Scenarios for the Day of Knowledge for primary school students. Methodical piggy bank From tradition to official celebration

Day of knowledge in elementary school. Holiday scenario

Scenario "Hello, school!"

Elena Dmitrievna Storozheva, teacher-organizer, Leninskaya Sanatorium Boarding School, Perm Territory, Leninsk village
Description of material: Scenario "Hello, school!" designed for primary school age (7-11 years). This material will be useful for teachers of after-school groups, class teachers, teachers, teacher-organizers.
Purpose of the event
- opening of a new academic year, motivation for a responsible attitude to learning.
- develop students’ communication abilities;
- to cultivate moral values ​​and respect among schoolchildren for each other, for teachers, parents and others;
- instill love and respect for the school and its traditions;
Characters: Mind, Reason, Emelya, Pike (voice-over), three little pigs, presenter.

Equipment: musical equipment with recordings of school songs and anthem, pig costumes, fish (model), typewriter, cards with numbers, Emelya costume

Progress of the event:

Voice-over: Go west, my friend,
And then to the east,
Then turn north
And a little to the south.
Then you are without a mistake
And certainly on time
You will find the kingdom
Unprecedented sciences.
Leading: Good morning, dear guests, teachers, students and dear parents! Good - not only because of the clear weather, but above all because of the good it brings us.
The month of September is the month of starting school, new encounters with the vast world of knowledge that teachers are ready to open to you. Good mood to you - both to those who came here for the first time, and to those who lived so many interesting and useful years in our school. Good luck to all guests and participants of our holiday.
There are so many of you guys!
Both girls and boys!
We'll count you now.
And we will know everything about you.
There are countless of us at school!
Second graders, are you here? (Here!)
So we will be friends!
Third graders, are you with us? (With you!)
And the fourth, as always,
Are you happy about the new meeting? (Yes!)
Well, third grade, why are you quiet?
Have you lost the habit of studying?
This, brothers, is not a problem!
Do we all want to learn? (Yes!)
Somewhere nearby, second class-
Very nice guys!
At school you always
Is life good? (Yes!)
The fourth grade is not easy,
It's almost graduation.
Give us your word of honor?
Are you ready for the test? (Yes!)
Hey graduates, get up!
Answer in unison!
Receive in exams
What will we do? Only... (Five!)
All the teachers are here -
Your best friends.
Hey, come on, kids,
Let's shout "Hurray" to them all!

(Mind and Reason come out)
Mind: Hello, Mind!
Mind: Hello, Mind!
Mind: How is your health?
Reason: That's right, Godfather!
Mind: Hear what? What news?
Reason: Mind and reason are now in honor
You will make friends with us -
So you won't get lost anywhere!
The mind will warm you in the cold,
Reason will provide lunch and dinner.
Mind: With dexterity and eagerness
We can handle any job
With us, grief is not a problem!
Our friendship is forever!
Reason: Yes, summer is's time to get to grips with the problem! Look how many recruits we have! And they all want to learn. The time has come to start studying, win, and reach new heights.
Mind: Does everyone want to learn? Guess which fairy tale there were two intelligent brothers. There was a third with them - a fool, a liar and a windbag. Well, what was his name? That's right, Emelya!
(Emelya comes out) Song: On the Russian stove Emelya to the river....
Emelya: He won’t be sick
Who goes for brushwood in the morning?
And who sits at home and looks out the window?
He won’t even lift his bones from the bench!
Stove, stove,
Give me a place!
Give me some warmth in your corner!
Reason: Eh, Emelya, Emelya, you idle and idle talker!
Emelya: Here! And so all my life! That is OK! Now I’ll warm up a little, dry my felt boots, and go get some water! And when I start scooping it up, I’ll pull out the Tsar Pike! She will ask me: “Let Emelyushka go free, and I will fulfill all your wishes.” Now my life will go completely different - according to Pike’s command, according to my desire! This is how things are done! Otherwise everyone is a fool and a fool! Should I go get some water?
(leaves, returns with a bucket, there is a pike in the bucket)
Emelya: That's the thing!
Look, pike!
I'll brew my ear!
Pike: Don't cook me, don't cook me! I am an old fish, not tasty, I smell like mud!
Emelya: Wow, what a talkative fish we caught!
Pike: That's it! Who will talk to you fool besides me?
Emelya: I’ll eat you now!
Pike: Don't eat me, little one! I will bring you happiness, I will open new horizons in life.
Emelya: What are the horizons, toothy one?
Pike: And such. This is who you are today? An uneducated person. And I’ll get you into a good school. You will read, write, learn to read and write.
Emelya: I don’t like all this! Let's do better as before. By pike command, according to my wish!
Pike: Well, as you wish!
Emelya: Now I’ll think about what I should ask from this fish?

