The lack of workers is seen as a problem. Labor shortage: why don’t young people want to work? What does this give to the customer?

Qualified workers - driving force industrial enterprises. But when demand in the labor market exceeds supply, an enterprise needs a clear step-by-step algorithm to solve this problem.

In 2007, in primary institutions vocational education 656,000 people were trained in 2007–2008. 2,799,000 people studied in secondary specialized educational institutions, and 7,461,000 people studied in higher educational institutions. The prestige of blue-collar professions is declining. There are not many people who want to receive primary and secondary vocational education.

If we take into account the negative demographic situation, it turns out that there is practically no one to enroll in vocational schools. Employers are suffering.

Graduates of primary and secondary vocational education institutions do not meet employer expectations. This is not surprising: the quality of education is falling, the motivation of students and teachers is low (Figure 1). In addition, programs aimed at restoring and revitalizing the vocational education system have been suspended as the crisis develops. Due to poor practical training, graduates are not ready to immediately start working.


Enterprises are forced to resolve issues of providing qualified personnel on their own. To do this, they create training centers, develop on-the-job training programs and courses, etc. There is another alternative that allows you to train specialists - a mentoring system. It is beneficial to the enterprise because it involves small financial investments and has the maximum practical orientation of personnel training based on the needs of a particular enterprise. Now is the time to remember it, which has been unfairly forgotten, but has proven itself to be an effective tool for training workers.

With the right approach, a mentoring system can not only provide an enterprise with qualified personnel, but also be a tool for retaining them. Under modern system Mentoring is understood as a form of professional adaptation of a new employee, aimed at transferring the knowledge and experience he needs in his main specialty and securing the employee at the enterprise (Diagram 2).


Today, the mentoring system allows the enterprise to effectively solve two main problems in the optimal time frame:

· reduce the time required for a young employee to reach standard labor productivity (goal No. 1);

· to secure and retain employees at the enterprise, which is especially important in the context of a shortage of qualified workers (goal No. 2).

Goal No. 1 is implemented through a system of mentor actions aimed at developing basic skills in the specialty of newly hired employees and involves familiarizing the mentee with the documents and procedures regulating his activities, organizing a workplace for him, ensuring working conditions, and training in the profession.

Goal No. 2 can be achieved if you help a young employee adapt to the enterprise and learn the norms and rules of conduct in the company and department, understand and accept their values ​​and corporate culture. It is necessary to introduce the mentee to the team and the current social procedures, introduce him to the norms of behavior and traditions of the company, help in solving social and everyday issues, etc.

To ensure the mentoring process, it is necessary to have documentary support: regulations on mentoring, orders and instructions, diaries, journals, statements. For these purposes, a budget is also needed.

Preliminary preparation for working with young mentors is extremely important. For this purpose, mentor competency models are being developed and training and incentive programs for mentors corresponding to them are being implemented. The results of a mentor’s work are considered to be the time his mentee reaches standard labor productivity (the less time, the higher the mentor’s result) and his compliance with the norms and rules of the department.

The second time, the mentor’s performance is assessed based on the mentee’s performance throughout the year. High performance indicators and the absence of complaints from the mentor are taken into account.

Mentor stimulation deserves special attention. Material payments to mentors are made in two stages. For the first time, remuneration is paid in the form of a fixed base part and a variable part. The remuneration based on the results of the second stage of evaluating the mentor’s work is fixed. It may be reduced based on the mentee's and mentor's performance.

A system of non-material motivation may also apply to mentors.


The economic feasibility of the mentoring system is confirmed by a simple calculation. If a young employee reaches standard labor productivity in the shortest possible time, achieves high performance, produces products of the required quality, does not allow equipment breakdowns and accidents, and does not violate labor discipline, this is extremely beneficial for the enterprise.

The costs of implementing and operating a mentoring system are negligible compared to the company’s losses due to the mistakes of young and poorly trained workers.

UDC 331.103





M.V. Bugaenko M.V. Bugaenko

Moscow State University instrumentation and computer science

National Research Nuclear University "MEPhI", Moscow

The main personnel problems at machine-building enterprises are considered. The importance of the labor motivation system for increasing the competitiveness of an enterprise is substantiated. Possible ways to solve the identified problems are given.

The basic personnel problems at the machine-building enterprises are considered. Value of system of motivation of work for the enterprise competitiveness increasing is proven. Possible ways of the decision of the designated problems are resulted.

Key words: personnel management, labor motivation system, material and non-material motivators, increasing competitiveness.

Key words: personnel management, system of labor motivation, material and non-material motivations, competitiveness increase.

In the context of ever-increasing competition in world markets, Russian machine-building enterprises are faced with the need to implement strategic planning, which involves timely research of market needs and the introduction of current innovative technologies. At various stages innovation process The role of personnel in the process of ensuring the competitiveness of an enterprise becomes extremely significant. In this regard, a number of problems arise due to the need to catch up with the leading world powers not only in the technical aspects of production processes, but also in the quality of personnel organization.

However, despite the obvious relevance of this problem for the domestic mechanical engineering, currently the system of tools for increasing the efficiency of using human resources is one of the weakest aspects of enterprise management, which leads to a slowdown in the pace of innovation in other areas of management and prevents the formation of effective

enterprise management systems, which ultimately is one of the reasons for the impossibility of increasing the competitiveness of the enterprise.

The attention of the managers of mechanical engineering enterprises is mainly focused on solving technical and financial problems, while very little attention is undeservedly paid to human resources. This trend, caused by the insufficient development of the personnel management system at the enterprise, is typical for the vast majority of enterprises. There is an obvious need to develop new approaches capable of motivating an employee to highly productive work and based on the use of foreign incentive experience, which helps not only to increase the employee’s income, but also to increase his interest in the success of the company, ensuring the synchronization of his personal and professional interests.

Personnel problems of domestic enterprises can be divided into two main groups: those related to attracting personnel and those related to personnel management (see Fig. 1).

© M.V. Bugaenko, 2013

Uncompetitive wages


Lack of prestige of the profession, small number of graduates

Related to recruitment

Lack of stable connections between educational institutions and industrial enterprises

Problems of personnel policy of Russian industrial enterprises


Lack of employee motivation systems


HR related

Lack of systems for introducing young specialists into the enterprise


High staff turnover

Rice. 1. Problems of personnel policy of Russian industrial enterprises

The most pressing problem is the lack of qualified personnel among young professionals and university graduates. This problem is a consequence of a number of economic, political and social events in the history of our country, which led to

battle the general decline of industry, and the associated personnel difficulties. According to VTsIOM data (Fig. 2), mechanical engineering is approximately in the middle of the ranking of areas of vocational education that will be in demand in the coming years.

■ University students ■ NPO students, SPS) i Pupils

Compiled by

At the same time, the figure clearly shows a trend characteristic of the last two decades: the most in-demand professions, according to students, that is, future applicants, are economics, management and healthcare. At the same time, the paradox of the situation in mechanical engineering is that the state talks about the need to attract young specialists to high-tech industries, but industrial enterprises are self-sufficient and due to insufficient competitiveness

products, as well as a large number of foreign competitors, are unable to offer young specialists decent wages. As a result, graduates of technical specialties, as a rule, have three possible options activities after graduation: either go to work at an enterprise, receiving a very modest salary at the initial stage, taking into account the complexity and manufacturability of production, which requires specific knowledge and skills, and gradually grow professionally, or

get a job at foreign industrial enterprises (this path, unfortunately, is often chosen by the most talented and promising students), or go to work outside of their specialty, as a rule, in the service or sales sector. The deplorability of this situation is further aggravated by the fact that among students the opinion about the prospects of mechanical engineering is higher than among school students, and university graduates who have completed technical specialties, who consider their profession necessary and in demand, are faced with the realities of a market in which, despite all statements about the huge number of lawyers and economists; specialists in these fields are in demand and, alas, receive significantly higher salaries.

To solve this problem, it is necessary, first of all, to raise the prestige of professionals in the engineering industry, which directly depends on the amount of wages. No calls from the authorities or loud words will be able to encourage applicants, and then students, to study complex disciplines, devoting a significant share of their time to this, for the sake of the prospect of living “from paycheck to paycheck.” In addition, an increase in salaries in the industry will be able to encourage specialists to continue working in Russia, thus the problem of “brain drain” will become less acute.

Another problem in training young specialists is the insufficient technical equipment of many universities, which leads to students obtaining exclusively theoretical skills or practical experience on outdated equipment that are not applicable in practice. As a result, graduates have no idea what skills will be required of them in their future jobs and sometimes, after getting a job at an enterprise, they discover that some aspects of the chosen activity are unacceptable to them. To overcome this problem, to avoid hasty retraining, and most importantly, not to force students to study subjects they do not need, it is advisable to introduce a program of cooperation between industrial enterprises and universities involved in training specialists in the field of mechanical engineering. As part of the program, the university will receive information about the basic needs of the enterprise and, in accordance with this, formulate directions and specialties of training. In turn, applicants entering an educational institution participating in the program will be confident in the feasibility and knowledge

chit, and the future demand for their chosen specialty.

In the learning process, it is necessary to pay more attention to the practical activities of students, to organize not only practice before defending their diploma, but also on-site practical training at enterprises, which allows one to assess the level of complexity of the work and understand whether the student will want to engage in this type of activity after graduation.

The combination of these measures can help solve a number of problems associated with attracting personnel to enterprises. Let's consider problems related to personnel management.

In the Western practice of personnel management, significant attention is paid to personnel motivation: this is a strategic aspect aimed at long-term implementation and aimed at forming an employee’s idea of ​​himself and the enterprise where he works as a single whole. According to foreign managers, this contributes to a more complete commitment of workers during the production process, makes them interested in the success of the enterprise and, therefore, has a positive impact both (in the short term) on the cohesion of the workforce and (in the long term) on the competitiveness of the enterprise .

In Russia, the term “motivation” is usually replaced by the term “stimulation”, which is a strategic miscalculation. Firstly, the word “incentive” is associated mainly with the financial side of the issue, which means it leads the employee to focus on achieving short-term, specific goals and does not lead to a desire for self-improvement and interest in improving the quality of work. Secondly, the problem lies in the insufficient importance of people in domestic enterprises

Insufficient attention is paid to the personal contribution of employees in the production process; the employee is not the driving force in the technological process and, naturally, does not feel fully responsible for the enterprise achieving new quality indicators.

