What does Leo Tolstoy compare secular society with? Depiction of secular society in the novel "War and Peace"

Lev Nikolaevich Tolstoy - Russian writer, publicist, philosopher, moralist, religious teacher, teacher. The author of the great work "War and Peace", which describes Russian society during the era of the wars against Napoleon in the period from one thousand eight hundred five to one thousand eight hundred and twelve.

The idea for the novel was formed long before work began on the text that is known today. The main topic of this work is the historical fate of the Russian people in the Patriotic War.

Depicting the life and character of the common people, Lev Nikolaevich Tolstoy paints life and morals with bright colors secular society, in most cases consisting of nobles. It should be noted that secular society at that time was divided into two types - St. Petersburg and Moscow.

When Lev Nikolaevich Tolstoy was working on his novel, Saint Petersburg was the capital Russian Empire, characterizing the architectural splendor of the city combined with cold gloominess and inaccessibility.

The writer transfers the unique character of the city to St. Petersburg society, whose main activities were balls, various receptions and social events. It was there that political, secular and cultural news taking place in the country at that time were discussed. The main representatives of secular societies were Anna Pavlovna Scherer, a maid of honor, a close associate of the empress, whose meaning of life was the successful existence of her salon, and Helen Kuragina, a depraved, stupid, deceitful girl, however, despite this, she enjoyed enormous success in the world and had constant admirers .

A feature of St. Petersburg society was falseness and pretense. All social evenings, in my opinion, were similar to a masquerade, where the characters that the author introduces us to only play their role, putting on one mask or another.

Moscow society appears to us as completely opposite, the brightest representatives of which are the Rostov family.

At first glance, it may seem that the secular society of Moscow is not much different from the society of St. Petersburg. However, later we can notice that the conversations of the nobles were not hypocritical and empty, the Rostovs and their guests spoke sincerely, worrying with all their souls about the fate of their state and its citizens. In addition, the Moscow nobility was closer to the Russian people, their traditions and customs, which speaks of the kindness, openness and cordiality of the representatives of this social circle. However, one should not assume that Lev Nikolaevich Tolstoy idealizes Moscow society. On the contrary, he emphasizes many of his traits and morals, which do not find approval from the author. But nevertheless, he turns a blind eye to these insignificant things.

In conclusion, I would like to note that the role of secular society is very important in the work. Based on the antithesis, the author shows us both the good and bad qualities of these societies, ultimately revealing the truthful and holistic one.

The image of secular society in L. N. Tolstoy’s novel “War and Peace”

