Presentation for a lesson on mythology (ancient Greek and Slavic mythology). Presentation on the topic “Greek mythology Satyrs and Silenes

Greek mythology

The myths of Ancient Greece formed the basis of universal human culture, have an attractive force and deeply penetrated the ideas and way of thinking of modern people.

Greek mythology arose as an attempt by the ancients to explain the emergence of life on earth, the causes of natural phenomena against which man was powerless, and to determine his place in the environment.

Various stories ancient Greek myths constantly appear in the works of ancient Greek writers. The largest sources are:

Homer's Iliad and Odyssey

"Theogony" by Hesiod

Parian marble

"The Interpretation of Dreams" by Artemidorus of Daldian

"Library" of Pseudo-Apollodorus

"Metamorphoses" by Ovid

Greek mythology gave rise to all literature.

First generation of gods

At first there was Chaos . Gods emerging from Chaos - Gaia (Earth), Nikta/Nyukta (Night), Tartarus (Abyss), Erebus (Darkness), Eros (Love); gods who emerged from Gaia - Uranus (Sky) and Pont (inland Sea). The gods had the appearance of those natural elements that they embodied.

Second generation of gods

Children of Gaia (fathers - Uranus, Pontus and Tartarus) - Keto (mistress sea ​​monsters), Nereus (calm sea), Tavmant (sea wonders) Phorcys (guardian of the sea), Eurybia (sea power) titans and titanides . Children of Nyx and Erebus - Gemera (Day), Hypnos (Dream), Kera (Misfortune) Moira (Fate), Mom (Slander and Stupidity) Nemesis (Retribution), Thanatos (Death), Eris (Discord) Erinyes (Vengeance), Ether (Air); Ata (Deception).


Titans: Hyperion , Iapetus , Kay , Krios , Kronos , Ocean .

Titanides: Mnemosyne , Rhea , Theia , Tethys , Phoebe , Themis .

Children of the Titans (second generation of Titans): Asteria , Atlas , Helios (personification of the sun), Summer , Menetius , Prometheus , Selena (personification of the moon), Eos (personification of the morning dawn), Epimetheus .


Uranus is the god of the sky, the personification of the masculine principle of nature. Having united with mother earth (Gaia), he gave birth to all living things, including titans, giants and other deities. Heartless and cruel, he imprisoned his children, then the titan Kronos rebelled against him and took away his power.

Eos is the goddess of the dawn, sister of Helios (sun) and Selene (moon). Every morning, rising to the sky in her chariot, she made the sun rise and awakened the earth, showering it with diamond drops of dew.

The gods of Olympus

The Greek Mount Olympus is located in Thessaly. Its name means “roundness”, since the top on which, according to myths, the gods sat, was round, convenient for meetings. At first the titan gods lived there. They were mindless and cruel creatures.


Zeus is considered a truly Greek supreme deity. He is the father of men and the head of the Olympian family of gods. His name means "bright sky". Zeus defeated the cruel titan gods, including his father Cronus, because he was afraid of his children and devoured their newly born ones. The titan gods were thrown into Tartarus - into eternal darkness, and a new galaxy of gods appeared on Olympus, led by the supreme god Zeus.

In the kingdom of Zeus, everything is like in paradise: there is always a blue sky above your head, eternal summer reigns, the air is filled with pleasant aromas. Zeus himself sits on a golden throne. On the table of the gods ambrosia and nectar are the most blessed food and drink, bestowing eternal youth, health and immortality.

Statue of Zeus. Sculptor Phidias


Hera is the wife of Zeus, queen of gods and people, patroness of marriages. She, like her husband Zeus, commands thunder and lightning, at her word the sky is covered with dark rain clouds, and with a wave of her hand she raises menacing storms. The great Hera is beautiful. From under her crown, marvelous curls fall in a wave, her eyes glow with calm grandeur. The gods honor Hera, and her husband Zeus also honors and consults with her. Majestic, in long luxurious clothes, in a chariot drawn by two immortal horses, she rides down from Olympus. The pomegranate (a symbol of marriage and love), the cuckoo, the crow and the peacock are dedicated to Hera.

Temple of Hera

In many cities of Greece there were temples dedicated to the goddess Hera. These temples contained statues of Hera made of gold and ivory. Once every five years, festivals took place in honor of the goddess - the so-called hera.

Temple of Hera in Paestum (2nd quarter of the 5th century BC)


Themis is the keeper of the laws who stands at the throne of Zeus. She convenes, at the behest of the Thunderer, meetings of the gods on Olympus and popular meetings on earth, and ensures that order and law are not violated.


IN ancient greek mythology radiant and golden-haired Apollo - the god of light, sciences, arts and love, god-healer, patron of herds, guardian of roads, travelers and sailors, predictor of the future, personified the sun. The sacred animals of Apollo were the wolf, dolphin, and swan; among plants, olive, laurel, and palm were dedicated to him.

Bolshoi Theater in Moscow (Apollo on a Chariot)

Apollo statue


Artemis is a hunter-goddess, the patroness of the family hearth, livestock and wild animals, and the goddess of fertility. Artemis, an eternally young goddess, was born at the same time as her golden-haired brother Apollo.

Artemis of Ephesus

Temple of Artemis

Temple of Artemis at Ephesus

The cult of Artemis was widespread in Greece. In Asia, the temple of Artemis in Ephesus was especially famous (the same one that, wanting to “be famous,” burned Herostratus in 356 BC; hence the expression “Herostratus’ glory,” that is, the memory of the atrocity.)


Athena is one of the most revered goddesses of Greece, the goddess of wisdom, the patroness of cities and states both in days of peace and during war; she gave laws to people, she is the patroness of sciences, agriculture, and crafts. Athena is also considered the goddess of fair and reasonable war. Athena is a daughter born from Zeus himself from his head. She came out into the world fully armed, in a shiny helmet, with a spear and shield. She shook her sparkling spear menacingly. Her war cry rolled far across the sky and shook Olympus to its very foundation. Blue eyes Athens burned with wisdom, all of it shone with wondrous, powerful beauty.

Athena is fully armed. Sculptor Phidias

Acropolis in Athens

In Greece, Athena is the main deity of the country and city of Athens. The main temple of the goddess is the Parthenon, where her giant statue by Phidias, covered with gold and ivory, was located. The Acropolis is a fortified city located on a 150-meter hill. According to legend, two deities fought for his protection - the ruler of the seas, Poseidon and Athena. Everyone had to make a gift to the city. Whoseever turns out to be more useful, his name will remain with the city. Poseidon gave sea water, and Athena - an olive tree. The Olympian gods, who judged the dispute, considered Athena’s gift more important and more useful for the inhabitants and gave the city under her protection and named it Athens.

Acropolis in Athens (in the center of the Parthenon)


Hermes is one of the ancient gods Greece. He was the patron god of flocks, and he was depicted with a lamb on his shoulders. Hermes is the patron of trade, which means dexterity, deception and even theft. In addition, he patronized young men in their gymnastic exercises, mandatory in Greek education.

Hermes statue


Hephaestus is the god of fire and blacksmithing, patron of metallurgy. Hephaestus is the only one of the Olympian gods who engaged in physical labor; he built magnificent copper palaces for himself and the gods, for Achilles he forged extraordinary armor, for Dimeter - armor, for Zeus - a scepter and aegis. He was depicted as a bearded, broad-shouldered blacksmith with a hammer or tongs.


Ares is one of the main Olympic gods, the god of war, the personification of ferocious belligerence, the source of death, destruction and bloodshed. He was young, strong and handsome. He was depicted as a mighty warrior wearing a helmet. His symbols are a burning torch, a spear, dogs and vultures.

Champ de Mars

Champ de Mars

In St. Petersburg, the square for holding military parades was called the Campus Martius (the Romans had the god of war Mars), this name has been preserved to this day; near the Champ de Mars there is a monument to A.V. Suvorov - the commander is depicted as a Roman warrior.

Monument to A.V. Suvorov


Birth of Venus. Hood. S. Botticelli

Aphrodite, Eros and Pan

Aphrodite - originally the goddess of fertility, then the goddess of love and beauty. There are two versions of its origin. According to one, she is the daughter of Zeus and the nymph Dione, according to another, she was born from sea foam. She was also considered the patroness of navigation. A dolphin was dedicated to her as a sea goddess, a sparrow, a dove, a hare as a goddess of fertility, and a myrtle, a rose, a poppy and an apple as a goddess of love.


Cypris is the second name for Aphrodite. She was born near the island of Cythera from the snow-white foam of sea waves. A light breeze brought it to the island of Cyprus (hence the name). The island of Cyprus was the main center of the cult of Aphrodite; here in the city of Paphos there was a temple of the goddess revered by all Greeks.

Messengers of Aphrodite

Aphrodite has messengers through whom she carries out her will. These are Eros and Hymen. Eros is the son of Aphrodite, a cheerful, playful, insidious, and sometimes cruel boy. He flies on shiny golden wings over the lands and seas, in his hands is a small golden bow, behind his shoulders is a quiver of arrows. The arrows of Eros bring joy and happiness, but often they bring suffering, the torment of love and even death. Having been pricked by his own arrow, he fell in love with the mortal Psyche, the goddess who personifies the human soul, and married her, Zeus granted her immortality.

Hymen is the young god of marriage. He flies on his snow-white wings ahead of the wedding processions. He blesses the marriage of the young and sends them a joyful life.

Eros and Psyche


Demeter is the sister of Zeus, the goddess of fertility and agriculture. The Greeks began to honor her as the greatest goddess at a time when agriculture became their main occupation. Temples were built in honor of Demeter, where magnificent festivities took place.

"Temple of Demeter" in Paestum, Lucania. 2nd half of 6th century BC.


