Professions and specialties. State educational institution "Aleksinsky Mechanical Engineering College" Department of part-time and part-time education

Today the most popular professions are economists, financiers, lawyers and managers, but there are other professions that are no less interesting and in demand in the labor market.

Specialty Hydrology

Graduate qualification: Hydrological technician

Hydrology is a science that studies the hydrosphere, its properties and the processes occurring in it, and phenomena in connection with the atmosphere, lithosphorus and biosphere. One of the branches of hydrology is land hydrology, which deals with the study of land surface waters. A comprehensive study of water bodies, the complex physical processes occurring in them, the interaction of water bodies with the environment, the protection of water bodies from pollution, water management calculations and much more - these are the main areas of activity of hydrologists.

Hydrological data form the basis of water management projects related to the construction of cities and towns and the development of vast territories. Without the participation of hydrologists, the activities of the most important sectors of the national economy are impossible, including the chemical industry, agriculture (irrigation and drainage), fisheries, etc.

Hydrologist is a specialist in hydrology.

Graduates are sent to work at hydrological, specialized stations, hydrometeorological observatories, departments of territorial departments for hydrometeorology and environmental monitoring, systems of the State Construction Committee of Russia, the Ministry of River Fleet, etc.

Duration of training: on the basis of 9 classes - 3 years 8 months, on the basis of 11 classes - 2 years 8 months

Specialty: Mechanical Engineering Technology

Mechanical engineering technology is a specialty for those who want to learn how to do something with their own hands, who are ready to operate modern machines with numerical control (CNC) and industrial robots, make drawings on a computer, manage various technological processes (machining of parts, laser cutting , welding, diagnostics, control, etc.).
Specialty Mechanical Engineering Technology is one of the leading and promising specialties in the mechanical engineering industry. Prospects for the development of the mechanical engineering industry are associated with the introduction of information technologies and computer systems into the production process. Obtaining a specialty by a graduate involves studying current machine processing technologies and applying the acquired knowledge in production based on the use of information technology and computer-aided design systems.

Graduates of the specialty “Mechanical Engineering Technology” are constantly in demand at enterprises of the mechanical engineering and metallurgical complexes, as well as in many other related industries: fuel and energy complex, aircraft industry, machine tool industry, etc.

These specialists have a lot of opportunities for successful career building and development, which will open up new prospects for them.

Forms of study: full-time (day), part-time (evening)
Training period
on the basis of 11th grade: full-time - 2 years 10 months, evening - 3 years 10 months
on the basis of 9th grade: full-time - 3 years 10 months

Specialty: Welding production

Graduate qualification: Welding technician

Welding is the process of joining metals and plastics without the use of fasteners or fixtures.

Welding science has risen to such a height that it is able to cope with a variety of tasks.
Today, many industries are in demand for welding specialists (technicians). The objects of professional activity of such specialists are: preparation and implementation of technological processes for the manufacture of welded structures, development of technological processes and product design, quality control of welding work, organization and planning of welding production.

Where can you work after graduating from college:
— Welding production technologist
— Welding equipment adjuster
— Quality Control Inspector for quality control of welds
— Electric welder for manual arc welding
— Electric and gas welder
— Welder on semi-automatic and automatic machines.

The demand for graduates of the specialty today is practically beyond doubt. Welders are required in all areas of production in all regions - in housing and communal services and agriculture, in industrial production and in the construction industry.
The salary level for a welding specialist is high.

Specialty: Technical operation of hoisting and transport, construction, road machinery and equipment

Graduate qualification: Technician

The specialization “Technical operation of lifting and transport, construction, road machinery and equipment” was determined by the development of the road network and construction, as well as industry. Manual labor in these industries has been replaced by complex and high-tech machines. Only specialists who understand technology can operate such machines. It is difficult for an uninitiated person to assess the features of maintenance and repair of lifting and transport, road, construction machines and equipment; they do not know their main characteristics and technical parameters.
A technician for the technical operation of hoisting and transport, construction, road machinery and equipment works on roads and road structures, with design and technological documentation, technological equipment, fixtures, and fixtures. He organizes and ensures the technical operation of lifting and transport, construction, road machinery and equipment at enterprises and organizations.

