Vocational technical schools. Kolpashevo Medical School Kolpashevo Branch of Tomsk Basic Medical College

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KMU building (photo from the school website, 2013)

Kolpashevo Medical School- institution of secondary special education ( medical) vocational education, college, which operated in this status until 2014.

  • Full official name as of April 2013: Tomsk regional state budgetary educational institution of secondary vocational education «»
  • Abbreviated name: CMU or OGBOU SPO "Kolpashevo Medical School"

Currently, the educational institution has been reorganized into Kolpashevo branch of the institution "Tomsk Basic Medical College"(KF OKBOU "TBMK")

History of CMU

The beginning of systemic medical education in the Narym district and in the Kolpashevo region was laid by the creation in 1936 in the working-class village (village) of Kolpashevo Nursery schools Zapsibkrai executive committee (KSHYAMS). The institution trained medical personnel to work in preschool institutions(nurseries and kindergartens) and in primary schools Narymsky district. The Ob North of the Siberian Territory constantly experienced a shortage of mid-level medical workers. But in those years, the problem of shortage of medical specialists intensified; it was caused by a sharp influx of new people - repressed people - into the former Narym region exiles And de-peasant special settlers. The first director of the medical school was I.V. Manishev, deputy of the Narym District Council. The school occupied a small house on the shore Obi.

After 3 years, in 1939, the school was reorganized into a new educational medical institution - Kolpashevo medical and midwifery school (KFASH). The new Medical School was moved to a restored building tuberculosis dispensary pre-revolutionary construction. KFASH continued to work in the same specialization - training medical personnel to work in preschool institutions and primary schools. However, the institution did not last long in this form. The fate of the institution was influenced by the beginning Great Patriotic War and coming here to evacuate wounded soldiers from the front. The medical school building was mobilized for deployment hospital and treatment of wounded front-line soldiers. The school was closed and its work never resumed.

Medical education appeared again in the city of Kolpashevo after the war, in 1945. At the Kolpashevo Central District Hospital, six-month courses for nurses are opening, followed by two years of training in the evening. However, this only partially solved the problem of staffing the Tomsk North.

In 1960, the city was re-established Kolpashevo Medical School(as a technical school), which immediately received the status of an educational institution at the regional level.

...The recruitment consisted of two groups of 30 people. We studied for two years and received the profession of a general nurse. In the first years of the school's existence, there were almost no full-time teachers. The classes were conducted by doctors from the Kolpashevo City Hospital. The director of the school was I.Ya. Rastorguev. Gradually, a material and educational base was created, and classrooms were equipped. Over the years, the teaching staff grew and grew professionally, experience accumulated, and traditions emerged. In the 1970-1980s, students were trained in three specialties: nursing, midwifery and paramedic. Every year 120-150 people were admitted. Middle States medical workers in the north of the Tomsk region were staffed by graduates of the Kolpashevsky Medical School. Over the entire period of its activity, the school has trained more than three thousand specialists, maintaining its uniqueness and relevance for medical institutions of the city and region. Many of the graduates continued their studies at higher education institutions educational institutions and now work as doctors at the Kolpashevo Central District Hospital. Over the years, the history of the school has become an integral part of the history of Kolpashevo healthcare. Now the medical school can be proud of its medical dynasties. Among them are the dynasties: Trubin, Ushakov, Roskoshny, Chesnovich. The head of the Chesnovich dynasty, Yuri Vasilyevich, is an honorary resident of the Kolpashevo district. Today, medical school students receive education in one specialty “General Medicine” (advanced level). The quality of student training is ensured by a highly qualified teaching staff, which includes: doctor- therapist, graduate of medical school V.F. Anisimova, laureate of the Tomsk Region Governor's Prize, L.A. Kibardina - Honored Teacher of Russia, V.S. Bobrus - excellent student of public education, S.V. Zhdanov and G.A. Krivoshenia are excellent healthcare workers. Many teachers have been awarded certificates of honor from the Ministry of Health. The school has always paid significant attention to the patriotic and moral education of the younger generation, the formation of their active life position, and the development of their creative qualities. Students take an active part in the life of the city and region, be it a gathering of tourists, a competition of propaganda teams or a youth action...

