We test our knowledge of the world around us. Climate zones on Earth

These educational materials will help your child quickly learn and remember the names of the seasons and months. Download and print the calendar picture; you will need to hang it in a visible place so that the child often sees the calendar with his eyes during the day. He will involuntarily scroll through his memory the names of the seasons, winter, spring, summer and autumn months.

Naturally, before this it is necessary to familiarize the child with these seasons. Start your story with winter. Be sure to tell the signs of what is happening in nature at this time of year, what the weather is like, so that the child can feel and vividly imagine the full picture of the season.

in winter the day is short. The sun is low and warms weakly. Snow falls. Cold. People wear winter clothes. In winter we celebrate everyone's favorite holiday - New Year.

in spring the day is getting longer. The sun is warming better. It is getting warmer. Snow is melting. Streams are flowing. Leaves appear on the trees. Grass begins to grow. Flowers are blooming. Migratory birds arrive. People wear demi-season clothes. The most famous spring holidays are March 8 and May Day.

In summer the sun is high, shining brightly, warming well. The weather is hot. Flowers bloom and berries appear. People wear summer clothes. You can swim in natural reservoirs and sunbathe.

in autumn the day is getting shorter. The sun is lower. It's getting colder. The harvest of vegetables and fruits is ripe. Leaves are falling from the trees. Migratory birds fly south. It rains often. People wear warm clothes. The most famous autumn holiday is the Day of Knowledge.

And winter is coming again...

Do not forget to discuss the very concept of “seasons”, what a year is. Children often confuse “season”, “time of day”, “week”, “month” and simply “time”, immediately distinguish between these concepts. Riddles will help with this:

There is a tree in the royal garden. On one side the flowers bloom, on the other the leaves fall, on the third the fruits ripen, on the fourth the branches are pruned. What kind of tree is this? (year)

These birds fly in a line,
And they won't come back anymore.
There are seven birds in every flock,
You all know them! (Days of the week.)

twelve brothers
They wander after each other,
But they don't overtake each other. (Months.)

The bridge stretches
For seven miles,
And at the end of the bridge -
Golden Mile. (A week.)

They come every year
To visit us:
One gray-haired
Another young one
The third gallops
And the fourth one is crying. (Seasons.)

Invite your child to come up with his own story about the seasons.

Don't forget to tell your child that a year consists of 12 months, and each season has 3 months.

Calendar seasons

Further knowledge can be deepened by dividing what happens in nature into months, as shown in the pictures. Ask your child questions: “When do the leaves fall from the trees?”, “When will we go swimming in the river?” and the like in order to retain the material well in memory.

There are calendars on sale with a moving hand for studying the seasons and months of the year. You can make such a calendar with your own hands by simply printing out a drawing and attaching a cardboard arrow.

Cards, coloring pages and riddles will help children consolidate their knowledge about the seasons.


You need to cut along the lines.

In kindergarten or at home, you can make an applique from colored paper on the theme of the seasons. Sample:

How to learn the names of the months with your child

A simple poem will help you remember the months:

January was walking through the snowdrifts, the king of all winter frosts!
February caught up with him - he lost his shawl from the blizzard.

March came running for his shift and the ringing rang: “Spring, let’s start!”
April sailed along the streams, he carried drops in his pocket.

The leaves of May rustled: “Take off your warm jacket!”
The dandelion carried June. Do you want a miracle? Just blow!

And in July, and in July we had a holiday at sea!
August was buzzing with bees and sitting like a mushroom in the forest.

In golden September we forgot about the heat!
The wind blew in October: let's pick up yellow leaves!

November froze us and threw the first snow on the ground.
December is upon us, ending a long year!

(c) Irina Gurina

Or another poem:

We have learned the names of the months and their order, now you can tell your child the secret of how to determine/count the number of days in a month using their fists :)

Don't forget to tell us about leap year!

