The use of apple cider vinegar in everyday life, cosmetology and treatment. Using apple cider vinegar in everyday life: washing, cleaning, removing mold Using vinegar essence in everyday life

This article talks about acetic acid. About methods of using it in everyday life, about how vinegar is obtained. In addition, he talks about the properties of acetic acid and precautions.

What is acetic acid?

Acetic acid is the very first acid introduced to man. It was formed as a result of souring or fermentation of wine.

The scientist Stahl obtained a concentrated liquid in 1700, and then the scientist Berzelius in 1814 determined its composition.

Acetic acid itself is formed by the fermentation of carbohydrates and alcohols, as well as by souring wines. Definitely dry and grapey.

Acetic acid has the following composition:

  1. Vinegar from 3 to 9%;
  2. Vinegar essence 70-80%;
  3. Acetates, otherwise known as esters and salts.

Regular table vinegar, which is found in every home, contains:

  • Ascorbic acid;
  • Lactic acid;
  • Acetic acid;
    Apple acid.

Regular vinegar has the following properties:

  1. Colorless liquid;
  2. Sourish taste;
  3. Strong smell.

By these distinctive features you can understand what is poured in the glass.

How is acetic acid obtained?

There are not many ways to get acetic acid, there are only two:

  1. Biogenic;
  2. Synthetic.

Biogenic method

This method is used quite often. Vinegar is made by fermenting bacteria. That is, acidic bacteria are added to the liquid and oxidize it. The result is a finished product of acetic acid.

Synthetic method

Although the above method is used very often, there is also another method for producing acetic acid.

The receipt scheme is as follows:

  1. First, acetylene is extracted. It can be obtained from petroleum products or from wood;
  2. Acetaldehyde is obtained from acetylene. This is obtained by oxidation of the aldehyde.

This method of producing acid was developed by the Russian scientist Mikhail Kucherov.

In some countries, this method of obtaining acetic acid is prohibited. For example, in the USA, France and Bulgaria.


Below are the types of acetic acids and their features:

  • The most famous and popular vinegar is fruit vinegar. It is used as a seasoning, sauce, and in canning. The most popular is apple cider vinegar;
  • Synthetic vinegar. It is made using vinegar essence;
  • Natural vinegar. This vinegar is made using natural resources. That is, from wines or fruits.

Natural vinegar includes a number of subspecies:

  1. Cane vinegar. This vinegar is produced in Indonesia and the Philippines. It gives off an exotic aroma and tastes sweet;
  2. Malt vinegar. Most often used in England. This vinegar contains caramel, water and the acid itself. This is a standard composition that is produced in Russia. However, real malt vinegar is obtained by fermenting beer;
  3. Rice vinegar. Produced in Japan, China, Korea. This vinegar gives off a pleasant smell of tree bark and various aromatic seasonings;
  4. Balsamic vinegar. This vinegar is quite expensive, but worth it. Vinegar is made in Italy. To do this, grape wine is kept in wooden barrels for many years. In some countries, this vinegar is so popular that not a single dish is complete without its participation;
  5. Fruit and berry vinegar. This vinegar is made from fruit wine. It emits a gentle, pleasant aroma.

Basically, these types of vinegar are only suitable for preparing various dishes.

For everyday use, it is better to use table vinegar. These varieties probably contain various substances that will not have the desired effect on one or another way of using acetic acid.

It is better to use food vinegar inside, but not in large quantities, in order to prevent the occurrence of various poisonings and intoxications.

Properties of acetic acid

Acetic acid has two types of properties:

  1. Physical properties. These properties indicate that vinegar has no color, has a pungent odor, and has a sour taste. It has the ability to dissolve in water in any quantity. It can be mixed with different solvents.
  2. Chemical properties. The chemical properties of acetic acid lie in the ability of vinegar to react with various substances. This makes vinegar an excellent choice for cleaning various appliances in everyday life.

Acetic acid tends to change its properties when the amount of liquid in the acid changes.

