the child must open his mouth wide, as if yawning. To do this, choose a comfortable position. Tilting your head slightly forward will not work, since the tongue in this position rises, being behind the gums, and for comfortable sucking it should cover the lower gum from above and cover the chest.

Raising your head slightly, you will notice that the mouth opens quite wide, and sticking out the tongue does not cause problems. It is necessary to provide the child with a position in which he can be with his mouth wide open and his neck straight, also make sure that there is no pressure on the back of the head, and give support to the neck and back.

It is of great importance to have a comfortable position for both mother and baby during this procedure. Having settled well, correct attachment is ensured. It is worth considering the fact that the baby should be calm when feeding. After all, any person concentrates better and performs work better when in a good mood.

Lack of milk: how to determine and stimulate its appearance?

It is important to remember that it is necessary to stimulate milk production only after making sure that the baby really does not have enough of it. Deficiency can be determined simply by observing the baby’s behavior. It is necessary to increase lactation if:

  • the baby expresses irritation at the end of feeding without falling asleep;
  • cannot maintain the usual time between breastfeeding, waking up earlier;
  • the appearance of “hungry” stool – it is liquid and has a brownish color;
  • the child urinates less than 6 times per day;
  • does not gain weight well.

If the baby has more than two of the above signs, It makes sense to stimulate lactation. This process is supported by:

  • eliminating stress;
  • compliance with feeding techniques;
  • the use of additional means to help improve lactation. There are natural lactation stimulants. These are teas to increase it, such as “Lactaphytol”, “Hipp” and other drinks and products that are recommended for nursing mothers.

  • expressing milk;
  • drinking plenty of water. Try to drink at least 2 liters of fluid per day. By increasing the liquid, milk production can be increased. It is not recommended to drink cow's milk; it does not increase lactation, but can cause allergies or colic in a child.
  • nipple stimulation. By stimulating the nipples, you can deceive the body, simulating an increased need for milk and causing an increase in its quantity in the mammary gland.

In addition, a nursing woman's diet should be balanced and varied. This helps the body perform its natural functions, enriches milk with the necessary vitamins and microelements that are necessary for the baby. The diet of a nursing mother should consist of proteins, fats and slow carbohydrates. It is advisable to exclude spicy, smoked, canned and other foods that retain water in the body; they can provoke allergies and reduce the production of breast milk.

Prayer before the icon of the Mother of God “Mammal” for lack of breast milk

The joy of motherhood can be spoiled by such an unpleasant phenomenon as a lack of breast milk for various reasons. Prayer before the “Mammal” icon of the Mother of God can help cope with such a problem. Women who have given birth most often turn to this image, asking for a blessing to feed their baby. People approach the shrine with a request to breastfeeding The baby was successful and lasting.

Accept, Lady Theotokos, the tearful prayers of Your servants who flow to You. We see You on the holy icon, carrying in our arms and feeding with milk Your Son and our God, the Lord Jesus Christ. You even gave birth to Him painlessly, and even more so the weight of maternal sorrows and infirmities of the sons and daughters of men. With the same warmth falling upon Your whole-hearted image and tenderly kissing, we pray to You, All-Merciful Lady: we, sinners, condemned to give birth to illnesses and nourish our children in sorrows, graciously spare and compassionately intercede, but our babies, likewise the one who gave birth to them, from the grave Deliver from illness and bitter sorrow. Grant them health and well-being, and their nourishment will increase from strength to strength, and those who feed them will be filled with joy and consolation, as even now, through your intercession, from the mouth of a child and those who piss, the Lord has fulfilled t Your praise. Oh, Mother of the Son of God! Have mercy on the mother of the sons of men and on Your weak people: quickly heal the illnesses that befall us, quench the sorrows and sorrows that are upon us, and do not despise the tears and sighs of Your servants . Hear us on the day of sorrow who fall before Your icon, and on the day of joy of deliverance receive the grateful praise of our hearts. Offer our prayers to the throne of Your Son and our God, that He may be merciful to our sin and weakness and add His mercy to those who know His Name, for we and our children will glorify You , merciful Intercessor and true hope of our race, forever and ever . Amen."

When is it necessary to express milk?

Immediately during the postpartum period, milk enters the breast quite actively. If the baby is not attached to the breast very often or incorrectly, it can become very large, which will cause discomfort for the mother. In this case, the milk needs to be expressed, the main thing is not to overdo it, as you can cause hyperlactation. It is necessary to stop when the breasts become soft.

