Drawing on the theme of treasures of space. Children draw space

Master class on drawing for preschoolers of the senior preparatory group on the topic: “SPACE” step by step with photos

Sredina Olga Stanislavovna, teacher, head of the art studio of the MDOU TsRR d.s. No. 1 “Bear Cub”, Yuryuzan, Chelyabinsk Region

Creation of educational, gift or competition work
A3 white or colored double-sided paper, wax crayons, salt, gouache or black watercolor, soft brush No. 3-5
Creation of works on a space theme
Education in various ways space images
Improving practical skills in using wax crayons and watercolors
Education of patriotism.
Developing curiosity

Preliminary work:

1 We look at photographs of cosmic depths.

2 We get acquainted with the history of astronautics, with the names and achievements of our outstanding cosmonauts. We remember the names: Yuri Gagarin, Valentina Tereshkova, Alexey Leonov. The world's first astronaut, the first woman in space, the first person to go into outer space. We look at the photographs, talk about the difficulties and delights of the profession of space explorers. How did test pilots become astronauts? What kind of training did they undergo? Let's take a closer look at the first human spacewalk.

2 - Thinking about space, UFOs, aliens. We discuss films and cartoons. We think what kind of aliens they might be: good or evil?

3 - Literary living room:

Arkady Khait
Any of us can name all the planets in order:
One - Mercury, two - Venus, three - Earth, four - Mars.
Five is Jupiter, six is ​​Saturn, seven is Uranus, followed by Neptune.
He is the eighth in a row. And after him, then,
And the ninth planet called Pluto.

V. Orlov
Flying in space
Steel ship around the Earth.
And even though its windows are small,
Everything is visible in them at a glance:
Steppe expanse, sea surf,
Or maybe you and me too!

Practical work No. 1: “Deep space”

To draw a cosmic landscape, we will need stencils of circles of various diameters. You can use special rulers or various “improvised means”.

We draw several planets with wax crayons, placing them randomly on the plane of the sheet. You can use the technique of superimposing nearby planets on lower ones, or depict one of the planets only partially.

After creating the cosmic composition, crumple the sheet of paper, twisting it several times, and carefully straighten it

Coloring the planets. To prevent the planets from becoming like grandma’s balls of thread, we draw very carefully with crayons and do not go beyond the edges.
Before we start working in color, we remember what forests, mountains, deserts and oceans look like from space, and we think about whether all planets can look the same? Fiery and foggy, sandy, gaseous and icy - they can look absolutely fantastic. We come up with complex color combinations.

Cover the entire sheet with black watercolor. The paint, accumulating in the cracks, creates the mysterious depth of outer space.

Practical work No. 2: “Staying in outer space”

For this work we will need a figurine of an astronaut in a spacesuit, circles of various diameters and a silhouette of a rocket.

We place all the figures on the sheet in random order. We start with a rocket and an astronaut. Then we add the planets.

Inside the silhouettes we delimit planes. We add windows to the rocket and divide the spacesuit into separate parts. We begin to gradually color the rocket, the astronaut and the planets. In order to create a festive atmosphere, we take bright, rich colors.

Adding stars. We take yellow and white crayons. We place them in small groups, in the form of constellations, or line them up (like the Milky Way). Each star is a distant, distant sun around which planets can revolve and there can be life on them.

We take a brush and black paint (watercolor or gouache) and begin to paint over the entire work. First we draw lines along the edge of the sheet, then we work along the entire sheet.

While the paint is not dry, “salt” the drawing. In the place where a grain of salt fell, the paint seems to collect, and with the help of this technique the space again becomes deep and mysterious.

Children's work (5-6 years old)

Drawing options
Flying saucers (UFOs) can be very diverse. Turning on our imagination, we depict alien aircraft.

Cosmonautics Day and the anniversary of the first human flight into outer space are an excellent occasion to draw a bright and colorful thematic drawing with pencils or paints together with the children. The alluring inky blue distance, fiery comets, multi-colored planets and scatterings of brilliant stars... All this can usually be depicted with a brush and watercolor. And then, decorate a school exhibition with fantastic illustrations or children's Corner in the house. For more information on how to draw a simple or complex drawing for Cosmonautics Day for children in grades 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, see our step-by-step master classes.

