Recipe for candies made from cocoa powder. The best recipes for healthy sweets made from natural products with your own hands at home: description

DIY sweets at home: recipes and photos

Chocolate... so much in this word! Each of us has a favorite taste, familiar from childhood or discovered in adulthood. And who wouldn’t be “hooked” by an advertisement with pouring liters of sweets, a fountain or a fondue with liquid icing? It’s very easy to prepare all this yourself, causing the surprise of guests at a family celebration, the joy of the birthday boy from such a gift, or simply creating a small holiday for yourself.

Belgian chocolate

Historically, sweets appeared in Belgium in the 19th century - in 1839. Then the confectioner Stolwerk began to make tiles in the shapes of local, Hanseatic gingerbread, which had been accepted by that time. Basically, the word candy implies a shaped little bar
In the same Belgium, in 1912, confectioner Jean Neuhaus, who founded the Neuhaus confectionery brand, saw an opportunity to make a body with candy filling.

The first such sweets were filled with “praline” - a mixture with a base in the form of nuts, as well as cocoa, powdered sugar and milk powder. They were made by hand. In 1915, the process of making treats was mechanized. Also, a few years later, Neuhauz's wife invented the rectangular "ballotin" box, in which most gift delicacies are now sold.

Recipes for chocolates with cocoa - photos

Everyone loves sweets, but everyone prefers different types of treats. Of course, the first things that come to mind are chocolates, cakes, cookies and muffins. Sweets can be healthy and homemade!

To cook deliciously and interestingly, you don’t need to have a lot of equipment, cutting-edge kitchen gadgets or expensive cookware. An unusual duck in apples can be successfully baked on a regular baking sheet in foil, exquisite coffee with syrup can be prepared in an inexpensive but beautiful Turk, and a bouquet of sweets requires only sleight of hand.


The prepared filling (fondant, gillyage, praline, etc.) is placed in silicone molds. The sweets are then frosted, usually drizzled with hot cocoa frosting. Those that are made by hand, on the contrary, are dipped in glaze.

The hardest filling is grillage. It is made from sugar and roasted chopped nuts. This is one of the expensive varieties; in the Soviet Union they were considered elite, but they are easy to make yourself.

Please note that there should be no large sugar crystals in the grilled meat - if this is the case, it means that the grilled filling was made carelessly, the technology was broken.

Chocolate balls

Homemade sweets compare favorably with factory-made ones due to the complete absence of chemicals. It’s a paradox, but delicacies prepared in a factory are more expensive the more natural their ingredients are. We pay factories less so that sweets can be produced in larger quantities and can wait for their consumers. But we are willing to pay more for naturalness.

However, believe me, all this is easy to do at home!

So, the components for your first masterpieces:
Vanilla crackers – 300 g;
Milk – 250 g;
Butter – 200 g;
Sugar – 250 g;

This is the basis not only for this recipe, but for any desserts.

We add cocoa - 100 g, so that the sweets contain cocoa beans (or you can leave it as is - it will be “white glaze”, or add glucose balls to the sprinkling instead of cocoa);
Walnuts – 100 g;
Powdered sugar - 50 g - for sprinkling.

This dessert will be similar to the mini-pie “Potato”, familiar and loved by everyone since childhood.

Take the butter out of the refrigerator in advance.
Heat the milk in a saucepan until hot. Stir cocoa and sugar, then place in a saucepan with milk and cook until sugar dissolves.
Crumble the crackers with a mortar or meat grinder. Place the finished crumbs in a container with milk, cocoa and sugar, stir.

During this time, crush (grind in a food processor) the walnuts.
Mix walnuts, powdered sugar and remaining cocoa for sprinkling future candies.
Now add butter to the main mass for sweets (you can warm it up a little in the microwave, stir the mass in a container until it becomes homogeneous).
Make balls and roll them in a mixture of nuts, powder and cocoa.

The delicacy is almost ready! It remains to keep the balls for about an hour in the refrigerator or half an hour in the freezer.

Chocolates Hedgehogs - joy in the house

This is a super healthy treat! Fruits and dried fruits do not cause much enthusiasm among many, but what do you say if you are offered an unusual and healthy delicacy?

The main composition of "Hedgehogs" is what we know from children's books that hedgehogs love: fruit.
Dried apricots -100 g;
Raisins – 100 g;
Dried figs – 100 g;
Lemon – 2 pcs.

Add some nuts with honey:
Walnuts – 100 g;
Sweet almonds - 100 g - you can use one type of nut;
Honey - the same amount as all previous ingredients by weight.

For sprinkling:
Cocoa powder - 100 g or Powdered sugar - 100 g, or glucose colored balls for sprinkling.

You can maintain the proportions by changing the weight of the ingredients.
Grind the first 4 ingredients and nuts in a meat grinder. Add to them in a ratio of 1:1 (the same amount) honey - preferably candied, not runny. You want the consistency of a good sticky dough.
Now roll it into balls, roll them in powder, cocoa or balls. These goodies need to dry out. They should sit in the room for about 3–4 hours, then in the refrigerator for about an hour.

Chocolates with almonds “Surprise” - make at home

The ingredients are similar to our first recipe, the only difference is the absence of crackers.

Butter – 100 g;
Powdered sugar - ½ cup;
Cocoa powder – 100 g;
Almonds – 50 g, (You can use raisins instead of almonds).

Heat and melt the butter in a saucepan until hot. Stir cocoa and sugar, then place in a saucepan with butter and cook until sugar dissolves.
Cool at room temperature for half an hour.