In the novel “War and Peace,” Tolstoy created a truthful and holistic picture of Russian life in the first quarter of the 19th century. During this period in Russia, the main social role was played by the nobles, so a significant place in the novel is given to the description of secular society. It should be noted that high society at that time was represented mainly by two metropolitan societies, quite different from each other: St. Petersburg and Moscow.
St. Petersburg is the capital, a cold, inhospitable city, on par with European cities. The St. Petersburg high society is a special world with its own laws, customs, morals, the intellectual center of the country, oriented towards Europe. But the first thing that catches your eye when describing relationships in this society is unnaturalness. All representatives of high society are accustomed to playing roles imposed on them by society or taken by them voluntarily; it is not for nothing that Prince Vasily is compared to an actor in the novel.
One of the main types of pastime for members of high society were social receptions at which news, the situation in Europe and much more were discussed. It seemed to the new person that everything being discussed was important, and all those present were very smart and thoughtful people, seriously interested in the subject of the conversation. In fact, there is something mechanical and indifferent in these techniques, and Tolstoy compares those present in the Scherer salon to a talking machine. An intelligent, serious, inquisitive person cannot be satisfied with such communication, and he quickly becomes disillusioned with the world. However, the basis of a secular society is made up of those who like such communication and for whom it is necessary. Such people develop a certain stereotype of behavior, which they transfer into their personal and family life. Therefore, in their relationships in the family there is little cordiality, more practicality and calculation. A typical St. Petersburg family is the Kuragin family.
Moscow secular society appears to us completely different, which, however, is still similar in some ways to St. Petersburg. The first image of Moscow light in the novel is the description of the name day in the Rostov house. The morning reception of guests is reminiscent of social receptions in St. Petersburg: discussion of news, although not on a global scale, but local, feigned feelings of surprise or indignation, but the impression immediately changes with the appearance of children, who bring spontaneity, happiness, and causeless fun into the living room. At dinner with the Rostovs, all the qualities inherent in the Moscow nobility are manifested: hospitality, cordiality, nepotism. Moscow society in many ways resembles one big family, where everyone knows everything, where they forgive each other’s small weaknesses and can publicly scold each other for mischief. Only in such a society could a figure like Akhrosimova appear, and Natasha’s outburst be condescendingly appreciated. Unlike the St. Petersburg nobility, the Moscow nobility is closer to the Russian people, their traditions and customs. In general, Tolstoy’s sympathies, apparently, are on the side of the Moscow nobility; it is not for nothing that his favorite heroes, the Rostovs, live in Moscow. And although the writer cannot approve of many of the traits and morals of Muscovites (gossiping, for example), he does not focus on them. In depicting secular society, Tolstoy actively uses the technique of “detachment,” which allows him to look at events and characters from an unexpected point of view. So , when describing an evening at Anna Pavlovna Scherer’s, the writer compares the salon with a spinning workshop, illuminating the social reception from an unexpected angle and allowing the reader to penetrate into the essence of the relationships at it. French in the speech of the heroes is also a technique of “detachment,” making it possible to more fully create the image of a secular society that at that time spoke mainly French.
The novel “War and Peace” was created in the second half of the 19th century. This means that Tolstoy was familiar with the life of secular society at the beginning of the century only from the literature of that time or from the stories of contemporaries of that era. Poets and writers early XIX centuries often turned to the depiction of the nobility in their works, that is, in literature at that time there already existed a certain tradition in the depiction of high society, and Tolstoy in many ways continues this tradition, although he often departs from it. This allowed him to create very. a complete and reliable image of the secular society of Russia at the beginning of the 19th century.

