Ryazan Archbishop Theodorite went down in history as... Saint Theodoret of Ryazan and the Great Troubles

Archbishop of Ryazan and Murom.
Born in 1551 (in the copy of A.V. Sergeev’s home notes - in 1549). There is an assumption that Theodorit was a close relative of the boyar Sheremetyev.
He took monastic vows no earlier than 1589 under the influence of Patriarch Job († 1607; commemorated April 5/18, June 19/July 2).
Since 1604 - Archimandrite of the Ryazan Spassky Monastery.
In August 1605, Metropolitan Ermogen of Kazan († 1612; commemorated February 17/March 2, March 12/25, October 5/18) was consecrated Bishop of Ryazan and Murom and elevated to the rank of archbishop.
On May 8, 1606, Archbishop Theodoret was present at the marriage of the impostor False Dmitry I with Marina Mnishek.
After the overthrow of False Dmitry I, he took part in the spiritual celebration of the crowning of Vasily Ivanovich Shuisky.
On June 10, 1609, Bishop Theodoret opened the incorrupt relics of St. Basil, Bishop of Ryazan (†
1295; memory June 10/23, July 3/16), and solemnly transferred them from the Boris and Gleb Church to the Assumption Cathedral.
In 1613, he invited Mikhail Fedorovich Romanov to become king and blessed him with the icon of the Mother of God.
Archbishop Theodoret worked hard to improve his vast diocese.
On September 10, 1617, Archbishop Theodoret peacefully departed to the Lord.
Titov A. A. Ryazan bishops. - M., 1860. Solovyov S. M. History of Russia since ancient times: in 6 books. - 3rd ed. - St. Petersburg, 1911. - Book. 2, p. 1040.1041-1048.1053. Ambrose (Ornatsky), archbishop. History of the Russian hierarchy: in 6 volumes - M., 1807-1815. - T. 1, p. 132.
Tolstoy M.V. Stories from the History of the Russian Church. - M., 1901, p. 463, 467. Snessoreva S. I. Earthly life Holy Mother of God. - 3rd ed. - St. Petersburg, 1909, p. 210, 211. Bulgakov S.V. A reference book for priests and clergy. - Kyiv, 1913, p. 1411. Artsybashev N. S. Narration about Russia: in Zt.-M., 1838-1843.-T. 3. Vozdvizhensky T. Ya. Historical review of the Ryazan hierarchy and all church affairs of the diocese from its establishment to the present time... - M., 1820.
Karamzin N. M. History of the Russian State: in 3 books. from 12 volumes - 3rd ed. - St. Petersburg, 1842-1843. - T. 12.
Stroev P. M. Lists of hierarchs and abbots of monasteries of the Russian Church. - St. Petersburg, 1877, p. 415, 419.
N. D[urnovo]. Nine hundredth anniversary of the Russian hierarchy 988-1888. Dioceses and bishops. - M., 1888, p. 36.
Bantysh-Kamensky D. N. Dictionary of memorable people of the Russian land, containing the lives and deeds of famous commanders, ministers and statesmen, great hierarchs Orthodox Church, excellent writers and scientists, known for their participation in events national history: at 5 o'clock - M., 1836. Historical description of the Kostroma Ipatiev Monastery.
Lives of the saints, in Russian, set out according to the guide of the Chetyih-Menya of St. Demetrius of Rostov with additions, explanatory notes and images of the saints: in 12 books, 2 books. add. - M., 1903-1911, 1908, 1916. - Book. 2, add., p. 547. Ryazan diocesan statements. - 1870, No. 12-23.
Ryazan Provincial Gazette. - 1846, No. 14. Christian reading. - St. Petersburg, 1859. - Part 1, p. 371.
Russian archive. - M., 1895. - Book. 3, no. 11, p. 407.
Collection of state charters and agreements stored in the State Collegium of Foreign Affairs: in 5 volumes - M., 1813-1894. - T. 1. Telescope. - 1835.
Russian biographical dictionary: in 25 volumes - St. Petersburg; M., 1896-1913. - T. 25, p. 244-248. Macarius (Bulgakov), Metropolitan. History of the Russian Church: in 9 volumes - M., 1994-1997. - T. 6, p. 112.

View value Theodoret, Archbishop of Ryazan in other dictionaries

Archbishop- archbishop. m. (church). One of the episcopal titles below metropolitan, but above ordinary bishop. See (archi).
Ushakov's Explanatory Dictionary

Archbishop M.— 1. Senior bishop (clergy rank - average between bishop and metropolitan - in the Orthodox Church). 2. A person holding such a title.
Explanatory Dictionary by Efremova

Archbishop- -A; m. [Greek archiepiskopos]. The ecclesiastical rank and honorary title are intermediate between bishop and metropolitan; a person in this rank, with this title; senior bishop, head of the diocese.
Kuznetsov's Explanatory Dictionary

Archbishop- (from archi... and bishop) - senior bishop.

