Works where mercy meets. Lesson Spiritual and moral qualities of Gerasim: strength, dignity, compassion for others, generosity, hard work

Topic: Spiritual and moral qualities Gerasima: strength, dignity, compassion for others, generosity, hard work.

Activity goal: developing in students the skills to implement new methods of action.

Content goal: expansion of the conceptual base by including new elements into it

Lesson objectives:

Ι. Educational: analyze the first part of the story (the image of the lady and Gerasim; the image of Tatiana and Gerasim); develop the ability to analyze the text of a work of art; develop the ability to express one’s thoughts, evaluate the actions of heroes, and draw conclusions; form an idea of ​​the characters of the work based on a comparison of verbal and graphic images (illustrations and drawings); enrich lexicon.

ΙI. Educational: develop students' oral speech; image analysis skills literary hero and skills of comparing the heroes of the work; develop the ability to generalize what has been learned.

ΙII. Educational: cultivate a sensitive attitude to the artistic word; humane treatment of people.

Personal UUD : formation of a respectful attitude towards other opinions; development of thinking, attention, phonemic hearing; development of independence and personal responsibility for the results of one’s activities, goodwill.

Meta-subject results:

    regulatory UUD: independently formulate the topic and goals of the lesson; have the ability to set goals.

    cognitive UUD: to develop the ability to realize the importance of reading for further learning, to understand the purpose of reading; present the content of the text read concisely, selectively.

    communicative UUD: develop the ability to argue your proposal, persuade and yield; develop the ability to negotiate and find a common solution; master monologue and dialogic forms of speech; listen and hear others.

Methods: problem-search (stimulating and leading to dialogue), method independent work with text, visual method(presentation).

Techniques: dialogue, commented reading, expressive reading, cluster building, frontal survey, artistic retelling,

Means of education: computer, projector, presentation, textbook, illustrations for a work, excerpt from animated film“Mumu” ​​directed by Valentin Karavaev, visual material (illustrations, children's drawings).

Lesson type : a lesson in “discovering” new knowledge.


    StoryI.S. Turgeneva "Mu Mu".

    Textbook “Literature 5th grade” in 2 parts, publishing house “Prosveshchenie”, 2016, recommended by the Ministry of Education and Science Russian Federation. Authors:V.Ya.Korovina, V.P.Zhuravlev, V.I.Korovin .

    O.A. Eremina “Literature Lessons in 5th Grade” book for teachers.

During the classes

I. Self-determination for activity (organizational moment). slide 1

Today we have a special lesson. Guests came to us. Give them your smiles, see how they smile back at you, and let's start the lesson.

The bell rang, let's start our lesson.
To learn a lot, you need to think and reason.

And be attentive and diligent.

And then everyone will definitely show their knowledge!

I wish today's lesson brings you only joy.

II. Checking homework slide 2 Brainstorming

In the last lesson we got acquainted with the biography of the great Russian writer I.S. Turgenev “Mumu”. What basic biographical facts do you remember? (students' answers)

Parable “Everything is in your hands”

“Once upon a time there lived a wise man who knew everything. One man wanted to prove that the sage does not know everything. Holding a butterfly in his hands, he asked: “Tell me, sage, which butterfly is in my hands: dead or alive?” And he thinks: “If the living one says, I will kill her; if the dead one says, I will release her.” The sage, after thinking, replied: “Everything is in your hands.”

Topic message: “Characteristics of the image of the main character from Turgenev’s story “Mumu”” and goal settingslide 3

Based on the topic, tell me, what goals can you set for yourself in this lesson?

Analyze the first part of the story (the image of the lady, Tatiana and Gerasim);

evaluate the hero’s actions - generalize, draw conclusions;

enrich vocabulary;

learn to work in pairs:

respect the opinion of your interlocutor.

At home you read the story “Mumu”. We work in pairs.Slide 4

To help you work more productively in pairs, we offer instructional reminders to help you. No errors – “5”; one or two errors – “4”; three, four errors – “3”.

Restore the sequence of episodes in the story “Mumu”. Put the numbers 1–9 Slide 5

1. Gerasim leaves the manor’s house for the village without permission.

2. Gerasim’s life in the lady’s house.

3. Gerasim finds a puppy.

4. Gerasim’s love for Tatiana.

5. Parting with Tatyana.

6. The lady demands that the dog be destroyed.

7. The lady decides to marry the drunken shoemaker to Tatyana.

8. Gerasim obeys the will of the landowner by drowning the dog.

9. Meeting of Mumu and the lady

Examination.Slide 6

III . Updating knowledge and recording difficulties in activities.

1. Rebus Slide 7

Cross out all the letters of the English alphabet and read the puzzle.

r g l l g y d x s o n n i e w m z o y


What does this word mean?? (This is a man l deprived of the ability to speak due to congenital or acquired deafness.)
– Who do you think our lesson will be dedicated to?
(To Gerasim.)

2. Work with the class. In order to begin characterizing the hero, let's remember what you need to pay attention to.

When you first see a person, what do you first notice? ( Appearance, cloth…)
– To get to know a person better, are these signs enough? (No.)
– What else should you pay attention to in order to get to know a stranger better? (On actions, on attitude towards people around...)
– Why do you need to pay attention to all this? (To understand what this person is like, what moral qualities he has...)

A scheme is being built.

A scheme is being built.

Well done! Gerasim is a new character for us from I. Turgenev’s story “Mumu”. To understand what he is, what will we pay attention to when we re-read this wonderful work? (For a portrait, for actions...)Slide 8

On the slide we have a cluster that will help us when getting to know Gerasim.

IV. Setting a learning task.

Since Gerasim cannot tell anything about himself, the idea of ​​him is formed by comparing him with those around him. But first, let’s remember the heroes who surrounded Gerasim “Game of Recognize the Hero”

Slide 9-13

IV. Discovery of new knowledge. Building a project for getting out of a problem.
– Look: there is only one hero, but there are many opinions about him. Let's try to figure out what this person is like.
Slide 14

1.Working with text. Achieving understanding at the content level.

