The most courageous professions. Business game "in the world of professions"

On April 20, 2018 at 14.30 for schoolchildren in grades 8-11 a career guidance meeting “Profession Formula: Brave Professions” will be held via video conferencing

During the event, the meeting participants will introduce schoolchildren to professions that require special training - firefighter, rescuer of various profiles, investigator. Employees of the Ministry of Emergency Situations will talk about the intricacies of their heroic profession, the advantages of entering departmental educational institutions: guaranteed employment, social guarantees, decent scholarships and much more.

— Department of Technosphere Safety, Federal State Autonomous Educational Institution of Higher Education “Northern (Arctic) Federal University named after M.V. Lomonosov"
— State Budgetary Institution JSC “Rescue Service named after I. A. Polivany”

We invite schoolchildren in grades 8-11 to take part in the videoconference.
To participate in the VKS you must:
1. Register on the website of the Digital Educational Ring of the Arkhangelsk Region: ;
2. Select an event from the calendar (April 20, 2:30 p.m. “Profession Formula: Brave Professions”), click the “Participate” button, select the place of participation, click the “Confirm” button;
3. 10 minutes before the start of the event, arrive at the selected Municipal Center of the Digital Educational Circle.

*photo from the official VKontakte page
photo Mike Simonov

Target: to update the process of professional self-determination of students through the special organization of their activities, including gaining knowledge about themselves and about the world of work and professions, to prepare schoolchildren for a conscious choice of profession.


  • to form among students an active position in relation to the choice of a future profession;
  • to form in students knowledge about the world of work and professions, the requirements of the profession for the individual;
  • teach to correlate the requirements of the profession with individual qualities;
  • teach you to analyze your capabilities and abilities to form socially significant motives for choosing a profession;
  • prepare for professional self-determination.

Equipment: projector, computer.

Progress of the event

Before the start of the event, students are divided into 5 teams by drawing lots and take places at the tables (the event is held for students of two classes). The jury consists of school teachers.

Teacher:“Recently, a paradoxical situation has emerged in the Russian labor market: on the one hand, there is an acute shortage of workers in industry, and on the other hand, according to the Ministry of Health and Social Development, 16% of young specialists with higher education are unemployed.

Very little time will pass and you will have to choose your path in life. And this path will begin from a crossroads, from which not 3, as in a fairy tale, but 50 thousand roads diverge - this is exactly how many professions there are now. And it is very important not to make a mistake in choosing the path. After all, a lot depends on this choice: material wealth, social circle, interests, and happiness in life. It is not without reason that they say that by choosing a profession, a person chooses his destiny. What is a profession?

(Slide 3)

On the screen you see 4 words that are related to a person’s professional activity: profession, specialty, qualification, position. How would you explain the difference between these words?

(Children give answers.)

(Slide 4)

Let's summarize. Here are brief definitions of these concepts, and you can see how close you are to the truth.

(Profession is a person’s work activity, which gives him the means for existence and development).

Speciality– type of occupation within one profession.

Qualification– this is the level of professional skill.

Job title is the place a person occupies in an organization.

All these words together contain the professional characteristics of a person. Profession, specialty, qualification - this is what a person sells on the labor market. Today we will talk about different professions and choosing a profession.

(Slide 5)

Look, each of you has taken a seat around one of the five tables. Everyone sitting at the table thus becomes a member of the team.


Each team will draw out one letter of the alphabet, come up with a profession for this letter and show its features to other groups (pantomime, gestures, facial expressions). The rest of the teams must guess the name of the profession. (A representative from each team comes to the table where all the letters of the alphabet are laid out, pulls out any one; the team deliberates, shows, the rest of the groups guess the profession).

(Slide 6)

Teacher: Guys, every profession, like every living phenomenon, has the ability to grow old, disappear, and receive new content. From time to time, some professions and specialties become very necessary, in demand, and prestigious, others lose their positions, and still others become a thing of the past. Now it's time for a new task.

Task 2: You will receive cards with the names of professions, which you must divide into groups.

The first group of professions is “The most fashionable professions”.

The second group is “Professions that have almost or completely disappeared.” (forgotten)

The third group is “Professions that are always needed.”

The fourth group is “The most courageous professions.”

Fifth “Appeared only in the 20th century”

(Music turns on, children discuss, make lists.)

Let's see if it worked out for you.

(Slide 7)

On the slide and check the approximate lists of professions:

The most fashionable: lawyer, economist, manager, top model, TV presenter, web designer, journalist, programmer, auto mechanic, oil worker, plastic surgeon, president, speaker, environmentalist

Professions that have almost or completely disappeared: groom, valet, housekeeper, saddler, chimney sweep, cooper, coachman, coachman, lamplighter, spinner, laundress, seamstress, solicitor, chimney sweep, postmaster, policeman, merchant.