Tolstoy recalled that when writing a ro-
mana "War and Peace" he was inspired by the "thought
folk." It was from the people that Tolstoy learned
I myself advised others to do this. That's why
The main characters of his novel are
people from the people or those who stood close
To ordinary people. Without denying the merits of the two
swearing before the people, he divides it into two
categories. The first category includes those
who by their character, outlook, world-
view close to the people or through the use of
torture comes to this. The best pre-
leaders of the nobility in this regard
are Prince Andrei Bolkonsky, Pierre
Bezukhov, Natasha Rostova, Princess Marya
Bolkonskaya. But there are other representatives
nobility, the so-called “secular society”
“stvo”, which constitute a special caste. This
people who recognize only a few
values: title, power and money. Only
those who have one or all of the pe-
listed values, they allow into their
circle and recognize them as their own. Secular society
completely empty, just like empty and insignificant
we are its individual representatives, people without
any moral or ethics
toev, without life goals. Equally empty
their spiritual world is insignificant. But despite
this, they have great power. This is the ver-
the hushka who runs the country are the people
who decide the destinies of their fellow citizens.
Tolstoy tries in his novel to show all
the nation and all its representatives. "War and
world" begins with scenes depicting the highest
noble society. The author shows in
new modernity, but also touches on the pro-g
bad. Tolstoy draws the nobles of this departing
current era. Count Kirill Bezukhov is one of
their representatives. Bezukhov is rich and noble,
he has a good estate, money, power, which
ry received from kings for minor services.
Catherine's former favorite, reveler and
gatekeeper, he devoted his whole life to pleasure
yam. He is opposed by the old Prince Bolkon-
skiy is his age. Bolkonsky - faithful
defender of the fatherland he served
faithfully. For this he repeatedly
was in disgrace and out of favor with the authorities
Anti-nationality, complete disregard
the needs of ordinary people, the thirst for profit -
these are distinctive features higher two
Ryansk society. These features are also inherent in state
there the ladies-in-waiting Schörer, and the visitors of the French
Tsuzsky salon of Countess Bezukhova. Here
selfishness, self-interest, career-seeking reign
rism and intrigue. Small talk -
nothing more than ordinary slander,
often turning into slander. Behind the mask
good nature hides hypocrisy and pretense
things that have become a habit. All normal people
human feelings are distorted, everything is saturated
lies, all that remains of friendship and love is vi-
dimness. The origins of the moral decay of the highest
Tolstoy sees our society in parasitism
and idleness. It’s not in vain that he will introduce everyone to him
Lei calls drones. Saltykov-Shchedrin,
characterizing the novel “War and Peace”,
remarked: “And our so-called “higher society”
“The count famously captured the society.”
"Secular society" even with the advent
After the War of 1812, little changed: “the
comfortable, luxurious, concerned only with
ghosts, reflections of life, St. Petersburg
life went on as before; and because of the course of this
life had to make great efforts,
to be aware of the danger and the difficult situation
the situation in which the Russian people found themselves.
There were the same exits, balls, the same French
theater, the same interests of the courtyards, the same in-
interests of service and intrigue..." The times have changed
all that talk - they started talking more
talk about Napoleon and patriotism.
At the top of noble society are
Emperor Alexander I died. Alexander I
the cauldron is exactly as it was imagined
most of the nobles. But in the guise of an emperor
traits of duplicity, posturing and
that cutesy sensuality in which flatter-
people saw a manifestation of a “high soul
king The true appearance of Alexander I is particularly
but is clearly shown in the scene of the king’s arrival in Armik
after the defeat of the invaders. Kutuzov Tsar for-
embraces them, accompanying them with an evil
hissing: “Old comedian.” Tolstoy considers
melts that the top of the nation has become dead and now
lives an “artificial life.” Everything is approaching
the king's wives are no different from him
. my. The country is run by a bunch of foreigners
who don't care about Russia. Mini-
countries, generals, diplomats, staff officers
ry and other close associates of the emperor were busy
you with your own enrichment and career.
The same lies, the same intrigues reign here,
opportunism, as everywhere else. It is Ote-
the honorable war of 1812 showed the real
the essential essence of government officials. False
their patriotism is covered with loud words
you about your homeland and people. But their mediocrity
and the inability to govern the country is clearly visible
in the novel.
All layers are represented in War and Peace
Moscow noble society. Tolstoy,
characterizing noble society, str-
tries to show not individual representations
lei, but whole families. After all, it is in the family that
laid down as the foundations of integrity
and morality, and spiritual emptiness and
idleness. One of these families is
Kuragin family. Its head is Vasily Kuragin
occupies a fairly high position in the country.
He is a minister called upon to take care of the people.
de. Instead, all the worries of the elder Kur-
gina are aimed at oneself and at one’s own
married children. His son Hippolyte is a diplomat,
who can't speak any language at all
Russian For all his stupidity and insignificance
he craves power and wealth. Anatol Ku-
Ragin is no better than his brother. His only
entertainment is carousing and drinking.
It seems that this man is completely
indifferent to everything except self-indulgence
personal whims. His friend Drubetskoy -
Anatole's constant companion and witness
dark affairs.
We get to know these people already
the first pages of the novel, where Tolstoy describes
attracts visitors and regulars of the salon
Anna Pavlovna Sherer. Here they spin and
cold and calculating rogue Vasya
Liy Kuragin, who is looking for clever moves
“whether to the cross, to the shtetl,” and his son Ana-
only, which the father himself calls “restless”
big fool,” and destroyers of other people’s destinies
Hippolyte and Helen. Helen - the first beauty
city, but at the same time cold and spiritually pu-
wait man. She realizes her beauty and
puts her on display, allowing her to admire -
Xia. But this woman is far from harmless,
as it may seem at first glance. Av-
Thor emphasizes Helen's smile - she is “inexorably
Menna." I would like to compare Helen herself with Elena
A beautiful, ancient heroine, because of which
the swarm has begun Trojan War. Helen also
brings nothing but trouble. Later she
taking advantage of Pierre's gullibility,
lures him into her network and marries him.
In Scherer's salon we see both Pierre and An-
Drey Bolkonsky. The author contrasts
these living people to the dead high society.
We understand that Pierre found himself in a society where
to whom he is alien and who does not understand at all
his. Only Andrey's intervention helps
avoid scandal.
Boris Drubetskoy - another representative
tel of the highest noble society. He's alone
of those who will replace the older one
generation. But the author paints him the same way -
gentle from the people, like everyone else. Boris
cares only about his career. He has a ho-
a cool mind and a sober mind, he knew exactly
He doesn’t know what he needs in this life. He sets a goal
and achieves it. Even during the Drubetskaya war
thinks about awards and promotions,
wants to “arrange for himself the best position”
tion, especially the position of the adjutant during important
new face, which seemed especially tempting to him
you are in the army." He also makes acquaintances
only those that are beneficial to him. Let's remember
how the Drubetskys turned away from the Rostovs when
Yes, they were ruined. This despite
that families were once friendly.
The highest nobility differs from the people even
with your tongue. Language noble nobility- This
Frenchized language. He's just as dead
vyy, like the rest of society. It preserved
empty stamps, folded once and for all -
all expressions, ready-made phrases that
used in convenient cases. People on-
learned to hide their feelings behind everyday
in my phrases.
Thus, drawing the noble society
in, Tolstoy shows his inactivity
and inability to govern the country. Nobles-
The nobles have outlived their usefulness and must leave the stage.
us stories. Necessity and inevitability
this was convincingly demonstrated by the Patriotic
war of 1812.