Dionysus is the god of vegetation, wine and winemaking, one of the most ancient and popular gods of Greece. Several cheerful holidays were dedicated to Dionysus, celebrated from late autumn to spring. These festivities marked the beginning of theatrical performances. During the Great Dionysia, choirs of singers dressed in goat skins performed in Athens and performed special hymns-dithyrambs, the singing was accompanied by dancing; thus a tragedy arose (translated from Greek as “goat song”). From the winter dithyrambs, in which the sufferings of Dionysus were mourned, a tragedy developed, and from the spring, joyful ones, accompanied by laughter and jokes, a comedy developed.

Pan is the god of forests and groves, the god of shepherds, guardian of herds, patron of hunters, beekeepers, and fishermen. This is a cheerful god, a companion of Dionysus, he dances and plays the pipe. But he can also instill panic and horror in those who disturb his peace and solitude. It can bring the same horror to enemies in war. The Greeks believed that he helped them win the battles of Marathon and Salamis. Therefore, a cave on the Athenian Acropolis was dedicated to Pan and torchlight processions were held annually in his honor. It was believed that Pan had the gift of prophecy and endowed Apollo with this gift.

Pan. Hood. M. Vrubel


Asclepius is the god of healing, son of Apollo. A mortal, he was considered such a skilled physician that he was capable of raising the dead. For this, the angry Zeus struck him with lightning, but he did not descend to Hades, but became the god of medicine.


Nike is the winged goddess of victory, the constant companion of Zeus. It is believed that she accompanied the Greeks in the fight against the Persians. A temple was built in her honor on the Greek Acropolis in Athens. It was located on the spot where, according to myth, the Athenian king Aegeus threw himself off a cliff into the sea, deciding that his son Theseus had died in a battle with the evil Minotaur, the devourer of people. Since then the sea has been called the Aegean. During the Turkish occupation, the Nike Temple was destroyed.


Hestia, the goddess of the hearth, was very popular because she protected the home and its inhabitants. Every home had an altar where the family brought gifts to her. Calm and gentle, she never took part in the jealous quarrels that often broke out on Olympus. She gave up her place on Olympus to Dionysus.



Eris is the daughter of Zeus and Night, sister and companion of Ares, goddess of discord, mother of disasters, quarrels and hunger. Being vindictive and evil, she caused a lot of trouble to gods and people. Her intrigues served as the reason for the Trojan War.

Hebe, the daughter of Zeus and Hera, offered nectar and ambrosia at feasts. It was believed that she became the wife of the Greek hero Hercules when he ascended to Olympus.


Poseidon is the god of the sea. He is the brother of Zeus and Hades and lives deep in the depths of the sea in a wonderful palace. Poseidon rules over the seas, and the waves of the sea are obedient to the slightest movement of his hand, armed with a formidable trident. When Poseidon in his chariot, harnessed by wondrous horses, rushes across the sea, the ever-noisy waves part and make way for their master. When Poseidon waves his formidable trident, then sea waves, covered with white crests of foam, rise like mountains, and a fierce storm rages on the sea.

Temple of Poseidon. V century BC.

Monuments to Poseidon

Statue of Poseidon in the port of Copenhagen, Denmark

Poseidon Fountain

Aeolus, the lord of the winds, could send both a storm or a light breeze in the heat. According to one version, he was fed by a cow. According to another, he was born and raised in Metaponte, where his mother fled. When he was expelled, he settled on the Aeolian Islands in the Tyrrhenian Sea and founded the city of Lipara.

Deep underground reigns the inexorable, gloomy brother of Zeus and Poseidon, Hades. The kingdom of Hades is the kingdom of the souls of the dead. The rays of the sun never penetrate there. Light shadows of the dead rush across the dark fields of the kingdom of Hades. They complain about their joyless life without light and without desires. There is no return for anyone from this kingdom of sadness. The three-headed dog Kerber is guarding the exit.

Dead island. Hood. A. Beklin


Persephone is the daughter of Zeus and Demeter, the personification of the annual dying and awakening of nature. Kidnapped by Hades, she became the queen of the underworld, but Demeter missed her very much. Zeus then decided that Persephone would spend half the year with her mother (spring and summer) and half the year with Hades (autumn and winter). According to the Greeks, this was the reason why the seasons changed each other.

Myths, legends and tales are the fantastic ideas of our ancestors about the world around us; they are a kind of history of the past. Greek myths received further development in ancient Roman legends.

Read Greco-Roman mythology!


  • Legends and tales of Ancient Greece and Ancient Rome. M., Pravda, 1988.

2. Kubeev M.N. 100 great legends and myths of the world. M., “Veche”, 2010.

3. Kubeev M.N. 100 Great Wonders of the World. M., "Veche", 2009.




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Myths of Ancient Greece Introduction

