Recipe for canning carrot juice. How to make carrot juice at home for the winter

Carrots are very healthy for humans; they contain many vitamins and minerals. How to make carrot juice at home in order to replenish your body with useful substances even in winter is of interest to many. There are many recipes for this delicious drink, they are simple, and many housewives prepare them. Regular consumption of carrot juice helps improve vision and skin condition, remove toxins and waste from the human body. Under its influence, blood pressure is normalized, the nervous system is strengthened and performance increases.

How to choose carrots and prepare them

To get high-quality carrot juice for the winter at home, you need to choose the right vegetables. First of all, you need to pay attention to the color; it is better to choose bright orange carrots. The brighter the color of the vegetable, the more nutritious and tastier the fresh juice will be. Vegetables should be firm to the touch; dry and flabby are not of particular value. Preference should be given to medium-sized carrots; large vegetables may contain nitrates.

Before preparing carrot juice, vegetables must be carefully prepared so that the drink can be stored for a long time. The skin contains the maximum amount of carotene, so cutting it off is not advisable. The ends of the carrots are cut off, then the top layer is scraped off with a knife. After this, the vegetables are washed with cold water; if there are dark tubercles, it is better to cut them off. Only after such careful processing are the vegetables ready to squeeze out the healing nectar from them.


How to properly prepare carrot juice? This can be done in several ways. The easiest way is to use carrot juice in a blender; it takes little time and the drink comes out very smooth. Prepared root vegetables should be cut into small pieces and using a blender, grind to a puree. The resulting carrot juice can be diluted a little with water.

You can squeeze carrots in a juicer, which can be manual or electric. Root vegetables cut into pieces are gradually placed in a special hole. Carrot juice freshly squeezed in this way contains a lot of healthy fiber.

If you use a juicer, you will get concentrated, nutritious carrot juice. Root vegetables are peeled, washed, cut into pieces and placed in a juicer. The finished drink will flow from the hose in approximately 1 hour. Before use, it is advisable to dilute this fresh juice with boiled water.

Using a mixer, you can prepare a delicious drink, to which you add water according to the recipe. For 2.5 kg of root vegetables you will need 2 liters of water and 200 g of sugar. Grind the vegetables with a blender, add a little water to the puree and cook the mixture over low heat for about 5 minutes from the moment it boils. Then the pulp is cooled and thoroughly beaten with a mixer. Separately prepare syrup from the remaining water and sugar. Then mix everything and cook for about 5 minutes. The finished juice can be drunk immediately or stored for the winter.

Surely every housewife has made carrot juice without a juicer at least once. This method takes a little longer, but you won’t have to wash the equipment for a long time. You will need an ordinary grater with small cells. The prepared vegetables are grated, and then the resulting pulp is spread on gauze folded in several layers, and the juice is squeezed out of it with your hands. The remaining pulp can be used to make salad or soup. You can add a little orange or any other nectar to freshly squeezed carrot juice to improve the taste.

You can prepare a wonderful cocktail for your holiday table. To do this you will need ice cream, jam, vanilla, cinnamon and carrot juice - the recipe is very simple. How much of what should you take? The amount of ingredients will depend on how many guests you want to serve. The approximate proportion is as follows: 1 glass of carrot juice, 2 glasses of milk, 100 g of ice cream, 2 tbsp. l. any jam and a pinch of vanilla and cinnamon.

Place ice cream, jam, vanilla, cinnamon into a blender, pour fresh carrot juice over everything and beat until foam appears. Then add milk to the mixture and beat for about 3 minutes. The finished drink is poured into beautiful glasses, decorated with a mint leaf and presented to guests.

Diet lovers who want to get rid of extra pounds can get an excellent diet cocktail from carrots. Squeeze the juice out of carrots (2 pcs.) in any way and add 1 glass of skim milk to it. The drink must be thoroughly shaken until foam appears. Take this cocktail for a week on an empty stomach.

Mixtures of different drinks

You can make a smoothie from carrots, orange and lemon. To freshly squeezed carrot juice prepared from 1 kg of vegetables, add juices squeezed from 1 lemon and orange. Add 0.5 liters of boiled water, citric acid on the tip of a knife and sugar to taste. The drink can be drunk throughout the day or brought to a boil and rolled into a glass container.