A simple pencil drawing for Cosmonautics Day step by step - a master class for the little ones

The first orbital flight of a spacecraft with a man (Yuri Gagarin) on board took place half a century ago. Since then, the triumphal march of cosmonautics and aviation began, a series of successful launches of lunar rovers, satellites, rockets, stations and devices. Don’t forget to tell the little ones about this by collectively drawing a simple pencil drawing for Cosmonautics Day using our master class.

Necessary materials for creating a children's pencil drawing for Cosmonautics Day

  • album sheet
  • soft pencil
  • eraser
  • colored pencils or markers

Step-by-step instructions for the youngest children to create a drawing for Cosmonautics Day

Step-by-step drawing “Cosmonaut” for children (grades 3, 4, 5, 6, 7) for Cosmonautics Day

Celebrating Cosmonautics Day, humanity not only admires the acceleration of technological progress, but also honors the memory of everyone who has worked and is working on complex theory and “extraordinary” practice. A step-by-step drawing “Cosmonaut” for Cosmonautics Day will help children in grades 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 understand more clearly what kind of heroes they are, conquering outer space.

Necessary materials for the step-by-step drawing “Cosmonaut” for children of grades 3, 4, 5, 6, 7

  • sheet of white landscape paper
  • soft tip pencil
  • leaf

Step-by-step instructions for creating a “Cosmonaut” drawing for children for Cosmonautics Day

Beautiful drawing for Cosmonautics Day with a brush and paints

Space has always attracted the attention of children. Its blue depth, thousands of bright lights, myriads of stars and dangerous comets with fiery tails seem to boys and girls to be something magical, fabulous, incredible. Take this opportunity to teach schoolchildren to paint space with a brush and paints for Cosmonautics Day. Surely they will like this activity.

Necessary materials for a bright drawing for Cosmonautics Day with a brush and paints

  • half of whatman paper
  • pencil
  • eraser
  • thin and thick brushes
  • watercolor paints
  • glass of water
  • Toothbrush
  • white gouache

Master class on creating a beautiful drawing with paints and a brush for Cosmonautics Day

The theme of space is extremely entertaining for children. More from preschool age The guys are trying to draw bright rockets, comets, planets, etc. with a pencil and paints. Sometimes they are happy with the result, but more often they are upset by the failure. Don't be left out. Teach children (grades 3, 4, 5, 6, 7) to draw a picture for Cosmonautics Day step by step, using our step by step instructions.

Every year at the beginning of April, schoolchildren are introduced to this Russian holiday, like Cosmonautics Day. This date is famous for the first human flight into space. To make it more interesting for children to study this topic, competitions are usually held for the best drawing for Cosmonautics Day. " What to draw for April 12? - This question interests many parents and their children.

I have collected for you a bunch of interesting and modern ideas for drawings that children can repeat different ages, from primary classes to the elders. Some ideas are accompanied by step-by-step lessons. I hope you find it for yourself

What can you draw for Cosmonautics Day?


You will find how to draw an astronaut in four different versions in.


There are a great many lessons on drawing space on the Internet, including step-by-step photo tutorials and videos. Most often, when painting space, watercolors are used, because... it is translucent and blends easily.

I like the videos on the channel TILLITH. She has a whole playlist on how to draw space.

Here is one of her videos:

There is also a step-by-step guide on my website.


In a recent lesson I showed:


I found how to draw an artificial satellite with colored pencils on the website prodelkino.ru.


It’s easy to draw a planet, but it always looks epic, especially if you color it beautifully.

Below is a step by step lesson how to draw a planet similar to Saturn.

Step 1

First draw a nice and large circle to illustrate the volume of the planet. Leave a little space on each side to then draw the rings.