Ryazansky— Mikhail Sergeevich (1909-87) - Russian scientist, corresponding member of the USSR Academy of Sciences (1958); Hero of Socialist Labor (1956). Works on radio engineering. Lenin Prize (1957), State Prize of the USSR (1943).
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Historical Dictionary

Saint Theodoret (1551-1617) St. Archbishop of Ryazan and Murom in 1605-1617. Came from a noble family. He became a monk with the blessing of St. Patriarch Job. In 1604 he became archimandrite of the Ryazan Spassky Monastery. In 1605 he was ordained. Hermogenes (the future Holy Patriarch, at that time Metropolitan of Kazan) to Bishops of Ryazan and Murom. Elevated to the rank of Archbishop. On May 8/21, 1605 he took part in the marriage of the impostor False Dmitry I with Marina Mnishek. After the exposure and overthrow of the impostor, he participated in the crowning of Tsar Vasily Shuisky. With the help and patronage of the Tsar, the Assumption Cathedral was erected. In 1609 he discovered the relics of St. Basil of Ryazan and transferred them to the newly built Assumption Cathedral. He especially revered the Feodotyevsky image of the Mother of God and ordered copies to be made from it. Participant of the Great Local Church and Zemsky Council of 1613. It is St. Archbishop Theodoret, on the Sunday of Orthodoxy, February 21, 1613, asked the people from the Place of Execution about who should be enthroned, and heard a common voice in response - “Natural Tsar Mikhail Feodorovich!” He headed the embassy of the Great Council, which announced to Mikhail Feodorovich Romanov the news of his nationwide call to the Kingdom and begged him to accept this call. Until his blessed death, he was one of the associates and spiritual mentors of the first Tsar from the House of Romanov. Reposed on September 10th, Old Art. 1617 and was buried in the Archangel Cathedral of the Ryazan Kremlin. Now the relics rest in the Ryazan Trinity Cathedral. It is venerated throughout the church in the Cathedral of Ryazan and the Cathedral of Kostroma Saints. In the Ryazan diocese, in addition, his special local veneration has been established.

Days of remembrance: September 10/23 (repose day in 1617), January 23/February 5 (in the Cathedral of the Kostroma Saints), June 10/23 (in the Cathedral of the Ryazan Saints)

September 10/23. Like our father Theodoret, Archbishop of Ryazan and Murom

Troparion, tone 5: Teacher of humility and piety, the rule of faith and virtue, Lamp of the Church, Saint Theodorite, you piously shepherded your flock and brought them to Christ, and you are also adorned with the crown of glory from the Lord, praying diligently to the King of Glory, may He save our souls

Kontakion, tone 5: Having been a good helmsman of the ship of the Church of Ryazan, a vigilant prayer book for his flock, keeping the spirit of faith and piety in her, you brought the holy relics of St. Basil and the miraculous image of the Mother of God of Feodotyev in times of misfortune, you showed her as a source of healing and endless consolation, caring for the Russian Land , you called upon the Kingdom of Russia TSAR MICHAEL. Holy Hierarch Father Theodorite, remember us who worthily honor your holy memory, may the Lord save our souls.

Theodorite Archbishop of Ryazan

Archbishop of Ryazan and Murom.

Born in 1551 (in the copy of A.V. Sergeev’s home notes - in 1549). There is an assumption that he was a close relative of boyar Sheremetyev.

He took monastic vows no earlier than 1589 under the influence of Patriarch Job († 1607; commemorated April 5/18, June 19/July 2).

Since 1604 - Archimandrite of the Ryazan Spassky Monastery.

In August 1605, Metropolitan Ermogen of Kazan († 1612; commemorated February 17/March 2, March 12/25, October 5/18) was consecrated Bishop of Ryazan and Murom and elevated to the rank of archbishop.

On May 8, 1606, Archbishop Theodoret was present at the marriage of the impostor False Dmitry I with Marina Mnishek.

After the overthrow of False Dmitry I, he took part in the spiritual celebration of the crowning of Vasily Ivanovich Shuisky.

On June 10, 1609, Bishop Theodoret opened the incorrupt relics of St. Basil, Bishop of Ryazan (†

1295; memory June 10/23, July 3/16), and solemnly transferred them from the Boris and Gleb Church to the Assumption Cathedral.

In 1613, he invited Mikhail Fedorovich Romanov to become king and blessed him with the icon of the Mother of God.

Archbishop Theodoret worked hard to improve his vast diocese.


Titov A. A. Ryazan bishops. - M., 1860. Solovyov S. M. History of Russia since ancient times: in 6 books. - 3rd ed. - St. Petersburg, 1911. - Book. 2, p. 1040.1041-1048.1053. Ambrose (Ornatsky), archbishop. History of the Russian hierarchy: in 6 volumes - M., 1807-1815. - T. 1, p. 132.

