Presentation on the theme of matryoshka. Presentation "The history of the appearance of the Russian nesting doll" presentation for a lesson on the world around us (junior group) on the topic

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Matryoshka is a Russian national toy, a wooden doll, originally painted. Russian matryoshka is probably the most popular Russian national souvenir. She gained wide fame far abroad. The translation of the word “Matryoshka” cannot be found in any dictionary in the world. But everyone knows what it is. In Germany they are called differently: “Grandmothers”, “Mommies” or even “Aunt Olya”. Funny, cheerful nesting dolls have visited all major exhibitions, fairs, and festivals held in different parts of the world, enchanting viewers with their unique Russian appearance. And it seems that the nesting doll came to us from hoary antiquity, from the world of legends and fairy tales. In fact, this wooden doll is “only” about a hundred years old. Matryoshka - lady Silver Age, a contemporary of the heroines of Balmont, Blok and Bakst. The nesting dolls were walking along the path. There were a few of them, Two Matryoshkas, three Matryoshkas and another Matryoshka.

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Matryoshka is a real Russian beauty. Rosy-cheeked, in a smart sundress, with a bright scarf on her head. But the nesting doll is not a lazy person; in her hands she either has a sickle and ears of grain, or a duck or a cockerel, or a basket with mushrooms, berries or flowers. But the main thing is that this doll has a secret! Cheerful little sisters are hiding inside it, a little less.

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Modern toys are diverse. It contains many new images and subjects, artistic and stylistic searches, and author's handwriting. And every toy goes a long way before becoming a standard, a role model. Let's remember the familiar matryoshka doll. About her, as well as about folk heroes legends are made. They say that in century, to the Mamontov family - famous Russian industrialists and philanthropists - either from Paris or from the island of Honshu, someone brought a Japanese chiseled figurine of the Buddhist saint Fukuruji (Fukuruma), which turned out to be a “surprise” - it was split into two parts. Hidden inside it was another, smaller one, which also consisted of two halves... There were five such dolls in total.

It was assumed that it was this figurine that prompted the Russians to create their own version of a detachable toy, embodied in the image of a peasant girl, who was soon christened by the people with the common name Matryoshka (Matryona). The appearance of the nesting doll in Rus'

Slide 5 Nowadays, they still refer to the legend about the Japanese origin of the nesting doll, but it has no documentary evidence. The history of the development of the toy craft in Russia suggests that the creation of the Russian matryoshka was facilitated by the tradition of turning and painting wooden eggs for Easter. In one of the albums dedicated to the work of the Russian artist S.V. Malyutin you can see an extraordinary illustration, left without comment - a sketch of a painting of a doll carved from wood. It was this famous artist, later an academician of painting, who at one time became the creator of the first Russian nesting doll. And the turning shape of the toy was proposed by V.P. Zvezdochkin, a native of the Voronovskaya volost of the Podolsk district of the Moscow province, has long been famous for its skillful turners. The birthplace of the new original toy, which quickly gained fame as a national souvenir, was the workshop - the store " Children's education

"A.I. Mamontov in Moscow, where turner V.P. Zvezdochkin worked since 1898.

Slide 6 Therefore, from approximately this time we can count the age of the nesting doll, whose further fate had its ups and downs, glory and oblivion, wanderings and metamorphoses. This toy, the most famous in Russia, has been around for about a century, but to this day it is unknown what came first - a sketch by a professional artist or a successful implementation

creative searches

folk artist, noticed in time by an interested person.

It is curious that the sketch published in the album and the matryoshka doll with the stamp of the workshop-shop "Children's Education" from the collection of the Art and Pedagogical Toy Museum in Sergiev Posad look like two sisters, but they cannot be called twins. This fact suggests that S.V. Malyutin made several options for painting the future toy.