  • Introduction
  • Zeus overthrows Cronus. The fight of the Olympian Gods with the Titans
  • The fight between Zeus and Typhon
  • Aphrodite
  • Apollo
  • The struggle between Apollo and Python and the founding of the Dolphinian oracle
  • Poseidon and the Sea Deities
  • Kingdom of Dark Hades
  • Religious ideas of the ancient Greeks about the world of the gods
  • The religious ideas and religious life of the ancient Greeks were in close connection with their entire historical life. The gods lived on Mount Olympus. There was a hierarchy between them, like between people: there were main Gods, minor ones, demigods (heroes in Greek mythology, for example Hercules). The gods were present in the life of the Greeks as naturally as all greek nature. They often interfered in people's lives and competed with each other for influence on people.
Example - legendary Trojan War, the cause of which was a quarrel between Athena and her relatives Hera and Aphrodite. According to Greek mythology, all the Gods were relatives, and their ancestors were Zeus and Hera.
  • An example is the legendary Trojan War, the cause of which was a quarrel between Athena and her relatives Hera and Aphrodite. According to Greek mythology, all the Gods were relatives, and their ancestors were Zeus and Hera.
  • Kron was not sure that power would remain in his hands forever. He was afraid that his children would rebel against him and would subject him to the same fate to which he doomed his father Uranus. He was afraid of his children. And Kron ordered his wife Rhea to bring him the children that were born and mercilessly swallowed them. Rhea was horrified when she saw the fate of her children. Cronus has already swallowed five: Hestia, Demeter, Hera, Hades (Hades) and Poseidon.
Rhea did not want to lose her last child. On the advice of her parents, Uranus-Heaven and Gaia-Earth, she retired to the island of Crete, and there, in a deep cave, her youngest was born son Zeus. In this cave, Rhea hid her son from her cruel father, and instead of her son she gave him a long stone wrapped in swaddling clothes to swallow. Krohn had no idea that he had been deceived by his wife.
  • Rhea did not want to lose her last child. On the advice of her parents, Uranus-Heaven and Gaia-Earth, she retired to the island of Crete, and there, in a deep cave, her youngest son Zeus was born. In this cave, Rhea hid her son from her cruel father, and instead of her son she gave him a long stone wrapped in swaddling clothes to swallow. Krohn had no idea that he had been deceived by his wife.
Zeus, meanwhile, grew up in Crete. The nymphs Adrastea and Idea cherished little Zeus; they fed him with the milk of the divine goat Amalthea. The bees brought honey to little Zeus from the slopes high mountain Dictations. At the entrance to the cave, the young Kuretes struck their shields with swords every time little Zeus cried, so that Kronos would not hear him cry, and Zeus would not suffer the fate of his brothers and sisters.
  • Zeus, meanwhile, grew up in Crete. The nymphs Adrastea and Idea cherished little Zeus; they fed him with the milk of the divine goat Amalthea. The bees brought honey to little Zeus from the slopes of the high mountain Dikta. At the entrance to the cave, the young Kuretes struck their shields with swords every time little Zeus cried, so that Kronos would not hear him cry, and Zeus would not suffer the fate of his brothers and sisters.
  • The beautiful and powerful god Zeus grew up and matured. He rebelled against his father and forced him to bring back into the world the children he had absorbed. One after another, Kron spewed out his children-gods, beautiful and bright, from the mouth. They began to fight with Kron and the Titans for power over the world.
This struggle was terrible and stubborn. The children of Kron established themselves on high Olympus. Some of the titans also took their side, and the first were the titan Ocean and his daughter Styx and their children Zeal, Power and Victory. This struggle was dangerous for the Olympian gods.
  • This struggle was terrible and stubborn. The children of Kron established themselves on high Olympus. Some of the titans also took their side, and the first were the titan Ocean and his daughter Styx and their children Zeal, Power and Victory. This struggle was dangerous for the Olympian gods.
Their opponents, the Titans, were powerful and formidable. But the Cyclopes came to the aid of Zeus. They forged thunder and lightning for him, Zeus threw them at the titans. The struggle had already lasted ten years, but victory did not lean on either side.
  • Their opponents, the Titans, were powerful and formidable. But the Cyclopes came to the aid of Zeus. They forged thunder and lightning for him, Zeus threw them at the titans. The struggle had already lasted ten years, but victory did not lean on either side.
Finally, Zeus decided to free the hundred-armed giants Hecatoncheires from the bowels of the earth; he called them to help. Terrible, huge as mountains, they emerged from the bowels of the earth and rushed into battle. They tore entire rocks from the mountains and threw them at the titans. Hundreds of rocks flew towards the titans when they approached Olympus. The earth groaned, a roar filled the air, everything around was shaking. Even Tartarus shuddered from this struggle.
  • Finally, Zeus decided to free the hundred-armed giants Hecatoncheires from the bowels of the earth; he called them to help. Terrible, huge as mountains, they emerged from the bowels of the earth and rushed into battle. They tore entire rocks from the mountains and threw them at the titans. Hundreds of rocks flew towards the titans when they approached Olympus. The earth groaned, a roar filled the air, everything around was shaking. Even Tartarus shuddered from this struggle.
Zeus threw fiery lightning and deafeningly roaring thunder one after another. Fire engulfed the entire earth, the seas boiled, smoke and stench covered everything with a thick veil.
  • Zeus threw fiery lightning and deafeningly roaring thunder one after another. Fire engulfed the entire earth, the seas boiled, smoke and stench covered everything with a thick veil.
  • Finally, the mighty titans wavered. Their strength was broken, they were defeated. The Olympians chained them and cast them into gloomy Tartarus, into eternal darkness. At the copper indestructible gates of Tartarus, the hundred-armed hecatoncheires stood guard, and they guard so that the mighty titans do not break free from Tartarus again. The power of the titans in the world has passed.
  • But the struggle did not end there. Gaia-Earth was angry with the Olympian Zeus for treating her defeated titan children so harshly. She married the gloomy Tartarus and gave birth to the terrible hundred-headed monster Typhon. Huge, with a hundred dragon heads, Typhon rose from the bowels of the earth.
He shook the air with a wild howl. The barking of dogs, human voices, the roar of an angry bull, the roar of a lion were heard in this howl. Turbulent flames swirled around Typhon, and the earth shook under his heavy steps. The gods shuddered with horror, but Zeus the Thunderer boldly rushed at him, and the battle broke out.
  • He shook the air with a wild howl. The barking of dogs, human voices, the roar of an angry bull, the roar of a lion were heard in this howl. Turbulent flames swirled around Typhon, and the earth shook under his heavy steps. The gods shuddered with horror, but Zeus the Thunderer boldly rushed at him, and the battle broke out.
Lightning flashed again in the hands of Zeus, and thunder rumbled. The earth and the firmament were shaken to the core. The earth flared up again with a bright flame, just as during the fight with the titans. The seas were boiling at the mere approach of Typhon.
  • Lightning flashed again in the hands of Zeus, and thunder rumbled. The earth and the firmament were shaken to the core. The earth flared up again with a bright flame, just as during the fight with the titans. The seas were boiling at the mere approach of Typhon.
Hundreds of fiery lightning arrows rained down from the thunderer Zeus; it seemed as if their fire was making the very air burn and the dark thunderclouds were burning. Zeus incinerated all of Typhon's hundred heads. Typhon collapsed to the ground; such heat emanated from his body that everything around him melted.
  • Hundreds of fiery lightning arrows rained down from the thunderer Zeus; it seemed as if their fire was making the very air burn and the dark thunderclouds were burning. Zeus incinerated all of Typhon's hundred heads. Typhon collapsed to the ground; such heat emanated from his body that everything around him melted.
Zeus raised Typhon's body and threw it into the gloomy Tartarus, which gave birth to him. But even in Tartarus, Typhon also threatens the gods and all living things. It causes storms and eruptions; he gave birth to Echidna, half-woman, half-snake, the terrible two-headed dog Orph, the hellish dog Kerberus, the Lernaean Hydra and the Chimera; Typhon often shakes the earth.
  • Zeus raised Typhon's body and threw it into the gloomy Tartarus, which gave birth to him. But even in Tartarus, Typhon also threatens the gods and all living things. It causes storms and eruptions; he gave birth to Echidna, half-woman, half-snake, the terrible two-headed dog Orph, the hellish dog Kerberus, the Lernaean Hydra and the Chimera; Typhon often shakes the earth.
The Olympian gods defeated their enemies. No one could resist their power anymore. They could now calmly rule the world. The most powerful of them, the thunderer Zeus, took the sky for himself, Poseidon took the sea, and Hades took the underground kingdom of the souls of the dead.
  • The Olympian gods defeated their enemies. No one could resist their power anymore. They could now calmly rule the world. The most powerful of them, the thunderer Zeus, took the sky for himself, Poseidon took the sea, and Hades took the underground kingdom of the souls of the dead.
The land remained in common possession. Although the sons of Kron divided the power over the world among themselves, the lord of the sky, Zeus, still reigns over them all; he rules people and gods, he knows everything in the world.
  • The land remained in common possession. Although the sons of Kron divided the power over the world among themselves, the lord of the sky, Zeus, still reigns over them all; he rules people and gods, he knows everything in the world.
  • The great goddess Hera, the wife of the aegis-power Zeus, patronizes marriage and protects the holiness and inviolability of marriage unions. She sends the spouses numerous offspring and blesses the mother during the birth of the child.
The great goddess Hera, after she and her brothers and sisters were spewed out of her mouth by the defeated Zeus, was carried by her mother Rhea to the ends of the earth to the gray Ocean; Hera was raised there by Thetis. Hera lived for a long time away from Olympus, in peace and quiet.
  • The great goddess Hera, after she and her brothers and sisters were spewed out of her mouth by the defeated Zeus, was carried by her mother Rhea to the ends of the earth to the gray Ocean; Hera was raised there by Thetis. Hera lived for a long time away from Olympus, in peace and quiet.
The great thunderer Zeus saw her, fell in love and kidnapped her from Thetis. The gods celebrated the wedding of Zeus and Hera magnificently. Iris and the Charites clothed Hera in luxurious clothes, and she shone with her youthful, majestic beauty among the host of gods of Olympus, sitting on a golden throne next to the great king of gods and people, Zeus.
  • The great thunderer Zeus saw her, fell in love and kidnapped her from Thetis. The gods celebrated the wedding of Zeus and Hera magnificently. Iris and the Charites clothed Hera in luxurious clothes, and she shone with her youthful, majestic beauty among the host of gods of Olympus, sitting on a golden throne next to the great king of gods and people, Zeus.
All the gods presented gifts to the queen Hera, and the goddess Earth-Gaia grew from her bowels a wondrous apple tree with golden fruits as a gift to Hera. Everything in nature glorified Queen Hera and King Zeus.
  • All the gods presented gifts to the queen Hera, and the goddess Earth-Gaia grew from her bowels a wondrous apple tree with golden fruits as a gift to Hera. Everything in nature glorified Queen Hera and King Zeus.
  • Hera reigns on high Olympus. She, like her husband Zeus, commands thunder and lightning, at her word the sky is covered with dark rain clouds, and with a wave of her hand she raises menacing storms.
The great Hera is beautiful, hair-eyed, lily-armed, from under her crown a wave of wondrous curls fall, her eyes glow with power and calm majesty. The gods honor Hera, and her husband, the cloud suppressor Zeus, honors her, and often consults with her. But quarrels between Zeus and Hera are also common. Hera often objects to Zeus and argues with him at the councils of the gods. Then the Thunderer gets angry and threatens his wife with punishment. Then Hera falls silent and restrains her anger. She remembers how Zeus subjected her to scourging, how he bound her with golden chains and hung her between the earth and the sky, tying two heavy anvils to her feet.
  • The great Hera is beautiful, hair-eyed, lily-armed, from under her crown a wave of wondrous curls fall, her eyes glow with power and calm majesty. The gods honor Hera, and her husband, the cloud suppressor Zeus, honors her, and often consults with her. But quarrels between Zeus and Hera are also common. Hera often objects to Zeus and argues with him at the councils of the gods. Then the Thunderer gets angry and threatens his wife with punishment. Then Hera falls silent and restrains her anger. She remembers how Zeus subjected her to scourging, how he bound her with golden chains and hung her between the earth and the sky, tying two heavy anvils to her feet.
Hera is powerful, there is no goddess equal to her in power. Majestic, in long luxurious clothes woven by Athena herself, in a chariot drawn by two immortal horses, she rides down from Olympus. The chariot is all made of silver, the wheels are made of pure gold, and their spokes sparkle with copper. Fragrance spreads across the ground where Hera passes. All living things bow before her, the great queen of Olympus.