Tolstoy M.V. Stories from the History of the Russian Church. - M., 1901, p. 463, 467. Snessoreva S.I. The earthly life of the Blessed Virgin Mary. - 3rd ed. - St. Petersburg, 1909, p. 210, 211. Bulgakov S.V. A reference book for priests and clergy. - Kyiv, 1913, p. 1411. Artsybashev N. S. Narration about Russia: in Zt.-M., 1838-1843.-T. 3. Vozdvizhensky T. Ya. Historical review of the Ryazan hierarchy and all church affairs of the diocese from its establishment to the present time... - M., 1820.

Karamzin N. M. History of the Russian State: in 3 books. from 12 volumes - 3rd ed. - St. Petersburg, 1842-1843. - T. 12.

Stroev P. M. Lists of hierarchs and abbots of monasteries of the Russian Church. - St. Petersburg, 1877, p. 415, 419.

N. D[urnovo]. Nine hundredth anniversary of the Russian hierarchy 988-1888. Dioceses and bishops. - M., 1888, p. 36.

Bantysh-Kamensky D. N. Dictionary of memorable people of the Russian land, containing the lives and deeds of famous commanders, ministers and statesmen, great hierarchs of the Orthodox Church, excellent writers and scientists, known for their participation in events of Russian history: at 5 o'clock - M., 1836. Historical description of the Kostroma Ipatiev Monastery.

Lives of the saints, in Russian, set out according to the guide of the Chetyih-Menya of St. Demetrius of Rostov with additions, explanatory notes and images of the saints: in 12 books, 2 books. add. - M., 1903-1911, 1908, 1916. - Book. 2, add., p. 547. Ryazan diocesan statements. - 1870, No. 12-23.

Ryazan Provincial Gazette. - 1846, No. 14. Christian reading. - St. Petersburg, 1859. - Part 1, p. 371.

Russian archive. - M., 1895. - Book. 3, no. 11, p. 407.

Collection of state charters and agreements stored in the State Collegium of Foreign Affairs: in 5 volumes - M., 1813-1894. - T. 1. Telescope. - 1835.

Russian biographical dictionary: in 25 volumes - St. Petersburg; M., 1896-1913. - T. 25, p. 244-248. (Bulgakov), Metropolitan. History of the Russian Church: in 9 volumes - M., 1994-1997. - T. 6, p. 112.

Large biographical encyclopedia


Open Orthodox encyclopedia"TREE".

Theodoret of Ryazan (1551 - 1617), Archbishop of Ryazan and Murom, saint.

Born in 1551. There is an assumption that he was a close relative of the boyar Sheremetyev, that Patriarch Job persuaded him to enter monasticism. The tonsure took place no earlier than 1589.

Since 1604 - Archimandrite of the Ryazan Spassky Monastery.

In August 1605, Kazan Metropolitan Ermogen was consecrated Bishop of Ryazan and Murom and elevated to the rank of Archbishop.

On May 17, 1606, after the overthrow of False Dmitry, he took part in the spiritual celebration of the crowning of Vasily Ivanovich Shuisky.

On June 10, 1609, he opened the incorrupt relics of St. Basil, Bishop of Ryazan and solemnly transferred them from the Boris and Gleb Church to the Cathedral of the Assumption of the Mother of God.

The Zemsky Sobor of 1613 instructed Archbishop Theodorit to lead an embassy to the young Mikhail Romanov to ask him to become king. The Bishop invited Mikhail Feodorovich and blessed him with the icon of the Mother of God to become king.

Archbishop Theodoret worked hard to put in order and improve his vast diocese. Numerous works and worries gradually began to destroy his health. On September 10, 1617, in the 66th year of his life, Archbishop Theodoret peacefully reposed in the Lord.

Archbishop Theodorit was glorified as a saint among the Ryazan saints in 1987.


Titov, A. A., Ryazan bishops.

Solovyov, S. M., History of Russia, book. II, 1040, 1041-1048, 1053.

Ambrose, History of the Russian Hierarchy, Part I, 132.

Tolstoy, M.V., Stories from the history of the Russian Church, 463, 467.

Snessoreva, S., The Earthly Life of the Blessed Virgin Mary, 3rd ed., St. Petersburg, 1909, 210, 211.

Bulgakov, 1411.

Artsybashev, Narrative of Russia, vol. III.

Vozdvizhensky, Historical. review of the Ryazan diocese.

Karamzin, N., vol. XII.

Stroev, stb. 415.

Bantysh-Kamensky, Dictionary.

Historical description of the Kostroma Ipatiev Monastery.

Lives of the Saints, add. Synod. 2nd ed. 1916, 574.

Ryazansky E.V. , 1870, No. 12-23.

Ryazan lips. Ved. , 1846, no. 14.