When the milk ducts are blocked, lactostasis, painful lumps may appear, which can cause an increase in temperature. Milk is expressed from such areas. When the lumps dissolve, you need to regularly apply the baby to the breast, and then finish pumping on your own.

If a woman in labor takes antibiotics that are dangerous for the newborn, the baby is weaned from the breast while taking the medications. At the same time, they express up to 10 times a day. After recovery, breastfeeding continues. Premature babies and children with pathologies are fed expressed milk from a bottle. If the baby is not put to the breast 6 hours after birth, it is also necessary to start pumping. Sometimes an overfilled mammary gland becomes very hard, this prevents the baby from latching on to the nipple, in which case pumping will help relieve swelling of the gland. We'll talk about how to do this a little later.

How to express breast milk correctly?

You can express milk manually or with a breast pump. Breast pumps can be electric or manual. They must be thoroughly washed and sterilized before use. Cannot be used by women who have cracked nipples. When using this device, you must follow the attached instructions. They have a good effect when the breasts are full. In this case, you can carry out combined pumping: first with a breast pump, and then manually.

Electric breast pump

Having chosen to express manually, you need to do a light massage of the breast. IN this process You need to ensure smooth movements so as not to injure the areola. This activity can take up to half an hour.

How to store breast milk?

So, you need to collect milk in a clean, sterilized container. For long-term storage it is placed in the refrigerator. Breast milk contains antibodies that protect it from pathogenic bacteria. Milk can remain out of the refrigerator for 1 to 3 hours.

In a refrigerator. Expressed milk can sit in the refrigerator for more than a week. The average temperature on the shelves is +4-6°C, which allows you to keep milk fresh for up to 5-6 days. At 0 to +3°C, the shelf life of breast milk is extended to 8 days. It is recommended to place the product further away, to the back wall of the refrigerator, where the temperature is lower.

Do not place expressed breast milk on the door, as frequent opening of the door will cause temperature changes. Such jumps are unfavorable because they allow the growth of harmful bacteria. Immediately after expressing milk, do not put it in the refrigerator. It is necessary to keep it indoors for some time.

IN freezer. Freezing allows you to preserve breast milk for a long period, since the temperature in the freezer compartments averages -18°C-24°C. The optimal temperature in this case is -18°C. Such storage conditions allow you to maintain freshness for just over 6-8 months. If the constant temperature range is from -20°C, then the shelf life of milk increases to 12 months. If it is not possible to set a low temperature, it is permissible to store the frozen product at -5-8°C. It will remain usable for six months.

Mommy's nutrition while breastfeeding

As mentioned above, the diet of a nursing mother should be balanced and contain many minerals and vitamins. Choosing a diet is quite difficult, because some foods are poorly tolerated by children. Some mothers draw up special meal schedules and note in them the child’s reaction to a particular product.

  • Be sure to eat meat (200g), poultry fillet, lean fish, cottage cheese (100g), cheese (30g), vegetables (500g), fruits (300g), cream (15g) and vegetable (30g). ) oil.
  • Foods that are well tolerated by babies: low-fat kefir and yogurt, sour cream, buckwheat, rice, oatmeal, potatoes, beef, turkey fillet, baked apples.

The basic rules when feeding an infant are:

  • 5-6 meals a day for the mother (3 main meals and 2 snacks). It is better to time meals to coincide with feeding - the most best time 30 minutes before.
  • Boiled and steam cooking methods, avoidance of fatty and fried foods.
  • Eating only freshly prepared natural food, excluding semi-finished products, products with dyes and preservatives, and all types of canned food.
  • Introduction large quantity dairy products containing calcium.
  • Eating lean meats and fish.
  • Compliance with the drinking regime - 1.5-1.6 liters per day (purified water, still table water, compotes, fruit drinks). Fluid intake is one of the important factors in prolonged lactation. You need to drink a glass of water 10 minutes before feeding. At the same time, you should not consume fluids in excess of the norm, which can cause swelling, stress on the kidneys and excess milk production and subsequently lactostasis .
  • During lactation, foods that enhance fermentation are excluded (legumes, sweets, baked goods, kvass, black bread, bananas, grapes, sweet apples, pickled vegetables, white cabbage, cucumbers, carbonated drinks, confectionery, sweet cheeses, curd pastes and sweet cereals).
  • Limit the consumption of raw vegetables and fruits, as in this form they increase peristalsis and cause bloating. For this reason, it is better to bake or stew vegetables and fruits and start consuming them in small portions, since a large amount of fiber can cause loose stools and bloating in a child.
  • Vegetables with coarse fiber and essential oils, which are strong digestive stimulants (radish, radish, turnip, celery, sorrel, mushrooms), and can cause bloating and intestinal colic in a child, are not allowed.

