Presentation about the good and beautiful Trojan. Presentation on the topic "Trojan War"

Myth of Troy The Trojan prince Paris fell in love with the beautiful Helen, the wife of the Spartan king Menelaus. He managed to persuade the beauty to escape and, taking advantage of the absence of Menelaus, the loving couple sailed to Troy. The insulted Menelaus, together with his brother Agamemnon, having gathered a huge army, hurried after the fugitives. The bloody war between the Spartans and Trojans lasted for ten years. Great warriors met in battle, their names went down in history forever - Achilles, Hector, Patroclus, etc. The bloody war between the Spartans and Trojans lasted for ten years. Great warriors met in battle, their names went down in history forever - Achilles, Hector, Patroclus, etc. The strong walls of the city were impregnable for the Greeks. Then Odysseus, king of Ithaca, came up with one trick - to build a huge statue of a horse, hollow inside, into which the soldiers would climb. But how to force the Trojans to drag the statue through the impregnable walls of the city? And the cunning Greek foresaw this. The strong walls of the city were impregnable to the Greeks. Then Odysseus, king of Ithaca, came up with one trick - to build a huge statue of a horse, hollow inside, into which the soldiers would climb. But how to force the Trojans to drag the statue through the impregnable walls of the city? And the cunning Greek foresaw this.

In the morning, the Trojans discovered a huge statue of a horse near the city walls with an inscription that said that this horse was built in honor of the goddess Athena and as long as it stood, the Greeks would not attack the Trojans. The Greeks themselves removed their camp and sent the ships home. The Trojans were able to convince the Trojans of this by Odysseus’s cousin Sinon, who allegedly went over to their side. However, the controversy surrounding the horse did not subside; Cassandra stated that there were warriors in the statue of the horse, but they did not believe her. The priest Laoocon threw a spear at the statue, exclaiming “Fear the Danaans who bring gifts.” However, later, according to legend, he and his two sons were strangled by sea serpents, which became a sign for the Trojans to drag the statue into the city. Residents of the city threw a feast in honor of the end of the war, and numerous guards also succumbed to the celebration. Therefore, the Greeks who got out of the statue were freely able to open the city gates and let in the army of their compatriots. Helen was returned to her husband, and the city was burned to the ground.

The Trojans took him to the city so that the Greeks would not destroy the city walls, but the townspeople, in the confusion, did not notice the hidden soldiers. There is also another version. At that distant time, it was said about the rowers who were in the hold of the ship that it was hard for them, like in the belly of a horse.

It is possible that Homer called the ship in which Odysseus’s soldiers were hiding “horse”. It is possible that Homer called the ship in which Odysseus’s soldiers were hiding “horse”. According to Homer's descriptions, the Trojan Horse was about 3 meters wide and 7.6 meters high. Built as described today, the model weighed approximately two tons and could accommodate no more than twenty men of average build. According to Homer's descriptions, the Trojan Horse was about 3 meters wide and 7.6 meters high. Built as described today, the model weighed approximately two tons and could accommodate no more than twenty men of average build. In order to drag this structure, forty people would have been needed and the preparatory work would have taken several days, so the warriors hiding in the horse would have had a hard time at all. In order to drag this structure, forty people would have been needed and the preparatory work would have taken several days, so the warriors hiding in the horse would have had a hard time at all.

Trojan horse. After ten years of exhausting war and siege, one fine morning the Trojans, not believing their eyes, saw that the Greek camp was empty, and on the shore stood a huge wooden horse with a dedicatory inscription: “In gratitude for the future safe return home, the Achaeans dedicate this gift to Athena.” . The ancient people treated sacred gifts with great respect, and, by the decision of King Priam, the horse was brought into the city and installed in the citadel dedicated to Athena. When night came, the armed Achaeans sitting on horseback got out and attacked the sleeping inhabitants of the city. Thus, thanks to the horse, Troy was captured, and thus the Trojan War ended.

