Development of an individual educational program for a teacher as a condition for personal and professional growth. Individual educational program for students: myth or reality? What does it include

Regulatory legal framework for the development and implementation of programs vocational training and additional professional programs I. Federal and regional documents regulating additional vocational education (CPE) and vocational training for adults II. Local regulations of an educational organization regulating additional vocational education and vocational training for adults

Federal documents regulating the development and implementation of vocational training programs and additional professional programs Federal Law “On Education in Russian Federation"from 273-FZ (Chapter 9, articles Chapter 10, articles 75-76) Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of August 15, 2013 706 “On approval of the Rules for the provision of paid educational services” Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of October 28, 2013 966 “On approval of the Regulations on licensing of educational activities” Orders of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation dated July 1, 2013 499 “On approval of the Procedure for organizing and implementing educational activities in additional professional programs” Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation dated 292 “On approval The procedure for organizing and implementing educational activities in basic vocational training programs”; Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation dated July 2, 2013 N 513 “On approval of the list of professions of workers, positions of employees for which vocational training is carried out”; Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation dated January 9, 2014 2 “On approval of the procedure for the use of e-learning by organizations engaged in educational activities, distance educational technologies in the implementation of educational programs”, etc.

Regulatory legal acts of other ministries and departments Order of the Ministry of Labor of Russia dated April 12, 2013 148 n “On approval of qualification levels for the purpose of developing draft professional standards” Order of the Ministry of Labor of Russia dated n “On approval of the Unified Tariff and Qualification Directory of Work and Professions of Workers, issue 4 , sections: “General professions of mining and mining capital works”; “General professions of beneficiation, agglomeration, briquetting”; “Extraction and enrichment of coal and shale, construction of coal and shale mines and open pits”; “Extraction and enrichment of ore and placer minerals” Order of the Ministry of Labor of Russia dated N 597 n “On approval of the professional standard “Confectioner” (Registered in the Ministry of Justice of Russia N 38940) Register of Professional Standards (Ministry of Labor and Social Protection of the Russian Federation), etc.

Regional documents Law of the Kemerovo Region “On Education” dated July 5, 2013 86-OZ Resolution of the Board of Administration of the Kemerovo Region dated September 4, 2013 “On approval of the State Program of the Kemerovo Region “Development of the Kuzbass Education System” for the years Resolution of the Board of Administration of the Kemerovo Region “On approval of the state program of the Kemerovo region “Promoting employment of the population of Kuzbass” for years” Order of the Board of Administration of the Kemerovo Region dated r “On approval of the action plan (“road map”) “Changes in industries social sphere Kemerovo region, aimed at increasing the effectiveness of education" Order of the Governor of the Kemerovo region on approval of a set of measures aimed at increasing the effectiveness of the implementation of measures to promote the employment of people with disabilities and to ensure accessibility vocational education in the Kemerovo region for years, etc.

Methodological support for the development and implementation of vocational training programs and additional professional programs Letter from the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation dated October 9, 2013 “On additional vocational education. Explanations on legislative and regulatory support for additional professional education" Letter from the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation from AK-1261/06 "On the features of legislative and regulatory support in the field of additional professional education" Letter from the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation from VK1032/06 "Methodological recommendations for the development of additional professional education based on professional standards" Letter of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation dated April 21, 2015 VK-1013/06 “Methodological recommendations for the implementation of additional professional programs using distance technologies, e-learning and online form” Letter of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation dated N AK-821/06 “Methodological recommendations for organizing the final certification in the implementation of additional professional programs" Letter of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation dated March 12, 2015 AK-608/06 "Methodological recommendations for the development, procedure for issuing and recording qualification documents in the field of additional professional education" and others.