Instead of citrus fruits, you can take a large apple or other fruits. Carrot-apple juice will not only be tasty, but also very healthy. How many fruits to take and in what proportion to mix them will depend on your taste. You can prepare a mixture of fruit and vegetable drinks, like apple and carrot juice, for the winter.

It will be useful for children and adults to prepare juice or puree from pumpkin and carrots. This is one of those dishes that is suitable for feeding small children. The main thing is to choose a ripe and pleasant-tasting pumpkin; it is peeled, cut into pieces and squeezed in any way. Cooking will take a little time. For 0.5 kg of pumpkin you will need the same amount of carrots, 2 lemons and 1 cup of sugar. Pumpkin, carrot and lemon juice are mixed in one container, sugar is added there and everything is thoroughly stirred.

You can boil the drink for about 10 minutes and seal the pumpkin-carrot juice for the winter. Nutritionists advise taking a mixture of pumpkin and carrot juice for weight loss. In this case, you need to take 1 part carrot nectar and 3 parts pumpkin nectar. A glass of this drink should be drunk in the morning on an empty stomach for 10 days.

Another tasty and healthy combination is carrots and tomatoes. Alternately, you need to squeeze out the juice from 3 root vegetables, 1 kg of tomatoes and 2 pcs. sweet pepper. Then all types of fresh juice are mixed in one bowl and set to cook. From the start of boiling, cook the juice for approximately 15 minutes, stirring occasionally and skimming off the foam. The finished juice is poured into sterilized jars and sealed. Cover with a towel, leave until completely cool, and then put away for storage.

Carrots with celery

Celery is known to many; it is often included in various diets for its many beneficial qualities. In combination with other vegetables and fruits, its benefits for the body are only enhanced. A widely known combination is celery juice, apples and carrots. To 4 root vegetables you should add 1 celery root and 1 large apple. All components are cleaned, washed and passed through a juicer. You can add a little lemon nectar to the finished celery juice for taste.

Another recipe for celery juice is often prepared in the summer; it perfectly relieves swelling. In addition to celery juice squeezed from 3 stalks, you need to prepare 2 pieces each. carrots, cucumber and pear. All ingredients are cleaned, passed through a juicer and mixed. This drink should be drunk in the morning on an empty stomach.

And for colds and flu, it is useful to combine celery with carrots and ginger. Preparing the drink will not take much time. Peel and chop celery (2 stalks), carrots (5 pieces) and a small piece of ginger root. Everything is crushed with a blender and a vitamin creamy mass is obtained. When using this paste, you can add a little honey.

Preparing juice for the winter

In order to saturate your body with useful substances all year round, the juice must be preserved. This reduces the amount of nutrients in the drink, but this is a convenient way to prepare it. At any time you can uncork the jar and enjoy fresh carrot juice.

There are two ways to preserve juice: hot pouring or sterilization. In the first case, freshly squeezed carrot juice must be boiled and then poured hot into prepared glass jars. After filling, the containers are tightly sealed with lids; in this form, the drink is stored until spring.

In the second method of preparation, boiled fresh carrot juice is poured into containers, which are then placed in a large saucepan with water, the bottom is first covered with a cloth. In this case, you need to make sure that the water only reaches the neck of the jar. Bring the water to a boil over low heat; the jars should be sterilized after the water boils for about 20 minutes. After sterilization, the jars are carefully removed from the water and immediately sealed with lids. Cover the containers with a towel and leave until completely cool. Only after this they are removed for long-term storage in a cool room.

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In the fall, many families make preparations. Don’t be lazy to make carrot juice for the winter; this vitamin preparation is especially useful for children, but it will also help adults to replenish vitamin deficiencies. You can prepare juice using different devices. The easiest option is to use a juicer. You can also use a juicer or meat grinder.

Not just any carrot is suitable for making delicious juice. Choose fresh, juicy fruits with bright orange flesh. Dry carrots are not suitable for making juice. It is also undesirable to use vegetables that are too large; it is better to choose medium carrots. The fact is that large carrots are less sweet, in addition, they accumulate harmful substances that are used to treat agricultural land.