Tolstoy recalled that he was inspired to write the novel “War and Peace” by “folk thought.” It was from the people that Tolstoy himself learned and advised others to do the same. Therefore, the main characters of his novel are people from the people or those who were close to ordinary people. Without denying the merits of the nobility to the people, he divides it into two categories. The first category includes those who, by their character, outlook, worldview, are close to the people or come to this through trials. The best representatives of the nobility in this regard are Prince Andrei Bolkonsky, Pierre Bezukhov, Natasha Rostova, Princess Marya Bolkonskaya. But there are other representatives of the nobility, the so-called “secular society,” who constitute a special caste. These are people who recognize only a few values: title, power and money. Only those who have one or all of the listed values ​​are allowed into their circle and recognized as their own. Secular society is completely empty, just as its individual representatives are empty and insignificant, people without any moral or ethical principles, without life goals. Their spiritual world is just as empty and insignificant. But despite this, they have great power. This is the elite that runs the country, the people who decide the destinies of their fellow citizens.

Tolstoy tries in the novel to show the entire nation and all its representatives. "War and Peace" begins with scenes depicting the highest noble society. The author shows mainly the present, but also touches on the past. Tolstoy paints the nobles of this bygone era. Count Kirill Bezukhov is one of their representatives. Bezukhov is rich and noble, he has a good estate, money, power, which he received from the kings for small services. A former favorite of Catherine, a reveler and a libertine, he devoted his entire life to pleasure. He is opposed by the old Prince Bolkonsky, his peer. Bolkonsky is a loyal defender of the fatherland, which he served faithfully. For this, he was repeatedly in disgrace and out of favor with those in power.

“Secular society,” even with the onset of the War of 1812, changed little: “calm, luxurious, concerned only with ghosts, reflections of life, St. Petersburg life went on as before; and because of the course of this life, it was necessary to make great efforts to recognize the danger and the difficult situation in which the Russian people found themselves. There were the same exits, balls, the same French theater, the same interests of the courts, the same interests of service and intrigue...” Only the conversations changed - they began to talk more about Napoleon and patriotism.

At the top of noble society was Emperor Alexander I. Alexander I is shown exactly as most nobles imagined him. But in the appearance of the emperor, traits of duplicity, posturing and that cutesy sensuality in which flatterers saw a manifestation of “ high soul king The true appearance of Alexander I is especially clearly shown in the scene of the king’s arrival in the army after the defeat of the invaders. The Tsar embraces Kutuzov, accompanying them with an angry hiss: “Old comedian.” Tolstoy believes that the top of the nation has become dead and is now living an “artificial life.” All the king's associates are no different from himself. The country is run by a bunch of foreigners who don't care about Russia. Ministers, generals, diplomats, staff officers and other close associates of the emperor are busy with their own enrichment and career. The same lies, the same intrigue, and opportunism reign here as everywhere else. Exactly Patriotic War 1812 showed the real essence of government officials. False patriotism they are covered up with loud words about the homeland and people. But their mediocrity and inability to govern the country are clearly visible in the novel.

In "War and Peace" all layers of Moscow noble society are represented. Tolstoy, characterizing noble society, strives to show not individual representatives, but entire families. After all, it is in the family that both the foundations of integrity and morality, as well as spiritual emptiness and idleness, are laid. One of these families is the Kuragin family. Its head, Vasily Kuragin, occupies a fairly high position in the country. He is a minister called to take care of the people. Instead, all the elder Kuragin’s concerns are directed towards himself and his own children. His son Ippolit is a diplomat who cannot speak Russian at all. For all his stupidity and insignificance, he craves power and wealth. Anatol Kuragin is no better than his brother. His only entertainment is carousing and drinking. It seems that this person is completely indifferent to everything except indulging his own whims. His friend Drubetskoy is Anatole’s constant companion and a witness to his dark deeds.