Local regulatory acts of VET regulating additional vocational education and vocational training for adults Regulations on the relevant structural unit of VET Rules for the provision of paid educational services Regulations “On the organization of the educational process for vocational training programs, additional professional programs” Regulations “On the implementation of educational programs using e-learning and distance educational technologies in GBOU SPO ..." Regulations on time standards for calculating the volume of educational work and the main types of educational, methodological and other work performed teaching staff when implementing DPP, vocational training programs using distance educational technologies. The procedure for studying according to an individual curriculum The procedure for using textbooks and teaching aids for students mastering the DPP, vocational training programs and receiving paid educational services, etc.

Federal Law of the Russian Federation of December 29, 2012 N 273-FZ “On Education in the Russian Federation”, Article 73 Part 2. Vocational training under vocational training programs for blue-collar professions and white-collar positions means vocational training for persons who have not previously had a blue-collar profession or white-collar position. Part 3. Vocational training under retraining programs for workers and employees is understood as vocational training for persons who already have the profession of a worker, the profession of a worker or the position of an employee, the position of an employee, in order to obtain a new profession of a worker or a new position of an employee, taking into account the needs of production, the type of professional activity. Part 4. Vocational training under advanced training programs for workers and employees is understood as vocational training for persons who already have the profession of a worker, the profession of a worker or the position of an employee, the position of employees, in order to consistently improve professional knowledge, skills and abilities in the existing profession of a worker or an existing position of an employee without increasing educational level.

Federal Law of the Russian Federation of December 29, 2012 N 273-FZ “On Education in the Russian Federation” Article 76. Additional professional education Part 1. Additional professional education is aimed at meeting educational and professional needs, professional development of a person, ensuring compliance of his qualifications with the changing conditions of professional activity and the social environment. Part 2. Additional professional education is carried out through the implementation of additional professional programs (programs for advanced training and professional retraining programs). 3. The following are allowed to master additional professional programs: 1) persons with secondary vocational and (or) higher education; 2) persons receiving secondary vocational and (or) higher education.

Comparative characteristics DPP and vocational training programs Parameters for comparison Vocational training programs DPP 1. Purpose of this type of program Acquisition of professional competence, including for working with specific equipment, technologies Obtaining qualification ranks, classes, categories by profession of a worker or position of an employee without changing the level of education Provision compliance of the specialist’s qualifications with the changing conditions of professional activity and social environment; Satisfying educational and professional needs 2. Subtypes of programs Professional training programs for the professions of workers, positions of employees Programs for advanced training of workers, employees Retraining programs for workers, employees Programs for advanced training Professional retraining programs 3. Requirements for the content of ETKS programs Professional standards Requirements of employers ETKS Professional standards Federal State Educational Standard SPO and (or) higher education

Comparative characteristics of DPP and vocational training programs (continued) Parameters for comparison Vocational training programs DPP 4. Duration of training Determined by a specific vocational training program developed and approved by the organization Determined by the educational program and (or) education agreement The minimum permissible period for mastering PC programs is 16 hours .; programs prof. retraining part 5. Requirements for the level of education of persons entering training There are no requirements for the level of education. Programs of Prof. training - persons who previously did not have the profession of a worker or the position of an employee; PC and professional retraining programs - persons with a blue-collar profession or an employee position Availability of secondary vocational and (or) higher education; or training in a secondary vocational and (or) higher education program 6. Forms of organization of training Determined by the organization carrying out educational activities. A combination of different forms of training is allowed. Modular principle, use of various components. technologies, including distance educational technologies and e-learning. Determined by the educational program and (or) education agreement. Can be implemented partially or completely in the form of an internship. Modular principle, use of various components. technologies, including distance educational technologies and e-learning.