(Um comes out)
Mind: Well, Emelya, he just doesn’t want to study! And a new academic year is starting at our school. How long is waiting for you interesting discoveries, meetings with your favorite teachers.!
Ved: Dear guys! Dear Colleagues! Congratulations on the new school year!
Teacher is an expensive word
In that word there is warmth and light,
And today on this holiday
We give you a bouquet of flowers!
(flowers are presented to the music)
Emelya: Listen, Um! Who are these big smart people?
Mind: These are our respected teachers!
Emelya: How wonderful! But all these little men, who are they?
Mind: And these are inquisitive students.
Emelya: Why are these little men big, but those are very small?
Mind: Little ones also want to learn.
Emelya: This is great! So small - and they’ve already arrived at school! Aren't they afraid?
Mind: Let's ask them! Well, little people, do you want to learn?
Emelya: Okay, I’ll think about it: should I study or warm myself on the stove?

(three little pigs come out)
Ved: Hello, piglets, why are you so sad?
1st pig: My name is If-if.
2nd pig: My name is Af-af.
3rd pig: My name is Oof - Oof.
Together: The letters in our names were stolen from us.
1st: On the way, Emelya met us and said that some fish ate our letters. He says he will return them if the guys play at the holiday.

(the game is played: “Evaluations”. Cards with numbers are laid out: 5,4,3,2
Children run in circles to the music, the music stops, and the corresponding marks are drilled)
(piglets sing a song and dance)
1. I am a pig and you are a pig,
We are all brothers pigs
Friends have given us back
Letters in our name
We are sitting on benches
We are hurrying to see you at school, friends,
Ay-lyu-li, ay-lyu-li,
We are hurrying to see you at school, friends!
2. The children and I will go to school,
Let's learn all the letters
Let's learn and understand everything
Let's read books!
We will read books,
Let's write correctly
Ay-lyu-li, ay-lyu-li
Let's write correctly!

Ved: For a first grader there is no more important day
When he enters the classroom smiling,
And he looks bolder today
And he is becoming an adult now!

(first graders go on stage to the music)

The cheerful bell will ring,
And the notebook will open.
Here comes the school, here comes the school
He is calling us again.

Somewhere my favorite ball is sleeping,
Everyone is a student again.
The problem maker smiles,
And the fives are waiting for the diary.

We don't go fishing.
The call is ringing.
Goodbye, jump rope,
Forest, clearing, stream.

There’s a new backpack behind me,
There are five lessons ahead.
Hello school, hello school!
No more time to play!
Vedas: First-graders will be led to the land of knowledge by their first teacher, Natalya Viktorovna Tarasova!
(word to the first teacher)
Ved: Do you want to study at our school? But first, take the test. Let's see how friendly and smart you are! They will ask you questions, and you will all answer together in unison. Agreed?!
Children: Yes!
Host: Who did you buy the backpack for?
Children: For me!
Host: Is there a blush on your cheeks? Who?
Children: I have!
Presenter: The school will be decorated for the holiday. For whom?
Children: For me!
Children: For me!
Presenter: Everything that is at school, everything that is in the classroom - for whom?
Children: For me!
Host: And you came at dawn for the first time,
Like all other children in first grade!
Here are the bells during recess - for whom?
Children: For me!
Presenter: Is there a computer in the classroom - for whom?
Children: For me!
Host: There the teacher is waiting for an answer - from whom?
Children: From me!
So you need to learn this way,
So you have to work hard
So that people don’t feel ashamed – for whom?
Children: For me!
Ved: We accept you into our friendly family!

Emelya: Will you take me with you?
Children: You, Emelya, don’t be cunning,
Return the letters to the piglets as soon as possible!
Emelya: Oh, are you still thinking? Then, at the command of the pike, in my opinion, come here, bake, so that I can lie on you!
(a large car drives out, Emelya gets in)

Emelya: (sings): What miracles! A stove on wheels is coming!
Without a motor, without a horse! It's going to bake in broad daylight!
Can your first-graders count?

