Recipes for quick and easy dishes. Delicious recipes for every day

Zucchini, eggplant and potato stew

A seasonal vegetable dish for every day. Ingredients: zucchini, eggplant, sweet pepper, potatoes. Cooking time is only half an hour.

Canned fish cutlets with rice

Mega-budget fish cutlets made from canned saury with rice. This recipe was popular in Soviet times among students, perfect for those who are just learning to cook.

Lazy dumplings

Lazy dumplings are a hit recipe of recent culinary seasons. And not only because it is simple, but because many people liked these dumpling rolls more than the usual ones. We offer two cooking options: quick and festive, with vegetable filling.

Omelette in the microwave

The microwave is ideal for high-speed cooking of omelettes. 3 minutes versus 40 in the oven. The difference is impressive! The second “bonus”: you don’t need to add flour to the omelette mixture. The omelette will not fall off and will retain its fluffiness.

Dumplings with raw potatoes

The fastest and easiest to prepare dumplings with potatoes - you won’t need to boil or mash them - the potatoes go into the filling raw. And the dumplings turn out surprisingly tasty.

The best recipe for fluffy pancakes with kefir

The best Sunday breakfast is leisurely and calm, when you have time to treat your family to something delicious, something that you never have time for during the week. The most “delicious” awakening is when the aromas of strong coffee and tender, fluffy homemade pancakes waft from the kitchen.

Cottage cheese pancakes

This is a recipe for those who were not lucky enough to inherit the signature recipe for the most delicious homemade cheesecakes. By following Alina's advice, you will see that simple food made with love can be more interesting than other culinary delights.

Oatmeal porridge with milk

Detailed instructions for cooking oatmeal. If this is your first time getting started, rest assured that your porridge will turn out great! The recipe contains some tricks that will help children never give up oatmeal!

Beef gravy

A budget meat dish for every day. Recipe for beginners. Often, beef gravy becomes the first meat dish that a novice housewife masters in her kitchen. Remember that our goal is to achieve maximum tenderness of the meat.

Chicken breast chops

Chicken and other poultry dishes / Have you already tried hundreds of chicken fillet dishes and are looking for something new? Or are you left alone with fillet for the first time and don’t know how to handle it? Try making chicken chops. Very tasty and very, very simple. / Delicious recipes for every day / Even a schoolchild can cook these chops. I cut the pieces, beat them with a hammer, dipped them in egg, and rolled them in flour. It doesn't take long to fry the chicken fillet, so this dish is perfect for a quick dinner.

Toasts with egg and milk

A very simple and tasty dish that you can eat every day. It will take about five to seven minutes. I know many whose love for cooking began with these simple croutons.

Lavash chips

Thin lavash is an inexhaustible source for home culinary creativity. Introducing an easy way to turn a roll of pita bread into a mountain of crispy chips.

Fried potatoes with onions

A master class for beginner cooks who dream of learning how to fry potatoes so that their crust is crispy and their structure is tender and not hard. A simple recipe and a few secrets on how to ensure that your fried potatoes always turn out successful.

Cheesecakes with semolina

A dietary recipe for cheesecakes with semolina and grain cottage cheese, which can be baked in the oven or fried in a frying pan. One of the most popular children's menu recipes.

Mashed potatoes

Recipe for beginners. How to make truly delicious mashed potatoes the first time. Delicate, airy. Read carefully and remember!

Pork chops

The simplest pork chop recipe. Requires minimal effort from you. A simple breading will create a delicious crispy crust, underneath which hides juicy and soft meat.

Lazy cottage cheese dumplings

Simple and clear instructions on how to make excellent lazy dumplings the first time. They will not spread when cooked and will turn out tender and soft. As a bonus, here’s an easy way to make dumplings not only tasty, but also beautiful.

Lush omelette in the oven

Master class for novice housewives - the most popular dish for every day - His Majesty the omelette. Fluffy, with a bright shiny crust.

Cheesecakes in the oven

A dish for every day for the laziest housewives - these cheesecakes do not need to be sculpted, they do not need to be looked after. You put it in the molds, put it in the oven, set the timer and relax from the bottom of your heart until you hear the signal that breakfast is ready.