A competent system of labor motivation can improve this situation. At the same time, it should include the full range of work with personnel, starting from interaction with potential personnel and applicants and ending directly with work with personnel

our organizations and retired employees. Thus, the effective organization of the process of interaction with employees of an industrial enterprise performs the following functions:

Allows the employee to more clearly understand what responsibilities he will perform when hired, how his career and salary will depend on his own efforts;

Allows you to avoid hiring uninterested people;

Makes it possible for an employee to formulate his own expectations from working at the enterprise, allows him to understand which motivators are the most significant for each specific employee;

Increases employee loyalty to the enterprise by demonstrating to employees the interest in work and personal contribution to the activities of the enterprise of each of them;

Sets collective goals for employees that help strengthen their position

tions of the organization and achievable through general cohesion.

Among the main methods of work motivation, a distinction is made between material and non-material motivators. Material motivators include economic factors for stimulating personnel, and wages act as the main material motivator. In addition, material motivators include bonuses, bonuses and other payments to employees that stimulate their work. However, despite the undeniable importance of such motivators, non-material motivators, such as additional medical insurance, corporate trips to holiday homes, etc., contribute to increasing employee loyalty to the enterprise to a greater extent. Most experts insist on the need to build a motivation system based on “ Maslow's pyramid" - a hierarchy that reflects a number of intangible factors in order of importance for the average person (Fig. 3).

Rice. 3. Pyramid (hierarchy) of needs according to A. Maslow

The most significant and, therefore, primary needs to be satisfied are the needs that are the “foundation” of the pyramid. As a rule, they are satisfied through material motivation expressed in wages. The pyramid serves as a visual explanation of the paramount importance of the material factor for workers. To meet all subsequent needs related to the workplace, apply

non-material motivators. The introduction of a personnel motivation system at industrial enterprises will help solve another problem of personnel management - personnel turnover. For the effective functioning of the motivation system, it is advisable to adhere to the following methods:

1. Involvement of enterprise employees in the distribution of enterprise capital. This method will increase interest

employees in the financial results of the enterprise, and will also have an important psychological impact based on the partial involvement of the employee in the enterprise management process, which will automatically increase the sense of responsibility for the result of economic activity.

2. Introduction of a system of additional social services employees (provision by the management of the enterprise of certain social guarantees to employees - the introduction of additional medical insurance systems, corporate catering, the creation of conditions for recreation, etc.).

3. Creation of a system for involving personnel in management decision-making. This method can have a positive effect, expressed in the ability of management to obtain information about problems in production and ways to overcome them directly from participants in the production process, which leads to a clearer perception by management of information about the real state and current problems of the enterprise and the ability to make operational decisions.

4. Optimization of the organization of workplaces at the enterprise, equipping them with the necessary equipment and creating the most comfortable working environment.

5. Creation of a system for adequate assessment of personnel performance. This method will help employees focus on career growth, improve the quality of work and the responsibility of employees. However, when implementing this method, it is necessary to carefully consider the assessment system to make it as fair, objective and open as possible. Otherwise, the introduction of assessments may contribute to the development of an unhealthy atmosphere in the team, which, of course, will have a detrimental effect on its cohesion and the overall quality of work.

The implementation of these measures can serve as a tool for modeling a new personnel management system for industrial enterprises in Russia, which will improve the management of enterprises and increase the interest of employees not only in achieving individual goals, but also in improving the position of the enterprise in the market, which will contribute to a significant increase in the competitiveness of domestic machine-building enterprises .

1. Why, where and who should I go to study? Opinion of pupils, students and their parents // Press release of VTsIOM. - 2012. - No. 1935. -123 p.

The number of vacancies and the number of candidates to fill them are growing at a comparable pace, but companies are in no hurry to recruit specialists. The level of workers in general is below company requirements, and salary expectations are too high

Photo: Jonathan Ernst/Reuters

In 2018, Russian employers increased salaries less often than a year earlier, according to analysts from the international recruiting company Hays. 61% of employees of Russian companies waited for their salaries to increase, and 4% were forced to accept their reduction. For 51% of employees, their salaries increased by 5-10%, and for another 8% they increased by 11-20%. And for only 2% of workers it increased by more than 20%. A year ago, employers were more generous: in 2017, wages increased for 75% of workers, and decreased for only 1%.

In general, the labor market continues to stabilize, notes Hays CEO Alexey Shteyngardt. One of the main trends is the increasing shortage of personnel: the number of vacancies and the number of candidates to fill them are growing at approximately the same pace, but the requirements of companies do not correspond to the real level of applicants. The main salary increases are for IT specialists, with the latter being spoiled by high salaries and often requiring money that companies are not willing to pay. Inflated salary expectations are among the most common reasons for refusing candidates - they were mentioned by 81% of company representatives.

The fundamental difference in the labor market in 2018, according to Shteingardt, is that in most industries, digitalization and process automation are no longer viewed as something futuristic: companies from a variety of fields have actively taken up the implementation of digital technologies. This, in turn, increased the staff shortage. According to Hays, 30% of companies said that it became more difficult to attract staff in 2018 than a year earlier, 63% did not notice significant changes. As Hays analysts note, in 2018, 84% of companies felt a shortage of specialists: 38% reported a shortage of qualified personnel, and another 46% said they were in dire need of rare and new specialists.

Video: RBC

Companies are trying to solve the problem of shortage of qualified personnel in different ways. 39% are increasing the budget for employee training, the same percentage are hiring interns and developing staff within the company; 26% hire employees from related fields; 25% rely on recruiters, increasing the cost of searching and hiring personnel; 24% organize staff rotation, trying to train employees from regional offices in the head office; 11% hire temporary staff on contracts; 10% attract expatriate mentors; 5% give employees time off to study outside the office. Another 2% of companies take no action.

Possessing systems thinking, I somehow thought: " Is it possible to solve the problem of shortage of qualified personnel?“And I found several solutions to personnel problems of Russian enterprises, which are successfully used by enterprises that turned to me for business consultations.

It is clear that at each specific enterprise, their own solutions to the problem of staff shortages were applied. It is not a fact that the solutions to personnel problems outlined below will suit your company. But it is quite likely that several general solutions, which I will share, can be applied (with the proper amount of adaptation) at Russian enterprises. I hope that your level of management skills is sufficient, and you will be able to implement these personnel decisions at your enterprise, effectively solving personnel problems.

The article was not for everyone, and for owners, founders and investors of enterprises faced with a personnel problem - a shortage of qualified personnel. Because illiterate managers (as well as illiterate staff), having read this article, will most likely be dissatisfied with such a description of personnel problems at the enterprise.

Since there is a “problem with personnel”, Actually this is not a staffing problem., and the problem is with company leaders who have “problems with personnel.” If you have a “problem with personnel” at your enterprise, then most likely this is a problem of incompetence of the management, which selects the personnel according to itself, the appropriate level, so that they do not jump over.

Or the manager himself does not know what he wants from the candidate. Or they want a wizard who will quickly and cost-free, as well as without authority and almost free of charge, lead the company to prosperity in some magical way. And in the end we get an oil painting called “No Qualified Personnel.”

For example, they say that there are not enough engineers, and the average salary of an engineer at an enterprise is lower than that of a salesperson in a store! Therefore, I think that the problem is formulated incorrectly. The correct wording is “professionals do not want to come to work with us under the conditions that are offered.”

There are a sufficient number of specialists in Russia, and most of these people are over 40 years old. These are the people who are most often defined by recruitment agencies and managers as overqualified. Most often, these are people who honestly achieved their success in a number of projects. That’s why narrow-minded leaders are afraid of them.

Therefore, if you want to find a solution to a personnel problem, you need to start from the head. We need to start hiring professional leaders who will not be afraid to hire qualified personnel, and not relatives, acquaintances and all sorts of other useless people. Hence the first personnel decision: we need to change the leadership to qualified personnel, and they will bring with them a huge number of their own kind.

Although... There are some peculiarities here. You need to understand which market segment the business belongs to. If it is corrupt, then look for a “nephew”, “relative” or “acquaintance”, if to the market - look for a specialist!

If you have a personnel shortage, then ask yourself the question “How much do you need to pay for this position in order to have a line of candidates with the desired qualifications?” In my experience it usually turns out that it is worth raising wages by 1.5-3 times and the problem of personnel shortage disappears altogether!

However, another problem arises: how to improve the company's performance so that a specialist in this position can pay for himself and generate income with such a salary? But this, you see, is a different problem, the solutions to which are simpler and fairly well known.

It is clear that you have to try really hard, in order to find, albeit not an experienced, but a fundamentally savvy specialist, with a lack of laziness and indifference, with a real desire to work and develop, because they are simply not trained in educational institutions! Of course, the problem of shortage of qualified personnel must be solved at the state level. But as long as the state works on the principles of corporatism, the remaining business is of no interest to anyone except the business itself, which means that no one will change the principles of building public education - the state has no need.

That's why, next solution to staff shortage at the enterprise: create your own corporate university, which will welcome everyone interested, motivated, and willing to work for you. It is enough to create a “sieve” into which everyone would fall, and then later, in the learning process, you would “sift the ore” and find diamonds among them to fill highly qualified vacancies of the enterprise.

Moreover, from my experience, for example, for real estate agencies, conducting a school of training in negotiation and sales skills, real estate skills, is even cheaper, faster and more effective than attracting personnel through advertisements or recruiting personnel through recruitment agencies.

So, let’s say you have found the professional you need and eliminated the personnel shortage at the enterprise. And then, in order not to lose a person, another question arises: " How to retain a specialist?"After all, a professional has and knows how to defend his opinion, demand the necessary resources and competencies. He sometimes tells the “inconvenient” truth, which causes nothing but irritation. And here you need to have sufficient leadership and management skills in working with personnel (you can get it as a trainings, and individually by contacting a business coach).

In conclusion, another way to solve the staffing problem, if previous solutions to personnel problems did not work. If it is difficult to find a universal soldier, if it takes a lot of time to train such a specialist, or qualified specialists do not stay long at your enterprise, then you can decompose complex tasks, break down complex tasks into simpler ones, and describe them in the form of business processes in order to find specialists "simpler".