What does the lady’s house look like and what is the first description of the lady the author gives? What did we learn about her at the very beginning of the story?Slide 15

In one of the remote streets of Moscow, in a gray house with white columns, a mezzanine and a crooked balcony, there once lived a lady, a widow, surrounded by numerous servants. Her sons served in St. Petersburg, her daughters got married; she rarely went out and lived in solitude last years hisstingy And bored old age. Her day sad And stormy , long gone; but it was her evening blacker than night .”

How do you understand the words: “Her day, joyless and stormy, has long passed; but her evening was blacker than night”?

(A person’s morning is called his childhood and youth, the day is maturity, the evening is old age. Turgenev wants to say that this woman’s life was joyless, and old age is completely gloomy.)

2. Watching a cartoon (2 minutes) Slide 16

I suggest you viewStart “Mumu” ​​directed by Valentin Karavaev and answer: how does the beginning of the cartoon differ from the beginning of I. Turgenev’s story?

For what purpose did the director add the episode with the fly?

(Director Valentin Karavaev added an episode with a fly to show the whims, mood swings, and tyranny of the lady.Tyranny - this is the behavior of a person who acts on his own whim; he is very capricious and at the same time humiliates the dignity of other people.)

The director shows us the living conditions of the main character, using the example of the lady’s behavior. What are they?

3. Portrait of Gerasim. Slide 17

Let’s read paragraph 2 of the story and answer the question: “What makes Gerasim stand out among those around him? From what author's characteristics does the story begin about him?”

Of all her servants, the most remarkable person was the janitor Gerasim,a man twelve inches tall, built like a hero and deaf and dumb from birth. The lady took him from the village, where he lived alone, in a small hut, separately from his brothers, and was considered perhaps the most serviceabledraft a man. Gifted with extraordinary strength, he worked for four people - the work was in his hands, and it was fun to watch him when he was either plowing and, leaning his huge palms on the plow, it seemed that alone, without the help of a horse, he was tearing up the elastic chest of the earth, or about Petrov the day had such a crushing effect with its scythe that it could even sweep away a young birch forest from its roots, or it would deftly and non-stop thresh with a three-yard flail, and like a lever the elongated and hard muscles of his shoulders would lower and rise. The constant silence gave solemn importance to hisnot languid work.Glorious he was a man, and if it weren’t for his misfortune, any girl would willingly marry him... But they brought Gerasim to Moscow, bought him boots, sewed him a caftan for the summer, a sheepskin coat for the winter, gave him a broom and a shovel and assigned him his janitor." The author uses words such as:

Wonderful” – 1. Outstanding, extraordinarily good.2 .Same as remarkable, worthy of special attention.

Glorious" 1. Famous, widely known for something outstanding.2 . Cute, very good - colloquial)

How did Gerasim work?

But the usual course of his life is disrupted. How does the text say this?Slide 18

(“...brought to Moscow, bought..., sewed..., given... and determined...")

What kind of strength must a lonely old woman have to treat a hero like this?

(The old woman is a landowner, and Gerasim is a serf.)

Who is a “serf peasant”

Serfs - peasants attached to the land and personally subordinate to one owner. The nobleman who owned the peasants could impose any punishment on them; he could sell the peasants, for example, sell his mother to one landowner, and her children to another. Serfs were considered by law to be the complete property of their master. The peasants had to work for the landowner in his field (corvée) or give him part of the money they earned (quitrent).

    Working with the term “comparison”. How does Gerasim initially perceive his new life?


At first he really didn’t like his new life. Since childhood, he was accustomed to field work and rural life. Alienated by his misfortune from the community of people, he grew up dumb and powerfullike a tree grows on fertile soil... Moved to the city, he did not understand what was happening to him - he was bored and perplexed,how perplexed is a young, healthy bull who has just been taken from a field where lush grass grew up to his belly , - they took it and put it on the carriage railway- and now, showering his corpulent body with smoke with sparks, then with wavy steam, they are rushing him now, rushing him with a knock and a squeal, and where they are rushing - God knows! Gerasim's employment in his new position seemed to him a joke after the hard work of the peasants; in half an hour everything was ready for him, and again he would stop in the middle of the yard and look, with his mouth open, at everyone passing, as if wanting to get them to solve his mysterious situation, then suddenly he would go somewhere in the corner and, throwing the broom far away and shovel, threw himself face down on the ground and lay motionless on his chest for hours,like a caught animal..."

Slide 19 . What is comparison? (COMPARISON is an artistic technique in which an image is created by comparing one object with another.) Find the comparison in the description of Gerasim.

grew dumb and mighty like ………….(a tree grows on fertile soil)”

I was bored and perplexed how ……….(a young, healthy bull who had just been taken from a field where lush grass grew up to his belly is perplexed)”

threw himself face down on the ground and lay motionless on his chest for whole hours, like……… (a captured animal).”

Continue my sentence:“These comparisons help highlight...” (his love for free life.)

6. Introducing the new term “Hyperbole”. Hyperbole is a strong exaggeration.

1 paragraph “They took him…” PAGE 192 Slide 20

Read the description of Gerasim's closet. Why do you think the author describes the janitor’s housing in such detail?

They gave him a closet above the kitchen; he arranged it for himself, according to his own taste: he built a bed in it from oak boards on four logs, truly heroic bed ; a hundred pounds could have been put on it - it wouldn’t have bent ; was under the bed hefty chest ; in the corner there was a table of the same strong properties , and near the table there is a chair on three legs, like this durable and squat that Gerasim himself would pick it up, drop it and grin. The closet was locked with a lock that resembled a kalach, only black; Gerasim always carried the key to this lock with him on his belt. He didn’t like people to visit him.”

(Turgenev describes Gerasim’s closet in such detail in order to use this description to show in more detail the character of the hero: unsociable, strong.)

Turgenev, talking about Gerasim, uses hyperbole. – Find examples of hyperboles in the text.Slide 21

(- he worked for four;
- alone, without the help of a horse, he tore into the elastic breast of the earth;
- the scythe had a crushing effect, enough to sweep away a young birch forest from its roots...)