Classic rice pudding

A classic of the genre is rice pudding, you can use this recipe every day, it is so simple, understandable and accessible. The taste is neutral, so you can change it with the help of various additives, we will talk about them separately and a lot.

Baked new potatoes in the oven

To bake new potatoes, it is often enough to simply throw them on a baking sheet and put them in the oven. But if you want to make something delicious, try this simple garlic-lemon marinade recipe that will transform your potatoes into a culinary marvel.

Country-style potatoes in the oven

One of the simplest and most effective dishes for every day. The potatoes are cut into slices, mixed with oil and spices, placed on a baking sheet and after half an hour we get a mountain of wonderfully aromatic bright golden potato slices with a crispy crust and a tender center.

Rice with vegetables

A simple and tasty recipe for beginner cooks. The rice is boiled and then mixed with a variety of fried vegetables. I put in a mixture of zucchini, carrots, onions, corn and peas. You can add any vegetables you like.

Draniki with fish filling

For those who fry potato pancakes no less often than pancakes or cutlets, here is an interesting recipe with fish filling. Draniki turn out very juicy, with a crispy crust. The entire process of preparing the correct potato “dough” is described.

Omelette in a bag

A clever way to prepare a familiar dish for every day. The omelet turns out fluffy and super-dietary. Doesn't fall off.

Egg Pancake Salad

An unusual but completely simple salad recipe. Instead of the usual boiled eggs, thinly sliced ​​pancakes made from eggs and starch with the addition of mayonnaise or vegetable oil are added to the salad.

How to make cranberry juice

A classic recipe for an extremely healthy winter drink made from frozen berries.

Buckwheat with mushrooms, onions and carrots

An excellent dish for every day, simple and tasty. And very, very filling. You can make it from yesterday’s buckwheat. We take absolutely any mushrooms.

How to make delicious cheesecakes from any cottage cheese

What do you think is the secret of delicious cheesecakes? In cottage cheese? Certainly. What if the cottage cheese you get isn’t particularly tasty? How to fix the situation?

Chicken liver pancakes

An original dish and a completely simple recipe. Minced chicken liver is added to the usual dough for pancakes made with milk.

Fried shanezhki with meat

If you are tired of pancakes and bored with pancakes, fry delicious and rosy shanezhki for breakfast. Lazy! It's very easy to do.

Delicious cod fish cutlets

Among simple and tasty dishes for every day, fish cutlets take pride of place. The easiest recipe is from cod. Shall we try?

Pancakes with apples on kefir

Apples can be your secret weapon in the kitchen, helping you turn ordinary dishes into delicious ones. We all remember the famous “grated apple” that Olenka Ryzhova added to the holiday salad. But if you add the same apple to the dough for pancakes, you will get such a delicious experience... Be sure to try it!

Cottage cheese casserole, like in kindergarten

A nostalgic recipe for cottage cheese casserole - you will be surprised how similar the taste is to the one you remembered from kindergarten.

The most delicious dumplings with potatoes

A step-by-step recipe for beginners - the dough does not require long kneading and will turn out “fluffy” by adding a pinch of soda. You've probably never tried such delicious dumplings!

Milk soup with noodles

For some mothers of small children, the recipe for this soup is used every day, because, oddly enough, the dish is mega popular among ladies and gentlemen from three to six.

How to cook an omelet like in kindergarten

The simplest recipe for every day. The omelet turns out just like the one you were looking forward to in the garden for breakfast. The recipe will be useful for those who always have everything burnt in the morning because it is cooked in the oven.

A simple recipe for meatballs with rice in tomato sauce

Light airy meatballs with rice in a thick fragrant tomato sauce with fried onions and sweet peppers. There is a lot of sauce, it soaks up the side dish perfectly. The recipe is suitable for beginners, because it is based on regular store-bought ketchup.

On this page you will find the simplest recipes for dishes that are prepared, so to speak, in a hurry, very quickly, almost on the run. They are suitable for busy housewives, students who need a quick snack before lectures, or bachelors for breakfast, lunch or dinner. Like, for example, this one - it’s incredibly tasty, and it’s very easy and quick to prepare!