Comparative characteristics of DPP and vocational training programs (continued) Parameters for comparison Vocational training programs DPP 7. Form of final certification Qualification exam Determined by the organization independently 8. Document based on the results of successful completion of the program Certificate of the profession of a worker, position of an employee Certificate of advanced training and (or) diploma of professional retraining 9. Educational organizations implementing these programs Organizations carrying out educational activities in basic vocational training programs, including training centers for professional qualifications and in production Organizations of additional professional education Educational organizations of higher education Professional educational organizations Organizations providing training (scientific organizations or other legal entities)

Structure of an additional professional program goal planned learning outcomes curriculum, which determines the list, labor intensity, sequence and distribution of training courses, disciplines (modules), other types of educational activities of students and certification forms calendar academic schedule work programs of training courses, disciplines (modules) organizational pedagogical conditions, certification forms, assessment materials and other components (Procedure for organizing and implementing educational activities in additional professional programs. Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of July 1, 2013 N 499) (Part 9 of Article 2 of Federal Law N 273-FZ)

Curriculum (Program with partial use of DOT) Name of sections, modules, disciplines Total hours Including Form of control Classroom Distance Lectures Practical, laboratory, seminar. Lectures Online/Offline Practical, laboratory, seminar. OP 01 Economics of an organization 82-6/0- OP 02 Taxes and taxation 24-92/121 testing OP 03 Information technology in professional activities /08

Organizational and pedagogical conditions for the implementation of the program Organizational and material and technical conditions for the implementation of the program Educational, methodological and information support for the program For example: Electronic educational and methodological complex for educational institutions: electronic lecture notes and presentations; electronic teaching aids; specialized textbooks with multimedia applications; computer laboratory workshops; electronic control and testing kits; educational videos, audio recordings; methodological recommendations for performing practical tasks, other materials intended for transmission via telecommunication channels. Program staffing

Features of adult learners Heterogeneous composition of the study group Pragmatic approach to educational material An adult’s attitude towards learning is radically influenced by previous learning experiences: both negative and positive The ability to demonstrate a subjective position Adults learn better in an informal setting Competition in the educational process reduces the educational activity of a professionally oriented audience

Peculiarities of adult learning Technologies for adult learning should be intensive, provide the opportunity to exchange accumulated professional and life experience. One must be ready to adjust educational content in response to the wishes of adult learners. It is necessary to use more visualization, didactic material– this will help an adult better understand and remember information. For training that requires the development of adults’ skills and abilities, demonstration and practice, visiting an enterprise, studying workplaces are important... Methods of teaching adults: working in pairs; mutual learning Create a favorable psychological climate Involve adults in assessing the effectiveness of training

The procedure for organizing and implementing educational activities in additional professional programs. Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of July 1, 2013 N 499 P.17. The educational activities of students include the following types of training sessions and educational works: lectures, practical and seminar classes, laboratory work, round tables, master classes, workshops, business games, role-playing games, trainings, experience exchange seminars, on-site classes, consultations, certification, diploma, project work and other types of training sessions and academic work determined by the curriculum. For all types of classroom studies, the academic hour is set at 45 minutes.

Federal Law of the Russian Federation of December 29, 2012 N 273-FZ “On Education in the Russian Federation”, Article 13. Part 3. Training according to an individual curriculum within the additional professional program being mastered is carried out in the manner established by the local regulations of the organization. When mastering a vocational training program, advanced training program according to an individual plan, the duration of training can be changed by the organization carrying out educational activities, taking into account the characteristics and educational needs of a particular student.

Union of heads of institutions and departments of additional professional education and employers Recommendations for the organization and implementation of educational activities in additional professional programs: a practical guide / V.L. Petrov, N.N. Aniskina, Z.A. Lalaeva et al. - Ufa, 2014 – 108 p.