  • If there is a lot of vinegar in the liquid, then it is vinegar essence.
  • If the percentage of vinegar in the liquid is from 3 to 9%, then this vinegar is food grade. That is, it can be used in cooking, medicine, everyday life, industry, and canning.

However, you need to be careful with vinegar; if its concentration exceeds 30%, it can cause a chemical burn. In addition, vinegar can be fatal. 20 milliliters is a lethal dose for humans.

In addition to chemical and physical properties, acetic acid also has other properties.

For example:

  1. Getting rid of unpleasant odors. That is, when spraying or wiping with acetic acid the places from which an unpleasant odor emanates, the problem becomes solved. Moreover, all microbes disappear, thanks also to the disinfecting property of acetic acid;
  2. Stain remover. The acid does an excellent job of removing sweat stains, removing them 100%, without any effort;
  3. Water softener. That is, vinegar has the property of removing hardness from water and removing scale;
  4. Detergent. Using acetic acid, you can wash a large variety of items without necessarily rinsing them off. After all, the smell of vinegar disappears after a certain period of time. Its smell simply disappears.

Area of ​​application in everyday life

The scope of application of acetic acid in everyday life is quite diverse. She is able to cope with many everyday difficulties.

So, where does everyone use it:

  1. While washing things. More precisely, to remove any stains from clothes. The method of application is as follows: before washing, you need to apply vinegar to the stain, and then after 10 minutes put it in the washing machine. It can also be used as a color preservation agent.
  2. Like self-care. For example, as a hair product. Directions for use: Wash your hair, then prepare a vinegar solution (mix half a tablespoon of apple cider vinegar with a glass of water), rinse your hair with this solution and enjoy the result.
  3. As an assistant in rust removal. For example, to wash off rust from small objects, you need to boil them with vinegar, and then rinse thoroughly with running water.
  4. As a means to peel off a label. To peel off a label you need to: moisten a rag or sponge with warm synthetic vinegar and place it on top of the label. As a result, the sticker will fall off on its own without any effort, and will not leave a trace.
  5. To get rid of scale. Acetic acid is excellent at removing lime deposits. To remove scale you will need the following steps: Add vinegar to a kettle of water and bring to a boil. The result will surprise anyone. In addition to the kettle, you can also notice the accumulation of scale in the washing machine. To rid your washing machine of scale, you need to add vinegar to the container for washing powder and the conditioner compartment during washing.
  6. To remove unpleasant odors. In order to remove an unpleasant odor from a refrigerator or cabinet, or any other place where it is present, you need to: moisten a rag in vinegar and wipe all the insides of these items. And, if necessary, appearance.
  7. For cleaning pipes. It often happens that pipes become clogged. This happens due to hair, various contaminants, oil and fat. Usually in this case we call a specialist, that is, a plumber. But is it necessary to do this, because you can use acetic acid. To do this, you need a small amount of water, pour about ¾ of one glass directly into the pipe, and immediately pour half a glass of vinegar on top. Wait half an hour, and then rinse the pipe with boiling water. This method will remove the most difficult blockages.
  8. For storing flowers. A bouquet does not always cost as much as you want. Fortunately, using vinegar, this moment can be extended. To do this, you need to add two tablespoons of vinegar to the vase of water in which the flowers stand. With this recipe, the flowers will last longer than usual.
  9. As a window, plastic, chrome cleaner. If you need to wash windows, tiles, etc., you need to dilute vinegar in water in a ratio of 1 to 1. Simply wipe the dirty areas with this solution. For better effect, you can add soda to the solution.
  10. To reduce the strong smell of air freshener. When purchasing an air freshener, the customer is not always happy. Most often, these air fresheners have an overly strong odor. Instead of a freshener, you can also use acetic acid. To do this you will need any sprayer. Pour vinegar into it and spray it around the room. It will not only neutralize unpleasant odors, but will also disinfect the room.
  11. For cleaning brushes from dried paints. To clean the brush from paint, you need to boil water, initially adding vinegar, and when it boils, put the brush there. As a result, not a trace of paint will remain.
  12. Weed control agent. In order to get rid of weeds, you just need to water them with 25% acetic acid. A very simple and easy way, in which your hands won’t even get dirty on the ground.
  13. To get rid of ants. If ants start crawling where they don’t belong, you need to fight it. This can also be done using acetic acid. Directions for use: take a 50% solution of acetic acid with water, spray the solution in the place where insects are noticed and they will not appear again. Ants have one secret: in order to gather again in a certain place, they leave white traces. And acetic acid, in turn, removes these traces.