The recipes are simple, easy to follow, even a beginner can handle them; novice housewives will also find the simplest recipes with which I once started very useful, when I was very young and young, when I couldn’t even cook potatoes and scrambled eggs. Let's get started?

Who doesn’t know that beets are very beneficial for the body? But not many people know how to cook delicious salads with it. So, we combine, as they say, pleasure with usefulness, and feed our household with healthy, tasty food. Recipes, healthy and simple,

Bright, tasty, simple, fast - this is how you can describe this delicacy. It’s easy to prepare, eats quickly, both your kids and your husband will love it, and you’ll eat it yourself with pleasure. We recommend trying to bake this wonderful pie; you can choose any berries.

You will definitely like these salads with wild garlic that are not only simple and tasty, but also very healthy! A bunch of vitamins, freshness and lightness - what else does a body tired after winter need? I recommend taking a look and seeing how to prepare them - it’s simple!

If you want to have a quick snack with a glass of tea or milk, or give your child something to eat at school, you can make these fluffy sugar buns from yeast dough. It's very simple and quick, the recipe is easy and anyone can do it.

This soup, thick and satisfying, is prepared by Italians everywhere and in each province it is different, even every Italian cook will prepare it in his own way. But there are unchangeable secrets of real minestrone - find out them now.

This pie may look unattractive, but it’s so delicious! And considering that it is prepared very quickly and simply, and it turns out simply wonderful, I strongly recommend that you prepare it for breakfast for your household or for lunch. The simplest products, 19 minutes - and your pie is baked, another 20 minutes - and you are already devouring it!

The multicooker itself is a great helper and helps a lot to save time in the kitchen and your labor. Therefore, cooking with it is pleasant and easy; you can quickly, without bothering, prepare a wonderful hearty breakfast in the morning or quickly feed your family at lunch. It’s just as easy to prepare meat and potatoes - a minimum of effort, a piece of meat, a carrot, a potato, a pepper - and you have an excellent tasty dish that both children and adults will enjoy.

These little cupcakes, called muffins (the recipe comes from an American dish), are delicious! They are very easy to prepare, tasty, tender, and go with tea or a glass of milk for breakfast - a nice thing. Your kids will be happy to accept such simple baked goods, and you can take them to work or school with them.

The simplest breakfast you can imagine. Literally 10 minutes of time to prepare toast, brew some tea - and that’s it, you can have a hearty breakfast before the work day. All you need is a few pieces of bread, a piece of cheese and sausage, and a couple of eggs. And even if there is no sausage and cheese, you will still get a quick breakfast.

These apple pancakes with milk and sour cream, with the addition of cinnamon, are delicious and tender, easy to prepare, and eaten instantly! A wonderful dish for breakfast, for a children's menu or for a snack with a cup of tea or a glass of milk. View recipe

Many of us love delicious, spicy croutons for beer, and children generally carry this store-bought crap, stuffed with harmful additives, all the time. To avoid the harmful effects of all kinds of additives, you can easily prepare crackers at home with any seasonings. Children can eat them. Men will like them with beer, they can be used for pea soup. Look at the recipe

Do you love pasta like the Italians do? It is unlikely, however, that you can easily prepare delicious homemade noodles or real Italian pasta with shrimp at home using our recipes. tomatoes, zucchini and cheese. Don't believe me?

We suggest considering 4 types of sandwiches - with sprat, grated potatoes, liver and bean pate. Simple, satisfying, tasty and not expensive, an excellent option for breakfast or dinner. Also, by adding a salad, you can successfully have a snack for lunch.

Smoothie recipes are completely easy to prepare, tasty and healthy. You just need to choose the right ingredients, a couple of minutes - and the wonderful drink is ready! Kids will happily drink it, and adults are unlikely to refuse such a delicacy.

A simple pizza recipe, tasty, quick to prepare, with inexpensive ingredients. Prepare it for your household, they will be grateful to you, especially the little ones love such dishes, please them. The dough recipe is not complicated, it is prepared quickly, very tasty, we recommend it.