Other products should be introduced gradually and with great caution, as they can cause allergies.

Prohibited consumption: legumes, cabbage, smoked and pickled foods, sausage, canned food, beer, kvass, coffee, caviar, drinks containing sugar.

Possible problems with breastfeeding

It would seem that breastfeeding is a natural process, however, mothers often encounter problems due to which they have to complete breastfeeding. Even if the mother is experienced and has not had her first child, she is not immune from problems with feeding. So what are the problems?

Breasts are full, milk is difficult to express, baby cannot latch on (swelling)

When transitional milk arrives on the 2-3rd day, the breasts, not knowing the baby’s needs, fill up and become heavy, full and painful. If before the baby took the breast with ease, now it is difficult for him to grasp the hard nipple. Considering that the first milk is produced both by the baby and by the mother, it is very difficult. Because colostrum and first milk are quite viscous. The milk comes in, the baby cries because he is hungry, and it is difficult for him to grab the breast. If the mother does not attach the baby to the breast correctly, then lumps may appear in the breast. Increases in body temperature are also not uncommon.

So, if you have most of the following: symptoms, then we have the so-called breast engorgement:

  • The chest feels “stony” and painful. The areola is hard, inelastic, and overcrowded.
  • Pressing on the areola is painful, which makes it difficult to feed the baby.
  • The nipple becomes invisible and flat.
  • The milk does not flow out - swelling interferes, blocking its path.
  • It may be difficult for the baby to latch onto such a breast; he slips from the dense areola onto the nipple or cannot latch on at all.
  • Feeding often does not provide relief due to the fact that milk does not come out.
  • Expressing milk isn't very good either.

So what should you do in such a situation? There is a way out, don’t be afraid, it’s not hard spanking, slapping the chest and painful kneading of lumps. There is no benefit to them. First you need to relieve the swelling and soften the areola so that the milk can come out freely.

There are A very effective technique is the technique of softening the areola with pressure according to Jean Cotterman.

To do this you need to gently With your fingers, gently and painlessly press the areola towards the chest and hold the pressure for at least 1 minute. If the swelling is severe, then do the exercise for 2-3 minutes, repeating as necessary.

For a while, the areola again becomes soft and elastic, and the nipple becomes more pronounced. But most importantly, the ducts are freed - the path for milk. The baby can latch on and get milk.

If mom's nails are short enough, she can simultaneously press on the areola with the bent fingers of both hands, while her nail plates will almost touch the nipple. The goal is to create a ring of 6-8 small dimples or indentations in the areola around the base of the nipple.

If mommy has severe swelling of the areola applies two finger pressure method. This method allows you to achieve a more uniform distribution of interstitial fluid .

The essence of the method is as follows.

If mom has short nails, she should make a “pit” in the central part of the areola. Grabbing the nipple, she needs to press her fingers inward, towards the chest for 1-3 minutes. In this case, the bent first phalanges of the fingers increase the area of ​​pressure. If necessary, you can turn your hand at a different angle and repeat.

Why does this help? The reason is this. Any excess intercellular fluid is temporarily pressed inward, in the direction of the natural outflow of lymph.
Longitudinal compression of the ducts under the areola displaces some of the milk back into the deeper ducts. Relieving tension in the walls of the congested ducts under the areola reduces discomfort during application. The elasticity of the nipple-areola complex increases, and as a result, the baby can pull it deeper into the mouth.
Almost always, after three minutes or even earlier, it is possible to trigger the milk release reflex due to uniform stimulation of the nerves going to the nipple and areola. This reflex pushes milk forward towards the nipple.
After using this method, additional manual expression to further soften the areola is also easier.