Based on all of the above, we can conclude that acetic acid is an excellent helper in everyday life. It can replace different means for any procedure.

Precautions when using the product

Acetic acid is a good remedy suitable for combating various ailments.

However, it is worth remembering that this is primarily an acid, which, if used incorrectly, can lead to a chemical burn or death.

That is why there are certain precautions when using acetic acid.

  1. It is advisable to wear gloves when using high-percentage vinegar;
  2. It is necessary to store acetic acid in a place where small children cannot get into. For example, on the top shelves;
  3. When using high-percentage vinegar, you should ventilate the room. Otherwise, intoxication of the body may occur due to a strong odor;
  4. If somehow the acid still gets on the skin, you need to prepare a solution of three components: water, soda, soap;
  5. If a chemical burn occurs, then emergency medical care is indispensable;
  6. You should also avoid getting vinegar in your eyes. But if vinegar ends up on the mucous membrane, it is necessary to rinse the eye as thoroughly as possible. And if this does not help, you should seek the help of a specialist.
  7. You should not consume vinegar in large quantities. And highly concentrated ones should not be taken at all. Vinegar can be fatal. A dose of 20 ml is lethal, so do not overuse it.
  8. Vinegar can also be dangerous when cleaning devices that have rubber parts in their design. For example, a washing machine. There is a rubber cuff around its drum. If you add too much vinegar, the rubber band may break.

It follows from this that in addition to its enormous beneficial properties, acetic acid also has destructive properties. Without taking precautions, you can seriously harm yourself.

Acetic acid with the formula CH₃COOH is a weak carboxylic acid that has become known to man since ancient times, and was obtained by fermenting wine.

Acetic acid molecule

The first mention of acetic acid is found in sources that date back to the 3rd century BC. Now vinegar is widely used in everyday life, especially in cooking. Therefore, the question of how to dilute acetic acid and obtain the desired solution is of interest to culinary enthusiasts. From this article you will learn how to achieve the desired concentration, what types of this substance are and how they are used.

Acetic acid in cooking

Let's look at what this substance is used for in cooking. Vinegar-based sauces can be added to salads. Vinegar is used for pickling fish and meat, as well as for preserving food.

Using vinegar at home

Vinegar removes stains on dishes and clothes. Vinegar is also a good disinfectant: it is used to treat surfaces. It is often used to soften clothes during washing. And this is not all the areas of application of acetic acid! For example, acid can help heal muscles.

How is vinegar produced in industry?

There are two ways to obtain acetic acid: chemical and microbiological. The first method involves dry distillation of wood, and the second involves fermentation of liquids that contain alcohol. In such liquids, special bacteria Acetobacter aceti actively develop, which participate in the process of creating acetic acid and impart an original taste and aroma.

Acetobacter aceti

Types of vinegar

There are different types of vinegar, but the most popular are:

    table vinegar (synthetic);

    natural vinegar;

    apple cider vinegar obtained from the fermentation of apple raw materials.

Preparation of table vinegar

The question often arises of how to dilute vinegar essence with water to obtain a specific solution suitable for use. Acetic essence is a highly concentrated solution of acetic acid with a concentration of 70-80%, while ordinary vinegar contains from 3 to 15% acid. Simple vinegar from vinegar essence can be prepared at home, but for this you need to follow one rule: follow safety measures.

For the experiment you will need:

    vinegar essence (70%);


    cold boiled water;



When there is only essence at home, and you need to get a 9% vinegar solution, this is an insoluble problem for housewives. But making such a low-concentrated home solution is simple: even a person inexperienced in chemistry can get the desired result.

