Presentation on the topic "culture of ancient Greece". Presentation on the topic of culture of ancient Greece Classical culture of ancient Greece presentation

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Project goals:

Form an idea of ​​the characteristics of culture Ancient Greece; Get acquainted with various types of ancient Greek art and the historical stages of its development; Identify the most common genres of ancient Greek literature; Identify the features of the emergence of ancient Greek writing.

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Greece and its culture occupy a special place in world history. Thinkers agree on a high assessment of ancient civilization different eras and directions. The French historian of the last century, Ernest Renan, called the civilization of ancient Hellas a “Greek miracle.” In science, philosophy, literature and fine arts Greece has surpassed the achievements of ancient Eastern civilizations, which have been developing for more than three thousand years. Wasn't this a miracle?

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Art of Ancient Greece

The art of Ancient Greece played a vital role in the development of culture and art of mankind. Ancient Greece developed art imbued with a belief in beauty and greatness free man. Works of Greek art amazed subsequent generations with their deep realism, harmonious perfection, and the spirit of heroic life affirmation and respect for human dignity. Flourished in ancient Greece different kinds arts, including spatial ones: architecture, sculpture, vase painting.

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Sculpture as a craft existed long before the Greeks. Their main contribution is that in just two centuries they have made an incredible step towards transforming it into a modern type of art. The Greeks painted statues, but they did it with taste, in accordance with the quality of the material from which it was made.

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Greek architecture

Athens Acropolis

Palace paintings on the island. Crete

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Ancient Greek writing

The ancient Greeks developed their writing based on Phoenician. The names of some Greek letters are Phoenician words. For example, the name of the letter “alpha” comes from the Phoenician “aleph” (bull), “beta” - from “bet” (house). They also came up with some new letters. This is how the alphabet came about. The Greek alphabet already had 24 letters. The Greek alphabet formed the basis of the Latin alphabet, and Latin became the basis of all Western European languages. Derived from Greek Slavic alphabet. The invention of the alphabet is a huge step forward in the development of culture.

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Literature of Ancient Greece

The literature and art of Ancient Greece gave impetus to the development European culture. In the archaic era, the pre-literate epic created in the dark ages is recorded, in particular Homer's Iliad and Odyssey. A whole constellation of masters of different lyrical forms emerges - Alcaeus, Sappho, Anacreon, Archilochus and many others. In the classical era, drama became the leading genre, and mandatory attribute The architecture of every city is a theater. The greatest playwrights of tragedy are Aeschylus, Sophocles, Euripides, and comedies are Aristophanes. Outstanding representatives of the initial stage of historiography (literature describing states in the process of development) were Hecataeus of Miletus, Herodotus and Thucydides. The ancient tales of the Greeks are very interesting - myths that tell about gods, titans, heroes.

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Myths about the Greek gods

The Greeks believed in many gods. According to myths, the gods behaved like people: they fought, quarreled, fell in love. They all lived on Olympus.

Poseidon Hermes Aphrodite

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The kingdom of the dead was ruled by Hades, brother of Zeus. Few myths have survived about him.

HYPNOS - god of sleep - assistant to Hades.

The kingdom of the dead was separated from the rest of the world by the deep river Styx, through which the souls of the dead were transported by CHARON.

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Isegory (equal freedom of speech for all citizens) and isonomia (political equality) cause the flourishing of the once aristocratic art of oratory, for the manifestation of which there were enough occasions at meetings of the national assembly, council, court, at public festivals and even in everyday life.

Hellas is considered the birthplace of eloquence. In the city-states of Hellas, a special atmosphere was created for the flourishing of eloquence.

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In ancient Greece, paid teachers appeared - sophists (from the Greek sophistes - artist, sage), who laid the foundations of rhetoric as the science of oratory. In the 5th century BC. Corax opened a school of eloquence in Syracuse and wrote the first (which has not reached us) textbook of rhetoric. The ancient era gave the world great speakers:

Pericles /490-429 BC/

Demosthenes /384-322 BC/

Socrates /469-399 BC/ Plato /427-347 BC/

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The literature and art of Ancient Greece gave impetus to the development of European culture. Ancient Greece discovered man as a beautiful and perfect creation of nature, as the measure of all things. Magnificent examples of the Greek genius manifested themselves in all spheres of spiritual and socio-political life: in poetry, architecture, sculpture, painting, politics, science and law.

