Scenario for Sports Day at a summer health camp. material on the topic

The proposed competitions and games are fully adapted to the conditions and nature of educational and recreational camps.

The developed scenario is offered as an approximate implementation option. Therefore, the material can be supplemented, changed, or simply taken as a basis.

Target: diversifying children’s free leisure exciting games and competitions, unobtrusively attract them to more active recreation.

While participating in fun competitions, the guys must understand that in order to win, it is not enough to just be physically strong. At the same time, it is necessary to have sufficient determination, strength of zeros, to be organized and collected, dexterous and resourceful.

The composition of the teams is formed in such a way that their strengths and capabilities are at the same level, while the age characteristics of the opponents are certainly taken into account. Both should have equal chances. And with what results both teams will reach the finish line depends only on their cohesion and organization.

Preparing for competitions does not require much hard work and consists of several stages:

1. Development and approval of the event plan.

2. Appointment of the date and time of the event.

3. Formation of the jury. The jury members, in turn, must decide on which system they will judge (in points or points, etc.).

4. Formation and staffing of two opposing teams.

5. Assigning to each team a responsible counselor who is responsible for preparing his team for the upcoming competitions.

6. Preparation of the necessary attributes for competitions and games, as well as the appointment of someone responsible for this preparation.

7. Formation of support groups and appointment of those responsible for the preparation and performance of group participants: learning chants to encourage teams, preparing colorful posters or banners; preparing rhythmic movements to music during possible pauses and hitches, etc.

8. Preparing the area on the camp territory, marking the launch site. It must be level and clean to avoid situations associated with injuries and accidents. The ideal option is to hold such an event at a stadium.

9. Teams develop their own logos and mottos; prepare a greeting for the opposing team; They are preparing one amateur performance on a sports theme. This could be a poem, a composition of movements (with ribbons, a hoop, etc.) or an acrobatic episode, etc.

10. Teams think over their equipment. It is desirable that there is no “multi-color” and scattered clothing. A sporty style is encouraged: plain T-shirts with the team emblem, loose-fitting sports pants (shorts are not advisable - if a child falls, the exposed part of the legs may be damaged), light sports shoes.

So, the preparatory work is left behind. Forward to “Fun Starts”!

Progress of the event

The presenter welcomes the audience and invites the teams. To the sounds of solemn music and applause from spectators and fans, teams enter from opposite ends of the field and take their places of honor in the front row. The presenter introduces and invites the jury to take their seats. The chairman of the refereeing team explains the rules of the competition, which members of both teams must strictly adhere to; explains on what scale and how the competition participants will be assessed and wishes the teams to show the maximum of their abilities and capabilities and win.

1. Warm up. Each team defends its emblem, motto and addresses its opponents with a brief greeting. (Sample team names, mottos and greetings are given below.)

Team. "Energy".

Motto: “Only forward and only together. We have two hundred percent energy!”

Greeting message to the opposing team: “We wish you not to lose all your optimism as you approach the finish line!”

Team "Optimists".

Motto: “Our motto is simple - you can’t get around us, even by half a meter, but we are ahead!”

Greeting message to the opposing team: “There is two hundred energy when you are all together. But as soon as one drops out, all chances are reduced to zero. Don’t let your quantity outweigh your quality!..”

2. Personal acquaintance. The jury and everyone present got acquainted with the emblems, mottos and greetings of the teams. There is just a little left: each team member must now introduce himself personally. He must do this in the following way: both teams in full strength go to the starting track. Ahead, about fifty meters away, stands an improvised mountain. There is an inscription on it: “We were here...” Further, the space is divided by a line.

Teams are given a bag. At the signal, the first team members must climb into their bag and jump to the “mountain”. Without getting out of the bag, write your name in the space provided with chalk or a felt-tip pen, already prepared in advance and located there, for example: “Kolya.” Next, leaving the chalk there, the competitor must turn around and quickly ride in the bag to his team, get out of the bag and pass it to the next player. He gets into the bag and jumps in it to the “mountain”, writes his name and returns in the same way...

The first team to complete the “personal introduction procedure” wins.

While the jury is tallying up the results of the first two stages of the competition, the presenter asks each team riddles that can fill the pause.