Portfolio method
In the changed conditions of individualization and personal orientation, the basis of professional and educational activities becomes an individual professional and educational program, developed by each student and allowing to reveal the student’s individuality both in terms of his personal characteristics, and in terms of the goals of his professional and personal development, and in terms of the organization of educational and self-educational activities.
The specificity of the individual vocational educational program lies in overcoming the contradictions between the regulatory requirements for training everyone (the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard-3) and the individual focus of education, as well as between professional training and, in fact, professional activity. Special meaning planning of independent work acquires in the construction of an individual vocational educational program.
To do this, the individual vocational educational trajectory indicates the individual goals of vocational education (which, naturally, should be broader than the requirements of the standard), the volume and quality indicators of the material to be studied, and the tasks to be performed are also indicated there; deadlines and reporting forms for each section (subject). Also, the individual program may indicate the forms and methods of organizing education, the area of ​​responsibility of the student and teacher.
The development and implementation of individual vocational educational programs has a long history of application in the Western (in particular, American) system of vocational education, where it is called the “training contract.” The educational contract is developed over the course of a whole semester under the guidance of a tutor (student consultant), then it is approved by the college management and becomes a legal document. In the educational contract, in addition to the order of studying subjects (disciplines, modules), the volume and quality indicators of assistance provided by the university during the individual program being studied and, on the contrary, the student’s obligations to prepare final documents (reports on research and practical activities) are indicated. Some areas of assistance include the provision of information resources, as well as psychological counseling and training.
In the conditions of a modern Russian pedagogical university, designing an individual professional educational program in the form of a “portfolio” looks more promising. Initially, this was the name given to a set of documents related to any area of ​​professional activity. In particular, a teacher’s portfolio may include:
. a set of documents documenting professional development (diplomas, certificates, diplomas, characteristics, recommendations, etc.);
. methodological “portfolio” - descriptions of the working methods used with an analysis of their effectiveness, the most successful methodological developments, examples of creative or other works of children;
. description of the process and results of working with a mentor (proposed goals of work, plans, programs, results of supervision of the supervisor and evaluation of work on his part);
. results of certifications and other types of performance assessment.
In addition, depending on the purpose of collecting the portfolio, other documents may be included in it, including those related to the personal development of the teacher. In general, there are three typical goals and, accordingly, portfolio models:
1. Assistance in professional and educational certification. The basis of the portfolio, in this case, is the systematic presentation of objective evidence of professional activity. It would be good if video recordings of the activity are presented, accompanied by reflective commentary. Another section of the portfolio is documents reflecting the official performance assessment. These could be characteristics, certification results, conclusions, reviews, etc. The last section is documents reflecting the level of education or qualifications.
2. Reflection of the professional path, views and plans of a specialist. Such a portfolio is assembled as “ methodical piggy bank", a reflection of the development of a person’s views on his profession. It is better if the materials in it are collected by years of work. In this case, it is easier for the teacher to trace the dynamics of his development, changes in views of himself and his profession, methods and approaches. Over the course of the year, examples of the use of methods and methodological techniques, plans and programs for one’s own work and the work of children, fragments of lessons, educational activities, literature summaries, articles, book collections, etc. are added to the portfolio. At the end of the year, an analysis of the level of achievement of the goal and all work is carried out.
3. Assistance in the professional development of the teacher. The portfolio reflects the basic, “basic” principles of professional development of a given specialist. The portfolio includes certification and analytical documents related to advanced training, internships, self-study material, requests for help from a mentor or activities in creative groups. As you work, notes, video materials, resumes, photocopies of articles, etc. are added to the portfolio. One of the sections of the portfolio may be devoted to work to improve the efficiency of the methods used and the development of new techniques and technologies.

Rehabilitation of disabled people is a system and process of full or partial restoration of the ability of disabled people to perform everyday, social and professional activities. Rehabilitation of disabled people is aimed at eliminating or, as fully as possible, compensating for disabilities caused by health problems with persistent impairment of body functions, for the purpose of social adaptation of disabled people, their achievement of financial independence and their integration into society (Article 9 of the Federal Law “On Social Protection of Disabled People in the Russian Federation " dated November 24, 1995 No. 181-FZ with amendments and additions as of December 31, 2005).