For the period 1960-2012. The medical school has graduated more than 4 thousand young specialists.

  • Kolpashevo school of nursery nurses Zapsibkrai executive committee, 1936-1939 (KSHYAMS)
  • Kolpashevo Medical and Obstetric School of the Novosibirsk Regional Executive Committee, 1939-1941 (KFASH)
  • Kolpashevo evening six-month courses for nurses, 1945-1960

2010 - 2014

Before the reorganization of 2014, the School carried out educational services secondary vocational education (SVE) (complete secondary education and professional competencies at the technical school, college level) in medical specialty 060101 “General Medicine”, assigned qualification paramedic with receipt of primary specialization "paramedic" FAP».

The school collaborated with the medical and preventive institution of the city, Kolpashevskaya Central District Hospital, in order to adapt the skills and knowledge of students to professional conditions.

The school provided postgraduate training for mid-level medical workers. Every year, up to 150 students passed through the advanced training department. Thus, the school carried out two-stage training of specialists:

  • training in the specialty of secondary vocational education (specialty “General Medicine”, qualification “paramedic”, in-depth competency training);
  • postgraduate training (advanced training for mid-level health workers).

The activities of the school were conducted in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard of the third generation, approved by the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation (order No. 472 of October 28, 2009). Under the guidance of experienced teachers, students participated in scientific and educational research, sporty–mass work, in youth events of the city and region.

The main attention was paid to the formation in students mercy and compassion, the habit of leading healthy lifestyle. The school had sports sections ( volleyball, basketball, table tennis). To carry out educational and extracurricular activities, the school created: classrooms for clinical and general professional disciplines, library, gym, assembly hall, computer class. 95% of the school’s graduates work in their specialty - in all medical institutions in the region, as well as in other health care institutions in the Tomsk region and neighboring countries.

Latest News of Kolpashev History of Kolpashev Publications of Kolpashev authors "Born from Kolpashev"

11.08.2013 The election campaign has begun!

Elections. How much meaning there is in this word... Our city, like other parts of our country and the entire “democratic world” is no exception to general rules. Life on the eve, before and after this event is accompanied, as a rule, by the same events, regardless of geographical location, nationality or religion. All political forces strive to invest in a given period of their public life a special meaning, a lofty idea, and beyond desire, accompanied by various tricks, actions, and peculiarities of their behavior, in order to achieve the main goal - to convey to the ordinary voter how to behave when choosing the most “worthy” "candidate. IN this moment principles and common sense are not important, only the goal is important, and it justifies any means... To be or not to be - that is the question, and then everything will be as it will be. Our city and region are just a small particle of a big world living according to one general law...

31.07.2012. Bears in the City

IN Lately The number of bears in the Tomsk region has increased very sharply. Kolpashevo district was no exception. Clubfoot people feel like full-fledged residents and participants traffic both in the city and in the countryside and are not at all afraid of cars or people.

05.12.2011. Exhibition "Man-Made Miracle" 2011.


Regional summer rural sport games“Stadium for All” was now a jubilee event - it was held on July 1-3 for the twenty-fifth time. May Day residents became hospitable hosts for the competition of athletes who came from 18 districts of the region.

Our district was represented by a team of 33 people. And indeed, they showed themselves worthily; the analogy with the thirty-three fabulous heroes in this case is not just a beautiful comparison. In a bitter struggle, the Kolpashevites won an honorable third place and returned home with “bronze” medals, a cup and a certificate from the Governor of the Tomsk Region V. M. Kress for 100 thousand rubles.


If you are under 30 years old and you write poetry or prose, if you are ready to learn and improve the level of your work, if you want to know opinions about your work professional writers and young writers, if you dream of seeing your works published in magazines and collections, if you just want to meet people like you - we invite you to take part in the Seminar of Young Writers "Tomsk Class", which will be held in the city of Tomsk from 12 to May 14, 2010 at the House of Arts on the street. Shishkova, 10.