  • Hera is powerful, there is no goddess equal to her in power. Majestic, in long luxurious clothes woven by Athena herself, in a chariot drawn by two immortal horses, she rides down from Olympus. The chariot is all made of silver, the wheels are made of pure gold, and their spokes sparkle with copper. Fragrance spreads across the ground where Hera passes. All living things bow before her, the great queen of Olympus.
  • Aphrodite was originally the goddess of the sky, sending rain, and also, apparently, the goddess of the sea. The myth of Aphrodite and her cult were strongly influenced by Eastern influence, mainly by the cult of the Phoenician goddess Astarte. Gradually Aphrodite becomes the goddess of love. The god of love Eros (Cupid) is her son.
  • It is not for the pampered, flighty goddess Aphrodite to interfere in bloody battles. She awakens love in the hearts of gods and mortals. Thanks to this power, she reigns over the whole world.
No one can escape her power, not even the gods. Only the warrior Athena, Hestia and Artemis are not subject to her power. Tall, slender, with delicate features, with a soft wave of golden hair lying like a crown on her beautiful head, Aphrodite is the personification of divine beauty and unfading youth. When she walks, in the radiance of her beauty, in fragrant clothes, then the sun shines brighter, the flowers bloom more luxuriantly.
  • No one can escape her power, not even the gods. Only the warrior Athena, Hestia and Artemis are not subject to her power. Tall, slender, with delicate features, with a soft wave of golden hair lying like a crown on her beautiful head, Aphrodite is the personification of divine beauty and unfading youth. When she walks, in the radiance of her beauty, in fragrant clothes, then the sun shines brighter, the flowers bloom more luxuriantly.
Wild forest animals run towards her from the thicket of the forest; Birds flock to her as she walks through the forest. Lions, panthers, leopards and bears meekly caress her. Aphrodite walks calmly among the wild animals, proud of her radiant beauty. Her companions Ora and Harita, goddesses of beauty and grace, serve her. They dress the goddess in luxurious clothes, comb her golden hair, and crown her head with a sparkling diadem.
  • Wild forest animals run towards her from the thicket of the forest; Birds flock to her as she walks through the forest. Lions, panthers, leopards and bears meekly caress her. Aphrodite walks calmly among the wild animals, proud of her radiant beauty. Her companions Ora and Harita, goddesses of beauty and grace, serve her. They dress the goddess in luxurious clothes, comb her golden hair, and crown her head with a sparkling diadem.
Near the island of Cythera, Aphrodite, daughter of Uranus, was born from the snow-white foam of sea waves. A light, caressing breeze brought her to the island of Cyprus. There the young Oras surrounded the goddess of love who emerged from the sea waves. They clothed her in gold-woven clothing and crowned her with a wreath of fragrant flowers.
  • Near the island of Cythera, Aphrodite, daughter of Uranus, was born from the snow-white foam of sea waves. A light, caressing breeze brought her to the island of Cyprus. There the young Oras surrounded the goddess of love who emerged from the sea waves. They clothed her in gold-woven clothing and crowned her with a wreath of fragrant flowers.
Wherever Aphrodite stepped, flowers grew magnificently. The whole air was full of fragrance. Eros and Himerot led the wondrous goddess to Olympus. The gods greeted her loudly. Since then, golden Aphrodite, forever young, the most beautiful of goddesses, has always lived among the gods of Olympus.
  • Wherever Aphrodite stepped, flowers grew magnificently. The whole air was full of fragrance. Eros and Himerot led the wondrous goddess to Olympus. The gods greeted her loudly. Since then, golden Aphrodite, forever young, the most beautiful of goddesses, has always lived among the gods of Olympus.
  • The god of light, golden-haired Apollo, was born on the island of Delos. His mother Latona, driven by the wrath of the goddess Hera, could not find shelter for herself anywhere. Pursued by the dragon Python sent by Hera, she wandered all over the world and finally took refuge in Delos, which at that time was rushing along the waves of a stormy sea. As soon as Latona entered Delos, huge pillars rose from the depths of the sea and stopped this deserted island.
He became unshakable in the place where he still stands. All around Delos the sea roared. The cliffs of Delos rose sadly, bare without the slightest vegetation. Only sea gulls found shelter on these rocks and filled them with their sad cry.
  • He became unshakable in the place where he still stands. All around Delos the sea roared. The cliffs of Delos rose sadly, bare without the slightest vegetation. Only sea gulls found shelter on these rocks and filled them with their sad cry.
But then the god of light Apollo was born, and streams of bright light spread everywhere. They covered the rocks of Delos like gold. Everything around blossomed and sparkled: the coastal cliffs, Mount Kint, the valley, and the sea. The goddesses gathered on Delos loudly praised the born god, offering him ambrosia and nectar. All nature around rejoiced along with the goddesses.
  • But then the god of light Apollo was born, and streams of bright light spread everywhere. They covered the rocks of Delos like gold. Everything around blossomed and sparkled: the coastal cliffs, Mount Kint, the valley, and the sea. The goddesses gathered on Delos loudly praised the born god, offering him ambrosia and nectar. All nature around rejoiced along with the goddesses.
  • The young, radiant Apollo rushed across the azure sky with a cithara in his hands, with a silver bow over his shoulders; golden arrows rang loudly in his quiver. Proud, jubilant, Apollo rushed high above the earth, threatening everything evil, everything born of darkness. He strove to where the formidable Python lived, pursuing his mother Latona; he wanted to take revenge on him for all the evil that he caused her.
Apollo quickly reached the gloomy gorge, the home of Python. Rocks rose all around, reaching high into the sky. Darkness reigned in the gorge. A mountain stream, gray with foam, rushed rapidly along its bottom, and mists swirled above the stream. The terrible Python crawled out of his lair. His huge body, covered with scales, twisted between the rocks in countless rings. Rocks and mountains trembled from the weight of his body and moved from place.
  • Apollo quickly reached the gloomy gorge, the home of Python. Rocks rose all around, reaching high into the sky. Darkness reigned in the gorge. A mountain stream, gray with foam, rushed rapidly along its bottom, and mists swirled above the stream. The terrible Python crawled out of his lair. His huge body, covered with scales, twisted between the rocks in countless rings. Rocks and mountains trembled from the weight of his body and moved from place.
The furious Python brought devastation to everything, he spread death all around. The nymphs and all living things fled in horror. Python rose, powerful, furious, opened his terrible mouth and was ready to devour the golden-haired Apollo. Then the ringing of the string of a silver bow was heard, as a spark flashed in the air of a golden arrow that could not miss, followed by another, a third; arrows rained down on Python, and he fell lifeless to the ground.
  • The furious Python brought devastation to everything, he spread death all around. The nymphs and all living things fled in horror. Python rose, powerful, furious, opened his terrible mouth and was ready to devour the golden-haired Apollo. Then the ringing of the string of a silver bow was heard, as a spark flashed in the air of a golden arrow that could not miss, followed by another, a third; arrows rained down on Python, and he fell lifeless to the ground.
The triumphant victory song (paean) of the golden-haired Apollo, the conqueror of Python, sounded loudly, and the golden strings of the god’s cithara echoed it. Apollo buried the body of Python in the ground where the sacred Delphi stands, and founded a sanctuary and an oracle in Delphi in order to prophesy in it to people the will of his father Zeus.
  • The triumphant victory song (paean) of the golden-haired Apollo, the conqueror of Python, sounded loudly, and the golden strings of the god’s cithara echoed it. Apollo buried the body of Python in the ground where the sacred Delphi stands, and founded a sanctuary and an oracle in Delphi in order to prophesy in it to people the will of his father Zeus.
From a high shore far out to sea, Apollo saw a ship of Cretan sailors. In the guise of a dolphin, he rushed into the blue sea, overtook the ship and flew up from the sea waves to its stern like a radiant star. Apollo brought the ship to the pier of the city of Chris and led the Cretan sailors through a fertile valley, playing the golden cithara, to Delphi. He made them the first priests of his sanctuary.
  • From a high shore far out to sea, Apollo saw a ship of Cretan sailors. In the guise of a dolphin, he rushed into the blue sea, overtook the ship and flew up from the sea waves to its stern like a radiant star. Apollo brought the ship to the pier of the city of Chris and led the Cretan sailors through a fertile valley, playing the golden cithara, to Delphi. He made them the first priests of his sanctuary.
  • The god of war, the frantic Ares, is the son of the thunderer Zeus and Hera. Zeus doesn't like him. He often tells his son that he is the most hated among the gods of Olympus. Zeus does not like his son for his bloodthirstiness. If Ares had not been his son, he would have long ago cast him into the gloomy Tartarus, where the titans languish. The heart of the ferocious Ares is pleased only by brutal battles. Furious, he rushes among the roar of weapons, screams and groans of battle between the combatants, in sparkling weapons, with a huge shield. Following him rush his sons, Deimos and Phobos - horror and fear, and next to them is the goddess of discord Eris and the murderous goddess Enyuo.
The battle is boiling and roaring; Ares rejoices; The warriors fall with a groan. Ares triumphs when he slays a warrior with his terrible sword and hot blood flows to the ground. He strikes indiscriminately both right and left; a pile of bodies around a cruel god. Ares is fierce, furious, and formidable, but victory does not always accompany him. Ares often has to yield to the warlike daughter of Zeus, Pallas Athena, on the battlefield. She defeats Ares with wisdom and a calm consciousness of strength.
  • The battle is boiling and roaring; Ares rejoices; The warriors fall with a groan. Ares triumphs when he slays a warrior with his terrible sword and hot blood flows to the ground. He strikes indiscriminately both right and left; a pile of bodies around a cruel god. Ares is fierce, furious, and formidable, but victory does not always accompany him. Ares often has to yield to the warlike daughter of Zeus, Pallas Athena, on the battlefield. She defeats Ares with wisdom and a calm consciousness of strength.
Often, mortal heroes defeat Ares, especially if they are helped by the bright-eyed Pallas Athena. This is how the hero Diomedes struck Ares with a copper spear under the walls of Troy. Athena herself directed the blow. The terrible cry of the wounded god echoed far across the army of the Trojans and Greeks. As if ten thousand warriors screamed at once, entering into a fierce battle, Ares, covered in copper armor, screamed in pain. The Greeks and Trojans shuddered in horror, and the frantic Ares rushed, shrouded in a dark cloud, covered in blood, complaining about Athena to his father Zeus. But Father Zeus did not listen to his complaints. He does not love his son, who only enjoys strife, battles and murder.
  • Often, mortal heroes defeat Ares, especially if they are helped by the bright-eyed Pallas Athena. This is how the hero Diomedes struck Ares with a copper spear under the walls of Troy. Athena herself directed the blow. The terrible cry of the wounded god echoed far across the army of the Trojans and Greeks. As if ten thousand warriors screamed at once, entering into a fierce battle, Ares, covered in copper armor, screamed in pain. The Greeks and Trojans shuddered in horror, and the frantic Ares rushed, shrouded in a dark cloud, covered in blood, complaining about Athena to his father Zeus. But Father Zeus did not listen to his complaints. He does not love his son, who only enjoys strife, battles and murder.
  • Deep in the depths of the sea stands the wonderful palace of the great brother of the thunderer Zeus, the earth shaker Poseidon. Poseidon rules over the seas, and the waves of the sea are obedient to the slightest movement of his hand, armed with a formidable trident. There, in the depths of the sea, lives with Poseidon and his beautiful wife Amphitrite, the daughter of the prophetic sea elder Nereus, who was kidnapped by the great ruler of the sea depths Poseidon from her father. He once saw how she led a round dance with her Nereid sisters on the shore of the island of Naxos.
The god of the sea was captivated by the beautiful Amphitrite and wanted to take her away in his chariot. But Amphitrite took refuge with the titan Atlas, who holds the vault of heaven on his mighty shoulders. For a long time Poseidon could not find the beautiful daughter of Nereus. Finally, a dolphin opened her hiding place to him; For this service, Poseidon placed the dolphin among the celestial constellations. Poseidon stole the beautiful daughter Nereus from Atlas and married her.
  • The god of the sea was captivated by the beautiful Amphitrite and wanted to take her away in his chariot. But Amphitrite took refuge with the titan Atlas, who holds the vault of heaven on his mighty shoulders. For a long time Poseidon could not find the beautiful daughter of Nereus. Finally, a dolphin opened her hiding place to him; For this service, Poseidon placed the dolphin among the celestial constellations. Poseidon stole the beautiful daughter Nereus from Atlas and married her.
