Five sentences with an exclamation mark. Exclamatory sentences in Russian

Exclamatory sentence

A sentence in which the expression of the content of a thought is accompanied by an expression of the speaker's feelings. The constructive elements of exclamatory sentences are interjections, emotional particles, and exclamatory intonation. Any of the sentences according to the purpose of the statement (narrative, incentive, interrogative) can become exclamatory. Such a nice evening(Chekhov). Let me have a look!(Bitter). And what kind of miracles happen during the sowing season!(Kazakevich).

Dictionary-reference book of linguistic terms. Ed. 2nd. - M.: Enlightenment. Rosenthal D. E., Telenkova M. A.. 1976 .

See what an “exclamation sentence” is in other dictionaries:

    exclamatory sentence- A sentence in which the expression of the main content of thought is accompanied by the expression of the speaker’s feelings associated with this content and conveyed through special words(interjections, etc.) or exclamatory intonation: What baseness!; Where … Dictionary of linguistic terms T.V. Foal

    Exclamatory sentence- sentences characterized by emotion. coloration and increased expressiveness. They differ in specificity. intonation, timbre coloring, cf.: Fire! We're on fire! They often contain interjections, particles, and exclamations. pronominal words, cf.: Oh yes... ... Russian humanitarian encyclopedic dictionary

    This term has other meanings, see Sentence. A sentence (in language) is the minimum unit of language, which is a grammatically organized combination of words (or a word) that has semantic and intonation... ... Wikipedia

    A sentence (in language) is the minimum unit of human speech, which is a grammatically organized combination of words (or a word) that has semantic and intonation completeness. (“Modern Russian language” by N. S. Valgina) ... Wikipedia

    A sentence (in language) is the minimum unit of human speech, which is a grammatically organized combination of words (or a word) that has semantic and intonation completeness. (“Modern Russian language” by N. S. Valgina) ... Wikipedia

    A one-part sentence, the main member of which, denoting the presence, existence of an object or phenomenon in the present or outside of time, is expressed by a noun, personal pronoun, substantivized part of speech, having the form ... ... Dictionary of linguistic terms- 1) the 1st person form of the verb is replaced by the 3rd person; 2) personal pronouns of the 1st, 2nd person, possessive my, your are replaced by pronouns of the 3rd person or a noun is used; 3) if someone else’s speech is an incentive... Syntax: Dictionary

In all languages ​​of the world there are special sentences - exclamatory sentences. They are usually used to express strong emotions, such as delight, surprise, anger and others. Examples of exclamatory sentences are often found in fiction, in poetry, in letters and diaries. It is almost impossible to find them in scientific texts. There are no examples of exclamatory sentences in them. Science articles written in a neutral emotional style.

Types of exclamation sentences

Exclamation and ellipsis

There are other combinations of characters at the end of sentences. For example, in the literature, some authors use both an exclamation and an ellipsis. Such phrases should prompt the reader to think deeply; in essence, such sentences are extremely similar to rhetorical questions with an exclamation. “And then she appeared at the door!.. She captivated me with her beauty, her face lit up with a smile, and the whole world around sparkled with joy and happiness!..”

Exclamatory sentence

A very interesting option is to use such phrases in the work. Such phrases differ from others in that they have practically no emotional connotation, but contain an order, request, invitation, greeting or proposal. Usually these sentences lack subjects. Intonationally similar constructions do not have to be pronounced with pronounced emotions. However, a mark at the end of a request or order indicates that it is an exclamation clause. Examples of similar constructions in Russian are quite common. They are present in the dialogues of the heroes of works of art.

An order in an exclamatory sentence

In some constructions, the placement of punctuation marks is determined not by the emotional connotation of the statement, but historical traditions. Therefore, when the author of a work of art uses an order, he draws up a sentence with an exclamation mark. Examples of such phrases can be pronounced in a calm tone and even in a whisper, but the use of an exclamation mark is necessary here. "Stand! - Petrovich ordered the captured Fritz walking ahead of him in a whisper. - Don't turn around! Even if the order is given in a calm, even tone, an exclamation mark must be placed at the end of the phrase. For example, “Team, stand at attention!” or “Get up, the trial is coming!”

Request and suggestion

Traditions explain some other features of punctuation in the Russian language. For example, an exclamation mark at the end of a phrase adds a special emotional connotation to a request.

Invitation and address in an exclamatory sentence

There is one more rule of punctuation. It dictates that there is often an exclamation point at the end of the invitation. This fact is a sign of elementary politeness and a culture of written communication. Therefore, when reading a context with an invitation, for example to a wedding or a picnic, you should not use exclamation intonation at all.