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Andre Bonnard “Greek Civilization”, Rostov-on-Don, “Phoenix”, 1994 Kazimierz Kumanetsky “History of the Culture of Ancient Greece and Rome”, M., “Higher School”, 1990 Culturology (textbook and reader for students) Rostov-on -Don, “Phoenix”, 1997 Lev Lyubimov “Art Ancient World", M.,"Enlightenment", 1971 " encyclopedic Dictionary young historian" M.,"Pedagogy-press", 1993 N.V. Chudakova, O.G. Hinn: "I know the world" (culture), Moscow, AST, 1997.

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The work was completed by a student of class 10 “A” of Municipal Educational Institution Secondary School No. 2 Anton Tatarintsev

Greek culture

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Culture of Ancient Greece. Prechistenskaya secondary school. Culture of ancient Greece. Ancient civilization (1st millennium BC -Yth century AD) wrote golden pages in the history of world culture. Map of Ancient Greece. Historical monuments of Ancient Greece. The Acropolis embodied the idea of ​​the power and greatness of the Athenian state. The main building of the Acropolis is the Parthenon. Parthenon – Temple of the Virgin Athena (Parthenos). The Erechtheion Temple was erected not far from the Parthenon. The temple was dedicated simultaneously to Athena, Poseidon and the legendary king Erechtheus. Ephesus – greek theater. Greek sculptors. Statue of Olympian Zeus. - Greek culture.ppt

In Ancient Greece

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Culture of Ancient Greece. Greek language. Greek alphabet. In the 4th century. BC e. finally established modern direction- from left to right. Alphabet Greek language in continuous use since the late 9th or early 8th century BC. e. Alpha and Omega. Architecture. Temple of Artemis at Ephesus. Delphi. Ruins of the Temple of Apollo. Found in the first buildings of Ancient Greece and Dorian colonies. In the Doric order, the flutes are shallow, with sharp edges. The Ionic order is one of the three ancient Greek architectural orders. Spread throughout the territory of Ancient Greece in the 5th century BC. e. The Corinthian order arose later than others and was particularly splendid. - In Ancient Greece.pps

Culture of Ancient Greece

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Culture of ancient Greece. Life is short, but art is eternal Democritus - 470-370. BC. Culture of Ancient Greece. Painting School Architecture Sculpture Olympic Games Theater. In our lesson: Achievements of the ancient Greeks in the field of culture. Solving historical problems and puzzles. Studying new topic"Theater of Dionysus" Getting good grades. What is the creation of the Greeks? 2. List of correct answers. Check. Find mistakes in the student’s work: Red-figure painting. Black-figure painting. Find errors in the text: All children over 10 years old studied in Greek schools. Education in schools was paid. - Culture of Ancient Greece.pptx

Culture and history of Greece

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Myths intertwine early elements of religion, philosophy, science and art. IN Greek myths many parallels can be drawn with the legends of other nations. The knowledge of the ancient Greeks about the origin of the Universe and man is impressive. People of a philosophical bent discover the essence of things. Scientists use laws first formulated by the ancient Greeks. Architects follow the classical canons of ancient temples. Modern sculptors learn from the masterpieces of ancient Greek masters. And nothing seems to change over time. In Greece, a stranger is led to dance. Greece. - Culture and history of Greece.ppt

Culture in Ancient Greece

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Ancient Greece. Project goal: Show Greece: Talk about literature, writing, music, religion, theater, architecture. Map of Greece. Literature. Writing. Writing in Greek culture of the XXII-XII centuries. played a limited role. Gradually, the forms of signs were simplified, and some began to denote only syllables. Music. Music in Greek means “the art of the muses.” Muse. Melpomene. Gods of ancient Greece. Religion played a big role in early Greece. HERA, queen of the gods. HERMES, god of trade and profit. DEMETER, goddess of fertility, patroness of agriculture. POSEIDON is one of the Olympian gods. - Culture in Ancient Greece.ppt

Cultural history of Ancient Greece

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Culture of Ancient Greece. The emergence of Greek civilization. Egyptian and Mesopotamian civilizations. The Cretans had linear writing. Number of small independent states. Pythagoras. History of Babylonia. Classic period. New demands began to be placed on sculpture. Variety of characters. Olympus. The gods lived a carefree and cheerful life. Ares' name. Artemis. Dionysus. - Cultural history of Ancient Greece.pptx

Artistic culture of Ancient Greece

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Artistic culture of Ancient Greece. Chilo from Sparta. The inscription in the Temple of Apollo at Delphi Mera is most important. Cleobulus of Lindus. Inscription in the Temple of Apollo at Delphi Man is the measure of all things. Protagoras We love beauty without whimsicality and wisdom without delicacy. Pericles Periodization of the history and culture of Ancient Greece. I – Homeric (XI-IX centuries BC) II – archaic (VIII-VI centuries BC) III – classical (V-IV centuries BC) IV – Hellenistic (late IV -I century Order system. Peripterus is the main type of Greek temple. Peripterus is a rectangular building surrounded on four sides by a colonnade - Artistic culture of Ancient Greece.ppt.