For greater effect, we soften with pressure like this:

  • We lie down on our backs. Place a pillow under your shoulder blades so that your chest is even higher.
  • We throw the arm on the side of the chest that we plan to work with to the side.
  • Several times with the edge of the palm we gently stroke the breast from the nipple towards the subclavian lymph nodes - i.e. to the collarbone, and to the axillary - to the armpit. Movement is as if we are dispersing water. The goal is to preliminarily “disperse” the swelling. It is he who gives pain and stoneness, and not the milk itself (technique and idea of ​​Jean Cotterman, Maya Bolman, Tatyana Kondrashova).

After this – actually softening with pressure – we place our fingers around the areola and hold the “daisy”. Minimum one minute, longer if swelling is severe. You will feel the areola becoming softer, your fingers seem to sink deeper.

When the areola is completely soft and painless when squeezed, you can apply the baby. Or express if he is not breastfeeding yet. Now the milk will flow out and the sucking will be effective, the breast will soften further. The best position for feeding is to place your baby on top of your chest. The nursing mother herself needs to take a reclining position.

After feeding, you can apply a cabbage leaf, after preliminary washing and softening with a rolling pin.

Remember, if you soften the areola, freeing the ducts from being compressed by edema, the milk will flow, and engorgement can actually be removed almost painlessly!

Cracked nipples during breastfeeding, what to do?

Approximately the fifth day after birth, if the baby is not applied correctly to the breast, cracks and abrasions may form on the nipples. At this point, consultation with a breastfeeding specialist is advisable.

Basic Rules:

  • The baby should attach to the breast, grasping the areola (more than one nipple);
  • Take less time to suck on a sore breast;
  • Lubricate the nipple with Bepanten or Solcoseryl, take a damp cloth and apply it to the mammary gland, cover it with polyethylene and put on a bra. Before feeding your baby, you should rinse your breasts with warm water.

To prevent cracks and pain in the nipples, you need to: master the correct feeding technique, do not use breast pads for feeding, remove the breast from the baby’s mouth with your little finger, after feeding the baby, lubricate the nipples with your own milk and let it dry, wash your breasts every day, at least once.

It is important for young mothers to know how to properly feed a newborn with breast milk, what the regimen should be, the necessary standards, and acceptable positions when breastfeeding. The health of the woman and child depends on this process. Incorrect attachment is one of the causes of lactation disorders. To avoid problems, you need to remember the basic rules, which will be discussed.

The rules for breastfeeding children in the 21st century have changed greatly compared to the previous century. Many strict recommendations have been refuted or become soft.

No need to wash your breasts before every feeding: The fat layer will be washed off from the skin. This protective film protects nipples from cracks and scratches. Frequent use of soap will dry out your skin and nipples. It is enough to take a shower at the beginning and end of the day.

In most cases, babies under 6 months of age do not need to be given water. Supplementation is allowed in case of constipation, but during breastfeeding this rarely happens

There is no need to offer your baby water until he is 6 months old if he is breastfed. Mother's milk replaces food and drink. He will find all the useful substances in milk and will not feel thirsty.

A nursing woman is recommended to drink a glass of liquid - clean water, rosehip decoction, tea with milk 15-20 minutes before the start of the process. This will enhance lactation and give you strength.

Chest grab

Mother's milk is the most suitable food for newborns. This is important for the full development of the child. In order for the first attempts to be successful, you need to know some of the subtleties of the process.

First time

The newborn's first feeding should occur within the first hour after birth.. This stimulates the woman’s nipples and activates the lactation system, which makes uterine contractions better during the postpartum period. The baby begins to feel hungry, and colostrum starts the process of forming the correct microflora.

The benefits of the first portions of milk (colostrum) are determined by its composition. The table describes its main components.



Polypeptides Stimulate cell growth and reproduction, tissue repair
Vitamin B Participates in the formation and development of the nervous system, stimulates hematopoiesis
Subtype A antibodies Protect the mucous membranes of the digestive system and nasopharynx from infection
Endorphins Increases the body's resistance to adverse external conditions and stress
Amino acids Promotes the development of the brain, heart, muscle tissue
Prebiotics Fills the intestines with beneficial bacteria
Antioxidants Stimulates the formation of the body's defenses.

The first attachment begins the feeding process. This is a natural process, important and necessary for the child to grow and develop safely.

5 Stages of Breast Latching

In how to properly feed a newborn with breast milk, the most important thing is the latch on the breast (read whether it is necessary). First you need to wash your hands thoroughly. You can squeeze a few drops of milk from the nipple to lubricate the nipple. It will become softer, and it will be easier for the baby to grasp it with his mouth.