The main areas of rehabilitation of disabled people include:

Restorative medical measures, reconstructive surgery, prosthetics and orthotics, spa treatment;

Vocational guidance, training and education, assistance in employment, industrial adaptation;

Social-environmental, socio-pedagogical, socio-psychological and sociocultural rehabilitation, social and everyday adaptation;

Physical education and recreation activities, sports.

The implementation of the main directions of rehabilitation of disabled people involves the use of technical and other means of rehabilitation by disabled people, the creation of the necessary conditions for unhindered access of disabled people to engineering, transport, social infrastructure facilities and the use of means of transport, communication and information, as well as providing disabled people and members of their families with information on rehabilitation issues disabled people.

In the complex of rehabilitation measures, an important place is given to the psychological aspects of rehabilitation, which are extremely important in the implementation of programs for both medical, professional and social rehabilitation of disabled people.

The rehabilitation system for disabled people includes the following interrelated components: 1) scientific views, ideas and ideas; 2) legislative and regulatory framework in the field of rehabilitation; 3) scientific and scientific-technical developments; 4) a set of measures, means, techniques and methods of rehabilitation; 5) rehabilitation programs, including: at the federal level - the federal basic program for the rehabilitation of disabled people; at the regional level - regional basic programs and regional comprehensive (or targeted) programs for the rehabilitation of disabled people; at the individual level - an individual rehabilitation program; 6) rehabilitation service, including rehabilitation and rehabilitation-type institutions and organizations of various departmental subordination (health care, general and vocational education, culture, labor and social development, etc.); 7) governing bodies of the state rehabilitation service; 8) rehabilitation industry; 9) public organizations of disabled people and organizations protecting the rights of disabled people; 10) information support system for problems of disability and disabled people, etc.

There are three stages in the rehabilitation process:

1) stage of restorative treatment (restoration of biomedical status), aimed at restoring impaired functions and health of sick and disabled people. According to WHO experts, in 87% of patients, rehabilitation ends at the first stage, when the patient, as a result of restoration or complete compensation of impaired functions, returns to normal activities;

2) the stage of socialization or resocialization (restoration of individual personal status), aimed at the development, formation, restoration or compensation of social skills and functions, common species life activity and social-role attitudes of a disabled person;

3) the stage of social integration or reintegration (restoration of social status), aimed at providing assistance and creating conditions for disabled people to be included or return to normal living conditions together and on an equal basis with other members of society.

Each stage of rehabilitation has its own specific goals and objectives and differs in measures, means and methods of rehabilitation influence.

Definition in general characteristics strengths the student (pupil), his needs, and current achievements serve as the basis for the development of an individual development program.

Determining directions in developing an individual development program

All children are capable of learning, but not all learn the same things at the same pace or in the same way. To determine the main direction in the development of an individual development program, the support team for the student (pupil) must analyze his general characteristics, study the recommendations of psychological, medical and pedagogical consultation, develop proposed long-term goals and short-term tasks, and determine what types of support he needs.

If a student requires specific types of support to achieve a long-term goal in accordance with the standard curriculum, then this circumstance is documented with a definition of the types of support, as well as data on their effectiveness. Such records are essential for planning and communication. In addition to accommodations, it is important to document the student's current progress to make connections between the student's needs, strategies, and materials used to provide support. Adaptations must also be continually reviewed to ensure they continue to be effective and beneficial for the child.

If a student only needs adaptation, then there is no need to formulate short-term goals for him. In this case, he is trained in accordance with the adaptation provided for by the standard curriculum of a comprehensive school. Some students may be in the general education curriculum but have other needs in addition to certain long-term goals, such as behavioral and motor skills. For them, it is necessary to develop short-term tasks only in target areas.

Priority training needs by area

Based on the student's characteristics, the support team determines the student's strengths, weaknesses, and priority learning needs (or general areas that require attention). Typically, these aspects can be grouped into areas. The more needs a student (pupil) has, the greater the number of areas for developing his individual development program.