Culture of Ancient Greece of the classical period

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Ancient Greece. Culture. Literature. Homer. Aesop. Tragedy and comedy. Dionysus. Aeschylus, Sophocles, Euripides - the great tragedians of antiquity. Aristophanes. Theater of Dionysus in Athens. Transformation was carried out by changing masks. Education. Training boys. Girls' education. The science. Socrates. Plato. Aristotle. Pythagoras. Archimedes. Democritus Hippocrates. Herodotus and Xenophon are the authors of works on history. Ptolemy. Writing. Parchment scroll. Greek alphabet. - Culture of Ancient Greece of the classical period.ppt

In Athenian schools and gymnasiums

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In Athenian schools and gymnasiums. Slaves are teachers. School lessons. Visit to the palaestra. In the Athenian gymnasiums. Lesson assignment: Think about how education in Athens differs from education in Sparta? 1. Slaves are teachers. Until the age of seven, boys from rich families did nothing but play. At seven years old, the child was handed over to the teacher. And at home he taught me good manners. 2. School activities. At school they instilled a love of poetry. 3. Visit to the palaestra. From the age of twelve, boys began to attend another school - the palestra. 4. In the Athenian gymnasiums. Which were located outside the city (ruins of the gymnasium in Olympia). - Athens School.ppt

Greek school

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One day at Greek school. Accompanying the child. Classes at the Greek school. Palaestra. Schedule of lessons. Knowledge. Greek letter. Grammar. Writing experience. Greek alphabet. Ways to create writing. Poetry. Read the text expressively. Lines from the works of Homer. Theater. Tragedy. Playwright. Aesop's name. Work. Mathematics. Sculptural portrait. Pythagoras. The mind is immortal. Story. Discoveries of Herodotus. Philosophy. Love of wisdom. Saying of Democritus. The connection between nature and man. Socrates. Behavior of a smart person. Continue learning. Gymnastics. Healthy spirit. - Greek school.ppt

Schools of Ancient Greece

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School and science in Ancient Greece. What has been preserved from ancient Greek schools in our educational institutions? Ancient Greek alphabet, writing. Educational establishments Ancient Greece. School – education in Greece was paid. The schools educated the sons of free Greeks from the age of 7. Some remained there until old age. Hayrete paides! Kaloy kai agatoy! Hello children! Beautiful and perfect! When teaching literacy, the teacher read aloud a text written on papyrus. The students looked at the text and tried to remember what was written. Style and notebook. On one side the stylus was sharp. The Greeks believed that a person should be harmoniously developed. - Schools of Ancient Greece.ppt

Education in Ancient Greece

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Education and school in ancient world Mediterranean. Education in Ancient Greece. Social status of the teacher. Education of the Spartiates. The children came under the supervision of a teacher. Educational techniques. Athenian education. Private paid schools. Public institutions. Teachers. Philosophers of Ancient Greece. Aristotle. Basic pedagogical ideas. Mental education. Pedagogical activity. Main works. Philosophy of nature. Psychology. Biological works. Composition. Politics and economics. Plato. Future path. The principle of universal compulsory education. Pedagogical problems. - Education in Ancient Greece.ppt

Writing of Ancient Greece

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Writing of ancient Greece. Map of ancient Greece. Greek alphabet. Now let's compare the alphabets. Read more about the Greek Alphabet. Semitic style of writing. New material for writing. Wooden planks. Athenian slave-owning republic. Higher schools. Book. Papyrus scrolls. Treasures of Greek Literature. Culture. - Writing of Ancient Greece.pptx

Clothing of Ancient Greece

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Clothing of ancient Greece. Drapery. The basis of the ancient Greek costume. The beauty of the suit. Flying image. Textile. Ornament. Color. Men's suit. Chiton and himation. Woman suit. Women's clothing. Shoes, headdress. Greek women's shoes. Greek knot. Hairstyles. Accessories. - Clothing of Ancient Greece.ppt