Thirty days are always in September,
In April, June and November.
One day more in other months,
Only February doesn’t want to catch up.
There are only twenty-eight days in it,

MADOU "Kindergarten of a combined type" Rainbow"

Quizzes and KVN


Compiled by: Educator

Alexandrova L.A.

G. Yugorsk

From early childhood we are accustomed to the fact that there is spring, summer, autumn, winter. Time passes, eras change, but the seasons remain unchanged. Although it is sung in the song by David Tukhmanov and Igor Shaferan “Three months of summer, three months of autumn, three months of winter and eternal spring,” we know for sure that spring will be followed by summer, autumn and... everything will happen again

Quiz "Seasons"

1. What causes the change of seasons?
Answer:the change of seasons is caused by the movement of the Earth in its orbit around the Sun and the inclination of its axis of rotation to the orbital plane

2. What seasons do you know?
Answer:spring Summer Autumn Winter

3. What month does the year begin with and what month does it end with?
Answer:starts in January, ends in December

4. What time of year did A.S. Pushkin love most?
Answer: autumn

6. What is the most magical time of year?
Answer:winter (because in winter there is a magical New Year holiday)

7. What time of year is the most humming?
Answer:spring (because in spring the streams gurgle loudest)

8. What time of year do we call golden?
Answer:autumn (because in autumn the “golden grain” grains are harvested, and the trees have “golden” leaves)

9. What time of year is the sunniest?
Answer: summer

10. He doesn’t know the days himself, but tells others?
Answer: this is a calendar

11. What does the concept of “year” include?
Possible answers: a year is four calendar periods, 365 days, 12 months

12. Is the weather the same or different during these four calendar periods?
Answer:different. For example, snow in winter, heat in summer

13. Guess the riddle:
A tree has grown
From earth to sky.
On this tree
Twelve bitches
On every knot
Four nests each
In every nest
Seven eggs each
And the seventh is red.
Answer:year, months, weeks, days

14. Are there the same number of days in a month?
Answer:no, the number of days in months is different (28, 29, 30 and 31)

15. Guess the riddle:
They come every year
To visit us:
One gray-haired
Another young one
The third gallops
Is the fourth one crying?
Answer: Seasons

16. Do you think there is always snow in winter?
Answer:no not always. For example, in Africa there is winter, but there is no snow

For reference: signs of the seasons correspond to certain geographical latitudes. In the traditional sense, we are talking about central Russia

17. Guess riddles about the seasons:

She walks on her own - both snow and ice,
And when he leaves, he sheds tears.
Answer: winter

The beauty walks
It touches the ground lightly.
Goes to the field, to the river,
Both the snowball and the flower.
Answer: spring

The sun is burning,
The linden blossoms
The rye is ripening
When does this happen?
Answer: in summer

I bring the harvest
I am sowing the fields again,
I send birds to the south,
I strip the trees.
Answer: autumn

18. Winter riddles

Not snow and not ice,
And with silver he will remove all the trees.
Answer: frost

Transparent like glass
Don't put it in the window.
Answer: ice

Lukerya scattered
Silver feathers,
Spun it, swept it away,
The street became white.
Answer: blizzard

19. Spring riddles

The children sat on the ledge
And they grow down all the time.
Answer: Icicles

There is an awl in front,
Behind is a fork,
On top there is a black cloth,
Below is a white towel.
Answer: martin

White sheep
They run around the candle.
Answer: willow

20. Summer riddles:

What will be born in the field,
Isn't it good for food?
Answer: cornflower

Sisters stand in the meadows:
They have a golden eye
White eyelashes.
Answer: daisies

We'll bend down to the ground
To fill the boxes.
We move the stems apart -
We collect lights.
Answer: strawberries

21. Autumn riddles

Turned green in spring
Tanned in the summer
I put it on in the fall
Red corals.
Answer: Rowan

In the field - with a broom,
There are pearls in the bag.
Answer: corn

Two sisters are green in summer,
By autumn one turns black,
The other one blushes.
Answer:black and red currants