In a weak 3% solution, there are 20 tablespoons of water per tablespoon of essence.

A 6% solution can be obtained as follows: for one tablespoon of essence you need to add 11 tablespoons of water.

To prepare a 9% solution you need to use 7 tablespoons. By adding a lot of water to a small amount of vinegar, you get a weak concentrate.

Why you need to be careful when working with vinegar

Vinegar is an organic acid. It is known that if this substance comes into contact with the skin, a mild chemical burn may occur at best, especially if you are working with the essence. But sometimes the skin suffers so much that you simply cannot do without an ambulance. Therefore, a bottle of acetic acid should not be stored in a place where small children can reach: fidgety children love to make discoveries for themselves.

When diluting the essence, it is best, of course, to recommend working with gloves and in a well-ventilated area.

If undiluted vinegar gets on your skin, water and soda or a soap solution can help. If a severe burn occurs, consult a doctor.

If vinegar gets on the mucous membrane, a burn occurs. Therefore, in this case, the mucous membranes and eyes should be rinsed generously with cold water, and if the condition is critical, consult a doctor immediately. In case of food poisoning, vinegar also requires the help of doctors.

This experiment can be shown to children; they will really like the effect: a chicken egg turns into a rubber one!

For this you will need:

    vinegar essence;

    raw chicken egg;

    glass beaker;

    Of course, patience.

This trick can be done at home, but follow the condition: the child must carry out the experiment in the presence of an adult! Place the egg in a glass and pour in vinegar so that it covers the egg. Small gas bubbles will immediately appear on the shell. This indicates that vinegar has dissolved calcium, which is what the shell is made of. Leave the egg in the vinegar for 24 hours. Then scoop out the egg with a spoon and place it on a plate, then rinse it under cold water. But this experiment can be done 10 times faster! Click to find out how.

"Rubber" egg

The vinegar dissolved the shell, but not the protective film. Therefore, the egg retained its shape and became like rubber. It will remain liquid inside.

Acetic acid with the formula CH₃COOH is a weak carboxylic acid that has become known to man since ancient times, and was obtained by fermenting wine.

Acetic acid molecule

The first mention of acetic acid is found in sources that date back to the 3rd century BC. Now vinegar is widely used in everyday life, especially in cooking. Therefore, the question of how to dilute acetic acid and obtain the desired solution is of interest to culinary enthusiasts. From this article you will learn how to achieve the desired concentration, what types of this substance are and how they are used.

Acetic acid in cooking

Let's look at what this substance is used for in cooking. Vinegar-based sauces can be added to salads. Vinegar is used for pickling fish and meat, as well as for preserving food.

Using vinegar at home

Vinegar removes stains on dishes and clothes. Vinegar is also a good disinfectant: it is used to treat surfaces. It is often used to soften clothes during washing. And this is not all the areas of application of acetic acid! For example, acid can help heal muscles.

How is vinegar produced in industry?

There are two ways to obtain acetic acid: chemical and microbiological. The first method involves dry distillation of wood, and the second involves fermentation of liquids that contain alcohol. In such liquids, special bacteria Acetobacter aceti actively develop, which participate in the process of creating acetic acid and impart an original taste and aroma.

Acetobacter aceti

Types of vinegar

There are different types of vinegar, but the most popular are:

    table vinegar (synthetic);

    natural vinegar;

    apple cider vinegar obtained from the fermentation of apple raw materials.

Preparation of table vinegar

The question often arises of how to dilute vinegar essence with water to obtain a specific solution suitable for use. Acetic essence is a highly concentrated solution of acetic acid with a concentration of 70-80%, while ordinary vinegar contains from 3 to 15% acid. Simple vinegar from vinegar essence can be prepared at home, but for this you need to follow one rule: follow safety measures.

For the experiment you will need:

    vinegar essence (70%);


    cold boiled water;



When there is only essence at home, and you need to get a 9% vinegar solution, this is an insoluble problem for housewives. But making such a low-concentrated home solution is simple: even a person inexperienced in chemistry can get the desired result.