Almond time! Form balls from the cooled mass, placing a nut or raisin in the core of each.

A real yummy surprise is almost ready! It remains to keep the treat for about an hour in the refrigerator or half an hour in the freezer.

Chocolate covered almonds - a favorite and unforgettable treat

Want to make your own glazed nuts? Tired of looking for your favorite treat in stores? Now you don’t have to pay a lot of money for sweets, make your own and remember the taste you loved from childhood! It's quick and easy, but this recipe requires store-bought tiles. However, you can make your own frosting using the recipe above.

200 g almonds;

Baking paper.

cocoa - 4 tablespoons;

Preheat oven to 100°C.
Dry the almonds, poured onto a baking sheet, in a preheated oven for about half an hour.

Now, nut by nut, dip the almonds into the liquid, then roll them into the cocoa.

Chocolate covered raisins, DIY sea pebbles

Such a familiar childhood treat - sea pebbles! This is a multi-colored sugar icing. It can also be made with a glaze of liquid cocoa and sugar.
200 g raisins;
100 g tiles (for melting; choose the flavor yourself - milky, bitter, white).

Sea Pebbles just call for sugar (though raisins glazed with melted white tiles and food coloring might earn that name).

Baking paper;
For sprinkling - desirable, but not necessary;
cocoa - 4 tablespoons;
powdered sugar - 1 tablespoon.

Preheat oven to 100°C.
Dry the raisins, poured onto a baking sheet, in a preheated oven for about 15 minutes.
Melt the tile in a saucepan or “water bath”. It is important not to stir it at this time!
Sprinkle cocoa onto baking paper.
Now dip the raisins in the liquid, then roll in the cocoa.
The finished candies should be shaken in a sieve to remove excess cocoa powder. Leave to dry.
Sprinkle with powdered sugar and place on the table for guests.

For Sea Pebbles, melt sugar or white tiles in a saucepan, add food coloring to it (in the ratio written on the packaging of the product you purchased). Do not roll in cocoa or powder.

DIY sweets with condensed milk

Lunch - condensed milk with chocolate! Let's combine two of the best delicacies in the world!
You will need:
A can of boiled condensed milk with cocoa;
A can of boiled condensed milk plus three large (heaped tablespoons) spoons of cocoa;
walnuts - 1 cup, crushed in a mortar or meat grinder;
2 tablespoons flour or crumbled breadcrumbs:
foil or parchment (thick);
Berries from jam to taste - in quantity to taste.

For this recipe, you first need to boil the condensed milk. But since on average 10% of Russians have a negative experience of condensed milk exploding, we advise you never to do this! Why wash wallpaper and curtains when you can just buy boiled condensed milk?
So, add crushed nuts (and cocoa if the condensed milk was regular) to a can of boiled condensed milk. Stir.
Sprinkle an appropriate size of foil or parchment paper (about a sheet on an oven tray) with flour or breadcrumbs. Scoop out the condensed milk mixture with nuts using a teaspoon or an ice cream scoop in the form of balls. It is better if it is moistened with water. You will have to spread it onto the foil or parchment using a second spoon (otherwise you will have to shake it off, otherwise the shape will change).
Place condensed milk balls on a sheet. There should be a distance of about 2 cm between them. Place a jam berry or raisin on each flatbread ball.

Drying at room temperature is not enough for these sweets - you need to dry them directly on foil or parchment in a preheated oven for about 15 minutes at a temperature of 100. After removing from the oven, let the sweets cool, so remove (pick) from the baking sheet with a knife or spoon.

Coconut and Nut Treat Recipe

This is an unusual dessert recipe in the form of tartlets with icing and coconut crumbs.

You will need
tartlet blanks - 30 pcs;
2 tablespoons of hazelnuts and peanuts or any other nuts to taste;
3 tablespoons sour cream;
2 tablespoons cocoa;
2 tablespoons sugar;
40 g butter.

It is important to take the volume of tablespoons without a slide.
To diversify the recipe, you can take cashews, walnuts and pistachios: the choice of peanuts and hazelnuts is due to their relative abundance and the fact that they are not expensive, as well as the fact that they are the ones most often taken for confectionery.

Fry the nuts if they have husks (hazelnuts, peanuts) over moderate heat without vegetable oil until the husks come off. Tartlets will taste better with roasted nuts. You can just buy roasted nuts.

DIY chocolate

We continue to make tartlets using the universal method of preparing glaze. Of course, there are recipes with factory-made glaze made from melted tiles, condensed milk or milk. But we will take a standard recipe with what every housewife always has in her kitchen. We will cook in a large cezve or steel ladle.

Place the container on low heat. Pour in the ingredients and stir until smooth. The mass will not boil, but after the “gurgling” starts, you need to immediately remove it from the heat. The glaze is ready. This glaze can be used for glazed almonds, for pouring sponge cakes, and for glazing cookies.

In our case, let the mass cool a little - it is important not to miss the moment of hardening! At this time, place the purchased (or pre-baked) tartlets on a wide plate. Now we put our nuts on the tartlets. Moreover, if the nuts are larger (hazelnuts, cashews, almonds, pistachios), then one nut per tartlet is enough, small ones - 3-4 (pine nuts, peanuts).

Pour the cooled glaze over the tartlets along with the nuts. Try to wait and not let the cooled glaze reach the consistency where it “slides” out of the spout of the ladle or cezve in large drops. Then it will not moisten the tartlet too much, and the latter will not soften. Try one of them and, if all is well, work with the rest.

Now you can start making coconut crumbs. Use a pinch or teaspoon to sprinkle it onto the top of the tartlets, on top of the chocolate glaze.

