Professional school of nail service. Manicure and pedicure training

The Eurocollege training center in Moscow invites students to learn manicure. This training program is suitable for both beginners and professionals working in the beauty field and wishing to acquire a new specialization.

Advantages of studying courses at the Eurocollege ITC

Manicure courses at the Eurocollege International Center have many advantages. We offer students undergoing training with us:

  • an exciting and effective program of manicure courses that will help you master a new specialization in a short time;
  • training in courses from the best manicure teachers practicing in the beauty field;
  • not only theoretical, but also practical training in manicure, for which all materials and tools are provided completely free of charge;
  • the ability to choose a convenient schedule and form of training for manicure courses;
  • favorable cost of courses.

Course duration

group - 30 ak. hours

individual - 20 ac. hours
theory - 4 ac. hours of practice - 16 ac. hours

express course - 30 ak. hours
theory - 4 ac. hours of practice - 26 ac. hours

Course fee

Group training - 6,500 rub.
Individual training - 13,500 rub.
Express course - 6,500 rub.

Class schedule


Event days

3 times a week for 4 ac. hours; 5 times a week for 4 ac. hours; 2/2; 3/1

Day off

Saturday, Saturday - Sunday

Express course



Time and days of classes to choose from

Class time

Morning classes: from 9-00 to 12-00
Daytime classes: from 12-00 to 15-00; from 15-00 to 18-00
Evening classes: from 18-00 to 21-00
On weekends: from 9-00; 12-00; 15-00; 18-00

A manicurist is a sought-after and popular profession. The manicurist's range of services includes not only painting nails, but also caring for them. If you also want to master this specialty and receive a stable income in the future, enroll in the Eurocollege ITC to learn the secrets of performing a proper manicure, and after very little time, immediately after the courses, you will acquire a new profession.

At the end of the course you will receive:

Diploma - international certificate. All graduates are guaranteed employment after training.

During practical classes during training in manicure techniques, professional materials and tools are used. Consumables are given in courses absolutely free of charge.

We also offer courses for junior nurses for students who do not have a medical education.

Manicure course curriculum

  1. Basics of dermatology. Anatomical features of the skin.
  2. Anatomical structure of the nail, its functions, growth.
  3. Sanitation, disinfection, hygiene in the work of a manicurist.
  4. Materials, tools, equipment: for work, for sterilization and disinfection.
  5. Professional hand skin care (paraffin therapy, massage) before manicure.
  6. Nail plate care.
  7. Manicure of problem nails.
  8. Modern manicure techniques. Performing a manicure:
  • European (unedged),
  • classic (edged),
  • hardware
  • Types of coatings:
    • classic way,
    • gel polish,
    • biogel.
  • Nail design, choice of design for of various ages, gender, everyday and for special occasions.
  • Manicure styles.
  • The use of additional materials for manicure: rhinestones, fim, foil, etc.
  • Professional practical master classes on manicure.
  • After completing the manicure courses, students are issued certificates. Also, the Eurocollege ITC helps everyone who has completed the courses with employment in Moscow, if the graduate has such a need.

    Sign up for courses at the Eurocollege ITC right now. Our courses will help you master a new profession in a short time!

    Basic knowledge is the basis of any profession. In the training centers of the OleHouse Company, training and preparation of masters in the areas of “Manicure” and “Pedicure” are carried out. We will be glad to see you among our students!

    Choosing a school is the first step in mastering a profession

    A modern nail technician must have a good command of traditional skills and constantly master new technologies. Knowledge in the field of pedicure and manicure is its basis professional activity. Therefore, choosing a school for studying should be approached with great responsibility. Classes at OleHouse training centers are comprehensive programs developed by professionals in their field. You can take pedicure and manicure courses at a training center in Moscow or branch schools in the regions. The price of training and the list of representative offices are indicated on the website. Rest assured: here you will receive all the necessary knowledge and will be able to take your first steps in the profession of a nail service master!

    How is the manicure and pedicure course taught?

    Our schools offer separate and comprehensive training programs for nail technicians. Consult with a specialist and choose the best option. The table shows the final price of training for pedicure and manicure courses. The price includes all necessary materials and preparations. When completing the first 3 practical tasks on models, the student also receives free metal tools. In the process of work, he determines them, chooses the most convenient options due to the wide variety of shapes and sizes. In the future, the student masters his own instrument, and the teachers “put their hand on it.” Therefore, upon completion of training in pedicure and manicure courses, the graduate is completely ready for full-time work in the salon.

    After successfully completing tasks and mastering the program, the student receives certificates and diplomas that are highly valued in the labor market. As a nice addition, we give students a discount card for purchasing necessary materials and tools at a discount.

    Attention! When registering for both courses, a discount system applies.

    We are pleased to invite you to a nail technician course in Moscow. You can always choose the appropriate training program that matches the level of your knowledge and skills. No free nail service courses in Moscow can be compared with ours! You are guaranteed to receive everything you need for further work!

    Why are our inexpensive nail service courses in Moscow (with license) so popular?

    Manicure and pedicure are among the most popular services in all beauty salons. This means that you can become a sought-after master. You just need to find good nail service courses in Moscow and graduate with a diploma.

    What will you learn at an international nail service course?

    Our courses for nail technicians in Moscow are training that allows you to:

    1. Gain knowledge about the structure of the nail and the characteristics of its growth. 2. Become the owner of the skills necessary to perform manicures and pedicures of various types. 3. Master the techniques of using all materials and tools.

    With us you won’t just learn how to do a manicure and pedicure! You will competently select tools and techniques to achieve the results desired by the client.

    Employment training

    We not only train students, but also provide support when searching for a job. Our graduates are welcome in a variety of organizations. You can start working in one of them immediately after receiving your diploma.