Stages of latching onto the breast with the baby's mouth:
Place pillows or bolsters under the child so that his back is straight. Mom clasps her breasts with her fingers without touching the areola. He brings the baby to his face. He will smell the milk and open his mouth. If this does not happen, you need to squeeze drops of milk onto his lips and put the nipple on his mouth.
The chin touches the mother's chest, and the nose is turned to the nipple. The mouth should open wide. The nipple and part of the areola should enter the mouth.

The mouth should cover the areola, not just the nipple

The baby will begin to suck. Babies are different - some suck actively right away, others do it slowly. If milk leaks a little from the corner of the mouth, the baby's head should be raised and the index finger placed under the lower lip. The baby will press his lips tighter.
When the baby is full and begins to fall asleep, place your index finger between the chest and the corner of the mouth. This will help you pull out the nipple without effort.
There is no need to get dressed right away; it is advisable to let the milk dry on the nipple. The child must be held in an upright position so that he burps air. After the characteristic sound, put him in the crib.

With the correct technique, the baby will develop high-quality sucking. This will prevent nipple injuries in the future. It will be easier for the mother to cope with the baby when he grows up and gains weight. If your mother has it, you need to find out the reasons, because this is fraught with serious diseases.

The following video shows how to properly feed a newborn with breast milk.

Application in different poses

The choice of position for feeding a newborn remains with the mother. The process should take place in a relaxed state. It is important to take the load off a woman's back.

Sitting position

Mom folds her hands into a “cradle.” There should be support under your back

This position is convenient for feeding throughout the day. It is imperative to provide back support to give rest to the spine.

A suitable position is when the mother folds her arms in the form of a cradle. One hand supports the head, and the other the rest of the body. The baby's body is turned towards the mother, and it is convenient for the mouth to reach the nipple.

For weak and premature babies, it is better to place a pillow under the body. It will be convenient for the mother to control the baby's head with both hands.

Lying position

The mother puts the baby on her side, and she herself lies on the side. Baby's head on mother's hand

If the mother had a caesarean section or has stitches in the perineum, then it is better to lie down during the entire process. How to properly feed a newborn with breast milk while lying down is shown in the maternity hospital.

There are several provisions:

  • Mom is lying on her hand. She puts the child on his side and lies down next to him on the side. In order for the baby to eat from the upper breast, he is placed on a pillow. For the bottom pillow is removed. The head lies on the mother's hand.
  • Baby on mom. In this way, a baby is fed in case of severe colic, as well as a large flow of milk from the mother, so that the newborn does not choke. The mother lies on her back and places the newborn on her stomach so that he can reach the nipple. You can place a pillow under your mother's head and shoulders.
  • From under the hand. The nursing woman sits half-sitting, leaning on her thigh and forearm, the baby lies on a pillow between the mother and the supporting arm. She holds the child's head from below and gives him the breast from above.

Throughout the day, the positions change depending on the woman's preference and circumstances.

Negative consequences due to incorrect application

Proper attachment of a newborn during breastfeeding will help avoid many troubles. The baby may damage the nipple. He sucks hard, but poor latching prevents him from getting milk. This will cause pain to the woman; some refuse to try breastfeeding again for this reason.

It also causes ineffective milk suction. Because of this the gland will become rough, swell, inflamed. We advise you to read the tips on how to prevent it.

It is worth purchasing clothes for nursing mothers in advance - blouses and T-shirts with slits

Nursing mothers sometimes have to feed their babies in public places. If you are planning a long walk, then you need to take into account that the child will get hungry, so you need to prepare. Take with you a large scarf or diaper, a set of wet and dry wipes, and a small snack.

You can wear special clothes for nursing women - blouses, T-shirts with slits for the chest, sewn-in bras. When it’s time to eat, it’s better to be proactive: don’t wait for a demanding cry, feed the baby before his request.

You should find a secluded place where there will be fewer people. If this is not the case, then simply sit down, turning away, so as to attract less attention. Throw a scarf or diaper over your shoulders to protect your baby from prying eyes. Feed him and carry him vertically (read this article), since the newborn should be kept in this position after feeding to burp air.

Eating in the fresh air stimulates a good appetite and gives sound sleep. It allows mom to take a break from the everyday work of caring for the baby. If feeding outside the home is not possible, you can take a bottle of expressed milk with you. How to use a breast pump in this case and which one is better to choose is a topic.