Farmers in Ancient Greece

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Farmers of Attica. From which ancient Greek myth this is an image. What myth is this illustration from? Tell the myth of Prometheus. Ancient Greece. Greek ships. Peloponnese. Olives. Olive collection. Typical Greek food. Copper tools. Natural marble. Ancient Greek writing. Ancient Greek vases. House of a rich Athenian. Activities of the ancient Greeks. Categories of the population of Athens. Place them in the correct order. Name the ancient Greek gods. - Farmers in Ancient Greece.ppt

Olympic Games in Ancient Greece

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Olympic Games in Ancient Greece (5 grades). History of Ancient Greece. Olympic Games. Home of the Olympic Games. The birthplace of the Olympic Games is Ancient Greece. First Olympic Games. Dedication of the Olympic Games. Game time. The Olympic Games took place in the summer and lasted five days. Start of the games. The judges swore to make fair decisions. Sports days. The next three days were devoted to competitions. Type of competition. Fist fight. Struggle. Running with weapons. Chariot racing. Pentathlon: Running Long jump Javelin throw Discus throw Wrestling. Honoring the winner. Reward -Laurel wreath. - Olympic Games in Ancient Greece.pps

The first Olympic Games of Ancient Greece

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Ancient Greece. Olympic Games in Ancient Greece. Introduce students to the history of the Olympic Games. Data. First Olympic Games. Myth. Free Greeks. Participants. Five unforgettable days. Drawings. Winners of the Olympic Games. Lesson assignment. Consolidation of the studied material. - The first Olympic Games of Ancient Greece.ppt

Homer's poems

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Bederov Denis. Homer's poem "Iliad" Homer's poem "Odyssey". Homer. Ancient Greek sculptural portrait. Bust of Homer. Louvre. Paris. POEM "Iliad". Map of Ancient Greece. Telemachus and Penelope. Fragment of painting of an ancient Greek vase. Andromache. Daughter of Etion, king of Thebes and Cilicia. Hector's wife. In the Iliad, Andromache is the embodiment of the ideal of a devoted and loving wife. She was taken away from Troy as booty by Neoptolemus, from whom she gave birth to Molossus. Andromache mourns Hector. Hector says goodbye to Andromache. POEM "Odyssey". Odyssey. Start. Muse! Vase with a description of an episode from the poem "Odyssey". - Homer's poems.ppt

Achilles and Hector

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Homer's poem "Iliad". Who didn't the Greek gods invite to their feast? Why did the goddesses Hera, Athena, and Aphrodite quarrel? Who did King Paris of Troy fall in love with? Draw a conclusion. Homework questions. Lesson plan. HOMER, ancient Greek poet. To date, there is no convincing evidence of the reality of the historical figure of Homer. It can be assumed that Homer lived around the 8th century BC. ACHILLES (Achilles), in the Iliad one of the bravest greek heroes who besieged Troy. Hence the expression “Achilles heel” (weak spot). Achilles. The famous hero of myths about Trojan War There was a Greek Achilles. -

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Mythology of Ancient Greece

The mythological culture of Ancient Greece is based on material-sensual or animate-intelligent cosmologism. Cosmos is understood here as an absolute, a deity and as a work of art. The Greeks' idea of ​​the world comes down to the idea of ​​it as a theatrical stage, where people are actors, and all together are a product of the Cosmos.

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Myths about the Greek gods

The Greeks believed in many gods. According to myths, the gods behaved like people: they fought, quarreled, fell in love. They all lived on Olympus

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Zeus is the god of the sky, thunder and lightning, in charge of the whole world. Chief of the Olympian gods, father of gods and men, third son of the titan Kronos and Rhea, brother of Hades, Hestia, Demeter and Poseidon. Zeus's wife is the goddess Hera. The attributes of Zeus were: a shield and a double-sided ax, sometimes an eagle.

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The kingdom of the dead was ruled by Hades, brother of Zeus. Few myths have survived about him. The kingdom of the dead was separated from the rest of the world by the deep river Styx, through which the souls of the dead were transported by CHARON. Cerberus or Kerberus, in Greek mythology, the watchdog of the kingdom of the dead, guarding the entrance to the world of Hades

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Poseidon (Neptune to the Romans) was Greek god seas and oceans. He is depicted as a powerful bearded man, somewhat similar to Zeus, with a trident in his hand. Poseidon is the wildest of the gods, the god of storms and earthquakes, swift and merciless tidal waves - dangers exposed when forces dormant under the surface of consciousness are unleashed. His animal symbols are the bull and the horse.

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Demeter was the great Olympian goddess of agriculture, grain, and humanity's daily bread. She also exercised control over the foremost of the region's secret cults, whose initiators were promised her protection on the path to a happy afterlife. Demeter was depicted as a mature woman, often wearing a crown and holding a sheaf of wheat and a torch.