    Come to best courses nail service in Moscow, training prices will pleasantly surprise you!

    The beauty industry is constantly evolving; it is no longer enough for manicurists to master the basics of this art. They must be able to perform different kinds manicure and pedicure, doing nail extensions, strengthening them, having good taste, performing designer coating. It is impossible to master all the techniques on your own. It is better to take manicure and pedicure courses, of which there are plenty organized in Moscow.

    How to choose the best manicure courses in Moscow? You can attend free seminars held by most beauty schools to get acquainted with the course programs and see in what conditions the classes are conducted. You can use our recommendations. This review presents five schools that occupy leading positions in the ranking of beauty schools.

    International school of nail extensions and manicure “OPI”

    st. Pokrovka, 3/7, building 1 Moscow

    The training center of the OPI school was opened in 1994. During this time, it has produced more than 12,000 professional beauty artists. Teachers who are gold medalists of prestigious competitions teach here. They offer their students a flexible training schedule, a favorable package of services, and the possibility of deferring tuition payments. The center offers many courses with various programs; they are designed for 24–210 academic hours.

    The basic manicure course lasts 50 hours, its cost is 12,500 rubles. During this time, course participants learn to use tools and do European, combined, and classic manicures. The extended course “Nail Service Master”, lasting 210 hours, costs 45,500 rubles. It includes training in nail extensions and strengthening, and study of hand spa programs. There are combined courses that will allow you to study several areas at once. Upon completion of the course, students are awarded an international certificate. According to expert opinion, this manicure school in Moscow occupies the first position in the rating.

    Academy of Education "Planet of Beauty"

    Nikitsky lane, 2, Moscow

    The Beauty Planet Academy has been operating for more than seven years. There are manicure and pedicure courses and nail extensions. Training is conducted in modern premises equipped with multimedia and special equipment. Using quality teaching materials allows students to be involved in the learning process. For convenience, daytime, morning and evening groups are organized. Training is conducted by highly qualified teachers.

    The manicure and pedicure course for beginners is designed for 70 academic hours. Its cost is 13,780 rubles, the “Master of Nail Service” course is 16,230 rubles for 96 academic years. h. You can become a nail stylist after completing a course designed for 144 academicians. hour, its cost is 23,930 rubles. There is a flexible system of discounts and benefits. Upon completion of the courses, a state diploma or corresponding certificate is issued.

    School of nail design by Ekaterina Miroshnichenko

    1st Volkonsky per., 9 building 2, office. 101 Moscow

    st. Marksistskaya, 3/5, Moscow

    Warsaw highway, 39 of. 322 Moscow

    The school of Ekaterina Miroshnichenko has official representative offices in more than 30 cities of the country; three branches have been opened in Moscow. Education at the school is conducted according to the author's methodology, classes are held using products of the author's brand E.Mi. Experienced masters conducting training offer programs designed for three levels of difficulty. This allows you to choose a suitable course for beginners and existing masters who want to improve their skill level.

    A two-month manicure course at this school costs 18,500 rubles. It includes training in children's, men's, hardware, combined, European, and classic manicure. You can sign up for nail design courses, their cost ranges from 3,000 to 8,000 rubles. Separate classes are held on strengthening, modeling nails with gel, and nail extensions. The cost of these training programs varies from 8,000 to 21,900 rubles.

    The first professional institute of aesthetics

    Mira Ave., 33/1, Moscow

    The Institute of Aesthetics was opened more than five years ago. It provides training in all areas of the beauty industry. Nail service courses are presented quite extensively. Training programs have been developed in modern manicure and pedicure techniques, nail extensions, design and painting. Professional training is conducted by experienced teachers. At the end of each course there is a qualifying exam, upon successful completion of which a certificate of employee position is issued with the assignment of a certain qualification.

    The “Master of Nail Service” course is designed for 136 academic hours. The cost of training is 43,000 rubles. There are special offers and discounts where you can get inexpensive manicure training, the discount will be more than 10,000 rubles. The “Salon VIP Master” course will take 144 academic hours, its cost is 49,900 rubles. The training program is extended and includes not only mastering various manicure techniques, but also artistic painting nails Intermediate training programs are provided. Course “Nail Extension” - 4900 rubles for 8 academic years. hours, “Chinese painting” - 9900 rubles for 18 academic years. h.

    Training center "OleHouse"

    st. Sergius of Radonezh, 1, building 1, Moscow

    The OleHouse company was founded in 1996. It all started with seminars on nail service, which the company’s specialists conducted in different cities. Now the training center is located in Moscow, in a spacious building with classrooms, Big hall for holding seminars and conferences, a supermarket for nail service products, where you can purchase products from the Creative Nail Design brand. Training at the center is conducted by professionals high level, winners of many prestigious competitions. For the best students assistance in finding employment is provided.

    Currently, at the OleHouse training center you can undergo training by choosing a course in manicure, hardware pedicure, nail extensions, and design. Manicure courses are designed for six days, the cost is 18,500 rubles. The cost of a gel or acrylic nail extension course is 34,000 rubles, and the training takes 12-14 days. Courses can be combined. 75% of all classes are practical work on models. With a fixed tuition fee, the training time is not fixed; if the student needs more time to master the material, he receives it without additional payment.

    When choosing where to take manicure training in Moscow in order to master the basics of the art of nail service, you should pay attention to accreditation educational institution, on reviews from real students, on the number of practical classes and training time. You need to understand that you cannot master a skill in one day. The learning process always takes a long time, it should take place in comfortable, equipped classrooms, using professional products. Upon completion of the course, you must receive a document indicating your level of training; without it it will be difficult to get a prestigious job.