The candies will be ready after the glaze has hardened (becomes shiny and almost hard) on the tartlets. This will happen in 10-15 minutes, it may take a little longer.

We have prepared a photo of tartlets for this recipe - as you can see, your work will not be in vain, and homemade sweets will not be inferior in taste or beauty to sweets from the store.

DIY chocolate covered prunes

Do you want to make your own glazed prunes, are you tired of looking for your favorite delicacy in stores? Now you don’t have to pay a lot of money for sweets, make your own and remember the taste loved by many since childhood! Today it is a very sophisticated delicacy for adults. It is simple and quick, but this recipe requires a store-bought bar. However, you can make it yourself using the recipe given above.

200 g pitted prunes;
100 g of tiles (for melting; choose the taste yourself - milky, bitter, white);
Baking paper;
For sprinkling - desirable, but not required:
cocoa - 4 tablespoons;
powdered sugar - 1 tablespoon.

Preheat oven to 100°C.
Dry the prunes, poured onto a baking sheet, in a preheated oven for about half an hour.
Melt the tile in a saucepan or “water bath”. It is important not to stir it at this time!
Sprinkle cocoa onto baking paper.
Now, berry by berry, dip the prunes into the glaze, then roll them into the cocoa.
Ready-made sweets should be shaken in a sieve to remove excess cocoa powder. Leave to dry
Sprinkle with powdered sugar and place on the table for guests.

Glazed prunes at home

As a variation of the previous recipe, melt sugar or white chocolate in a saucepan, add food coloring to it (in the ratio written on the packaging of the product you purchased). Dip prunes into this glaze and do not roll them in cocoa and powder. Leave to dry.

Sweet walnuts at home yourself

Glazed walnuts are quick and easy, but this recipe requires you to purchase a bar. However, you can make it yourself using the recipe given above. In addition, you can use any liquid sweetness for pouring to taste.

200 g walnuts;
100 g of tiles (for melting; choose the taste yourself - milky, bitter, white);
Baking paper;
For sprinkling - possible, but not necessary:
cocoa - 4 tablespoons;
powdered sugar - 1 tablespoon.

Preheat oven to 100°C.
Dry the walnuts, poured onto a baking sheet, in a preheated oven for about half an hour.
Melt the tile in a saucepan or “water bath”. It is important not to stir it at this time!
Sprinkle cocoa onto baking paper.
Now dip nut by nut into chocolate, then roll into cocoa.
The finished candies should be shaken in a sieve to remove excess cocoa powder. Leave to dry.
Sprinkle with powdered sugar and place on the table for guests.

Candies "Grilyazh in chocolate"

Our grandmothers, who so loved the scarce grilled chocolate in chocolate, had a secret ingredient recipe for its preparation... if you cannot learn this recipe from your grandmother right now, read ours and follow our advice.
Ingredients of the treat:
250 g walnuts;
10 g butter;
250 g granulated sugar.

Melt the sugar and butter in an aluminum or steel bowl, add the walnuts and butter crushed in a mortar or mixer. Stir the mixture. Now place the future sweets on a sheet of parchment or baking paper or simply on a baking sheet coated with butter or vegetable oil. Use a rolling pin to make it about half a centimeter thick and cut into pieces.

To make the glaze, you can melt the tiles in a saucepan or water bath, or you can make the glaze yourself.

3 tbsp. sour cream;
2 cocoa;
2 sugars;
40 g butter.

It is important to take the volume of tablespoons without a slide. Of course, there are recipes with factory-made tiles, condensed milk or milk. But we will take a standard recipe with what every housewife always has in her kitchen. We will cook in a large cezve or steel ladle.

Place the container on low heat. Pour in the ingredients and stir until smooth. The mass will not boil, but after the “gurgling” starts, you need to immediately remove it from the heat. The glaze is ready. This glaze can be used for chocolate-covered almonds, for filling sponge cakes, and for glazing cookies.

Pour the glaze over the finished grilled bars and let cool for an hour.

Gift set

Any type of sweets can be given as a gift - especially if you make it yourself. Choose a craft gift box and tie it with a straw ribbon: this way you will emphasize the naturalness and usefulness of the delicacy. You can wrap each sweet in corrugated or golden paper, thin foil, and tie with thin braid. For beauty, put sesal, artificial grass for floristry, etc. inside.

It is customary to serve in a vase or on a wide platter. It can also be decorated by placing candies in rosettes made of crepe or gold paper.

Who doesn't love sweets? And the kids are completely crazy about all sorts of delicacies! But you don’t always know what store-bought sweets are made of. Therefore, it would not hurt to know how to make sweets with your own hands from available ingredients. Next, we will tell you how to make candy at home quickly and easily.

Recipe 1. Magnificent chocolates

You will be surprised, because making chocolates at home is as easy as shelling pears. You will need: walnuts (peanuts are fine), dark chocolate (about 150 g), 4 tablespoons of honey, “For tea” cookies (about 100 g), butter (50 g). Next, let's take a closer look at how chocolate candies are made:

  1. Grind nuts and cookies using a blender. Just don’t turn everything into tiny crumbs, you should just get small pieces.
  2. Melt butter on the stove and add honey. Bring the mixture to a boil. Loan, throw some nuts and cookies in there. Mix everything thoroughly to form a homogeneous thick mass.
  3. Melt the chocolate in a water bath. Roll the resulting mixture into balls, dip in chocolate and place on foil. Let it harden, and your homemade candies are ready.