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Hestia is the goddess of the family hearth and sacrificial fire in Ancient Greece. Eldest daughter of Kronos and Rhea. Sister of Zeus, Demeter, Hades and Poseidon. Her image was in the Athenian Prytaneum. She is called “the owner of the Pythian laurel.” A sacrifice was made to her before the start of any sacred ceremony, no matter whether the latter was of a private or public nature, due to which the saying “start with Hestia” was formed, which served as a synonym for a successful and correct start to the matter.

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Hera is a goddess, the patroness of marriage, protecting the mother during childbirth. One of the twelve Olympian deities, the supreme goddess, wife of Zeus.

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Ancient Greece sculpture

Ancient Greek sculpture- one of the highest achievements of the culture of antiquity, which left an indelible mark on world history. The origin of Greek sculpture can be attributed to the era Homeric Greece(XII-VIII centuries BC). Already in the archaic era, in the 7th-6th centuries, wonderful statues and ensembles were created. The heyday and highest rise of Greek sculpture occurred during the period of the early and high classics (5th century BC). And the 4th century BC. e., already the period of the late classics.

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The sculpture of the Archaic era is dominated by statues of slender naked youths and draped young girls - kouros and koras. Neither childhood nor old age attracted the attention of artists then, because only in mature youth are vital forces in full bloom and balance. Early Greek sculptors created images of Men and Women in their ideal version. Archaic sculptures were not as uniformly white as we imagine them to be today. Many still have traces of coloring. Artists were looking for mathematically verified proportions of the human body and the “body” of architecture “Goddess with a Pomegranate” from Keratea 580-570 “Discobolus” Myron 460-450 BC.

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Ancient Greek temples

The main task of architecture among the Greeks was the construction of temples. It gave birth to and developed artistic forms. Throughout the historical life of Ancient Greece, its temples retained the same basic type, which was later adopted by the Ancient Romans. Greek temples didn't look like temples Ancient Egypt and the East: these were not colossal, mysterious temples inspiring religious fear of formidable, monstrous deities, but friendly dwellings of humanoid gods, built like the dwellings of mere mortals, but more elegant and rich.

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The main task of architecture among the Greeks was the construction of temples. Throughout the historical life of Ancient Greece, its temples retained the same basic type. The column played an important role in Greek architecture: its shapes, proportions and decorative decoration subordinated the shapes, proportions and decoration of other parts of the structure; it was the module defining his style. The columns of Ancient Greece are divided into two styles: The Doric style is distinguished by the simplicity, power, and even heaviness of its forms, their strict proportionality and full compliance with mechanical laws. Its column represents a circle in its section; In the Ionic style, all forms are lighter, gentler and more graceful than in the Doric. The column stands on a quadrangular, rather wide base Temple of Apollo Temple of Artemis

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Vase painting

The ancient Greeks painted all types of pottery used for storage, eating, rituals and holidays. Works of ceramics, decorated with special care, were donated to temples or invested in burials. Heavily fired and resistant to impact environment Tens of thousands of ceramic vessels and their fragments have survived. From the second half of the 7th century. before the beginning of the 5th century BC, human figures began to appear in images. The most popular motifs for images on vases are feasts, battles, and mythological scenes telling about the life of Hercules and the Trojan War. At different periods of life the Greeks used different types vase paintings: black-figure, red-figure, vase painting on a white background, Gnathian vases, Kanosa, Centuripa. Red-figure vase-painting Black-figure vase-painting Vase-Gnathia Vase-painting on a white background Centurip vase-painting

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Ancient Greek writing

The ancient Greeks developed their writing based on Phoenician. The names of some Greek letters are Phoenician words. For example, the name of the letter “alpha” comes from the Phoenician “aleph” (bull), “beta” - from “bet” (house). They also came up with some new letters. This is how the alphabet came about. The Greek alphabet already had 24 letters.

The Greek alphabet formed the basis of the Latin alphabet, and Latin became the basis of all Western European languages. The Slavic alphabet also came from Greek.


Of the huge variety of works of ancient Greek literature, only very few have reached us. The literature of Ancient Greece is divided into two periods: The Archaic period is the main phenomenon of Homeric poems, which represent the completion of a long series of smaller experiments in legendary poetry, as well as religious and everyday songwriting. This also includes the Odyssey and the Iliad. Classical period - this period was dominated by comedy and tragedy, reflecting real life political life Greeks Hellenistic period - among the scientific disciplines of that time, philology or literary criticism. The removal of poetry from politics was, as it were, compensated for by idyllic pictures of common people’s life

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Target: contribute to the formation of students' knowledge about artistic culture Ancient Greece.