The following areas are distinguished:

Communication (verbal and non-verbal);

Cognitive (academic);

Labor activity;

Spending free time;

Social skills and relationships;


Independent life;


Emotional-volitional and behavior.

Description of the child’s current level of development and success by area

The current level of development and success of a child is an accurate description of the student’s achievements in each area. This information can be obtained from the child's general characteristics and can be used as both a basis for developing a long-term goal and a baseline indicator for measuring progress.

Development of long-term goals by area

Long term goals- this is a brief statement that states what the student (pupil) should know and be able to do at the end of the school year. It is important for the support team to limit itself to a realistic number of long-term goals for each area.

Every long-term goal should:

1. be aimed at satisfying the leading educational need, which is indicated in the general characteristics of the student;

2. move beyond his current achievements;

3. take into account the degree of progress of the student (pupil) from the previous period;

4. be challenging enough to motivate the student;

5. be achievable;

6. focus on what the student (pupil) should learn;

7. determine what the student (pupil) will do (and not what actions he will stop doing).

A fundamental component of individual planning technology is the search for appropriate formulations for recording long-term goals. The performance of long-term goals must meet the criteria SMART.

Individual professional development program

as an attribute of pedagogical excellence

From the point of view of public interests, professional development of a person

Can be considered as one of the points of the code of professional ethics:

a person who does not work on himself cannot be recognized as a professional.

A competent teacher today is a professional, a teacher-mentor who helps realize the personal potential of each student in education, moves from the interests of the student, helping him achieve his own goals based on choice. Its task is to teach students to understand and independently solve problem situations.

This need is due to the needs modern society in sociable, creative, independently thinking individuals who strive for success and are able to independently build an individual trajectory of their development.

Today we will talk about how to be and remain a professional in new conditions. It is not enough to become a professional once; to remain one, constant professional development of the individual is necessary. It is absurd to think that a teacher can teachthe student to build a trajectory of his development, if he himself does not know how to do this. That's why, individual professional development program (IPPR) teacher, being a means of organizing continuouseducation, there is a core and a vector of its own educational trajectory.

Goals of introducing IPPR:

Creating conditions for teachers to realize the possibilities of continuous self-education through the organization of open educational space;

Independent design of an educational route withtaking into account their competencies, their professional needs, deficiencies and the ability to choose the most acceptable time frame for themselves (can vary from one year to five years independing on the desired result: certification or implementationsubroutines) and the forms of its implementation.

Such a program can serve as a tool for monitoring professional achievements,because it allows you to implement the following functions:

Evaluative-stimulating (real assessment of one’s capabilities, the basis for calculating the incentive part of the salary);

Developmental in relation to the educational situation (structureprogram is a kind of guideline for possible typesteacher activity).

Thus, in the program the teacher means:

Goals and objectives of your professional and personal development, which correlate withprofessional standards, mission andstrategic plan for the development of an educational institution, student success, individual professional needs and deficits;

Professional competencies (knowledge, skills, experience) that need to be acquired;

Tools for solving assigned tasks.

When improving skills and developing competence, the teacher faces whole line tasks of personal development. At the same time, the levels of personal, moral and intellectual development significantly determine the success of professional and pedagogical activities. The relationship between personal and professional development is a necessary condition for the education and self-education of a teacher. Therefore, when drawing up a development program, it is necessary to take these relationships into account.

The mechanism of development and self-development is self-knowledge and self-analysis of activity, and their tool is reflexive abilities. With the help of reflexive abilities, which include a number of basic intellectual skills, you can manage your own professional activities in conditions of uncertainty. Taken together, these “key skills” constitute a kind of reflective technology, with the help of which the professional experience of a teacher is improved.

The practical significance of the individual program is that it allows you to systematize the activities of a teacher, identify the dynamics of professional growth indicators, determine stimulating factors, satisfaction with educational services and, as a result, successful completion of certification.