Step 2

Now for the rings: Draw a long, thin oval shape in the center of the circle. You can tilt this shape (almost at a 45 degree angle) to make the planet look more attractive.

Step 3

Now transform the oval shape into a nice and edgy ring. Carefully erase the extra lines.

Step 4

Then add multiple lines on the planet to create different stripes of gas. You can also add a couple more rings.

Step 5

Use several colors in shades of orange and yellow. The combination of these colors will make the planet more realistic.

Step 6

The last step is to add shadows: one on the right side, one under the ring, and one behind the planet on the right side of the rings.

A beautiful, colorful and voluminous planet, drawn in just six simple steps, is ready!

Orbital station

You will find a lesson on drawing a station.


Space doodles

This direction in drawing arose not so long ago and now it is mega-popular. Verbatim doodle- these are dashes, scribbles, meaningless drawings that are created mechanically, thinking about something else. Drawing space objects in doodle style looks just right. I'll give you a few examples that you can easily repeat with a black helium pen. And if you then color the drawing, then you have every chance of taking first place in the competition for the best drawing for Cosmonautics Day!

Images taken from pinterest.com.


Moon with starry sky

I hope you found it for yourself interesting idea for drawing for Cosmonautics Day. Use your imagination and you will succeed!

We continue the theme of space adventures. In this lesson I will tell you. I wonder when will humans be able to fly into space? I mean don't jump out to the moon and back. And there - into the depths of the universe. Or at least to Mars! Something is getting really crowded on this planet... Okay, let's leave this matter to the scientists, and let's get to drawing! As an example of an astronaut, I chose this picture: It is a little shabby, apparently, it was taken from an old Soviet book. But this won’t hurt us, because we ourselves can draw beautiful picture, Right? Get to work!

How to draw an astronaut with a pencil step by step

There are four steps ahead. Step one. At the top of the sheet we will place a large round head. She's big because she's wearing a helmet. Let's draw two curved lines down - this is the outline of the body. We will draw an astronaut in zero gravity. And this immediately sets his position. Let's draw the contours of the arms and legs. The spacesuit has a belt. Let's outline the backpack behind our shoulders. Step two. We begin to draw out the details: the helmet, fingers, all sorts of bells and whistles on the “suit”. Moreover, all the elements are quite large. Step three. On the helmet we will outline an opening for the eyes and make it three-dimensional. Let's start drawing shoes. Let's show a pocket-bag on the belt. Look carefully at the picture and fill in what is missing on your sheet. Rivets, bends on the fingers, etc. Step four. We will show horizontal shading on the belts. Let's draw the shoes: the pattern on the sole, the clasp. The astronaut wears a small electronic device on his hip. Now let's outline the main elements of our drawing. Almost done. You can use shading to “revive” our hero, or add color using paints! I also recommend interesting lesson similar in topic.

Many thanks to them for this! Well, all I can do is repost their notes))

Original taken from chatlburan How children see space

Today the whole world celebrates the anniversary of the beginning of human exploration of a fundamentally new entity - Space! On April 12, 1961, Yuri Gagarin made a space flight for the first time in history and thereby discovered new era humanity.

An exhibition of children's drawings on a space theme opened today in Rostov: We are descendants of Gagarin. Space relay race-Rostov.

It was interesting to see how children imagine space, how they see the space future, what they expect from it and whether they dream of becoming astronauts.

Below the cut there are many photos from the exhibition.

You can conditionally divide the pictures into several categories. Some were distinguished by the detail of the technical part of the spacecraft:

(this one is generally done in pastels)

Others reflected the story:

Still others imagined everyday scenes of the cosmic future:

Space trains, station, spacecraft parking. The curtains on the windows of the train are magnificent!

And here we can see orbital stores: plants and flowers, household appliances, honey. laboratory. I would venture to guess that the small buildings are fast food outlets: shawarma, vkusnolyubov, “coffee to go”, etc.

Of course, there were aliens:

Title of the drawing: "Hello, friend!" It's nice that the children are peaceful. The culture of aggression has not yet had time to spoil them. The theme of friendship and peaceful coexistence with aliens runs through all the drawings. There are no battle scenes anywhere.

