The most powerful conspiracy for a rich life. The most powerful spells for luck and money - learn to read correctly

Long years villagers, who know more than city dwellers and are closer to nature, pass on to each other various amulets, whispers, conspiracies and prayers for all occasions. Usually, conspiracies and fortune telling are carried out in Orthodox holidays, having great power and significance. If you read conspiracies and prayers on such days, then all the bad things in your life will gradually go away.

There are prayers and spells that are suitable for all occasions in life.

Conspiracy words and prayers are endowed with special powerful energy. Thanks to their use, humanity has been solving problems and avoiding troubles since ancient times. Just like the power of a person’s thoughts, the spoken spoken words are limitless.

Every person at least once in his life has encountered such a moment when his thoughts (whether they are good or bad) immediately become reality. But in order for conspiracies, amulets and prayers for all occasions to work correctly, you must adhere to precise instructions.

All magical rituals are performed in the same sequence as written in the book of white magic. You cannot modify them, change the words. This is allowed if the description of the ritual itself contains a reservation for this case.

If the spells of white magic, as well as rites and rituals helped in the request of a suffering person, then subsequently it is necessary to thank for the help provided. You can say a prayer of gratitude in your own words, turning to the icon.

Thanks to the prayer read, a person will feel cleansing or liberation from painful torment. To calm the soul, words are said before going to bed; this creates a powerful prayer shield that will protect a person. In addition, prayer can influence other aspects of life. Let's consider in what cases it should be read:

  • If a person is experiencing difficulties in life and does not know how to get out of the situation;
  • For prolonged serious illnesses;
  • In case of mental suffering;
  • If dark forces have intervened in a person’s life and the person simply needs divine help;
  • When experiencing fear and apprehension.

For amulets, the most ordinary objects are chosen, over which special protective spells and prayers are pronounced for all occasions, then they are always carried with them. Some rituals indicate, on the contrary, to get rid of them. Coins, pins, threads, jewelry, water, etc. can be used for spells.

With the help of special spells and prayers you can ask for prosperity and happiness

Conspiracies that help in matters of love and material sphere are popular. Out of despair, people turn to prayers or rituals for help in healing, for salvation from troubles, or asking for good luck in business.

With the help of special rituals, it is customary to ask for well-being and happiness for yourself or loved ones. Objects are also enchanted:

  • To receive monetary profit. The desired digital indicators are important here;
  • To enter into a life of love relationships;
  • They ask for health or good luck.

In the process of carrying out rituals, simultaneously with conspiracies, special amulets are made; conspiracies are read for all occasions, which attract positive energy to the owner, helping to fight troubles.

Today in esotericism it is used a large number of protective conspiracies that have come to us from time immemorial. All of them were at one time written and tested by Slavic hereditary witches and healers. Amulets can be divided, according to their purpose and effects, into several categories:

  • Protective spells. Their main task is to create an energy shield around the person asking for help. For example, if you need to protect a child from the evil of ill-wishers. With the help of this shield, negative influences, various misfortunes, the envious influence of neighbors, and unfavorable wishes are diverted from a person.
  • Charms and amulets. With the help of such amulets, you can attract love, health, luck, prosperity and any good into your life.

Any spelled grandmother's tricks for all occasions, prayers help in any everyday situations. From a variety of options, it is not difficult for a person to choose an option that will fully comply with his request.

Marilyn Kerry offers a ritual to attract money

To carry out the magical ritual offered by Marilyn Kerry, a participant in the “Battle of Psychics,” you need to purchase a small red magnet. It should not be heavy; it is best that it coincides with a five-ruble coin. They also additionally read light spells and love spells that help people avoid problems.

Take out all the contents from the wallet and put a magnet there, preferably in a separate section, where then there will be nothing else but it. Now you need to focus on the request and say the following words:

“Magnetizing my wallet.

Now the money will come to me

IN big-big quantities.

After the spells and prayers from Marilyn for all occasions have been read, the contents are put back into the wallet. There is no need to use the wallet for the next day; let the magnet gain strength. Subsequently, the amulet will attract new money to the wallet.

Any purchase must be made the next day. It is advisable to give the seller a large denomination banknote. Put the received change in your wallet and speak in these words:

“Money to money, luck will be mine. Amen!"

The ritual is performed during the period when the moon begins to grow. When reciting magical spells from Kerry for all occasions, you need to believe in their powerful power. Always carry the enchanted magnet in your wallet, without taking it out, and do not give it to anyone.