The works selected for the competition will be reviewed at seminar sections, which will be conducted for you by experts: members of the Writers' Union of the Russian Federation, writers, philologists. You will also be able to take part in a discussion of the work of other seminar participants. The deadline for accepting applications is no later than April 9, 2010.

Send applications by email. addresses: [email protected] And [email protected](required to both addresses), or bring it on electronic media to the address Tomsk, st. Shishkova, 10.

Kolpashevo Medical School is an institution of secondary specialized (medical) vocational education, a secondary school, which operated in this status until 2014.

Full official name as of April 2013: Tomsk regional state budgetary educational institution of secondary vocational education “Kolpashevo Medical School”

Abbreviated name: KMU or OGBOU SPO "Kolpashevo Medical School"

Currently, the educational institution has been reorganized into the Kolpashevo branch of the institution "Tomsk Basic Medical College" (KF OKBOU "TBMK")

History of CMU

The beginning of systemic medical education in the Narym district and in the Kolpashevo region was laid by the creation in 1936 in the working settlement (village) of Kolpashevo professional school nursery sisters of the Zapsib Regional Executive Committee (KSYAMS). The institution trained medical personnel to work in preschool institutions (nurseries and kindergartens) and primary schools in the Narym district. The Ob North of the Siberian Territory constantly experienced a shortage of mid-level medical workers. But in those years, the problem of the shortage of medical specialists intensified; it was caused by a sharp influx of new people into the former Narym region - repressed exiles and de-peasant special settlers. The first director of the medical school was I.V. Manishev, deputy of the Narym District Council. The school occupied a small house on the banks of the Ob River.

After 3 years, in 1939, the school was reorganized into a new medical educational institution - the Kolpashevo Medical Assistant and Midwifery School (KFASH). The New Medical School was transferred to the restored pre-revolutionary tuberculosis dispensary building. KFASH continued to work in the same specialization - training medical personnel to work in preschool institutions and primary schools. However, the institution did not last long in this form. The fate of the institution was influenced by the beginning of the Great Patriotic War and coming here to evacuate wounded soldiers from the front. The medical school building was mobilized to set up a hospital and treat wounded front-line soldiers. The school was closed and its work never resumed.

Medical education appeared again in the city of Kolpashevo after the war, in 1945. At the Kolpashevo Central District Hospital, six-month courses for nurses are opening, followed by two years of training in the evening. However, this only partially solved the problem of staffing the Tomsk North.

In 1960, the Kolpashevo Medical School was re-established in the city (as a technical school), which immediately received the status of an educational institution at the regional level.

For the period 1960-2012. The medical school has graduated more than 4 thousand young specialists.

Kolpashevo School of Nursery Nurses of the Zapsib Regional Executive Committee, 1936-1939 (KSYAMS)
Kolpashevo Medical and Obstetric School of the Novosibirsk Regional Executive Committee, 1939-1941 (KFASH)
Kolpashevo evening six-month courses for nurses, 1945-1960

2010 - 2014

Before the reorganization of 2014, the School provided educational services of secondary vocational education (SVE) (complete secondary education and professional competencies at the technical school, college level) in the medical specialty 060101 “General Medicine”, awarded the qualification of a paramedic with the primary specialization “paramedic.”

The school collaborated with the medical and preventive institution of the city, Kolpashevskaya Central District Hospital, in order to adapt the skills and knowledge of students to professional conditions.

The school provided postgraduate training for mid-level medical workers. Every year, up to 150 students passed through the advanced training department. Thus, the school carried out two-stage training of specialists:

Training in the specialty of secondary vocational education (specialty “General Medicine”, qualification “paramedic”, in-depth competency training);
postgraduate training (advanced training for mid-level health workers).

The activities of the school were conducted in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard of the third generation, approved by the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation (order No. 472 of October 28, 2009). Under the guidance of experienced teachers, students participated in scientific and educational research, sports and mass work, and in youth events in the city and region.

The main attention was paid to the formation of mercy and compassion in students, the habit of leading healthy image life. The school had sports sections (volleyball, basketball, table tennis). To carry out educational and extracurricular activities, the school created: classrooms for clinical and general professional disciplines, a library, a gym, an assembly hall, and a computer class. 95% of the school’s graduates work in their specialty - in all medical institutions in the region, as well as in other health care institutions in the Tomsk region and neighboring countries.