We meet these people already on the first pages of the novel, where Tolstoy describes the visitors and regulars of Anna Pavlovna Sherer’s salon. The cold and calculating rogue Vasily Kuragin, who is looking for clever moves “to the cross or to the town,” and his son Anatole, whom his father himself calls “a restless fool,” and the destroyers of other people’s destinies Hippolyte and Helen are spinning here. Helen is the first beauty of the city, but at the same time a cold and spiritually empty person. She is aware of her beauty and puts it on display, allowing her to be admired. But this woman is far from being as harmless as she might seem at first glance. The author emphasizes Helen's smile - it is “unchangeable.” I would like to compare Helen herself with Helen the Beautiful, the ancient heroine, because of whom the Trojan War began. Helen also brings nothing but trouble. Later, taking advantage of Pierre's gullibility, she will lure him into her network and marry him.

In Scherer's salon we see both Pierre and Andrei Bolkonsky. The author contrasts these living people with the dead high society. We understand that Pierre has found himself in a society to which he is alien and which does not understand him at all. Only Andrey's intervention helps to avoid a scandal.

Boris Drubetskoy is another representative of the highest noble society. He is one of those who will replace the older generation. But the author portrays him as distant from the people as everyone else. Boris only cares about his career. He has a cool mind and a sober mind, he knows exactly what he needs in this life. He sets a goal and achieves it. Even during the war, Drubetskoy thinks about awards and promotion, wants to “arrange for himself the best position, especially the position of adjutant with an important person, which seemed especially tempting to him in the army.” He also makes acquaintances only those that are beneficial to him. Let us remember how the Drubetskys turned away from the Rostovs when they were ruined. This is despite the fact that the families were once friendly.

The highest nobility differs from the people even in their language. The language of the noble nobility is a Frenchized language. He is as dead as the rest of society. It preserves empty cliches, once and for all established expressions, ready-made phrases that are used in convenient cases. People have learned to hide their feelings behind common phrases.

Thus, by depicting noble society, Tolstoy shows its inactivity and inability to rule the country. The noble nobility has outlived its usefulness and must leave the stage of history. The necessity and inevitability of this was convincingly demonstrated by the Patriotic War of 1812.

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One of the main issues that underlies the work and my essay on the topic “Secular society in the novel “War and Peace”” is the essence of the Russian people, with all its versatility, shortcomings and advantages. In the novel, Tolstoy's goal was to show true face society of the early 19th century, in order to depict against its background the essence of the Russian soul and the main national values, such as home, family and state.

The image of society serves not only as a force that shapes views, opinions, principles of thinking and ideals of behavior, but also as a background for expression through it. bright personalities, thanks to high moral qualities and whose heroism the war was won, which largely affected the future fate of the state.

The image of secular society in the novel “War and Peace” (2nd version)