8. Physical education minute. Slide 22-23

9. Gerasim’s relationship with the people around him and Tatyana. Slide 24

I.S. Turgenev named his hero Gerasim. What does this name mean and does it correspond to the hero? (The meaning of the name Gerasim comes from Greek name Gerasimos, meaning “respected”, “venerable”)PAGE 191 last paragraph “With all the rest of the servants...)

With all the rest of his servants, Gerasim had a relationship that was not exactly friendly - they were afraid of him - but short: he considered them to be his own. They communicated with him by signs, and he understood them, carried out all orders exactly, but he also knew his rights, and no one dared to sit in his place at the capital. In general, Gerasim was of a strict and serious disposition, he loved order in everything; Even the roosters didn’t dare fight in front of him, otherwise it would be a disaster! He sees him, immediately grabs him by the legs, spins him ten times in the air like a wheel, and throws him apart. There were also geese in the lady's yard; but the goose is known to be an important and sensible bird; Gerasim felt respect for them, followed them and fed them; he himself looked like a sedate gander.”

How did Gerasim’s relationship with the courtyard servants develop? Why does Gerasim feel superior to those around him? Reproduce scenes of clashes between the inhabitants of the manor's house.PAGE 191 from the words...

“…and what about strangers, after one night, having caught two thieves, he hit their foreheads against each other, and hit them so hard that at least don’t take them to the police afterwards,everyone in the neighborhood began to respect him very much ; Even those passing by during the day, no longer swindlers at all, but simply strangers, saw the formidable janitor and waved him off and shouted at him, as if he could hear their screams.”

Prove that Tatyana was the “bright spot” in Gerasim’s life. (“He fell in love with her; whether it was the meek expression on her face, or the timidity of her movements—God knows!”)
- What are the similarities between Gerasim and Tatyana?
Slide 25

From early youth she was kept in a black body; She worked for two people, but never saw any kindness; they dressed her poorly, she received the smallest salary; It was as if she had no relatives: some old housekeeper, left behind in the village due to unworthiness, was her uncle, and her other uncles were peasants - that’s all. She was once known as a beauty, but her beauty quickly faded away. She was of a very meek disposition, or, better said, intimidated; she felt complete indifference to herself, and was mortally afraid of others; I thought only about how to finish my work on time, never spoke to anyone and trembled at the mere name of the lady, although she hardly knew her.”

What character traits are manifested in his behavior?

Episode of Gerasim's farewell to Tatiana...

Read expressivelyepisode of Gerasim's farewell to Tatiana . PAGE 202–203.

When everything was ready, and the men already held the reins in their hands and were only waiting for the words: “With God!” Gerasim came out of his closet, approached Tatyana and gave her a red paper handkerchief, which he had bought for her a year ago, as a souvenir. Tatyana, who had endured all the vicissitudes of her life with great indifference until that moment, here, however, could not stand it, shed tears and, getting into the cart, kissed Gerasim three times in a Christian manner. . He wanted to accompany her to the outpost and first walked next to her cart, but suddenly stopped at the Crimean Ford, waved his hand and set off along the river.”

Slide 24. How does the scene of parting with Tatyana characterize Gerasim? Gerasim is generous. Even a year later he did not lose his good disposition towards Tatyana. He, the only one of all, took pity on her and managed to ease the moments of parting with home. He was not afraid of ridicule, “he came out of his closet, approached Tatyana and gave her a red paper handkerchief as a souvenir...”.

VII. Reflection “Everything is in your hands.”

At the end of the lesson, ask students:

- What could you praise yourself for?

Please, everyone stand at your desks and answer my last question, but without words, only with movements.
– If you were bored, uninterested, then raise your hands up.
– If you felt great, then give yourself a hug.
– If you gained new knowledge in the lesson, then sit down.
- Yes, we are all different. We all have the right to our opinion. And we can express our opinion not only with the help of gestures and emotions, but also with the help of speech. You and I have been given the most valuable thing - the ability to speak, something that Gerasim was deprived of. And why I.S. Turgenev made his hero deaf and dumb, you will learn in subsequent lessons.

VIII. Information about homework. Slide 27

A story about Gerasim on behalf of Tatiana, the lady (optional)


Mercy is a depressingly rare quality these days. We have forgotten how to be compassionate and forgiving. People easily fall into anger, their souls become callous, helping others and the ability to forgive become rare phenomena. Books about mercy will open you to a world of compassion and love for your neighbor, and will remind you that our most important quality is humanity. It’s not difficult to condescend to someone who needs help and sympathy, but a single merciful impulse can save someone’s life...

“Charity, of course, should be everywhere” - this is also said by the young French teacher who so tenderly and tenderly supported a far from wealthy student, helping not only with in-depth study of the language, but also with food. But what will this mean for her?

This time the famous Lydia Charskaya delights her readers with a rather emotional story, the main character of which is the kind and gentle girl Lena, who recently lost her family. What trials will this sad series of circumstances have in store for her?

What can a bloody and cruel war change? Alas, Sashka, like no one else, knows the answer to this question, because it was the war that once and for all crossed out his whole life, presenting not only new meetings, but also indescribable feelings. But what will they turn out to be?

As you know, the most cruel people are only children who are angry with each other. Lena Bessoltseva is also familiar with this indisputable fact; she overnight became an outcast and a laughing stock for her own class. But will she be able to change her situation forever, or will troubles finally break her?

The all-consuming and painfully merciless war also affected the fate of the Russian soldier Ivan Tereshka, who again fell into German captivity, barely escaping the cold touch of death. Having decided on a new escape, he did not even think about how it could end: salvation or death?

What could a new acquaintance turn out to be? Answering this question, the bankrupt Mertsalov family did not know that their extremely precarious position would be changed by one rather unfortunate and at the same time incredibly happy acquaintance with an elderly talented doctor.