  • give an idea of ​​the nature of ancient Greek architecture and sculpture;
  • introduce the concept of “order” in architecture;
  • consider their types;
  • identify the role of ancient Greek culture in the formation of European culture;

cultivate interest in the culture of other countries; Lesson type:

formation of new knowledge Lesson equipment

: G.I. Danilova MHC. From the origins to the 17th century: a textbook for 10th grade. – M.: Bustard, 2013. Presentation, computer, projector, interactive board.

During the classes

I. Class organization.

II. Preparing to accept a new topic

III. Learning new material

The land of Ancient Hellas still amazes with its majestic architectural structures and sculptural monuments.

Hellas - this is how its inhabitants called their country, and themselves - Hellenes, named after the legendary king - the ancestor of Hellenes. Later this country was called Ancient Greece.

The blue sea splashed, going far beyond the horizon. Among the expanse of water, the islands were green with dense greenery. The Greeks built cities on the islands. Lived in every city talented people

, capable of speaking the language of lines, colors, reliefs. SLIDE 2-3

Architectural appearance of ancient Hellas

The development of democratic city-states greatly contributed to the development of architecture, which reached special heights in temple architecture. It expressed the main principles that were subsequently formulated on the basis of the works of Greek architects by the Roman architect Vitruvius (second half of the 1st century BC): “strength, usefulness and beauty.”

Order (Latin - order) is a type of architectural structure that takes into account the combination and interaction of load-bearing (supporting) and non-supporting (overlapping) elements. The most widespread were the Doric and Ionic (late 7th century BC) and, to a lesser extent, later (late 5th – early 4th century BC) the Corinthian order, which are widely used in architecture up to our time. SLIDE 6-7

In a Doric temple, the columns rise directly from the pedestal. They have no decorations except fluted stripes and vertical grooves. The Doric columns hold the roof with tension, you can see how hard it is for them. The top of the column is crowned with a capital (head). The trunk of a column is called its body. Doric temples have very simple capitals. The Doric order, as the most laconic and simple, embodied the idea of ​​masculinity and tenacity of character of the Greek tribes of the Dorians.

It is characterized by the strict beauty of lines, shapes and proportions. SLIDE 8-9.

The columns of the Ionic temple are taller and thinner. Below it is raised above the pedestal. The fluted grooves on its trunk are more frequent and flow like folds of thin fabric. And the capital has two curls. SLIDE 9-11

The name comes from the city of Corinth. They are richly decorated with plant motifs, among which images of acanthus leaves predominate.

Sometimes a vertical support in the form of a female figure was used as a column. It was called a caryatid. SLIDE 12-14

The Greek order system was embodied in stone temples, which, as you know, served as a dwelling for the gods. The most common type of Greek temple was the peripterus. Peripterus (Greek - “pteros”, i.e. “feathered”, surrounded by columns around the perimeter). On its long side there were 16 or 18 columns, on the shorter side 6 or 8. The temple was a room shaped like an elongated rectangle in plan. SLIDE 15

Athens Acropolis

5th century BC - the heyday of the ancient Greek city-states. Athens is becoming the largest political and cultural center of Hellas. In the history of Ancient Greece, this time is usually called the “Golden Age of Athens.” It was then that the construction of many architectural structures was carried out here, included in the treasury of world art. This time is the reign of the leader of the Athenian democracy, Pericles. SLIDE 16

The most remarkable buildings are located on the Acropolis of Athens. Here were the most beautiful temples of Ancient Greece. The Acropolis not only decorated the great city, first of all it was a shrine. When a person first came to Athens, he first of all saw

Acropolis. SLIDE 17

Acropolis means “upper city” in Greek. Situated on a hill. Temples were built here in honor of the Gods. All work on the Acropolis was led by the great Greek architect Phidias. Phidias gave 16 whole years of his life to the Acropolis. He revived this colossal creation. All temples were built entirely from marble. SLIDE 18

SLIDE 19-38 These slides show the plan of the Acropolis, with a detailed description of architectural monuments and sculpture.

On the southern slope of the Acropolis was the Theater of Dionysus, which could seat 17 thousand people. It played out tragic and comedic scenes from the life of gods and people. The Athenian public reacted lively and temperamentally to everything that happened before their eyes. SLIDE 39-40

Fine art of Ancient Greece. Sculpture and vase painting.