Professions that are always needed: doctor, teacher, janitor, builder, driver (driver), hairdresser, policeman, baker, farmer, livestock breeder, cook, accountant, plumber.

The bravest: firefighter, stuntman, submariner, test pilot, cosmonaut, mine rescuer, racing driver, sapper, miner, military man, etc.

“Appeared only in the 20th century” programmer, computer operator, manager, secretary-assistant, operator of computer numerical control (CNC) machines, tractor driver - general-purpose operator, pilot, crane operator, cosmonaut, embryologist, electrician.

(Slide 8)

And now a few questions about professions that will help you understand how broad your horizons are in this area

(Slide 9)

Task 3. “Questions”

Name the tools used in the work of a musician, steelmaker, or doctor.

Answer: spoon. Spoon musicians; a doctor checks a patient’s pharynx at home with a regular spoon: steelworkers take a steel sample with a special spoon.

(Slide 10)

Which king knew 14 crafts? Name the king and several crafts that he mastered.

(answer: Peter I - carpenter, shipbuilder, blacksmith, turner, gunsmith, sailor, etc.)

(Slide 11)

Who was a professional: in literature and medicine? (answer: A.P. Chekhov)

(Slide 12)

Who was a professional in music and chemistry? (answer: A.P. Borodin)

(Slide 13)

Who was a professional: in literature and diplomacy. (answer: A.S. Griboyedov).

(Slide 14)

  • Who could work these days:
  • Wolf from the fairy tale “The Wolf and the Seven Little Goats” (answer: parodist)
  • The hero of the cartoon “Holidays in Prostokvashino” is the cat Matroskin (answer: a businessman, a livestock breeder, the chairman of a collective farm).

(Slide 15)

Go out to the Volga, whose groan is heard
Over the great Russian river?
We call this groan a song,
Then the barge haulers walk with a towline.

What do representatives of this profession do today? (answer: motorists-steering officers.)

(Slide 16)

Representatives of this profession say: “Our job is to bring joy to people.” One proverb compares this profession to the profession of a doctor. Name this profession and proverb.

(Answer: profession – cook. Proverb: “A good cook is worth a doctor.”)

(Slide 17)

Question is a joke. What does a computer have in common with a cow?

Answer: the profession of the person serving them is called an operator (computer operator and machine milking operator).

(Slide 18)

“In your opinion, my profession may seem easy, but the work of an entire team depends on it. This profession requires constant movement and strong nerves. They don’t always know me by sight, as they often see my back. Tell me my profession." Answer: conductor.

Name a profession whose content changes completely as soon as it passes from male to female hands.

(Answer: profession driver - typist.)

(Slide 19)

Teacher: At all times, people had different attitudes towards their work, the work that they had to do. Listen to the legend. A long time ago, a large cathedral was built in the French city of Chartres. Three workers transporting building stone in wheelbarrows were asked what they were doing. The first one answered: “I’m cutting these damned stones, I’ve got so many calluses on my hands!” The second said: “I cut and carve stones, I earn a piece of bread for my wife and daughters.” And the third said with a smile: “I am building a beautiful cathedral.” While doing the same job, all three gave different answers to the question asked.

Question to the teams: Why? (Guys answer).

Teacher: Each one's answers revealed their particular attitude towards the same activity: the construction of the cathedral. It is no secret that in our time of development of science, technology, television, and computers, not all people treat their work with love, receiving satisfaction and joy from their work; Not everyone loves their profession.

Question: Why do you think? (Guys answer).

Teacher: The main reason for this lies in the choice of professional activity that does not correspond to the interests, inclinations, and abilities of a person. Consequently, work brings joy and success when it is to your liking.

(Slide 20)

Task 4. Now each team will receive a card with five sentences that must be completed. And then we'll see what you came up with.

"Finish the sentences":

  1. People work for...
  2. Real work is...
  3. When choosing a profession, people often do not take into account...
  4. The most important thing in any professional work...
  5. Happiness is…

They wrote it down and read it out.

(Slide 21)

Teacher: You wrote everything correctly, now let’s compare your statements with the thoughts of philosophers, economists, and politicians on the same topic. (On slides)

1. People work for satisfying one's needs for the sake of self-expression.

2. Real work– this is dedication and creativity.

3. When choosing a profession, people often do not take into account concepts that are expressed in three words: I want, I can, I must.

A. I want – my desire.

B. I can – my capabilities, abilities, knowledge, state of health.

B. It is necessary - the needs of the labor market.

4. The most important thing in any professional work– knowledge and the ability to apply it in practice.

5. Once to the question: “What is happiness?” The answer was: “Happiness is when you go to work with joy in the morning, and happily return home in the evening.” This means that one of the components of happiness is the right choice of your profession. This problem sooner or later faces any person.