It's no secret that all the residents of the old flophouse contradict each other, so the girl from brothel dreaming of finding true love negates the impression from the former master that he abandoned the business on pain of his wife’s lover. So which of the heroes will end up at the very bottom?

Hardly in modern world poverty can surprise at least anyone. However, poverty left its mark on a boy from a wealthy family, focusing its blow on the orphans who were forced to earn their own food and shelter. How will this story end for each of the children?

What did the hungry frozen girl see when she illuminated own way just the dim glow of a lit match? Was it a dream or was it happening in reality? And most importantly, why in the cold winter evening was she left alone on a deserted street covered in snow-white snow?

The well-known trilogy will tell about the Russian intelligentsia that suffered the intervention of the revolutionary movement. At the center of the story is a girl named Katya, whose heart chose a companion - a young progressive and tyrant poet, with whom her sister actually cheated.

Who would have imagined that Death is also inclined to mercy, because having such an unusual worldview and work, it is quite difficult to become a caring and loving father for an adopted daughter. So what will come of such a terribly strange family, so clearly different from everyone else?

No one could have imagined that, embittered by such ruthless actions of people, a young cub, a descendant of a she-wolf and a dog, so desperately needs human love, care and affection. Will he get what his own heart so desperately needs or will he remain on the sidelines again?

E. Kersnovskaya \"What is a person worth\".
How can a silent and ruthless battle against society and the political system end? In any case, it is this battle that will leave its mark on the difficult fate of the main character, dooming her to painful memories. Just what does the author want to remember?

A.P. Chekhov “Student”.
Chekhov's rather emotional and sentimental story “Student” will open before readers the veil of those feelings that evoke compassion. After all, it was compassion that filled the evening that the student experienced while telling the unfortunate lonely widow about Jesus and Peter.

It's funny, but two fairly elderly witches had previously avoided royal intrigues and conspiracies, preferring to stay as far away from them as possible. And everything would have been fine if not for the young heir to the throne, who once ended up in a witches’ coven, forever changing each of the participants.

Sir Terry's next story will now show his readers a rather funny journey of three witches who overnight became fairy godmothers for a girl whose life is doomed to the eternal bonds of a fairy tale. Will the bosom friends be able to defeat evil and save their ward?

It would seem like a simple children's fairy tale, but it is the one that will tell each of its readers about mercy and pure thoughts, depicting on its pages the adventure of a young girl with the tender name Sophie, who became a victim of a curse and her own feelings.

Freedom or power? Jean Valjean asks himself similar questions when correcting such absurd mistakes of the foggy past. However, the French inspector stubbornly opposes the nobility and self-sacrifice of the protagonist, who puts the law above human life.

Love, as you know, is a feeling not subject to the dictates of reason. One of the most striking examples can be considered the hunchback from Notre Dame, who lost his own head at the first sight of a beautiful gypsy. But will it be mutual or will it be doomed to a tragic death again?

The long-familiar conflict of generations occurs in Turgenev’s novel, once again forcing readers to reconsider their own views on life and moral values, headed by relatives and friends who were both in the fate of Arseny and in the life of Evgeny.

A novel that combines three worlds, without difficulty and with tart notes of joy, will show you true all-consuming love, the real underworld and its inhabitants, who are building incredible intrigues right behind each other’s backs. Will the heroes be able to withstand every blow that fate has in store?

Children feel justice and its absence more than anyone else. Surely you will agree with this simple fact, having carefully studied the story that tells us about racism and rape, about moral values ​​and what should be above all.

“Impatience of the Heart” will again show readers two states of great pity and mercy that so desperately need each other. This idea is supported by main character from the person whose intricate narrative will be told, enveloping readers in a string of secrets and intrigue.

No matter how strange it may be, in the life of Rodion Raskolnikov there was little truth or humanity. Maybe that’s why, having tired of himself in the role of a “trembling creature,” the young man dares to commit a bloody crime, which certainly will not pass without a trace, leading to a new chain of events.

The heartbreaking story about a dog named Kusaka, which at one time became an iconic lesson in mercy and kindness, is also popular in the modern world. After all, who else but “Kusaka” will tell you about what makes a person a person, once again reminding you of love, loyalty and friendship?

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Compassion and empathy are qualities that not every person possesses, but one way or another they arise in any person throughout life. They are caused by a situation that seems pitiful and sad to us, and a desire arises to help the person. These situations are different, they can relate to any area, any period of life and in terms of significance they can be either minor or quite serious. In any case, if a person has a feeling of compassion, it means he wants and is ready to help... So, for example, a mother, seeing her child crying, wants to hug him, kiss him and say how good he is.... Also, seeing a crippled person begging for alms, we are faced with the choice of helping him or not. The choice is everyone's. One will pass by and not even pay attention to the cripple... the other will give a little money or a piece of bread...

Why is the feeling of compassion not given to everyone? Does this speak of innate aggression or anger and immaturity? Yes and no.. . It cannot be said unequivocally that those people who do not tend to worry about others and sympathize are tough and soulless... most likely, these people are simply restrained in their feelings or they have other qualities.

Speaking about whether a person needs compassion, we can say that it is needed as an impetus for mutual assistance, for support. You should not be indifferent to people who are in trouble or are experiencing better times own life. Perhaps it is your helping hand, your kind word that will enlighten and help your neighbor.

In Platonov's story "Yushka" the main character was not understood by the people around him. Everyone trampled him, threw stones, and insulted him. And no one could sympathize, no one showed compassion. You might think that because of this attitude towards himself he did not like people, but this is not so. Yushka was a special person. At a time when sympathy and compassion should have been directed in his direction, he himself showed these feelings towards the people who offended him. He thought it was their way of showing love by loving him. People like Yushka are capable of empathy and compassion, people who listen to their hearts and souls. With such qualities people become much kinder. Other people, deprived of these qualities, do not change, but only become angrier. Such people have a hard time in life. When they are shown compassion and empathy, they understand that the person who showed these feelings is right, and this makes their soul even more painful. Everyone should have empathy and compassion, like Yushka.