  1. Wearing it all the time magic amulet, the person receives some benefits, for example:
  2. There will always be money in your wallet, because the magnet will do its job: attract new income and prevent it from being wasted.
  3. The magnet will stand guard, protecting against loss and theft of money. He is also able to protect the child from the evil of ill-wishers.
  4. This is a constant source of money. A person will have ideas, the implementation of which will bring him profit. To repeat this as often as possible, you need to rub the coins that are placed in the wallet on the amulet. They will also help the amulet and attract banknotes.

Over time, the magnet may run out of magical powers, so you will need to re-read spells and prayers from Marilyn for all occasions so that the amulet is charged with new powers. After six months, they purchase a new magnet and speak in the same way.

There are conspiracies to attract money

The most effective and powerful rituals are usually carried out during the period when the moon is growing. They are carried out both by healers, healers, and independently at home. When the moon is waxing, white magic spells can work best, as well as ceremonies and rituals that help a person with money problems.

To carry out this ritual, it is very desirable that the lunar period coincides with an even number of the month. Purchase 3 candles from the church in advance, but of a certain color. If the church does not have such flowers, then buy them at any store or store.

What do the color shades of candles mean when used in rituals?

  • The green color of the candle can help attract funds.
  • The white color of a candle is usually used in rituals or ceremonies of white magic. But black magic uses dark colors.
  • The dark yellow color of the candle or brown shades indicates the influence of natural forces in the ritual.

At midnight you need to sit by the window so that the moonlight illuminates the person asking. Place a coffee table nearby and cover it with a white tablecloth. Place candles on it in the form of a triangle and light them one by one. Continue reading the words:

“I begin the ritual with a yellow flame. Let the money come.

Green fire attracts wealth. Let the money come.

I drive away the forces of darkness with white light. Let the money come.

The candles are then placed very close to each other so that the fire reunites. You can help with your hands, holding them tightly. Then repeat the following text:

"Let this flame attract

Wealth to my home and good luck in business!

The candles are extinguished and left in this position until the morning. By evening, they need to be moved to a window facing north. From this side we should expect the arrival of a powerful cash flow. With the help of such magical rituals, you can attract mutual understanding into your home. They read bright conspiracies and love spells that help people avoid problems. White magic may also have consequences, so be extremely careful.

You can use magic to attract love

Many people can be very frightened by the word “love spell”, because they have heard negative reviews in life. But in order to save your family from the destructive force, clarify the issue of unrequited love, you can turn to white magic for help.

Love spells, unlike black violent love spells, do not have negative consequences, because the person under the spell does not have an insane, forced craving for the object of his desire.

White magic spells, as well as rites and rituals, are successful and completely safe. Therefore, the emergence of relationships that occur with their help lasts a long time. At home, you can also perform rituals or read effective conspiracies. The following paraphernalia is usually prepared for them:

  • Several candles;
  • Water;
  • Ritual dolls;
  • Needle with red thread;
  • Photo of a loved one.

White conspiracies are completely harmless, so you can read conspiracies, amulets and prayers for all occasions on any day of the week. The phase of the moon does not matter here. To carry out the binding ritual, you need to prepare a needle with a red thread, which will symbolize future strong feelings. Then they read the conspiracy words:

"The sun rises and love

In the soul of the Servant of God (name) awakens.

As long as the sun shines in the sky,

So let him continue to love me.

I tie with a needle and new clean thread,

I command you to love yourself until the end of time.

On a new white fabric (a small piece), embroider a heart, hide it until the wedding happens to your beloved. Typically, mantras from healers or healers of this kind are usually pronounced early in the morning, because this symbolizes the birth of something new.

In esotericism there is another effective way white conspiracy. It's simple and effective. To carry out this ritual, you need to prepare a rag doll and fill it with dry grass. Also buy candles at the church.

At exactly midnight, pick up the prepared doll. Imagine that this is a desirable person. Read these words:

“Hear me (name of the victim), I conjure you.

Look for me alone, desire, take care and love.

Be faithful to me and don’t hear or see anyone else.

I attract you to me so that you are happy.

Just as I gave you my heart, so give me yours.

As soon as the candle begins to “cry,” the drops should fall on the doll in the place where the heart is conventionally located on it. This amulet for attracting love should be hidden in secluded place so that no one will find it. It is necessary to read light spells for love spells without strangers, and not tell anyone about the ritual performed.

For conspiracies for good luck in business, amulets and prayers are usually used

To attract good luck to your home, you need to use the knowledge of white magic. Usually, for this purpose, conspiracies, amulets and prayers are used for all occasions, helping to make a wish come true. In order for the amulet to be filled with the necessary strength, you need to charm the horseshoe. This way you can get an effective result.