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History 10th grade summary

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Before the start of the Trojan War.
According to the folk tale, it all started at the wedding of Peleus and Thetis, to honor whom all the Olympian gods were invited, except the goddess of discord Eris; this last goddess, offended by the neglect shown to her, threw among the feasting people a golden apple with the inscription: “To the most beautiful.” A dispute ensued between Hera, Athena and Aphrodite. They asked Zeus to judge them. But he did not want to give preference to one of them, because he considered Aphrodite the most beautiful, but Hera was his wife, and Athena was his daughter. Then he gave justice to Paris.

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Paris gave preference to the goddess of love, and she promised him the love of the most beautiful woman in the world, the wife of King Menelaus Helen. Paris sailed to Sparta on a ship built by Ferekles. Menelaus warmly received the guest, but was forced to sail to Crete to bury his grandfather Katreus. Paris seduced Helen, and she sailed with him, taking with her the treasures of Menelaus and the slaves Ephra and Clymene. On the way they visited Sidon.

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The abduction of Helen was the closest pretext to declaring war on the people of Paris. Having decided to take revenge on the offender, Menelaus and his brother Agamemnon (Atrides) travel around the Greek kings and persuade them to participate in the campaign against the Trojans. This consent was given by the leaders of individual nations by virtue of the oath that Elena’s father, Tyndareus, had previously bound them with. Agamemnon was recognized as the commander-in-chief of the expedition; after him, a privileged position in the army was occupied by Menelaus, Achilles, two Ajax (the son of Telamon and the son of Oileus), Teucer, Nestor, Odysseus, Diomedes, Idomeneo, Philoctetes and Palamedes.

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The army, consisting of 100,000 soldiers and 1,186 ships, gathered in Aulis harbor (in Boeotia, along the strait separating Euboea from the Greek mainland).

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Start of the war
Agamemnon ordered the army to board ships and reached Asia. The Greeks landed by mistake in Mysia, the country of Telephus. A battle began, in which Thersander was killed by Telephus, but Telephus was seriously wounded by Achilles, his army was defeated. Then, having been carried by a storm from the coast of Asia Minor, the Achaeans again arrived at Aulis and from there they sailed to Troy for the second time after sacrificing Agamemnon’s daughter, Iphigenia, to Artemis ( last episode Not mentioned by Homer). Telephus, who arrived in Greece, showed the sea route to the Achaeans and was healed by Achilles.

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Landing on Tenedos, the Greeks capture the island. Achilles kills Tenes. When the Greeks were making sacrifices to the gods, Philoctetes was bitten by a snake. He is left on a deserted island. The landing in Troas ended successfully only after Achilles killed the king of the Troasian city of Colon, Cycnus, who came to the aid of the Trojans. Protesilaus, the first of the Achaeans to land on the shore, was killed by Hector.

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When the Greek army was encamped on the Trojan Plain, Odysseus and Menelaus went to the city to negotiate the extradition of Helen and the reconciliation of the warring parties. Despite the desire of Helen herself and Antenor’s advice to end the matter with reconciliation, the Trojans refused the Greeks to satisfy their demand. The number of Trojans commanded by Hector is smaller than the number of Greeks, and although they have strong and numerous allies on their side (Aeneas, Glaucus, etc.), fearing Achilles, they do not dare to give a decisive battle.

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End of the Trojan War
Immediately after the death of Hector, the Amazons come to the aid of the Trojans; soon in the battle, their queen Penthesilea kills Podarcus, but dies at the hands of Achilles.

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These losses on the part of the Greeks are balanced by the hardships that then befall the Trojans. Priamid Gelen, who lived in the Greek army as a prisoner, announces that Troy will be taken only if the arrows of Hercules, which were owned by the heir of Hercules Philoctetes, are brought, and the young son of Achilles arrives from the island of Skyros. Specially equipped ambassadors bring Philoctetes with his bow and arrows from the island of Lemnos, and Neoptolemus from the island of Skyros.