  1. “Natalya Pavlovna! Georgy Matveevich! Come to the evening dedicated to the celebration of our silver wedding at the Cosmos restaurant!”
  2. “Dear high school students! Come on October 23 to the “autumn ball”, which will be held in the school assembly hall!”

Greetings and wishes in an exclamatory sentence

The rules for writing letters are very important both for ordinary people and for authors of works of fiction. To understand the placement of punctuation marks at the end of sentences, you should pay attention to one interesting feature: very often a greeting or wish is expressed in the form of an imperative verb. These are the words “hello!”, “be healthy!” Therefore, these sentences are perceived as a request, which also historically has an exclamation point at the end. Often a farewell is written in a similar way in a letter. For example, "Goodbye, my dears!" or " Good night, Dear friend! I wish you sweet dreams!"

Exclamatory sentences in Russian they serve to enhance the emotionality of texts, messages, and comments. So how to give intonation color to the characters’ statements in works of art is possible only with the help of punctuation marks, then the authors have no choice but to use exclamation marks, question marks and their combinations.

In Russian, simple sentences have several characteristics. They may contain a message about something, a question or a call to action. From this point of view, according to the purpose of the statement, simple sentences are divided into the following types:

  • narrative
  • interrogative
  • incentive.

But besides this, there is one more characteristic of the proposal. All these types of sentences may differ in the strength of the feeling expressed in them. In addition to a message, a question or a call to action, an emotional background arises in them when the speaker expresses his attitude towards the message being communicated, introduces feelings or emotions into it.

Emotion[fr. emotion< emovere воз­буж­дать, вол­но­вать ] - mental experience, emotional excitement (anger, fear, joy, etc.) that arises in humans and animals as a result of exposure to external and internal stimuli.

Dictionary of foreign words. M., Russian language, 1980

What are exclamatory sentences?

To understand what an exclamatory sentence is, let’s compare two very similar, at first glance, statements:

The sun has already risen.

The sun has already risen!

The first sentence contains a statement of fact, a message about a natural phenomenon when the darkness ended and day came. This is a declarative sentence that is pronounced in a calm tone, without much expression.

The second sentence also talks about the same phenomenon, but it contains the emotion of joy, delight and admiration.

Let us conclude that sentences may differ from each other in the strength of the feeling expressed in them.

The speaker can express joy, admiration, grief, fear, indignation, anger, irritation, etc.

This is manifested in oral speech with the help of a special intonation, more intense, elevated. In writing, an exclamatory sentence is indicated by an exclamation mark.

Sentences can be pronounced in a calm, even tone. Based on the strength of the expressed feeling, these are non-exclamatory sentences. A sentence can be pronounced with a special intonation that conveys a strong feeling.

Let's compare:

The apple trees bloomed in the garden (declarative, non-exclamatory sentence).

You go into the garden, and the apple trees are blooming there! (declarative, exclamatory sentence).

In terms of emotional coloring, all types of sentences can be exclamatory, differing in the purpose of the statement.

Let's observe:

I want to dance (narrative, non-exclamatory)

I want to dance! (declarative, exclamatory)

Haven't you learned this rule? (interrogative, non-exclamative)

Haven't you learned this rule yet?! (interrogative, exclamation)

Be sure to call me today (incentive, non-exclamatory)

Be sure to call me today! (motivating, exclamatory).

Means of expressing exclamations

In addition to the special intonation that is used in exclamatory sentences, there are special “exclamatory words” in the Russian language:

  • well, what the, how, let it be, you see(particles);
  • oh, oh, eh, wow, alas, ugh(interjections);
  • what, who, what, how much, how, where(pronouns and adverbs).

What eyes!

What a handsome man, just a sight for sore eyes!

That's what you are, it turns out!

How brightly the sun shines!

Who's laughing so merrily here?!

Oh, how nimble we are!

Well, why are you telling me about this?!

Examples of exclamatory sentences in literature

You won't find exclamatory sentences in scientific texts. But in fiction, writers willingly use emotionally charged sentences in their works to convey various feelings.

Alas, I have wasted a lot of my life on various amusements! (A.S. Pushkin).

Oh, you are heavy, Monomakh’s hat! (A.S. Pushkin).

How good you are, O night sea! (A. Tyutchev).

Oh, and beauty! (P. P. Bazhov).

Get itchy, shoulder! Swing your hand! (A.V. Koltsov). much has merged in this sound for the Russian heart! How much resonated with him! (A.S. Pushkin).

What is the difference between exclamatory and motivating sentences?