(Slide 22)

We worked at the school for many years and were always interested in the future fate of our students. When we meet, we ask the question: “Are you satisfied with your chosen profession?” And they received the answer: approximately every third (!) made a mistake in their choice, and every second admitted that they were not entirely satisfied, and if they started over, they would probably have followed a different path. Why do so many young people make mistakes in their choice:

  • Parents “pressure”.
  • They follow fashion.
  • They know nothing about the profession they have chosen.
  • They choose “for company.”
  • They don’t want to learn about the negative aspects of the profession.
  • They have no abilities or inclinations for this profession.
  • They imitate the heroes of movies and television series.

Here are the most common reasons for mistakes in choosing a profession. But how then to choose the right profession?

(Slide 23)

It turns out that only a conscious choice of profession can be correct. A conscious choice is a choice in which a person takes into account both personal aspirations (I want), and his capabilities (I can), and the needs of society in this profession at the given moment (I must).

  • I want - this is everything I like, what my soul is for;
  • I can - that’s all I can do, according to my abilities;
  • necessary - this is all that is needed for society, the country.

Together we get a formula for conscious choice of profession. The relationship between “I want” and “I can” is in your hands. If a person has a dream and he is determined to achieve his goal, he will definitely achieve it. But to do this, you need to understand yourself, find out your strengths and weaknesses, your abilities and shortcomings.

(Slide 24)

Maybe a comic test with geometric shapes will help you understand yourself a little. Using three geometric shapes - a triangle, a circle, a square, draw a man consisting of 10 elements. All three types of figures must be used. The quality of the drawing does not matter. If unnecessary elements are drawn, they must be crossed out; if they are missing, the missing ones must be completed. Execution time – 30 s. (Children draw figures.)

(Slide 25)

Now count the number of triangles. Now look at the key to the test on the slide.

  • First type: 6-8 triangles – leader type, good teachers. They have a clear desire for leadership, have a good understanding of people, and work with information.
  • Second type: 5 triangles. Responsible executive, good organizational skills. A professional who thinks through his activities to the smallest detail.
  • Third type: 4 triangles. Diversity of interests and talents. Tendency to work individually.
  • Fourth type: 3 triangles. Type of scientist. Rational, objective, easily switches from one type of activity to another.
  • Fifth type: 2 triangles. Interest in art and people. He has a keen sense of everything new and unusual.
  • Sixth type: 1 triangle. Inventor, designer, artist. Has a rich imagination.

Of course, this test does not reflect the diversity of your talents. But maybe it will help you think about yourself, about your capabilities and abilities and begin to develop these abilities. Ultimately, this will help you in choosing your life path.

(Slide 26)

Final word.

Today you learned about different professions and how to choose the right business in life. This task is not easy, we must prepare for it now. And for a profession to please and bring pleasure, it needs to match your character, thinking, and psyche. To do this, you need to recognize yourself, study yourself, observe yourself, know your strengths and weaknesses. Only then will you not make a mistake and make the right choice.

(Slide 27)

Now let's summarize. Write a sequence for the word profession. And at this time the jury sums up the results of our game.

(Slide 28)

Choosing a profession is a very important event in the life of every person. But no matter what profession you choose, the knowledge you gain at school will always be useful to you. Therefore, try now to determine your area of ​​interest, read more, gain experience and knowledge. To do this, you need to try yourself in a variety of areas. As one wise man well noted: “In order not to make mistakes, you need to have experience. To have experience, you have to make mistakes.”

As children, almost all boys want to be superheroes, having superpowers and saving the world from villains. After all, such characters gain fame and popularity. But boys grow up and become men who choose a profession. Often the chosen type of activity is much more courageous than it seems at first glance. Let's consider the most courageous professions of our time.

Lumberjack (lumberjack)

This profession is considered courageous, as testosterone levels increase significantly during work. This was proven after conducting relevant research. The profession of a lumberjack is also in the top because it requires a lot of effort and can be mastered by a physically fit and strong man. In addition, assertiveness and even aggression are needed when cutting wood.


The exclusively male profession of a miner is considered synonymous with the word “courage.” Miners regularly take risks and are exposed to danger. Diseases of the respiratory system, mine collapses, the risk of getting lost - all this and much more can happen at any time. In addition to risk, this profession involves constant coal dust on the skin and clothes. For a woman this is unforgivable, but for a man it is a normal occurrence, personifying the courage of the profession.


Not everyone can be a firefighter. If you don’t like physical activity, don’t have lightning quick wits, and don’t like working in a team, then, as the saying goes: “They don’t hire people like that as an astronaut.” Only fit, physically strong, “team” and quick-witted men can be firefighters. This is the profession of a real superhero. It is full of dangers and risks. Representatives of this courageous profession climb onto buildings engulfed in fire, save people and wage an uncompromising fight against the flames.