The graduate must be ready for professional activities in the technical operation and repair of hoisting, construction, road machinery and equipment as a technician at industrial, motor transport, road construction enterprises and in organizations of various organizational and legal forms of ownership; in research and design organizations of the automotive and road sector.

Depending on the industry, he can work as a mechanic repairing cars, road construction machines and tractors, as a bulldozer, excavator and truck crane operator, or as a driver of a category “C” car. The range of capabilities of a technician is so wide that he will find application for his knowledge and abilities in any sphere of the economy.

Forms of study: full-time and part-time (evening)
Duration of study based on 11th grade: 3 years 10 months

Specialty: Land and property relations

Graduate qualification: specialist in land and property relations.

Those who have decided to devote themselves to the specialty of Land and Property Relations will come into contact with real estate, with property that needs to be assessed, taken into account or revalued.
Training in the specialty includes the study of legislative acts and the procedure for drawing up expert assessment reports that secure property rights, mastering the procedure for technical inventory of land and property, mastering the procedure for registering property rights, and much more.

Field of professional activity of the graduate
— management of land and property complex
— implementation of cadastral relations
— cartographic and geodetic support of land and property relations
— determination of the value of real estate

The profession is very difficult, but at the same time interesting. It is not for nothing that they say that a person in this profession is a marketer who researches the market, a lawyer who draws up documents, an economist who must calculate everything correctly, and even a mathematics teacher who applies formulas.
In the ranking of professions, appraiser is among the thirty most promising and profitable in the world. And although each region has its own salary (from 20,000 to 60,000 rubles), people strive to get vacant positions. The labor exchange is not yet sufficiently filled with people in this profession. So hurry up - you have a chance.

Forms of study: full-time (full-time)
Duration of training: on the basis of 9th grade - 2 years 10 months, on the basis of 11th grade - 1 year 10 months

Profession Machine operator (metalworking)

Graduate qualification: Generalist machine operator, operator of computer-controlled machines

A machine operator is a creative profession, which allows one to obtain a beautiful part from a shapeless piece of metal, which pleases the eye with its correct and precise proportions and will become part of a complex mechanism in the future.

Thanks to scientific and technological progress, changes are taking place in the work of a machine operator. They relate to technology, processed materials, and cutting tools. Control of new technology changes the content of the machine operator’s work, increasing his intellectual functions. A modern metal-cutting machine is controlled by a computer. And the machine operator is the operator of a complex robotic complex.

From ancient times to this day, turning has helped in improving mechanical engineering and the economy of mankind.

Profession Machine operator is the leader in demanded professions on the labor market. This profession is necessary in all sectors of the economy, so the need for these specialists remains high. If the machine operator also has the qualification of a universal master, then the salary will always be sufficient for a decent standard of living for his family.

You will be able to work in mechanical engineering, aircraft manufacturing, installation, construction, repair, and utility companies. Where production is automated, the machine operator is in demand as an operator of CNC machines.

Profession Welder (electric welding and gas welding work)

Graduate qualification: electric and gas welder, electric welder on automatic and semi-automatic machines, gas cutter

A welder is a metal specialist who joins metal parts into complex structures using electric welding.

The specialist is engaged in connecting metal structures, parts, products, containers and pipelines of various types, composition, purpose and level of complexity. The quality of work and welding seams depends on a professional welder. In his work, mistakes are not made that could lead to catastrophic consequences.

A welder is a hard worker; he is characterized by perseverance, dexterity and flexibility in the movements of his arms, legs and whole body.
Welders are needed almost everywhere - in housing and communal services and agriculture, in industrial production and in construction. Their labor is in demand in factories, auto repair shops, and construction sites.
There is a shortage of technical specialists in Russia, so the salary of a first-class welder can exceed the income of a middle manager. But, as with other professions, the amount of a welder’s salary depends on the place of work, experience, hard work and desire to constantly improve their skills.

Forms of study: full-time (full-time).
Duration of training: on the basis of 9 classes - 2 years 10 months, on the basis of 11 classes - 10 months

Profession Crane operator (crane operator)

Graduate qualifications: automobile crane operator, car driver, crane operator (crane operator).