    All sentences are statements. There are no other offers. All these statements have a purpose. On this basis, all sentences (according to the purpose of the statement) are divided into:

    1. Narrative (to tell).
    2. Interrogative (to ask).
    3. Incentive (to motivate someone to do something).

    All of these sentences can be exclamatory (with a ! at the end) or non-exclamatory (without a ! at the end). An incentive sentence can also be exclamatory or non-exclamatory, but it always encourages - advises, recommends, orders, calls for action:

    1. Come on, come to me quickly!
    2. Leave me alone, Prokofich, I feel sick, I’m dying...

    Exclamation marks.

    These are sentences that express bright emotion and have at the end!. There are no exclamatory sentences without an exclamation mark at the end. Exclamatory sentences may or may not be motivating:

    1. Eh, it can be nice in the oak forest in winter! (not motivating)
    2. Why are you attached to me like a spring tick?! (not motivating)
    3. Stop everyone! (incentive)
  • Let's start with incentive offers.

    In sentences of this type there is an inducement to some kind of action. They can be called sentence orders.

    Don't rush to make a decision, wait for Lesha!

    Let's go visit!

    Think, Egor, think!

    Take the child.

    Exclamatory sentences are a type of division of sentences based on intonation. They can be motivating too.

    What is the air here!

    How easy it is to breathe in freedom!


    Examples of incentive sentences with !.

    Depending on the purpose of the statement, sentences are divided into narrative, interrogative and incentive. Incentive sentences express an incentive to action, formalized in the form of an order, request, appeal, advice.

    Don't sit on the tree stump, don't eat the pie.

    Eat bread and salt, but tell the truth.

    You should go to the garden for a cucumber, son. (I would go = go).

    As you can see, in an incentive sentence the predicate can be a verb in the form of an imperative or conditional mood (in the sense of imperative).

    Stand! (infinitive as an imperative mood).

    Let's sit down here. (particle let's + verb in 1st person plural form).

    Based on emotional coloring, we divide sentences into exclamatory and non-exclamatory.

    In exclamatory sentences we express joy, delight, anger, fear, indignation, etc. Declarative, interrogative and incentive sentences can also be exclamatory, that is, these types of sentences are pronounced with additional expression.

    How nice it is in the forest! (declarative exclamatory sentence). Let's go to the forest! (motivating exclamatory sentence).

    To express an exclamation, we use pronouns and adverbs as intensifying particles.

    What beautiful birches! There is so much sun around! What is there to admire here?!

    Exclamatory sentences.

    When we use such sentences in speech, we want to express some special feelings or emotions, including both positive and negative.

    For example: I really love skiing! (that is, it expresses a feeling of strong attachment to something)

    Or: Damn, it hurts! (negative feelings are described here).

    Incentive offers

    They are called upon to perform a certain action. Incentive sentences can also be exclamatory, since such sentences often convey some kind of emotion.

    For example: Come here!

    Exclamatory sentences are used to convey strong feelings and emotions of the speaker.

    Exclamatory sentences express: delight, joy, anger, excitement, surprise, fear and other pronounced feelings. There is always an exclamation point at the end of a sentence.

    For example:

    We are absolutely delighted with the carousel!

    He treated me so meanly!

    Wow, how nice it is here!

    Phew, what a surprise!

    Incentive offers- These are sentences that encourage action.

    Incentive sentences contain advice, a request, a prohibition.

    For example:

    Children, don't stop making noise, please.

    Study well!

    Children, listen to your mother's words!

    Clean up after yourself quickly!

    I'll arrive now, meet me.

    Incentive sentences are usually exclamatory. Example of an incentive sentence: Let's strive for a brighter future! And exclamatory sentences are expressions of emotion. Joy, fear, delight... And they don’t necessarily motivate you to do something.

    An exclamatory sentence implies the presence of an exclamation mark at its end, which emphasizes the solemnity or brightness of the expression of emotions. For example: We won!

    As for incentive sentences, their meaning is to encourage a person to do something, that is, they contain either a request or an order.

    So, an incentive sentence may have a strong emotional connotation and therefore be exclamatory, but it may not be exclamatory, since emotions can carry an even and calm tone. But an exclamatory sentence must have an exclamation mark at the end, otherwise it will already be classified as non-exclamatory.

    An incentive sentence expresses requests, orders, and incentives to do something. For example: Stop! Bring me the blue folder. Let's sit down on the path. These are incentive offers. They are not necessarily exclamative (the second and third sentences are non-vocalistic, but motivating). There is not always an exclamation point at the end of an incentive sentence.

    Vocalistic and non-vocalistic sentences are a division of sentences based on emotional coloring. The same sentence can be both exclamatory and non-vocalistic. For example, compare: Spring has come. Or: Spring has come!