The selected carrots must be washed and then peeled. It is better to peel using a vegetable peeler, as this device cuts off a very thin layer of skin. You can also scrape the carrots with a sharp knife. The peeled carrots need to be washed again. After which you can start making juice.

Interesting facts: in some European countries, carrots are officially recognized as a fruit. The fact is that the Portuguese make not only juice from carrots, but also jam, and according to European standards, jam is not made from vegetables.

Carrot juice for the winter (through a juicer)

The easiest way to make carrot juice is to run the root vegetables through a juicer.

  • 1 kg carrots;
  • 200 gr. cold boiled water;
  • 100 gr. Sahara;
  • 2 gr. citric acid.

We pass the peeled and well-washed carrots through a juicer. We pour the resulting juice into a jar and let it sit for about 40 minutes. Then take a sieve or colander and line it with boiled gauze, folded in half. Strain the juice through cheesecloth.

The juice turns out to be quite concentrated, so it is recommended to dilute it with cold boiled water. Pour the diluted juice into a saucepan, put it on the fire and bring to a boil. Reduce heat greatly and simmer the juice for 8 minutes. Under no circumstances should the liquid boil violently. Then add sugar and citric acid to the juice.

Advice! Do not pour all the sugar into the juice at once; add it in parts, adjusting the amount to your taste.

We continue to keep the juice on the fire until the sugar crystals are completely dissolved. Then pour it into still hot sterilized jars. Cover with boiled lids. Sterilize the juice in boiling water for 25 minutes (1 liter jars). Then close it tightly.

Read also: Salad with rice for the winter - 10 most delicious recipes

Carrot juice in a juicer

You can prepare carrot juice in a juicer; in this case, heat treatment is used rather than pressing. The big advantage of this method is that the juicer prepares the juice itself; constant human presence is not required.

Carrots must be washed, peeled and cut into pieces. Wash the juice cooker with hot water, put the bottom pan on the fire, and place the juice collector on it. We put the hose on the juice collector pipe and secure it with a clamp. Place a basket filled with chopped carrots on top. Cover the structure with a lid and turn on the heat.

As soon as the water in the lower container boils, juice will begin to release. There is no need to stir anything or add fruit during the cooking process. We place a jar under the drain pipe where the juice will drain. The jar must first be sterilized. As soon as the jar is filled, immediately seal it with a lid.

Carrot juice with pulp, prepared through a meat grinder

When using a meat grinder, carrot juice with pulp is obtained, and it is this juice that is the most useful.

  • 2 kg carrots;
  • 1 liter of water;
  • 3 tablespoons sugar;
  • 0.5 part lemon.

Peel the carrots and rinse thoroughly. We sterilize the jars and lids so that they are ready when the juice is ready.

Pass the carrots through a meat grinder with the finest grate. Add water to the carrot mixture and put on fire. Bring to a boil, add sugar and lemon juice to taste.

Continue cooking for 7-10 minutes. The juice should not boil too much, so heat should be kept to a minimum. Pour the hot juice into prepared jars and immediately close hermetically. Cool under a fur coat.

Read also: Eggplant sauté for the winter – 7 finger-licking recipes

With added orange

To get a product with a more interesting taste, you can mix carrot juice with the juices of other fruits. A tasty option is carrot juice with orange.

  • 2 kg carrots;
  • 500 gr. oranges;
  • 1 liter of water;
  • 100 gr. Sahara.

Peel the carrots and pass them through a meat grinder. Wash the oranges thoroughly and scald with boiling water. Grate a little zest (to taste), and squeeze the juice from the fruit using a special citrus juicer.

Mix carrot and orange juices, add zest (no more than a tablespoon). Let it brew for 40 minutes. Let's strain through a strainer.

Bring the juice to a boil, but do not boil, dissolve the sugar in it. Pour the juice into clean glass jars and sterilize them for 30 minutes (liter jars). Close tightly.

Pumpkin-carrot juice

A very useful preparation of pumpkin-carrot juice. It is rich in carotene and is very beneficial for vision. And this juice will help babies grow faster.

  • 1 kg pumpkin;
  • 1 kg carrots;
  • 500 gr. sugar (or to taste);
  • 1 teaspoon citric acid (or to taste);
  • 2.5 liters of water.