Since then, Amphitrite has lived with her husband Poseidon in an underwater palace. Sea waves roar high above the palace. Hundreds of sea deities surround Poseidon, obedient to his will. Among them is Poseidon's son Triton, who with the thunderous sound of his shell trumpet causes menacing storms. Among the deities are Amphitrite’s beautiful sisters, the Nereids. Poseidon rules over the sea. When he rushes across the sea in his chariot drawn by wondrous horses, then the ever-noisy waves part and make way for the ruler Poseidon.
  • Since then, Amphitrite has lived with her husband Poseidon in an underwater palace. Sea waves roar high above the palace. Hundreds of sea deities surround Poseidon, obedient to his will. Among them is Poseidon's son Triton, who with the thunderous sound of his shell trumpet causes menacing storms. Among the deities are Amphitrite’s beautiful sisters, the Nereids. Poseidon rules over the sea. When he rushes across the sea in his chariot drawn by wondrous horses, then the ever-noisy waves part and make way for the ruler Poseidon.
Equal in beauty to Zeus himself, he quickly rushes across the boundless sea, and dolphins play around him, fish swim out of the depths of the sea and crowd around his chariot. When Poseidon waves his formidable trident, then sea waves, covered with white crests of foam, rise like mountains, and a fierce storm rages on the sea. Then the sea waves crash noisily against the coastal rocks and shake the earth. But Poseidon extends his trident over the waves, and they calm down. The storm subsides, the sea is calm again, smooth as a mirror, and barely audibly splashes along the shore - blue, boundless.
  • Equal in beauty to Zeus himself, he quickly rushes across the boundless sea, and dolphins play around him, fish swim out of the depths of the sea and crowd around his chariot. When Poseidon waves his formidable trident, then sea waves, covered with white crests of foam, rise like mountains, and a fierce storm rages on the sea. Then the sea waves crash noisily against the coastal rocks and shake the earth. But Poseidon extends his trident over the waves, and they calm down. The storm subsides, the sea is calm again, smooth as a mirror, and barely audibly splashes along the shore - blue, boundless.
Many deities surround Zeus's great brother, Poseidon; among them is the prophetic sea elder, Nereus, who knows all the innermost secrets of the future. Nereus is alien to lies and deception; He reveals only the truth to gods and mortals. The advice given by the prophetic elder is wise. Nereus has fifty beautiful daughters. Young Nereids splash merrily in the waves of the sea, sparkling among them with their divine beauty. Holding hands, a line of them swim out of the depths of the sea and dance in a circle on the shore under the gentle splash of the waves of the calm sea quietly rushing onto the shore. The echo of the coastal rocks then repeats the sounds of their gentle singing, like the quiet roar of the sea. The Nereids patronize the sailor and give him a happy voyage.
  • Many deities surround Zeus's great brother, Poseidon; among them is the prophetic sea elder, Nereus, who knows all the innermost secrets of the future. Nereus is alien to lies and deception; He reveals only the truth to gods and mortals. The advice given by the prophetic elder is wise. Nereus has fifty beautiful daughters. Young Nereids splash merrily in the waves of the sea, sparkling among them with their divine beauty. Holding hands, a line of them swim out of the depths of the sea and dance in a circle on the shore under the gentle splash of the waves of the calm sea quietly rushing onto the shore. The echo of the coastal rocks then repeats the sounds of their gentle singing, like the quiet roar of the sea. The Nereids patronize the sailor and give him a happy voyage.
Among the deities of the sea is the old man Proteus, who, like the sea, changes his image and turns, at will, into various animals and monsters. He is also a prophetic god, you just need to be able to catch him unexpectedly, master him and force him to reveal the secret of the future. Among the companions of the earth shaker Poseidon is the god Glaucus, the patron saint of sailors and fishermen, and he has the gift of divination. Often, emerging from the depths of the sea, he revealed the future and gave wise advice to mortals. The gods of the sea are mighty, their power is great, but the great brother of Zeus, Poseidon, rules over them all.
  • Among the deities of the sea is the old man Proteus, who, like the sea, changes his image and turns, at will, into various animals and monsters. He is also a prophetic god, you just need to be able to catch him unexpectedly, master him and force him to reveal the secret of the future. Among the companions of the earth shaker Poseidon is the god Glaucus, the patron saint of sailors and fishermen, and he has the gift of divination. Often, emerging from the depths of the sea, he revealed the future and gave wise advice to mortals. The gods of the sea are mighty, their power is great, but the great brother of Zeus, Poseidon, rules over them all.
All seas and all lands flow around the gray Ocean - the titan god, equal to Zeus himself in honor and glory. He lives far on the borders of the world, and the affairs of the earth do not disturb his heart. Three thousand sons - river gods and three thousand daughters - Oceanids, goddesses of streams and springs, near the Ocean. The sons and daughters of the great god Ocean give prosperity and joy to mortals with their ever-rolling life-giving water; they water the whole earth and all living things with it.
  • All seas and all lands flow around the gray Ocean - the titan god, equal to Zeus himself in honor and glory. He lives far on the borders of the world, and the affairs of the earth do not disturb his heart. Three thousand sons - river gods and three thousand daughters - Oceanids, goddesses of streams and springs, near the Ocean. The sons and daughters of the great god Ocean give prosperity and joy to mortals with their ever-rolling life-giving water; they water the whole earth and all living things with it.
  • Deep underground reigns the inexorable, gloomy brother of Zeus, Hades. His kingdom is full of darkness and horror. The joyful rays of the bright sun never penetrate there. Bottomless abysses lead from the surface of the earth to the sad kingdom of Hades. Dark rivers flow through it. The chilling sacred river Styx flows there, the gods themselves swear by its waters.
Cocytus and Acheron roll their waves there; the souls of the dead resound with their groaning, full of sadness, on their gloomy shores. IN underground kingdom The waters of the spring of Lethe flow and give oblivion to all earthly things. Across the gloomy fields of the kingdom of Hades, overgrown with pale asphodel flowers, ethereal light shadows of the dead rush. They complain about their joyless life without light and without desires. Their moans are heard quietly, barely perceptible, like the rustling of withered leaves driven by the autumn wind. There is no return for anyone from this kingdom of sadness. The three-headed hellish dog Kerber, on whose neck snakes move with a menacing hiss, guards the exit. The stern, old Charon, the carrier of the souls of the dead, will not carry a single soul through the gloomy waters of Acheron back to where the sun of life shines brightly. The souls of the dead in the dark kingdom of Hades are doomed to an eternal, joyless existence.
  • Cocytus and Acheron roll their waves there; the souls of the dead resound with their groaning, full of sadness, on their gloomy shores. In the underground kingdom flow the waters of the spring of Lethe, giving oblivion of all earthly things. Across the gloomy fields of the kingdom of Hades, overgrown with pale asphodel flowers, ethereal light shadows of the dead rush. They complain about their joyless life without light and without desires. Their moans are heard quietly, barely perceptible, like the rustling of withered leaves driven by the autumn wind. There is no return for anyone from this kingdom of sadness. The three-headed hellish dog Kerber, on whose neck snakes move with a menacing hiss, guards the exit. The stern, old Charon, the carrier of the souls of the dead, will not carry a single soul through the gloomy waters of Acheron back to where the sun of life shines brightly. The souls of the dead in the dark kingdom of Hades are doomed to an eternal, joyless existence.
In this kingdom, to which neither the light, nor the joy, nor the sorrows of earthly life reach, Zeus’s brother, Hades, rules. He sits on a golden throne with his wife Persephone. He is served by the inexorable goddesses of vengeance, Erinyes. Formidable, with whips and snakes, they pursue the criminal; they do not give him a minute of peace and torment him with remorse; You can’t hide from them anywhere, they find their prey everywhere. At the throne of Hades sit the judges of the kingdom of the dead - Minos and Rhadamanthus. Here, at the throne, is the god of death Tanat with a sword in his hands, in a black cloak, with huge black wings.
  • In this kingdom, to which neither the light, nor the joy, nor the sorrows of earthly life reach, Zeus’s brother, Hades, rules. He sits on a golden throne with his wife Persephone. He is served by the inexorable goddesses of vengeance, Erinyes. Formidable, with whips and snakes, they pursue the criminal; they do not give him a minute of peace and torment him with remorse; You can’t hide from them anywhere, they find their prey everywhere. At the throne of Hades sit the judges of the kingdom of the dead - Minos and Rhadamanthus. Here, at the throne, is the god of death Tanat with a sword in his hands, in a black cloak, with huge black wings.
These wings blow with grave cold when Tanat flies to the bed of a dying man to cut off a strand of hair from his head with her sword and tear out his soul. Next to Tanat are the gloomy Kera. On their wings they rush, frantic, across the battlefield. The Kers rejoice as they see the slain heroes fall one after another; With their blood-red lips they fall to the wounds, greedily drink the hot blood of the slain and tear out their souls from the body.
  • These wings blow with grave cold when Tanat flies to the bed of a dying man to cut off a strand of hair from his head with her sword and tear out his soul. Next to Tanat are the gloomy Kera. On their wings they rush, frantic, across the battlefield. The Kers rejoice as they see the slain heroes fall one after another; With their blood-red lips they fall to the wounds, greedily drink the hot blood of the slain and tear out their souls from the body.
Here, at the throne of Hades, is the beautiful, young god of sleep Hypnos. He silently flies on his wings above the ground with poppy heads in his hands and pours a sleeping pill from the horn. He gently touches the eyes of people with his wonderful rod, quietly closes his eyelids and immerses mortals in sweet Dreams. The god Hypnos is powerful, neither mortals, nor gods, nor even the thunderer Zeus himself can resist him: and Hypnos closes his menacing eyes and plunges him into deep sleep.
  • Here, at the throne of Hades, is the beautiful, young god of sleep Hypnos. He silently flies on his wings above the ground with poppy heads in his hands and pours a sleeping pill from the horn. He gently touches people's eyes with his wonderful rod, quietly closes his eyelids and plunges mortals into a sweet sleep. The god Hypnos is powerful, neither mortals, nor gods, nor even the thunderer Zeus himself can resist him: and Hypnos closes his menacing eyes and plunges him into deep sleep.
The gods of dreams also rush about in the dark kingdom of Hades. Among them there are gods who give prophetic and joyful dreams, but there are also gods who give terrible, depressing dreams that frighten and torment people. There are gods of false dreams, they mislead a person and often lead him to death. The kingdom of the inexorable Hades is full of darkness and horror. There the terrible ghost of Empus with donkey legs wanders in the darkness; it, having lured people into a secluded place in the darkness of the night by cunning, drinks all the blood and devours their still trembling bodies.
  • The gods of dreams also rush about in the dark kingdom of Hades. Among them there are gods who give prophetic and joyful dreams, but there are also gods who give terrible, depressing dreams that frighten and torment people. There are gods of false dreams, they mislead a person and often lead him to death. The kingdom of the inexorable Hades is full of darkness and horror. There the terrible ghost of Empus with donkey legs wanders in the darkness; it, having lured people into a secluded place in the darkness of the night by cunning, drinks all the blood and devours their still trembling bodies.
The monstrous Lamia also wanders there; she sneaks into the bedrooms of happy mothers at night and steals their children to drink their blood. The great goddess Hecate rules over all ghosts and monsters. She has three bodies and three heads. On a moonless night she wanders in deep darkness along the roads and at the graves with all her terrible retinue, surrounded by Stygian dogs. She sends horrors and painful dreams to the earth and destroys people. Hecate is called upon as an assistant in witchcraft, but she is also the only assistant against witchcraft for those who honor her and sacrifice dogs to her at the crossroads, where three roads diverge.
  • The monstrous Lamia also wanders there; she sneaks into the bedrooms of happy mothers at night and steals their children to drink their blood. The great goddess Hecate rules over all ghosts and monsters. She has three bodies and three heads. On a moonless night she wanders in deep darkness along the roads and at the graves with all her terrible retinue, surrounded by Stygian dogs. She sends horrors and painful dreams to the earth and destroys people. Hecate is called upon as an assistant in witchcraft, but she is also the only assistant against witchcraft for those who honor her and sacrifice dogs to her at the crossroads, where three roads diverge.
  • The kingdom of Hades is terrible, and people hate it.