    An exclamatory sentence can be used as an incentive: Get up! Likewise narrative: How sunny today! So and interrogative: How is it not?!

  • Incentive offer is a sentence with a bright cue that encourages a person to take action. For example:

    • Come on, do your signature somersault coup!
    • Come on, you can do anything, I believe that you will run this distance!

    Ah, these are sentences of admiration:

    • Oh, what a golden autumn!
    • Oh, this woman has driven me crazy!
    • What an amazing film, the acting is amazing!

Exclamatory sentences in English

So, in spoken language, we often convey our mood using tone. For writing there is an exclamation mark - “!”.

It is he who makes it clear that the proposal carries a certain emotional charge. We often use exclamatory sentences to give vent to what is, as they say, boiling. With their help, we express surprise, shock, joy and other strong feelings.

How is this effect achieved? Firstly, we add certain words (“what”, “what the”, “well and” and others), secondly, we change the order of words: for example, we say “Well, you’re smart!” not “Well, you’re smart!”

How are things going in English?

IN English language similar proposals also exist. And, just like in Russian, “emotionality” in them arises thanks to:

  • Additional words
    What - what?
    How - how?
  • Changing word order

Let's look at several types of exclamatory sentences in English.

1. Exclamations with “What..!” ("Which..!")

1. Sentence diagram #1:

There is nothing complicated here: we just put item after what.

2. Scheme of proposal #2

We can also add an action to our subject. The action is placed after the subject:

2. “Isn’t it true?”

Sometimes we are so overwhelmed with emotions that we expect our interlocutor to share them. Let's say we make some observation, for example:

When we expect that the interlocutor will most likely agree with us, we add to this phrase words like “after all,” “truth,” “isn’t it true,” “tell”:

In English, all these words come down to one single construction, which is connected as a “tail” at the end of the sentence. We take the main auxiliary verb indicating time (is/was/will be) and negate it:

If we had sentences with action, then we will have to “pull out” this verb, depending on what time it was.

If it’s real, then we take it out do.

If it’s past, we pull it out. did.

If the future is will.

Such a “tail” is good to attach to exclamations with what:

Read more about such issues in our article.

3. Exclamations with “How..!” (“How..!”, “What..!”)

Unlike what, how attaches only adjectives (that is, words denoting characteristics).

However, we can make such exclamations a little more complicated. To do this, we need a structure that allows us to evaluate the action. For example:

In English this is expressed using the construction:


If we want to imbue these phrases with emotion using "How", then the order should be as follows:


So we have looked at the main types of exclamations in English. Use them, and your speech will become livelier and more varied! 🙂

Unlike what, how only adjectives (i.e., words denoting characteristics) are attached to themselves.

Reinforcement task

Here are neutral phrases in English. Make them exclamation points!

1. It is a high price for such a small flat.
2. It is impolite.
3. We were happy after our victory.
4. I met a strange man today.
5. He gave me good advice.
6. So, Tom is late again. It's unsurprising.
7. This present is wonderful.
8. It will be great to live on Manhattan.

According to the degree of emotional coloring, sentences are classified into two types: exclamatory and non-exclamatory. The ability to correctly determine which one is suitable for a particular case will allow you to correctly understand the essence of the sentence, read it with the right intonation and put the required punctuation mark at the end.

Non-exclamatory sentences are those that imply an ordinary, everyday tone and the absence of a strong emotional component. At the end of such sentences there is a period. For example: It's been raining all day today. According to the schedule, the train will arrive in two hours.

Exclamatory sentences are those sentences that convey strong feelings and emotions of the speaker. For example: We are very happy!

At the end of these sentences there is an exclamation mark, and their grammatical means are as follows:

  1. Intonation, expressing joy, delight, sadness, surprise, anger, excitement, fear and other pronounced feelings. The pronunciation of exclamatory sentences is carried out in a higher tone, with an emphasis on the word, which imparts a greater emotional coloring.

    For example: He acted so meanly! We were completely delighted with the excursion! Nobody expected such a development of events! She was seriously scared!

  2. Interjections.

    For example: Wow, what a beauty! Ah, I am amazed to the core! Eh, but we were so close to the goal!

  3. Exclamation marks particles pronominal, adverbial or interjectional origin, giving the statement a characteristic emotional coloring: oh, well, well, how, where how, what for, which and others.

    For example: What an extraordinary house! Oh, wow! Well, well, what a surprise! Ugh, what disgusting!

Using three exclamation marks

Typically, by using 3 exclamation marks at the end of a sentence, the author expresses a high degree of emotional excitement. This way you can express joy or delight, anger or indignation. Sentences “Get out!!!” or “Go away and don’t come back!!!” talk about deep feelings the person who expresses them.