Do we need empathy and compassion in life? Every person will answer this question: “Yes.” After all, every person has a heart that gives rise to empathy and compassion.

Sympathy is a feeling when you express your sadness and pity. Many people sympathize with homeless cats and dogs. And some express compassion, that is, in addition to sympathy, they also try to help them. For example, people take homeless animals to a shelter.

But people express sympathy and compassion not only for animals, but also for loved ones and friends.

Man is destined to treat the world around him with care. No matter how hard a person tries not to pay attention, he still has sadness in his soul.

We often hear the words empathy and compassion in our lives, but do we understand their meaning? Behind the routine of life, behind the bustle and race of time, we have forgotten what these so important words mean. Sympathy means sharing the feelings of another person, and compassion means taking on part of the suffering and alleviating grief.

This topic is often heard in literature. Eat wonderful story A.P. Platonov’s “Yushka”, about a man who steadfastly endured suffering, about the cruelty of the people living next to him. Yushka, that was the name of the hero of the story, was a harmless, naive man, and, as other residents thought, stupid. That's why everyone and everyone mocked him. The adults were downright rude, they could push Yushka, hit him, insult him, the children shouted offensive words after Yushka and teased him. This was considered normal, no one punished the children, and the adults had no pity. They took out all their discontent on poor Yushka; he was like a lightning rod, taking upon himself all the anger and rudeness of people.

One day, after another shock, Yushka fell and died... And the man with the naive eyes was gone. Yushka's adopted daughter arrived in the city. Thanks to her father, she was able to graduate from college and became a doctor. Only now did she find out that Yushka was no more, she found out how people treated him, but the kindness put into her soul did not allow the girl to get angry. The daughter of the kind and harmless Yushka treated people who bullied her father. In a city where there was no longer a person willing to endure humiliation and cruelty, quarrels became frequent guests in families. The residents' anger spilled out onto themselves.

“Yushka” is a very interesting story, but it is difficult to read. It’s scary to realize that there are the same “Yushki” around, but we simply don’t notice them and don’t try to notice them. But it is precisely such kind, naive and harmless people that our lives depend on. They are the ones who remind us that we have a soul. They look into our hearts and we cannot stand their gaze. Maybe that’s why weak and cowardly people always try to offend and humiliate such people? After all, the easiest way to take it out on someone who won’t fight back, who will patiently endure insult and insult?

Young people are often criticized for their callousness and inability to sympathize and sympathize. Of course, modern youth may seem like this, but not all young people are rude and cruel. I witnessed an interesting incident that happened this winter.

Along the road, two guys walked in front of me: rapper pants, huge sneakers, a waddling gait... From the outside, they looked like ordinary modern young people. On the side of the road, a crow was struggling in the snow; it could not take off. The guys turned towards her. I quickened my steps, I became afraid that they would offend the bird. The guys caught a crow, it turned out that a piece of foam ceiling tile was stuck to its paws. Apparently someone was doing renovations in the apartment, threw a piece of glue smeared out the window, the crow stuck to the foam, it could neither walk nor fly. The guys carefully peeled this piece with glue from the captive’s paws and released the bird. They took pity on the defenseless crow and saved its life.

I know that “Yushka” lives in the soul of each of us, we are embarrassed to show it to our friends, we want to be “cool,” but the time will come when we will stop being shy, because only compassion, pity, empathy make us human. And we are people!

Sympathy, compassion. If you think about the meaning of these words, you understand that they mean the joint experience of some feelings (sympathy), suffering (compassion). This means experiencing their joys and sorrows, their troubles and suffering together with others. And not just empathize - help whenever possible. Are they needed in modern life? Writers of the 20th century give a clear answer to this question. Yes, we do. compassion sympathy yushka rasputin

A clear example of the manifestation of sympathy and compassion can be Lydia Mikhailovna, the heroine of V. Rasputin’s story “French Lessons”. For the main character of this work, the lessons that Lydia Mikhailovna taught him became lessons of kindness. She didn't just help the boy master foreign language, its difficult pronunciation. Having learned about the difficult situation of her student, that he was actually starving, Lydia Mikhailovna did everything possible to alleviate his situation. She even went to the extent of breaking the law by starting a game for money, just so that the main character of the story would have money for milk.

If you stop empathizing and having compassion for others, then the world will plunge into the darkness of cruelty and callousness. Empathy and compassion are necessary. They make a person better.

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Research Job

Mercy and compassion in Russian literature and in our time


Shupilova Tatyana,

11th grade student


Gritsay S. D.,

teacher of Russian language

and literature

Birobidzhan, 2017

Introduction........................................................ ........................................................ ...............3

I. Main part ........................................................... ........................................................ ...4

II. Practical part................................................... .................................................15

Conclusion................................................. ........................................................ .............17

List of used literature......................................................... ........................18


What is mercy? Mercy is a Christian concept, which means a caring and friendly attitude towards another person.

“Mercy is the willingness to help someone or forgive someone out of compassion and love for humanity” - this is how the meaning of the word “mercy” is defined in Ozhegov’s dictionary. IN Lately We talk a lot about humanism, compassion, mercy, but in life, people are less and less kind to each other, to the world, to nature. But none of us can do without love for our neighbor. And if this love is lost, they fall apart human connections in society, lack of spirituality affects the souls of people.

The theme of mercy in literature is explored differently at all stages of its development. But the Russian classics spoke about compassion as insightfully as, perhaps, no one else in world culture. Their works have become a model for authors around the world. Darkness and light always and everywhere complement each other. As Bulgakov’s character said: “People love money, they are frivolous, but sometimes mercy knocks on their hearts.”

The theme of my project is mercy and compassion in Russian literature and in Russian life.

The goal of the project is to find out how and in what works the theme of compassion and love for one’s neighbor is revealed.

Hypothesis. Russian literature has a strong tradition of depicting mercy and compassion.

The object of the study is the works of F. M. Dostoevsky, L. N. Tolstoy, N. V. Gogol, A. M. Gorky, A. I. Kuprin, V. G. Korolenko, Valentin Rasputin and others.