In 2014, the Kolpashevo Medical School was reorganized into the Kolpashevo branch of the Tomsk Basic Medical College (KF OKBOU "TBMK").

BB code:

The beginning of the history of the Kolpashevo branch of the regional state budgetary professional educational institution "Tomsk Basic Medical College" goes back to the distant thirties. The development of practical healthcare was not kept pace with the training of medical personnel, which all northern regions of the Tomsk region urgently needed. Therefore, training courses for nurses and other health workers were urgently organized. This became the prototype of the Kolpashevo Medical School. Then, in 1935, a school of nursery nurses was opened in the workers' village of Kolpashevo. She occupied a small house on the banks of the Ob. In 1939, the school of nursery nurses was renamed the paramedic-midwife school and transferred to the rebuilt building of the tuberculosis dispensary. Its first director was Ivan Vasilievich Manishev, a deputy of the district council.

During the Great Patriotic War, the building of the tuberculosis dispensary housed a hospital for the wounded, so it was decided to close the school. The years 1941-1945 were especially difficult.
In addition to direct medical work, doctors in their “free” time felled and floated wood for firewood, cut hay, unloaded grain at the mill on a free basis, participated in the work of a self-defense group and a shooting circle, where they received the title “ Voroshilov Sharpshooter" In 1945, six-month courses for nurses were opened at the Kolpashevo Hospital, followed by two years of training in the evening. Official date The opening of the Kolpashevsky branch of the OGBPOU "TBMK" is considered to be 1960. Then the branch had the status of “Kolpashevo Medical School”. The location address remains the same. The first director was Ivan Yakovlevich Rastorguev, who put forward a wonderful slogan: “If you want to treat others, be healthy yourself!” The recruitment consisted of two groups of 30 people. The students studied for two years, many of them came from distant villages and villages. There was no hostel. Those who graduated from the school received the profession of a general nurse. In the early years there were almost no full-time teachers. The classes were conducted by doctors from the city hospital. Over time, the teaching staff of preclinical practice and general medical cycle has been staffed and professionally grown, experience has been accumulated, and traditions have emerged. Gradually, a material and educational base was created, and classrooms were equipped.

Through the efforts of the first director, a dormitory was built, a canteen was organized, and a birch alley was collectively planted on the territory of the school. In the 70-80s, students were already trained in three specialties: nursing, midwifery and paramedic. Every year 120-150 people were admitted. The staff of paramedical workers in the north of the Tomsk region was mainly staffed with graduates of the Kolpashevo Medical School. Over the years, the history of the educational institution has become an integral part rich history Kolpashevo health care. The medical school can be proud of its glorious medical dynasties - the Trubins, the Ushakovs, the Roskoshnys, and the Chesnovichs. The head of the Chesnovich dynasty, Yuri Vasilyevich, is an honorary resident of the Kolpashevo district. On April 26, 2014, the Kolpashevo Medical School was reorganized. It became a branch of the Tomsk Basic Medical College. Over the entire period of its activity, the Kolpashevo branch has trained more than four thousand specialists, maintaining its uniqueness and relevance for medical and preventive institutions in the region. Many of the graduates continued their studies at higher educational institutions and now work as doctors not only at the State Budgetary Healthcare Institution “Kolpashevskaya RB”, but also in other medical institutions of the district, region, country, and occupy leadership positions. One of the remarkable graduates of the school, Vladimir Konstantinovich Roskoshnykh, headed the surgical department of the Tomsk TB Medical Center for many years. Vladimir Konstantinovich is not only a competent specialist, but also a well-known artist, poet, laureate far beyond the borders of the Tomsk region literary competition named after Galina Nikolaeva. Today, students of the Kolpashevo branch of OGBPOU "TBMK" receive education in two specialties: "General Medicine" (advanced training) and "Nursing" (basic training). Its quality is ensured by a highly qualified teaching staff, headed by Natalya Nikolaevna Panova...