After all, it will be enough to combine various parts of business processes into functional responsibilities, as it becomes clear who is needed. Yes, . Yes, more of the company’s funds will be spent on the salaries of 2-3 “specialists”. But this will at least somehow solve the shortage of qualified personnel. But don't expect miracles from them. They will simply do what is required of them, for example, stupidly make cold calls to clients, saying what is written in the sales scripts.

In general, I shared some of the experience I have gained over recent years of consulting business leaders and conducting business training for enterprises. He shared everything that brought results in solving problems of qualified personnel at a particular enterprise. And now it's your turn. Whether or not to apply the information received is up to you. And if necessary, I am always ready to help.


Relevance of the research topic. The problem of shortage of qualified personnel is extremely acute for modern Russian industry. The lack of qualified personnel and ineffective labor organization are the main factors hindering the development of our country's economy in recent years. And this problem worries the managers of all industrial enterprises, without exception.

IN Lately postulates the need for more active government intervention in determining who, what and how the vocational education system should teach.

This political conclusion, in principle, suits many: officials are always looking for something to manage, employers are happy to shift the costs of professional training of their employees to the budget, and citizens themselves are also not averse to placing responsibility for their professional choice on the all-knowing state. Against this background, various proposals arise about the accelerated development of the system of primary and secondary vocational education while reducing higher education, about the priorities of some narrow professions and specialties in relation to others, about the partial restoration of compulsory distribution, and many others. That is why theses about the “shortage” of labor and qualifications require serious justification, which, in our opinion, is still missing. In general, the labor market is full of applications from job seekers. But, unfortunately, among the large number of proposals, only a small proportion of candidates turn out to be highly qualified. And as practice shows, a professional never looks for a job, she finds one herself. As experts note, the problem of a shortage of professionally trained personnel is nothing more than a completely natural process that should have been expected.

Few people can predict how quickly the situation with the shortage of blue-collar specialists will change. The solution to this issue is at the level of a change in mentality. Before demanding “rare” personnel, it is necessary to educate them and increase the prestige of those professions that are now sorely lacking. But it is quite possible to increase the number of highly qualified personnel, for example, through additional training, retraining, or by attracting them from other regions of the country. Finding optimal solutions to this problem shows the relevance of our research.

The object of the study is industrial enterprises of the Primorsky Territory (in diploma work statistical, analytical and other indicators of human resources potential were studied).

The subject of the thesis research is the problem of shortage of qualified workers from the point of view of government and municipal government, as well as organization management (searching for an optimal solution to this problem).

The purpose of this thesis is to investigate the problem of the shortage of qualified workers at industrial enterprises in the Primorsky Territory and to develop a management solution to overcome this problem.

The relevance and purpose determined the objectives of the thesis:

Determine the theoretical and methodological aspects of the problem of labor shortage in Russian industry;

consider the importance of workforce on modern stage economic development of the Russian Federation;

analyze the situation with labor in the Russian Federation;

consider regulatory documents governing industrial and personnel policy in the industry of the Russian Federation;

analyze the situation with qualified workers in the Primorsky Territory;

analyze the importance of workers in the development of the economic and industrial potential of the Primorsky Territory;

explore organizational and managerial mechanisms for the implementation of measures aimed at solving the problem of labor shortages;

consider regulatory documents governing industrial and personnel policy in the industry of Primorsky Krai;

assess the social and economic effectiveness of the proposed activities.

Methodology and research methods. The methodological basis was the principle of a systems approach, methods of comparison, analysis, and synthesis. Methods of scientific abstraction, induction and deduction were used as tools for scientific research. When studying the factual material, methods of economic and statistical processing and analysis of the collected material were used. The theoretical basis of the work was the works of domestic and foreign authors devoted to the problem of the shortage of qualified workers.

The main provisions of the study are illustrated with tables and calculations, the information base of which was annual reports and internal analytical reports of the Primorsky Territory Employment Center, the Federal State Statistics Service for the Primorsky Territory.

Practical value. The results of the study and the proposed solutions can be useful not only for further theoretical research on the problem of personnel shortages in the Russian Federation and Primorsky Krai, but also for practical application both at the federal and regional levels.

Structure of the thesis. The work consists of an introduction (the introduction indicates the relevance of the study, defines the main purpose and objectives of the study, subject and object, methodology), the main part (three chapters), conclusion and list of references.


1.1 The importance of workers at the present stage of economic development of the Russian Federation

The development of the Russian labor market at the present stage is determined, first of all, by the fact that economic growth increases the demand for labor, and the reduction in the working-age population limits its supply. In addition, the system of state regulation of the labor market in this moment does not function effectively enough, although it has enormous potential. In turn, the situation on the labor market influences the processes of economic development and largely determines their intensity. Thus, demographic restrictions on the Russian labor market become a real obstacle to economic growth, making it impossible to ensure high rates of development without intensifying development. Therefore, efforts are needed, including in the research sphere, aimed at increasing the efficiency of the use of domestic labor, ensuring a high degree of consistency between the structure of the economy’s demand for labor and its supply.

An analysis and forecast of the dynamics of employment and the labor market is relevant, taking into account the peculiarities of the structure of demand for labor and its supply, as well as existing guidelines for the long-term socio-economic development of the country.

When studying the interaction of demand for labor and its supply, it is advisable to take into account the complex of interrelations between the economy and its sectors and the education system, primarily vocational.

The relationship between the economy and the vocational education system is complex and multifaceted, which determines the ambiguity of the role of the education system in the development of macroeconomic processes and, in particular, the impact on the dynamics of employment and the labor market. Firstly, the education system acts as a supplier (supply agent) in the market of educational services, and households show demand for these services. Secondly, the vocational education system can be considered as an alternative to employment. Thirdly, meeting the emerging need for workers can be carried out using existing personnel, as well as those trained through the systems of basic and additional professional education. The demand for labor and its supply interact in the labor market. The result of this interaction is either unemployment or a labor shortage, which arises if the need for labor is not satisfied. The consequence of the labor shortage may be a significant, and probably uneven increase in the level of wages across professional and qualification groups. Since unemployment in the Russian labor market is largely structural in nature, it is reasonable to expect that both labor shortages and unemployment will simultaneously appear in the labor market (for example, in its various segments).

A meaningful assessment of the educational and gender characteristics of the interaction between demand for labor and its supply and the tools developed on this basis make it possible to take into account, when analyzing and forecasting labor market parameters, the supply of student places in postgraduate, higher, secondary, and primary vocational education, and the structure of demand by category of personnel in industry in general and gender characteristics of the workforce. To take into account the dynamics of the supply of student places, the model, along with vacant jobs by economic sectors, considers vacant student places at four levels of the vocational education system. To analyze the gender characteristics of the relationship between labor demand and its supply, instead of the total number of working-age population unemployed in the economy (potential workers), the number of potential male and female workers is analyzed. In industry, labor demand is disaggregated between workers and other personnel.

The factor of labor movement, which reflects the efficiency of the labor market, has a significant impact on the dynamics of the studied indicators of labor demand and supply. Consequently, even under conditions of dominance of demographic restrictions, the efficiency of the Russian labor market can be increased through the implementation of state socio-economic policy measures. One of the key directions of this policy: harmonization of the structure of labor demand and the structure of personnel training in the education system.

The use of statistical and analytical tools makes it possible to obtain long-term estimates of the size of the employed population and the number of students in the vocational education system, depending on macroeconomic scenarios for economic development. These results indicate that inertia towards expanding the contingent of the vocational education system against the background of a decline in the quality of education can, in the medium term, become a significant constraint on employment dynamics and can lead to a redistribution of the contingents of the employment sector and the vocational education system in favor of the latter.

To a certain extent, inertia in the development of the vocational education system can lead to deepening structural imbalances in this system, as well as in the structure of training within a specific level of vocational education. The corresponding distortions are manifested, for example, in the fact that with a high demand for workers, admission and graduation rates in primary vocational education are reduced.

The problems of ensuring high rates of socio-economic development in Russia in the near future will undoubtedly remain relevant. Thus, a harmonious and comprehensive solution to the issues of effective use of labor force and its full reproduction is an integral prerequisite for the successful development of the country in the long term and the key to a more complete realization of its rich potential.

1.2 Analysis of the situation with labor in the Russian Federation

In the sectors of Russian industry that determine scientific and technological progress: instrument making, mechanical engineering, machine tool industry, radio electronics and other high-tech industries, over 70% of production personnel have been lost during the years of reform. According to the Russian Statistical Yearbook, the share of labor-surplus enterprises decreased from 45% in the third quarter of 1998 to 8% in the first quarter of 2008, and the share of labor-poor enterprises over the same period increased from 10 to 25%, see Fig. 1 .

Figure 1. Dynamics of the share of labor-surplus and labor-insufficient enterprises (in%) in the period 1998-2008

Veselkova E. in her work cites the following facts: the number of specialists in such industries as chemical and petrochemical industries has decreased by more than one third over the years of reforms. Qualified personnel went to work for other enterprises, went into commerce, financial, security structures, some of them immigrated abroad. It is almost impossible to bring back these specialists, as people adapt to their survival scheme. At the same time, many workers have lost their qualifications, which they acquired over the years, especially in the field of complex chemical technologies.

According to the results of a survey conducted by E. Veselkova among senior and middle managers, industry enterprises have a need for technological workers, maintenance workers and technologists. The problem of shortage of qualified workers is especially acute. At the same time, in recent years, the petrochemical industry has been growing at a faster pace than the entire industry, and currently the industry is faced with the fact that it can only develop further normally if it is supported by labor resources.

New chemical technologies, characterized by a sharp increase in the complexity of implementation and imposing extremely stringent requirements for technological discipline, require a qualitatively new level of training and discipline of working personnel. As the complexity of production processes increases, the required level of labor abilities also increases, and more intensive training is required from personnel. New types of specializations are emerging, and a person has to repeatedly switch from one specialty to another during his working life. Because of this, there is a growing need for highly qualified workers with versatile skills and the ability to learn and adapt.