Recipe 2. Sugar treat

Now you will learn a simple recipe on how to make lollipops at home in a few minutes. This is a simple delicacy beloved by many, but not everyone knows how to make sugar sweets at home from simple ingredients.

Take a container and mix about 200 ml of water, a couple of tablespoons of vinegar and 0.5 kg of sugar. Place on the stove and cook until the liquid turns bright yellow. Grease the molds you have chosen with vegetable oil, then pour in the sugar mixture and insert toothpicks. Minimum costs and maximum pleasure, since everyone can make sugar candies at home.

Recipe 3. Yummy jelly

Another recipe for your favorite delicacy - we will tell you how to make jelly sweets at home from available ingredients. You will need: instant gelatin, fruit juice (about 150 g), 0.5 cups of cold water, sugar (about 300 g).

Soak the gelatin in cold water. Then prepare a syrup from sugar and juice: mix everything and cook on the stove until the sugar dissolves. Add dissolved gelatin to the mixture, then pour everything into molds and let it harden.

The YouTube video will definitely tell you more about how to make candy at home, watch it right now.

Recipe 4. Homemade caramels

Do you know how to make caramel candies at home to surprise your family? There is nothing complicated about it! To prepare milk caramels, take 0.5 liters of milk, butter (100 g), sugar (3-4 cups).

Put the milk on the stove, bring to a boil, add sugar and cook until a brownish mass forms. Then add butter there and cook for about 1-1.5 hours. Then pour the resulting mixture into molds.

Recipe 5. Delicious toffee

It doesn’t cost anything to make candy with your own hands, the photos demonstrate this. You can also prepare your favorite childhood delicacy - toffee. You will need condensed milk (about 300 ml), 40 g of flour, a glass of milk, butter (about 100 g).

Melt the butter over low heat, add flour and fry until golden brown. Then pour condensed milk into it and cook for 10 minutes over low heat, stirring constantly. The milk needs to be warmed to room temperature and added to the condensed milk. Cook the mixture until thickened. After this, put the mass into a mold and let it cool, and then cut it into cubes or rectangles.

Don’t be afraid to experiment, pamper your family with various delicacies, since it’s very easy to make lollipops, toffees and other sweets with your own hands at home!

Cook for yourself, your kids and family, and share delicious Tips with your friends on social networks right now!

Candies in silicone molds with barabukh filling

Sweets in a basket with fillings (cream caramel, cream chocolate and cream cream).

I bought silicone cupcake molds, but they were smaller than regular cupcakes (I bought them from the joint venture “1001 little things”), and from another joint venture I ordered slabs of chocolate glaze.
I melt the chocolate (in a milk cooker), first put the white chocolate on the bottom of the mold, take it out onto the balcony for 5 minutes, then spread the dark chocolate on the walls with a spoon (so that there are no gaps) (again in the cold), it hardens very quickly. Then I fill it with fillings (also from SP), today I put caramel cream, cream + cherry jam, chocolate cream and boiled condensed milk. I make a bottom on top: I simply fill each mold to the top and again in the cold. Once it hardens, it is very easy to pull out.
You can also buy special molds for candy or silicone ice molds, but if you take ice molds, you need to look for a soft form (Ikea ones won’t work, they are very hard, you can break the candy while you take it out).

Homemade sweets a la "Raffaello" from KurnosiK

  • 1 pack of corn. sticks (60 g),
  • 1 can of condensed milk,
  • 1 bag of coconut flakes (50 g).

Grind the corn sticks through a meat grinder (blender or food processor).
Add condensed milk and mix well to form a mass from which you can roll a ball. You can put roasted peanuts or walnuts inside each ball.
Roll in coconut flakes, put in the refrigerator for a while and quickly boil the kettle. Let's enjoy delicious sweets!

Sweet "Badrinath" from Cedar

Ingredients: dates, raisins, figs, tangerine or orange juice, ground walnuts. Combine everything to form a sticky mass. Roll into balls and roll in toasted sesame seeds or coconut flakes. It is better to cool the balls a little in the refrigerator before serving. Healthy and natural!

Melt the sugar until it turns caramel and add the walnuts. Mix. The whole nut ended up in caramel. Then grind in a blender. Then add chocolate. We put this mass into molds. From the remaining chocolate I made candies with nuts and raisins.
I made homemade CHOCOLATE, but you can also use store-bought (melt it in a water bath first).
For homemade chocolate: melt 300 grams of natural cocoa butter, add 125-140 grams of cocoa powder and 100-130 grams of powdered sugar (as you like). Mix everything thoroughly and pour into molds, adding your favorite filling.

Anyone born in the 80s will understand me. Then there was just a boom in the production of domestic sucking cockerels. Dad, me and my little brother loved this process. Well, dad didn’t worry too much about the recipe, and sometimes our roosters were stringy for some reason and terribly stuck to the teeth, sometimes burnt, but it always seemed like there was nothing tastier in the world.
And now, 20 years later, my husband and I are making such cockerels for our child (or rather for nostalgia for ourselves). Again, dad is trying to lead the process. The search for those same metal molds has not yet yielded success, but we found a way out of the situation - we pour them into a muffin tin in the form of roses. And the whole family happily licks, sucks and gnaws these candies, all sweet and sticky (including the cat, which the child also wants to treat), and then together we go to wash (except for the cat, which really does not like this process).
5 tbsp. l. sugar, 3 tbsp. Bring the water to a boil and cook until the color changes; it should turn golden, but not brown. Pour into molds. Place in the refrigerator until firm. This quantity makes 6 roses.