To achieve this goal, I set myself the following tasks:

    get acquainted with the works of Russian classics;

    identify the main problems revealed in the works;

    identify public opinion: is there mercy and compassion in our lives;

    find out how these qualities manifest themselves in real life.


Mercy and compassion. According to V.I. Dahl’s definition, this is “painful heart”, sympathy, love in practice, willingness to do good to everyone, compassion, kindness. In nurturing these feelings there is no more reliable ally than fiction. It is she who has the ability to penetrate into the very heart of a person, to touch the strings of his soul. Being alone with a book, a person is completely frank and honest with himself, and then the living word falls on fertile soil.

Word meanings:

COMPASSION - sympathy, empathy.

MERCY - sweet heart, kindness, compassion, love, sympathy, care.

Even in ancient times, philosophers were interested in questions of goodness, justice, Christian forgiveness, and compassion. These are Aristotle, Descartes, Diogenes, Plato, Solon and others.

John Chrysostom, Archbishop of Constantinople, theologian, revered as one of the three Ecumenical Hierarchs

Famous Russian philosopher Nikolai Berdyaev, Russian religious and political philosopher.

An important theme of his philosophy is love and compassion for one's neighbor. For his enormous work in 1942-1948. was nominated 7 times for the Nobel Prize in Literature.

Speaking about human freedom, he quotes the following words: “Mercy is love that does not require reciprocity, is possible for all people, this is its wealth and strength.”

The theme of mercy in literature is explored differently at all stages of its development.

Examples are present in many novels and stories by F. M. Dostoevsky, Leo Tolstoy and in the works of other Russian classics.

Lev Nikolaevich wrote: “It is true that the meaning of every person’s life... is to increase one’s love for people and constantly do good. Don’t wait for life to provide such an opportunity, but look for it.”

While working on the project, I read some works recommended by the teacher. These are novels by Tolstoy, Dostoevsky, stories by Pushkin, Gogol, Kuprin, Korolenko. These are the stories of Russian contemporary writers - Valentin Rasputin.

Lev Nikolaevich Tolstoy said: “Charity consists not only in material help, but in spiritual support of one’s neighbor, that is, in his non-judgment and respect for human dignity.”

In Tolstoy's novel "War and Peace" various problems are revealed, one of them is showing kindness and compassion towards complete strangers. The main character Natasha Rostova, out of a great sense of patriotism, out of love for people, orders the carts to be cleared of property and sits down the wounded to save them from the French.

She spends all her days at the bedside of the wounded Andrei Bolkonsky, trying with her love for us to make it easier for him. last days life.

The clearest example of mercy in literature is the images of Makar Devushkin in Dostoevsky’s story “Poor People” and Sonya Marmeladova's novel"Crime and Punishment". Makar Devushkin helps the poor girl Varenka completely disinterestedly and grieves that Varenka has to marry the evil and cruel landowner Bykov.

The theme of the “little man”, worthy of compassion and sympathy, is revealed in the stories of Pushkin “The Station Agent” and Gogol’s “The Overcoat”.

The theme of the “little man” is traditional for Russian literature of the 19th century. It is directly related to the humanistic theme - one of the main ones in Russian classical literature.

The first writer to touch upon and develop this topic is considered to be A.S. Pushkin. In the story “The Station Warden,” he “brings out” his hero, the “little man” Samson Vyrin, an employee stationmaster. N.V. Gogol’s story “The Overcoat” is closely related to Pushkin’s story, written a decade earlier. But, revealing the tragedy of the “little man,” Gogol introduced one very important feature into his story. He pitted the “little man” Akaki Akakievich Bashmachkin against the state machine and showed how hostile it was to his interests. In Gogol, public and social motives are stronger than in Pushkin.
What is, according to Gogol, “ small man»? It's about about a person who is small in social terms, because he is not rich, has no voice in society, and is unremarkable. He is just a petty official with a meager salary.

Narrating the life of a minor official, Gogol was able to create an unforgettable bright image“little man” with his joys and troubles, difficulties and worries.

Akaki Akakievich, depicted by Gogol, is not at all an insignificant creature in moral terms. His humanity is manifested in his friendly disposition towards people, in his diligence, and in his sense of duty. It is not his fault that his work is fruitless, but the bureaucratic machine of that time. Gogol does not laugh at his hero, but evokes compassion for him as a disadvantaged and humiliated person. This is the meaning of the image young man, imbued with pity for Bashmachkin: “And for a long time later, among the most cheerful moments, a short official with a bald spot on his forehead appeared to him, with his penetrating words: “Leave me alone, why are you offending me?” - and in these penetrating words other words rang: “I am your brother.”

Gogol clearly showed that his contemporary society is indifferent to those of its members who do not belong to the upper class. And yet, the writer showed in the denouement that even the “little man,” driven to despair, is capable of resisting the cruelty and injustice of the powers that be. The stories of the St. Petersburg cycle are imbued with humanism and living sympathy for people.

Dostoevsky created the image of Sonya Marmeladova in the novel Crime and Punishment. She is capable of true compassion and makes sacrifices for her family. Then for the sake of Raskolnikov. Rodion Romanovich himself knows how to sympathize. He helps the disadvantaged, humiliated and insulted.

As the story progresses, we see thatDostoevsky counts mmercy, compassion for people one of the most important qualities of a person, without which Raskolnikov’s spiritual liberation would have been impossible. It's very hard to live withoutcompassion, mercy towards people . It is necessary for a person to be understood, to be able to cheer him up, take pity on him, help him, forgive him. So, not finding support from those around him, feeling alienated, Svidrigailov commits suicide. Raskolnikov, thanks to Sonechka’s mercy, survives.

The proletarian writer Alexei Maksimovich Gorky, who himself wandered a lot around Rus', at one time living in a shelter, wrote an essay about degenerate people “ Former people"and the play "At the Bottom". With the appearance of Luke, the main conflict of the play begins: what is better - truth or compassion? Luka takes pity on all the overnight stayers and consoles them.