Christian reading, 1859, part 1, 371.

Russian archive, 1895, book. 3, No. 11, 407.

Collection of state charters and agreements, part I.

Telescope, 1835.

RBS, vol. XXV, 244-248.

Used materials


“On the holy land of Ryazan”, ZhMP, 2008, No. 2:


In copies of A.V. Sergeev’s home notes - in 1549

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See also interpretations, synonyms, meanings of the word and what THEODORITE OF RYAZAN is in Russian in dictionaries, encyclopedias and reference books:

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    Open Orthodox encyclopedia "TREE". Abraham (Heb. "abraham - father of multitudes (biblical etymology), father of heights; Greek ̓Αβραάμ; originally Abram, Heb. ...

Archbishop of Ryazan and Murom.

Born in 1551 (in the copy of A.V. Sergeev’s home notes - in 1549). There is an assumption that Theodorit was a close relative of the boyar Sheremetyev.

He took monastic vows no earlier than 1589 under the influence of Patriarch Job († 1607; commemorated April 5/18, June 19/July 2). Since 1604 - Archimandrite of the Ryazan Spassky Monastery.

In August 1605, Metropolitan Ermogen of Kazan († 1612; commemorated February 17/March 2, March 12/25, October 5/18) was consecrated Bishop of Ryazan and Murom and elevated to the rank of archbishop. On May 8, 1606, Archbishop Theodoret was present at the marriage of the impostor False Dmitry I with Marina Mnishek.

After the overthrow of False Dmitry I, he took part in the spiritual celebration of the crowning of Vasily Ivanovich Shuisky. On June 10, 1609, Bishop Theodoret opened the incorrupt relics of St. Basil, Bishop of Ryazan († 1295; commemorated June 10/23, July 3/16), and solemnly transferred them from the Boris and Gleb Church to the Assumption Cathedral. In 1613, he invited Mikhail Fedorovich Romanov to become king and blessed him with the icon of the Mother of God.

Archbishop Theodoret worked hard to improve his vast diocese. On September 10, 1617, Archbishop Theodoret peacefully departed to the Lord.

Literature: Titov A. A. Ryazan bishops. - M., 1860. Solovyov S. M. History of Russia since ancient times: in 6 books. - 3rd ed. - St. Petersburg, 1911. - Book. 2, p. 1040.1041-1048.1053. Ambrose (Ornatsky), archbishop.

History of the Russian hierarchy: in 6 volumes - M., 1807-1815. - T. 1, p. 132. Tolstoy M.V. Stories from the History of the Russian Church. - M., 1901, p. 463, 467. Snessoreva S.I. The earthly life of the Blessed Virgin Mary. - 3rd ed. - St. Petersburg, 1909, p. 210, 211. Bulgakov S.V. A reference book for priests and clergy. - Kyiv, 1913, p. 1411. Artsybashev N. S. Narration about Russia: in Zt.-M., 1838-1843.-T. 3. Vozdvizhensky T. Ya. Historical review of the Ryazan hierarchy and all church affairs of the diocese from its establishment to the present time... - M., 1820. Karamzin N. M. History of the Russian state: in 3 books. from 12 volumes - 3rd ed. - St. Petersburg, 1842-1843. - T. 12. Stroev P. M. Lists of hierarchs and abbots of monasteries of the Russian Church. - St. Petersburg, 1877, p. 415, 419. N. D[urnovo]. Nine hundredth anniversary of the Russian hierarchy 988-1888. Dioceses and bishops. - M., 1888, p. 36. Bantysh-Kamensky D. N. Dictionary of memorable people of the Russian land, containing the lives and deeds of famous commanders, ministers and statesmen, great hierarchs of the Orthodox Church, excellent writers and scientists, known for their participation in events of Russian history: at 5 o'clock . - M., 1836. Historical description of the Kostroma Ipatiev Monastery.

Lives of the saints, in Russian, set out according to the guide of the Chetyih-Menya of St. Demetrius of Rostov with additions, explanatory notes and images of the saints: in 12 books, 2 books. add. - M., 1903-1911, 1908, 1916. - Book. 2, add., p. 547. Ryazan diocesan statements. - 1870, No. 12-23. Ryazan Provincial Gazette. - 1846, No. 14. Christian reading. - St. Petersburg, 1859. - Part 1, p. 371. Russian archive. - M., 1895. - Book. 3, no. 11, p. 407. Collection of state charters and agreements stored in the State Collegium of Foreign Affairs: in 5 volumes - M., 1813-1894. - T. 1. Telescope. - 1835. Russian biographical dictionary: in 25 volumes - St. Petersburg; M., 1896-1913. - T. 25, p. 244-248. Macarius (Bulgakov), Metropolitan.

History of the Russian Church: in 9 volumes - M., 1994-1997. - T. 6, p. 112.