The ceremony is carried out during the period when there is a full moon in the sky. At midnight you should go outside and head to the nearest water source. Looking at the water, holding a horseshoe in your hand, you should read the words of the magical text:

“A horseshoe, a horseshoe, hardened in fire,

Forged with iron, labor and then created,

I conjure you for good luck and success.

Let everything difficult remain on you,

And I will get good things.

The words are repeated 3 times. A horseshoe charmed in this way must be hung above the front door on the door frame. The amulet will not allow difficulties into the home, thus playing the role of a protector. A horseshoe can protect a child from the evil of ill-wishers. At the same time, positive vibrations will enter the house.

The above methods refer to the rituals of white magic. There will be no undesirable consequences from them, nor negative energy, so there is no need to be afraid. The results will exceed expectations, the main thing is to believe in success.

Knowledgeable people examine every little detail before performing a specific ritual. Sometimes you need to increase the impact, much less often you need to reduce it. Even a minor detail can influence the outcome of a conspiracy, not to mention which day of the week to start acting on. In this article we will describe Tuesday from an esoteric perspective.

What is Tuesday responsible for in magic?

Tuesday's energy is too aggressive, so any impact should be kept under maximum control. Otherwise, the influence will return to you as uncontrolled negativity.


Its power lies in wars, which means that rituals must have a characteristic color. Let's say you decided to master a martial art - starting is a must appoint on this day. Psychological techniques aimed at attacking one’s own kind also apply here. It wouldn't hurt to be on the front line. This expression can be understood not only in the literal sense.

Any attack will be rewarded. If you can't get action from officials for a long time, ask Tuesday for help. It is this day that can give a kick to a hopeless situation. The main thing at the time of the request is to indicate your motives, but it is desirable for you that your thoughts are good and your goal is noble.


This day of the week patronizes healing skills. Just don’t use that much energy to treat snot. On the contrary, if there is a sore in the family that everyone in the household has been fighting for a long time, then it’s time to “incite” Tuesday on it. Right now, your prayers and requests should persuade the day to help you. The breach will be made only by the most sincere words.

Especially Actions aimed at curing mental illness will be beneficial. Prolonged depression and a complete lack of desire for life require a good thrashing. And holding a session of “inhibiting” such a person on Tuesday would be most appropriate. And if you are aiming at your own re-education, then it’s time for thematic books and video lessons.

Love magic

This day is not kind to love. But this does not mean that love magic cannot be used. It is possible, and even necessary, but only in the opposite direction. Tuesday is the finest hour. Suppose a daughter unrequitedly loves a married man, then the mother on Tuesday is quite capable of reading a conspiracy that will end this torment.

Besides, sexual dysfunction can be restored on Tuesday. This is a day with a masculine core and today will be the most profitable. But keep in mind that you should not insure yourself by performing excessive rituals. After all, everything may turn out to be that the husband’s returned strength will be offered not only to the wife.

In general, one should understand the accessible truth: Tuesday is a weapon. And if emotional condition holding it in your hands leaves much to be desired, then you should not use such magic.

Tuesday in rituals

Based on the magical purpose of the day, you can select several small but very effective rituals that should be performed on the second day of the week.

Plot for good luck

If there is a desire, then you should sincerely believe in these words: “ How many small parts, so many successful days for me" They should be said when you eat a boiled egg and hit the shell with a spoon. Naturally, the procedure should be carried out on Tuesday morning. There is only a taboo. If you don't have much turmoil in your life, you shouldn't put in the extra effort. Luck, you know, is a touchy lady and really doesn’t like being called upon for trifles.

But if you realize that you simply cannot cope without it, then this simple ritual should be carried out with all the sincerity of which you are capable in a hopeless situation.

So that the husband does not walk

When a husband is inclined to be a male, the woman has to save the family. Perfect time- a combination of the waning moon and Tuesday evening. And, of course, make sure that your sweetheart is not nearby. It’s even better that you are left alone with your actions, thoughts and... his underpants.

Choose a dark color for your underwear and take black threads. They will need to sew every seam of your panties, while all the time representing your faithful relationship. If you have a mistress, then imagine how they constantly quarrel and your husband sets you as an example to her. Or the way she becomes disgusting to him and he constantly reaches out to you. The pictures should be clear, but the seamstress should be silent.

Treatment by prayer

The Dream of the Virgin Mary is a very effective prayer. And if you combine it with the energy of Tuesday, the effect will not linger on the way. Let’s say you have a seriously ill relative who has long been at the stage where he is not getting worse, but there are no hints of enlightenment.