This is a very ancient profession, which was mastered by the Egyptians during the time of the pharaohs. Today, modern pyramid builders - masons - work on construction sites of any scale. They work with bricks, stones and other heavy materials, which largely ensure the strength of the structure. To be a mason means to be a strong and courageous man who bears great responsibility for his activities.


Even an amateur in this business knows that the danger of this profession lies not in tools, not in sunstroke, but in a fall from the roof, which can be fatal.


Not all men consider this profession the best. However, she deservedly made it to the top of courageous activities. A butcher slaughters livestock, cuts it up and prepares it for sale in markets, shops, etc. This profession requires physical strength and certain skills that women cannot do.

Agricultural worker

The main components of agricultural activity: tractors, combines and other technical power of cooperatives, increase productivity, however, do not guarantee the safety of workers. This is perhaps one of the most risky courageous professions. While performing his duties, an agricultural worker must not lose vigilance and caution, otherwise negative consequences will not be long in coming.


The progress of computer technology has not yet replaced stuntmen. During every stunt, they risk their lives. This activity requires dexterity, caution and physical strength.


This does not mean fishermen sitting alone with a fishing rod on the shore of a lake, and not drinkers under the guise of fishing, but those guys who, even in the turbulence of the water elements, wield special dangerous tools while on a ship. The ability to fish professionally at any stop is considered a courageous activity, as it requires courage and preparation.


Being a truck driver is not just about holding the steering wheel of a truck. Driving for a long time in any weather and concentrating on the road situation are integral components of this courageous profession. In addition, the truck driver must have the physical strength to “serve” the truck and repel scammers and bandits who may be encountered during the route.

Such professions deserve respect. Moreover, this is a real embodiment of boyish dreams. If you belong to one of them, it means that you combine true masculine traits, and your activities are comparable to the actions of your favorite superheroes from your childhood.

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Class hour: People of brave professions.

Rescuer of the Ministry of Emergency Situations

Tasks: - introduce students to people of brave professions;

To promote children's understanding of the value of life;

To instill in children a sense of mutual assistance, responsibility T loyalty, the desire to be useful to society, respect and respect for the defenders of our Fatherland.

Leading: -Guys, today in class we will talk about people of brave professions; find out why their professions are courageous. Can you list these professions? (Children's answers are listened to). Who do you think is called a rescuer? (Children's answers).

Presenter: Rescuer of the Ministry of Emergency Situations – specialist in rescuing victims in extreme situations.
A rescuer is one of those people who is one of the first to come to the rescue.
This profession includes several specialties: driver, fireman, steeplejack, diver, medic, etc.
During a natural disaster, man-made disaster or terrorist attack, a large number of people suffer simultaneously. And many of them need help immediately. If a person loses blood or is crushed under a slab, the minutes count.

Rescuers arriving at the scene instantly assess the situation, organize evacuation, extract the wounded, and provide first aid.
All these activities require a person to be determined, focused on work and have honed skills.
Rescuers come on call and in case of accidents, when it is necessary not only to provide medical assistance, but to rescue someone from a trap, remove them from the roof, remove them from the water, etc.
In their work, rescuers constantly encounter the pain of others and find themselves in dangerous situations. To maintain good professional and physical shape, rescuers train a lot both in the gym and at the training ground, bringing their skills to automaticity.

1 student: You can write a lot, making laws,
And then speak beautifully from the podium.
But for those who know how to defend themselves,
First of all, the job is to protect people:
From fires and rains and earthquakes,
From invasions, terrorist attacks, from any disasters,
When in complete despair and shock,
We only hope for help from them.
Those guys who will help in deed and word,
Although sometimes they themselves lack it.
People are ready for a lot in this service,
Risking your life to save civilians.


Leading: -Guys, tell me what you know about the medical profession? (Children's answers).

Leading: The medical profession has a long history. In ancient times, there were various healers of ailments. They treated with medicinal herbs, tinctures, extracts from fruits and roots of plants, which had the ability to heal wounds and cure infections.

In modern times, a doctor has no right to make a mistake or neglect his work. A doctor is expected to provide prompt assistance, a complete absence of emotions, and high efficiency in his work. The professional responsibilities of a doctor include diagnosis, treatment and further prevention of diseases of patients who seek help. But the main thing is love for people.

This profession requires sensitivity and special attention to patients. It is in this case that the doctor will be able to notice even minor symptoms of the disease. Courage will also be required, because often it is doctors who have to be, as they say, in the thick of things. After all, medical workers, on duty, have to work in epidemic areas, care for the sick, risking infection, and carry out many other actions associated with risks to life and health. You will also need the ability to make quick decisions and the willingness to take responsibility for them.