Peel the carrots, wash and cut into circles no more than 0.5 cm thick. Cut the pumpkin in half, peel and seeds, cut it into slices. There is no need to chop it too much; the pumpkin cooks well.

Place the carrots and pumpkin in a saucepan, pour in 1-1.5 cups of water, add sugar and cook until completely soft. Cook, stirring occasionally.

When both the pumpkin and carrots are completely soft, turn off the heat and cool slightly. We turn the mass into a homogeneous puree using an immersion blender; you can also grind it through a sieve, but this will be more difficult.

Pour water into the resulting puree, add sugar and citric acid to taste. Bring the juice to a boil, greatly reduce the heat and simmer without boiling for 5-7 minutes. Pour the juice into sterilized jars and immediately seal it tightly.

apples, cut them into quarters and cut out the seed pods. We pass the apples through a juicer. Pour the juice into a saucepan and leave to infuse. A dense layer of foam will rise to the surface of the liquid. Remove the foam with a spoon and transfer to another container. Strain the juice through 4-5 layers of gauze and squeeze out the sediment well. The result of the work should be slightly cloudy juice without pulp in the amount of 1.5-1.7 liters.

Advice! The amount of sugar depends on how sweet your apples and carrots are. You may need to increase or decrease the amount. If necessary, you can add a little lemon juice or acid to the juice.

We peel the carrots and also pass them through a juicer. Strain the finished carrot juice through a sieve to obtain almost clear juice. The specified amount of vegetables will yield about a liter of carrot juice.

Carrot juice contains a large amount of dietary fiber, amino acids, antioxidants, minerals and vitamins of various groups. For this reason, it is useful to drink the drink to strengthen the immune system and heart muscle, cleanse internal organs and skin, improve vision and smell. Carrot juice is considered especially valuable in the summer; it helps protect the skin from ultraviolet radiation and obtain an even tan.

Benefits of carrot juice

  1. Freshly squeezed or canned homemade carrot juice tidies up the psycho-emotional background, relieves tension, and eliminates the effects of stress. It is enough to drink a glass of drink after a hard day at work to calm down.
  2. Frequent and dosed drinking of carrot juice makes the immune system not susceptible to pathogens. Therefore, it is recommended to use the drug during flu and cold periods.
  3. Carrot juice is recommended for athletes, as well as those who lead an active lifestyle. The composition cleanses blood vessels and seals their walls, strengthens the heart and muscle tissue. Frequent consumption of juice promotes rapid absorption of beneficial enzymes obtained from other products.
  4. Retinol, which is converted from beta-carotene, stops heart pathologies, prevents heart attacks and strokes, and evens out the skin and complexion. Vitamin A is responsible for cleansing the entire body of poisons and toxins.
  5. The potassium contained in carrot juice removes harmful cholesterol from the body, maintaining healthy cholesterol at an optimal level. As a result, the production of your own insulin increases, which has a beneficial effect on the health of diabetics.
  6. Carrot juice increases all metabolic processes in the body. This accelerates blood circulation and collagen production. Vitamin K is responsible for blood clotting, accelerating the healing of deep abrasions and blood loss.
  7. Carrot juice is indicated for people with weak immune systems. The drink has bactericidal and antiviral properties. This, in turn, allows a person to resist the development of infection in the mouth, gastrointestinal tract, throat, urinary system, and colon.
  8. Freshly squeezed juice is good for everyone to drink to maintain oral hygiene. Frequent and moderate consumption increases the production of saliva, treats caries, strengthens the gums and relieves them from bleeding.
  9. Carrot juice is good for people with poor eyesight. Retinol deficiency leads to night blindness. Fresh eliminates the likelihood of its occurrence, reduces the risk of developing cataracts and age-related vision loss.
  10. Carotenoids help cleanse the kidneys, liver, and gallbladder. Antioxidants stop flatulence and alleviate its symptoms. Vitamin K strengthens bone and muscle tissue.