22. Questions about the story

"Four Wishes"
Author of the story:
Konstantin Ushinsky

Mitya sledded down an icy mountain and skated on a frozen river, ran home rosy, cheerful and said to his father:
- How fun it is in winter! I wish it were all winter.
“Write your wish in my pocket book,” said the father.
Mitya wrote it down.
Spring came. Mitya ran to his heart’s content in the green meadow for colorful butterflies, picked flowers, ran to his father and said:
- What a beauty this spring is! I wish it were still spring.
The father again took out the book and ordered Mitya to write his wish.
Summer has come. Mitya and his father went to haymaking. The boy had fun all long day: he fished, picked berries, tumbled in the fragrant hay, and in the evening he said to his father:
- I had a lot of fun today. I wish there was no end to summer.
And this desire of Mitya was written down in the same book.
Autumn has come. Fruits were collected in the garden - ruddy apples and yellow pears. Mitya was delighted and said to his father:
- Autumn is the best time of the year!
Then the father took out his notebook and showed the boy that he had said the same thing about spring, and winter, and summer.

How did the main character of the story, Mitya, feel about the different seasons?
Answer:joyfully, enthusiastically

Why do you think?
Answer:because every season is beautiful in its own way

23. What is your favorite time of year?
Answers:winter spring Summer Autumn

Final word of the quiz

All seasons are equally important and necessary for us. We love all four seasons and look forward to them

Quiz for preschoolers.

Theme: Seasons

1. What comes after winter? (Spring)

2. When do the leaves fall from the trees? (Autumn)

3. The hottest time of the year. (Summer)

4. The shortest month of the year. (February)

5. Snowy season. (Winter)

6. In what month do children go to school? (In September)

7. When do birds return from the south? (Spring)

8. When do the leaves on the trees change color? (Autumn)

9. Who sleeps all winter? (Bears, hedgehogs)

10. At what time of year is the hare gray? (In summer)

11. When does the water in rivers become solid? (Winter)

12. The very first month of the year. (January)

KVN on the topic: “Seasons” (senior group)


Summarize and systematize ideas about the seasons according to the main, essential features; length of day and night, temperature conditions, natural phenomena.

Learn to use the acquired knowledge in games and drawing.

Develop the ability to generalize based on essential features.

Maintain an interest in natural phenomena.

Develop the ability to listen carefully to the teacher and peers, a sense of responsibility to the entire team.

Material, equipment:

1) emblems for team members

2) didactic game “Seasons” (From the “Educational Games” series)

3) pictures where the artist mixed up all the seasons

4) ball

5) 2 easels

6) drawing paper

7) paints

8) brushes

Progress of the lesson:

Two teams are organized: “Snowdrops” and “Bullfinches”. The presenter introduces the jury. After each competition the results are summed up.


The snow is no longer the same...

He darkened in the field.

The ice on the lakes is cracked,

It's like they split it.

The birds began to sing songs

And the SNOWDROP blossomed

We made a feeder

We opened a canteen.

Sparrow, bullfinch - neighbor,

This will be your winter lunch!

Visit on the first day of the week

The titmice have flown to us,

And on Tuesday, look:

Bullfinches have arrived!


The facilitator asks questions to each team.

What time of year are strawberries harvested? (In summer)

When do birds fly to warmer regions? (Autumn)

When do people hang birdhouses? (Spring)

At what time of year are thunderstorms most common? (In summer)

When does ice appear on the river? (Winter)

When do acorns appear on an oak tree? (Autumn)

At what time of year do children launch boats? (Spring)

What time of year is called “white”, “crystal”, “silver”? (Winter)

When is a hare gray? (In summer)

When do people harvest? (Autumn)

When can you see bullfinches in the city? (Winter)

When is there an icebreaker? (Spring)

When do people insulate their homes? (Autumn and winter)

When is the day short and the night long? (Winter)

When does it drop? (Spring)

At what time of year does ice occur? (Winter)

When do buds appear on trees? (Spring)


The presenter reads poems - riddles and asks the children to name the artists.