Subtle humor and good imagination. Everything is wonderful here!

Catching stars

Attractions attached to the rings of Saturn.

A flying saucer with wheels!

No less than NEVZ launched its space electric locomotive :)

Nebulae and landscapes:

And some I just liked:

The ship and one spacesuit are made of foil.

There are a total of 152 drawings at the exhibition out of 15 educational institutions Rostov and region. There are many interesting works. The exhibition will be held from April 12 to 20 at the Rostov House of Children and Youth Creativity (formerly the Palace of Pioneers, Sadovaya, 53-55). Free admission.

The exhibition is important because it actualizes the theme of space as such. Children fantasize and draw interesting stories. But it’s sad that they stopped dreaming about space - to the question “what do you want to become?” None of the authors of the drawings answered “astronaut”. A football player, a lawyer, a businessman... Meanwhile, man and Humanity have a much higher purpose than business and football. We must do our best to kindle the thirst for space expansion and convey the value of this path. And the more active the space topic is on the agenda, the more chances we, earthlings, have of returning to the path of development and achieving outstanding results on a universal scale!

Happy Cosmonautics Day everyone!

Original taken from kopninantonbuf in Space dreams of Don schoolchildren

Today in Rostov-on-Don, an exhibition of children's drawings dedicated to the 55th anniversary of the first human flight into space opened at the Palace of Children and Youth Creativity.

Children drew pictures and wrote stories as part of the all-Russian competition “We are the descendants of Gagarin - a space relay race,” which is held by the public organization for protecting the family “Parental All-Russian Resistance” together with the social movement “Essence of Time.”

The exhibition features more than 150 works completed by students from 20 educational institutions in Rostov-on-Don, Shakhty, Kamensk-Shakhtinsky, Novocherkassk, as well as eleven stories (they can be read in the VK group dedicated to the exhibition.

"Every atom of our body
was once a star."
Vincent Freeman

A week ago, on our creative Instagram @miftvorchestvo we launched a competition for the best completion of the task from the notebook “642 ideas on what to draw.” The task sounded simple - space. A lot of creative and creative works. You can see them all by tag. We publish the best works and give step-by-step master class how to learn to draw space.

Best works for competition #642ideasspace

“If you can’t fly into space, make it come to you.” Author of the photo - @al.ex_kv.

“And when darkness sleeps beside you, And the morning is far away, I wanna hold your hand and guide you...” Parov Stelar ft. Lilja Bloom - Shine. Photo by @julia_owlie.

Are they really cool? 🙂

Step-by-step master class

If you did not participate in the competition, but also want to learn how to draw space, save somewhere these step-by-step instructions on what and how to do so that it turns out bright and beautiful.

1. In order to draw the Universe, only 3-4 colors are enough. At least that's the amount you can start with. Important: The sheet for watercolors must be very dense so that it does not wrinkle from water and so that the paint spreads beautifully and evenly.

2. The outline can be drawn solid with a simple pencil to designate the area that you will wet with water. Wet part of the allocated space.

3. Apply paint to the wetted area. Try to make the contours beautiful.

4. Wet the rest of the space with water and apply a different color of paint. Selectively add bright pops of color throughout the design. The drawing must be wet so that the paint spreads beautifully.

5. Once the design is completely dry, apply the stars. This can be done with white or yellow paint using an old toothbrush.

6. Some stars could be drawn more carefully.

Photo for the master class from the site kitty-ink.tumblr.com.

If you sprinkle salt on a wet drawing, the structure of space will turn out even more interesting. The salt will absorb some of the paint, and if you shake it off after it has completely dried, there will be beautiful white dots and clouds in place of the salt.

On our creative Instagram @miftvorchestvo we will regularly hold competitions on notebooks “642 ideas on what to draw”, “642 ideas on what to write about” and “642 ideas on what else to write about” (new!). Subscribe to keep up to date with everything creative, interesting and creatively fun.

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