Algorithm for creating an individual program

1.Diagnostics, assessment and self-assessment of your professionalism,skill ( personal qualities; ability to set goals and objectivespedagogical activity, highlight deficits and surpluses).At this stage it happensself-determination of the teacher. Therefore, you should not ignore the opportunity to “learn about yourself” from the proposed methods and examinations that can help more deeplyunderstand the motivation of the teacher, his ability to develop programspedagogical activity, the ability to organize educational activities; reflective and communication skills.“An outside view” allows you to make your self-esteem more adequate..

2. Professional development programming. Drawing up an individual program,which includes a number of subroutines where invariant andvariable content. When designing an individual program, the teacher takes into account the development program, a unified methodologicaltopic and annual objectives of the educational institution.This will allow you to better understandwhat competencies or groups of skills, perhaps a separate skillwill develop. The content of invariant points should include a federal component of advanced training (according to the recommendations of the RussianAcademy for advanced training and retraining of workerseducation taking into account the standards of additional professionaleducation), since they are directly related to qualificationsrequirements for teachers when assigning them the next category.

The variable content consists of subroutines thatare aimed at solving specific problems of professional activity.

Variable part aimed at meeting educational needs andelimination of teacher deficiencies identified as a result of diagnostics.

3 . To implement an individual program
open educational space where it happens professional interaction, reflection, correction of one’s own activities and reprogramming.

It is necessary to clearly represent open educational resourcesspace and see its levels - inside the college, municipal, republican, all-Russian.

4. Reflective analysis of the implementation of individual programs, presentation of results - these are products (developed materials) and what the teacher learned.

It is better to carry out reflective analysis once every six months and make timely corrections of actions. The subject of reflection is the teacher’s activities in implementing the program.

We offer the following sections for creating a teacher professional development program:

1) Introspection (I-concept)

My values;

My pedagogical credo;

My professional/personal achievements;

My strengths/weaknesses;

Sphere of professional/life interests;

What do I like/dislike about myself?

My hobbies

2) Goals and objectives

Promising life goals;

Immediate goals and objectives (self-knowledge, educational/professional objectives, personal).

3) Plans (perspective, strategy)

Intended direction and level of professional development;

Proposed sources of development, educational organizations;

4) Action program (tactics)


Additional vocational education;

Personal development;

Forms of education and development;

Who can help and with what.

It is advisable to include in an individual teacher’s professional development program: the study of psychological and pedagogical literature; development of software and methodological support for the educational process; mastering pedagogical technologies; building your own methodological system (selection of content, methods, forms, teaching aids); development of criteria and indicators of educational outcomes, development of diagnostic tools, including CBS; participation in the implementation of the development program of an educational institution; in the system of methodological work of the college; planned training in advanced training courses and professional internships; participation in the work of creative and experimental groups; conducting individual research and experimental work; generalization of one’s own experience in teaching activities (articles, recommendations, reports, pedagogical workshop, master class, etc.).

College CME offers the following forms of scientific and methodological support for teachers who can help build and implementindividual professional development program for each teacher of our college. This:

-ongoing seminars on current problems education;

-work of problem-based seminars organized on the basis of studying educational needs of teachers and their professional requests;

Individual thematic consultations (in person and through the Interactive method office);

Work of temporary creative groups on current development issuespedagogical theory and practice, allowing teachers tofocused on self-education, identify a problem of interest and take part in solving it (Laboratory);

- organization of course training (full-time, part-time, distance learning);

Individual internships for mastering relevantpedagogical experience of the best teachers of the city, region, other regions and abroad, etc.

You can get acquainted in more detail with the methodology for designing teacher IPPR, as well as the current forms of CME work at our college at: In_Out on Xeon/Method/IPPR.

We invite everyone to decide for themselves in which direction they need to develop, in what ways to receive information, and how to master it. Professional Development a modern teacher should not be a duty or a formality, but a way of thinking.

, head of the Republican

experimental site