How to choose carrots for juicing

  1. Color. The most delicious carrot juice is obtained from root vegetables that have a rich orange color. This shade indicates that carrots contain a large amount of carotene. Start from the truth - the brighter the root vegetable, the healthier and tastier the fresh juice will be.
  2. Size. Store-bought carrots should not be too big. Large root vegetables absorb chemicals, which negatively affects health. Give preference to carrots weighing up to 180 grams. Large fruits are only suitable if they are grown on their own (no nitrates).
  3. Maturity. Choose carrots with a lot of juice. This means that the root vegetables must be ripe. It is not difficult to determine suitability: pick the surface of the carrot with your fingernail or a sharp object, and evaluate the hole. Good specimens will release juice.

Preparing carrots

  1. After selecting suitable fruits, carry out preparatory activities. Rinse the carrots and scrape them with the tip of a knife.
  2. Do not cut off the surface; carotene is concentrated under the skin. Otherwise, you will reduce the value of the vegetable.
  3. Wash the carrots again with cool water. If any dirt remains, scrub the root crop with a stiff sponge or brush.
  4. Now cut off the ends of the vegetable from both sides, at the end rub the product with a vegetable peeler (eliminate pesticides).

Carrot juice: a classic of the genre

  • granulated sugar - to taste (about 90-110 gr.)
  • carrots (juicy and small) - 950 gr.
  • citric acid powder - 2 gr.
  1. After preparing the carrots, proceed to the basic manipulations. Chop the root vegetables into small cubes or slices and put them in a juicer.
  2. You can extract juice from carrots using a blender or grater. Proceed taking into account the utensils you have on hand. You should not get rid of the cake; use it for cutlets or frying.
  3. Leave the resulting juice in a glass jug to infuse. You can add fresh lemon or lime zest to the drink. After about 40 minutes, filter the fresh juice through 3-5 layers of gauze.
  4. If desired, add water to the carrot juice to reduce some of the concentration. Pour the contents into a cooking pot and place the container on the fire.
  5. Simmer the juice at a minimum level, do not let it boil. For convenience, use a thermometer; the temperature of the drink should be approximately 80 degrees.
  6. Heat treatment lasts 8 minutes. Gradually add granulated sugar, introducing it in small portions. Wait for the granules to dissolve and finally add citric acid.
  7. Sterilize containers and lids. Dry the container for twisting and pour the prepared juice over it. Do not cover containers. Place the jars in a pan filled with water.
  8. Carry out sterilization for 25 minutes, only after that tighten the lid using a special key. Leave the juice with the neck down, making sure there are no leaks.
  9. Now wrap the carrot potion in an old sweatshirt and keep it in the kitchen until it cools. After about 12-15 hours, transfer the juice to the refrigerator for long-term preservation.

Carrot-orange juice

  • drinking water - 480 ml.
  • carrots - 1 kg.
  • orange juice (fresh squeezed) - 100 ml.
  1. The juice is prepared using a blender, which is found in every housewife’s kitchen. Fresh orange juice is taken in an amount of 50 ml. by 0.25 l. carrot juice.
  2. Prepare the carrots as described above (cleaning, washing). Then chop the fruits into small pieces (3-6 cm). Do not use whole root vegetables or you will break the blender blades.
  3. Place the chopped vegetable into the bowl of the device and swirl until pureed. If the carrots are not very juicy, pour some drinking water into the blender. This move will make chopping easier.
  4. Combine the prepared gruel with table water and stir until smooth. You should get moderately thick juice. Leave the fresh juice to steep for a third of an hour.
  5. When the specified time has elapsed, filter the juice through a fine kitchen sieve or gauze cloth folded in 4 layers. Carrot-orange fresh juice is ready to eat. Add a couple of drops of olive oil and enjoy.

  • lemon - 2 pcs.
  • granulated sugar - 260 gr.
  • pumpkin pulp (prepared) - 500-550 gr.
  • carrots - 550 gr.
  1. Prepare the pumpkin in advance by freeing its pulp from fibers, seeds and peel. Make a puree from the vegetable using any available method (grater, blender, meat grinder, etc.).
  2. Now place the pulp on several layers of gauze and squeeze out the juice. Take care of the carrots, they need to be prepared, chopped and turned into porridge. The juice is similarly squeezed out of the root vegetable.
  3. Place the lemons in boiling water for 20 seconds, cut the citrus fruits into pieces, and squeeze out the liquid. Now mix all the juices together (pumpkin, lemon, carrot).
  4. Add granulated sugar, decreasing or increasing the amount to taste. Mix the contents and place them in a fireproof container for cooking. Place on the stove and simmer for 6 minutes.
  5. After this time, filter the liquid through cheesecloth. Pack the drug into sterile containers and cover with a tin. Turn it over and make sure there are no leaks. Refrigerate once cooled.