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The birth of the world from Chaos

  • The ancient Greeks imagined chaos as a kind of gaping mouth (“chaos” comes from the word “yawn”)
  • From it arise Gaia (earth), Tartarus (an underground dungeon, but at the same time a monster), Eros (love), Erebus (darkness) and Nyukta (night)
  • The last two, in turn, give rise to Day and Ether
  • Gaia gave birth to Uranus (sky)
  • Together they populated the world with living creatures

The birth of the world from Chaos watercolor, 1993

Slide 3


First of all, Chaos arose in the universe, and then Broad-breasted Gaia, a safe haven for all, Gloomy Tartarus, lying in the deep depths of the earth, And, among all the eternal gods, the most beautiful - Eros. Sweet-smelling - among all gods and earth-born people, he conquers the soul in the chest and all reasoning deprives. Black Night and gloomy Erebus were born from Chaos. Night Ether gave birth to the shining Day, or Hemera: She conceived them in her womb, uniting with Erebus in love.

Slide 4

Zeus defeats the titan

The Titans were the predecessors of the Olympian gods and in this they are similar to the Etun-Hrimthurs (Scandinavian mythology) and the Asuras (Indian mythology)

Zeus slays the Titan watercolor, 1992

Slide 5


Zeus no longer began to restrain his powerful spirit, but immediately his heart was filled with courage, He showed all his strength. And immediately from the sky, as well as from Olympus, the Thunderer-Lord came, showering with lightning. Peruns, full of brilliance and thunder, often flew from a powerful hand, one after another; and the sacred flame swirled.

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Triumph of Amphitrite

  • Slide 7

    • Watercolor shows happy world sea ​​kingdom
    • Amphitrite, the wife of Poseidon himself, rides on the back of a dragon.
    • Opposite her, their son Triton blows the conch shell, combining in his appearance the features of a man, a horse and a fish.
    • By the way, he is comparable to such manifestations of the Culture Hero type as Trita of Indian mythology, Traetaon of Persian mythology, Ivan the Third of Slavic folklore
    • Around we see nymphs, nereids and other inhabitants of the sea
  • Slide 8


    From Amphitrite and the heavily thundering Ennosigea, the powerful, great Triton was born, who owns the Deep of the sea. Near his father, the ruler and his dear mother, he lives in gold in the house - a most terrible god.

    Slide 9

    Pallas Athena and Hecate

    Athena (in the background) - the maiden goddess, personifying the power of the mind, the patroness of heroes and Hecate - the embodiment of dark irrational forces (she was called upon by sorceresses - for example Medea), here they are opposed to each other

    Slide 10

    Athena and Hecate at the same time can be interpreted as two sides of the ancient image of the Great Goddess

    This analogy is supported by pictorial tradition: Hecate was represented as consisting of three bodies, and Athena was crowned with a triple helmet

    Next to Hecate is depicted Empusa - a creature of the underworld in the form of a dog-headed dragon, who turned into a woman and killed heroes

    Slide 11

    Apollo defeats the Cyclopes

    The three great Cyclops - Brontus, Steropes, Arg (“thunder”, “brilliance”, “lightning”) were generated by Gaia and Uranus at the dawn of the world, along with the hundred-handed giants Hecatoncheires and the Titans

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    Gaia also gave birth to the Cyclopes, with an arrogant soul, - Numbering three, and by name - Bronta, Sterope and Arga. They made lightning for Zeus-Kronis and they gave thunder. In all other respects they were similar to the other gods, But only a single eye was in the middle of the face : That’s why they were called “Round Eyes”, “Cyclopes”, because they had one round eye on their faces. And for their work they had strength, and power, and dexterity.

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    Apollo defeats the Cyclopes

    • The Cyclops began to serve Zeus and forged lightning
    • But then Asclepius (the god of healing) began to bring the dead back to life, and Zeus, so that the natural order of things would not be disrupted, struck him down
    • Asclepius's father was the powerful god Apollo
    • Unable to take revenge on Zeus (and his own father), Apollo shot the Cyclopes who forged the fatal lightning with a bow.
    • In Greek myths, the lower cyclops, evil cannibals, also acted
    • One of these monsters (Polyphemus) was defeated by Odysseus
  • Slide 14

    Hermes and Argus

    Hermes is a Greek expression for the Culture Hero type (same as Hercules)

    But, unlike Hercules, he personifies the functions of a guardian secret knowledge and mediator between worlds

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    The image of Hermes is similar in the mythologies of other peoples: Etruscan Turms, Roman Mercury, Celtic Meadow, Scandinavian Odin (but the last two are also endowed with a “heroic” principle)

    However, Hermes also owns a glorious feat - the liberation of Zeus’s beloved Io (turned into a cow) from the hundred-eyed giant Argus, assigned by the jealous wife of Zeus

    Hermes put the giant to sleep with the help of a caduceus rod and cut off his head

    Attributes of Hermes - winged helmet and sandals and the aforementioned caduceus

    The father of God, Zeus, is shown in the background.

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    In the land of the Hesperides

    According to Greek mythology, in the far west there was an island where the winged Hesperides lived - the daughters of Night.

    There were 4 of them and they guarded the apples of eternal youth

    The Hesperides were helped in this by the dragon Ladon, who, according to one legend, was killed by Hercules

    Another version of the myth tells, however, that the titan Atlas, who usually supported the firmament, obtained apples for Hercules

    Slide 17


    Atlas holds, forced to do so by powerful inevitability, On the head and hands of the tireless wide sky, Where the border of the earth is, where the singers live the Hesperides. For such a fate was sent down to him by Zeus, the provider.

    Slide 18

    Magic apple motif

    The motif of magic apples is widespread in Indo-European mythologies: Apple Emain of the sea god Manannan (Irish mythology), apples of eternal youth of the goddess Idunn (Scandinavian mythology), rejuvenating apples Russian fairy tales

    And the name “Apollo” itself is sometimes interpreted as “apple man”

    Finally, we can recall the biblical motif: a serpent wrapped around a tree with an apple

    Slide 19

    Offspring of Echidna

    The main ancestor of chthonic monsters was the serpentine Echidna

    Slide 20

    Echidna's offspring

    The painting by A. Fantalov depicts the offspring of Echidna: Cerberus, the Lernaean Hydra, the Nemean Lion and the winged Chimera (over Echidna’s head)

    These monsters caused a lot of trouble for the Greek heroes

    Hercules crushed the Lion and Hydra, Bellerophon defeated the Chimera

    Cerberus (a three-headed dog with a snake tail) remained to guard Hades

    Echidna herself died at the hands of the hundred-eyed giant Argus

    The painting depicts his all-seeing eyes

    Slide 21


    Keto, in a large cave, was resolved into a new monster, neither like people nor like ever-living gods, - an irresistible Echidna, divine, with a mighty spirit, half - a beautiful face, a quick-eyed nymph, half - a monstrous serpent, large, bloodthirsty, in the depths sacred land lying, motley and terrible. She has a cave there below, deep under the rock, And from immortal gods, and from mortal people at a distance: The gods destined her to live there in a glorious dwelling. So, not knowing either death or old age, the nymph Echidna, the bringer of death, spent her life underground in Arima.