Ved: Everything I see in the yard
Everything I see on the way
Children: I can, I can
Count to ten.
Ved: I'm going with my mother to the zoo
And I count everyone.
A porcupine runs by
Children: That's it.
Vedas: An owl cleans its feathers,
Children: That's two.
Ved: The third was Wolverine,
Children: And the fourth is a turtle.
Ved: Gray wolf went to bed,
Children: That's five.
Vedas: Parrot in the thick foliage,
Children: He is the sixth.
Ved: Here is the elk calf next to the elk,
Children: It will be seven and eight. Nine is a hippopotamus:
Ved: The mouth is like a grandmother's chest of drawers.
A shaggy lion walks in a cage,
Children: He is the last, he is the tenth.
Emelya: Well, it’s decided! I am going to school! Where is my lady pike?
(Emelya runs away, the piglets run in)
1st: We will now conduct tests to test your knowledge.
2nd: Over the summer, everyone probably forgot what they taught you at school?
3rd: How many tails do six cats have?
1st: How many noses do eight dogs have?
2nd: How many ears do two old ladies have?
3rd: How many fingers does the boy have?
(Emelya comes out with Shchuka)
Emelya: Lady Pike, send me to science!
Pike: At the command of the pike, at your will, go, Emelya, to school!
If you want to be a student, sit down with a primer.
Once you overcome science, you won’t regret it!
Ved: Well, Emelya, go to first grade!
(all participants leave)
Mind: Here you will be taught many wisdoms:
Solve problems, write correctly.
Mind: They will teach you not to be afraid of difficulties.
And read smart books.
1st pig: And everyone should learn to take care of themselves
2nd pig: Collect your briefcase, braid your hair.
3rd pig: We believe that everything will work out for you,
Together: So in good hour! Bon Voyage!
Ved: Now it’s time to ring the bell, to begin our school year!
The right to make the first call is given to Nikita Tomilin, a 4th grade student, and Diana Gordeeva, a 1st grade student.
Let this call resonate in every heart. Leninsky sanatorium boarding school begins a new academic year!

The Peace Lesson on September 1, 2017 is an annual class hour conducted by elementary, middle and high school teachers with the goal of introducing students to national, cultural and universal values, developing patriotism in children, and instilling love and respect for the peoples of the world. The All-Russian Peace lesson on Knowledge Day is carried out individually for each class or parallel, using videos and presentations on relevant topics, educational tasks and quizzes, interesting scenarios games and thematic competitions. The first lesson on September 1 is a crucial start in the new school year, so every teacher should prepare for it in advance.

Interesting lesson from Peace September 1, 2017: presentation (grade 1)

The first trip to school in the new school year is an exciting event not only for children and their parents, but also for teachers. After all, it is during the first school lesson that children will form a decisive opinion about the entire learning process, the teaching staff, science and other concepts. This means development interesting lesson Mira (September 1, 2017) for 1st grade by teachers primary school- an important and very responsible task.

IN last years The first day of September in Russian schools is not an academic day. It is rather an exciting moment of meeting new teachers, old friends, school yard etc. On Knowledge Day, it is customary to conduct a single Peace lesson, the single theme of which is traditionally established by the ministry for all schools and classes. Most often, this is one of the global world problems, the essence of which teachers must convey to the children. And since it is not easy for 1st grade students to explain important things at the World lesson on September 1, 2017, they have to use a number of methodological techniques and age-specific features: interactive or game forms of teaching, presentations, etc., multimedia, visual materials, etc.

Presentation for the first lesson of Peace in 1st grade

The main goal of the Peace lesson is to instill patriotism and deep pride in their Motherland in every student. But teachers of the youngest children also set themselves other tasks:

  • familiarize children with the concepts of “world”, “homeland”, “ motherland", "patriotism";
  • explain the meaning of the “white dove” as a symbol;
  • interpret the colors of the national tricolor;
  • develop logic, memory and attention;
  • to cultivate humanity and humanity in relation to people, animals, nature;

Educational lesson about Peace in primary school (grades 2, 3, 4) September 1, 2017

Modern pedagogical literature offers many traditional and non-standard options for conducting an educational lesson on Peace in primary schools (grades 2,3,4) on September 1, 2017. But since classical lectures and seminars are more suitable for high school students, it is better for kids to prepare one of the unusual forms. Eg:

  • lesson presentation;
  • lesson-game;
  • quiz lesson;
  • lesson-qvn;
  • relay lesson;
  • drawing lesson on a blackboard or asphalt;

It is equally important to use visual materials and technical aids during the Peace lesson. This makes it much easier to explain to elementary school students the essence of the chosen topic. During the educational lesson of Peace on September 1, 2017 in elementary school (grades 1-4), methodologists recommend using:

  1. Illustrations of war scenes and peaceful life that can be hung on the board.
  2. Multimedia projector for broadcasting a presentation on the topic of the lesson;
  3. Cards with photographs and drawings (symbols, flags, coats of arms, etc.), layouts globe and national attributes.
  4. Crafts made from paper, plasticine, natural materials and recyclable materials, prepared by children during the holidays.
  5. Costumes or masks, if they are dictated by the theme of the Peace lesson on Knowledge Day.
  6. Musical compositions suitable for the theme.

What is the theme of the Peace lesson on Knowledge Day in primary school?

The theme for the Peace lesson is determined by the ministry annually before Knowledge Day. But for primary school, the topic of the first class hour of the school year always remains the same: basic ideas about the Motherland and its symbols, the opposition between peace and war, humanity and respect for the environment. During an exciting lesson, the teacher can use his own presentation or a template from the Internet. But before you use someone else's presentation, it is better to adapt it to a specific age category, the level of development of children and the classroom scenario. Important questions for a Peace lesson in elementary school:

  • What is the city like and what is the country in which we live?
  • Why are there stripes on the flag and what do they signal?
  • How is war different from peace? What is the threat of war to peaceful people?
  • Why respect and value your homeland?
  • Who is a patriot? What is patriotism?

The logical conclusion of the educational lesson on Peace in elementary school (grades 2, 3, 4) on September 1, 2017 could be students reading poems dedicated to friendship, peace, love and unity.

How to teach a lesson on Peace (grades 5, 6, 7, 8) September 1, 2017

Any lesson should arouse children's interest. Moreover, the lesson of Peace is the first and most important in the school year. This is the only way that students can assimilate the material easily and efficiently. But how to conduct a lesson on Peace (grades 5, 6, 7, 8) on September 1, 2017, so that the children let go of the passing holidays and plunge their thoughts into the topic presented by the teacher? Let's figure it out step by step:

  • First, create a classroom scenario, taking into account age characteristics schoolchildren. 5th, 6th, 7th, 8th grades are not small children, but not yet high school students. The concept of the lesson for them should have a creative beginning.
  • Secondly, allow improvisation in the lesson: during the lesson, student responses, digressions, etc.
  • Third, start the class with a surprise, trick, gift, or any other surprise. For example, invite a famous person from the school area (veteran, writer, artist) to visit.
  • Fourth, use as many different options as possible for presenting information: show in pictures, voice in audio recordings, broadcast in film fragments, demonstrate in presentations, etc.
  • Fifthly, conduct active dialogues with students and allow the children to freely express their opinions. Even if it does not coincide with the generally accepted one. An individual approach and manifestation of personality on September 1 at the Peace lesson in grades 5-8 are more than relevant.
  • Sixth, surprise your students. amazing facts, entertaining stories from life, personal observations and other exciting stories.
  • Seventh, conduct themed games even in middle classes. Just like primary schoolchildren, students in grades 5-9 love creative games on a specific topic. Play out the stages of the formation of a power, appoint all the rulers, remember the wars and their participants.

Class hour for Knowledge Day in the new school year in grades 5, 6, 7, 8: video

Mir's last lesson in high school September 1, 2017

The Peace Lesson on September 1, 2017 in high schools is the last opportunity for teachers to instill in the minds of almost adults a strong confidence in the need to work for the good of their country, to protect environment and respect for older generations. In the 11th grade, children are able not only to listen carefully to the teacher’s lecture, but also to take an active part in the seminar, pre-prepare part of the speech, and decorate the chalkboard with thematic clippings, illustrations, and portraits.

Part of the Peace lesson on Knowledge Day in grade 11 can be a quiz on historical topic(about the great historical figures or scientific associates) or on sports topics (about athletes, Russian champions and promoters of an active and healthy lifestyle). This way, the teacher will be able to check how deep the knowledge of high school students is after 10 long years of study. A short segment of the lesson can be devoted to brilliant compatriots - inventors, discoverers, engineers and other experimenters. Perhaps among the residents of the city or village there are great people who will agree to become guests of the school on the appointed day. Such a lesson, filled with unusual facts and fantastic theses, will certainly be of interest to graduating classes.