Candies "Nostalgia" from Iranik

  • 1 pack of corn sticks,
  • 200 gr. creamy toffee,
  • crushed nuts,
  • coconut flakes.

Dip corn sticks in dissolved toffee and roll in coconut flakes, crushed nuts, sesame seeds (we have it all together, the assistant did his best).

Dried fruit candies "Useful" from Lenok

  • Take pitted dates
  • dried apricots (smaller than dates),
  • prunes (smaller than dried apricots),
  • cashews (the same amount as prunes, but more is possible) - whole,
  • coconut flakes for sprinkling.

Dry the cashews in the oven. While they are drying, cut the dried fruits. We cut it. Finely, about 0.5*0.5 cm. Mix everything together with cashews (whole or halves, no need to chop). Roll into balls the size of a walnut. Roll in coconut flakes. That's all!

You just need to prepare this mass, which consists of 400 g of condensed milk, 50 g of butter, 200 g of coconut.
Melt condensed milk with butter over low heat. Add coconut flakes and put the prepared raw materials in the refrigerator overnight. Take it out with your child on Sunday morning. Roll into balls. Carefully insert the almond inside (previously peeled: to do this, soak the nuts for an hour), level the ball and roll in coconut flakes or nuts (nuts taste better). The delicacy is ready.

Sweets "Gift on a stick" from Haruka


  • barberry caramel - 150 grams,
  • dry rose petals (raw buds from a tea store) - a pinch,
  • wooden sticks (skewers, toothpicks) - 30 pcs.,
  • stencils heart and herringbone.

Grind the caramel into crumbs in a blender.
Grind the buds or leaves in a mortar or masher.
Mix together the caramel crumbs and crushed flowers.
Place baking paper on a baking sheet.
Then we put a stick, a stencil, pour in caramel, smooth out the edges, and only then carefully remove the stencil.
Place in a preheated oven at 180C and watch, as soon as the caramel has melted, remove. Carefully remove the candies from the paper.
We make a stencil from cardboard by drawing the desired shape and cutting it out inside.
It is better to use baking paper with a silicone coating; candy sticks very poorly to plain paper.
I made candies in the shape of hearts, Christmas trees and without a stencil - just circles, poured with a spoon and leveled.
For a gift, such candies can be wrapped in transparent paper and tied with a ribbon.

Candies "Nougat in chocolate" from Kedar

Awesome candy, I recommend trying it.
For the filling, I used nut nougat, which I then rolled into small balls and filled with chocolate directly in the molds.
Nougat: 200 g honey + 200 g sugar + a little water - boil for 15 minutes.
Beat 2 egg whites + 20 grams of powdered sugar into a thick foam.
Add whites to honey. Cook until thick, stirring constantly. When the nougat begins to pull away from the walls, it means it is ready. Add medium ground walnuts. Place in a mold or on a baking sheet (after laying down paper or film), and refrigerate.
I used homemade chocolate: 300 grams of cocoa butter + 100 grams of sugar. powder + 130 g cocoa powder.

Chocolate "Truffles" from Kedar

  • 100 g butter,
  • 1 tbsp. powdered milk,
  • ground nuts.

Melt chocolate (I made homemade chocolate) + butter + milk powder + nuts. Mix everything and leave to cool. Then form truffles and roll in grated cocoa or milk powder.

Nut candies in white chocolate (mine are glazed) from Varvara Plyushkin

  • 150 gr. hazelnut and cashew mixture. I roasted the hazelnuts first. Finely chop the nuts.
  • 70 gr. raisins, washed and dried.
  • 70 gr. dark chocolate, finely crushed.
  • 2-3 tbsp. l. condensed milk.
  • 200 gr. white chocolate or frosting.

In a cup, mix crushed nuts, chocolate, raisins, I cut them a little.
Add condensed milk and mix well to form balls.
Make balls and put them in the freezer or outside (I have a cold corridor).
Melt the white chocolate and dip the balls into it, place them on paper and refrigerate until they harden.

Candies with coconut flakes, Bounty type, from Varvara Plyushkin

  • Coconut flakes - 3 cups.
  • Condensed milk - 200 gr.
  • Powdered sugar - a little.
  • Vanilla essence or flavoring - 1 tsp.
  • Dark chocolate or glaze - 350 gr.

Pour the shavings into a cup, add condensed milk, vanillin and mix. Add a little powdered sugar, enough to form balls, do not overdo it.
Make balls and put them in the cold.
When hardened, roll in melted chocolate (I use confectionery glaze).

  • Any dried fruit, so that the total weight is approximately 300 grams. I have prunes, apples in cinnamon, pear, ranetki, raisins - 300 gr.
  • Crushed, rather finely, hazelnuts and peanuts, pre-roasted - 100 gr.
  • 2-3 tbsp. l. cognac, rum or liqueur. I have cognac + rum flavoring.
  • approximately 200 gr. I have a lot of chocolate, I have icing.

Each dried fruit was individually ground in a blender and placed in a cup. Finely crushed nuts and cognac are also included. Mix everything well. Make balls and put them in the cold. Then roll in melted chocolate (glaze).

  • 130 gr. honey.
  • 400 gr. Sahara
  • 50 ml. water.
  • 2 egg whites
  • 300 gr. almonds, pre-roasted and cooled.
  • Chocolate (or frosting) - a lot.