Ancient Greece entered the history of world artistic culture thanks to its remarkable works of sculpture and vase painting. Sculptures adorned the squares of ancient Greek cities and facades in abundance. architectural structures.According to Plutarch (c.45-c.127), there were more statues in Athens than living people. SLIDE 41-42

The earliest works that have survived to our time are kouros and koras, created in the archaic era.

Kouros is a type of statue of a young athlete, usually naked. Reached significant sizes (up to 3 m). Kouros were placed in sanctuaries and on tombs; they had predominantly memorial significance, but could also be cult images. Kuros are surprisingly similar to each other, even their poses are always the same: upright static figures with a leg extended forward, arms with palms clenched into fists extended along the body. Their facial features are devoid of individuality: the regular oval of the face, the straight line of the nose, the oblong shape of the eyes; full, protruding lips, large and round chin. The hair behind the back forms a continuous cascade of curls. SLIDE 43-45

The figures of kor (girls) are the embodiment of sophistication and sophistication. Their poses are also monotonous and static. Steeply curled curls, intercepted by tiaras, are parted and fall down to the shoulders in long symmetrical strands. There is a mysterious smile on all faces. SLIDE 46

The ancient Hellenes were the first to think about what it should be like wonderful person, and sang the beauty of his body, the courage of his will and the strength of his mind. Sculpture received particular development in Ancient Greece, reaching new heights in conveying portrait features and the emotional state of a person. The main topic The work of the sculptors was man - the most perfect creation of nature.

The images of people by the artists and sculptors of Greece begin to come to life, move, they learn to walk and slightly put their foot back, frozen in mid-step. SLIDE 47-49

Ancient Greek sculptors really liked to sculpt statues of athletes, as they called people big physical strength, athletes. The most famous sculptors of that time are: Myron, Polykleitos, Phidias. SLIDE 50

Myron is the most beloved and popular among Greek portrait sculptors. Myron's statues of winning athletes brought him the greatest fame. SLIDE 51

Statue “Discobolus”. Before us is a beautiful young man, ready to throw a discus. It seems that in a moment the athlete will straighten up and the disc thrown with great force will fly into the distance.

Miron, one of the sculptors who sought to convey a sense of movement in his works. The statue is 25 centuries old. Only copies have survived to this day and are kept in various museums around the world. SLIDE 52

Polykleitos was an ancient Greek sculptor and art theorist who worked in Argos in the 2nd half of the 5th century BC. Polykleitos wrote the treatise “Canon”, where he spoke for the first time about what forms an exemplary sculpture could and should have. Developed a kind of “mathematics of beauty”. He carefully looked at the beauties of his time and deduced proportions, observing which one could build a correct, beautiful figure. The most famous work of Polykleitos is “Doriphoros” (Spearman) (450–440 BC). It was believed that the sculpture was created based on the provisions of the treatise. SLIDE 53-54

Statue of “Doriphoros”.

A beautiful and powerful young man, apparently the winner of the Olympic Games, walks slowly with a short spear on his shoulder. This work embodied the ancient Greeks' ideas about beauty. Sculpture has long remained a canon (model) of beauty. Polykleitos sought to portray a person at rest. Standing or walking slowly. SLIDE 55

Around 500 BC. In Athens, a boy was born who was destined to become the most famous sculptor of all Greek culture. He earned the fame of the greatest sculptor. Everything that Phidias did remains the hallmark of Greek art to this day. SLIDE 56-57

The most famous work of Phidias is the statue of “Olympian Zeus.” The figure of Zeus was made of wood, and parts from other materials were attached to the base using bronze and iron nails and special hooks. The face, hands and other parts of the body were made of ivory - it is quite close in color to human skin. Hair, beard, cloak, sandals were made of gold, eyes - of precious stones. Zeus's eyes were the size of an adult's fist. The base of the statue was 6 meters wide and 1 meter high. The height of the entire statue together with the pedestal was, according to various sources, from 12 to 17 meters. The impression was created “that if he (Zeus) wanted to get up from the throne, he would blow the roof off.” SLIDE 58-59

Sculptural masterpieces of Hellenism.

In the Hellenistic era, classical traditions were replaced by a more complex understanding of the inner world of man. New themes and plots appear, the interpretation of well-known classical motifs changes, and approaches to depicting human characters and events become completely different. Among the sculptural masterpieces of Hellenism one should name: “Venus de Milo” by Agesander, sculptural groups for the frieze of the Great Altar of Zeus in Pergamon; “Nike of Samothrocia by an unknown author, “Laocoon with his sons” by sculptors Agesander, Athenadore, Polydorus. SLIDE 60-61

Antique vase painting.