Riddles for the “Energy” team:

What would the beginning of a sports competition be called in the language of athletes? (Start.)

This horse doesn't eat oats

Instead of legs there are two wheels.

Sit on horseback and ride it,

Just steer better... (Bicycle.)

We are nimble sisters,

Craftswomen run fast.

In the rain we lie down,

Let's run into the snow

This is our regime... (Skis.)

Riddles for the Optimist team:

What is the end of a sporting event called in athletes' language? (Finish.)

Guys, I have

Two silver horses.

I ride both at once

What kind of mines do I have? (Skates.)

Green meadow,

A hundred benches around

From gate to gate

People are running briskly... (Stadium.)

The jury announces the results of the previous two tasks.

3. Collective centipede race.

The upcoming race is unusual in that the whole team participates in it. Having wrapped their arms around the waist of the player in front, they run after the leader to the designated place, for example, the same improvised mountain. They run around it and come back. It is very important not to bump heads with the opposing team, not to stumble and not to make a “heap of trouble”.

The team of centipedes that will go around the “mountain” without delay or hitch and return first back to its starting position is rightfully considered the winner.

The presenter, together with the fans, can encourage the lagging players with remarks like this:

Faster, faster, centipedes,

There's still a little bit to go until the finish!..

Centipede, move,

One more push... pull yourself up!..

4. Captains competition.

While the rest of the team members are taking a break from the tiring race, the captains are preparing for a new type of competition. A thirty-centimeter peg is driven in approximately two meters from the player. The player must place ten rings on the peg from his seat. The captains compete in turns. The order is determined by drawing lots. The one who achieves the least result in this type of competition loses.

5. “Rope Balls”- the task is as follows: at the signal, the players in front of the teams must jump with the ball held by their ankles to the finish line; exchange the ball for a jump rope and return to the team, moving by jumping over the jump rope. The next team players take the baton and jump rope to the finish line. Then they change it to a ball and return with the ball clamped between the ankles. The team that completes the task first wins.

The presenter gives the signal to start the competition with a quatrain, last words which means the start of the start:

One two three four five,

We will play with you

The ball is cheerful, mischievous,

Let's roll, don't stop!..

During the jury meeting and summing up the results of the competition, the resulting pause is filled by support groups. They demonstrate their prepared performances. Their performances are judged by audience applause.

6. Ball relay.

The teams line up. The first players pass the ball to the next until it reaches the last ones. The last players, each running around their own chain, become the heads of their teams and pass the ball to the players behind them. The ball again hits the last player in the chain, who must also run around it and become the head of the team, and so on.

The team whose players swapped places first wins.

7. Relay race with running.

One of the players on each team holds a hoop standing vertically on the ground. At the signal, the rest of the team players must jump through the hoop. The team that completes the task faster is considered the winner.

8. " Homework» - team members must present three amateur performances on a sports theme to the jury and spectators. This could be, for example, a gymnastic sketch or a hand-to-hand combat demonstration; funny and mischievous ditties; poetry; puzzles; sports dancing, etc.

The jury evaluates the last tasks and sums up the overall result of the competition. The winners are announced. Those who distinguished themselves are awarded with memorable souvenirs, and incentives, such as sweet prizes, are awarded to the rest of the competition participants. The jury members do not ignore the support groups and note the work of the counselors involved in the preparation and conduct of “Fun Starts”. The event ends with cheerful, energetic music.

Scripts for summer camp- Sports festival "Berendey's Day" at the school health camp

Goals: to cultivate a caring attitude towards nature; learn to work in a group; develop physical qualities: agility, speed, strength.

Equipment: gymnastic mats, ball, gymnastics pommel horse, skittles, hoops, cut-out plans of the area, matches, 2 candles, 2 tables, sheets of paper, felt-tip pens, soundtrack, various plants.

Venue: sports hall.

Progress of the event

In the hall there is an exhibition of works of figurines of forest men (large ones), presented by each detachment. Children's drawings and bouquets of flowers are presented.

Host: Today we will go to visit Berendey. Guys, who is Berendey? (Forest King). Berendey protects the forest and takes care of its wards: animals and plants. But before we go into the forest, let's close our eyes and listen to the sounds of the forest.