Luke's consolation does not last long: the truth again leads a person to disappointment, but at least for a while he will be happy, and sometimes this is already important.
Thus, despite the position of the author, who does not accept consolation, believing that truth is God free man, the main question of the play remains unresolved. Everyone solves it anew for themselves. It seems to me that every person sometimes needs support and sympathy, although living with illusions is also pointless.

Continuity in the depiction of heroes capable of showing kindness, sympathy, compassion towards people can be traced in the works of Vladimir Galaktionovich Korolenko, Alexander Ivanovich Kuprin, Valentin Rasputin.

In Korolenko’s story “Children of the Dungeon,” the main character, the boy Vasya, having met the homeless children of the city slums, acquired such wonderful qualities as compassion for poor people.

The Mertsalov family was verygrateful to the one who literally saved her from hunger and disease, who showed concern and mercy, and wanted to know the name of this wonderful doctor, but he did not give his name. Later, the family learned the name of this virtue from the label on the medicine; it was Professor Pirogov.

An example of mercy in literature is the relationship of the characters in Valentin Rasputin’s story “French Lessons”. In his works, this author touched upon the eternal themes of goodness, duty and justice. The fate of an individual is the main thing in his work. You need to live not according to strict laws and clear rules, but based on understanding, love and compassion.

And it is this principle that guides Lidia Mikhailovna, the teacher from Rasputin’s story. In the hungry post-war period, she strives to help her student, violating everything pedagogical standards(she decided to play “measures” with her student) to save the boy from starvation.

This story by Valentin Rasputin makes you think about real and imaginary humanity, about the indestructible connection between those who do good and those who accept it. The teacher left, but she invisibly continued to remain next to the boy, occupying the same place in his life as his mother, becoming the judge of all his future actions.

Today it is clear to everyone that our society is sick. But in order to treat it correctly, you need a correct diagnosis. A very accurate diagnosis of one of the terrible diseases that affected the country was made by V.P. Astafiev. The main tragedy He saw the heroine of his story “Lyudochka,” in whose image, like two drops of water, the pain of the overwhelming majority of our compatriots, in spiritual loneliness. Astafiev shows us everyday, gray, most ordinary life: home - work - home. In this circle lives Gavrilovna, who lost her health in a hairdresser, and her friends, who take for granted all the sorrows and blows of fate. In this circle there should be main character Lyudochka's story. And she, without resisting, crawls in this circle, and her dream is the most ordinary, like all young girls: to get married, learn to work. The speech of Astafiev’s heroes convincingly illustrates this position of social psychology. “As long as you are a student, you will live, but as soon as you become a master, go to the hostel, God willing, and you will arrange your life.”

In our turbulent times, such feelings as mercy and compassion seem to many to be a relic of antiquity. The trampling of moral laws has led to the fact that these feelings are forgotten. Vladimir Zheleznikov spoke about how this process affected the younger generation of the 80s in the story “Scarecrow”. Like V. Rasputin, here before us weak creature: awkward, quirky girl Lena. It is she who becomes a victim of the callousness of her classmates. Some of them do not know what they are doing, others know that Lena is not to blame for anything, but prefer to remain silent about it. Zheleznikov’s stinging reproaches to the victim sound cruel. “We don’t need those! Chu-che-lo-o-o!” - her classmates shout in Lena’s face. One can only wonder: where does such bestial anger come from in young hearts, where does such a passion for tormenting one’s neighbor come from?

The writer Boris Ekimov clearly declared himself in the literature of the 80s. He tells his story about the Don land, Cossack farms, where life used to be in full swing, and now old women are living out their days.

The writer is concerned about the problem of drunkenness, desecration of nature and, most importantly, people’s “tolerance” to all these phenomena. Hungry cattle roar, driven from four collective farms into an enlarged calf barn. “A-ah... Chicks,” the manager waves it off in the story “Tarasov.” “The district came up with this stupidity, even if it gives him a headache.” Reading these lines, you think: “Can a person who is so cruel to animals be completely kind to people?”
B. Ekimov describes cases where indifference is manifested in relation to people, especially old men and women. Almost every evening, Baba Motya wanders around the neighbors and asks: “Sit with me for Christ’s sake, otherwise I’m afraid. Mine are gone and gone.” At first they sat with Baba Motya, but soon everyone got tired of it. “There are so many people, but there is no one to sit with the old woman,” Grandma Motya sighs sadly.
It is no coincidence that the collection of stories by B. Ekimov is called " Alive soul"Here, like Rasputin, the writer talks about people who do mercy. They give the old people the warmth they need, heal them with their kindness. The role of such healers is not only adults, as in the story “How to Tell...”, but and children, as in the story “There is no one to sit with the old woman.”

People are screaming for kindness. Where is she? How cruel the world is! How hard it is for us unfortunates! And when kindness is nearby, it is either considered useless, even ridiculous, or even simply trampled into the dirt, killed as the main character. Yushka, that was the name of the hero of the story “Yushka” by A. Platonov, was sick with consumption. And so he became old beyond his years, he was very naive and kind. Nobody understood Yushka, and everyone thought that Yushka was not like everyone else, and that’s why everyone beat him and called him names. Yushka never drank tea and collected money. It turned out that he had an adopted daughter and he gave her money so that she could study. Yushka had such a kind heart. It seems to me that every person should have a kind heart, like Yushka.

Now I would like to talk about a wonderful woman who was called a saint during her lifetime - Mother Teresa.

“Every day is a holiday for me,” said Mother Teresa. Who is she?She was called Mother Teresa (Agnesa Gonxha Bojaxhiu) and was born on August 26, 1910 in Skopje, Macedonia. She really became a mother for many unwanted children - babies from garbage bins, little disabled people and orphans... A small, thin, smiling old lady.

She began her ministry in India, a country famous for itsincredible poverty and misery. “I slept wherever I had to, on the floor, in the slums, where mice scratched in the corners; I ate what my charges ate, and only when there was something to eat.” Mother Teresa cared for people in the last hours of their lives so that they would “die gracefully.” “A beautiful death,” she said, “is when people who lived like animals can die like angels... Conversion is a change of heart through love...”