Basic Rules

Breastfeeding must be done correctly. When attaching, various difficulties arise that affect feeding.

How to alternate breasts

The milk in the gland is not homogeneous. First, the baby sucks the so-called “foremilk.” It is more liquid and contains less fat and nutrients. Then comes the “back”, more saturated portion. This combination allows the baby to have a balanced diet. When feeding you need to give one breast, and the next time - the other.

If at one time the baby sucked first from one gland, then a little from the other, then he received two not very nutritious portions, and no longer wants to finish the saturated leftovers. It is wise to alternate breasts only when establishing a feeding regimen, and not on ordinary days.

Regime or requirement - which is better?

Modern pediatricians are inclined to believe that it is better to feed newborn babies on demand, rather than by the hour. After all, the baby calls his mother not only during hunger. When sucking, it is easier for him to calm down. With his mother he is not so scared, cold or worried. Lactation when feeding on demand will be stable.

Feeding at night should not be ignored, although this entails inconvenience for the mother

Feeding a newborn baby by the hour is convenient because it is predictable. When feeding on demand, the mother becomes “attached” to the baby. This is especially unusual for young women with their first child.

Be sure to feed at night. The hormone prolactin, responsible for lactation, is produced precisely at night. The most effective meals are considered to be between 2 a.m. and 8 a.m.

The mother is not able to get enough sleep with this mode of feeding the newborn, but she needs to use the baby’s daytime sleep hours for her rest. In the future, the child will grow up and stop eating at night.

How much should a newborn suck?

Each baby is individual. Already from birth he has his own character. One sucks briskly and actively for 15 minutes, the other - slowly, with pleasure, for almost 40 minutes. With prolonged feeding, cracks may appear on the nipples. But if you take the breast early, the fattest and most healthy portion will not go to the baby.

There is a norm for feeding a breastfed newborn- from 10 to 40 minutes. Next, you need to monitor the child to see if he eats enough during this time.

Several signs that your baby is full

If your baby is gaining weight and feels good, it means he is getting enough to eat.

Many breastfeeding women worry whether their baby is getting enough to eat at the normal feeding rate for a newborn. There are several signs by which you can understand that the baby is full:

  • the newborn is gaining weight normally and feels well (in this publication you will learn about the months);
  • urine is excreted approximately 10 times a day;
  • stools look like porridge, up to 8 times a day;
  • the skin is clean, pink;
  • The baby's development is progressing according to schedule.

Cranky behavior between meals cannot be a symptom of a lack of milk. He may suffer from colic or uncomfortable posture. How much a newborn should eat at one feeding can be determined with a pediatrician. It depends on birth weight and age.

7 times when you shouldn't breastfeed

There are situations when the use of mother's milk is contraindicated, as it can transfer drug residues or bacteria from the mother to the baby.

Diseases and conditions of women that exclude breastfeeding:

  • oncology;
  • open form of tuberculosis;
  • deadly infections - plague, cholera;
  • mental disorders - schizophrenia;
  • taking medications for nervous disorders - antidepressants, lithium salts:
  • hepatitis.

For some diseases (chickenpox, measles), you need to express milk, sterilize it and then give it to the baby.


Breast milk is necessary for the growth and development of the baby's immunity. But for this process to be beneficial, you need to remember the basic rules of latching and latching onto the breast. You need to understand that some diseases impose restrictions on breastfeeding and even prohibit it. Therefore, in a timely manner, ask for information about the rules of artificial feeding, as well as for a newborn.

Even during pregnancy, expectant mothers begin to prepare for the birth of their baby. The following questions are relevant:

  1. How to breastfeed?
  2. What should a child's sleep be like?
  3. How to hold a baby correctly?
  4. What baby products do you really need to buy?
  5. How to prepare for childbirth?
  6. What should a breastfeeding diet be like?

In this article we will look at the topic of breastfeeding from such a perspective that future mom I felt ready for it.

1. Attachment to the breast

How to properly put a baby to the breast is the most important question for a mother preparing for breastfeeding. If latching is incorrect, a number of problems arise: pain, cracked nipples, stagnation of milk, starvation of the baby, decreased lactation. Some mothers give up trying to establish breastfeeding due to the inability to give the baby the breast so that he takes it correctly. If the baby has a good, correct latch on the breast, feeding will be a pleasure for both mother and baby.