Four artists

So many paintings.

Painted it with white paint

All in a row one.

The forest and field are white,

White meadows,

Near the snow-covered aspens

Branches like horns... (Winter)

The second one is blue

Sky and streams.

Splashing in blue puddles

A flock of sparrows.

Transparent in the snow

Ice floes - lace.

The first thawed patches,

First grass (Spring)

In the picture of the third

There are so many colors to count:

Yellow, green

There is a blue one...

Forest and field in greenery,

Blue River,

White, fluffy

There are clouds in the sky. (Summer)

And the fourth is gold

Painted the gardens

The fields are productive,

Ripe fruits...

There are beads everywhere - berries

They ripen through the forests,

Who is that artist?

Guess yourself! (Autumn)


Who can name more proverbs and sayings about the seasons.


The frost is not great - but the nose is red.

A winter day is like a sparrow's leap.

In the winter cold, everyone is young.

In winter, the sun is like a stepmother: it shines but does not warm.

If it blows snow, bread will arrive.

Take care of your nose in the extreme cold.

The frost is not great, but it does not require you to stand.

Snow in winter is like a warm cover for a nurse.


Spring is rich in water.

He who works happily in the spring will be rich in the fall.

April is with water, and May is with grass.

A spring day feeds you all year long.

The earth is a plate; What you put in is what you take out.

If you sow at the right time, you will reap a mountain of grains.

Spring is red with flowers, and autumn is red with pies.

Ay, ay, the month of May: warm, but hungry.

Spring and autumn – there are eight weather conditions per day.


Summer is bad when there is no heat.

Harvest is a precious time; there is no peace for anyone here.

Whoever sits in the cold during the summer will cry in winter.

Summer gathers, winter eats.

June has arrived - there are many colors, there is no end to work.

Whatever you collect in August, you will spend the winter with.


In autumn bad weather there are seven weather conditions outside.

Spring is red and hungry, autumn is rainy and satisfying.

Grains in a spikelet - don’t sleep in the cold.

I missed the autumn day and lost the harvest.

Don’t boast in the field when you’re driving, but boast from the field when you’re lucky.

Autumn time - a bird from the yard.


Didactic game "Seasons". (From the “Seasons” series.)


Children receive pictures with the seasons mixed up. They must find five artist mistakes.


Frost in the summer... (does not happen), snow in the winter... (occurs), frost in the summer, ice drift in the fall. Drops in the summer, leaf fall in the spring, snowstorm in the fall, frost in the spring, rain in the summer, thunderstorm in the spring, dew in the winter, etc.


Reading poems about the seasons (learned in advance).


Let's draw a portrait of Winter and Summer.

Nature has four seasons: spring, summer, autumn and winter. Each season has its own characteristics and differences.

Let's watch them first and then do a little quiz!

(With illustrations by artist Lyubov Novoselova)

What are the seasons


What we see in spring:

Snow is melting; the sun is shining brighter; it is getting warmer; birds arrive; flowers are blooming.

In spring you can:

Enjoy the first sun;

Meet migratory birds;

Listen to the drops ringing;

Congratulate mothers on the holiday.


What we see in the summer:

Gardens, trees, bushes, plants are blooming; warm and hot; there are severe thunderstorms; the days are long and warm and the nights are short

In summer you can:

Picking berries;

Play the ball;

Ride a bike;

Play on the playground.


What we see in the fall:

It's getting colder; leaves turn yellow and fall off; It often rains; there are puddles on the streets; The first snow falls.

In autumn you can:

Collect mushrooms;

Collect fallen leaves;

Wear rubber boots;

And take an umbrella with you.


What we see in winter:

Cold and frosty; there is ice and snow on the streets; there is snowfall and blizzards; New Year holiday is coming!