The situation is similar in such an industry as mechanical engineering. Thus, at the enterprises of this industry, out of 10 million people by the beginning of 2010, only 3.9 remained, of which 2.8 million were workers, 1.1 million were specialists and employees. These are people predominantly of pre-retirement and retirement age, and the influx of young people into mechanical engineering has almost completely stopped, and personnel have not been renewed in recent years. The total outflow of labor resources is characteristic of the entire industry as a whole. The Russian statistical yearbook for 2009 provides the following figures: over the period from 1990 to 2009, the number of workers decreased by 1.6 times from 20,998 thousand people. up to 13294 thousand people (Table 1.1., p. 12).

The previous qualification level of Russian workers has been lost. Thus, the share of workers of 4-6 tariff categories, who form the personnel base of the industrial personnel of enterprises, reached more than 50% in only three industries - oil production - 59.9%, petrochemical - 52.0%, non-ferrous metallurgy - 51.5%. The share of workers of the lower 1-3 categories, in such industries as clothing is 53.3%, footwear - 46.7%, woodworking - 44.2%.

Gimpelson V. in his work presented data from a survey of 304 industrial enterprises in 30 regions of Russia (among them Stavropol, Khabarovsk, Primorsky Territories, Omsk Region, Moscow and Moscow Region, etc.) according to the level of their availability of qualified personnel. Among the surveyed enterprises (mainly light industry and mechanical engineering), only 23% did not experience a shortage of skilled labor. The problem of shortage of specialists with higher and secondary specialized education existed at 5% of enterprises, and qualified specialists at 31%. Over 40% of managers noted the presence of a shortage of both. Among enterprises complaining about an insufficient number of employees, this figure reached 66%, and another 32% indicated a lack of qualified workers, see Fig. 2.

Figure 2. Results of a study on the shortage of qualified workers

Even enterprises with normal staffing are characterized by such a structural deficit. Among them, 23% needed both specialists and skilled workers, 31% needed only workers, and 8% needed specialists. From the above data it follows that in industry there is an almost total shortage of human capital, that is, a shortage of people with the necessary knowledge, qualifications and skills. It is not surprising that this leads to significant economic losses, manifested both in restrictions on production development and in increased labor costs.

Table 1.1 Main indicators of the human resources potential of industry in 1990-2009

Figure 3. Dynamics of human resources potential in industry in 1990-2009

Many experts note that one of the main reasons for the loss of qualified labor is inadequate wages, equalization of wages, and undervaluation of skilled labor. There is an alienation of the employee from the process of productive work, not only due to the loss of a job, but also due to the fact that for many, work at insolvent enterprises ceases to be a means of satisfying the needs of life. One of the most acute manifestations of the labor crisis is wage arrears. In 2009, wage arrears in the Russian Federation increased by approximately 1.7 times, and the average level of consumer prices increased by almost 1.9 times. As a result, the employee, lending to his employer on a large scale and without any conditions, actually lost a significant part of the wages accrued to him. At the end of 2010, the total wage arrears amounted to 24,004 million rubles. Moreover, in total volume of overdue wages, the highest share falls on industry - 36%. Experts note that the main reasons for the shortage of highly qualified specialists are the imperfect education system, the inability of employers to provide decent wages, etc.

Thus, we can conclude that the state policy established in the Russian Federation in the field of human (professional) resources turned out to be ineffective: the system of primary and secondary vocational education was practically destroyed, its methodological, personnel and material and technical base was hopelessly outdated, industrial enterprises lost the trust of potential workers in terms of meeting their social and human needs, there is no respect for the work of the worker in society, the previous connections between vocational education and professional work have been destroyed, i.e. The market of professions and the market of educational services in Russia today are practically not connected.

1.3 Regulatory documents governing industrial and personnel policy in the industry of the Russian Federation

At the moment, a number of Strategies, resolutions, and orders aimed at developing industry in the Russian Federation by industry have been approved and adopted. Since the personnel issue is relevant for all industries, it is given attention in a number of legal acts. Let's take a closer look at them.

Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation "On the federal target program "Development of the pharmaceutical and medical industry of the Russian Federation for the period until 2020 and beyond."

In accordance with the Resolution, the target program “Development of the pharmaceutical and medical industry” was approved Russian Federation for the period up to 2020 and beyond." The goal of this program is the transition of the pharmaceutical and medical industry to an innovative development model. A special place is given to the education system. A group of activities is highlighted "Development of human resources and information infrastructure of the pharmaceutical and medical industry" and, in particular, event "Development of new educational programs and educational modules for specialized higher and secondary specialized educational institutions", which is aimed at developing educational programs for the entire range of medical and pharmaceutical specialties, including professional retraining programs for medical and pharmaceutical specialists to occupy positions in organizations, carrying out the development and production of medicines, in quality control departments, physicochemical, biological and bacteriological laboratories, in logistics and marketing departments, as well as to participate in the development of specifications for raw materials, supplies and finished products.

Order of the Ministry of Industry and Trade of the Russian Federation "On approval of the Strategy for the development of heavy engineering for the period until 2020"

This strategy also provides for the development of education in its industry. Federal budget funds for research and development work are intended to be used to expand complex scientific research and innovative developments in the field of: creating new technologies; development and production of equipment samples for which there is a non-critical technological lag behind world leaders (sintering, steelmaking, rolling, forging, excavator, drilling and handling equipment); improving the industry scientific base and industry education in order to provide the industry with qualified personnel.

Order of the Ministry of Industry and Trade of the Russian Federation "On approval of the Departmental target program "Development of small and medium-sized businesses in industries and trade"

The Ministry of Industry and Trade of Russia, within the framework of this Program, strives to promote the development of small and medium-sized enterprises engaged in industry and trade. It is expected to remove administrative barriers, reduce the costs of enterprises to confirm the safety of products by improving the technical regulation system, promote the influx of investment in the light, chemical and pharmaceutical industries, in the production of goods for children, and promote the development of folk arts and crafts.

Order of the Ministry of Industry and Trade "On approval of the Development Strategy of the Russian metallurgical industry for the period until 2020"

It follows from the document that the following negative trends have emerged within the industry: - low level of labor productivity; - insufficient attention to environmental protection problems in a number of industries, which causes excess emissions of harmful substances into the atmosphere and water basins; - low susceptibility of enterprises to the introduction of innovations, primarily domestic ones; - a sharp aggravation of the problem of providing enterprises with qualified personnel.

Regarding the issue of personnel, it is stated that “the provision of enterprises with highly qualified personnel is carried out, in particular, through the wider attraction of new specialists and retraining of employees.”

Order of the Ministry of Industry and Trade of the Russian Federation "On approval of the Strategy for the Development of the Automotive Industry of the Russian Federation for the period until 2020"

The main directions of state participation in the financial recovery and formation of sustainable innovative development of the automotive industry are: development of new and modification of existing educational programs and advanced training programs to provide the automotive industry with a new type of personnel, assistance in the development and implementation of corporate restructuring programs for domestic automakers, stimulation of the organization of high-tech production auto Vehicle and automotive components on the territory of the Russian Federation, including the provision of long-term financing to Russian automakers on a repayable basis, subsidies in the medium term interest rate borrowed funds, etc.

Order of the Ministry of Industry and Trade "On approval of the Strategy for the Development of Light Industry in Russia for the period until 2020 and the action plan for its implementation"

The Strategy is based on the transition of light industry to an innovative development model aimed at increasing its competitive advantages and increasing the output of high-quality products of a new generation. Particular attention is paid to the issues of protecting the domestic market from illegal trafficking of goods, technical re-equipment and development of industry science, import substitution and export, providing the industry with material and raw materials and professional personnel.

Social and personnel problems are caused by the state of the qualitative component of human resources, which in many enterprises is in the zone of critical values, and in some - already beyond them.

The deteriorating situation in the professional and qualification training of workers, low wages and the prestige of work lead to an annual reduction in the number of mainly young and promising workers under the age of 30 - 40 years. In just a decade (from 1990 to 2000), the number decreased by 3 times, and over the next eight years - by 2.8 times, which caused a drop in production volumes. At the same time, the measures taken for anti-crisis management of unprofitable enterprises by government bodies and management could not influence the course of development of structural imbalances in the industry.

To solve this problem, the Strategy proposes: - development of a system for the reproduction of labor resources, training and retraining of workers, managers and administrative personnel capable of skillfully conducting production and business in an open market; - ensuring budgetary financing of scientific work in accordance with the priorities adopted by the state in the field of science and technology; - legislative support sustainable position of domestic producers in domestic market, improving customs and credit policies, stimulating product exports; etc.

Order of the Ministry of Industry and Energy of the Russian Federation "On approval of the Strategy for the development of the electronics industry in Russia for the period until 2025"

As part of the implementation of this Strategy, the following socio-economic effect is expected: - the number of jobs in the electronics industry will increase, the outflow of talented scientific and technical personnel will decrease, the demand for qualified scientific and technical personnel will increase, the attraction of young specialists and scientists will be ensured, and thereby the age gap will decrease personnel structure; - the quality of life of the population will increase, which will approach the standards of highly developed countries of the world due to the intellectualization of the living environment as a result of the expanded possibility of using electronics and information systems.

Order of the Ministry of Industry and Energy of the Russian Federation "On approval of the Strategy for the development of chemical and petrochemical industry for the period until 2015"

The material and technical base of most research and development organizations has now been destroyed. There was a significant drain of scientific personnel. For a long time, the personnel reserve of skilled workers and engineering and technical specialists created before the reform of the economy was used.

The previously existing system of training and retraining of personnel for the chemical complex, especially middle management, was destroyed.

There has been a reduction in the quantitative and qualitative composition of researchers in industry research and design organizations. There is a clear bias towards older people, which is caused by the lack in most scientific organizations of conditions for attracting and retaining young specialists. With such an age structure, it is extremely difficult, if not impossible, to ensure the reproduction of human resources.

The implementation of the innovative development scenario involves providing enterprises with highly qualified personnel through the wider attraction of new specialists and retraining of those working in the chemical complex.

Order of the Ministry of Industry and Energy "On approval of the Strategy for the Development of Transport Engineering of the Russian Federation in 2007 - 2010 and for the period until 2015."

The Strategy states that “enterprises in the industry are experiencing a shortage of highly qualified workers and engineers, which is caused by the decline of the vocational technical education system in the 90s and the insufficient influx of young specialists.” Solving the problem of providing the industry with qualified personnel is possible only by organizing a comprehensive system of continuous education and advanced training of specialists in the field of railway engineering at all levels on the basis of vocational schools, colleges, departments of specialized universities and universities.