Crane operator (crane operator) is a specialist who controls self-propelled lifting mechanisms (cranes). The main task of the crane operator is to operate the crane to lift and move cargo and provide installation, assembly, and loading work. Not a single construction project, industrial or transport enterprise can operate without the work of a crane operator.
Area of ​​professional activity of graduates: driving category “C” vehicles, performing maintenance of an automobile crane, identifying and eliminating malfunctions that arise during the operation of equipment.

The main advantage of the profession of a crane operator is its stable demand in the labor market. At the same time, the demand for crane operators does not depend on the specialist’s field of activity. Employers are so interested in qualified crane operators that they are willing to offer them very competitive salaries.

The crane operator must be: stress-resistant; capable of concentration and distribution of attention; disciplined; responsible; prudent; collected; diligent; neat; observant.

Crane operator is a kind of elite working profession. And this is connected, first of all, with the fact that the crane operator is irreplaceable. In the sense that if a crane operator, for example, gets sick, then he cannot be replaced by the first worker or crane operator who comes to hand who works on a different type of crane.

Forms of study: full-time (full-time).
Duration of training: on the basis of 9 classes - 2 years 10 months, on the basis of 11 classes - 10 months

Profession Glass production controller

Graduate qualification: Glass production controller

The glass production controller, using special instruments and measuring instruments, checks the quality of semi-finished and finished products, measures the area of ​​​​cut glass by thickness, size and grades of sheets, calculates the footage, records the results of sub-counting, determines the grade of finished products; maintains records of suitable and defective products.

A student trained as a Glass Production Controller prepares for the following activities:

Selection and preparation of samples of raw materials and samples of glass products.
Preparation of laboratory equipment and testing of samples of raw materials and samples of glass products.
Control of quantity and quality of raw materials, semi-finished products and finished products.
Professionally important qualities: accurate eye; accuracy; visual acuity; memory.

Forms of study: full-time (full-time)
Duration of training: based on 11 classes - 10 months

Profession Auto mechanic

Graduate qualifications: car repair mechanic 2-4 categories, car driver of categories “B”, “C”, gas station operator 2-5 categories

In the fast age of cars, you cannot do without the profession of an auto mechanic. Who else but he will find the cause of the malfunction and eliminate it. In car services, such a specialist can perform a variety of types of work. Currently, automobile organizations are engaged in both eliminating minor car malfunctions and cosmetic repairs, and completely restoring a broken car.
Currently, the profession of an auto mechanic is considered to be in great demand in the labor market. Many firms and many enterprises need qualified specialists in this field, because the industry is developing rapidly, and specialists are still receiving education.

To work as a car mechanic, simple knowledge of the structure of a car is not enough. Here you need to know the types of faults and how to eliminate them, you need skills in working with diagnostic equipment, knowledge of the correct disassembly and assembly of vehicle components and assemblies. Naturally, many lives depend on the quality work of this specialist. Therefore, only professionals in their field are hired to work in service stations, car depots and garage workshops.

An auto mechanic performs a wide range of jobs. These are repair work (fuel equipment, anti-lock brake systems, internal combustion engine, as well as components and assemblies). A car mechanic also does maintenance. He regulates mechanisms or replaces failed mechanical parts.

The career growth of an auto mechanic depends on the capacity in the service market of the organization in which he works. A professional mechanic can earn a handsome salary. The high-quality work of this specialist will raise the image of the organization and bring in new clients.

Forms of study: full-time (full-time)
Duration of training: on the basis of 9 classes - 2 years 10 months, on the basis of 11 classes - 10 months

GPOU TO "AMT" carries out educational activities according to training programs for qualified workers (employees) and mid-level specialists. Durations of training for training programs for skilled workers (employees) and training programs for mid-level specialists are established in accordance with the regulatory periods for their development, determined by the federal state educational standard.

Federal Law 273 “On Education in the Russian Federation”

Part-time department

Department of full-time and part-time education

The part-time department of the State Vocational Educational Institution of the Tula Region "Aleksinsky Mechanical Engineering College" is an independent structural unit that provides citizens of the Tula Region and other regions with the opportunity to receive secondary vocational education without leaving work.