Preparing this borscht is simple and does not take much time. The main thing is that the chicken does not turn out to be a pensioner, otherwise you will wait a long time for the borscht to be ready. Basically, if you don’t know how old the chicken is, just boil it in advance so that when you prepare the borscht you already have the broth ready and the meat almost ready, then you’ll have time to feed your household members lunch on time.

Very tasty and quite simple preparation of chicken fillet, it turns out tender, juicy and tasty. Suitable for any side dish, be it mashed potatoes, buckwheat or rice porridge. Both kids and adults will like it.

The simplest of salads, with fresh cabbage and chopped herbs, goes well with any dish. healthy, juicy and tasty, will decorate any side dish. meat or fish.

This soup will immediately replace your first and third course. It is very simple to prepare, filling and tasty, an excellent option for lunch. Moreover, it is not at all expensive and is quickly prepared -

This dish is prepared quickly, very nourishing and tasty, you can feed it to your household for breakfast and lunch, and it is also a very suitable meal for dinner. The products are the simplest, preparation will not take much time, and the result will certainly please you.

The dish is completely simple, prepares quickly, takes little time, is filling and tasty. It can be used as a snack or even lunch and fed to your household.

A wonderful quick breakfast when you need to run to work and need a snack. It’s quick to prepare, nutritious and healthy, I recommend trying this simple breakfast option, you’ll definitely like it and your kids will eat it with pleasure. The delicate taste of cheese combined with fresh tomatoes and zucchini that melts in your mouth will not leave you indifferent!

Who doesn't love aromatic, fresh, tender and delicious pizza? There aren't many people like that! And when it is also prepared quickly, simply and easily, and turns out very tasty - this suits us just right, right? Stock up on ready-made dough, and you can always whip up such a delicious pizza and please your loved ones with a wonderful dish. Shall we begin?

This is a very simple recipe for preparing chicken fillet; it turns out tasty, juicy and aromatic, as Italian herbs are added (bought in bags in the store, ready-made). You can prepare this fillet as an independent dish, add to it a quick tomato salad or mashed potatoes, pasta, porridge of your choice, and a great lunch is ready - quickly and easily! Are we ready?

This simplest salad can be prepared in 5 minutes and will satisfy your household. and the kids will happily eat it for breakfast, and the husband will not refuse. Quick, simple and satisfying - when you don’t have time and have nothing essential at hand, it will certainly help you out! Recipe for a simple and satisfying salad

Eggplants are tasty and healthy; they make excellent dishes. I recommend making wonderful fried eggplants with garlic - quick, simple, not expensive and tasty. It doesn’t take long at all, the recipe is simple, and the taste is excellent. .

The crisis has already affected us in full, and more and more often on the Internet people are looking for cheap recipes for every day from simple products. When there is no money, and more and more of the money earned is spent on food, then naturally you want to cook budget, inexpensive dishes in order to save the family budget. You can often hear the expression: all the money goes “down the toilet.” And yes, the products are expensive, but you still want to get dressed, put on shoes, take some time off from everyday work, teach your children, etc.

Therefore, on our website you will find many simple recipes from which you can create a menu for every day and for holidays. You will learn how to save money on groceries, and at the same time cook deliciously and simply, without spending a lot of money on food. This is important now. And indeed, you can buy inexpensive offal and prepare a delicious liver pate, cook gizzards in sour cream sauce, simply bake potatoes with spices in a sleeve or in foil, and feed your household tasty and satisfying food.

You will find recipes for cheap main courses for every day on the pages of the site, see step-by-step recipes with photos. And the team of our website will try to help you prepare budget, simple and inexpensive dishes for the second or first course. Soups and side dishes, appetizers and sandwiches, cereals and cottage cheese dishes will help your budget and you can reduce food costs without harming your family.

When you don’t have money (and now the majority of the population doesn’t have it), recipes for simple and tasty cheap dishes will come to your aid, and you can save at least a little money for various other needs, utilities, vacations, etc. Inexpensive budget meals such as canned soups and various cereals can provide good help in saving money.