In the novel “War and Peace,” Tolstoy created a truthful and holistic picture of Russian life in the first quarter of the 19th century. During this period in Russia, the main social role was played by the nobles, so a significant place in the novel is given to the description of secular society. It should be noted that high society at that time was represented mainly by two metropolitan societies, quite different from each other: St. Petersburg and Moscow.
St. Petersburg is the capital, a cold, inhospitable city, on par with European cities. The St. Petersburg high society is a special world with its own laws, customs, morals, the intellectual center of the country, oriented towards Europe. But the first thing that catches your eye when describing relationships in this society is unnaturalness. All representatives of high society are accustomed to playing roles imposed on them by society or taken by them voluntarily; it is not for nothing that Prince Vasily is compared to an actor in the novel.
One of the main types of pastime for members of high society were social receptions at which news, the situation in Europe and much more were discussed. It seemed to the new person that everything being discussed was important, and all those present were very smart and thoughtful people, seriously interested in the subject of the conversation. In fact, there is something mechanical and indifferent in these techniques, and Tolstoy compares those present in the Scherer salon to a talking machine. An intelligent, serious, inquisitive person cannot be satisfied with such communication, and he quickly becomes disillusioned with the world. However, the basis of a secular society is made up of those who like such communication and for whom it is necessary. Such people develop a certain stereotype of behavior, which they transfer into their personal and family life. Therefore, in their relationships in the family there is little cordiality, more practicality and calculation. A typical St. Petersburg family is the Kuragin family.
Moscow secular society appears to us completely different, which, however, is still similar in some ways to St. Petersburg. The first image of Moscow light in the novel is the description of the name day in the Rostov house. The morning reception of guests is reminiscent of social receptions in St. Petersburg: discussion of news, although not on a global scale, but local, feigned feelings of surprise or indignation, but the impression immediately changes with the appearance of children, who bring spontaneity, happiness, and causeless fun into the living room. At dinner with the Rostovs, all the qualities inherent in the Moscow nobility are manifested: hospitality, cordiality, nepotism. Moscow society in many ways resembles one big family, where everyone knows everything, where they forgive each other’s small weaknesses and can publicly scold each other for mischief. Only in such a society could a figure like Akhrosimova appear, and Natasha’s outburst be condescendingly appreciated. Unlike the St. Petersburg nobility, the Moscow nobility is closer to the Russian people, their traditions and customs. In general, Tolstoy’s sympathies, apparently, are on the side of the Moscow nobility; it is not for nothing that his favorite heroes, the Rostovs, live in Moscow. And although the writer cannot approve of many of the traits and morals of Muscovites (gossiping, for example), he does not focus on them. In depicting secular society, Tolstoy actively uses the technique of “detachment,” which allows him to look at events and characters from an unexpected point of view. So , when describing an evening at Anna Pavlovna Scherer’s, the writer compares the salon with a spinning workshop, illuminating the secular reception from an unexpected angle and allowing the reader to penetrate into the essence of the relationship in it. The French language in the speech of the characters is also a method of “detachment,” making it possible to more fully create an image of the secular. society, which at that time spoke mainly French.
The novel “War and Peace” was created in the second half of the 19th century. This means that Tolstoy was familiar with the life of secular society at the beginning of the century only from the literature of that time or from the stories of contemporaries of that era. Poets and writers of the early 19th century often turned to the depiction of the nobility in their works, that is, in literature at that time there already existed a certain tradition in the depiction of high society, and Tolstoy largely continues this tradition, although he often departs from it. This allowed him to create very. a complete and reliable image of the secular society of Russia at the beginning of the 19th century.

The image of secular society in the novel “War and Peace” (version 3)

Tolstoy recalled that he was inspired to write the novel “War and Peace” by “folk thought.” It was from the people that Tolstoy himself learned and advised others to do the same. Therefore, the main characters of his novel are people from the people or those who were close to ordinary people. Without denying the merits of the nobility to the people, he divides it into two categories. The first category includes those who, by their character, outlook, worldview, are close to the people or come to this through trials. The best representatives of the nobility in this regard are Prince Andrei Bolkonsky, Pierre Bezukhov, Natasha Rostova, Princess Marya Bolkonskaya.

But there are other representatives of the nobility, the so-called “secular society,” who constitute a special caste. These are people who recognize only a few values: title, power and money. Only those who have one or all of the listed values ​​are allowed into their circle and recognized as their own. Secular society is completely empty, just as its individual representatives are empty and insignificant, people without any moral or ethical principles, without life goals. Their spiritual world is just as empty and insignificant. But despite this, they have great power. This is the elite that runs the country, the people who decide the destinies of their fellow citizens.

Tolstoy tries in the novel to show the entire nation and all its representatives. "War and Peace" begins with scenes depicting the highest noble society. The author shows mainly the present, but also touches on the past. Tolstoy paints the nobles of this bygone era. Eraf Kirill Bezukhov is one of their representatives. Bezukhov is rich and noble, he has a good estate, money, power, which he received from the kings for small services. A former favorite of Catherine, a reveler and a libertine, he devoted his entire life to pleasure. He is opposed by the old Prince Bolkonsky, his peer. Bolkonsky is a loyal defender of the fatherland, which he served faithfully. For this, he was repeatedly in disgrace and out of favor with those in power.