  • Slide 22

    Jason and Medea

    • One of the most popular Greek myths is the story of the Golden Fleece.
    • It hung on a sacred oak tree in the country of the Colchs (Western Georgia) and Jason was entrusted with getting it, who for this purpose organized the famous campaign of the Argonauts
    • But Hercules struck the giant with arrows, killing at the same time the two-headed dog Orff
    • Hercules is the brightest embodiment of the Cultural Hero in his guise as a fighter against monsters
    • The duel with the three-headed monster is the central plot of the Hero’s mythology: Traetaon against Azhi Dahak (Persian mythology), Trita against Vishvarupa (Indian mythology), Ivan the Third and the serpent Gorynych (Slavic mythology)
    • Directly under the name Hercules (Herkle, Hercules), the hero was revered in Etruscan and Roman mythologies
  • View all slides

    Presentation on history on the topic “Culture of Ancient Greece” by 10th grade “A” students Daria Zenina and Antonina Zhuravleva Mythology of Ancient Greece The basis of the mythological culture of Ancient Greece is material-sensual or animate-intelligent cosmologism. Cosmos is understood here as an absolute, a deity and as a work of art. The Greeks' idea of ​​the world comes down to the idea of ​​it as a theatrical stage, where people are actors, and all together are a product of the Cosmos. Myths about the Greek gods The Greeks believed in many gods. According to myths, the gods behaved like people: they fought, quarreled, fell in love. They all lived on Olympus Zeus Zeus is the god of the sky, thunder and lightning, in charge of the whole world. Chief of the God-Olympians, father of gods and people, third son of the titan Kronos and Rhea, Brother of Hades, Hestia, Demeter and Poseidon. Zeus's wife is the goddess Hera. The attributes of Zeus were: a shield and a double-sided ax, sometimes an eagle. Hades The kingdom of the dead was ruled by Hades, brother of Zeus. Few myths have survived about him. The kingdom of the dead was separated from the rest of the world by the deep river Styx, through which the souls of the dead were transported by CHARON. Cerberus or Kerberus, in Greek mythology, the watchdog of the kingdom of the dead, guarding the entrance to the world of Hades Poseidon Poseidon (Neptune to the Romans) was the Greek god of the seas and oceans. He is depicted as a powerful bearded man, somewhat similar to Zeus, with a trident in his hand. Poseidon is the wildest of the gods, the god of storms and earthquakes, swift and merciless tidal waves - dangers exposed when forces dormant under the surface of consciousness are unleashed. His animal symbols are the bull and the horse. Demeter Demeter was the great Olympian goddess of agriculture, grain, and the daily bread of mankind. She also exercised control over the foremost of the region's secret cults, whose initiators were promised her protection on the path to a happy afterlife. Demeter was depicted as a mature woman, often wearing a crown and holding a sheaf of wheat and a torch. Hestia is the goddess of the family hearth and sacrificial fire in Ancient Greece. Eldest daughter of Kronos and Rhea. Sister of Zeus, Demeter, Hades and Poseidon a. Her image was in the Athenian Prytaneum. She is called “the owner of the Pythian laurel.” A sacrifice was made to her before the start of any sacred ceremony, no matter whether the latter was of a private or public nature, due to which the saying “start with Hestia” was formed, which served as a synonym for a successful and correct start to the matter. Hera Hera is a goddess, the patroness of marriage, protecting the mother during childbirth. One of the twelve Olympian deities, the supreme goddess, wife of Zeus. Sculpture of Ancient Greece Ancient Greek sculpture is one of the highest achievements of the culture of antiquity, which left an indelible mark on world history. The origin of Greek sculpture can be attributed to the era of Homeric Greece (XII-VIII centuries BC). Already in the archaic era, in the 7th-6th centuries, wonderful statues and ensembles were created. The heyday and highest rise of Greek sculpture occurred during the period of the early and high classics (5th century BC). And the 4th century BC. e., already the period of the late classics. Ancient Egypt and the East: these were not colossal, mysterious temples inspiring religious fear of formidable, monstrous deities, but friendly dwellings of humanoid gods, built like the dwellings of mere mortals, but more elegant and rich. * Temple of Apollo The main task of the temple architecture of the Greeks was the construction of temples. Throughout the historical life of Ancient Greece, its Artemis temples retained the same basic type. The literature of Ancient Greece is divided into two periods: The Archaic period is the main phenomenon of Homeric poems, representing the completion of a long series of smaller experiments in legendary poetry, as well as religious and everyday songwriting. This also includes the Odyssey and the Iliad. literary criticism. The removal of poetry from politics was, as it were, compensated for by idyllic pictures of common people's life - Wikipedia and other Internet resources