Order of the Ministry of Industry and Energy of the Russian Federation “On approval of the Plan of priority measures for the development of the machine tool industry for the period until 2011”

With regard to staffing, the Strategy proposes to “develop and approve new promising areas for the development of the machine tool industry: educational standards (based on professional standards); sample curricula and programs of academic disciplines of vocational education institutions; advanced training and professional retraining programs; models of specialized continuous professional education for training specialists"

Order of the Government of the Russian Federation “On the Concept of long-term socio-economic development of the Russian Federation for the period until 2020”

In particular, the Concept defines the significant role of human resources and states that “the level of competitiveness of a modern innovative economy is largely determined by the quality of professional personnel, the level of their socialization and cooperation. Russia will not be able to maintain a competitive position in the global economy due to low labor costs and savings on the development of education and healthcare. For Russia, the answer to this challenge involves overcoming the existing negative trends in the development of human potential, which are characterized by: a decrease in the population and the level of employment in the economy; increasing competition from European and Asian markets for qualified personnel; low quality and level of accessibility of social services in the field of healthcare and education.”

The implementation of cluster policy contributes to the growth of business competitiveness by realizing the potential for effective interaction between cluster participants associated with their geographically close location, including expanding access to innovation, technology, know-how, specialized services and highly qualified personnel, as well as reducing transaction costs, ensuring creating prerequisites for the implementation of joint cooperation projects and productive competition.

The main objective of cluster policy in the field of development of the continuous education system is to ensure cooperation between enterprises and educational organizations, including in the following areas:

monitoring and forecasting the needs of cluster participants for specialized human resources and planning, participation in the development of state assignments for the training of specialists;

joint development of educational programs for basic and additional professional education; public and professional accreditation and assessment of the quality of the content of educational programs in the interests of cluster development;

joint implementation of educational programs (material, technical, technological and personnel support in terms of targeted training);

organization of internships and practical training at cluster enterprises.

Government Decree "On the list of specialties of secondary vocational education for training specialists in the fields of defense, defense production, internal affairs, security, nuclear energy, transport and communications, high-tech production in federal state educational institutions of secondary vocational education."

In accordance with the Resolution, a List of specialties of secondary vocational education is approved for training specialists in the fields of defense, defense production, internal affairs, security, nuclear energy, transport and communications, high-tech production in federal state educational institutions of secondary vocational education.

Government Decree "On approval of the Model Regulations on an educational institution of secondary vocational education (secondary specialized educational institution)"

The Model Regulations approve the tasks, functions, rights, and responsibilities of vocational training institutions. The volume and structure of admission of students to a secondary specialized educational institution, studying at the expense of the budget of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation, are determined in the manner established by the executive authority of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation.

Formulating conclusions from the review of regulatory documents that define the strategy for industrial development in the Russian Federation, it should be noted that the problems of industrial sectors are clearly and consistently identified in them, and measures to overcome the identified problems are presented in a reasonable and comprehensive manner. But, unfortunately, none of the documents presents a mechanism for implementing these measures at the federal, regional level, as well as at the level of an economic entity, the share and measure of responsibility and authority of each level is not determined, and a mechanism for interaction to overcome existing problems is not proposed, in in particular, the problem of shortage of qualified workers.

Summarizing the results of the research conducted in Chapter 1 of this work, we argue that a harmonious and comprehensive solution to the issues of effective use of labor and its full reproduction is an integral prerequisite for the successful development of our country in the long term and the key to a more complete realization of its rich potential. We are forced to admit that the state policy that has developed in the Russian Federation in the field of human (professional) resources has turned out to be ineffective: the system of primary and secondary vocational education has been practically destroyed, its methodological, personnel and material and technical base has become hopelessly outdated, industrial enterprises have lost the trust of potential employees in terms of satisfying their social and human needs, in society there is no respect for the work of the worker, the previous connections between vocational education and professional work have been destroyed, i.e. The market of professions and the market of educational services in Russia today are practically not connected. The regulatory framework governing the provision of industrial enterprises in the country with qualified workers that meet the requirements of the time is subject to significant improvement.


2.1 The importance of workers in the development of the economic and industrial potential of Primorsky Krai

To begin with, it should be noted that the problem of personnel potential of industrial enterprises of the Primorsky Territory and the entire Far Eastern Federal District is extremely acute, which was voiced during the meeting of the President of the Russian Federation Dmitry Anatolyevich Medvedev and the Presidential Plenipotentiary Representative in the Far Eastern Federal District Viktor Ivanovich Ishaev on April 22, 2011. In In his report, Ishaev noted that “today there are two problems: the problem of employment and the problem of labor shortage.” In this regard, the plenipotentiary paid special attention to the vocational training system. Namely, the issue of preserving primary and secondary vocational education, the possibilities of which “have decreased by 30 percent” compared to the level of 1990. But at the same time, Viktor Ishaev noted that “we must first teach these teachers themselves so that they prepare serious personnel.” Ishaev described the practice of public-private partnership: “We tried a system where, at the expense of the state, we train professions that are necessary for the national economy, especially blue-collar professions, and enterprises take and conduct internships for free, they train specialists at home. Due to this, we conclude tripartite contracts”

During the meeting, Dmitry Medvedev ordered to gather the heads of the subjects of the Federation that are part of the Far Eastern District, employers, not only large but also medium-sized ones, heads of universities and institutions of secondary and primary vocational education, in order to create “such a mechanism where everyone they hear: what specialties are needed, in what quantities,” create incentive packages, test in practice a system of attaching “a separate vocational school to one or two, say, three business representatives.” I would like to hope that the agreements reached will be implemented and will form the basis of some program to provide industrial enterprises in the Primorsky Territory with qualified workers.

The development of industry, as well as other areas of the economy, requires a large amount of resources, among which personnel is one of the most important. Federal and regional government bodies and enterprises need to work together to increase the attractiveness of industrial sectors for young professionals.

The industry of Primorsky Krai in such sectors as food and beverage production, metalworking, mechanical engineering, mining, production of vehicles and equipment, production and distribution of electricity and water is developing. Volumes are increasing and new production facilities and new types of products are being developed. The production facilities are being modernized with the installation of new equipment. Work is underway to create, implement and certify quality management systems.

The need for personnel at industrial enterprises today is both quantitative and qualitative.

The dynamics of industrial production indices are presented in the table below.

shortage of skilled workers

Table 2.1 Dynamics of industrial production indices by type of economic activity (as a percentage of the previous year)

Industrial production index

including by type of economic activity:

production mineral

extraction of fuel and energy minerals

extraction of mineral resources, except fuel and energy

manufacturing industries

production of food products, including beverages, and tobacco

textile and clothing production

production of coke, petroleum products

chemical production

production of other non-metallic mineral products

metallurgical production and production of finished metal products

production of machinery and equipment

production and distribution of electricity, gas and water

In a crisis, one of the measures aimed at intensifying employment policy, shortening the period of unemployment, and promptly returning the unemployed to productive work is professional retraining and advanced training.

The main economic and social development indicators characterize the situation on the labor market of the Primorsky Territory at the end of November 2010 as follows:

economically active population in the labor market - 368.7 thousand people.

employed in the economy - 365.8 thousand people.

unemployed registered with the employment service - 2.4 thousand people.

The share of unemployed citizens registered with the employment service in relation to the economically active population is 0.6%.

The regional state institution “Employment Center of the City of Vladivostok” is a modern government structure that for 19 years has been providing effective assistance to citizens in finding a suitable job, and to employers in the selection of qualified personnel. At the beginning of the reporting period, at the KSU Central Employment Center of the city of Vladivostok, the number of citizens who applied for the provision of public services to assist in finding a suitable job was 5,139 people. In January-November 2010, 16,563 people applied to the employment service for assistance in finding a job, of which 7,453 were recognized as unemployed.

Qualitative composition of the main categories of citizens who applied in terms of professional qualifications for January-November 2010.

Figure 4. Qualitative composition of the main categories of citizens who applied to the Employment Center

Table 2.1 Structural composition of citizens who applied by level of education in January-November 2010

Figure 5. Employment of citizens who applied to the employment service in January-November 2010 (at the end of the reporting period)

Tension in the labor market (number of unemployed per 1 vacancy at the end of the period) is: 0.3.

In general, the trend is very encouraging: ¾ of applicants got a job. It can be assumed that this is due to the fact that the number of available jobs in the region from January 1, 2010 to November 30, 2010 increased from 32.8 thousand vacancies to 43.9 thousand units (by 34%). In addition, as of November 1, 2010, 10,372 new jobs were created in organizations of various forms of ownership and individual entrepreneurs in the region.

Considering the high percentage of applicants with secondary and secondary specialized education, we can conclude that with retraining in accordance with the demands of the labor market, these people could replenish the personnel potential of industrial enterprises in the Primorsky Territory.

The reasons for sharp fluctuations in the unemployment rate are mainly economic and financial crises. In Russia there were two such periods - 1998 and 2008.

Table 2.2 Employment rate by education, %

including those with education

higher professional

incomplete higher professional

secondary vocational

initial professional

average (full) general

basic general

initial common, do not have initial common

Table 2.2 data. show that the largest number of the population receives higher professional education - from 80.6% in 2005 to 77.6 in 2009. The level of education of men is slightly higher than that of women (in general, the difference is approximately 10%).

Following higher education the population receives secondary vocational and primary vocational education.

Lack of education (primary general, do not have primary general) is typical for only about 12% of the population (from 9.8 to 19.9).

Thus, the data in the table indicate that the labor market does not sufficiently use labor resources with secondary and primary vocational education, citizens with a low level of education remain “overboard”, but these people should not drop out of the system, the state must provide measures to maximum efficient use of human resources.

But for more detailed analysis The relationship between supply and demand in the labor market of the Primorsky Territory will analyze Table 2.3.