Then you will have to read the miraculous words on the water seven times and persistently feed it to the patient. Very soon, that same barrier to recovery will be broken. Only you will need to trust in Jesus while drinking, then help will come even faster.

In each individual case, the person conducting the ritual must remember: the energy is too powerful, and self-control is vital for you.

Signs associated with Tuesday

People have long noticed some patterns associated with the second day of the week. But it’s not enough to know them, because you can also make them work for you.

  • Set yourself a goal on Tuesday and you will be doomed to success. Only the goal should be something you care about, or, at a minimum, achieving it should be something like an obsession for you. That is, Tuesday’s energy will only help obsessed individuals;
  • make a habit

Every person dreams of having, if not wealth, then prosperity. Why can one become rich and another not? How to speak money? What spells and rituals are needed for this? Are there such strong conspiracies for wealth that you can read them once and get rid of your need forever? You will learn about all this in this article.

But let's try our luck. What if you get lucky? This ritual is for lazy but lucky people. On the new moon, buy a full deck of cards (54 sheets). Overpay for your purchase! Do you want to become a rich person? So don't skimp. At home, remove the red joker card from the deck and place it in your wallet or purse.

Attention! The black joker will need to be burned somewhere away from home!

Wrap the deck in light-colored fabric and place it in a secluded corner. Never use this deck for fortune telling or gaming. The red joker card is a talisman of your monetary luck. If you lose the red joker, the deck will need to be burned on the new moon.

How to increase money in your wallet

  • beautiful tray;
  • copper coins;
  • clay cup;
  • sea ​​salt;
  • red fabric.

To attract money into your wallet and become at least a little rich, wait until the new moon. Before that, prepare a handful of copper coins (Soviet nickels will also work). If the new moon is clear and starry, scatter the coins on the tray. Pour into a clay bowl clean water and dilute three pinches of salt in it.

Then spray the coins three times with salt water and take the tray to the balcony. Touch the coins with your hand and say the spell three times:

“Young month!
How many stars are in the sky, how much water is in the sea - that’s how much money there will be in my wallet!”

Take three coins from the tray and wrap them in a red rag. Carry them in your wallet for ten days and then hide them. This money will attract wealth. Repeat the ritual on the next new moon.

Spell for wealth on the moon

Conspiracies for wealth on the moon are considered very effective. The moon is a prototype of witchcraft due to its property of changing over the course of a month - from a thin sickle to a full disk and back. This energy of change is used to plot wealth. The ritual is performed on the night of the full moon, when the sky is clear and the lunar disk is clearly visible.

Place a few coins and bills on the windowsill so that the rays of the night light fill them with their energy. Cast a spell to increase wealth three times, asking the moon to help you become rich. There is no need to read prayers.

“Queen Moon!
You turn golden and silver, you grow and grow.
Fill my money with your light so that it grows and grows.
My money drinks the moonlight, it grows hour by hour, it gains strength, it fills my wallet.”

Leave the room, and after a few hours put this money in your wallet. You cannot spend them within a month: they will attract wealth. In a month, spend all the money, and read the plot for new bills and coins. To become rich, repeat the ritual monthly.

Ritual for wealth with candles

This is very strong ritual for wealth on candles from a book Siberian healer. It is performed on the 13th of any month. You will need to go to church and buy 13 candles, and put the change in your left pocket.

Place three of them for repose, three for health, and seven for St. Nicholas the Pleasant. Go home silently. At home, you need to take money out of your pocket with your left hand and throw it on the floor so that it scatters.

No one should pick up this money from the floor. Do not allow any guests into the house on this day. The next morning, as soon as you get out of bed, collect the money from the floor and tie it in a green cloth in a knot. This bundle needs to be put in your bed.

Just fulfill an important condition: you need to collect money from the floor before washing, combing and eating. As soon as they got out of bed, they collected the money. There is no need to read prayers, nor a conspiracy for wealth.

The ritual is so powerful that it does not need to be repeated!

Ritual with a church candle

This ritual for wealth is also from the book of a Siberian healer. On a new moon or waxing moon, buy a candle in church and bring it home. Remove the wick from it and light it on both sides at once. While the wick is burning, you must have time to say the following spell:

“Fire is eternal.
And my spirit is marked with gold, silver and all good things.

Extinguish the wick and put it in your wallet. Carry it with you everywhere.

Ritual with a mirror for money

  • mirror;
  • church candle;
  • banknote.

This ritual can be performed by any person, even those who do not have a magical gift. You need to place a mirror on the table and place a candle in front of it. Let the candle burn a little, clearing the mirror of unnecessary information. Then place a high-denomination bill (at least 500 rubles) in front of the mirror and look at it carefully for two or three minutes. Then you need to sharply look at the mirror!