In winter you can:


Play snowballs;

To make a snowman;

Celebrate the New Year!

We looked at how all four seasons differ, and what you can do in each season. As you can see, every season is amazing and most interesting. And now:

Quiz "Seasons"

Listen carefully to each question and its answers. Name the correct answer:

1. What is the name of the sunniest time of the year?

2. What do you usually do in the summer?

1. They make snowmen.

2. Swim and sunbathe.

3. Collect fallen leaves.

3. What time of year is the rainiest?

4. When do leaves fall from trees?

1. In autumn.

3. In spring.

5. What can you do in winter?

Quiz about the seasons with answers for younger students

Quiz on the world around us “Seasons”

Teacher: Petryuk Elena Vladimirovna
Branch of Municipal Educational Institution Secondary School No. 17 – Secondary School No. 3 in Kartaly

Systematize and expand children's knowledge about seasonal changes in nature.
Activate children's cognitive activity, attention and memory.
Develop visual perception, coherent speech, the ability to generalize and systematize ideas about the seasons.
Develop logical thinking.
Equipment: paintings of seasons, children's drawings, crafts made from natural materials, music, wood with magnets.

Progress of the lesson

The music "Seasons" is playing. Children come out in costumes of “Autumn”, “Winter”, “Spring”, “Summer” and read a poem by S. Cherny

Winter is the most fun
Sit by the stove by the red coals,
Eat hot flatbreads,
Climb into a snowdrift with boot tops,
Skate around the entire pond
And immediately fall into bed.

Spring is the most fun time
Scream among the green fields
Sitting on a hill with a Barboska
And think about white winter,
Fluffy willows to break
And throw stones into the lake.

And summer is the most fun
Cherry bite glue,
While swimming, surf the wave,
Chasing a squirrel from pine to pine,
Lighting fires by the river
And pick cornflowers in the field...

But autumn is even more fun!
Then you pluck plums from the branches,
Then you pick peas in the garden,
Then you will grow moss like a horned...
The thresher is knocking in the distance -
And rye on carts to the ground...

But then Kikimora flies in (she has a magic tree in her hands) and shouts:
- What is your holiday here? We consulted with the Kikimor clan and decided that there would be no Autumn, Spring, Winter and Summer. And we stole all 12 months! That's it!

Leading:- What should we do now? Let's tie up Kikimora until she gives us all the months.

Kikimora: No need. You have a difficult job ahead of you. You must be stronger than us and solve the quiz. Then our spell will turn to dust and the months will return to you. Then I will give you more gifts

Leading: Stage 1 – autumn questions

1.Which trees have the latest leaf fall? (At oak and aspen)

2.What kind of squeak is that? What's that crunch?
What kind of bush is this?
How can there be no crunch?
If I... (Cabbage)

3. The bush grew green and thick in the garden bed.
Dig a little: under the bush... (Potato)

4.Round side, yellow side,
A bun is sitting in a garden bed.
Rooted firmly into the ground.
What is this? (Turnip)

5. Will make everyone around you cry,
Although he is not a fighter, but... (Bow)

6.Where do butterflies hide in the fall? (Into the bark of trees)

7.Guess the folk riddle. This month is the dear grandson of September, the son of October and the father of winter. (November)

8.What is called “silent hunting” in the fall? (Mushroom picking)

9.Who, according to the famous proverb, is counted in the fall? (Chicks)
10.Which day is called the day of the “autumn equinox”? (23 September)

The autumn months come out and read the quatrains (Children with the inscription of the months on their chests)
Clear morning in September
The villages thresh bread,
Birds rush across the seas -
And the school opened.
In October, in October
Frequent rain outside.
The grass in the meadows is dead,
The grasshopper fell silent.
Firewood has been prepared
For the winter for stoves.
The wind freezes in November
Got a cold from the cold:
He's at dawn
Met with the cold.

Presenter: come and sit down with your Autumn

Stage 2 – winter issues
1. Run along the track
Boards and legs. (Skis.)