Carrot-tomato juice

  • bell pepper (any color) - 2 pcs.
  • fresh tomato - 950 gr.
  • salt - to your taste (optional)
  • carrots - 3 pcs.
  1. Rinse the tomatoes, then cut an X at the widest part. Place the tomatoes in boiling water for a few minutes and immediately cool under the tap. Peel the fruits and remove the seeds and remove the stem.
  2. Chop the tomatoes into cubes. Now start preparing the peppers. It must be freed from seeds, then washed and chopped as desired. Rinse the carrots and prepare as described above.
  3. Don't mix all the vegetables. Squeeze the juice out of them one by one using a special squeezer or blender. Pour all types of fresh juice into a fireproof cooking container and add salt.
  4. Stir the contents and place on low heat. Cook for a quarter of an hour, periodically removing the foam. During this period, you need to sterilize the jars, then pour boiling juice into them.
  5. Capping with tin is carried out immediately, there is no need to wait for cooling. After closing, turn the jars upside down and let the mixture cool at room temperature. After 12-14 hours, refrigerate.

Carrot juice with citrus zest

  • citric acid - 1-2 pinches
  • carrots (juicy, bright) - 1 kg.
  • drinking water - 600 ml.
  • granulated sugar - to your taste (about 130 gr.)
  • lemon - 1 pc.
  • orange - 1 pc.
  1. If the carrots are dirty, first soak them in a bowl of cool water for 20 minutes. Then remove the remaining soil and rub the root crop with a brush or sponge. Chop into pieces, place in a blender, puree.
  2. Throw the resulting porridge onto 3 layers of gauze or a sieve, squeeze out the juice. Now scald the citrus fruits with boiling water, remove the zest from them without the white layer (it adds bitterness).
  3. Grate the lemon and orange peel on a fine grater and combine with fresh carrot juice. Leave the mixture in a glass container for a couple of hours to infuse, then filter again.
  4. Add citric acid powder and granulated sugar, mix the contents until smooth. Send the cooking utensil to low heat, simmer at 80 degrees, avoiding boiling.
  5. When the juice warms up to the required level, bottle it and then re-pasteurize it (if desired). This way you will increase the shelf life of the product.
  6. Cover the carrot juice with a tin. To avoid leaks, turn the jars upside down and feel the lid with your finger. Wait for it to cool, after 12 hours transfer it to the cold.

  • granulated sugar - 260 gr.
  • apple (green or red) - 4.5 kg.
  • carrots - 1.3 kg.
  1. The number of vegetables and fruits is indicated arbitrarily; you can change the proportions taking into account the wishes of the family. Prepare the apples: wash them, peel them (optional), cut out the core with the seeds.
  2. Now squeeze the juice out of the fruit using a convenient method. Leave the fresh juice for half an hour to infuse. Rinse the carrots thoroughly and scrape off any dirt. Place in a juicer and squeeze out the liquid.
  3. Combine 2 types of juice, pass them through cheesecloth if necessary to get rid of the pulp. Place the mixture in a saucepan, mix with granulated sugar and heat.
  4. Simmer at 85-90 degrees, avoiding boiling. When the granulated sugar has dissolved, the pan can be removed from the stove. Immediately pack the hot juice into containers and cover with a tin.
  5. To increase shelf life, you can pasteurize jars that have not yet been closed. Cooling is carried out with the neck down, then the composition is sent into the cold.

The benefits of carrot juice have been proven repeatedly. After proper heat treatment, valuable elements practically do not disappear, so you can improve the health of the whole family. Mix carrots with citrus fruits, pumpkin pulp, ripe tomatoes, and apples. Choose fresh and nitrate-free foods.

