Presentation on the topic of who I want to become. Presentation on the topic: my future profession, who I will become

There are many different professions in the world. Everyone chooses what to do in life depending on what they do best. Probably, someone who is good at mathematics will not have the desire to study to be a singer, etc. and so on. There are many different professions in the world. Everyone chooses what to do in life depending on what they do best. Probably, someone who is good at mathematics will not have the desire to study to be a singer, etc. and so on.

On the one hand, I am drawn to music, and on the other, to painting and various interior items. I am drawn to come up with new images and types of houses, apartments, gardens... On the one hand, I am drawn to music, and on the other, to painting and various interior items. I am drawn to come up with new images and types of houses, apartments, gardens... I would probably become a designer, but for this you need to go to art school. Unfortunately, I don't have enough time for this. I probably would have become a designer, but to do that you have to go to art school. Unfortunately, I don't have enough time for this.

Models. For example, models. It is very difficult to become a popular and very beautiful model. It seems to me that becoming a model is the dream of every little girl. This profession looks very easy. At first it seems like you just have to walk the catwalk and put on makeup every day, but that’s not true. For example, models. It is very difficult to become a popular and very beautiful model. It seems to me that becoming a model is the dream of every little girl. This profession looks very easy. At first it seems like you just have to walk the catwalk and put on makeup every day, but that’s not true.

Musicians. Perform on stage, sing, play any musical instrument Anyone can learn, but do it best, i.e. being famous is difficult. It seems to me that in order to become a famous artist, you need to invent new image, new music, a new approach to the public. If you repeat after someone, even a very talented one, then they will not respect you and will assume that you are not able to come up with something yourself, something new.

Programmers It seems to me that someone who is interested not only in computer games, but also in the structure of a computer, its programs, various codes, etc. can become a programmer. and so on. It seems to me that a programmer can be someone who is interested not only in computer games, but also in the structure of a computer, its programs, various codes, etc. and so on. But there is little interest. You must be able to cope with viruses and different programs. But there is little interest. You must be able to cope with viruses and different programs.

I think it’s too early to think about my profession. There is still a lot of time ahead and everything is changing. Therefore, I still cannot say unequivocally what I have chosen and what I will do in the future. I think it’s too early to think about my profession. There is still a lot of time ahead and everything is changing. Therefore, I still cannot say unequivocally what I have chosen and what I will do in the future. The presentation was prepared by Zoya Loseva, a student of grade 6 W

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GBOU school No. 35, St. Petersburg I want to become a designer The presentation was prepared by a student of grade 6A Kiselev Alexander

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I want to be a designer. This is my favorite profession. I like to draw and create different sketches. I have many interesting drawings. There are such programs on television as “Housing Question”, “Dacha Question”, etc. I watch them. There they show famous designers who create very beautiful interiors. They also decorate summer cottages in country houses in a very interesting way. This is a very exciting profession and I really like it.

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What do I already know about this profession? Design - from the English “design” - project, plan, drawing - a term denoting a type of artistic and design activity, covering the creation of an objective environment (cars, things, interiors). The designer is the creator of the world around him. He strives to cover all areas of life modern man. There are about 10 design directions and the same number of specializations in each of them. Let's get to know some of them.

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Industrial design is divided into design of tools, household appliances, furniture, transport design and even design of mechanisms.

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Environment design. Everyone encounters environmental design every day. Our houses and apartments in which we live, shops, hypermarkets, exhibition stands, office premises, shop windows, walls, building facades - all this and much more is a field of activity for a designer.

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Graphic design is industrial graphics (labels, product packaging, postcards, envelopes), various design and graphic font works.

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Graphic design also includes the development of graphic style for institutions and graphic advertising of products.

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Graphic design is a wide field of work not only for the designers themselves, but also for artists and designers who at one time relied on studying the latest technologies. Today they are on top, as can be judged by the level of salaries and the development of the field of graphic design itself.

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The most promising areas of “volumetric” computer design today, in which you can already work and earn money, are 3D, 4D, 5D animation, presentations and interior design (layouts). Many experts consider this area the most promising.

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Landscape design includes the work of a specialist both on the computer and directly on the ground. The main areas of activity where the knowledge of landscape designers is in demand and applied is the creation of artificial and living ones, as well as the reconstruction of destroyed landscapes, landscaping environment and residential premises, floristry.

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Landscape design is both the science and the art of creating landscaped, harmonious garden and park ensembles.

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Clothing design. Man has always wanted to look good. Ancient man He put on animal skins and hung beads and stones strung on a thread around his neck. Everything that came to hand: bark, leaves, straw, feathers - people turned into clothes.