2. One person
He rides two horses at once. (Skier.)

3. They stood all summer,
Winter was expected.
The time has come -
We rushed down the mountain. (Sled.)

4. I'm rushing like a bullet, I'm forward,
The ice just creaks
And the lights flicker.
What is carrying me? (Skates.)

5. The forest has grown,
All white
You can't enter it on foot,
You can't ride a horse. (Frosty pattern on the window.)

6. Flies - is silent,
Lies silently
When he dies
Then it will roar. (Snow.)

7. In the new wall,
In the round window
During the day the glass was broken.
Installed overnight. (Ice hole.)

8. Warms in winter
Smoldering in the spring
Dies in the summer
Comes to life in autumn. (Ice.)

9. Troika, troika has arrived,
The horses in that trio are white,
And the queen sits in the sleigh -
White-haired, white-faced,
How she waved her sleeve -
Everything was covered with silver. (Winter months.)

10. On one side there is a forest,
On the other - a field. (Fur coat.)

The door opened and she walked in,
Wrapped in a white blanket
Trees, streets, houses...
December - and winter has arrived!
As usual in January
There is a lot of snow in the yard,
But the trouble is small -
We're making a snowman!
In February, in February
The blizzard rushes on a broom,
Covers all paths
So as not to pass March,
Don't go - don't come
And you can’t bring spring!

Presenter: come and sit down with your mother Zima

Stage 3 – spring questions

1.What sap is collected in the spring? (Birch)
2. According to the proverb, what does a spring day feed? (Year)
3.In what month does spring begin in Australia? (In September)
4. Our ancestors considered the appearance of this bird in April as a symbol of the arrival of spring. (Cuckoo)
5.Which part of plants is the first to respond to warming in the spring? (Roots)
6.Are there migratory animals in nature? (Yes, they do exist. Many bats fly south for the winter)
7.What spring month was called herbalism in the old days? (May)
8.Which bird, according to the proverb, should be greeted with spring? (Rook)
9.Which of the spring flowers changes its color as many as four times? (Lungwort. When the flower blooms, it turns pink, then purple, then violet, and finally blue)
10.Which spring month should be cold in order not to be hungry, according to folk wisdom? (May)

The winter months come out and read the quatrains (Children with the inscription of the months on their chests)

Loose snow darkens in March,
The ice on the window is melting.
Bunny running around the desk
And according to the map on the wall.
The redstart has arrived
And in the morning the drops are ringing,
And the robin sang:
“Hello, ringing friend, April!”
The lily of the valley bloomed in May
On the holiday itself - on the first day.
Seeing off May with flowers
The lilac is blooming.

Presenter: come and sit down with your mother Vesna

Stage 4 – summer questions:

1. What is my name, tell me?
I often hide in the rye.
Humble wildflower
2. Here is a clearing, all in flowers,
Like light blue dots.
I’ll collect it here for Anyutka
3. Oh, bells, blue color,
With a tongue, but no ringing.
4.Who lives in spring
With a yellow head?
The sun is warming brighter,
The head turns white.
The wind blows and tears the fluff off of him.

5.On the flower, the flower drinks flower juice. (Butterfly)
6.What is the name of light rain, when there are no clouds in the sky and the sun often shines, after which mushrooms begin to grow? (Mushroom rain)
7.If there are a lot of ants around an anthill, what kind of weather, according to folk superstitions, awaits us? (Good, no rain)
8. This month is called the sunset of summer. Which? (August)
9.Continue the proverb: “As summer is, so is …” (Hay)
10.What summer flower grows on the site of forest fires? (Blooming Sally)

The summer months come out and the quatrains are read (Children with the inscription of the months on their chests)

June has arrived.
"June! June!" -
Birds are chirping in the garden.
Just blow on a dandelion -
And it will all fly apart.
Haymaking is in July
Somewhere thunder grumbles sometimes.
And ready to leave the hive
Young bee swarm.
Summer flies by quickly
The calendar drops its leaves,
The year flew by so unnoticed.
August is coming again
And makes us sad
He leads autumn with him.