You will have a feeling of some kind of cloudiness. If you manage to do everything correctly, the bill will be imprinted in your brain. Put out the candle with your fingers.

Spend the bill. And in three days she will appear with you again, will return to you! Do this every day, but no more than ten times in a row (take a break) and you will be able to replenish your budget well. After the break (it will be just as the moon is waning), continue your actions.

How to charge a candle for wealth

  • three candles: green, white and golden;
  • dried basil;
  • olive oil;
  • banknotes and metal money.

This ritual is performed once a month on the new moon. Prepare three candles, and the green one should be large. Light a white and golden candle and place it on either side of you, and place the money between them. Take a green candle, grease it well with oil, and then sprinkle it with basil herb (it is better to grind it into powder). Then place a candle between you and the bills. Light it with a match and look at the money through its flame.

Now important point: By force of will you must try to attract money to yourself. Of course, this is physically impossible to do, but you must achieve the feeling of attracting money. It's as if they stuck to you or connected with you. You need to pull until you feel slightly dizzy. After this, extinguish the white candle with your fingers and rest for a while. Then attract money again and after that put out the golden candle.

Next, grab the money from the table with both hands and sprinkle it on the green candle (pour it on top). If this action does not extinguish the candle, then you have succeeded in making a money candle. If the candle goes out, then this ritual is not for you. How to use a money candle? Light it to attract money and wealth. There is no need to read any prayers or conspiracies.

To become rich, imagine your well-being in vivid pictures. On the next new moon, repeat the ritual with another candle. Work with it as needed.

It’s worth noting right away - don’t get your hopes up! To become rich, you need to make an effort, read prayers and spells from magic books that attract wealth and prosperity.

Money loves work and effort. And banknotes that arrive by chance will also leave you by chance!

Magic can do anything. Provided that you are fully aware that desires that come true without much effort on our part rarely bring real happiness. It just so happens in our lives that everything that we received almost for nothing is lost by us with the same speed and ease. But this does not prevent magical rituals from working, giving us what we want to get by using them.

The conspiracy is no exception, giving everyone who uses it the opportunity to live a life full of real wealth. Whether you can take advantage of the opportunities he will give you for your own good depends only on you. We do not take any responsibility.

The only thing we want to add is that this spell only works once, and no one has ever managed to use its magical power twice.

So, in order to take advantage of the proposed magical ritual, take out one bill from your wallet every evening for a month, carefully fold it four times, hide it where no one will find it. When you have collected exactly 30 bills, lay them out in front of you in three even rows (without unfolding them!), light three candles, and, looking at the money, say the following spell.

“I walked for a long time until I found the meaning.
The meaning is simple, but you can’t grasp it with your hands,
Can't get there by boat
You can't drag it with a cart,
You can't comprehend it with your thoughts.
Meaning, meaning, I know your name,
Therefore, now you will be in my service.
This is the money I pay for you,
So that you and I have good luck, not trouble.”

– move the first row of bills to the side.

“I gave the money, I called for happiness.
Happiness-luck, I didn’t know you
I just heard those calling you,
Who are you sister and godfather to?
to whom do you come with a full bag,
under the bright sun, and not under the tearful moon.
For your sisterhood
He paid generously to poverty,
Now you will be my sister,
I’m waiting for you on the porch.”

– move the second row of bills in the opposite direction from the first.

“And you, mother of malice,
Old Stinginess-Melancholy,
I'm just driving away
Go away, forget about me.
There will be no place for you in my house,
Not this year, not next year, not any year.
Go away forever, forget about me."

– With both hands, move the third row of bills away from you.

“And here are three of us: Meaning, Happiness and me,
Now we are together, now we are a family.
The family needs money, the family needs income,
And today, not next year.
If so, then let everyone bring what they are rich in,
To increase your money a hundredfold.
Ride on a fast horse
Bringing this money to me.
Not copper, but silver,
To have full mobility.
No matter how much you spend, the money will not become less,
No more needs and debts.
He said, and his lips grew together,
Whatever I wished for, all my wishes came true.
I remain silent with a key, I keep my lips locked, my thoughts are quiet, my wishes come true.”

Then get up, bring a bag and collect all the money in it. The next day, spend it, remembering that what you buy, you must give to someone, saying:

“I give it for good luck, not for bad luck.
I don't promise you any grief.
Be happy for you, and also for me.”

Soon after this, so much money will appear in your life that at first it will be difficult for you to even believe that this is happening to you and not in a dream.