Video: how to make carrot juice

Hello, dear readers! This summer I took a lot of vitamins. Fresh fruits, berries and vegetables are present in my diet every day. While it was in season, I devoured such delicacies as strawberries, currants and raspberries on both cheeks. As a result, I froze them in the refrigerator; I will sometimes add them to compotes and yoghurts in the winter.

And now it’s the carrot’s turn, and its benefits are enormous. Therefore, you can make vitamin salads every day, add it to various dishes and squeeze juice from root vegetables. But it turns out that not everyone knows how to do this. So, today I decided to tell you in detail how to quickly prepare this most natural carrot juice without a juicer.

Freshly squeezed juice

To do this, you don’t need any complicated equipment, you just need to have a grater with the smallest holes (the kind you use to grate vegetables and fruits for children).

So, how to make carrot juice at home:

To prepare one serving:

  1. take one and a half large or three small, juicy carrots. This is approximately 250 g. This means that to prepare two servings you need half a kilo of carrots (3 large pieces);
  2. I wash and clean it first;
  3. it is necessary to grate the carrots on the finest grater in a circular motion (clockwise), this will speed up the process;
  4. transfer the grated mass to gauze and squeeze out the juice by squeezing the carrot mass or twisting the gauze bag tighter.

It could be even easier. How? Let's not use gauze! Take the grated mass in your palm (little by little) and squeeze the nectar directly into a mug or glass. That's all the wisdom! The vitamin drink is ready to drink.

Attention! The rubbing process is quite traumatic, treat it responsibly. There is no need to grind the carrots completely. Believe me, if a small tail remains, you won’t lose much juice, but you will save your hands from injury.

Ways of vitaminization

We must remember that the prepared drink is very rich in vitamins, you don’t need to drink a lot of it. That is why I most often mix it with store-bought or homemade apple juice, it turns out tastier. And I will definitely leave, remember, we did these with you.

If you need to keep it for cosmetic purposes, pour the “concentrated benefit” into a separate container. And for internal use, I personally dilute the finished product, but you don’t have to do this.

For each serving I add 100 ml of apple juice. You can sweeten it with sugar, but I don’t do this - homemade carrots are very sweet. The last time I made a drink with children's apple-peach juice, you can clearly see it in the main photo.

After preparing the juice, a lot of fairly juicy pulp remains. It can be used in various culinary delights:

  • for making carrot cutlets,
  • add to squash caviar,
  • for seasoning first courses and gravy,
  • make salads with sour cream or olive oil.

I make such small portions of the drink every day, put the pulp in a plastic cup or bag, and put it in the freezer. And when the opportunity to use it arises, I take out my stock and put it to work.

Now, dear readers, you know that making a healthy drink is not at all difficult. Moreover, it is made from almost any vegetable or fruit according to the same principle. At this time of year, options with pumpkin and beets are especially popular. Have you tried pumpkin-carrot juice? Although no, you won’t get juice from the pumpkin this way. But you and I still have many new posts ahead, I will definitely tell you about it.

Drink fresh juices, improve your health and visit my blog for other benefits. All the best!

Today there are a lot of “delicious” options for how to cook for the winter at home. Drinking natural juices all year round is very healthy; moreover, they store well and do not require attention. There are different ways to prepare juice, so every housewife can find her own recipe. During squeezing, all useful substances are extracted, so this drink is indispensable for adults and children.

How to get juice

You can get carrot juice in different ways, but the most commonly used are the following:

  • Meat grinder. This method is very labor-intensive and time-consuming, since you need to turn it manually.
  • To get the juice, just prepare the carrots and twist them using the auger handle.
  • Electric juicer. The spinning process is automatic. The housewife can only lay the carrots.

Canning Methods

At home, you can prepare juice in two ways:

  • Hot filling. In this case, you need to heat the juice and boil it over low heat. After it is poured into jars, you must immediately roll them up. The container must be turned over and left in this position and wait until it cools down.
  • Pasteurization. Preparing carrot juice in this way involves heating it almost to a boil. After this, you need to pour the juice into jars and close with the same lids. They are pasteurized for about 20 minutes at a temperature of 90 °C. When the procedure is over, the lids must be sealed tightly.