2nd student: Glory, glory to the doctors,
Nurses, paramedics,
To all nurses, ophthalmologists,
Obstetricians, prosthetists,
Dentists and lorists,
We sing glory to the whole choir.
Even if someone is healthy,
Life started with doctors!
Their caring hands
Eased mothers' pains,
So that we can be born.
God forbid we catch a cold,
Catch bronchitis or flu -
We'll remember them right away!
Everyone will tell you about them,
How skillful and brave;
How they will be covered with attention,
To improve the condition;
How to fight for people's lives,
They forget about theirs.
Took the Hippocratic oath
They are faithful to her in their work.
Glory, glory to the doctors!
We bow deeply to you.

Profession: policeman

Leading: - Guys, who do you think a policeman is? (Children's answers).

Leading: A police officer is a person authorized to maintain public order, protect the peace, health and property of all law-abiding members of society. Naturally, a representative of this profession is also obliged to protect the health and property of offenders, but on the contrary, their peace disappears at the sight of the uniform of the Ministry of Internal Affairs officers. In addition to shoulder straps, a policeman can also be distinguished by his special labor tools - a rubber baton and a pistol. Such professional tools are due to the fact that their craft is special and requires the use of force when there is no other choice.

3rd student: I asked once,
A boy of about seven years old.
Where is your dad now?
And how to find it?

My dad is a policeman! -
The kid said in response.
And on an army belt,
He carries a gun.

And on blue uniforms,
He has stars.
My dad is the strongest
He achieved everything himself.

Helps the boys
He's from our yard.
Sometimes he scolds them,
When it's time to go home.

He knows all his neighbors
Where, how and who lives.
They often help out
And it won’t pass by.

He is respected here
And maybe for good reason:
Enemies don't hurt
And all my friends love me.

He goes to work early
Gets up tirelessly
And most importantly, dad
Everyone here will name it.

My dad is a policeman!
And he serves the Country.
And your belt is from the army;
He will give it to me soon!


Leading: -Guys, tell us, what do we call a fireman? (Children's answers).

Leading: A firefighter is a fire department employee who extinguishes fires and rescues people from fire.

A firefighter is also called a fire brigade member. And a more romantic option is a firefighter.
But a fireman should not be called a fireman, this is a colloquial option. And besides, at the beginning of the last century, firefighters were often called not fire fighters, but fake fire victims who begged for alms from kind passers-by.

Fire is always unexpected and scary. Many people get lost in such a situation: they take unnecessary actions, cannot find a way out of a house engulfed in flames, etc. Very often, people simply have no chance to survive if a firefighter does not come to the rescue.
The main goal of a firefighter is to save people. Victims of fire and smoke require medical attention, and while the ambulance is traveling, firefighters provide them with first aid.
In other words, a firefighter is a firefighter, a rescuer, and a medic.

It is impossible to put out fires without good physical training. The equipment the fighters use is quite heavy, and they need to move quickly with it. Try to run up to the ninth floor without an elevator with a fire hose, in full uniform - this test is not for the weak.
Therefore, fire departments pay special attention to sports: fighters pass standards for running, pull-ups, participate in sports competitions in swimming, weightlifting, etc.
A firefighter is familiar with the constant feeling of danger. Very often he risks his health and even his life. If a person wants to save people, is not afraid of fire, smoke, physical stress and a modest salary, he can become a real firefighter.

4 student: In a bright red car

We are rushing forward.

The work is hard and dangerous

It's waiting for us, firefighters.

Howl of a piercing siren

Can stun

We will be both water and foam

We are putting out the fire.

And people in trouble

We can help

After all, we will fight fire

Boldly day and night!

Border Guard

Leading: -Who do we call defenders of the Motherland? From whom are they protecting our Motherland? (The children’s answers must include the words: soldiers, sailors, pilots.) The teacher summarizes the children’s answers and asks them to guess what kind of troops they will talk about:

He's guarding the borders

Day and night on patrol.

He protects the country

From trouble and grief.

His friend is a dog,

He is an excellent shooter.

With a machine gun on his shoulder

This is ... (border guard).

Leading: Each country has its own border, which must not be violated under any circumstances. Russia is a huge state, and its borders are very long. The borders of the Russian Federation are guarded by border troops. They make sure that no one trespasses. The better armed and trained the border guards are, the higher the defense capability of our country. There are electronic sensors along the entire border that give a signal whenever the border is violated. Military satellites monitor from space. And if the border is violated, then the command sounds: “Outpost, to the gun!” Anxiety!" and border guards go out in search of the violator.