In a weak 3% solution, there are 20 tablespoons of water per tablespoon of essence.

A 6% solution can be obtained as follows: for one tablespoon of essence you need to add 11 tablespoons of water.

To prepare a 9% solution you need to use 7 tablespoons. By adding a lot of water to a small amount of vinegar, you get a weak concentrate.

Why you need to be careful when working with vinegar

Vinegar is an organic acid. It is known that if this substance comes into contact with the skin, a mild chemical burn may occur at best, especially if you are working with the essence. But sometimes the skin suffers so much that you simply cannot do without an ambulance. Therefore, a bottle of acetic acid should not be stored in a place where small children can reach: fidgety children love to make discoveries for themselves.

When diluting the essence, it is best, of course, to recommend working with gloves and in a well-ventilated area.

If undiluted vinegar gets on your skin, water and soda or a soap solution can help. If a severe burn occurs, consult a doctor.

If vinegar gets on the mucous membrane, a burn occurs. Therefore, in this case, the mucous membranes and eyes should be rinsed generously with cold water, and if the condition is critical, consult a doctor immediately. In case of food poisoning, vinegar also requires the help of doctors.

This experiment can be shown to children; they will really like the effect: a chicken egg turns into a rubber one!

For this you will need:

    vinegar essence;

    raw chicken egg;

    glass beaker;

    Of course, patience.

This trick can be done at home, but follow the condition: the child must carry out the experiment in the presence of an adult! Place the egg in a glass and pour in vinegar so that it covers the egg. Small gas bubbles will immediately appear on the shell. This indicates that vinegar has dissolved calcium, which is what the shell is made of. Leave the egg in the vinegar for 24 hours. Then scoop out the egg with a spoon and place it on a plate, then rinse it under cold water. But this experiment can be done 10 times faster! Click to find out how.

"Rubber" egg

The vinegar dissolved the shell, but not the protective film. Therefore, the egg retained its shape and became like rubber. It will remain liquid inside.

Vinegar is the first assistant in the kitchen

The most common use of 9% vinegar is in the kitchen. Just one tablespoon of acid added when cooking beets will preserve the vegetable’s bright color, and a cracked egg will not leak if the same amount of product is added to boiling water.

Meat soaked in water with a little vinegar will become softer and kill bacteria.

Fresh peeled mushrooms will not turn black if you pour them with slightly acidified and salted water. Sliced ​​apples are also placed in water with a small amount of vinegar - this way they will remain fresh and not darken. It is very useful to wash fruits, vegetables and herbs in water with the addition of essence, as it destroys harmful microbes.

Vinegar has a remarkable property - when it evaporates, it destroys unpleasant odors. For example, to get rid of the miasma cabbage exudes during the cooking process, the pot or pan is first covered with a cotton cloth soaked in vinegar, and then covered with a lid.

Unpleasant odors of fish, garlic, burnt food and fat in the kitchen will quickly disappear if you pour a little 9% acid into a frying pan and put it on low heat.

Vinegar can be used to clean, disinfect and refresh any surface. Use a cloth soaked in vinegar to wipe the walls of kitchen cabinets, tables, bread bins and refrigerators.

And to get rid of plaque on dishes, table vinegar is mixed with salt in equal proportions and cups and plates are cleaned with this mixture. The same composition can be used to treat the inside surfaces of pots and plastic containers to eliminate the musty smell in them.

The splashed area of ​​the microwave oven can be easily cleaned if you first put a solution of water and vinegar in it in a 1:1 ratio and turn it on at maximum heat for a few minutes. And if you periodically run your washing machine, dishwasher, and coffee maker with a vinegar solution, this will significantly extend the life of the equipment.

Vinegar - a cleaning assistant

You can use vinegar everywhere at home, because it can replace any cleaning products. It can be used to clean the bathtub, sink, and toilet if you spray it on the surface, wait a while and rinse. Vinegar will lighten stains and disinfect plumbing fixtures. A mixture of salt and vinegar in equal proportions will clean nickel-plated surfaces from limescale.

If the shower head has clogged holes, soak it overnight in acidified water. During this time, the dirt will dissolve and water will flow freely.