Topics for the Knowledge lesson in 11th grade 2017

At the Peace lesson, which begins the new school year on September 1, 2017, an educational conversation is traditionally held with high school students. She can be dedicated healthy image life, sporting achievements, courage and bravery, peace on earth, ecological and environmental problems, respect and reverence for older generations, pride in the historical past of the country. The topic of the last lesson of Peace in high school on September 1, 2017 is determined in advance by the authorized bodies and agreed upon by the administration of a particular school.

The Peace Lesson of September 1, 2017 is an excellent initiative, clearly aimed at educating the country’s growing citizens as patriots, who will subsequently live and actively work for the good of their homeland. Conduct the first lesson on Knowledge Day in the new school year so that both elementary school and high school are not only interested, but also inspired to do beautiful and kind patriotic deeds. We have already prepared topics, videos and presentations for class hours of grades 1-11, all that remains is to use the tips and approach the organization in an original and creative way.

September 1 is Knowledge Day in primary school. Scenarios for holidays, entertainment, notes on extracurricular holiday events

How to spend Knowledge Day interestingly in elementary school

The first of September is Knowledge Day, the beginning of a new school year. It is very important that this day becomes an unforgettable holiday for a child who first sets foot on the path of learning. The holiday was officially established on September 1, 1984.

In a family with a child school age, September 1st is a huge event. In the evening, an ironed suit, high spirits, impatient anticipation of the holiday and a sea of ​​flowers - these are the indispensable attributes of this day.

It’s good if the class teacher prepares in advance Greeting Cards or a bright poster in the form of a telegram wishing success and good luck to your students on their journey through the Land of Knowledge. The classroom can be decorated with balloons, on which words of congratulations are also written: one word for the student on each balloon. Let the young schoolboy read for himself what the first teacher wishes for him.

It could be a good surprise puppet show, staged by high school students, not only on September 1, but also on any other holiday. Organizing puppet shows will not cause much trouble for the participants. Some dolls (those that are put on your hand) can be purchased in a store, others you can make yourself, and others don’t even need to be made: put colorful gloves or plastic balls on your hands - and the dolls are ready. A rectangular table, covered with a dim fabric, placed on the butt, is used as an improvised screen, in as a last resort- flannelette blankets or sheets. Decorations are completely optional. The more conventional the setting, teachers say, the better. Instead of decorations, one expressive detail is enough so as not to distract the audience from the play of the dolls. Dialogues between the doll and a living person standing by the screen are highly desirable. In general, the presence of the presenter at the screen and even interference in the actions of the dolls is quite acceptable.

And, undoubtedly, any first-grader will be pleased to hear congratulations from their favorite toys or from heroes of famous fairy tales and cartoons. How to present this original greeting? Record monologues and dialogues from existing records, disks, cassettes in the desired sequence onto a tape recorder or computer. The scope for invention and creativity is limitless!

And all this is a gift to a first-grader, so that Knowledge Day will remain in the memory for a long time.

Characters can help you walk the path leading to the world of knowledge fairy tales: Malvina and Pinocchio, Dunno and Znayka, Harry Pogter and the wizards, Funtik and Belladonna and others. For first-graders this day is very important; it should be especially solemn, festive, and bright. The initial positive and friendly perception of the school gives the little student a good start. We offer you several scenarios.

Day of knowledge for primary schoolchildren. Scenarios

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Knowledge lesson in 1st grade on Knowledge Day with a presentation for primary school teachers. Objectives: to introduce children to the rules of behavior at school; teach how to use textbooks; cultivate neatness and respect for school supplies; cultivate love for the Motherland. Equipment: posters with images of children going to school, balloons, recordings of songs on a school theme, a model of a medal with the inscription “1st grade student”. Lesson progress. (Recordings of songs on a school theme are played. Children enter the class.) Organ...

Scenario of a lesson-trip to the Planet of Knowledge

Author: Elena Viktorovna Lazebnaya, primary school teacher
Place of work: MBOUSOSH No. 17, Krasnodar region village Ilsky

I offer a travel lesson scenario for 1st grade. This material will be useful for class teachers and primary school teachers who want to hold an interesting event with students on September 1. student age: 6, 5 - 7 years, 1st grade.