5th student: Border guards - green caps, -
Don't make mistakes in your business.
We should be doubly grateful to you:
You are in peacetime as if you were in war.
Your service is from danger and risk:
At outposts along the border there are obelisks
They stand in a row like border posts.
But you don’t want any other fate.
Closer to the night, when everyone is falling asleep,
Sometimes you pay with your life for silence.
And we are calm for our Motherland:
In Russia you are standing on the edge!


Leading: -Now I propose to guess: representatives of what type of troops will be discussed:

Who walks in the parade
Ribbons curl behind your back,
Ribbons curl, and in the squad
There are no girls.

Leading: Our waters are protected by warships and submarines. Submarines hit enemy ships with special large projectiles - torpedoes. Submarines move underwater.

Warships can destroy enemy ships, naval bases, and even launch nuclear strikes. Military sailors have a lot of work even in peacetime. For example, they protect merchant ships from attacks by pirates. Military personnel who serve in the navy are called sailors. Warships and submarines make up the navy.

6th student: Reading Kipling and Jules Verne as a child,
They were probably friends with their heroes.
The romance of the seas beckoned you,
We dreamed of becoming older as quickly as possible,
To surf the oceans,
From a cabin boy to a captain,
To forever link fate with the sea,
Increase the glory of the navy.
The fleet is proud of its brave guys,
Military and civilian courts,
Although their purpose is different,
You are sailors on both.
At the call of the heart we became sailors,
Fate was associated with rivers and seas.
Your work is both significant and great for us -
Real heroes, not from books.


Leading: - Guys, guess: what kind of troops will we be talking about:

Strong durable parachute

Opened up behind him,

And in a few minutes

He sank to the ground.

He will pass through both the forest and the ford,

But he will find an enemy.

Leading: Our Army has air forces. These are combat aircraft and helicopters. They are ready to defend our Fatherland from the air if necessary. The plane is controlled by a crew of pilots. Military pilots conduct reconnaissance, cover cities from enemy air raids, and deliver cargo to places where vehicles cannot travel. Our designers are constantly inventing new models of military aircraft. Our Russian Air Force is one of the most powerful in the world.

The Airborne Forces are included in a special group. Paratroopers are usually transported by plane to battlefields. They descend to the ground using parachutes behind enemy lines and carry out sabotage there. Paratroopers are called blue berets and guardsmen.Always following the harsh guards laws, the motto of the paratroopers became the words: “Nobody but us!”

The servicemen in these troops are physically strong and athletic. They conduct numerous trainings, learn fighting techniques and types of confrontations.

The airborne troops are the elite of the Armed Forces of our country, the pride and glory of the Russian army.

The Blue Berets are always ahead. Where it is especially difficult and dangerous. Where you need to act clearly and with lightning speed. Where people expect protection and peace. For Russian paratroopers there is no impossible task, they do not know what a retreat is...,” said the President of the Russian Federation, Supreme Commander-in-Chief V.V. Putin

7th student: The heights and the firmament are obedient to them, their glory is high!
The Airborne Troops are taking a step.
Dashing and daring in battle - eagles, sons of eagles!
The sons of guards are reliable defenders.
And as if with them “Dad” - the legend-general -
And everyone who served and fought in the landing force.
They walk around Moscow in cast and stately formation,
In a single military brotherhood, whose name is the Airborne Forces!

Leading: -Now I give the floor to people of brave professions. Meet - rescuer, firefighter - Alexander Serdyukov and policeman - . They will tell you about their professions, about the difficulties they have to face every day, protecting our lives and peace.

Leading: -Our class hour has come to an end. I thank our guests for their interesting stories. It's time to sum up: who did you learn about during the class hour? What do people in these brave professions do? What is the importance and necessity of these professions?

Class notes for 8th grade

Scenario for a class hour on career guidance “I want - I can - I need”

The true treasure for people is the ability to work.


Class hour dedicated to the problem of conscious choice of profession.

Recently, a paradoxical situation has emerged in the Russian labor market: on the one hand, there is an acute shortage of workers in industry, and on the other hand, according to the Ministry of Health and Social Development, 16% of young specialists with higher education are unemployed. Experts say that this is the result of the wrong professional choice of young people. Our task is to help children find a specialty that is in demand. The classroom scenario uses a variety of forms and methods of work (conversation, lecture, problem situation, group assignments, testing).

Goals: expand children's understanding of various professions; to form a positive attitude towards work and professional growth; encourage children to search for information about professions and make informed professional choices.

Form of conduct- an hour of communication.

Preparatory work with children: invite 2-3 students to prepare an illustration of a conscious choice of profession (sample text - in the script).