The phonogram sounds -"Sounds of the Forest".


Hello forest, dense forest,

Full of fairy tales and miracles!

What are you making noise about in the leaves?

On a dark, stormy night!

What are you whispering at dawn?

All in dew, like in silver?

Who is hiding in your wilderness?

What kind of animal? What bird?

Open everything, don’t hide:

You see - we are our own!

Host: Berendey’s assistants have prepared various tasks for you. Each squad will try to win the favor of the forest king and receive a forest prize from his hands.

The hedgehog has prepared your first task. Guess the forest riddles:

Gives time to the young man,

Every year around the ring. (Tree)

Children in skullcaps

The branches stuck around. (Acorns)

It sleeps in winter and makes noise in summer. (River)

The belt surrounded both the lawn and the forest. (Path)

Hey bells Blue colour

With the tongue, but no ringing. (Bell)

In the forest near the stump there is running and bustling:

The working people are busy all day. (Ants)

Not a lamb or a cat,

Wears a fur coat all year round.

Gray fur coat - for summer,

For winter - a different color. (Hare)

He stands under the birch tree,

Covered with a black hat. (Mushroom)

The spider has prepared the second task for you.

"Fun Starts": 2 teams are invited to the start.

1. Moving like a spider ( movement on 4 limbs).

2. Moving like a “lizard” ( on his hands, and his legs drag along the floor).

3. Team task"centipede" ( all participants, one after another, in a squat, take hold of the belt of the person in front and move without uncoupling"snake" around the pins).

4. " Grasshopper jumping» ( jumping from a hoop to hoop).

5. "Friendly Ants" ( the captain transports all team members one by one over the line).

The third task has been prepared for you by the mole.

The host holds a bouquet of different plants in his hands. One participant from each team is invited to identify the plant from this bouquet by touch and smell. Participants are blindfolded.

The fourth task has been prepared for you by the squirrel.

Other animals will never understand

She’s not white—they call her a squirrel?!

A squirrel is building a house in a tree,

Cones are prepared in it for the winter.

The squirrel has a tail and tufted ears.

She dries mushrooms for herself for the winter.

The squirrels are all too empty-headed.

Pine nuts love to eat.

A squirrel jumps from branch to branch.

We see a squirrel on a delicious candy.

All the squirrels are jumping on the branches

And I don’t mind spinning in the wheel.

The squirrel has a very fluffy tail...

All the guests ask him to give him powder.

Playful squirrels love out of boredom

Play catch-up in the forest at your leisure.

Two teams of 5 people compete in a game on a field of gymnastic mats« rugby kneeling».

Rules of the game: the task of each team, without standing up, using passes to each other, is to place (but not throw) the ball on the floor behind the opponent’s end line (beyond the mat line). If the ball goes beyond the end line during the game, the neighboring team resets. Fight forOnly 2 players can ball.

The fifth task has been prepared for you by the fox.

From each team, 4 participants are invited who will be able to draw silhouettes of birch, maple, rowan, and aspen leaves in 1 minute.

The sixth tourist task has been prepared for you by the old man - the forester.

Host: You and I have been walking through the forest for a long time, it’s time to take a break. In front of us is a wonderful forest clearing, but the path to it is blocked by a tree that fell during a thunderstorm.

Task No. 1

Sitting on a tree (gymnastic horse), without touching the floor, crawl under it and return back.

Host: We are tired, we want to make tea, find water.

Task No. 2

Fold the cut map and find the location of the spring on the map.

Host: We need to build a well for the spring.

Task No. 3

Who can build an improvised well out of matches the fastest?

Host: We cooked food on the fire and, leaving the forest, we must put out the fire.

Task No. 4

The teams stand in a circle, in the center of which there is a lit candle on the table. It is necessary to blow out the candle as quickly as possible.

Host: When leaving the forest, let's leave the flowers in the clearing. Who liked it in the forest - a blossoming flower; who is thinking about something - a slightly open flower; whoever was bored today - little bud.

Berendey watched our walk and wants to give his forest souvenir to the most active group.

In conclusion, I would like to convey a request from Berendey’s assistants:« Come to the forest as if it were your home. Don't litter, don't shout, don't offend us!»