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Lawyer (Consulting). Types of responsibility: consulting; proposal of legal procedures; forecasting the consequences of applying legal norms; preparation of contracts, wills, lawsuits, etc.; interpretation of legal norms to clients; contract negotiations; communication with clients and courts; possession of a personal computer; office work. Description of types of work: Lawyers are sometimes called bookworms and pedants, because they have to scrupulously, in accordance with the spirit and letter of the law, interpret specific articles of laws and codes, situations and documents. However, the daily work of a lawyer is much more diverse: re-reading voluminous folders with documents, dictating contracts and lawsuits, processing information on a computer, consulting, studying legal materials, negotiations with clients, partners, firms, etc. A lawyer spends no more than one tenth of his time in the premises of the justice authorities. Lawyers today devote more and more time to questions legal regulation business: the legality of dismissing an employee, preparing a lease agreement with a company, a contract with a workers’ union, attending business negotiations, filing a patent application, a lawsuit, a business proposal, etc. and so on. All this falls within the competence of the company’s lawyer. Sometimes the company invites a specialist consultant to perform certain specialized work. As a rule, lawyers specialize in one or another area of ​​law, since the law as a whole is voluminous, very complex, and it is almost impossible to be a sufficiently qualified expert in all its branches. Large law firms have about two hundred partners and several employees. Such firms operate all over the world and open offices in many capitals of the world. As a rule, a lawyer's working day lasts 10-12 hours. Successful lawyers work even harder. Young lawyers earn little, but as they gain successful experience, their income increases.

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Presentation on the topic "Who should I be?"

can be downloaded absolutely free on our website. Project subject: Various. Colorful slides and illustrations will help you engage your classmates or audience. To view the content, use the player, or if you want to download the report, click on the corresponding text under the player. The presentation contains 31 slide(s).

Presentation slides" title="" alt="Who should I be?">!}

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Who to be? Identify your abilities and interests, find the most optimal combination of them in your future profession; -learn to plan your future career

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; -learn to adequately assess your abilities and capabilities.

Factors influencing the choice of profession by high school students

opportunities, abilities

parents' opinion fashion and prestige future salary

demand for the profession

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interests, inclinations

Formula for choosing a profession

“Need” labor market needs “I can” human capabilities (physiological and psychological), educational resources


“I want” desires, interests, inclinations of the individual

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Professions related to the field of management - professions related to the introduction of computer technology - construction professions - professions in the field of health care - professions in the field of information and communications - professions related to banking - professions in the field of production - professions related to tourism services.

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PROFESSIONS THAT WILL BE IN DEMAND IN 6 -7 YEARS Engineering specialties (the demand for engineering personnel capable of managing production and maintaining more advanced equipment will increase) 2. Computer software developers (the demand for professional programmers will increase, since the problem of data storage will become even more pressing) 3. Marketing and sales (the demand for sales and marketing specialists will increase, the profession “salesperson” will become very popular) 4. Professions related to service 5. Ecologist (the demand for this profession will begin to increase, as problems of environmental conservation will occupy an increasing place ) 6. Medical specialties (nurse, doctor) 7. Working professions: mechanic, electric and gas welder, electrician, turner, etc.

1 2 3 4 PSYCHOGEOMETRY You have developed hard work, endurance, and patience. There is a tendency to systematize, order, organize people and things around you. You can become an excellent administrator, but it is not recommended to tie your professional activity

You have creativity, intuition, and the ability to see beauty. You have natural wit. Templates, rules, instructions are boring for you. Lack of persistence prevents you from completing a task.

You have developed goodwill. You are an excellent communicator, you know how to listen to your interlocutor like no one else, you are able to empathize, sympathize, and emotionally respond to someone else’s pain. Interpersonal conflict is not acceptable for you, and the professional field of management is not recommended. You could make an excellent psychologist.

You are characterized by leadership, the ability to concentrate on the main goal, energy, confidence, a mindset of winning, victory, success. You are categorical in your statements, ambitious, strive to achieve high status, position in society. The field of management is recommended for you.

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Typology of professions (according to E.A. Klimov)

Man is a man Man is technology Man is a sign

Man is art

Man is nature

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FEDOROV Svyatoslav Nikolaevich (1927 - 2000), Russian ophthalmologist. Born into a military family. In 1943, after graduating from school, he entered the Yerevan Preparatory Artillery School, but did not complete his studies. Graduated in 1952 medical school in Rostov-on-Don. After graduating from the institute, he worked for a year as an ophthalmologist at a regional hospital in the village of Veshenskaya. In 1957 he became the head of the clinical department of the Cheboksary branch of the State Institute of Eye Diseases. In 1960 he created an artificial lens and, for the first time in the country, performed a unique operation to implant it into a human eye. In 1967 he was transferred to Moscow and headed the department of eye diseases. In 1973, for the first time in the world, he developed a technology for surgery to treat glaucoma at different stages. Founder and since 1986 director of the Interdisciplinary Scientific and Technical Complex “Eye Microsurgery”. In 1996 he headed the Chamber of Science, Health, Education and Culture. June 2, 2000 Svyatoslav Fedorov died in a crash. Author of 480 scientific papers, 7 monographs, 238 copyright certificates, 130 foreign patents and more than 180 inventions. Awarded the titles “Honored Inventor of the USSR”, “Hero of Socialist Labor” (1987), etc. In 1986 for Scientific research in the field of ophthalmology and eye microsurgery, he was awarded the highest award of the Russian Academy of Sciences - the M.V. Lomonosov Gold Medal, and was the laureate of a number of international scientific awards.