Write the topic of the class hour on the top of the board in large letters, so that there is space on the right for the words “= conscious choice of profession”;

Write the words on the board: profession, specialty, qualification, position;

Write professional characteristics for the game “Business Card” on the board:

2. Mathematics teacher of the highest category, school director.

3. Mechanical engineer, senior specialist, tool shop foreman.

4. Carousel turner, 6th category, foreman of the 3rd brigade.

5. Pastry chef 3rd category, head of the canteen;

Pictures, photographs (labor processes, people of different professions).

Class plan

I. Interactive conversation on the topic “Professional characteristics”.

II. Game "Business Card".

III. Group work on the topic “The most needed professions.”

IV. Problem situation “Whose choice is it?”

V. Mini-lecture “Formula of the profession.”

VI. Demonstration of a conscious choice of profession “This is my choice!”

VII. Testing.

VIII. Final word.

IX. Summing up (reflection).

Progress of the class hour

I. Interactive conversation on the topic “Professional characteristics”

Classroom teacher. Very little time will pass and you will have to choose your path in life. And this path will begin from a crossroads, from which not 3, as in a fairy tale, but 50 thousand roads diverge - this is exactly how many professions there are now. And it is very important not to make a mistake in choosing the path. After all, a lot depends on this choice: material wealth, social circle, interests, and happiness in life. It is not without reason that they say that by choosing a profession, a person chooses his destiny. What is a profession? There are 4 words written on the board that are related to a person’s professional activity: profession, specialty, qualification, position. How would you explain the difference between these words?

(Children give answers.)

Let's summarize. I will give brief definitions of these concepts, and you will see how close you are to the truth. So.

A profession is a person’s work activity, which provides him with the means for existence and development.

A specialty is a type of occupation within one profession.

Qualification is a level of professional skill.

A position is a position occupied by a person in an organization.

As we see, many of you gave the correct interpretations of all these words. All these words together contain the professional characteristics of a person.

II. Game "Business card"

Classroom teacher. After the parent-teacher conference, some parents left me their business cards. In addition to the first name, last name, and patronymic, these business cards also contain professional characteristics. Can you make sense of this jumble of information? We'll check this now. On the board are written professional characteristics that I took from business cards. Try to identify the profession, qualification, specialty, position in each characteristic.

(The teacher reads professional characteristics from the board, children give answers.)

Nowadays, qualifications are determined not only by categories and ranks, but also by the real skill of a specialist. And he shows this skill in his work. It is about such masters that they say: “An artist in his field.”

III. Group work on the topic “The most needed professions”

Classroom teacher. Guys, what do you think will happen if all the dairies in the world suddenly triple their output and all the stores are stocked with milk, sour cream, yogurt, etc.? (These products will be very difficult to sell, they will begin to deteriorate, disappear, which means someone’s labor, money, profit will be lost...)

The same is true in the labor market. If some specialists graduate more than they need, they cannot find a job and unemployment sets in. Profession, specialty, qualification - this is what a person sells on the labor market. From time to time, some professions and specialties become very necessary, in demand, and prestigious, others lose their positions, and still others become a thing of the past. I suggest you make lists of such professions. To do this, we will divide into groups.

The first group will compile a list of “The most fashionable professions”.

The second group is “The Most Forgotten Professions.”

The third group is “Professions that are always needed.”

The fourth group is “The most courageous professions.”

(Music turns on, children discuss, make lists.)

Let's hear what you came up with.

Sample lists of professions:

The most fashionable: lawyer, economist, manager, top model, TV presenter, web designer, journalist, programmer, auto mechanic, oil worker, plastic surgeon, president, speaker, environmentalist, etc.

The most forgotten: groom, valet, housekeeper, saddler, chimney sweep, cooper, coachman, etc.

Professions that are always needed: doctor, teacher, janitor, builder, driver (driver), hairdresser, policeman, baker, farmer, livestock breeder, cook, accountant, plumber, etc.

The most courageous: firefighter, stuntman, submariner, test pilot, astronaut, mine rescuer, racing driver, sapper, miner, military man, etc.

Of course, we have not listed all professions here. There are, as I already said, about 50 thousand of them in the world. But when choosing a specialty, we focus not on the whole world, but on the society that surrounds us, on the country in which we live. 8V. IV. Problem situation “Whose choice is it?”

Classroom teacher. One scientist who wrote a book about choosing a profession worked at school for many years and was always interested in the future fate of his students. When they met, he asked them the same question: “Are you satisfied with your chosen profession?” And he received a depressing answer: approximately every third (!) made a mistake in his choice, and every second admitted that he was not entirely satisfied, and if he had started over, he would probably have followed a different path. Why do so many young people make mistakes in their choices? How do you think?

Sample answers from children:

- Parents “pressure”.

They follow fashion.

They know nothing about the profession they have chosen.

They choose “for company.”

They don’t want to learn about the negative aspects of the profession.