Our cheap recipes for soups and salads, main courses, pastries and snacks will help you feed your family inexpensively and economically, but at the same time tasty and satisfying. We will also show you how to prepare cheap holiday dishes and how to economically celebrate a birthday or New Year. You will learn how to save money on groceries and survive in a crisis.

Look, tasty and aromatic, and save money on a store-bought, and also harmful, product.

I can't think of anything better for Sunday breakfast! I love these triangles for their crispy crust and almost creamy filling! This is simply fantastic! Lavash will always help out when you want to eat quickly and tasty!

lavash, cottage cheese, banana, cherry, vanilla sugar, sugar, vegetable oil

A no-bake cake made from gingerbread in just 10 minutes. A great recipe for the summer, when you don’t want to bother with baking and the oven, but really want something sweet! Bananas and sour cream with notes of vanilla are a real treat. And after soaking, gingerbread cookies look like soft sponge cakes.

gingerbread, sour cream, banana, sugar, vanilla sugar

You get incredibly delicious scrambled eggs if you cook them in the English style. Here, in addition to eggs, there are tomatoes, mushrooms, beans in tomato sauce, sausages and bacon. The bacon adds a smoky flavor to all the ingredients. Try it, it's very tasty!

sausages, eggs, bacon, cherry tomatoes, fresh champignons, canned beans, toast bread, vegetable oil, salt, ground black pepper

A simple salad made from affordable ingredients that can be prepared quickly and easily. The result is a juicy and truly fresh dish.

tomatoes, hard cheese, eggs, dill, salt, ground black pepper, mayonnaise, sour cream, garlic

Oatmeal with kefir, orange and honey is a healthy breakfast for the whole family, it is easy to prepare and does not require heat treatment. I will show you several variations of this breakfast, choose which one you like best and cook it.

oat flakes, kefir, honey, orange

I present to your attention the simplest recipe for cooking chicken baked in salt. All salted chicken cooking takes place in the oven. You don't need any special skills. The hardest thing to do is put the chicken in the oven and cut it up after cooking. Baked chicken prepared according to this recipe turns out very juicy, with a delicious crispy crust. There is simply no simpler chicken dish! Try it and you will see for yourself!

chicken, salt

Zucchini with tomatoes and cheese is an easy vegetable dish that can be quickly prepared on the grill. Fried zucchini is soaked in tomato juices, and baked cheese gives the vegetables a unique taste. This appetizer is perfect for any meat dish on a picnic.

zucchini, tomatoes, hard cheese, sunflower oil, salt, ground black pepper

Delicious, juicy and quite healthy cauliflower cutlets. These cabbage cutlets can be served hot or cold.

cauliflower, eggs, flour, vegetable oil, ground black pepper, salt

This cabbage salad with tomato, cucumber, pepper and cheese is very fresh and crispy. It is prepared very easily, from the simplest ingredients. The salad is decorated with yolk, giving it a very bright appearance.

white cabbage, fresh cucumbers, tomatoes, bell peppers, feta cheese, eggs, green onions, dill, salt, sour cream

Recipe for chicken fillet balls with garlic butter. These meatballs turn out juicy, tender and very tasty. We will cook the chicken tenders in the oven. For me this dish is universal. You can serve the meatballs as a hearty lunch or dinner with a side dish or salad, or just as a snack.

chicken fillet, eggs, milk, white bread, onion, garlic, butter, vegetable oil, salt, ground black pepper

Baked fish looks impressive on the table and, of course, turns out very tasty. Tender carp meat under a fragrant crispy crust.

carp, kefir, garlic, rosemary, salt

Chargrilled chicken fillet is a great dish, you just need to know how to cook it correctly. Marinate chicken breast in mayonnaise. This marinade is remarkable because it contains both sunflower oil and mustard. Mustard softens the fibers of the meat, and the butter gives a crispy crust. The result will pleasantly surprise you - the chicken fillet kebab will turn out juicy, soft and not dry!