Place honey and sugar in a saucepan and pour 50 ml into it. water. Place on the fire, let it boil, reduce the heat and cook over low heat for 10-12 minutes.
During this time, beat the whites in a cup with a mixer for the entire 10 minutes that the syrup boils.
When the time is up, the syrup should be ready. Take it and, without stopping whisking, pour in this hot syrup in a thin stream.
Then beat again for a long time, another 10 minutes, until the mass becomes very high and so viscous that it will be difficult for the mixer to turn.
So it's ready.
Pour the almonds in there and mix well quickly.
Place on a sheet covered with parchment, first grease it with a thin layer of butter, and level with a spoon.
Refrigerate for 1 hour to harden.
When it hardens, cut into pieces. Melt the chocolate.
Dip the pieces in chocolate and place on parchment, take out in the cold to harden.

Candies "Katanias" from gattapelata

for 30-35 pieces

  • 200 gr. almonds (shelled)
  • 150 gr. Sahara,
  • 1 teaspoon lemon juice,
  • 20 gr. butter,
  • 300 gr. white chocolate (it is better to take high-quality chocolate),
  • cocoa powder for sprinkling (or ~150g chocolate).

Peeled almonds (peeling almonds is very simple - you need to pour boiling water over them and leave for 15 minutes in a closed container - the husks from the nuts are almost removed by themselves) pour onto a baking sheet lined with cooking paper. Place in an oven preheated to 180 degrees for about 10 minutes - in general, check often, almonds are easy to burn.
The color of the right almond is coffee with milk.
Then, while the almonds are cooling, make caramel: pour sugar into a saucepan with a thick bottom and add lemon juice. Ideally, the caramel will be the color of light honey. Quickly pour this caramel over the almonds (directly on the cooking paper - everything can be easily removed from it) and mix well. Quickly - because this is how the caramel hardens, but you need to have time to mix the almonds and, if possible, separate the almonds from each other. But don’t try too hard, most of the nuts can then be broken off from each other painlessly.
The almonds in the caramel cool down quite quickly. Next, you need to select 30-35 of the most beautiful and smooth nuts, and grind the rest in a coffee grinder or blender (I did this in a blender). There may be variations here - I wanted to make a smooth mass, even, so I ground it as finely as possible. If you like grilled meats, you can grind them coarser, of course.
Melt the chocolate and butter in a water bath and gradually add the ground nuts. A plastic mass will be obtained. If it seems to you that the mass is not flexible enough, add more chocolate (remember the simple truth, it is better to take more chocolate than butter, otherwise the candies will crumble).
The chocolate-nut mixture can be put in the refrigerator for half an hour, where it will thicken a little.
Form a small ball from the nut-chocolate mixture, put almonds in the middle, and form an oval candy.
Sift the cocoa onto a flat surface, roll the candies well in cocoa on all sides, place on parchment, put in the refrigerator for about 1 hour so that they harden well.
I rolled part of it in cocoa and made part of it in melted dark chocolate. And then I put it on the wire rack to let the excess chocolate drip off.
I liked the dark chocolate ones better.

1. “Dream” balls - a fantastic dessert without baking

It turns out much tastier than store-bought sweets!


  1. Vanilla crackers - 150 gr
  2. Milk - 100 ml
  3. Condensed milk - 3 tablespoons
  4. Cocoa - 2 tablespoons
  5. A pinch of vanilla
  6. Oil - 50 gr
  7. Chopped nuts - optional
  8. Sugar - 2 tablespoons
  9. Liqueur - 1 tbsp (optional)

For the glaze:

  1. Chocolate - 100 gr
  2. Oil - 1 tbsp
  3. Sour cream - 1 tbsp

How to make dessert without baking:

  1. Grind the crackers with a blender and add cocoa, mix.
  2. Bring the milk to a boil and cool slightly, then add butter, sugar and vanilla.
  3. Stir the mixture until the sugar dissolves.
  4. Combine the milk mixture with the dry mixture, add condensed milk, liqueur and add nuts, mix well.
  5. Place the mixture in the refrigerator for 1 hour.
  6. After the allotted time, remove from the refrigerator and form small balls with a teaspoon.
  7. For the glaze, melt all the ingredients in a water bath.
  8. Dip the balls into the glaze one at a time and carefully take them out with a fork and place them on tracing paper.
  9. Place the balls in the freezer for 20 minutes.

Enjoy your tea!

2. Toffee toffee with baked milk

The favorite dessert of the Soviet era - toffee candies - has acquired a different taste, and sometimes you really want to treat your children to real toffee according to the classic recipe.


  1. Milk (baked) - 200 ml.
  2. Sugar - 150-200 gr.
  3. Honey - 2 tbsp. spoons
  4. Butter - 30 gr.
  5. Vanillin - 1 pack

How to prepare toffee “Tyanuchki” with baked milk:

Place all ingredients in a bowl and pour baked milk.

Cook over medium heat for about 30 minutes, stirring constantly. The finished mass should be thick, with a bright caramel color.

To make the toffees beautiful, I use ice cube trays. They need to be slightly greased with vegetable oil.

Then pour the mixture and put it in the freezer for 30 minutes. Enjoy your tea!

3. Milk powder candies

The good thing about the recipe for making sweets from powdered milk is that the main ingredients can be on hand at any time, so the delicacy can be made for unexpected guests. Spices are additional ingredients that can be added to taste (vanillin, cinnamon, cardamom).


  1. Powdered milk - 250 gr
  2. Sugar - 300-350 gr
  3. Butter - 100 gr
  4. Water - 100 ml
  5. Cocoa - 2-3 tbsp. spoons
  6. Spices to taste - 1 pinch

How to make sweets from milk powder:

1. First of all, you need to boil the sugar syrup. To do this, combine water and sugar in a small saucepan and put on fire. After boiling, simmer the syrup over low heat for about 7-10 minutes until it begins to thicken slightly.