  • The school has always paid great attention to the patriotic and moral education of the younger generation, the formation of their active life position, and the development of creative qualities. Under the guidance of experienced teachers, students participate in research, sports and mass activities, in youth events, taking prizes in regional, regional and all-Russian competitions.
  • The Kolpashevo branch cooperates with the medical and preventive institution of the city and region of the State Budgetary Institution "Kolpashevskaya RB", on the basis of which practical training and practical training take place.
  • The main attention is paid to developing mercy and compassion in future medical specialists, and the habit of leading a healthy lifestyle. Various sports sections work effectively: volleyball, basketball, table tennis. To carry out educational and extracurricular activities, the school has classrooms for clinical and general professional disciplines, a library, sports and assembly halls, and a computer class. The Kolpashevo branch works closely with the medical and preventive institution of the city and region of the Kolpasheskaya RB Healthcare Institution. The employment rate of students in their specialties reaches 98%.



  • Secondary vocational education / Educational institutions of secondary vocational education

Intended goods and services, according to OKPD:

  • Services in the field of secondary vocational education received in secondary specialized educational institutions (technical schools, colleges)
  • Services in the field of primary vocational education received in vocational lyceums, educational course centers and other educational institutions of this level
  • Services in the field of primary vocational education and secondary vocational education
  • Services in the field of training in preparatory courses for admission to educational institutions of secondary vocational education
  • Services in the field of additional professional education (advanced training) for specialists with secondary vocational education

Archival extract

September 23, 2002
Interdistrict Inspectorate of the Ministry of Taxes of Russia No. 5 for the TOMSK region
Property of subjects of the Russian Federation
Budget institutions
Zhdanov Sergey Viktorovich

Mini-certificate on the State Budgetary Institution "KOLPASHEVSKY MEDICAL SCHOOL"

State Budgetary Institution "KOLPASHEVSKY MEDICAL SCHOOL", registration date - September 23, 2002, registrar - Interdistrict Inspectorate of the Ministry of Taxes of Russia No. 5 for the TOMSK region. Full official name - REGIONAL STATE BUDGET EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTION OF SECONDARY VOCATIONAL EDUCATION "KOLPASHEVSKY MEDICAL SCHOOL". Legal address: 636463, TOMSK region, KOLPASHEVO, lane. OZERNY, 10. The main activity is: "Training in educational institutions of secondary vocational education." Director - Zhdanov Sergey Viktorovich. Organizational and legal form (OLF) - budgetary institutions. Type of property - property of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation.


Other companies in the region

Activities of canteens at enterprises and institutions and supply of public catering products
634059, TOMSK, st. RAKETNAYA, 4/1

Electrical installation work
634570, TOMSK region, TOMSK district, village. BOGASHEVO, st. NEW BUILDING, 64

Wholesale trade of non-food consumer goods
634041, TOMSK, st. Kyiv, 78/2, apt. 5

Activities in the area accounting and audit
636036, TOMSK region, SEVERSK, st. KRUPSKOY, 28

Cargo handling and storage
634012, TOMSK, KIROVA Ave., 55, apt. 47

Trade in motor vehicles
634041, TOMSK, KIROVA Ave., 35

Activities of road freight non-specialized transport
634006, TOMSK, st. Zheleznodorozhnaya, 30, apt. 20

Beer wholesale

Growing grains and leguminous crops
636806, TOMSK region, ASINOVSKY district, village. BERRY

Activities of religious organizations
634570, TOMSK region, TOMSK district, village. PETUKHOVO, st. VESENNYAYA, 1

Peasant farm Zhdanova, STREZHEVOY
Breeding cattle
636762, TOMSK region, STREZHEVOY, st. STROITELEY, 53, apt. 195

636840, TOMSK region, ASINO, st. THEM. LENIN, 34 "A"

Wholesale trade in timber, building materials and sanitary equipment
634059, TOMSK, st. RAKETNAYA, 4

Wholesale trade through agents (for a fee or on a contract basis)
634021, TOMSK, st. ALTAISKAYA, 126, apt. 5

Training in educational institutions of additional professional education (advanced training) for specialists with secondary vocational education
634009, TOMSK, st. BERDSKAYA, 21