Table 2.3 Balance of supply and demand as of December 1, 2010 (fragment)



Agent Reinforcement worker Concrete worker Driver Loader Road worker Carpenter Helper worker Work producer Construction and installation foreman Maintenance worker and rem. buildings Assembler of metal ship hulls Welder of reinforcement meshes and frames Mechanical assembly mechanic Assembly mechanic Woodworking machine operator Car repair mechanic Plumber Carpenter Manufacturer cleaner and office premises Putty Plasterer Electric and gas welder Electrician Electrical installer Electric welder

303 1072 1143 362 103 523 566 6276 61 33 117 80 70 116 45 52 45 205 136 118 110 301 210 77 144 113

15 0 1 60 10 2 7 31 1 0 1 0 0 1 1 1 6 5 6 54 0 3 4 1 0 1

Let us also consider and analyze the average monthly wage by type of production, see Table 2.4.

Table 2.4 Average monthly accrued wages (by type of activity)

February 2010

as a percentage of

February 2009

January 2010


Manufacturing industries, including:

Food production

Textile and clothing production

Production of plastic products

Metallurgical production

Production and distribution of electricity, gas and water


Wholesale and retail trade, auto repair, household products

Hotels and restaurants

Transport and communications

Financial activities

Operations and real estate

As the table results show, industry remains the least paid. For example, the average salary in textile production is 4.5 times less than in the financial sector.

It is impossible to solve the personnel problem in industry without revising wages.

However, not only wages influence the development of industry, but also innovation and modernization. Unfortunately, the number of innovation-active organizations is very small, see Table 2.5.

Table 2.5 Number of innovation-active organizations by type of innovation activity

Number of organizations carrying out technological innovations

including by type of innovation activity:

Research and development

Acquisition of non-patent licenses, KNOW-HOW, technologies

Manufacturing design and engineering work

Personnel education and training

Marketing research

Acquisition of machinery and equipment related to technological innovations

Purchasing software

Other types of innovative activities

As the results show, the number of innovation-active organizations is extremely small and this is clearly not enough for industrial development. Therefore, it is necessary to develop a high-quality management solution to solve the problem of labor shortage at the municipal level.

2.2 Regulatory documents governing industrial policy and the process of providing industrial enterprises with qualified workers in the Primorsky Territory

Resolution of the Administration of the Primorsky Territory "On approval of the Regulations on the Department of Industry and Transport of the Primorsky Territory"

The Department carries out its activities in cooperation with federal executive authorities, including their territorial bodies, the Legislative Assembly of the Primorsky Territory and executive authorities of the Primorsky Territory, other government bodies, local government bodies of the Primorsky Territory, legal entities and citizens. Carries out: development of draft laws and other regulatory legal acts of the Primorsky Territory within the competence of the Department; development and ensuring the implementation of regional target programs and projects within their competence (including educational programs); monitoring and socio-economic analysis of the activities of economic entities, regardless of their form of ownership, in the areas of production falling under the jurisdiction of the Department; analysis of the socio-economic development of industrial sectors of the Primorsky Territory under the jurisdiction of the Department;

Also, the most important document regulating personnel policy in the field of industry is the Law of the Primorsky Territory “On primary vocational education and vocational training in the Primorsky Territory”. The Law states that the main objectives of the state policy of the Primorsky Territory in the field of primary vocational education and vocational training are:

). preservation and development of the system of primary vocational education and vocational training in the interests of the individual, society and economy of the Primorsky Territory;

). provision of qualified personnel to institutions, enterprises and organizations of all forms of ownership operating in the Primorsky Territory, on the basis of the regional order for the training of workers and employees;

). guaranteeing citizens the opportunity to receive free primary vocational education in state educational institutions within the limits of state educational standards, if the citizen receives education at this level for the first time;

). ensuring the receipt of professional qualifications of various levels depending on the requirements of the labor market and the structure of the regional order;

). creating conditions for the comprehensive development of the individual in the process of receiving primary vocational education and vocational training;

). the formation of economic mechanisms to provide the system of primary vocational education and vocational training with financial, material, technical and other resources;

). maintaining and improving social support for workers and students in primary vocational education and training institutions.

The main directions of implementation of the Primorsky Territory policy in the field of primary vocational education and training are:

). allocation of funds from the regional budget to finance the system of primary vocational education and vocational training in the Primorsky Territory;

). development and approval of standards for financing budgetary institutions of primary vocational education and vocational training from the regional budget based on forecasting the needs for qualified personnel of workers and employees;

). attracting additional sources of financing for the system of primary vocational education and training in the Primorsky Territory;

). orienting the system of primary vocational education and vocational training to regional conditions and labor market needs;

). implementation of differentiated, personality-oriented and social support for students and employees of institutions of primary vocational education and vocational training;

). preservation in the system of primary vocational education and vocational training of training in integrated programs of primary and secondary vocational education, ensuring multi-level and continuity of vocational education.

2.3 Analysis of the research results: problems of building human resources in Primorsky Krai

The level of registered unemployment in the region as a whole (compared to March 15, 2010) decreased by 1.16 percentage points and as of March 15, 2011 amounted to 2.45%. The unemployment rate decreased significantly (by 3 percentage points or more) in the cities of Dalnerechensk, Spassk-Dalniy, and the districts of Anuchinsky, Krasnoarmeysky, and Chuguevsky. Below the regional average, the unemployment rate is observed in large cities: Artyom (1.8%), Vladivostok (0.7%), Nakhodka (1.2%) and Ussuriysk (1.1%).

In general, we can say that the situation with workers in the industry of the Primorsky Territory is extremely difficult. For example, the average salary in textile production is 4.5 times less than in the financial sector. The number of innovation-active enterprises is extremely small; enterprises are practically not modernized. A study of employment by level of education (Table 2.2. - Employment level of the population by education, %) indicates that the labor market underutilizes labor resources with secondary and primary vocational education, citizens with a low level of education remain “overboard” but these people should not fall out of the system; the state must provide measures for the most efficient use of human resources.

At the same time, legislative regulation of personnel provision in industry is extremely ineffective.

In fact, at the moment there is only one law (the Law of the Primorsky Territory “On primary vocational education and vocational training in the Primorsky Territory”) regulating this issue. Despite the fact that the Law states that “The implementation of the main directions of the policy of the Primorsky Territory in the field of primary vocational education and vocational training is ensured by the coordinated actions of the executive bodies of state power of the Russian Federation and the Primorsky Territory, local governments, legal entities and individuals,” in practice the situation is more complicated. Enterprises have a clear shortage of personnel, but there is no solution to this problem, since potential employees, knowing the working conditions (lack of technology, difficult working conditions in old premises, etc.) and wages (the lowest of all industries) have no motivation undergo training for further work in industry.

Therefore, it is necessary to develop an integrated approach to providing highly qualified personnel to the industry of the Primorsky Territory.

In essence, this provision should include the development of a motivation system for potential specialists - i.e. creating conditions under which people would have the desire to work and develop.

Chapter 2 Conclusion

Increasing the quality of a qualified workforce as a direct resource is a necessary condition for achieving a stable, the only productive socio-economic system in Russia - an innovation-type system.

In this regard, a significant shortening of the path from the formation of a highly qualified workforce focused on new technologies and organization of production makes it possible for enterprises of all forms of ownership, attracting specialists into the production sector trained to implement the latest world-class technologies, to expand and modernize the range of competitive products produced, which will be in demand both in the domestic and foreign markets.


3.1 Organizational and managerial mechanisms for the implementation of measures aimed at solving the problem of labor shortages in the Primorsky Territory

The analysis, taking into account the opinions of enterprise specialists and managers at all levels of management, showed that the main elements of personnel policy at the enterprises under study do not correspond to the current level of economic development for the following reasons:

there is no optimal level of strategic planning; enterprise administrations do not fully certify workplaces, and the consequences of this are an overestimated number of employees, incomplete social guarantees, and low wages;

low motivation to work; this leads to an increase in staff turnover, the departure of professional workers, disinterest of workers in increasing labor productivity, and low wages;

insufficient level of social guarantees and imperfect social relations between workers and employers;

significant difference in wage levels for high- and low-paid workers.

Strategic management is based on human potential as the basis of the organization, orients production activities to consumer demands, reacts flexibly and makes timely changes in the organization that meet the challenge from the environment and allow it to achieve competitive advantages, which together allows the enterprise to have real advantages, while achieving set goals. Strategic management is carried out on the basis of the following premises:

having clearly defined ideas about what the enterprise hopes to achieve in the future;

creating opportunities and abilities to promptly identify emerging problems and effectively apply mechanisms for solving these problems;

formation of a proactive management response to the emergence of dangers and threats to the development of the enterprise;

specification of strategic management and implementation of current management in accordance with the adopted strategy.

In the opinion of the author of the thesis, the nature of the enterprise’s activities will correspond to the market environment if the organization is capable of producing and selling products that are in demand on the market and the achieved result will correspond to the goals of the enterprise. This state is ensured by the high-quality and timely execution of all management functions at the enterprise, as well as by the appropriate level of necessary potential: the qualifications of employees, the availability of material and technical base and socio-economic guarantees.

The development and implementation of multi-level wage scales in the corporate sector of industry is a new solution that allows for wage differentiation, expanding opportunities for increasing labor productivity, without infringing on the interests of the enterprise.

Improving the remuneration system assumes that the following tasks must be solved:

ensuring not only a minimum sufficient level of wages for workers, but also the dynamics of its increase;

gradual approximation of the minimum wage and the tariff rate of the 1st category of the tariff scale approved at the enterprise to the subsistence level;

implementation of the principle of equal pay for equally complex work in comparable conditions, elimination of unjustified differentiation in wages;

establishing the optimal amount of the tariff (guaranteed) part of wages;

strengthening the protection of workers’ rights to timely receipt of accrued wages.

Optimization of tariff conditions and an increase in wages must be carried out at enterprises based on the achieved growth in labor productivity, increasing production volumes, and improving all economic indicators. This involves revision job descriptions, as well as creating conditions for increasing labor productivity.

The lack of an acceptable level of employee motivation leads to a drain of qualified personnel at enterprises. The loss of qualified workers for enterprises turns into a real disaster. One of the main motivating factors for employees is the opportunity to see the results of their work. And vice versa, if after a long period of intensive work the employee does not see the results of his work, he experiences discomfort and dissatisfaction. A serious motivating factor for almost all people is the opportunity to gain respect at work and feel like a significant and necessary employee. We have developed a comprehensive model for solving the labor shortage in the Primorsky Territory. The implementation of this model will improve the situation on the labor market, or rather, somewhat reduce the dynamics (large gap) between the demand and supply of workers.