Correct application technique:

  1. The mother occupies a comfortable position (back is straight and rests on the back of a chair or armchair to avoid unnecessary stress, the baby is in her arms, a pillow is under her arms to avoid fatigue; you can also feed while lying down; read more about feeding positions).
  2. The baby lies in such a way that the ear, shoulder and back are at the same level, the baby's body is completely turned towards the mother, the head is under the breast. There is no need to lean towards the baby, it is better to pull him to the chest.
  3. The baby's latching on to the breast occurs as follows: the mouth is wide open, the chin touches the chest, the nose is not blocked, the lower lip is turned outward, the baby grasps not only the nipple, but also the areola. The grip must be deep. The nipple should touch the baby's palate; for this, when grasping, it should be directed not forward, but upward, towards the nose.
  4. You can wean from the breast only when the baby releases it himself. Under no circumstances should you remove your breasts abruptly, as this can lead to injury and cracked nipples. If you need to remove the breast urgently, touch the corner of the baby's mouth so that it relaxes and the breast can be easily removed.
  5. While feeding, watch the movements of the baby's mouth, listen to how he swallows, make sure that the baby is not just sucking, but also receiving milk.

Soreness is quite possible in the first weeks of feeding, this is due to the fact that the nipples are not yet accustomed to their new function and constant resorption. If applied correctly, the pain may be felt for the first few seconds, then it should go away. If you feel severe pain throughout the feeding, then you should practice your attachment technique. Pain is also possible with injured nipples.

After feeding, leave your breasts in the air for a couple of minutes, the remaining drop of milk will serve as a restoration and moisturizer for the nipples - this is a good prevention of cracks.

Try to feed one breast at a time, alternating them with each subsequent feeding. This will promote better lactation and prevent milk stagnation.

Putting a baby to the breast - video

From the second month, babies most often begin to gas and. In order not to aggravate this condition, it is not recommended to consume cabbage (all types), legumes, soda, and flour.

Usually, after three months, the baby’s digestion improves, and tummy problems are left behind. From this point on, the mother can gradually try to introduce new foods into her diet, observing the condition of her baby. Read more about the mother’s nutrition and health during breastfeeding.

4. Feeding according to the schedule or on demand

Some mothers feed their babies according to a schedule - every three hours, others - on demand, in a free schedule. What to choose? Doctors give completely different recommendations, convincing the mother to feed exactly this way and not otherwise. In order not to get confused, let's figure out why some doctors advise feeding by the hour, others - as needed.

Following a routine is convenient for mom so that she has free time and can plan her day. When feeding by the hour, the baby gets used to perceiving the mother’s breast only as food, without using it as a pacifier for comfort. Fewer regurgitations and digestive problems for the baby. The main disadvantage of feeding according to the schedule is the possible risk of deterioration of lactation, because the more milk the baby sucks, the more it comes. This option is not suitable for mothers who have little milk and are trying to establish lactation.

Feeding the baby at the first squeak is an option that is not suitable for many mothers, because they so want to devote time to themselves and their family, and not just to the baby. On the other hand, you don’t have to keep track of time, don’t count the hours, just apply the crumbs as desired, on demand. This option is very useful for good lactation. With frequent latches, you will spend a lot of time in close proximity to your baby, perhaps switching to co-sleeping so that you don’t have to get up many times at night. Monitor the condition of the nipples, because if the baby is constantly hanging on the chest, cracks may appear. Read about cracked nipples to prevent them from occurring.

Feeding according to a schedule or on demand is a choice that every mother makes with her child. You can always switch from regimen to free feeding and vice versa. The most important thing is that breastfeeding brings joy.

On our website you will find many more useful articles about breastfeeding.

For a baby in the first months of life, the most healthy nutrition is breast milk. The components included in its composition allow the baby to fully develop and grow. To prevent the feeding process from becoming a painful procedure, young mothers should not make common mistakes. They should know how to feed a child, when it is best to do it and what mistakes to avoid.

Now let's look at this in more detail.

Features of the first attachment of a newborn

The first placement of the baby on the mother's breast is the final process of childbirth. This manipulation is mandatory, because this is the only way to establish and enhance lactation. Let's take a closer look at why it is so important to put the baby to the mother's breast in the first minutes of birth?

The first application of the baby should occur immediately after its appearance in this world. It is important that the meeting between mother and baby occurs no later than 30 minutes. As soon as the baby was born, the doctor cut off his umbilical cord, and he was immediately sent to his mother’s breast.