The city of Sergiev Posad, located 73 km from Moscow, owes its origin to the famous Trinity-Sergius Lavra. In 1340, the monk Sergius of Radonezh founded a small monastery, lost in the forests. Types of Russian nesting dolls Sergievo - Posadskaya nesting doll

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which over time turned into the largest monastery Russian state. In the settlements and villages surrounding the monastery, many crafts flourished. Particularly notable was the production of a wooden toy, called the “Trinity”. According to legend, the first “Trinity” toy was carved by the abbot of the Trinity-Sergius Monastery, Sergius of Radonezh. He personally gave toys to children. The pilgrims, who flocked to the Lavra from all over Russia, bought toys for their children here. Even among the toys of the Tsar’s children there were wooden trinity (“amusing carts” with horses, brothers, “red” spoons). They were bought in Sergiev Posad, when Russian tsars came to the Trinity-Sergius Monastery on Bogomolye. From the end of the 18th century early XIX centuries, wooden toys depicting a peasant girl in a kokoshnik have reached us. A dancing man, elegant ladies and hussars. These were real wooden sculptures, skillfully painted. The carved and painted ladies and hussars were distinguished by their individuality, veracity of life, and great skill in execution. The carved and painted ladies and hussars were distinguished by their individuality, veracity of life, and great skill in execution.

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Sergievo - Posad matryoshka doll

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One of the main centers for the production and painting of nesting dolls is the city of Semenov. The dense, sometimes impenetrable forests of this Trans-Volga region gave shelter to Old Believers persecuted by Patriarch Nikon, Streltsy during the time of Peter I, and serfs fleeing the tyranny of the landowners. Semenovskaya matryoshka

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In these parts, the traditions of ancient Russian ornament were well known and used in decorating applied products. It was here that the famous Khokhloma painting was born, whose ornamental designs contain motifs dating back to the culture of ancient Rus'. The proximity to Khokhloma largely determines the originality of the painting of the Semyonovskaya matryoshka doll. The production of turning toys in Semenov has been carried out since time immemorial. They made buckets, apples, pears and other toys. They were brightly painted with a brush of white grass, with frequent red and green stripes, and covered with light varnish on top. They began making painted nesting dolls from the time when the son of the famous toy turner Averyan Dorofeevich Vagina from the village of Merinovo, located 8 km from Semyonov, brought from Nizhny Novgorod Sergiev-Posad wooden dummy doll, painted with light green vegetable paint, depicting a man with a painted beard and mustache.

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By analogy with Easter eggs They decided to make the doll detachable. This is how the wooden toy, the prototype of the future Semyonovskaya matryoshka, appeared. The first nesting dolls were painted with magenta, and the top was covered with glue instead of varnish, which is why the painting as a whole turned out dark. Particularly interesting were the turning nesting dolls of the Vagin masters: a bald man with a beard and mustache and a portly man in a hat and sheepskin coat. The origins of painting the Semenovskaya matryoshka doll are also associated with the hereditary toy makers Mayorovs (from the village of Merinovo). One day, the head of the family, Arsenty Fedorovich, brought an unpainted dummy doll from the Nizhny Novgorod fair, which was painted by his eldest daughter Lyubov. She made a drawing on the doll with a quill pen and painted it with a brush with aniline paints, placing a bright scarlet flower resembling a daisy in the center, and she crowned the head of the nesting doll with an old Russian headdress - kokoshnik. Gradually, a type of painting developed, which, unlike the Sergiev Posad painting of matryoshka dolls, is more decorative. In their painting, Semyonov’s masters follow the traditions of the “grass” ornament of Ancient Rus'.

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The Semyonov craftsmen leave more unpainted wood, paint the nesting dolls with aniline paints, and then varnish them. First, with a stroke of a thin brush, outline the contours of the face, eyes, lips, and apply blush. Then they draw a scarf on the head of the nesting doll, draw a skirt, an apron, and hands. The basis of the composition in painting a Semenovskaya nesting doll is an apron, on which a bouquet of lush flowers is depicted. The manner of execution of this bouquet reveals the painting techniques of ancient Russian masters. The Semenovsk turners created their own form of matryoshka, which, unlike the Sergiev Posad nesting doll, is more slender, with a relatively thin “top”, which sharply turns into a thickened “bottom”. The famous Semyonovskaya matryoshka differs from the nesting dolls of other centers in its multi-location; Up to 15-18 multi-colored dolls are put into it. It was in Semyonov that the largest 72-seat nesting doll was carved, the diameter of which is 0.5 meters and the height is 1 meter.