In 1979, Mother Teresa was awarded Nobel Prize world "For activities to help suffering people." She asked that the funds that were to be spent on the banquet be transferred to “my people.” That's what she called those who were suffering.

These words of Mother Teresa can be taken as a guide in life.

The charity movement is widespread throughout the world.

In Russia, on January 1, 1814, twenty-four selected widows of the St. Petersburg Dowager's House officially began work in the hospital appointed by the Empress and the Board of Trustees in order to alleviate the mental and physical suffering of the sick.

A little more than a year later, on March 12, 1815, the test widows were consecrated to the title of compassionate patients.


Among the first sisters who went to the front were the sisters of mercy of the Moscow St. Nicholas Convent. Voluntarily and in an organized manner, they went to the front line to help the wounded.
During the Crimean War Grand Duchess Elena Pavlovna founded the first Holy Cross community of sisters of mercy in Russia and Europe.

Pirogov Nikolai Ivanovich, a famous doctor, carried out leadership and organizational activities in the formation of a new social institution.

In 1864, sixteen states of Europe and America signed the Geneva Convention: from now on, everyone who is marked with an armband with a red cross was supposed to “save and protect all whose blood has irrigated the field of honor, without distinguishing between friends and enemies.” This is how an international union arose, the emblem of which was the Red Cross on a white background.

The history of the Sisters of Charity movement is extremely rich. It continues to be written today, since women who have chosen the service of mercy as their path in life can be found anywhere in the world.

The service of the Sisters of Charity in Velikaya Patriotic War deserves special attention, since young girls carried wounded soldiers on their thin shoulders; they considered this an ordinary thing, many owe their lives to them.

Many contemporary writers are concerned with the theme of mercy and compassion. In particular, Daniil Granin wrote the book “Mercy”, and the writer Boris Vasiliev in the story “My Horses Are Flying” recalls Doctor Jansen, whom the residents of Smolensk elevated to the rank of saint for his selfless feat as a doctor. He died, paying for the lives of two boys at the cost of his life.

History is familiar with touching examples of mercy in war. There are also many of them in the literature.


I am a member of a city volunteer organization.

The field of activity of a volunteer organization is very voluminous.

We help children in the children's hospital, war and labor veterans, and take part in campaigns against smoking, drug addiction and alcoholism. My civil position- selflessly serve people, help the weak and sick.

Are there manifestations of mercy in our lives?

I conducted a survey of people, 20 people participated. They were asked questions:

1. What do the words mercy and compassion mean?

Compassionateness, responsiveness, willingness to help, caring for another person,goodwill,sympathy, kindness.

2. Does Russian literature cultivate these qualities in people?

No, I don't know

3. Do you know cases of showing mercy and compassion these days?

No, I don't know

4. What needs to be done to make mercy knock on our hearts more often?

a) show more television programs;

b) provide more media coverage of cases of mercy and compassion;

c) specifically do good deeds;

d) do charity work.

e) (write it yourself)

5. Do you agree with the statement that in our time the level of responsiveness has decreased?

No, I don't know

The results of the survey are as follows:

Answering the first question, almost all respondents answered that thisresponsiveness, willingness to help, caring for another person, kindness, empathy.

To the second question, everyone answered that Russian literature educatesa person has all these qualities.

To the third question, do they know cases of showing mercy inthese days, everyone answered unequivocally “yes.”

What should we do to make mercy knock on our hearts more often?They answered like this: cover such cases more in the media; specifically doing good deeds.

To the fifth question, do you agree with the statement that in our timethe level of responsiveness has decreased,answered like this: 5 people - “yes” , 12 people - “no” , 3 people - I don’t know, that is, 60% claim that in our lives the level of kindness, sympathy, and responsiveness has not decreased at all.

Based on all that has been said, I conclude: the traditions of helping a person in difficult situations, showing compassion and mercy towards the weak and those in need are strong not only in Russian literature, but also in our lives and in our time. A striking example of this is the “Day of Good Deeds” campaign, which is held every Thursday on Channel 5 of our television.


I think our generation will be able to revive the forgotten feelings of mercy and compassion for one’s neighbor, making them the main thing in life. A book that illuminates the path to a bright future will be a reliable assistant for us. After all good book teaches to do good so that it becomes natural in a person’s life, becomes ordinary.

Deeds of mercy can achieve a lot! Hurry up to do good! Know how to forgive, desire reconciliation, overcome evil with good!

List of used literature

    Gorky, M. At the bottom. Egor Bulychov and others / M. Gorky. -M.: Art, 1987.-304 p.-(School library).

    F.M.Dostoevsky. The works “Humiliated and Insulted”, “Poor People”, “Crime and Punishment. -319 p.: ill.- (School library).

    Zheleznyakov, V.K. Scarecrow/V.K. Zheleznyakov. -M.: Astrel, 2010. - 65 pp.: ill.- (Planet of Childhood).

    Korolenko, V.G. Children of the Dungeon / V.G. Korolenko -M.: Seeker's Books, 2011.- 62 pp. - (Schoolchild's Library).

    Kudryavtsev A. “Historical sketch of Christian charity”, Odessa, 1883.

    Platonov, A.P. Yushka: stories and stories / A.P. Platonov.-M.: Sov.Russia, 1984.- 464 p.: ill.

    Rasputin, V.G. French lessons / V.G. Rasputin.-M.: Khudozh.lit., 1987-479 pp.: ill.

    Romanyuk V.P., Lapotnikov V.A., Nakatis Y.A. History of nursing in Russia. – St. Petersburg: St. Petersburg State Medical Academy, 1998. – p.68

    L. N. Tolstoy. Epic novel "War and Peace"

    Shibkov A.A. The first women doctors in Russia. – M., 1961. - With. 17

    Shumigorsky E. S. “Department of Institutions of the Empress Maria. Historical sketch. 1797–1897", St. Petersburg, 1897.