The stream flows loudly,

Thunder falls from the sky.

This is its eternal melody

The world is filled with nature!

Birds meet the sunrise

The swallow is happy to see the sun!

Sensitive music lives everywhere,

You just need to listen!

Target: to form a positive attitude towards sports and the Winter Olympic Games.

Tasks : 1) introducing children to sports;

2) instilling patriotic feelings, pride in one’s city, one’s country and Russians;

3) development of physical skills, formation healthy image life.

Equipment e: costumes of ancient Greek women, sports. equipment (skittles 9 pcs., inflatable rings - “sleds” 3 pcs., 3 dolls, cardboard skis 3 pairs, large size slippers 3 pairs, baskets for “snowballs” 3 pcs., snowballs for throwing made of paper, tags distances (cubes or skittles)), medals and certificates for awarding, multi-colored T-shirts for teams, embroidered Olympic flag, fanfare soundtracks, “Anthem of Sochi-2014”, tape recorder, speakers.

3 teams of 10 people are formed. The event is held outdoors. The teams wear jerseys in the colors of the Olympic rings.

Homework: prepare a greeting and team motto.

Progress of the event:

Teams stand along the sides of the court.

Fanfare sounds.

Leading: Attention! Attention! Hello dear guests and dear guys! Today is a sports holiday! The Russian anthem is playing. The Olympic flag is being carried out.

After the flag is taken out, the “Sochi 2014 Anthem” is played and the Olympic dance is performed.

During the sound, 3 girls in ancient Greek outfits come out.

Leading: The first Olympic Games took place in 776 BC in Ancient Greece and were dedicated to the supreme god Zeus. And guests arrived to us from the mountain of the gods - Olympus.

1 girl: In the old days, in the ancient world,

Twenty six centuries ago

The cities did not live in peace,

Brother went to war against brother.

And the wisest decided:

Eternal quarrels are terrible,

It is possible in courage and strength

Compete without war!

2nd girl: Let him come to Olympia,

Who is brave and strong;

There will be peaceful battles

The battlefield is the stadium!

3 girl: So that we can celebrate the Olympic Games with dignity today,

The best of the best were invited to compete in sports.

(points to the lined up teams)

Leading: Before the start of the competition, on behalf of all participants, we solemnly swear:

Participate in these competitions, observing the rules by which they are held, and respect the obviously weak opponent;

Run only in the direction indicated by the leader - a step to the side is considered an attempt to escape;

Observe the Olympic motto: faster, higher, stronger;

Do not trip up your opponent, do not finish off those who have fallen;

Do not leave the families of victims in trouble and provide all possible assistance;

Compete in a true sportsmanlike spirit, for the glory of the sport and for the honor of your team;

Don't fight over first place, but win at any cost.

The command presentation begins:

Leading: So, we declare our Small Olympic Games open!

Fanfare sounds.

Leading: Competitors, please come to the start.

The teams line up in columns at the start.

The presenter's story about sports.

Leading: The Winter Olympic Games include sports such as biathlon, cross-country skiing, luge, figure skating, alpine skiing, hockey, and ice dancing. And our first competition - luge.

Each team has a sled with a passenger. Your task is to drive the sled to the mark and back without dropping the doll; if the doll falls, you need to stop and put it back on, only then continue moving.

The results are recorded on the board and on the judges' sheets.

Leading: The next sport is speed skating - speed skating. So, speed skating competitions! We don't have ice yet, so we won't need skates. Instead of skates there will be flip-flops. Each team member takes turns putting on his pair and “sliding”, with his hands behind his back, to the mark and also returning back. At the finish line, the next team member puts on the skates.

The score is recorded on the board and by the judges.

Leading: Our Olympians need to rest a little. Now the intellectual competition is a blitz. Let's check whether our athletes know history well Olympic Games?

The facilitator asks questions to the teams one by one. If a team finds it difficult to answer, the right to answer passes to the next team.

Team 1: Why did the Olympic Games get this name? (took place in the village of Olympia in Ancient Greece)

Team 2: In what year did the modern Olympic Games take place for the first time? (in 1896)

Team 3: What does the Olympic emblem look like? (five intertwined rings)

Team 1: What does the red ring in the Olympics emblem mean?