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On the advice of Athena, Epeus, the son of Panopeus, builds a giant wooden horse, in the inside of which the bravest of the Greeks hide under the command of Odysseus; the rest of the Greeks burn the camp and sail from the shore of Troas, however, to anchor on the other side of the island of Tenedos, awaiting the results of the invented venture. The Trojans, pouring out of the city, find the horse and stop, undecided what to do with it.

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A relative of Odysseus, the treacherous Sinon, announces to the Trojans that he is hiding from the Greeks, who, according to the evil intent of Odysseus, wanted to sacrifice him, and that the horse was built in order to appease Athena for the abduction of Palladium. He adds that an attempt to destroy the horse will bring death to Troy, and if the horse is brought into the city onto the acropolis, then Asia will emerge victorious in the fight against Europe.

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The supposedly departed Greeks return and take possession of Troy; the inhabitants are partly beaten, partly taken into slavery, and the city is given over to fire and destruction. Menelaus kills Deiphobus and frees Helen. Neoptolemus kills Agenor, Polite, and Priam himself at the altar of Zeus. Diomedes kills Corebus, Cassandra's fiancé. The child Astyanax, the son of Hector, is thrown from the tower by the victors.

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This is the main content of the legends about the Trojan War, drawn from the repositories ancient greek myths and legends. Thank you for attention. Markelenkov Andrey

Prepared by Lane Irina


The war between the Trojans and the Greeks began because the Trojan prince Paris stole
the beautiful Greek Elena from the city of Sparta. Her husband, the king of Sparta and his brother gathered
the army of the Greeks and went to Troy. The Spartans went against the Trojans.
During the war with Troy, the Achaeans, after a long and unsuccessful siege, resorted to
tricks: they built a huge wooden horse, left it at the walls of Troy, and they themselves
They pretended to swim away from the shore of Troy. The horse was an offering to the goddess Athena
Ilionskaya. On the side of the horse was written “This gift is brought to Athena the Warrior
departing Danaans." To build a horse, the Hellenes cut down the trees that grew in the sacred grove.
Apollo's dogwood trees appeased Apollo with sacrifices and gave him the name Carnea.
The priest Laocoont, seeing this horse and knowing the tricks of the Danaans, exclaimed: “Whatever this is.”
it was, but be afraid of the Danaans, even those who bring gifts!” and threw his spear at the horse. However, this
moment 2 huge snakes crawled out of the sea and killed Lakoont and his two sons, because
The god Poseidon himself wanted the destruction of Troy. The Trojans, not listening to the warnings of Laocoont and
the prophetess Cassandra dragged the horse into the city. Virgil's hemistich "Fear the Danaans,
even the gifts of those who bring”, often quoted in Latin (“Timeo Danaos et dona ferentes”),
has become a proverb. This is where the expression “Trojan horse” came from, used in
meaning: a secret, insidious plan, disguised as a gift.
Inside the horse sat 50 of the best warriors (according to the Little Iliad, 3000). According to Stesichorus, 100
warriors, according to others - 20, according to Tsets - 23, or only 9 warriors: Menelaus, Odysseus, Diomedes
, Thersander, Sfenel, Acamant, Foant, Machaon and Neoptolemus. The poet listed the names of everyone
Sakad of Argos. Athena gave the heroes ambrosia.
At night, the Greeks, who were hiding inside the horse, got out of it, killed the guards, and opened the city
gates, let in the comrades who had returned on ships and thus took possession of Troy

Trojan War

Why a horse?

It is noteworthy, but the horse as a creature
since ancient times it has been a symbol of birth and
of death. So, the Achaeans created their
a horse made of spruce branches, while
the cavity of the structure remained empty.
Many researchers agree
the opinion that this is a symbol of the birth of a new one.
That is, it turned out that the Trojan horse
brought death to the city's defenders and at the same time
At the same time, it became a symbol of the birth of something new for many peoples.