Scenario of a lesson-trip to the Planet of Knowledge for 1st grade students - Knowledge Day

Target: Foster a sense of respect and love for loved ones; involve parents in cool events; promote the development of each child’s abilities, develop logical thinking, memory, imagination; formation of a children's team; cultivate a sense of patriotism
Equipment: presentation, multimedia projector, textbooks, individual cards.
Organizing time.
Teacher: Hello dear guys! Dear parents! The long-awaited day has come - September 1st.
Guys, far, far away, beyond the fields, behind the mountains, there is a magical planet. It is full of wonderful discoveries and various challenges. We will travel along it for many days. And it is called - Planet of Knowledge.
You and I live on a huge planet called Earth (slide)
The planet has continents, countries, islands, cities.
- What else did I forget to name that is on our Earth?
Children: oceans and seas
Teacher:- And on our planet there are also islands and seas! And today a new boat appeared in the big school sea - 1B! (show a picture of the sailboat)
You are ready to travel the Plane of Knowledge. I propose to set off on our first voyage on this wonderful ship with sails of hope to the most important port on this planet - the Port of Dreams.
On this boat
Under sail
We are in distant distances
We'll go with you.
We are everyone who wants
We'll take it with us.
Well, do you agree?
Decided? Let's swim!
Getting to know the islands
Teacher: So, right on course with us. First Island – Literature

Teacher: Why is it called that? We will learn letters, then read words. And then we will learn to read poems, fairy tales, stories, and this is literature: children's, but there is also adult literature.
Every day, being on this island, we will first learn the alphabet, study the book (show ABC textbook)
– What is its name? (children's answers)
- And then we’ll start studying the textbook “Native Speech.” (show textbook)
This island has a task for you.
1. Compose a story based on the picture.

Teacher: Well done, you completed the task, and that means we can go to the next island.

The next island is Grammar. The Gnome lives on this island, and he has come up with a task for you.
1. Name all the objects that begin with this letter.

Teacher: Well done, you completed the task, and that means we can go to the next island. The next island is Mathematics.

Teacher: What do you guys think they are doing on this island?
Children: Solving problems, counting, studying geometric shapes
1. Counting using pictures

The dragons have a game:
Dad holds... a ball – (3)
Everyone will get it, look
After all, dragons too...!(3)

Look, in the clearing
Goose juggles balls!
Goose is a scientist, the best in the world!
He has FOUR goals!
2. Everyone is given a piece of paper with a simple geometric pattern in the form of beads it must be continued.
Teacher: Well done, you completed the task, and that means we can go to the next island. Next Island – Natural History

Teacher: You already know that we all live in a society. We are united by common goals, plans, and deeds. Our class is also a society. We have a common desire to learn to write, read, count, and show our talents. And each of us is a part of our society. Guys, do you know who the closest parts of society are to you? Are these people close to you?
Children: Mom, dad, brother, sister, grandmother, grandfather.
Teacher: And these relatives and friends form small groups - families. And this small group of people lives in their own house. So for us, the school is also our home, and the classroom is our family.
And just as every family has its own rules, the school also has its own rules. Which we will get to know, and I hope we will never violate.
While we are playing, I will ask your parents to complete one task as well.
Assignment for parents: Write on these beautiful autumn leaves how you see your child in four years. How do you imagine it? (distribute autumn leaves cut out of colored paper)
Playing with children:
Now I suggest you play the game “What will you take to school?”
Place your hands on your elbows. I will name the items. If you hear an item that needs to be taken to school, you should clap your hands.
Let's get ready. Let's play!
ABC, doll, car, notebook, pillow, pencil case, spoon, pencil, chewing gum, briefcase, iron, hammer, colored pencils, flashlight, pen, teddy bear, ruler.
Well done, you know what to put in your briefcase. You did a good job.
Now let’s put everything you did and your parents’ wishes into an envelope and send it to the Port of Dreams.
But our envelope is magical, you can’t put everything in it and everything will come true.
Lesson summary.
Teacher: Today we began our journey through the Planet of Knowledge. Congratulations to everyone on this wonderful event. Guys, you have become students. I really want the school to become a second home for you, and for your journey through the Planet of Knowledge to be exciting, interesting and exciting. We have a long journey ahead of us to the Port of Dreams. Success and patience to you and your parents.
Your first homework– tell everyone you want about today’s journey. Try to get creative and draw a Planet of Knowledge.
And I'm waiting for you tomorrow for your first lesson.