They have no abilities or inclinations for this profession.

They imitate the heroes of movies and television series.

Classroom teacher. You have listed the most common reasons for mistakes in choosing a profession. This is parental pressure, lack of knowledge about the chosen profession, the pursuit of fashion, overestimation of one’s own strengths and abilities. But how then to choose the right profession?

V. Mini-lecture “Formula of the profession”

Classroom teacher. Please tell me what happens if the length of our classroom is multiplied by the width (writes on the board: a x b = S)? (Classroom area.)

What do you get if you add up the three words that are included in the topic of today’s class: “I want”, “I can” and “I need”?

(The teacher crosses out the dashes between the words in the title of the class topic with chalk, resulting in pluses. Children make assumptions.)

I'll tell you a secret: you will make the right choice of profession.

Career guidance specialists have established that only a conscious choice of profession can be correct.

(The teacher writes on the board after three words the title of the class hour: “= conscious choice of profession.”)

How to explain this formula? There are only three quantities in it:

I want - this is everything I like, what my soul is for;

I can - that’s all I can do, according to my abilities;

It is necessary - this is all that is needed for society and the country.

Together we get a formula for conscious choice of profession. A conscious choice is a choice in which a person takes into account both personal aspirations (I want), and his capabilities (I can), and the needs of society in this profession at the given moment (I must).

VI. Demonstration of an informed choice of profession

"It is my choice!"

Classroom teacher. How does the formula for conscious choice of profession work?

Now you will see it performed (names, surnames).

(Students come to the board, read or pronounce texts.)

Student 1. I want to be a fashion designer, hairdresser, seamstress. I can be a hairdresser or seamstress. Now seamstresses are needed everywhere - I will become a seamstress.

Student 2. I want to be a stuntman, astronaut, driver, pilot, mountain rescuer. I can become a driver, tractor driver, or mountain rescuer. Drivers are needed everywhere now, my father is a driver. Maybe I will become a driver too.

Student 3. I want to become an artist, TV presenter, reporter. I can become a seller, an advertising agent. I will study, work on myself and will definitely achieve my goal - I will become a reporter.

Classroom teacher. How many of you also want to demonstrate how the formula for consciously choosing a profession works?

(Children raise their hands and offer their options for conscious choice.)

The relationship between “I want” and “I can” is in your hands. If a person has a dream and he is determined to achieve his goal, he will definitely achieve it. But to do this, you need to understand yourself, find out your strengths and weaknesses, your abilities and shortcomings.

VII. Testing

Classroom teacher. Maybe a comic test with geometric shapes will help you understand yourself a little. Using three geometric shapes - triangle, circle, square, draw a man consisting of 10 elements. All three types of figures must be used. The quality of the drawing does not matter. If unnecessary elements are drawn, they must be crossed out; if they are missing, the missing ones must be completed. Execution time - 30 s.

(Children draw figures.)

Now count the number of triangles.

(Children complete the task.)

Now listen to the key to the test (reads).

First type: 6-8 triangles - leader type, good teachers. They have a clear desire for leadership, have a good understanding of people, and work with information.

Second type: 5 triangles. Responsible executive, good organizational skills. A professional who thinks through his activities to the smallest detail.

Third type: 4 triangles. Diversity of interests and talents. Tendency to work individually.

Fourth type: 3 triangles. Type of scientist. Rational, objective, easily switches from one type of activity to another.

Fifth type: 2 triangles. Interest in art and people. He has a keen sense of everything new and unusual.

Sixth type: 1 triangle. Inventor, designer, artist. Has a rich imagination.

Of course, this test does not reflect the diversity of your talents. But maybe it will help you think about yourself, about your capabilities and abilities and begin to develop these abilities. Ultimately, this will help you in choosing your life path.

VIII. Final word

Classroom teacher. Choosing a profession is a very important event in the life of every person. But no matter what profession you choose, the knowledge you gain at school will always be useful to you. Therefore, try now to determine your area of ​​interest, read more, gain experience and knowledge. To do this, you need to try yourself in a variety of areas. As one wise man well noted: “In order not to make mistakes, you need to have experience. To have experience, you have to make mistakes.”

IX. Summing up (reflection)

Classroom teacher. What feelings did you have after the class hour? What discoveries have you made for yourself?

Sample answers from children:

Positive feelings remained. We will choose our profession consciously.

I discovered that it turns out that I have the type of scientist, this is very strange.

Discovered that there are 50 thousand professions in the world. I don't know which one to choose yet.

There are no feelings left, the test is interesting, but it will not affect the choice of profession.

Wherever my parents say, that’s where I’ll go after 9th grade.

The main discovery was that I understood the professional characteristics of a person. I will definitely find out all this about my parents.