Team 2: What does the black ring in the Olympics emblem mean?

Team 3: What does the yellow ring in the Olympics emblem mean?

Summing up the results of the competition.

Leading: We ask athletes to prepare for the start. Now let's move on to biathlon. Biathlon is a winter Olympic sport that combines cross-country skiing and rifle shooting. Snowballs will replace rifle shooting. In front of you are skis and a basket of snowballs. Your task is to put on your skis, glide to the shooting line, throw the snowball into the basket and glide back. At the finish line, pass the skis to the next team member. The team that comes first gets 3 points, the 2nd team gets 2 points, the 3rd team gets 1 point, and 1 point for each snowball that lands in the basket.

The account is fixed.

Leading: Well, the last competitions are the most beautiful in the Winter Olympic Games. This is, of course, figure skating - the view sports, in which athletes skate on ice while performing additional elements, most often accompanied by music. Your task is to beautifully snake between the pins. The first team member passes between the pins, returns in the same way, picks up the next one and passes between the pins, etc. Try not to knock over the pins.

The account is fixed.

Leading: So, our Olympic Games are over. Athletes can rest for a while while the judges sum up the results and choose the winner. And in honor of our Olympians - a performance by gymnasts!

Children are dancing.

Conduct of results and awards ceremony to the sound of “Anthem 2014”


Deputy Director of VR School Director

Efimova I.N. ______________Chesnokova T.A.

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Sports holiday.

So as not to deal with diseases,

Don't go to doctors

To become strong and brave,

Fast, dexterous and skillful,

We need to harden ourselves from childhood

And do exercises.

Everyone loves physical education

And be friends with sports.

Game by stations

Sports warm-up

1) The largest stadium in Russia? (Luzhniki)

2) Olympic motto? (Faster, higher, stronger)

3) What is a hockey penalty called? (Bullitt)

4) How long does a basketball match last? (2 x 20 min)

5) The city where the first modern Olympic Games were held? (Athens)

6) The referee hit the soccer ball into the goal. Does the goal count? (Yes)

7) What is the time of one half in bandy? (45 minutes)

8) Where will the tennis competition take place? (Court)

9) The period of time during which a boxing fight takes place? (Round)

10) Capital of the 1998 Olympic Games? (Atlanta)

11) World Cup champion 1990? (Team Germany)

12) What national game did the British introduce into the Olympic Games program? (Football)

13) What is the symbolism of the Olympic flag? (5 intertwined rings -

National sports - an integral part physical culture, historically developed in the form of competitive activity.
National sports of the peoples of the North, as a sport, were born in the process of labor activity of the peoples of the North, and very early began to represent objectively existing means of physical education. With development national culture among the peoples of the North, a need arose to carry out their actions in a more emotional form - in the form of a competition in strength, dexterity, endurance, etc.
Natural, climatic, geographical, industrial and other features, including ethnic ones, also had a lot of attention on the formation of original sports. An example of this is the use of mandatory components in competitions - tynzyan (lasso), trochee (wooden pole for driving a reindeer team), sled.
National sports have withstood the severe tests of time.
What are their features?
Each northern nation has its own, dictated not only by traditional work and life, but also by the temperament of the people, natural and historical characteristics.

One of the features of national sports contributes to the development of moral, volitional and physical qualities, and the acquisition of skills necessary in the fishing and reindeer herding profession. The ability to professionally throw, jump, run through forest ravines or mountainous areas is a skill that is necessary for a reindeer herder, a hunter and a future warrior.
The opportunity to exercise all year round contributes to improved health national species sports - northern all-around.

NORTHERN MULTIFAT - this is a triple national jump, cross-country running with a stick, throwing a hatchet at a distance, throwing a tynzian on a trochee (lasso on a pole) and jumping over sleds.

The triple jump starts from the starting line, with or without a running start, touching both feet to the ground at the same time. A thirty-meter tynzian is thrown from a circle with a radius of fifteen meters, in the center of which a three-meter pole is installed. The athlete chooses a point near the line on the leeward side. This is perhaps one of the most difficult types of all-around competitions, requiring good dexterity. The sleds (in competitions - a frame) for women have a width of 60 centimeters at the base, 40 cm at the top, a height of 40 cm and the distance between the sleds, and ten of them are installed - 50 cm. For men - 70, 50, 50 and 55 centimeters.