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Alla Borisovna PUGACHEVA (b. 1949), Russian pop singer, People's Artist of the USSR (1991), member of the Public Chamber of the Russian Federation. She graduated from the conducting and choral department of the Moscow Music College named after. Ippolitov-Ivanov and the directing department of GITIS. Lunacharsky (now RATI) (1981). While still a schoolgirl, she sang the song “Robot, become human” on the radio. In 1972-73 she performed in the orchestra conducted by O. Lundstrem. In 1974-75 she worked in the ensemble “Jolly Fellows”. In 1975 she won the Grand Prix of the Golden Orpheus festival (Bulgaria) with the song “Harlequin”, after which the singer became truly popular. The singer prepared bright, emotionally rich concert programs: “Singer’s Monologues”, “I Came and Say”, “Christmas Meetings”. created by her whole line songs based on the words of famous poets (Akhmatova, Mandelstam). 1988 was marked by the creation of the Song Theater, a long-time dream of Pugacheva, who became the artistic director of the studio theater. Pugacheva has traveled all over the world with her solo programs. In 1992 she received the Ovation prize in the category “Best Singer of the Year”, in 1994 - in the category “Living Legend”, in 1995 - in the category “Best Producer”. In 1999 she was awarded the Order of Merit for the Fatherland, II degree. Until recently, Pugacheva continued to be active creative activity. She is a regular participant in prestigious concerts and television shows. The singer regularly releases new CDs, the latest of which is the album “Live in Peace, Country!” (2003). In December 2003, she was awarded the Golden Gramophone award by Russian Radio.

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RODNINA Irina Konstantinovna (b. September 12, 1949, Moscow), Russian athlete and coach (figure skating), Honored Master of Sports (1969). Champion Olympic Games(1972, 1976, 1980), world (1969-78), Europe (1969-78, 1980), USSR (1970-71, 1973-75, 1977) in pair skating (in 1968-72 with A. N. Ulanov , in 1973-80 with A.G. Zaitsev). Member of the Public Chamber of the Russian Federation. As a child, Irina was often sick; to toughen her up, her parents enrolled the girl in the CSKA figure skating school. Soon, coach Stanislav Zhuk began working with the skater, who was able to appreciate her character and talent. At the age of 19, Irina made her debut together with A. Ulanov at the European Championships in Garmisch-Partenkirchen, and unexpectedly for everyone they became champions. Irina won all competitions, including three Olympics (Sapporo, 1972; Innsbruck, 1976; Lake Placid, 1980) and 10 world championships (1969-1978). For her sporting successes, Irina was awarded the Order of the Red Banner of Labor (1972) and Lenin (1976). Rodnina is the author of the book “Unsmooth Ice” (1978). In 1990-1999 she lived in the USA, worked as a coach in Lake Arrowhead. In 1995, Rodnina's students - the Czech couple Radka Kovarzhikova and Rene Novotny - became world champions. After this success, Irina was awarded a personal letter from the president, and soon acquired the status of an honorary citizen of the Czech Republic. In 1999 she returned to Moscow, where she headed the figure skating center.

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PUTIN Vladimir Vladimirovich Russian statesman, ex-president Russian Federation. Born into a working-class family, his father was a participant in the Great Patriotic War, the mother survived the siege of Leningrad. In 1975 he graduated from the Leningrad Faculty of Law state university(LSU). Master of Sports in Sambo (1973) and Master of Sports in Judo (1975). After graduating from Leningrad State University, he was sent to work in state security agencies. In 1976-1990 he served in the First Main Directorate (foreign intelligence) of the KGB of the USSR, for a long time worked in Germany, in Dresden at the location of the Western Group of Forces of the GDR. In 1990, having retired with the rank of lieutenant colonel, he returned to Leningrad, where he worked as vice-rector of Leningrad University for international relations. In 1990 he became an adviser to the Chairman of the Leningrad City Council A. A. Sobchak. In 1996 he moved to Moscow, where he received a post in the presidential administration of the Russian Federation. In July 1998, he was appointed director of the Federal Security Service of the Russian Federation. After the voluntary early resignation in December 1999 of the first President of Russia, B. N. Yeltsin took over the post of acting President of the Russian Federation. In March 2000 he won the presidential elections. In March 2004 he was elected to a second term. Currently he is the Chairman of the Government of the Russian Federation

  • Try to explain the slide in your own words, add additional Interesting Facts, you don’t need to just read the information from the slides, the audience can read it themselves.
  • There is no need to overload the slides of your project with text blocks; more illustrations and a minimum of text will better convey information and attract attention. The slide should contain only key information; the rest is best told to the audience orally.
  • The text must be well readable, otherwise the audience will not be able to see the information being presented, will be greatly distracted from the story, trying to at least make out something, or will completely lose all interest. To do this, you need to choose the right font, taking into account where and how the presentation will be broadcast, and also choose the right combination of background and text.
  • It is important to rehearse your report, think about how you will greet the audience, what you will say first, and how you will end the presentation. All comes with experience.
  • Choose the right outfit, because... The speaker's clothing also plays a big role in the perception of his speech.
  • Try to speak confidently, smoothly and coherently.
  • Try to enjoy the performance, then you will be more at ease and less nervous.