You can also clean pipes with vinegar. To do this, acid is poured into the drain and after a while it is washed with boiling water. This operation will also help with the formation of blockages.

Sticky stains on the carpet, including those from chewing gum, are removed with hot table vinegar (9%).

Traces of felt-tip pens, pencils and ink from painted walls are removed with a cotton swab dipped in acid.

Vinegar when washing

If you add a little vinegar to water when soaking clothes, this will help remove stains, eliminate the smell of old sweat and preserve the color of things. And if you add vinegar while rinsing, the fabric will not become electrified.

You can freshen the carpet and remove stains from it with a paste of salt and vinegar. The mixture is applied to the desired areas, and after drying it is removed with a vacuum cleaner. If you periodically spray acidified water on the carpet, all unpleasant odors will disappear.

Vinegar is a huge help in the household, but it must be handled with care. You cannot use 70% vinegar essence in its pure form, as it is very dangerous to health and life. And, of course, vinegar should be stored out of the reach of children, and only in a container with a label.

1. Remove unpleasant odor from the refrigerator: wipe its walls and shelves with a cloth soaked in a solution of water and vinegar.

2. Remove plaque from coffee and tea cups: Gently wipe them with a paste of salt (or table soda) and vinegar, mixed in equal proportions.

3. Eliminate unpleasant odors from plastic containers: wipe them with a cloth soaked in vinegar.

4. Disinfect the bathroom: Spray vinegar on and around the bathroom sink and then wipe with a damp cloth.

5. Save clothes from stains: Rub vinegar into the dirty area and blot with a clean damp cloth. This method works great for deodorant stains.

6. Clean the toilet: pour a glass of diluted white vinegar into the toilet and leave overnight. Then clean the toilet using a special brush and flush the water several times.

7. Get rid of carpet stains: Rub a paste of two tablespoons of white spirit vinegar and a quarter cup of salt (or table soda) into it and let it dry. The next day the area needs to be vacuumed.

8. Refresh your art brushes: To remove old paint, you need to put your brushes in a heat-resistant container with vinegar and leave for an hour. Then place the container on the stove and bring the vinegar to a boil over low heat. After this, rinse the brushes in clean water and dry.

9. Clean a dirty faucet: To remove limescale, you need to prepare a paste of a tablespoon of vinegar and two tablespoons of salt. Apply the paste to the sink and faucet, then wipe with a damp cloth.

10. Remove static electricity: add half a cup of white alcohol vinegar during washing. The acid will prevent the accumulation of static electricity, so clothes will not stick.

11. Refresh old socks: In order to remove stains and unpleasant odors, you need to soak socks or other clothes in a vinegar solution. To prepare the solution, you need to add a glass of white alcohol vinegar to a large container of water, boil it and place it on your clothes, leaving it there overnight. In the morning, your clothes will be clean and bright again.

12. Update your leather handbag or shoes: Wipe any abrasions with a cloth soaked in white alcohol vinegar. This will give the product shine and hide some imperfections.

13. Get rid of weeds: water the plant with vinegar so that it penetrates to the roots.

14. Revive fading flowers: add two tablespoons of white vinegar and a teaspoon of sugar to the vase.

15. Eliminate itching after an insect bite: soak a cotton pad in vinegar and apply to the bite site. Vinegar relieves itching, disinfects and promotes speedy healing.

16. Whiten teeth: Once a week, dip your brush in vinegar and brush your teeth thoroughly. This cleansing will also help get rid of bad breath.

17. Make your nail polish last longer: Before applying, wipe the surface of the nail with a cotton pad soaked in vinegar.

18. Protect your car windows from freezing: wipe them with a solution of white alcohol vinegar and water (3:1). This solution will prevent ice from freezing on the glass.

20. Eliminate litter box odor: Rinse the empty tray with a small amount of vinegar and rinse well with clean cold water.

21. Destroy bacteria in meat: prepare a marinade from a quarter cup of balsamic vinegar for each kilogram of meat. Add your favorite spices and herbs to the vinegar. Leave the meat to infuse in the marinade for the desired time - from 20 minutes to a day, depending on what taste you want to achieve. In addition to killing bacteria, vinegar will make the meat very tender. You need to cook marinated meat without pre-rinsing it.