On September 1, according to established tradition, we celebrate Knowledge Day. We can confidently say that this is a holiday that is always with us: it is celebrated by schoolchildren, teachers, students, lecturers and those who have ever been involved in the process of education and learning - that is, the whole country.

September 1 has long been a special day for schoolchildren and their parents, but this date was officially recognized as a holiday only in 1984, and another “red day of the calendar” appeared.

Why exactly did the beginning of autumn become the beginning of school, what served as a prerequisite for this? Why is September 1st the Day of Knowledge? What is the history of the holiday?

Why is Knowledge Day celebrated on September 1?

The custom of starting training on September 1 did not develop immediately. In Tsarist Russia, children began to study in different time: in city gymnasiums this happened in mid-August, and peasant children began classes only in late autumn, when all work related to harvesting was completed.

After the revolution, when all citizens of the country became equal creators of socialism, such a stratification among urban and rural children began to contradict the main principles of statehood. In 1935, the Council of People's Commissars adopted a resolution that all schools in the country would begin work on September 1. The same resolution approved the duration of the school year and determined the dates of the holidays and the number of their days.

It was not by chance that the first of September was chosen as the start of school. The fact is that September 1 has long been considered an unusual day in Rus' - the countdown of the new year began on this day. And in many villages, children began to study on this day, long before the official decree.

When Peter the Great set the day for celebrating the New Year on the night of December 31 to January 1, children in the villages sat down for their lessons as usual on the first day of September. This was necessary so that the educational process would not be interrupted by long holidays. Perhaps the church was also involved in this, because previously schools were opened at churches. And the clergy were not inclined to change established practices and abandon the usual calendar.

Day of Knowledge

During the Soviet Union, the holiday of September 1 - Knowledge Day, was celebrated very solemnly. The festive lineup is the main event of the day. On the line, the red banner was carried out under the pioneer bugle, all the children greeted the banner by raising their hands in a salute. First-graders were especially honored. They were certainly given gifts - first-grader kits.

Although this day was not officially accepted as a holiday, it became a habitual holiday for the people. Parents grew flowers or bought them for this day, because it was customary to give flowers to teachers. Dressing up children for September 1 was also a tradition. Therefore, this day stood out in the succession of everyday life with its elegant and colorful beauty: an abundance of flowers and brand new school uniform dresses and suits. Teachers, dressed up and carrying bouquets of flowers, could be seen everywhere on this day.

First time in 1st grade

From tradition to official celebration

Knowledge Day was officially approved in 1980 at a meeting of the Presidium of the Supreme Council, and September 1 became a holiday not only by tradition.

However, after that it was still a school day for several years. It was only in 1984 that all classes on this day were canceled, and instead of a class hour, a Peace Lesson was held, aimed at instilling in schoolchildren a sense of patriotism, citizenship, and pride in their Motherland. Gradually, it turned out that schools began to hold fun and entertainment on Knowledge Day - September 1st.

The first of September is the Day of Knowledge in modern Russia

This day remains a holiday in modern Russia. Even today it is not a school day. According to established tradition, on Knowledge Day it is held ceremonial lineup, which ends with the First Bell. Just as many years ago, first-graders are honored at the festival, just as before, children come in brand new clothes and with bouquets of flowers.

On this day, parents strive to arrange a real holiday for their children before the start of school; students as a whole class go to the cinema, on excursions, and to amusement parks. But more often than not, a holiday for children is organized right at school; concerts, competitions, and shows are organized, in which children eagerly participate themselves.

Universities, institutes and technical schools also hold traditional meetings on Knowledge Day with flowers for teachers and fun competitions.

September 1 – photo

When does the school year start in other countries?

Despite the collapse of the Soviet Union, September 1 is the Day of Knowledge holiday in the former republics of the USSR. Pupils and students in these countries, just as before, begin to study on the first day of autumn according to the usual Soviet tradition.

In some other countries, there is no day on which all the children in the country sit down at their desks at the same time. In America, each state sets its own time for the start of school - some in July, some in August, and for others, like ours, the start of school is in September. In Australia, schoolchildren start their first lesson in February. In Germany this day falls in mid-October.

In our country, there is talk that it would be advisable to start studying at different times depending on the region. This approach is dictated by different climatic conditions in the vast expanses of our large country.

September 1 - DAY OF KNOWLEDGE (clip)