The pediatrician present at the birth should help the baby find the nipple with his lips and grab it. This is exactly how the first application occurs.

Why so few? This time will be enough for him to feel his mother and receive the necessary portion of colostrum, the beneficial properties of which we will talk about later. In addition, the baby is laid naked on the mother’s chest, but he cannot remain undressed for a long time, as he will simply freeze.

The purpose of the first application is to feed the baby with valuable drops of colostrum. In this case, it is possible to form reliable immunity to protect the body. The reason is that colostrum contains valuable components. Thanks to them, the baby’s body is protected from various infections that tend to infect the still weakened body of the infant.

The first application is a kind of vaccination of a newborn baby against various ailments.

Valuable properties of colostrum

Colostrum is a secretion of the mammary glands, the production of which occurs before childbirth and during last days pregnancy. A secret arises against the background of the expectant mother’s body producing a hormone called. It is he who influences the formation of milk in a woman’s breast.

Colostrum is a liquid with a thick consistency. Its color is yellow or gray-yellow. The composition contains a large amount of:

  • proteins,
  • mineral microelements,
  • vitamin A,
  • vitamins B, E.

All these components are contained in large quantities, but sugar and fats are present in low concentrations.

The chemical composition of colostrum is quite complex and differs in many ways from the composition of milk. This secret contains more than 30 components. Each woman has a different composition of colostrum, which is associated with individual characteristics of the body.

Duration of feeding in the first days and weeks of life

Most inexperienced mothers are concerned about the duration of breastfeeding in the first days and weeks.

Doctors recommend feeding the baby until he releases the nipple on his own. How to prepare nipples for feeding. There is absolutely no need to set a specific feeding schedule, adhering to a specific time.

The baby should stay at the breast for as long as he wants. Typically this lasts 25 minutes. During this time, the baby manages to get enough of watery milk, and then fatter milk.

Mom should not remove the nipple from the baby's mouth if she begins to fall asleep. Feeding should be extended. Only in this case you need to make sure that the newborn does not choke. By sucking during sleep, the baby feeds on milk, which contains the most valuable fats and proteins.

The duration of feeding is determined by the age of the baby. The older he is, the faster and less often he eats. Already at 3 months, the baby’s body becomes strong, strong, and the child himself is able to absorb large amounts of milk. This is also the age when a baby in acute form experiences psycho-emotional discomfort and the need for reassurance.

How often to feed a baby in the first month

If breastfeeding is carried out by healthy and full-term babies, then the number of feedings per day will be 6-7 times. The break between feedings is 3 hours. It is important that the baby consumes a sufficient amount of the product.

To feed a one-month-old baby, you need 600 ml of milk per day. During one feeding he eats 100 ml.

Common Mom Mistakes

Very often, due to her inexperience, a nursing mother makes a number of common mistakes:

  1. When a woman experiences discomfort or pain while breastfeeding, then this is not worth tolerating. Sometimes the cause of discomfort is that the baby has not completely latched onto the breast. To fix the problem, you just need to adjust the breasts and attach them correctly.
    will teach the correct position and breastfeeding.
  2. Breastfeeding should occur on demand. There is no need to take away your breasts. The baby will let her go when he is satisfied.
  3. Mommies wake up their baby, who fell asleep after 5 minutes of sucking. This is wrong, although in such a short period the baby does not yet have time to be fully satisfied. In this case, you need to wait until the baby releases the nipple on its own.
  4. You should not give your baby two breasts at once at one feeding.. He is not yet able to suck one breast completely. When milk leaks from one breast during feeding from the other, it is worth putting a pad in your bra. Recommended for breastfeeding women. They feel more comfortable in special underwear.
  5. Don't pump after feeding. The mammary gland is designed in such a way that the more milk is taken from it, the more it will give.
    After feeding your baby and expressing milk, you stimulate the mammary glands to produce a large amount of milk, which can lead to stagnation. We described what this painful condition is in a previous article.

Feeding a baby lasts on average 25 minutes.

Useful information for nursing mothers and women preparing for motherhood about colostrum and breastfeeding in this video:

Feeding a child in the first month of life is a very responsible process that requires compliance with certain rules. If a nursing mother remembers them and sticks to them, then neither she nor the baby will have any problems during the feeding period.