The part-time department trains mid-level specialists in the following specialties:

1. Mechanical engineering technology.

Qualification: technician

The areas of professional activity of graduates include: the development and implementation of technological processes for the production of mechanical engineering products, as well as the organization of the work of a structural unit. Specialists at enterprises are engaged in the design, manufacture and repair of machines and devices used in various industries, including chemical, oil refining, food, etc.
The graduate has in-depth knowledge in the field of design of technological processes and equipment, new forms of organization and production management, complex automation of production processes, modern CNC machines, robotic systems, advanced methods of processing materials, the use of computer technology for research, design and control of technological processes.

2. Economics and accounting (by industry).

Qualification: accountant
Duration of training: based on 11 classes – 2 years 10 months

The professional activities of a specialist include: accounting for property and obligations of an organization, conducting and processing business transactions, processing accounting information, conducting tax and insurance calculations, and preparing financial statements.
In connection with the content of the field of professional activity, the specialist has career prospects and can realize himself in the following positions: assistant accountant, accountant, chief accountant, archivist, clerk, tax consultant; financial analyst, investment consultant, financial controller, etc.
This specialty contains a complex of knowledge in the field of accounting and tax accounting, financial analysis, the basics of auditing, and legislation in the accounting field.

3. Welding production.

Qualification: technician
Duration of training: based on 11 classes – 3 years 10 months

The area of ​​professional activity of a specialist includes: organizing and maintaining technological processes of welding production and organizing the activities of a structural unit.
This specialty is not only widely used in enterprises, but also occupies a stable position in the labor market, secured by demand and high wages.
A specialist can realize himself in industry (mechanical engineering, shipbuilding, military-industrial complex, oil refining industry), on construction sites (creating structures and systems of various communications), in agriculture or in the energy sector, etc.

4. Technical operation of lifting and transport, construction, road machinery and equipment.

Qualification: technician
Duration of training: based on 11 classes – 3 years 10 months

The area of ​​professional activity of the specialist includes: organization and provision of technical operation of lifting and transport, construction, road machinery and equipment at enterprises and organizations of various organizational and legal forms of ownership.

Specialists have the opportunity to work in road construction organizations, timber industry enterprises, mechanical repair shops, and the state road safety inspection.

The part-time department develops student independence and provides optimal conditions for the professional development of a young specialist. This form of education is effectively reflected in the production work of students, since an employee of an enterprise receives practical skills and theoretical information at the same time, which is the result of career growth or the long-term development of professional skills.

The part-time department provides students with a choice of specialties that are relevant in the labor market, highly paid, and in constant and high demand. Graduates of the Aleksinsky Mechanical Engineering College have a wide choice of enterprises where they can realize their capabilities and abilities in practice.
Part-time students have the opportunity to combine educational activities with work activities. They simultaneously receive secondary vocational education and, without interrupting production, continue to work at the following enterprises:

1. JSC "Tyazhpromarmatura".
2. Sukhodol-Spetstyazhmash LLC.
3. IP Grinev.
4. Altex LLC.
5. CJSC “FM Logistik” Rus.
6. LLC "ABS".
7. JSC "AOMZ".
8. LLC OKB "Zenin".
9. JSC "Aleksinstroykonstruktsiya".
10. Module LLC.
11. LLC "Spektr-A".
12. JSC "480 KZHI".
13. PP "Aleksinskaya CHPP" branch of JSC "Quadra - Power Generation" - "Central Generation".
14. CJSC "Prombaza".
15. JSC "Dixie-South".
16. LLC "RSP - M".
17. Enter LLC.
18. Monex – Trading LLC.
19. LLC AZK.
20. JSC "Glass Factories".
21. Aleksinsky post office of the Federal Post Office of the Tula region, a branch of the Federal State Unitary Enterprise "Russian Post".
22. Mareven Food Central LLC.
23. municipal government educational institution “Alexandrovskaya Basic School”.
24. CJSC "Alidi".
25. Spar LLC.