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Semenovskaya matryoshka

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Polkhovskaya toy Almost simultaneously with the Merinovskaya toy, another nesting doll appeared in the Volga region - in the large village of Polkhovsky Maidan, or Polkhov Maidan, as it was called in common parlance. In its shape, the Polkhovskaya nesting doll is noticeably different from its Sergiev and Semenovsk sisters. In addition, its extraordinary diversity is surprising, from multi-place, emphatically elongated vertically figurines with a small, rigidly outlined head to primitive single-place figurines - columns and plump, mushroom-like dolls. The painting of Polkhov nesting dolls is based on a combination of raspberry-red, green and black colors along a previously drawn outline with ink. “Flowers with guidance” is the most typical and beloved painting in Polkhovsky Maidan, closer and “variegation” is decoration using individual strokes, “pokes” and dots. The artists of Polkhovsky Maidan, like the Merinovo and Semyonovsky neighbors, paint the nesting doll with aniline paints according to pre-primed surface. Dyes are diluted with an alcohol solution. The painting of Sergiev's nesting dolls is done without preliminary drawing with gouache and only occasionally with watercolor and tempera, and the intensity of the color is achieved with the help of varnishing.

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Polkhovskaya matryoshka

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Residents of Vyatka and surrounding villages have long been engaged in the production of toys. In the village of Lugovoye they started painting matryoshka dolls back in the 30s. But the Vyatka painted wooden doll received a special uniqueness in the 60s, when the nesting dolls began not only to be painted with aniline dyes, but also to be inlaid with straws. Vyatka matryoshka

History of Matryoshka

Matryoshka considered a traditional Russian souvenir, the most popular among Russians and foreign guests, but not everyone knows the history of the matryoshka doll.

The matryoshka doll appeared in 1890. Its prototype was a chiseled figurine of the Buddhist saint Fukurum, which was brought from the island of Honshu to the Abramtsevo estate near Moscow. The figurine depicted a sage with his head stretched out from long thoughts; it turned out to be detachable, and a smaller figurine was hidden inside, which also consisted of two halves. There were five such dolls in total.

Turner Vasily Zvezdochkin carved the figures in the image of this toy, and artist Sergei Malyutin painted them. He depicted a girl in a sundress and a scarf with a black rooster in her hands. The toy consisted of eight figures. A boy followed the girl, then a girl again, etc. All of them were somehow different from each other, and the last, eighth, depicted a baby wrapped in swaddling clothes. A common name at that time was the name Matryona - and that’s how everyone’s favorite Matryoshka appeared.

Traditional types of nesting dolls:

  • Sergievskaya matryoshka
  • Semenov nesting dolls
  • Polkhovsko-Maidanovskaya matryoshka doll
  • Vyatka matryoshka
  • Tver matryoshka

Sergievskaya matryoshka The first matryoshka doll was born in Sergiev Posad. The Sergiev doll is always a round-faced girl wearing a knotted scarf, a patterned jacket, an elegant sundress and a flowered apron. Her painting is very bright, based on 3-4 primary colors - yellow, red, blue and green. The lines of her clothing and face are usually outlined in black. It is painted with gouache and varnished.

Maidan Matryoshka (from Polkhovsky Maidan Nizhny Novgorod region). The main element of the Polkhov-Maidan doll is a multi-petal rose hip flower, with several half-open buds near it. Painting a toy begins with drawing the outline of the drawing in ink. Then the product is primed with starch and then painted. After painting, the matryoshka is coated with clear varnish two or three times.

Vyatka matryoshka The most northern doll, which became well known in the 60s. Vyatka has always been famous for its products made of bast and birch bark, in which embossed patterns were created. In this area, they didn’t just paint the matryoshka doll with aniline paints, but decorated it with rye straws. This technique turned out to be new for the design of nesting dolls. To do this, the straws were first boiled in a soda solution, after which they acquired a beautiful sand color. Then it was cut and glued to the doll, forming patterns.