    1. 1. Mythology: ancient Greek and Mythology: ancient Greek and Slavic.Slavic. Teacher: Kupryashova S.V. Teacher: Kupryashova S.V.
    2. 2. MythologyMythology Ancient people could not explain the phenomenaAncient people could not explain the phenomena of the nature around them, so they populated the nature around them, so they populated their world with many gods and spirits. One world with many gods and spirits. Some of these deities controlled the movement of the sun, some of these deities controlled the movement of the sun, others ruled over the waters, others ruled over the waters, others gave luck in the hunt, fourth guarded the home, luck in the hunt, and fourth guarded the hearth. Legends about gods in the minds of people. Legends about gods in the minds of people were intertwined with real events, intertwined with real events and phenomena, so gradually mythology was created.
    3. 3. MythologyMythology For the primitiveFor ​​the primitive man, the mythology of man, mythology was objectivewas objective reality.reality. The same as for us, The same as for us, for example, knowledge, for example, knowledge that there are 365 in a year or that there are 365 or 366 days in a year. 366 days.
    4. 4. Ancient mythologyAncient mythology The word “antique” translated fromThe word “antique” translated from Latin (antigues) meansLatin (antigues) means “ancient”. Antique "ancient". Ancient mythology is considered the mostmythology is considered the most significant in terms of the degree of its significant in terms of the degree of its influence on the further development of the influence on the further development of the culture of many peoples, in the culture of many peoples, especially European. Sub-features of European ones. By ancient mythology, ancient mythology is understood, the community of Greek is understood, the community of Greek and Roman myths. and Roman myths.
    5. 5. Ancient mythologyAncient mythology A.S. Pushkin: “I don’t think A. S. Pushkin: “I don’t think it’s necessary to talk about the poetry of the Greeks and Romans: the poetry of the Greeks and Romans: it seems that every educated person should have a sufficient concept of the creations of the majestic creations of the majestic antiquity.” antiquity.”
    6. 6. Myths of Ancient GreeceMyths of Ancient Greece The origin of the world and The origin of the world and gods.gods. Initially there wasInitially there was only eternal, only eternal, boundless, darklimitless, dark ChaosChaos. It was contained in it. It contained the source of life. All source of life. Everything arose from the boundless; everything arose from the boundless Chaos - the whole world and Chaos - the whole world and the immortal gods.immortal gods.
    7. 7. Chaos gave birth to the most ancient thing that was in ourChaos gave birth to the most ancient thing that was in our nascent universe - time (chronos).nascent universe - time (chronos). Chronos gave birth to three elements -Chronos gave birth to three elements - Fire, Fire, Air, Air and Water. This egg was the embryo of the Earth. But here it is. This egg was the embryo of the Earth. But then it split into two parts. The upper half split into two parts. The upper half of the shell became Starry Sky-the shell became the Starry Sky - UranusUranus, the lower one - the Mother Earth - the lower one - the Mother Earth - GaiaGaia. And the liquid... And the liquid that spread over the body of the Earth - Spread endlessly over the body of the Earth - the Boundless Sea - the Pontus. He became the first husband of Gaia. The sea - Pontus. He became Gaia's first husband. The second was The second was Uranus-SkyUranus-Sky. From their marriage. From their marriage came all the Olympian godsOlympic gods...
    8. 8. Myths of Ancient GreeceMyths of Ancient Greece The second husbandThe second husband of GaiaGaia was UranusUranus - sky. From them is the sky. From their union a lot of children were born:: first the titans - first the titans - six giants, six male giants and six males and six females, then females, then cyclops cyclops
    9. 9. Myths of Ancient GreeceMyths of Ancient Greece KronosKronos (Cronus, Roman - (Cronus, Roman - Saturn) -Saturn) - titan titan, youngest, youngest son of Uranus and Gaia, father of the son of Uranus and Gaia, father of the Olympic gods.. ZeusZeus (Zeus -Kronid, Roman - (Zeus-Kronid, Roman - Jupiter) - son of Jupiter) - son of KronosKronos and RheaRei. Most. The most powerful and mighty of the Olympians, the lord of the Olympians, the lord of all gods of all gods
    10. 10. Myths of Ancient GreeceMyths of Ancient Greece The gods divided the world into three kingdoms and the Gods divided the world into three kingdoms and cast lots.threw lots. PoseidonPoseidon got the right to own the sea, the right to own the sea, HadesHad became the head of the underworld, and Zeus ruled the air of the underworld, and Zeus ruled the air and everyone who inhales it.and everyone who inhales it. Taking his sister as his legal wife. Taking his sister Hera as his legal wife, Zeus began to rule the world. Zeus began to rule the world.
    11. 11. ApolloApollo ApolloApollo (Phoebus - (Phoebus - “shining”; Musaget) - “shining”; Musaget) - son of ZeusZeus and Latonya and Latona (Leto), god of light, (Summer), god of light, arrowhead, arrowhead, patron saint of predictions, predictions, arts, music and arts, music and poetry, leader of poetry, leader of music.muses.
    12. 12. AphroditeAphrodite AphroditeAphrodite (Roman - (Roman - Venus) -Venus) - originally the goddessoriginally the goddess of fertility, then fertility, then the goddess of love. Goddess of love. The goddess was born from the sea was born from sea foam and drops of blood foam and drops of blood UranusUranus..
    13. 13. DionysusDionysus DionysusDionysus (Roman - Bacchus, (Roman - Bacchus, Bacchus) - son of Bacchus) - the son of ZeusZeus and the mortal woman mortal woman Semele Semele, god, god of vegetation, wine, vegetation, wine and winemaking. and winemaking. Celebrations in honor of Celebrations in honor of Dionysus served as the beginning of theatrical performances. performances.
    14. 14. PerseusPerseus PerseusPerseus - hero, son-hero, son of ZeusZeus and DanaiDanai, killer, killer of the gorgongorgon MedusaMedusa and liberatorliberator of AndromedaAndromeda, daughter, daughter of KepheusKefey
    15. 15. Pygmalion and GalateaPygmalion and Galatea
    16. 16. TheseusTheseus TheseusTheseus - Athenian- Athenian hero, son of the Athenianhero, son of the Athenian king AegeusEgeus (or (or PoseidonPoseidon) and) and EphraEphra, winner of the winner of Procrustes, the MinotaurProcrustes, the Minotaur, etc.
    17. 17. Paris and HelenParis and Helen ParisParis is the beautiful-beautiful son of the Trojan kingson of the Trojan king Priam and Hecuba,Priam and Hecuba, who kidnapped Helen, who kidnapped Helen the Beautiful, which became the Beautiful, which became the cause of the Trojancause of the Trojan warwar
    18. 18. Paris and HelenParis and Helen
    19. 19. PrometheusPrometheus PrometheusPrometheus - titan, - titan, son of the titan son of the titan IapetusIapetus (Iapetus) and the oceanids (Iapetus) and the oceanids Clymenes, who gave Clymenes, who gave people fire and people fire and crafts, contrary to crafts, contrary to the will of the gods the will of the gods
    20. 20. Erwin Lazar “Fire”. Erwin Lazar “Fire”. “In the corner stood “In the corner stood a smallsmall glass bell, glass bell, the way the grocershow the grocers cover the yeast.cover the yeast. Nearby is a sign: Nearby is a sign: “Fire of the Soul.” Under "Fire of the Soul". There was nothing under the hood, there was nothing under the hood...”there was...”
    21. 21. Bulat OkudzhavaBulat Okudzhava Into earthly passionsInvolved in earthly passions, involved, I know that from darkness to light I know that from darkness to light one day an angel will come out one day a black angel will come out and shout that there is no salvation. and shout that there is no salvation. But the simple-minded and But the simple-minded and timid, timid, beautiful, as good, beautiful, as good news, news, the white angel following behind, the white angel following behind will whisper that there is hope. He will whisper that there is hope.
    22. 19891989
    23. 22. The Olympic Games The Olympic Games The Olympics exalted the Olympics exalted man, for the Olympics man, for the Olympics reflected the worldview, reflected the worldview, the cornerstone of which was the cult of perfection of the spirit was the cult of perfection of the spirit and body, idealization of the body, idealization of a harmoniously developed harmoniously developed man - a thinker and a man - a thinker and athlete Olympic athlete. The Olympian - the winner of the games - the winner of the games - was given compatriots compatriots the honors that the gods had received.
    24. 24. God RodGod Rod All peoples know the very All peoples know the very first god - this is the living, the first god is the living, creating with thought, endless, creating with thought, endless in time and space time and space Universe. Space is one, and the Universe. There is one cosmos, and, at the same time, there is infinitely much of it, there is infinitely much of it. It was the Almighty who created the It was the Almighty who created with his thought the Golden Egg, from his thought the Golden Egg from which His son came out - from which His son came out - Rod. This god began to create the Rod. This god began to create the visible world. Everything born into the visible world. Everything born by Rod still carries Rod, still carries his name: nature, homeland, his name: nature, homeland, parents, relatives. parents, relatives.
    25. 25. SvarogSvarog From the sacred language From the sacred language of the Aryans of Sanskrit, the dictionaries of Sanskrit, the word “Svarog” is translated as “Svarog” is translated as “walking in the sky.” In "walker in the sky." In ancient times, they used to denote the day's path of the sun, then the sun across the sky, then they began to call the sky, then they began to call the sky in general, heavenly light. in general, heavenly light. In other words, the son of Rod. In other words, the son of Rod, the god Svarog is the Father. God Svarog is the Heavenly Father. Sometimes its Heavenly. Sometimes they called him simply God. They called him simply God.
    26. 26. StribogStribog The ancient Rus revered the godThe ancient Rus revered the god of the winds - Stribog no less than the winds - Stribog no less than other Svarozhichs. Rus wine Svarozhichi. The Rus in ancient times, in deep antiquity, conquered the sea element.conquered the sea element. The Russians came up with a boat, a rudder, The Russians came up with a boat, a rudder, an anchor and a sail. Being an anchor and a sail. Being sailors, the Rus, of course, sailors, the Rus, of course, revered Stribog, who, revered Stribog, who, having turned into a bird, turning into a bird Stratim, can cause or Stratim, can cause or tame a storm. tame a storm.
    27. 27. SemerglSemergl One ofOne of the Svarozhichi was the godSvarozhichi was the god of fire - Semarglognya - Semargl
    28. 28. PerunPerun the Thunderer god in the Thunderer god in Slavic mythologySlavic mythology, patron, patron of the prince and the prince and the squads in the ancient Russian ancient Russian pagan pantheon. pagan pantheon.
    29. 29. Dazhdbog, DazhdbogDazhdbog, Dazhdbog Dazhdbog - godDazhdbog - god of the Sun, giver of the Sun, giver of heat and light. His name is warmth and light. His name is heard in the shortest prayer, the shortest prayer that has survived to this day: our days, the prayer: “Give, God!” “Give, God!”
    30. 30. LadaLada Lada - Slavic goddessLada - Slavic goddess of love and beauty. In the name of love and beauty. By the name of Lada, the ancient Slavs called Lada not only the original goddess, the original goddess of love, but also the entire order of love, but also the entire order of life - lad, where all lives are lad, where everything should have been ok, then it should have been ok, that is, good. All people are good. All people should be able to get along with each other. All people should be able to get along with each other. My wife called me a friend. The wife called her beloved Lado, and he called her beloved Lado, and he called her Ladushka. Ladushka.
    31. 31. BereginyaBereginya Ancient SlavsAncient Slavs believed that Bereginyabelieved that Bereginya was a great goddess—a great goddess who gave birth to all things.who gave birth to all things. She is accompanied everywhere by luminous horsemen, luminous horsemen personifying the personifying the sun.
    32. 32. MermaidsMermaids are a mythological mythological and folkloric folklore human-like human-like creature, a creature, predominantly predominantly female (or female (or spirit spirit), associated with), associated with bodies of water.bodies of water.
    33. 33. KikimoraKikimora is predominantly a predominantly negative negative character of Slavic character of Slavic mythology, one of mythology, one of the types of types of brownie..
    34. 34. The brownie of the Slavic peoples of the Slavic peoples is the home spirit spirit, the mythological mythological owner of the owner and patron of the house, the patron of the house, ensuring the normal life of the family, the normal life of the family, the health of people and animals, the health of people and animals, fertility. Fertility. It differs from demons in that it does not differ in that it does not do evil, but only jokes, does evil, but only jokes sometimes, even provides sometimes, even provides services if it loves the ownerservices if it loves the owner or mistress or mistress
    35. 35. VodyanoyVodyanoy in Slavicin Slavic mythologymythology spiritspirit that lives in the water, the owner of the water.the owner of the water. The embodiment of the elementThe embodiment of the element of water as water as a negative and negative and dangerous principle. dangerous principle.
    36. 36. LeshyLeshy owner of the forestowner of the forest
    37. 37. Baba YagaBaba Yaga charactercharacter of Slavic mythologySlavic mythology and folklorefolklore (especially (especially magic fairy tales) Slavic peoples, old woman-peoples, old woman-sorceress, sorceress endowed with magical power, magical power, sorceress, werewolf. sorceress, werewolf.
    38. 38. Hut on Chicken LegsHut on Chicken Legs In ancient times, the deadIn ancient times, the dead were buried in domovinas - buried in domovinas - houses located above houses located above the ground on very high ground on very high stumps with roots peeking out from the stumps, under the ground with roots that look like chicken feet. look like chicken feet. The houses were placed in such a way the houses were placed in such a way that the hole in them was facing in the direction in the opposite direction from the settlement, towards the forest, towards the forest
    39. 39. Baba YagaBaba Yaga The name “chicken legs” The name “chicken legs” most likely came from the “kurny”, that is, from the “kurny”, that is, fumigated with smoke, fumigated with smoke, pillars on which pillars on which the Slavs placed “the Izbuslavs built a “death hut” a small log house with death” a small log house with the ashes of the deceased inside the ashes of the deceased inside (such a funeral (such a funeral rite existed among the ancient Slavs back in the 6th-ancient Slavs back in the 6th-9th centuries). IX centuries. ).
    40. 40. Thank you for your attention!Thank you for your attention! 