22. Prevent shell cracks: To prevent the eggs from bursting during cooking, you need to add two tablespoons of white vinegar to the water. This will also make it much easier to peel the eggs after cooking.

23. Clean the microwave oven: pour vinegar and water (1:1) into a container, put in the microwave and turn on at full power for 5 minutes. Now food residues and dirt can be easily removed with a cloth.

24. Recover DVD: If the disc is difficult to read and freezes, you need to wipe it with a soft cloth soaked in white alcohol vinegar. Before inserting a disc into the drive, make sure it is dry.

25. Remove the remains from the jar: If mayonnaise or other dressing remains on the walls and you can’t get them out with a spoon, you just need to drop a little vinegar into the jar, close the lid and shake well. The remainder will slide out of the jar.

26. Wash fruits and vegetables: add half a glass of vinegar to a liter of water. This mixture will destroy bacteria and wash fruits and vegetables much better than plain water.

27. Brighten up Easter eggs: add a teaspoon of vinegar and half a glass of hot water before diluting the dye. Vinegar will make paints brighter and more durable.

28. Remove the rusty screw: drip vinegar on it. It will be easy to pull it out.

29. Remove gum from clothes or hair: apply a cloth soaked in a small amount of vinegar, preheated in the microwave.

30. Protect cheese from mold: wrap it in a cloth soaked in vinegar, place it in an airtight container and place it in the refrigerator.

31. Update your loofah: leave it overnight in a solution of water and vinegar (1:1), then rinse with water. This will remove any remaining soap.

32. Remove wax from wooden furniture or floors: Gently wipe it off with a cloth soaked in a solution of water and white vinegar (1:1).

33. Take a healthy bath: add half a glass of vinegar to warm water. A bath with vinegar will replace a visit to the SPA salon, as vinegar will help remove dead skin cells and make it soft and tender.

34. Give brightness and silkiness to hair: Once a month, rinse them in water with a tablespoon of vinegar added.

35. Refresh fabric: pour vinegar into a spray bottle and use it on clothes, carpets, and shoes. Vinegar will rid things of unpleasant odors.

36. Remove colored pencil marks: If your child has painted the walls or floor with them, you just need to soak a toothbrush in white vinegar and rub gently. Vinegar will do an excellent job of removing the wax contained in pencils and will be an excellent tool for cleaning a child’s room.

37. Eliminate sticky marks from price tags: Apply a piece of cloth soaked in vinegar to the area and leave for a while. After this, traces of the price tag can be easily removed.

38. Clean your dishwasher or coffee maker: Once a month, add a small amount of vinegar to the water and turn on the device. Vinegar will help remove stains from food and coffee residues.

39. Clean the carpet after the dog: If the animal left a “surprise”, then a cloth soaked in a solution of vinegar and water (1:1) and rubbed over the contaminated area will help eliminate the smell and contamination.

40. Prepare your grill for summer: To remove build-up and food debris, spray white alcohol vinegar onto aluminum foil and rub it on the grate.

41. Clean the shower from lime deposits: if the water pressure becomes weak, then it’s time to soak the faucet in a solution of water and vinegar (1:2).

42. Clean scissors: blot them several times with a cloth soaked in vinegar. Vinegar will not damage the blades of scissors (unlike water and soap).

43. Clear blockages in pipes: pour a glass of baking soda inside, then pour a glass of white vinegar. When interacting, they will begin to foam and bubble. After this, pour a full kettle of just boiled water into the pipe.

44. Get rid of dandruff: Once a week, moisten your scalp with a glass of apple cider vinegar and leave for 15 minutes. Then rinse thoroughly with cool water.

45. Soften the skin of your feet: every day for 20 minutes, keep your feet in a solution of vinegar and water (1:2). Vinegar will remove dead skin and make the skin smooth and soft.