In addition to traditional types, there are also designer nesting dolls. Author's dolls are born in different places in Russia - Moscow, Kirov, Sergiev Posad, St. Petersburg, Tver. The design of such dolls depends on the imagination of the artist, their author. The author, as a rule, only slightly reflects Russian traditions in his toy, investing in it a new meaning and plot. This is how matryoshka dolls-politicians, nesting dolls with scenes from films and cartoons, as well as Russian folk tales. One doll can tell a whole tale.


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Once upon a time, a Japanese traditional wooden doll was brought from Japan, from the island of Honshu. It was the narrow-eyed wooden old man Fukuruma. The fukuruma opened up and contained several more figures nested inside one another.

S.A. was the first to paint a Russian nesting doll more than 100 years ago. Malyutin, and turned by turner Zvezdochkin. Everyone fell in love with the cheerful peasant girl. She was a round-faced peasant girl in an embroidered shirt, sundress and apron, in a colorful scarf, holding a black rooster in her hands. Russian wooden doll called matryoshka

The name Matryona, Matryosha was considered one of the most common female names. This name was associated with the mother of a large family, who had good health and a portly figure.

Making a matryoshka requires great skill. First, select the appropriate type of wood. Because of its softness, linden is mainly chosen, less often alder or birch.

Then you need to turn the workpiece out of wood, so that there is no knot or crack.

All rough edges must be removed.

After final drying and polishing, the smooth surface allows the artist to apply paint evenly

The artist will paint the nesting dolls with bright, cheerful colors, as if dressing them in elegant clothes. And now the Russian beauty is smiling at us.

And now the Russian beauty is smiling at us.

SERGIEVO POSAD MATRYOSHKA This nesting doll is the oldest Russian toy. It is dense, squat, with a smooth transition from the head to the body. In the images of the first such nesting dolls, masters embodied characters taken from life, depicting peasant girls, shepherdesses with a pipe, and old men. A combination of red, blue, yellow and green flowers they strived for colorfulness and elegance.


SEMYONOVSKAYA NESTING DOLL This nesting doll is slimmer, with a small head and a more rounded body shape. This nesting doll is distinguished by a large bouquet of flowers that decorates the figure of the toy, occupying the entire apron. The main color of the sundress is red. The black outline marks the edge of the apron and shirt sleeves. On the head is a traditional scarf, decorated along the border.


POLKHOV-MAIDANSKAYA NESTING DOLL Of all the nesting dolls, it is the thinnest and tallest. These nesting dolls do not have a scarf with tied ends, a sundress and an apron. Instead, there is an oval on a two-color field, on which there are many bright colors. On the head is a half shawl with flowers.


ZAGORSKAYA MATRYOSHKA The next matryoshka from the village of Zagorsk is the Zagorskaya matryoshka. These nesting dolls always wear sundresses, a blouse with embroidery, and a scarf on their heads. And on top of the sundress is an apron.

Zagorsk nesting dolls

Purpose of the lesson: To know the history of the origin and development of the Russian nesting doll;
Learn to create an ornament using variations of different shapes.

  • Education of artistic taste.
  • Development in children of creative imagination, fantasy, ability to understand and appreciate beauty.
  • Creating an image in embroidery and painting.

I. Organizational moment
II. Announcing the topic of the lesson in the form of a riddle:
There are sisters hiding in this young woman.
Each sister is a dungeon for the little one. (Matryoshka)
III. Announce the purpose and objectives and content of the lesson.
IV. Repetition of the material covered takes place in the quiz “Agreement, disagreement” (children work with cards).
V. Physical education minute (checking readiness for the lesson)
VI. Introducing a new topic.
VII. Test work
VIII. Peer review
IX. Physical education (warm-up for the eyes, ophthalmological table)
X. Practical work
XI. Work evaluation

Studying new topic begins with the theoretical part (studying the history of the development of the nesting doll) and viewing the presentation.