We will divide the general structure of the model into three parts - the federal and regional levels and the level of the economic entity, see Fig. 7.

Let's consider and analyze them in more detail

Figure 8. Module 1. Adoption and implementation of management decisions at the federal level

Creation of a strong regulatory framework that determines the strategy for industrial development in the Russian Federation, defining professional standards in industrial sectors, the status of representatives of blue-collar professions.

In this case, the creation of a regulatory framework means:

creation of priority Strategies for the development of industrial sectors,

development of laws regulating and stimulating vocational education.

Status of working specialties. The pressing issue of this event is raising the status of blue-collar professions. To this end, a number of activities can be carried out:

social guarantees for employees,

creation of a system for advanced training of working specialties,

provision of benefits and compensation.

Raising the prestige of blue-collar professions

To raise the prestige of low-demand professions, it is necessary to carry out work in two directions. On the one hand, increase wages, on the other hand, raise the prestige of blue-collar professions, carry out technical re-equipment of production, equip workers with modern, comfortable and practical workwear, tools that make work easier and increase productivity.

Raising the prestige of blue-collar professions is possible through:

increase in wages,

popularization of blue-collar professions in the media, etc.

Revival of the system of educational institutions NPO and SPO

Here, first of all, it is necessary to note the following points:

development of training programs adapted to the requirements of modern business and industrial enterprises,

creation of new educational institutions,

modernization of existing establishments,

popularization of NGOs and SPOs in the media.

Creation of training centers for retraining highly qualified workers.

The system of training, retraining and advanced training of workers at an enterprise in market conditions, on the one hand, must quickly respond to changes in production needs for labor, and on the other, provide workers with the opportunity to learn in accordance with their interests.

Hence the requirements for flexibility (mobility) of the retraining and advanced training system, for its ability to quickly change the content, methods, and organizational forms in accordance with the needs of production and the situation on the labor market.

The personnel management system at the enterprise faces the following tasks in the field of training, retraining and advanced training of personnel:

development of a strategy in the formation of qualified personnel;

determining the need for personnel training for its individual types;

the correct choice of forms and methods of training, retraining and advanced training;

the choice of software, methodological and material and technical support for the learning process as an important condition for the quality of education;

finding funds to finance all types of training in the required quantity and quality.

As we can see, an integrated approach to developing management solutions in this area is needed.

Let us consider and analyze the second proposed module - a model of management decision at the regional level.

Figure 9. Module 2. Adoption and implementation of management decisions at the regional level

As we can see, this model involves a comprehensive solution - not only solving the problem of labor shortages, but also preventive work to attract unemployed citizens and graduates of educational institutions.

In order to understand what methods and tools can be used to implement these measures, we will consider in detail and in detail the description of this model.

Let us characterize the proposed set of measures in more detail.

Organization of advanced professional training for employees of the organization who are under threat of dismissal (if the employer guarantees the employee’s continued employment).

Advanced professional training of workers is carried out in the event of a threat of mass layoffs (establishing part-time work, temporary suspension of work, granting leaves without pay, measures to release workers).
The organization of advanced vocational training for workers under threat of mass layoffs is carried out before the deadline for termination of employment contracts with them by the Department, state institutions of the employment service at the request of employers in order to reduce the period of possible involuntary unemployment and is aimed at reducing social tension in the labor market of Primorsky Krai .

Advanced professional training of employees can be carried out in cases where:

the employee does not have a profession;

it is impossible for an employee to find a suitable job due to his lack of the necessary professional qualifications to work in a given organization or in the city’s labor market;

the employee needs to change his profession (specialty, occupation) due to the lack of work that meets the citizen’s existing professional skills;

the employee has lost the ability to perform work in his previous profession (specialty);

the employee needs to improve his qualifications in order to update theoretical and practical knowledge, abilities and skills, study new equipment, technology and other competencies in the profile of professional activity;

the employee needs to acquire a new (related) profession, undergo professional retraining in a specialty in demand on the labor market.

Financing of expenses related to the organization of advanced professional training for workers under threat of mass layoffs is carried out from the budget, i.e. For the enterprise, advanced professional training of employees is provided free of charge.

Advanced vocational training of workers under threat of mass layoffs is carried out in professions and specialties that are in strong demand in the labor market in Primorsky Krai, or in professions and specialties required by employers who have sent workers for retraining for subsequent transfer to vacant jobs in their organization or newly created jobs.

Types of advanced vocational training:

professional training,

professional retraining,


Receiving higher or secondary vocational education during advanced vocational training is not allowed.

The organization of advanced vocational training involves: a state institution of the employment service, an organization/enterprise and a training center.

Development and approval of the Industrial Development Strategy of the Primorsky Territory

IN modern conditions International division of labor One of Russia's specialization sectors is industry. The main direction of development of international economic relations in recent years has been the globalization of the economy, which is fully manifested in industry. International economic relations have become a tool for redistributing resources and increasing production efficiency on a global scale.

Thus, the primary task for the domestic industry is the development and approval of the Industrial Development Strategy for the period until 2020, which provides for the development of the metallurgical industry in new industrial regions (Primorsky Territory, Transbaikalia, etc.), increasing the production of products with high added value, eliminating infrastructural development restrictions, resource and energy conservation, reducing the negative impact on the environment.

Cooperation between the regional administration and entrepreneurs

It is necessary to have a favorable climate for business activity, the active inclusion of business structures in solving the problems of socio-economic development of the city of Vladivostok. During the implementation of the program, there was an increase in the share of small enterprises in the gross output of goods and services.

In this regard, it is necessary:

division of financial costs for training and retraining of personnel for industrial enterprises,

holding tenders for targeted training of representatives of blue-collar professions required by entrepreneurs of the region, etc.

Organization of internships in order to gain work experience for unemployed citizens, including graduates of educational institutions.

In the modern labor market, young people face several employment problems. These include:

Lack of length of service and work experience required by employers and the difficulty of obtaining this experience.

In this case, especially in today's crisis conditions, the intervention of the state as an assistant is necessary. The solution to this problem can be found in the implementation of such a mechanism as quotas of jobs for graduates. An alternative to the practice of quotas could be a system of conditions under which it would be profitable for employers to hire graduates, in particular, a system of tax incentives introduced at the municipal level for employers who hire graduates of educational institutions.

In addition, there is also a mechanism for industrial practice. Currently, the employment service is engaged in organizing youth internships. However, hiring a person without experience remains unprofitable for the employer.

At the federal level, it is necessary to create and implement a job creation program specifically for young professionals.

The practical implementation of this program is still unlikely due to a lack of budget funds due to the crisis, but the idea should be promoted now and support able-bodied youth.

The problem is that there is a discrepancy between what specialties are currently required in the labor market and what specialists are produced by educational institutions.

Thus, the main directions and mechanism for implementing management decisions:

) Measures to stimulate employment growth

) Measures to balance labor supply and demand

) Organization of employment of target population groups

) Support and development of workers in the Primorsky Territory

) Organization of a flexible system of professional training and retraining of the unemployed

) Organization and improvement of public works

) Measures to increase the role of local executive bodies in solving regional employment problems

) Interaction of the authorized body with employers, public associations, private employment agencies.

The main parameters for monitoring management decision making are the following activities:

Carry out weekly monitoring of the labor market and release of enterprise workers,

In the event of a massive layoff of workers and a critical situation arises in the regional labor market, together with the administration of municipalities, develop programs of emergency measures to protect the population from unemployment,

Together with stakeholders, develop proposals to curb mass layoffs of workers,

Organize mini job fairs for employees of enterprises subject to mass layoffs,

Ensure group and individual consultations with laid-off workers on issues related to their professional retraining,

Ensure that laid-off workers in need of vocational training are informed about professions and specialties in demand in the labor market, about conditions and training opportunities,

assessing the quality and level of citizen satisfaction with educational services in the direction of the employment service;

employment and retention of citizens in workplaces after training in the direction of the employment service,

Development of a system of informing citizens about vocational education and vocational training:

development of materials for information kiosks in employment centers, educational institutions and enterprises;

coverage of vocational training opportunities on the website of the employment service and in information publications;

conducting on-site consultations with citizens about vocational training services;

publication of reference publications on vocational education and vocational training.

Development of a system of social partnership for training personnel for enterprises and organizations:

coordination of volumes and profiles of training of workers and specialists in professional educational institutions;

carrying out activities to assist citizens in finding employment after vocational training (presentations of training groups, auctions of training places, exhibitions of educational services, etc.);

carrying out activities to improve programs and technology for adult education (seminars, meetings of the methodological council, conferences, etc.)

Let's move on to studying the last module.

Figure 10. Module 3. Adoption and implementation of management decisions at the level of business entities

Revival and stimulation of the mentoring system

The revival of the tradition of mentoring should help attract and retain promising young personnel in production. One of the reasons for the turnover of young personnel is that young people have not been able to adapt to a new workplace.

The tasks that mentoring should solve are understood at enterprises as “creating conditions for the development of a qualified and technically competent employee, developing in a young employee such personal qualities as conscientiousness, responsibility, initiative, discipline and respect for the profession, creating conditions for the development of the creative potential of young people.” workers."

In addition to material remuneration at enterprises, mentors should be encouraged through an announcement of gratitude, a certificate of honor, a memorable gift, a free trip to a dispensary, placing a photograph on the Stand of Honor, and nomination for government and departmental awards.

Creation of corporate universities

Corporate universities emerged as an attempt to link the theory and practice of education to the needs of business. They were created to provide training at the right time, to the type of personnel who need it, and in the manner that is most effective.

The role of a corporate university is to form an understanding among employees of the purpose, mission, vision, values ​​and strategy of the company. It is important that each employee's strategic plan is clear and easily aligned with the strategy of the entire organization. Sometimes there are inconsistencies between the products and services provided by the corporate university and other training efforts. When the company's expectations, roles and objectives are not defined, the corporate university is perceived as simply another learning channel rather than a strategic participant in the company's development.

Implementation of personnel planning

When carrying out personnel planning, the organization pursues the following goals:

get and retain people of the right quality and quantity,

make the best use of the potential of your staff,

be able to anticipate problems arising from possible overstaffing or understaffing.