Preparing carrots

To make the juice tasty and healthy, you need to choose the right vegetables. They must be fresh, ripe, healthy and of high quality. If there are wormholes or cracks, then such carrots are not suitable for juice. Overripe fruits are also not suitable for making carrot juice. Cooking it is not a particularly complicated process, but it requires knowledge of the intricacies.

The fruits need to be thoroughly washed and all dirt removed. To do this, you can use either running water or a large container of water. It is necessary to remove all leaves and cut off the tough part.


Although housewives used to try to bleach the juice at any cost, modern nutritionists advise against doing this. They claim that the drink with pulp is good for health. In addition to vitamins, they retain fiber and pectin substances. They normalize the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract.

After squeezing the juice, you need to pour it into a saucepan and heat it to somewhere around 80-95 ° C. It is very important not to boil it. When the juice has cooled, it is necessary to strain and reheat. During the second procedure, you can add a small amount of sugar.

While the juice is hot, it needs to be poured into jars that have been previously sterilized. It is better to pour almost to the top so that the juice does not spoil. After sealing the jars, they are pasteurized for approximately 20 minutes.

Hot filling

To prepare carrot juice for the winter at home using the hot filling method, you need to heat it to about 70-75 ° C and then filter it. After this, boil for several minutes and pour into sterilized jars. To maximize the benefits, nutritionists recommend adding a little cream. The rolled container should be turned over and wrapped in something warm, for example, a blanket or a blanket.

Juice whipped with a mixer

Using a mixer you can also get carrot juice. Not everyone knows the recipe, but it turns out very tasty. To prepare it, you need to select only ripe and brightly colored fruits. They need to be thoroughly washed, peeled and grated on a grater with large holes. Add a little water to the resulting mass and put on low heat. The carrots should simmer until they become soft.

The mixture must be passed through a juicer and then beaten with a mixer. After adding 10% sugar syrup in a 1:1 ratio, you need to bring the mixture to a boil, stirring all the time. After 5 minutes, you need to pour the juice into prepared jars and immediately roll up the lids. After the container has cooled, it should be put in a dark place.

Traditional recipe

Preparing carrot juice for the winter at home according to the classic recipe is not at all difficult. First of all, you need to rinse and grind the fruit with a blender to make a puree. After this, you need to squeeze it through gauze. To improve the taste, some housewives add a little citric acid or sugar syrup.

Preparing juice in a juicer

It's easy to make carrot juice in a juicer. Before cooking, you need to rinse the juice cooker in hot water and boil the hose.

Water is poured into the base of the juicer and heated to a boil. When all the vegetables are loaded, you need to cover the juicer with a lid and continue heating. The rubber hose should be closed with a clamp. It is important to ensure that the water does not boil away.

The entire process lasts anywhere from half an hour to 70 minutes. When the time is up, the hot juice must be poured into jars that have been previously prepared.

Mixed juices

Not everyone likes the taste of pure carrots, so its juice is mixed with other juices and nectars. It is very popular. To prepare it, you need to cut the fruits and steam them. For these purposes, you can use a pressure cooker or a double boiler. After this, you need to rub the puree through a sieve and mix with apple juice. You can take arbitrary proportions, focusing on your own taste.

After adding sugar, the mixture must be heated for several minutes at a temperature of 85 ° C. After this, you can pour the juice into sterilized jars and pasteurize. If the container is liter, this process will take about 25 minutes.

Juice for weight loss

A special carrot juice is prepared for weight loss. Its recipe is well known, but not everyone knows about the properties of this drink. To lose excess weight, it is useful to drink. The proportion must be maintained at 3:1. This juice can be drunk either freshly prepared or stored for the winter. It can be preserved in any convenient way.

How to drink juice correctly

Preparing carrot juice for the winter at home is only half the battle. For it to be beneficial, it must be drunk correctly. Be sure to consume it between meals, adding a little sour cream or butter to a glass. You cannot take juice for a long period; you need to take a break.


Doctors do not recommend drinking a lot of carrot juice, since excessive amounts in the body can cause headaches, drowsiness, lethargy, nausea, vomiting and other unpleasant sensations. In addition, overuse of carrot juice can lead to changes in skin color: the face, palms and feet become orange.