2. Place butter in hot syrup and leave for a couple of minutes. Then mix everything thoroughly until smooth.

3. Gradually, in several stages, add dry milk, stirring constantly. The mass should be soft, elastic and without lumps.

4. Now is the time to add a pinch of your favorite spices. You can make sweets from powdered milk at home with cocoa (if desired, you don’t have to add it, replacing it with coconut flakes, for example). Mix everything thoroughly and place the mixture in the refrigerator to harden.

5. After 35-45 minutes, you can take out the workpiece and make candies. They can be given absolutely any shape and rolled in cocoa before serving.

Enjoy your tea!

4. Homemade sweets “Raffaello”

The easiest recipe for making homemade Raffaello sweets


  • Coconut flakes - 150 gr
  • Almonds - 15-16 pcs.
  • Condensed milk - 200 gr
  • Butter - 25 g

How to make homemade Raffaello sweets:

We put a small portion of coconut flakes (about 50 g) aside for sprinkling the finished candies. Next, mix condensed milk with shavings, add melted butter, stir until smooth and put in the refrigerator for 15 minutes.

You can pour boiling water over the almonds and leave for 5 minutes. Then peel and dry in a dry hot frying pan. Or you can use almonds with skins. Without the peel, the sweets are very tender. But with the peel - more useful.

Pinch off small pieces from the cooled coconut mass, press them with your hands and place almonds in the middle of the cake. Roll into balls about the size of a walnut, lightly moisten them with water (optional) so that the chips stick better, and roll in coconut flakes.

We put the finished balls in the refrigerator, and after a couple of hours we discover a little heavenly pleasure...

This is how we whipped up Raffaello. Yes, by the way, from this amount of products, you get 15-16 pieces of candy. Enjoy your tea!

5. Healthy homemade sweets

Dedicated to sweet lovers.


  • Dried apricots - 5 pcs.
  • Walnut - 5 pcs.
  • Honey - 1/2 tbsp. spoons
  • Milk - 1 tbsp. spoon
  • Dark chocolate - 70-90 gr.
  • Cocoa, sesame - for decoration

How to make healthy homemade sweets:

  1. Finely break the dark chocolate and melt it with milk in the microwave or in a water bath.
  2. Finely chop the dried apricots and nuts.
  3. Mix melted chocolate, nuts, dried apricots and honey. Cool the entire mixture.
  4. Roll small balls from the resulting mass, cool again, roll in cocoa and sesame seeds.

Bon appetit!

6. Homemade toffee with sour cream

Taffy with sour cream is an amazing treat for you and your children. No dyes or flavors, only natural products!

I saw this simple recipe for homemade toffees and I really wanted to make it.

Just combine sour cream with sugar, what could be simpler? And the taste is not richly sweet, but rather unobtrusive, with a sour cream flavor. You can eat as much as you like, they don’t get boring at all. Well, shall we begin?


  • Butter - 30 g
  • Sugar - 220 gr
  • Sour cream - 220 gr

Method for preparing toffee with sour cream:

To start making toffees, we need to take equal proportions of sour cream and sugar and add a little butter to them. If you want to make more toffees, increase the amount of ingredients.

2. Take a ladle, it is better if it is made of stainless steel than enameled. In a ladle, combine sour cream and sugar and a small piece of prepared butter. Place over medium heat and bring to a boil while stirring constantly. First, small bubbles will appear on the surface. You need to stir constantly and do not leave the stove.

3. After a while, the mixture will look like condensed milk. Continue stirring to prevent the mixture from burning on the bottom. Very soon our future toffees will change color and become thick. If you want a darker color, cook longer. Stirring will become more difficult, but you need to increase the intensity.

When you are happy with the color of the toffee, remove it from the heat and add the butter. The oil must be intensively mixed into the composition.

It should be this thick. dark mixture. It needs to be quickly poured into molds or poured onto a flat surface. You must first grease the molds and surface for hardening with butter.

You can use a silicone candy mold or a glass baking dish. You can use whatever utensils you have. If you pour the toffee not into molds, but onto a flat surface, then while the toffee mixture is still warm, make cuts with a wet knife to make it easier to cut into pieces later.

Now we need to leave the toffee for a while to harden. A little later we will free them from the molds and divide them into portions. From this amount of products you get 260 grams of ready-made toffees.

We wish you a pleasant tea party!

It is quite easy and quick to prepare at home. Currently, the assortment of chocolate products in stores can please any sweet tooth. However, despite such diversity, many housewives prefer to please their family and friends with homemade preparations. And this is not surprising, because homemade recipes involve the use of only healthy and high-quality ingredients.

What you need to know about making homemade chocolate?

  1. Chocolate doesn't like water. Therefore, when preparing candies with glaze, you need to be very careful and make sure that at the moment when the chocolate mass is melted in a water bath, not a single drop of water gets into it. This can permanently ruin the taste of the product. The candies will turn out lumpy and too thick.
  2. Making confectionery products from dark and white chocolate is much easier than from milk chocolate. The thing is that the milky consistency is very sensitive to temperature changes and thickens faster.
  3. Truffle fillings must be kept in the refrigerator before and after molding. It is also important that such sweets dry out after glazing.
  4. Homemade sweets can be stored for no more than 5 days, and in the refrigerator for no more than 14 days.

The most popular dark chocolate recipes

It has long been no secret that dark chocolate is considered the healthiest. It contains more nutrients and less sugar, which in large quantities can cause the development of diabetes. At home, without much difficulty or expense, you can prepare very tasty sweets from this product.