chicken fillet, mayonnaise, seasoning, salt, ground black pepper

Let's prepare simple but very tasty pasta baked with ham and zucchini in tomato cream sauce. It's also a great way to disguise zucchini if ​​your family doesn't like it.

shells pasta, ham, zucchini, cream, grated tomatoes, mozzarella cheese, garlic, ground paprika, vegetable oil, salt, ground black pepper

Caramelized bananas on the grill are a wonderful delicacy that will appeal to both children and adults. Hot fried banana slices with sugar look very appetizing and have a pleasant aroma. And the taste is simply incomparable! Caramelized bananas are also good cold.

banana, sugar

cauliflower, carrots, garlic, parsley, water, salt, sugar, vinegar, vegetable oil, seasoning

Cucumber salad with olives and herbs is a very easy dish that even a novice housewife can prepare. A minimum of products and effort - and an excellent vitamin salad on your table.

fresh cucumbers, olives, lettuce, green onions, parsley, cilantro, garlic, olive oil, lemon juice, salt, ground black pepper

Vegetables and greens are very healthy. Therefore, today we are preparing a salad of cabbage and cucumbers with cilantro and eggs. Cabbage salad turns out crispy, rich in vitamins, juicy and aromatic. Sour cream and mustard dressing makes the salad especially piquant.

white cabbage, fresh cucumbers, eggs, cilantro, salt, sour cream, olive oil, mustard, ground black pepper

Shish kebab made from vegetables and mushrooms is an excellent addition to meat and fish dishes at a picnic. I suggest preparing a kebab from young zucchini, onions and champignons. Zucchini has a very delicate taste, onions add piquancy to vegetable kebab, and champignons add zest.

Irina Kamshilina

Cooking for someone is much more pleasant than cooking for yourself))


You quickly get bored with the same food day after day, and you want to try something new and original, but often you don’t have enough time, patience and energy to prepare complex culinary products. For such cases, you should always have simple recipes for nutritious and tasty dishes on hand. In this selection you will find many healthy options for preparing flavorful food, based on simple ingredients.

What can you cook for lunch or dinner quickly and tasty?

Housewives often have a limited amount of time left to prepare lunch or dinner, and they want to spoil their family with new delicacies every day. There are many recipes that allow you to prepare a meal quickly, but they need to be tailored to the seasonality of certain foods and your family's taste preferences. So, in winter it will be meat dishes, flour products and food from frozen vegetables, in summer - light salads with fresh fruits, vegetable stews, barbecue. A delicious romantic dinner for your husband or lunch for your child is prepared from their favorite products.

Simple and delicious family recipes with photos

Do you think that soup for every day is borscht, which is heated up five days a week, salads are “Olivier” or vegetable “spring”, and for dinner porridge or mashed potatoes? Not always. A lot of original salads can be prepared in a matter of minutes; a lot of recipes for first courses will not force you to endlessly stand at the stove. Take advantage of a selection of simple options for preparing delicious dishes.

From meat

In our country, meat dishes are very popular and loved, they are tasty, nutritious and aromatic. Even the faint smell of freshly baked or roasted meat instantly creates an appetite. I often include meat dishes made from pork or chicken on lunch menus. These types of meat are the most inexpensive, accessible and quick to prepare. Learn below a couple of step-by-step recipes for baked chicken and pork balyk.

Fragrant chicken with potatoes in the oven

For a delicious dinner for 4 people you will need:

  • chicken – 2-2.5 kg;
  • vegetable oil - by eye;
  • potatoes – 1 kg;
  • salt, pepper - to taste.

Cooking method:

  1. Rub the washed chicken carcass well in the middle and outside with salt, pepper, and vegetable oil.
  2. Peel the potatoes, wash them and cut them into small slices, add salt and lightly sprinkle with sunflower oil.
  3. Place the entire dish on a baking sheet and place in a preheated oven at 220 degrees. We bake for an hour and a half, sometimes it takes a little longer.
  4. Periodically you need to stir the potatoes and pour the released fat over the chicken.
  5. After the time has passed, take out the baking sheet with the prepared dish, decorate with herbs and serve hot.

Delicious breakfast salad “Mad”

Italian dessert “Panna Cota”

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