5th station "Relay" (national all-around)

Sports hour

Sports riddles


Green meadow,
A hundred benches around
From gate to gate
People are running briskly.
At these gates -
Fishing nets.


There is a lawn at our school,
And on it are goats and horses.
We're tumbling here
Exactly forty-five minutes.
At school there are horses and a lawn?!
What a miracle - guess what!

Ice rink

Here is the silver meadow:
No lamb in sight
The bull does not moo on it,
Chamomile does not bloom.
Our meadow is good in winter,
But you won’t find it in the spring.


I want to become a strongman
I come to the strongman:
- Tell me about this -
How did you become a strongman?
He smiled in response:
- Very simple. Many years
Every day, getting out of bed,
Am I lifting?..


It looks like an airplane
There are wings and there is a pilot,
He can fly well
But it doesn't have a motor.


You are going with your friends to the forest,
And he climbed onto your shoulders.
He doesn’t want to go himself
It's very heavy.

He is with you and with me
Walked in forest stitches -
A hiking friend behind your back
On belts with buckles.


And from the wind and from the heat,
It will protect you from the rain.
How sweet it is to sleep in it!
What is this?..

They go on a hike and take a house,
In which houses do not live.


The arrow swings back and forth,
He will show us north and south without difficulty.
Both in the taiga and in the ocean
He will find any way.
Fits in your pocket
And he leads us along.

Wherever you are,
If only you got lost,
He will show you, friend,
The path to the north and south.

In my pocket -
Wonderful friend:
He knows where north is
And he knows where south is.

It will fall all over your palm.
Not a clock - but there are hands.

It came in handy on the road
You won't get lost anywhere with him.


He is very necessary on the campaign,
He is very friendly with fires,
You can cook fish soup in it,
Boil fragrant tea.


I brought two hands to the couch potato by the river. He attached his hand to his sides and swam across the water surface.

There will be two brothers
Swim in the river:
They'll surface together
Let's dive together -
The boat is in place
They are not allowed to stand.


Rides without wheels
Leaves no ruts.

First the tree was felled
Then they drilled his insides,
then they provided them with shovels
And we were allowed to walk along the river.

I'm not going the right way,
I don’t drive with a whip,
And I'll look back:
There is no trace.


Yielding to the wind in a dispute,
Carries the ship along with it.

Questions from the Healthy Quiz

You can't buy it for any money.

He created man from a monkey.

Mass disease of people.

Cold training of the body.

Fluid that carries oxygen in the body.

An organ that acts as a pump in the body.

The smallest organism that carries an infection.

The main sign of injury.

A narrow strip of gauze.

A method for cleaning air in the classroom.

A fan of sniffing harmful substances.

Brown disinfectant liquid.

Liquid squeezed from vegetables and fruits.

Flying syringe.

"Green Serpent"

Sticky dressing.

Disruption of the entire bone.

Quiz “Oh, sports!”

Winter sports game?

“Summer skates”?

Where should you score a goal?

Winter sports ground?

Tennis court?

The main person on the sports field?

Motto of the Olympic Games?

How many Olympic rings are there on the flag? What colour?

Where were the Olympic Games held this year?

What is the name of playing with a ball over a net?

What ball games do you know?

Which Olympic champions do you know?

What were the Olympic champions awarded in ancient times?

Where did the first Olympic Games take place?


Explain the following proverbs:

Health is more important than money.

If you are healthy, you will get everything.

Disease sticks to the weak.

In a healthy body healthy mind.

If you are healthy, everything is great.

Work is health, laziness is illness.

The disease will not catch up with the quick and clever.

Game “Helpful - Harmful”.











Chicken meat.


Coca Cola.














To become a great athlete,
There is a lot to know.
And skill will help here
And of course, ……

And here we summarize.
No matter what they were,
Let the sports roads
Your days are filled with health!

Our meeting is coming to an end, guys.
But the holiday of health knows no boundaries.
Why do you need to take care of your health?
We showed you, life will show you!

If you want the body
Was flexible and skillful
To strengthen the will, perseverance,
Our advice: be friends with sports!