Host: come and sit down with Summer.

Let's let Kikimora go into the forest, guys.

Kikimora: I now know that all months of the year and seasons are necessary and important! Let's all be friends together!
Host: Guys, did you like our event?
Kikimora promised us gifts.

Now all the children and adults who were born in the winter months will get up and go up to the magic tree and remove the magnet with Winter from it;

-Next, all the children and adults who were born in the winter months will stand up and approach the magic tree and remove the magnet from it with Spring;

- Then all the children and adults who were born in the winter months will stand up and go up to the magic tree and remove the magnet from it with Summer;

Why are there seasons?

The change of seasons is an eternal and unchanging phenomenon of nature. The reason for this is the movement of the Earth around the Sun.

The path along which the globe moves in outer space has the shape of an elongated circle - an ellipse. The sun is not at the center of this ellipse, but at one of its foci. Therefore, throughout the year, the distance from the Sun to the Earth changes periodically: from 147.1 million km (at the beginning of January) to 152.1 million km (at the beginning of July). The transition from the warm season (spring, summer) to the cold season (autumn, winter) does not occur at all because the Earth is either approaching the Sun or moving away from it. But even today many people think so! Take a look at the numbers above: The Earth is further from the Sun in June than it is in January!

The fact is that the Earth, in addition to revolving around the Sun, rotates around an imaginary axis (a line passing through the North and South Poles). If the Earth's axis were at right angles to the Earth's orbit around the Sun, we would have no seasons and all days would be the same.

But this axis is tilted relative to the Sun (by 23°27"). As a result, the Earth rotates around the Sun in an inclined position. This position remains the same all year round, and the Earth's axis is always directed to one point - the North Star.

Therefore, at different times of the year the Earth exposes its surface to the sun's rays in different ways. When the sun's rays fall vertically, straight, the sun is hotter. If the rays of the Sun fall on the earth's surface at an angle, then they heat the earth's surface less.

The sun always stands directly on the equator and in the tropics, so the inhabitants of these places do not experience cold weather. There the seasons do not change as abruptly as here, and there is never snow.

At the same time, for part of the year, each of the two poles is turned towards the Sun, and the second part is hidden from it. When the Northern Hemisphere is turned toward the Sun, countries north of the equator have summer and long days, while countries to the south have winter and short days. When the direct rays of the Sun fall on the Southern Hemisphere, summer begins here, and winter begins in the Northern Hemisphere.

The longest and shortest days of the year are called the winter and summer solstice. The summer solstice occurs on June 20, 21 or 22, and the winter solstice on December 21 or 22. And all over the world, every year there are two days when day is equal to night. This happens in spring and autumn, exactly between the days of the solstice. In the fall, this happens around September 23 - this is the autumn equinox, in the spring around March 21 - the spring equinox.

By the way...

In hot countries there is also a change of seasons, it is only expressed differently, not like here in the middle latitudes.

The seasons differ little from each other in the Far North - in the Arctic, or in the Far South - in Antarctica. It's always winter there. There is never any real warmth, and the snow only thaws here and there on top, exposing the frozen ground. The difference between winter and summer is the amount of light, not heat. In spring and summer, the Sun walks across the sky around the clock, does not fall below the horizon, but although its rays shine well, they warm poorly: they fall obliquely, as if sliding along the surface.

And yet, under the high northern latitudes there is something similar to our spring and summer, in some places even modest northern flowers bloom, and seabirds nest on the rocky islands of the northern seas.

In Antarctica at this time it is winter, severe frosts and winds. It's a polar night. In the summer the sun comes there, and there it shines day and night, but this does not add heat. In the Southern Hemisphere, at high latitudes, the climate is much harsher than in the Northern Hemisphere. The temperature never rises above zero.