  1. Truffles are an exquisite delicacy that will please any gourmet. Homemade truffles are delicious and more economical compared to sweets from store shelves.


  • 200 g dark chocolate;
  • 40 g powdered sugar;
  • 60 g heavy cream;
  • 30 ml cognac;
  • 25 g finely chopped nuts;
  • 80 g cocoa powder.

To begin with, be careful in a water bath. At the same time, mix the powdered sugar with the cream, heat it and then add it to the chocolate mass. All ingredients are thoroughly mixed. Next, add cognac and nuts to the resulting mass. Everything is mixed thoroughly again and placed in the refrigerator for 90 minutes. The end result should be a consistency similar to plasticine. All that remains is to make chocolate circles and dip them in cocoa powder. Ready-made truffles should sit in the refrigerator for 1 hour, after which they can be eaten with pleasure.

  1. You can also make very tasty praline sweets at home, in which dark chocolate is wonderfully combined with nut and honey filling.


  • 20 g of bitter chocolate sweetness;
  • 50 g walnuts;
  • 1 spoon of honey.

First of all, you should chop the walnuts. After this, the resulting mass must be mixed with honey and formed into small circles. Next, you need to melt the chocolate in a water bath. All that remains is to dip each ball into the chocolate mixture, put them in the refrigerator for 1.5 hours - and the dish is ready.

  1. Candies a la Toffee - this delicacy is very easy to prepare and turns out much tastier than candy from the store.


  • 40 g black dessert;
  • 40 g hazelnuts;
  • 200 g iris;
  • 4 spoons of cream;
  • 2 tablespoons butter;
  • 0.5 tablespoons of vegetable oil.

Melt the toffee in a water bath and add butter and cream to the resulting consistency. All ingredients are thoroughly mixed. After this, you need to peel and lightly toast the hazelnuts. The candy mold must be coated with vegetable oil, placed 1 hazelnut in each cell and filled with melted toffee. The workpiece should be placed in the refrigerator for at least 10 minutes. At this time, you need to melt the chocolate in a water bath. After 10 minutes, the candies should be removed from the refrigerator and carefully coated with chocolate on top. All that remains is to keep the treat in the freezer for 6 hours.

Delicious white and milk chocolate candies

Recipes for homemade milk and white chocolate candies are very diverse. It has a delicate taste, and the milky one has an incredible aroma.

  1. Catalan sweets are a very tasty delicacy that successfully combines milk and white chocolate.


  • 100 g white dessert;
  • 70 g milk chocolate;
  • 20 g butter;
  • 50 g sugar;
  • 100 g hazelnuts.

First you need to lightly toast the hazelnuts. After this, the nuts must be crushed in a blender. Melt the sugar in a thick-bottomed saucepan. You have to be careful and make sure that the sugar doesn't burn. Next, add hazelnuts to the sugar and mix everything well.

The resulting mass should be placed on paper and allowed to cool. When the nut mass has completely cooled, it should be ground in a blender. Next, you need to melt the white chocolate in a water bath and mix it with butter. It is necessary to add ground nuts little by little to the resulting mass. The consistency should be quite thick. From it you need to form circles, each of which should contain a whole nut. The sweets should be placed in the refrigerator for 10 minutes. All that remains is to take the candies out of the refrigerator and dip them in melted milk chocolate.

  1. Milk candies are everyone's favorite dessert.

These homemade chocolates are very tender and fragrant.


  • 80 g milk sweetness;
  • 100 g bitter chocolate dessert;
  • 150 g soft cheese.

First you need to melt the dark chocolate and grease small paper molds with it. The molds should be placed in the refrigerator for 20 minutes, after which they should be greased again with chocolate mixture and placed again in the refrigerator for 20 minutes. At this time, you need to melt the milk chocolate and beat it with the cheese mixture. After this, you can remove the molds from the refrigerator and carefully separate the chocolate from the paper. All that remains is to fill the chocolate molds with cream. This is very easy to do using a pastry bag.

  1. Homemade Brigadeiro chocolates cook very quickly and disappear from the vase just as quickly.


  • 50 g white chocolate;
  • 400 g condensed milk;
  • 20 g cocoa powder;

15 g butter.

Heat the butter, cocoa and milk in a saucepan over low heat. You should get a homogeneous and smooth mass. Cook food for no more than 10 minutes. When the mass has cooled, roll it into small balls. The finished chocolate balls should be rolled in finely chopped white chocolate. If the sweets are very soft, you can put them in the refrigerator for 30 minutes.

Additional "masterpieces"

Many people prefer to make sweets with some kind of filling at home. Recipes for homemade sweets with fillings are very diverse. Particularly popular among them are sweets with almonds and candied fruits. For this divine dessert you will need to acquire the following ingredients:

  • 150 g of your favorite chocolate;
  • 1 egg;
  • 15 candied fruits;
  • 150 g almonds;
  • 100 g powdered sugar;
  • lemon juice.

Almonds should be boiled in hot water for several minutes.

After this, you need to remove the thin film from the nuts, fry them in a frying pan and grind them in a blender. At this time, in a separate bowl, mix the beaten egg white with lemon juice, powdered sugar and chopped almonds. The end result should be a thick mixture that can be easily formed into 15 parts. From each piece you need to make a “pancake”. Candied fruits should be located in the center of all “pancakes”. Next, you need to form them into balls and put them in the refrigerator for 40 minutes. All that remains is to take the almond balls out of the refrigerator and dip them in melted chocolate. Candies can be decorated with stripes of colored icing.