A matryoshka is a wooden, brightly painted doll, hollow inside, in the form of a semi-oval figure, into which other similar dolls of a smaller size are inserted. (Dictionary of the Russian language. S.I. Ozhegov)

Although the nesting doll has long gained a reputation as a symbol of our country, its roots are by no means Russian. According to the most common version, the history of the nesting doll originates in Japan. How did this happen?

Japan is a land of many gods. Each of them was responsible for something: either for the harvest, or helped the righteous, or was the patron of the happiness of art. Japanese gods are varied and multifaceted: cheerful, angry, wise... Yogis believed that a person has several bodies, each of which was patronized by a god. Entire sets of god figures were popular in Japan. And then at the end of the 19th century, someone decided to place several figures one inside the other. The first such fun was the figurine of the Buddhist sage Fukuruma, a good-natured bald old man who was responsible for happiness, prosperity and wisdom.

The Japanese figurine made its journey to Russia and was met with interest by turner Vasily Zvezdochkin. It was he who carved similar figures from wood, which were also nested inside one another. Famous artist Sergei Malyutin painted the figure in the Russian style - it was a round-faced, ruddy girl in a colorful scarf, a sundress, with a black rooster in her hand. The toy consisted of eight figures. Girls alternated with boys, and this family was crowned by a swaddled baby. It should be noted that the ability to paint turned items existed in Russia long before the matryoshka doll - in the tradition of turning and painting wooden eggs for Easter. So the Japanese figures found their way onto prepared Russian soil.

The most common name in Rus' was Matryona, if affectionately, then Matryoshka. That’s what they called the wooden young lady. Over time, the name Matryoshka became a household name.

The first Russian nesting dolls were created in Sergiev Posad as fun for children, which helped them master the concepts of shape, color, quantity and size. Such toys were quite expensive. But demand for them appeared immediately. A few years after the appearance of the first nesting doll, almost the entire Sergiev Posad was making these charming dolls. The original plot of the Russian nesting doll is Russian girls and women, rosy-cheeked and plump, dressed in sundresses and scarves, with dogs, cats, baskets, and flowers.

The Russian nesting doll became so famous that orders began to come even from abroad. At the beginning of the 20th century, a real matryoshka boom began. In addition to the traditional girl in a sundress, images of shepherdesses with a pipe, bearded men, brides and grooms appeared. Later, themed nesting dolls appeared, depicting, for example, characters literary heroes. Thus, for the centenary of N.V. Gogol, a series of matryoshka dolls - the heroes of Gogol's "The Inspector General" - was released. The theme of fairy tales has also always attracted Russian nesting doll masters. They illustrated “Turnip”, “Ivan Tsarevich”, “Firebird” and others. The imagination of the masters knew no bounds. Today, nesting dolls depicting historical and political figures are quite popular. But the main purpose of the nesting doll - to present a surprise - remains unchanged.

How is a matryoshka born? This process is quite complicated and requires considerable skill and patience. Each master has his own secrets. First you need to choose a tree. As a rule, these are linden, birch, and aspen. And it should be smooth, without knots. The tree is cut down in winter or early spring so that there is little sap in it. The trunk is processed and stored so that the wood is blown. It is important not to dry out the log. Drying time is approximately two years. The masters say that the tree should ring.

The smallest nesting doll that does not open is the first to be born. Following it is the lower part (bottom) for the next one. The upper part of the second nesting doll is not dried, but is immediately put on the bottom. Due to the fact that the upper part is dried in place, the parts of the nesting doll fit tightly to each other and hold well.

When the body of the nesting doll is ready, it is sanded and primed. And then the process begins that gives each nesting doll its own individuality - painting. First, the base of the drawing is applied with a pencil. Then the contours of the mouth, eyes, cheeks are outlined. And then they draw clothes for the matryoshka. Typically, when painting, they use gouache, watercolor or acrylic. Each locality has its own canons of painting, its own colors and shapes.

A good nesting doll is distinguished by the fact that: all its figures easily fit into each other; two parts of one nesting doll fit tightly and do not dangle; the drawing is correct and clear; Well, and, of course, a good nesting doll should be beautiful.

After familiarizing themselves with the theoretical part of the lesson, children begin practical work.

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