“Secular society,” even with the onset of the War of 1812, changed little: “calm, luxurious, concerned only with ghosts, reflections of life, St. Petersburg life went on as before; and because of the course of this life, it was necessary to make great efforts to recognize the danger and the difficult situation in which the Russian people found themselves. There were the same exits, balls, the same French theater, the same interests of the courts, the same interests of service and intrigue...” Only the conversations changed - they began to talk more about Napoleon and patriotism.

At the top of noble society was Emperor Alexander I. Alexander I is shown exactly as most nobles imagined him. But in the appearance of the emperor, traits of duplicity, posturing and that cutesy sensuality, in which flatterers saw a manifestation of the “lofty soul of the king,” are already appearing. The true appearance of Alexander I is especially clearly shown in the scene of the king’s arrival in the army after the defeat of the invaders. The Tsar embraces Kutuzov, accompanying them with a hissing hiss: “Old comedian.” Tolstoy believes that the top of the nation has become dead and is now living an “artificial life.” All the king's associates are no different from him. my. The country is run by a bunch of foreigners who don't care about Russia. Ministers, generals, diplomats, staff officers and other close associates of the emperor are busy with their own enrichment and career. The same lies, the same intrigue, and opportunism reign here as everywhere else. It was the Patriotic War of 1812 that showed the true essence of government officials. Their false patriotism is covered up with loud words about their homeland and people. But their mediocrity and inability to govern the country are clearly visible in the novel.

In "War and Peace" all layers of Moscow noble society are represented. Tolstoy, characterizing noble society, strives to show not individual representatives, but entire families. After all, it is in the family that both the foundations of integrity and morality, as well as spiritual emptiness and idleness, are laid. One of these families is the Kuragin family. Its head, Vasily Kuragin, occupies a fairly high position in the country. He is a minister called to take care of the people. Instead, all the elder Kuragin’s concerns are directed towards himself and his own children. His son Ippolit is a diplomat who cannot speak Russian at all. For all his stupidity and insignificance, he craves power and wealth. Anatol Kuragin is no better than his brother. His only entertainment is carousing and drinking. It seems that this person is completely indifferent to everything except indulging his own whims. His friend Drubetskoy is Anatole’s constant companion and a witness to his dark deeds.

We meet these people already on the first pages of the novel, where Tolstoy describes the visitors and regulars of Anna Pavlovna Sherer’s salon. The cold and calculating rogue Vasily Kuragin, who is looking for clever moves “to the cross or to the town,” and his son Ana-tol, whom his father himself calls “a restless fool,” and the destroyers of their destinies Hippolyte and Helen are spinning here. Helen is the first beauty of the city, but at the same time a cold and spiritually empty person. She is aware of her beauty and puts it on display, allowing her to be admired. But this woman is far from being as harmless as she might seem at first glance. The author emphasizes Helen's smile - it is “unchangeable.” I would like to compare Helen herself with Helen the Beautiful, the ancient heroine, because of whom the Trojan War began. Helen also brings nothing but trouble. Later, taking advantage of Pierre's gullibility, she will lure him into her network and marry him.

In Scherer's salon we see both Pierre and Andrei Bolkonsky. The author contrasts these living people with the dead high society. We understand that Pierre has found himself in a society to which he is alien and which does not understand him at all. Only Andrey's intervention helps to avoid a scandal.

Boris Drubetskoy is another representative of the highest noble society. He is one of those who will replace the older generation. But the author portrays him as distant from the people as everyone else. Boris only cares about his career. He has a cool mind and a sober mind, he knows exactly what he needs in this life. He sets a goal and achieves it. Even during the war, Drubetskoy thinks about awards and promotion, wants to “arrange for himself the best position, especially the position of adjutant with an important person, which seemed especially tempting to him in the army.” He also makes acquaintances only those that are beneficial to him. Let us remember how the Drubetskys turned away from the Rostovs when they were ruined. This is despite the fact that the families were once friendly.

The highest nobility differs from the people even in their language. The language of the noble nobility is a Frenchized language. He is as dead as the rest of society. It preserves empty cliches, once and for all established expressions, ready-made phrases that are used in convenient cases. People have learned to hide their feelings behind common phrases.

Thus, by depicting noble society, Tolstoy shows its inactivity and inability to rule the country. The noble nobility has outlived its usefulness and must leave the stage of history. The necessity and inevitability of this was convincingly demonstrated by the Patriotic War of 1812.