Human resource planning involves applying the basic planning process to addressing the human resource needs of an organization. To be effective, any human resource plan must be based on the organization's long-term plans. In essence, the success of workforce planning depends to a large extent on how closely the HR department is able to integrate effective workforce planning with the organization's planning process.

Conclusion of agreements with educational institutions of NGOs and secondary vocational education

The conclusion of agreements with educational institutions of scientific and vocational training will allow enterprises to train and retrain highly qualified workers in industry.

The general structure of personnel policy in the corporate sector of industry should include a management object, a system of subjects, as well as a substantive subsystem, divided into strategic, operational and tactical components (Fig. 11).

Rice. 11. General structure of transformation of personnel policy in the corporate sector of industry

Figure 11 presents the objective processes taking place in the field of social and labor relations, which show the content and specific areas of activity of the system. Two main ways of forming an effective personnel policy have been identified:

Personnel policy is developing in the direction from reactive actions to the formation of a strategy for optimizing and updating the quantitative and qualitative composition of the workforce.

At the same time, the successful formation and use of creative potential is largely determined, and will be determined by the development of scientifically based recommendations for increasing the efficiency of all workers, methodological research and methodological developments, which lead to improved personnel planning.

3.2 Assessing the social and economic effectiveness of the proposed activities

The development and adoption of management decisions in the field of personnel training in industry should bring the following socio-economic effect:


improvement of legislative regulation of personnel training issues,

modernization of various industries by increasing labor productivity,

reduction in unemployment among age categories citizens,

reducing the unemployment rate among university graduates,


improving the investment climate,

stabilization of the balance of supply and demand for highly qualified workers in industry on the labor market,

decrease in the number of graduates of educational institutions working outside their specialty.


increasing labor productivity through modernization of the enterprise's main assets,

improving the staffing system,

creation of an effective system of training and retraining of personnel.

Chapter 3 Conclusion

Particularly difficult in management practice are non-standard decisions, the consequences of which are difficult to predict and quantify. Most strategic decisions in the field of human resource management belong precisely to these types of decisions - non-standard ones, with difficult to predict consequences. The results of their implementation are in many cases difficult to quantify. In addition, there is a significant period of time between the period when funds were spent on implementing personnel decisions and the period when the return on investment can be felt and assessed.

Therefore, our proposed model of management decisions in the field of training highly qualified workers includes 3 modules (federal, regional and the level of economic entities).

The socio-economic effect of these activities involves the comprehensive development and expansion of human resources in industrial sectors.


The shortage of highly qualified personnel and the acute shortage of specialists in blue-collar professions - this is the trend modern market labor. There are many reasons and ways to solve this problem.

The problems of ensuring high rates of socio-economic development in Russia in the near future will undoubtedly remain relevant. In this regard, a harmonious and comprehensive solution to the issues of effective use of labor force and its full reproduction is an integral prerequisite for the successful development of the country in the long term and the key to a more complete realization of its rich potential.

In general, an analysis of the supply of personnel in Russian industry shows an acute shortage, which only increases every year.

At the federal legislative level, this problem is taken into account only in the National Security Development Strategy until 2020.

In this thesis, the practical part is based on analysis and data from the Employment Center of the Primorsky Territory. Research has only confirmed the above theses - at the moment there is a large gap between supply and demand in the labor market for workers in Primorye.

As the results of the analysis show, the official unemployment rate in the Primorsky Territory is 0.6%.

According to information from employers submitted to the employment service, in December 2010 and January 2011, the region is expected to release 3,483 workers, which is 2.1 times less than the planned release in December 2009 and January 2010.

In order to solve this problem, the thesis developed a management solution aimed at eliminating the problem of labor shortage.

The main principles for the formation of personnel policy in the corporate sector of industry are the following:

Subordination of personnel policy to the state and objectives of the strategic development of the enterprise and justification of the wage fund based on the economic efficiency of management decisions.

Balance of economic and social aspects of personnel policy.

Providing employees with the maximum possible social guarantees, taking into account the development of the enterprise’s objectives.

Compliance of personnel policy with the regional labor market in terms of worker qualifications, wage levels for workers of various categories, working conditions, the pace of enterprise development, and the availability of labor resources.

Consistency of administration decisions on personnel policy issues with the expectations of the workforce, subject to compliance with current legislation.

The concept of transforming personnel policy in the corporate sector of industry is built on these principles and is the basis for the strategic development of the enterprise. This concept requires a systematic analysis of the economic and social capabilities of the enterprise in combination with the study of the regional labor market; continuous improvement of personnel policy through the use of modified methodological tools; optimizing the management structure, redistributing functions and creating motivation for work that integrates the interests of the owners and employees of the enterprise.

Two main ways of forming an effective personnel policy have been identified:

increasing the level of awareness of the rules and regulations that underlie personnel activities, a direct impact management personnel on the personnel situation of the enterprise;

fundamental orientation towards the enterprise’s own personnel, towards external personnel, a high degree of openness towards the external environment when forming personnel.

This model involves a comprehensive solution - not only solving the problem of labor shortages, but also preventive work to attract unemployed citizens and graduates of educational institutions.

To increase labor efficiency and the quality of working life, it is necessary to take comprehensive measures in all areas of the labor activity model that contribute to increasing the social and creative activity of employees, involving them in solving constantly emerging production problems in the field of organization of production and labor; these measures are transformed into the general personnel policy of the enterprise


Regulatory documents

The Constitution of the Russian Federation was adopted on December 12, 1993 // "Collection of Legislation of the Russian Federation", January 26, 2009, No. 4, art. 445.

2. Law of the Russian Federation “On Education” dated July 10, 1992 N 3266-1 // “Collection of Legislation of the Russian Federation”, January 15, 1996, N 3, art. 150 (as amended on 02/02/2011).

Law of the Primorsky Territory “On primary vocational education and vocational training in the Primorsky Territory” dated December 29, 2004 No. 201-KZ.

Law of the Primorsky Territory of April 30, 2009 N 421-KZ “On amendments to the law of the Primorsky Territory “On state social assistance in the Primorsky Territory.” Adopted by the Legislative Assembly of the Primorsky Territory on April 22, 2009.

Law of Primorsky Territory 07/21/2010 N 646-KZ
“On amendments to Article 13 of the Law of the Primorsky Territory “On Education in the Primorsky Territory” // “Primorskaya Gazeta”, N 60(451), 07/23/2010.

Decree of the President of the Russian Federation dated May 12, 2009 No. 537 “On the National Security Strategy of the Russian Federation until 2020.”

Letter from the Primorsky RO FSS of the Russian Federation dated 07/08/2010 N 02-37/06-5410 “On the period of time during which the sick leave of a resigned employee is paid.”

Decree of the administration of the Artemovsky urban district dated 03/05/2009 N 236-pa “On the procedure for remuneration of highly qualified workers engaged in important and responsible work in organizations financed from the local budget.”

Order of the Ministry of Industry and Trade of the Russian Federation dated December 9, 2010 N 1150 “On approval of the Strategy for the Development of Heavy Engineering for the Period until 2020.”

Order of the Ministry of Industry and Trade of the Russian Federation dated 02/15/2010 N 123 "On approval of the Departmental Target Program "Development of Small and Medium-Sized Businesses in Industries and Trade". Order of the Ministry of Industry and Trade of the Russian Federation dated 03/18/2009 N 150 "On approval of the Development Strategy of the Metallurgical Industry of Russia for the period up to 2020 of the year".

Order of the Ministry of Industry and Trade of the Russian Federation dated April 23, 2010 N 319 “On approval of the Strategy for the Development of the Automotive Industry of the Russian Federation for the period until 2020.”

Order of the Ministry of Industry and Energy of the Russian Federation dated September 18, 2007 N 391 "On approval of the Development Strategy of Transport Engineering of the Russian Federation in 2007 - 2010 and for the period until 2015" // "Industrial Growth Weekly", N 31, 24 - 09.30.2007

Order of the Ministry of Industry and Energy of the Russian Federation dated December 27, 2007 N 575 “On approval of the Plan of Priority Actions for the Development of the Machine Tool Industry for the Period until 2011.”

Order of the Government of the Russian Federation dated November 17, 2008 N 1662-r (as amended on August 8, 2009) “On the Concept of long-term socio-economic development of the Russian Federation for the period until 2020”

Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated 04/07/2008 N 252 "On the list of specialties of secondary vocational education for training specialists in the fields of defense, defense production, internal affairs, security, nuclear energy, transport and communications, high-tech production in federal state educational institutions of secondary vocational education" / / "Collection of Legislation of the Russian Federation", 04/14/2008, N 15, art. 1559

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Balance of supply and demand as of December 1, 2010

Balance of supply and demand as of December 1, 2010.



Agent Reinforcement worker Concrete worker Driver Doctor (various specializations) Loader Bricklayer Storekeeper Product picker Controller-accountant Roofer Kitchen worker Painter Road foreman Installer Nurse Road worker Installer Art. and reinforced concrete structures Installer of technological pipelines Finisher of reinforced concrete products Operator of a heating station Waiter Surveyor Hairdresser Carpenter Cook Helper Worker Construction and installation work foreman Salesman Maintenance worker and rem. buildings Nurse attendant Metal ship hull assembler Welder of reinforcing mesh and frames Mechanical assembly mechanic Assembly mechanic Woodworking machine operator Car repair mechanic Plumber Carpenter Manufacturer cleaner and office premises Paramedic Putty Plasterer Electric and gas welder Electrician Electrical installer Electric welder

303 1072 1143 362 188 103 425 47 90 70 61 127 118 49 90 283 523 132 60 60 89 43 28 44 566 216 6276 61 33 227 117 86 80 70 116 45 52 45 205 136 118 60 110 301 210 77 144 113

15 0 1 60 12 10 1 26 0 0 0 2 6 0 3 9 2 0 0 0 3 17 0 6 7 23 31 1 0 82 1 10 0 0 1 1 1 6 5 6 54 1 0 3 4 1 0 1

Secretary, office manager Administrator Accountant HR inspector, HR specialist Manager Sailor Economist Lawyer Architect Computer operator Radio operator

2 24 39 6 99 0 22 13 1 8 0

19 44 145 38 131 31 47 39 6 20 7