Just as beautiful as the architecture and sculpture was the painting of Ancient Greece, the development of which can be judged by the drawings decorating the vases that have come down to us, starting from the 11th–10th centuries. BC e. Ancient Greek craftsmen created a great variety of vessels for various purposes: amphoras - for storing olive oil and wine, kraters - for mixing wine with water, lekythos - a narrow vessel for oil and incense. SLIDE 62-64

The vessels were modeled from clay and then painted with a special composition - it was called “black varnish”. Black-figure painting was called black-figure painting, for which the natural color of baked clay served as the background. Red-figure painting was a painting for which the background was black and the images had the color of baked clay. The subjects for painting were legends and myths, scenes Everyday life, school lessons, athletic competitions. Time has not been kind to the antique vases - many of them broke. But thanks to the painstaking work of archaeologists, some were able to be glued together, but to this day they delight us with their perfect shapes and the shine of black varnish. SLIDE 65-68

The culture of Ancient Greece, having reached a high degree of development, subsequently had a huge influence on the culture of the whole world. SLIDE 69

IV. Reinforcing the material covered

V. Homework

Textbook: chapter 7-8. Prepare reports on the work of one of the Greek sculptors: Phidias, Polykleitos, Myron, Scopas, Praxiteles, Lysippos.

VI. Lesson summary

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Artistic culture of ancient Greece, grade 10

The architectural appearance of Ancient Hellas The architecture of Ancient Greece was not characterized by the scale of the Egyptians and the monumentality of Ancient Western Asia. The man of Ancient Greece saw proportionality and harmony.

Man believed in the rational organization of the world. Man sought to embody ideals on earth that corresponded to his ideas about the structure of nature. The man especially valued a sense of proportion in everything. Orderliness, proportionality, strict rhythm, proportionality of all parts of architectural structures were the main ones distinctive features ancient Greek architecture.

The merit of ancient Greek architecture is the creation of an order system. Reading p. 73 line 5 from bottom. ORDER was the embodiment of the masculinity and tenacity of character of the Greek tribes.

Temples served as homes for the gods. The most common type of Greek temple was PERIPTER, i.e. surrounded by columns around the perimeter. Long side – 16 or 18 columns. The smaller side has 6 or 8 columns. The entrance to the sanctuary was only from the rear façade, and not from the main façade, which was always located on the eastern part. Porticoes are symbols of the heavenly world of the gods. ???? Reading p. 75 ab 1.

Large sanctuaries - temples: Temple of Apollo at Delphi

Temple of Apollo in Corinth

Temple of Hera at Olympia

Temple of Hera at Paestum

Golden Age of Athens 5th century BC - the heyday of ancient Greece. Athens is the largest political and cultural center of Hellas. In history, this time is usually called the “Golden Age of Athens.” This time is also called the “age of Pericles.” ??? Reading p. 75 line 6 from below.

Sculptors and the philosopher Pericles Polykleitos Phidias Anaxagoras

The Acropolis of Athens The Acropolis is an ensemble of public and cultural center Athenian state. Trials of the Acropolis: destruction, robbery. Today it is a ruin, but remains a monument to the “golden age”. Look at the drawing on p. 76

Propylaea - ??? (p. 77 ab.2)

Having passed the Propylaea, the visitor found himself in a large square where a statue of Athena stood. ???? (p. 77 ab 3)

The Parthenon is the main temple of the Acropolis. 8 and 17 columns with a height of 10.5 m. According to legend, in the temple there was a 12-meter statue of A Fina, made of ivory with gold plating.

The middle part of the horizontal ceiling of the columns is the frieze.

The reliefs glorify the heroic Greek people and their history. All the gods of Greece gathered here: the thunderer Zeus, the mighty ruler of the seas Poseidon, the wise warrior Athena, the winged Victory Nike. Heroes of Greek myths perform their feats here.

Temple of Erechtheion The temple is dedicated to the king of Athens, Erechtheus, who had divine origin. The temple is decorated with CARYATIDS - sculptures of girls solemnly supporting the cornice.

Theater of Dionysus The theater accommodated 17 thousand people. Tragic and comedic scenes from the life of gods and people were played out. Before the start of the performance, sacrifices and a rite of purification of all those present in the theater were performed in the altar in front of the statue of the god Dionysus.

Homework: pp. 73 – 80 reading, retelling. Know the terms! In class, retelling using slides.